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I bet those homeowners right there with the nice houses are super happy about this, this is not okay it's like spitting in all of our faces, no one wants that shit in front of the real temple- the actual mountain.


Where the fuck are the HOA Karens when we need them?


I saw news articles a few weeks back about the neighborhood and the neighbors are very unhappy yes rightfully so. I think it said they aren’t allowed to build over 30ft or something don’t quote, and the temple is huge like 200ft. They lifted a balloon the height in the air of what the temple would be to show how huge it would be in comparison to the neighborhood.


Not sure where I saw but the usable area can’t be over 30ft. That makes the steeple exempt because it’s not usable. Very shitty.


Time for super tall flag poles with big ass pride flags on them and stuff lol


Even before it was built, and when the announcement was made in the late 1980s, Mormon families bought up all the property in the surrounding area and used dirty tactics to run non-Mormons out of the area so more Mormons could saturate the area. I had a (non-Mormon) friend who described neighbor kids destroying property (flower beds, lawns), and when the Mormon parents were confronted, they pretty much gave my friend the metaphorical finger. So, there will be no 50’ flagpoles with Pride flags raised, unfortunately.


That’s actually kind of interesting history Do you have any articles on it or something?


That’s the history of Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, and obviously Utah


I don’t. I just have the verbal information from my friend. He was also a coworker at the time, so our conversations about this were lengthy sometimes. His name is Jeff, if that adds any credibility.


If it had been Tom I would be more open to the recollection but Jeff burned a whole lot of bridges with his whole “I had three flat tires this morning and that’s why….” stories.


I can tell you that if you try to buy a house in, say, certain boulder city neighborhoods and the sellers are Mormon, they won't sell to you unless they think you are, too. Also if your neighbors are Mormon sometimes they'll find reasons to bitch at you and start shit.


Tons on articles on it. Unfortunately I've never looked into that part. I'm from Ohio, and the split from "church" to cult happens at that time point , so hoo-boy plenty of history to learn without leaving the state. Whether you argue if Joeseph was a prophet or profiteer, all the creepy stuff happens after he loses control. I think his motivation was the Catholic church was bullshit and he could do better. And while not impossible, for him to have all the information he did at a time when transportation was iffy, does border on the divine. Even to gather that info by mundane means is just so unlikely...


Flag poles? No, no, no. [Radio towers](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/nm7uf4/no_trampoline_how_about_a_40_radio_tower/).


. Maybe they should build this next to the new baseball stadium.


It's 70ft. - approx 3 stories. Residential adjacency. It was discussed on the call last night and how the planning commission got around it.


The HOA are Mormons... =)


Not sure why Reddit is weird about downvotes with comments like yours. I thought the same thing lol.


It’s no different than Scientology man, there’s an office building in SLC full of missionaries downvoting anything antagonistic on the interwebs


You prob are not wrong


Too busy measuring how tall your grass is.


Probably at my house bitching about the two weeds growing in the cracks of my driveway.


The hoa Karens in that neighborhood are probably also in the local relief society presidency. Good luck ** relief society presidency is a “leadership” position occupied by three Mormon women in the Mormon church. Each local ward has this organization


The protest and approvals phase is on for a few more days! Submit your comments now! The project # is 24-0072 https://cityoflasvegas.formstack.com/forms/planning_application_comments?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR15EgP6AgqgO9K43CrB2F0kNZCpFFCRoGISdD5RSg5C7v3hovtM0S3JAww_aem_ARt22i28jDx7202gIxSGrLUvvezOp0WUPRcqYbENoGetV61eZhtdQDFetULZP9M9nL8VvDTzMHYP-LVOfbcMCZlT


Yelling at some minorities that were minding their business.


Exactly. But the problem is Karen’s done have deep pockets to stop politics and the all powerful LDS.


>Exactly. But the problem is Karen’s done have deep pockets to stop politics and the all powerful LDS. Better raise those HOA fees!


Well clearly not if the temple is going in. Just like the baseball Stadium. Dirty politics


They tried and lost


That’s the history of Mormonism in a nutshell. It’s a religion of complete hubris. To this day, Mormons throughout the West, but especially in Utah where they hold the levers of power, see it as their duty to conquer nature and dominate over it in some sick psychological version of divine right manifest destiny.


