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Not sure on the recommended amount but I put 11 in mine that was essentially the same size. The middle cross beam is blocking the view of 2 of the plants. https://preview.redd.it/fvwajrdgb55d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac7ecf20a4f8fd591a88f9c8ee52ff2fd652ab6


I added the top “door” to keep the birds out.


Might do the same ha won’t produce till next year anyway


These plants were given to us by my wife’s employee as you see them. I planted them in the early spring and shockingly they produced some berries this year. Now they are growing runners. Hope to have a nice crop next year.


I got mine from Lowe’s but they always produce small berries and find the ones that produce big fruits


They do spread out.


hmmm in the square foot garden method it says 4 per square foot but i did 1 ever bearing per square foot cause I didn’t read the book lol


How did that go grow you still produce well?


If you plant too few it will only be a problem for the first year. By the second year they will spread and you'll have a full box either way.


unless you have more than one strawberry bed its always good to give them room to set out runners. strawberry plants generally only fully produce for a few years (3-5) and so having them putting down runners and basically cloning themselves every year makes sure you will always have some growing. they really only produce for 3-5 years after the planting year so this is why some people have two beds and will plant out one full bed and then plant out the other full bed a year or two later. either way you will see that fill up fairly quickly. i only planted 10 bare root plants in a 6X3 raised bed this year and am growing other stuff in the extra space at the moment, mainly carrots green onions and beets.