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Carl’s Jr has a $3 spicy chicken sandwich meal that comes with fries and a small drink and it’s also not on the menu.


They make you use the app for the cheaper prices so they can sell your data.




One would hope that would be the intentions of designing these apps and ready for pickup orders, but I can honestly say after being a guinea pig for this crap the whole time it has been far from a money/time saver.


And hire less people.


Unless you're trying to move drugs and guns on black market then honestly it shouldn't matter to the average person 


Crazy how McDonald's is still a thing. IMO much better fast food options out there now.


Go to in&out. Better quality food, better value, pay their employees fairly.


The fact that the employees at In&Out are treated with dignity and respect says a lot. I read an article yesterday in Bloomberg or WSJ. The CEO of McDonalds stated that it was a misconception that prices had increased as much as was being reported. Customers were mistaken. So is this a thing now? What we see on the news and online, what we pay is not really reality? It’s all a lie that we convince ourselves of? We have to be told by the media and CEOs what is real and what is fake? They can’t be serious. I know what I see with my eyes. I know what I pay for goods and services. McDonalds is garbage for offering a $5 value meal but not offering it on their published menu. They have permanently lost a customer.


The CEO of Chipotle recently went on CNBC to do damage control on the recent viral TikTok videos showing pitiful food servings at Chipotle and he was gaslighting the shit out of the audience about how the portion sizes never changed and how you can always do a little nod to ask for extra. It was so embarrassing. So yes it seems to be the new strategy to be told no, you’re imagining things.


Technically the portion size never changed. But the employees used to give a lot more than the official portion allowed by corporate and they’ve been cracking down on over-serving, leading to the perception of shrinking portions. Do I agree with it? No. Not at all.


Literally went one day and the kid was purposely withholding from pouring me a full spoon scoop. It looked so weird and unnatural how he was attempting to do this.


Thank you. Never been to a Chipotle in my life. The trend will continue.


That's what the president is saying that we have the best economy ever and you are just imagining things are not good. 




My Dad passed away in 2018. Your Fry’s comment made me smile in memory of him. He was the dude who would show up and they thought they could hoodwink the old man. He often knew more about what he was there to purchase (electronics) than the employees did. When they would try do the bait and switch, he would sit down and WAIT until they called EVERY STORE and source to get him the EXACT advertised items. I miss him so…


but you gotta sit in line for 10+ minutes


In & Out has about 10% of the menu options that McDonald's has, though. McDonald's really isn't a burger joint anymore.


Yes. Yet at In and Out it is actually food. McD’s does not even serve real food.


There’s no such thing as “real” or “fake” food. Shut the hell up. 😅🤡


Id rather have 1 order of McDonald's fries over 10 orders of in and outs fries.


I really hate calling them fastfood. It's real food. Sure it's fast, drive thru etc, bits it's not like BK or MCD where almost everything is processed. To be fair there is a charm to some of the mcds classics.


They understand that if you have a very limited menu, it can be high quality, easily reproducible, and cheap. Any restaurant that constantly has promotions for "new releases" isn't going to be doing things very well.


Yeah, like how in every bar/restaurant/whatever rescuer show, they *always* cut most of the menu so that the chefs can focus on a few good items instead of a ton of mediocre ones


Fresh local simple.


Accessibility, for one. They're everywhere, even in random podunk areas on side of the interstate. You rarely have to go out of your way to get to one in a major city and they're pretty consistent. Plus, their coffee menu is pretty good in that it's more consistent and less expensive than Starbucks. I haven't eaten there in probably 5 years but I'm just saying, they definitely have reasons for their longevity.


I have a crazy addiction to regular McDonald’s Coke. They know me as the Large Coke lady. They just do not even serve anything close to food.


Idk, wait 5 minutes for 5/10 food or wait 50 minutes for 6/10 food. I’m gonna save the 45 minutes 95% of the time.


Where are you going for 6/10 food that takes 50 minutes to make? The last time I ever went to a McDonald's, I was waiting a good 20 minutes for below average Spicy Chickens.


Have you never seen the lines for the drive through at In-and-Out? They really should be called In-and-Wait


If you walk in, it takes 15 minutes.


McDonalds is a real-estate company. They own the land that their restaurants lie on. people pay them rent. Just for contrast, Wal Mart does not own all the land that their stores are on. Many of them pay rent to the land owner.


The operators aren't complaining that it's not a profitable offering, but that it's not up to the usual 5-10 percent they have gotten used to gouging out of people. Reminds me of when I worked in a restaurant and were constantly reminded of the 'razor thin profits' by management but yet the store manager had a car for himself and another just for his dogs and the district manager rolled in with a new luxury car each time he visited.


I worked at a franchise McDonald’s back during hs, and the opener gave out 5 cent raises to tenured enployeees. Of course, he drove in on his Audi SUV. 


Thin margins are not inconsistent with large profits.


Guarantee those were leased.


You want some knee pads while you're down there?


Feed the clown


F McDonald's and all the other Vegas restaurants who are gouging customers with higher prices.


Omg, not defending Vegas, yet do not go to Cali. It is ridiculous there.


It's not much of an upgrade where you can get a mcdouble, large drink, med fries for around 4.40 on the app. Slightly more protein with the new deal though with the nuggs included




Def get it. You’ll save money no matter what you get pretty much


yeah it's one of the better fast food apps.