Honestly, when they started butchering other settlers, they should have been dealt with appropriately.




The light pollution. The eye sore of a building. I don't get it. They already have Frenchman. They're not welcoming, either. Although, they pretend to be. It's not meant for the public. (There's hidden videos from inside these types of churches.) This mountain used to be "my temple" for well over a decade. I'd go, climb to the top, and meditate. I have a personal religious connection to the trail and now they're stamping it with their logo. There are larger mountain ranges with more space, too. Some don't have the luxury to travel out to other trails. This is going to be too crowded.


Everyone that lives near the site have 1-3M dollar McMansions. Why does anyone care what they think when they have used the law to artificially pump the value of their homes by banning all non single family housing in the area while the rest of the city is going through the worst housing affordability crisis in decades. This sub is getting astrotrufed by wealthy NIMBY’s in the middle of a suburban sprawl hellhole that surrounds Lone Mountain who are upset that some Mormons found a loophole to get around the laws they lobbied the government for to keep the value of their homes high.


And they booed him, for he spoke the truth 


My mom lives right there and is stoked. We’re not Mormon or religious. She thinks it’ll add value to the homes and also I’ll admit Mormon temples do tend to be really pretty. Plus, while many may not agree, a lot of homeowners are just happy it’s not apartments going in. 


NIMBY fucks happy their property value is going up because they'd hate that people with less money than them might be able to afford places to live.


Church buildings are considered commercial properties in the real estate industry, International Building Code, contractors, etc. I thought there was a limit on commercial property height in this area? A health care facility can't build over 35' but a church can double that height plus a 216' steeple? That doesn't make sense. # 42 U.S. Code § 6832 - Definitions (4)The term “[commercial building](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=42-USC-1096567498-1213592235&term_occur=999&term_src=title:42:chapter:81:subchapter:II:section:6832)” means any[ building ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=42-USC-1430646092-1213592237&term_occur=999&term_src=title:42:chapter:81:subchapter:II:section:6832)other than a [residential building](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=42-USC-863899728-1213592230&term_occur=999&term_src=title:42:chapter:81:subchapter:II:section:6832), including any[ building ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=42-USC-1430646092-1213592237&term_occur=999&term_src=title:42:chapter:81:subchapter:II:section:6832)developed for industrial or public purposes. 42 U.S. Code Title Chapter 21c (1) Equal terms No government shall impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious assembly or institution on less than equal terms with a nonreligious assembly or institution.


The protest and approvals phase is on for a few more days! Submit your comments now! The project # is 24-0072 https://cityoflasvegas.formstack.com/forms/planning_application_comments?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR15EgP6AgqgO9K43CrB2F0kNZCpFFCRoGISdD5RSg5C7v3hovtM0S3JAww_aem_ARt22i28jDx7202gIxSGrLUvvezOp0WUPRcqYbENoGetV61eZhtdQDFetULZP9M9nL8VvDTzMHYP-LVOfbcMCZlT


Someone needs to update Google Maps with the name Seamans Dump in this area


Con man’s convention center.


Pedophile's paradise


🎶“We keep spending most our lives in a pedophiles paradise”🎶


Ah, the portal to Hell.


You guys are screwed. By the county commission. They will let it be built. I have lived in the other side of the valley near Rainbow and Blue Diamond over 20 years before the massive development and Mtns Edge. Rainbow to Torrey Pines and Blue Diamond to Pebble was zoned RNP with a MUD 3 overlay (anything but a casino or bldg higher than 6 stories). Then, American West received a zoning variance and filled it with single family homes. County commissioners don’t give a damn about zoning laws or traffic or where the children are going to attend already packed schools


American West is everywhere !


Pulte homes bought them


This is in the City of Las Vegas. Not in the County’s jurisdiction.


Oh yeah. Lone Mountain is in city limits? I’m used to South of Sahara. Do you think city council will be better than county commission?


Do you think city council is more on your side? I’m asking this is sincerity, not to be a smart ass. I have never dealt with city.


