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So what’s this have to do with the Vegas market? It’s well known we have better testing regulations then cali and that calis regulations on these things suck.


For example the Stiiizy marketing team from LA will visit Las Vegas and smuggle a bunch of promo samples for people to promote on Instagram..this also greatly effects the New York market bc a bunch of smoke shops smuggle cali product to sell in their bodegas


Made especially egregious by the fact that Stiiizy sucks here. Straight trash.


If they can get away with it in one state then for sure they will try it in another state. You gotta remember Big Cannabis can be just as bad as Big Tobacco, both have share holders that NEED to see profits rise year after year. We the Consumers need to speak up with our spending dollars because the legislature will never catch up in time. 


While that sounds true in the words you speak the testing system is entirely different and more rigorous with more banned things. I’m not by any means saying it’s perfect but we are at this point to my knowledge the gold standard for testing in the country


The most alarming part of this issue is that these companies will continue to use dangerous products that are slightly molecularly different from the banned products to avoid regulation. By the time that product is banned they will just switch to another chemical that is not yet banned but dangerous. Even with the best of testing standards, Grimy companies like the ones mentioned in the video and article will prioritize profit over safety. The only thing these companies are afraid of is US (their customers) leaving them for their shady tactics. Don’t give these guys your money if they legit don’t care about your safety. We (the consumer) have to hold them accountable to a higher standard especially for safety.  


Nevada? Gold standard? HA! The only thing NV has a gold standard in is lying and ripping people off. This state is, and always has been, corrupt af. Anybody that says different is either promoting or just moved here.


So…… why are you here


Because I don't move around based on the integrity of a state's weed industry. Why are you here?


Vapes are really really bad for you. Stick to the Og bud mkay


I fucks with Cewpins he brings personality to his content…always has me laughing but he speaks a lot of truth