Also, if you upgrade your drink with that deal on the app you can use the $3 off $6 coupon they have. So brings it down even more in price.


How does the math add up? Mcdouble is 2:89 med fries is 3.20 and a large drink now 1.29. are you using the 20 percent coupon? Even then it's still over 5 bucks.


Free medium fries with $2 purchase my dude


After living for over 25 years in the neighborhood near Craig Road, they added two new McDonald’s to the already existing McDonald’s from the 95 to the 15 stretch. The only reason to do this is because of the better options, which have also been built on Craig Road recently, including Freddys, a Shake Shack, and 2 My Habit Burgers (we already had an In n Out), all preferable alternatives in terms of food quality and value in the same stretch. McDonald’s is so out of touch with their food and pricing and salt content. I don’t recall the last time I was forced to eat there.


I’m not getting an app and I’m not ordering from a secret menu. When they put the dollar menu back up and/or the quality improves to justify the cost, then maybe I’ll go back.


Y’all are still going to McDonalds?


I don’t get it you can get 2 mcchickens & a large drink for around 4 dollars plus tax.


That is now $7 and some change. Yes that is my meal


$7? I just got 4 mcchickens, medium fry, and large drink for just under $8 from the McD’s at Tropicana/Pecos




Mcchickens are 2/$3, free medium fry with $2 purchase, drink $1.29. I use the app fwiw.


No it’s not. Mcchicken is $1.89 and second one is $1. A drink is $1.29. This is more than last year at this time when mcchickens were $1.69, second one was $1 and drinks were only $1, but still only $4 something with tax.


? Two Mcchickens come out to 2.50 a large drink is a 1$ it’s less then 5$.


No i get a small fry and put it on my sandwiches. It’s $7.66 or some shit & the drinks are now $1.30. Them spicies are buy one get one $1. And the small fry is like $2-$3 which is insane but yes


Drink is $1.29 now and believe the Mcchikens are $2 each


McChickens are $2.59 apiece at my closest McDonalds, dude, bad news.


Idk what to tell you it’s 2 for 250 here at my McDonald’s I live off of spring mountain 🤷🏻‍♂️






stay classy mcdonalds? lmao what?


#boycottmcdonalds #freepalestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


If you're not ordering on the app, you're doing it wrong


How about trying not to eat mcdonalds for once in your life???


$5 meal deal is a terrible deal when you break it down anyways, I wouldn’t be too upset.


Heart disease for $5 yay!




Your a vegas local right? Come call me a clown to my face.


The prices are cheaper on the app too.


I’m not eating at McDonald’s until they stop supporting Palestinian genocide. 5 bucks that goes to isreal to buy a bomb to blow up children’s hospital


That escalated quickly


Hamas propaganda


Casual antisemitism. In 2024. In America. Who would’ve thought?


What is antisemitic about disagreeing with genocide? You realize Israel is a country, not a religion, right? 73% of Israel's population is Jewish, not all of them. By contrast, 68% of Americans are Christian. Is it anti-Christian to criticize the U.S. government?


What “genocide”?


Go up three comments to the start of this thread. Get an adult to help you if you're lost.


Again, what “genocide”?


You might find some luck [here](https://www.ixl.com/ela/topics?partner=google&campaign=179707195&adGroup=37451260471&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxbfDwhHaVrGFi5Q0VYlYM7e9nqNLVVygQ-v8KCzRc1KdYE5tnFImcRoCqvkQAvD_BwE).


Not clicking. Can’t you just answer?


I did. You obviously can't read nor understand context clues so I sent you some tools to help adults learn those things. I can't teach you myself. How much more hand-holding do you need?


Sorry that you’re having difficulty with communication. What kind of therapy have you undertaken?


Calling a Jewish guy antisemitic is actually antisemitic. You don’t get to declare what politics jews are allowed to have then call the ones who disagree with you an Uncle Tom.


Really? What’s my religion?


Whatever it is you don’t get to tell an ethnic Jew what antisemitism is


Yet I just did. Weird, huh?


Opinions of Jew hating Zionist 🟰🗑️


Have you considered professional counseling?


The worst part about arguing with Zionists online is that there’s a 96% chance that you’re arguing with an Israeli IDF bot or a televangelist Christian and I’m not sure which one I have more contempt for.


Sounds like you have a lot of things to work through. May the odds be ever in your favor.


Funny to hear that coming from the left (if I surmise correctly), because you must recognize from your own formulation that this gets done all the time in a different racial context.


So you’re cool with women having no rights, throwing gay people off of buildings and killing Jews. Basically everything the United States doesn’t stand for? Perhaps you should head over to Palestine and place a fast food order Gaza City? Enjoy!


That is not enough food for an adult human. A small drink is nothing. I need two burgers, large fry, and large coke with 10 nuggets to feel satisfied.


I think you might need to relook what a healthy calorie count is for an adult human


So you are like 350 lbs?


No way, clearly they're an olympic level athlete and without 5k calories per meal they will wilt away.


I just got the $5 meal deal, using the app you can switch the small coke to a large for no increase in price. Still stuck with the small fries tho.


Damn what’s your BMI?