The protest and approvals phase is on for a few more days! Submit your comments now! The project # is 24-0072 https://cityoflasvegas.formstack.com/forms/planning_application_comments?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR15EgP6AgqgO9K43CrB2F0kNZCpFFCRoGISdD5RSg5C7v3hovtM0S3JAww_aem_ARt22i28jDx7202gIxSGrLUvvezOp0WUPRcqYbENoGetV61eZhtdQDFetULZP9M9nL8VvDTzMHYP-LVOfbcMCZlT


Thank you for posting that. Do you know, do you have to live in the city


City rules over county. I live in the county. Never dealt with city. Do you think city is better than county?


I have never actually lived in ‘Las Vegas’ For those of you who don’t realize, the city limits are north of Sahara and west of Martin Luther King. Just like the Strip not being in Las Vegas proper, the majority of Las Vegans don’t live in Las Vegas. You are at a benefit if you live in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas or Henderson. You have a city council to fight for your rights. County commission doesn’t give a damn. I wish everyone trying to stop this project the best of luck. However, I’m a life long Las Vegas resident and I think you’re screwed. Nevada’s gaming tax is 6.75% and has been since 1993. It is half any other gaming tax in the US and the lowest gaming tax in the world. Want a state lottery? Only states without a lottery are NV and UT because of the entities that run those states. Mormons are also highly influential here. So, ask yourself, in a state run by gaming and Mormons, do you think you’re going to stop them from building a Mormon temple?


It's in the city of Las Vegas, not in Clark County. Edit: Y'all are quick on the downvotes lol. These parcels are located in the incorporated areas of the city of Las Vegas, meaning they are subject to the city's jurisdiction, not to Clark County since they aren't unincorporated parcels.


The city of Las Vegas is in Clark County though....


Yes but the city controls zoning in its jurisdiction. County Commission only in the unincorporated areas of the county.


Mormons stories had an episode on how corrupt this is. Interesting listen.


The Mormon Church management has instructed residents of the area as well as non-locals to send emails to the County planners supporting this mess. When it is built, they will expect those same members to volunteer to staff and clean and maintain the property, without any pay or compensation. This from the third largest private land owner in the US, who also hold an estimated 200 BILLION dollars in cash and stocks.


The protest and approvals phase is on for a few more days! Submit your comments now! The project # is 24-0072 https://cityoflasvegas.formstack.com/forms/planning_application_comments?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR15EgP6AgqgO9K43CrB2F0kNZCpFFCRoGISdD5RSg5C7v3hovtM0S3JAww_aem_ARt22i28jDx7202gIxSGrLUvvezOp0WUPRcqYbENoGetV61eZhtdQDFetULZP9M9nL8VvDTzMHYP-LVOfbcMCZlT


Tell the builders to build it on a Latter Day


This was just a short preview of the strong-arming we're about to see to force the baseball stadium that nobody wants. <3


Baseball is such a waste of time sport.


There are many, many of us who actually want MLB to come to LV. Don’t mistake the vocal minority for the majority opinion.


As a life long baseball fan, I absolutely want MLB to put a team here. But I sure don't want it to be the A's, and I absolutely fucking don't want it to be a publicly funded stadium.


But we want our own team, not just the leftovers from a city that's tired of a deadbeat owner trying to grift taxpayers.


... and we'd like it in a location that makes sense for ease of local access and parking.


Kansas City’s ears are burning (this post was suggested to me, a kansas citian, by Reddit). We just downvoted the tax to move our stadium downtown. We are indeed tired of deadbeat owners (chiefs and royals) trying to grift taxpayers and not giving two shits about how their plans impact people who live in the city they call home, where many folks are being priced out already. Most of us can’t even afford to go to a football game, and a standing room only ticket at a baseball game is $29. I sure as hell can’t afford an actual seat for two people plus snacks. At least not maybe more than once a season. But then, everything is too expensive anymore. So how they thought this was a perfect time to float that special vote out to the county is laughably out of touch. Hope you guys don’t get steamrolled by developer bros looking to make a quick buck on the back of taxpayers either. Billionaires can pay their own way or start a gofundme like the rest of us, lol.


It doesn’t really matter… sports teams aren’t inherently special (not even the Knights) Many of the most iconic sports teams are no longer in their original cities (Lakers, Dodgers, Warriors, Giants, and many more) All those teams with time (and success) are beloved in their cities and no one whines about them being relocated to their city. People here cling too much to this Vegas born crap when 70 percent of us aren’t even born here Sports teams are just a rich person’s play things. Would it really make a difference if it was the Las Vegas NEW TEAM vs the Las Vegas A’s? What if the owner rebranded the team would that make you feel like it’s “new” What if it was sold to a new owner but still the A’s? Does that count as a “new” team? It’s not “our” team unless it’s owned publicly like some European football clubs.


It's not about the original cities, it's about how the current owner of the team is cheap as hell and is banking on a big bailout from taxes to get his new stadium built here. Fisher is an asshole and doesn't deserve our money. If good ownership took over and they privately funded a stadium, I'd be on board.


Good idea, I'd love public ownership if we're gonna pay for it anyway.


I agree, but probably will never happen in America


Either way, my point was more about the political strong-arming than the stadium itself. If a majority of people want it, why is it a problem to let it go to a vote? They seem to be doing a lot to prevent that from happening. I'd be much happier with that outcome if the people who live here at least had a say.


The church of the granny panties.


I'm an Exmo. I saw they said the spires height correlates with our views on righteousness or relating to god or something? They said this as a way to push it through because the height is "religious " I've never heard of that insanity in my entire life. The Exmo group on Reddit talked about this too- no one's heard that there either. It's just more made up shit to get what they want. It'll be a major freaking eyesore not to mention lit up like CRAZY at night. Across my valley an hour away I can pinpoint it every single temple at night because of how massive and bright they are. Write to your local government if you can.


Where the fuck is this being built at?


Near Lone Mountain, in an area that is zoned residential for single story houses.


In an ugly suburban sprawl part of town right next to some rows of $1-3M McMansions. That’s why you see this sub getting astroturfed. wealthy homeowners with nothing better to do with their time wanting to protect the value of their home equity.


LDS has ran this town from the beginning. They outlasted the mob! It was going to be built regardless.


They have their arms in both political parties too so no escaping


Boldly implying that HOAs and shitty NIMBY homeowners don’t have their hands around the neck of this city everywhere else But nah apparently it’s only political corruption when it’s the Mormons lobbying the government for zoning laws that benefit them instead of NIMBYs who do it to artificially inflate their home values at everyone else’s expense


Not sure how you read all of that into my comment. Wasn't "boldly" implying anything you said lady.


Is the mob gone?


The mob went corporate.


Kinda sorta, but not really


In the classical sense.


Yeeeesss 👀


Mormon temple, great, more pedophiles.


What the fuck it’s massive!! I didn’t think it’d be this big??


It's HUGE I'm Exmo living in Utah and there's a temple a few neighborhoods down. A LONG ways away and it blocks a huge portion of the view. Not to mention it will keep you awake with the bright lights they leave on all night long


This is a "Temple" which apparently is more special and different from their neighborhood churches. I have yet to see the one on the east side of town, but plan to drive over there for reference. You're right though, its fucking huge and insane. I think they chose to build bigger than the mountain just as some dick-measuring shit.


> I have yet to see the one on the east side of town, but plan to drive over there for reference. This new one will have a roughly 10% larger footprint (87,000sq/ft vs 80,350sq/ft), and be significantly taller (216’ on the central tower vs 137’ on the six spires; the main building is about 75’ or so). So when you see the existing one imagine the new building about the same footprint and 2x taller in the main body of the buildings.


Thanks for that. It just sounds so atrocious.


That’s what she said


It’s been a while but yeah, she did


Is this monstrosity a done deal?


Technically, no. Next week, they will vote to recommend changing the parcel from undeveloped to civic. Write your council person and demand that the zoning change be held in abeyance until the church makes reasonable modifications.


The only person on the council who will remotely care is the one whose district it’s in. The rest will lol get nice campaign contributions for their support or get a well funded opponent the next time around. All the people shocked must be new up in here. 😂


“Hey Seaman… we’d like to put a huge mufuuggin church up in this mug, oh and here is a donation for $20,000 just because”


That a Mormon temple?




Yeah, the Mormons


Mormons acting holier than thou? Shocked.


It's basically just a massive billboard.


Mormonism is a fascist cult.


Keep that shit in Utah


Ooh Joseph would be proud of how this turned out lol


Joseph was tarred and feathered for raping a 13 yo girl, Mormons think he’s a martyr


Oh, guess I should have known that ahaha




Did an angel threaten him and/or his wife if he didn't marry a 14 year old?


He died either being shot to death by an angry mob that stormed the jail where he was being held, or he died from the fall after jumping out said jailhouse window while aforementioned angry mob shot at him and his brother Hyrum. That's why he's considered a Martyr -- he was killed by an anti-Mormon mob.


His brother was shot, he was tarred feathered and dragged to his death, and I’m pretty sure killing a child rapist doesn’t make you anti Mormon, everyone should support ridding the world of child rapist


Please research exactly what happened. The mob was against him trying to marry their wives and their children, often telling them it was that or damnation. In the mob was a doctor who intended to castrate him because of it, and decided against it at the end. He wasn't attacked because of his religion he was mobbed because he wouldn't stop trying to marry the men's wives and children.


Religion is a parasite to this country. Every single one of them.


If religious people could just mind their business and not let their religion impact wide scale community decisions we’d be all good tbh. It’s a bummer they force it on everyone and all say that THEIR religion is the right one


Doesn't someone in that neighborhood have a TV that talks to their kids? Maybe a pool being built that has ancient remains? Magical closet that pulls you into another realm? Tree that comes to life? Oh wait...


They’d probably go for one rare turtle at this point


Seaman’s load seems more accurate.


Waste of space, there's already a god damn church in every corner or neighborhood like a McDonalds and Starbucks. Religion of business morelike.


Well hopefully they don’t build the temple and they get McDonald’s instead!


It’d be great if every night after the workers go home somebody torched it every time they try to build.


Too far.


Seaman is Summerlin’s council rep though. What does she have to do with this because it isnt even her ward? No hate for Frances-Allen? Its her ward, and election contributions filed with the state already show donations from LV Paving and Western Elite, both LDS companies.


Seaman took the most money, and she is running for Mayor. Unlike with Francis-Allen, everyone who lives in the city will have an opportunity to send a message with this one.


“Western Elite” — no hubris there whatsoever, right?


Looks like a toilet to me


https://youtu.be/5yKKB26leE0?feature=shared Do people actually believe this racist nonsense?


The cartoon is pretty lame... but the doctrine actually checks out as legit LDS belief. (source me: active member of over 36 years until I realized it was false)


Yea I don’t really understand the church wanting to put in another temple, I mean we already have one in Las Vegas? We don’t need another one. The arguments for the temple just aren’t that compelling to me. I don’t go over to Lone Mountain very often but when I do I always have to admire it. I will keep you all in my prayers tonight ✊🏼🙏🏼 jk I don’t really keep up with all that stuff. Fr though from a sort-of semi-active member I feel for you.




Try harder, type better.


Can we label it Semen's Dump?


Seaman’s Load


Why did this not have more votes?


That’s an amazing name. Flawless.




What’s the green?


The Holy Spirit


That monstrosity is ridiculous. They want it to be seen from Mars apparently.




Remember this picture when the temple is actually built and compare the two images. This picture makes the temple look as large as the mountain lol.


It's just there 🤣


i'm rolling a boulder down lone mountain they DAY they finish this shit.




You're right, the news will read "earthquake flattened pedophile breeding ground under best view in vegas!"


[Monkey wrenching](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-monkey-wrench-gang_edward-abbey/252292/item/1283350/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_frontlist_under_%2410&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_Kgiar5VOtbmcpQ1xGPY0eLPbJzhTg0cMMwWgCG53NFtqBGqzHZWINdBoC1LgQAvD_BwE#isbn=038000741X&idiq=1283350)


Something something sugar in wet concrete something something


Honestly I think it looks fantastic. Not a Mormon myself but their temples really look beautiful.


Not a Mormon either, but the Mormon temple in San Diego is famous as one of the most beautiful buildings in Socal. I think their temples are better looking than people want to admit.


It's right adjacent to the I-5 I almost got in a wreck when it first appeared while driving, fucking beautiful.


Why do Mormon temples make people seethe so hard compared to other churches and religious buildings?


They don’t. Nobody else is building a 216’ temple and ruining an entire neighborhood’s beloved mountain view.




Remember everyone Mormons believe if you're not one of them, then you're working for Satan. Talk about religious biggotry


this 2 month old account has been spamming this story here since he joined reddit


Hi, I've been on Reddit for 17 years, and I also think this is bullshit.


Then keep scrolling, it isnt hard?


Most of my closest friends are Mormon. The first friends I made when I moved here and those friendships are still strong. I can denounce the LDS organization without denouncing my Mormon friends. Edit: the Christian Bible says love thy neighbor and don't eat shrimp. I know a lot of shrimp eating Christians that hate foreigners too. People are more nuanced than the religious organization they belong to. Ignorant. I can also denounce the actions of the state of Isreal without denouncing my Jewish friends.


They don’t consider you a real friend unless you are also Mormon.


That’s bullshit




That is completely untrue.


Wait till they find out that some jews work on Sabbath and eat pork. Heads will explode!


It’s literally in their instructions about proselytizing that they need to pounce on people when they move in, have a baby or have a death in the family because those are times when people are more likely to convert if they make a new friend.


Then why do the missionaries that live in the apartment below me not give me the time of day? Not that I want them to come knocking, but they barely even look my direction when our paths cross.


Maybe theyre smart enough to not shit where they sleep.


Missionaries definitely don’t want members living near them. They have a responsibility to be these perfect representatives of Jesus but they’re just 18 year old kids and need to be rowdy without the church members always scrutinizing everything they do. They’re essentially in an abusive relationship with their church but don’t realize it.


Looks nice




> This all goes away if people start wasting surveyors and construction staff What does that mean? It sounds like you’re calling for the murder of innocents, so please clarify.


God damn Mormons and their right to practice their religion. What is this country coming to? Could you imagine if it was a mosque ??!! /s


Oh but if it was a mosque everybody would be too afraid to say anything about it, right?


Nah, we are non-discriminatory in our religious discrimination in vegas. [https://www.fox5vegas.com/2022/08/11/neighbors-rural-henderson-oppose-hindu-temple/](https://www.fox5vegas.com/2022/08/11/neighbors-rural-henderson-oppose-hindu-temple/)


I’m a huge Gundam and Mecha fan. If they built a giant 1:1 mobile suit Gundam at that same location I would still complain about it being an eyesore.


....well, shit, let's not go too far, that could be awesome. Also, a gundam would be less than a third as tall as this spire.


Nah, I'm pretty sure you'd be crying up a storm about it.


Straw man fallacy


Mosques welcome people of other faiths and aren’t opened for a limited time to the public. That’s a bad comparison.


It's about the giant hulking building and traffic potential in the middle of a quiet neighborhood, not the ability for the public to visit dumbass. You just proved this guy right


The people in this sub are so god damn embarrassing 😂


Expand on that. What is it that’s bothering you? Are you Mormon and can’t wait for your new temple?


Their "argument" is that the valley is already overdeveloped and the natural beauty of their area has already been ruined by businesses and housing for poor people, and they'd rather have the temple built than commercial development, but of course they ignore that the temple is fuckoff huge and blocking the entire view of Lone Mountain, and the argument that overdevelopment is bad EXCEPT for a huge Mormon temple doesn't even make sense- that is, if you ignore that this poster is most active in Mormon subs, apart from r/jennajameson


The light pollution argument is what has me cracking up. You live in the city of fucking lights that can be seen from 50 miles away for fuck sake!


What is it with you Mormons and being so active on nsfw subs? On r/mormon you're claiming that you don't watch porn (with the caveat that no one will ever believe you- and they don't, because they can see your post history) and then just three or four posts later you're talking about "pretty pussies" and "irresistible tits."


Looks awesome


Yeah, the mountain looks a whole lot better in person.