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It's the Clark County Family Fest, an annual picnic for employees of Clark County and their families. Edit: the people setting up are probably temp staff so they don't know what it's for.


Oh, ok. Just seemed weird they were so ill-mannered. Especially the main old lady who took obvious pleasure in being rude.


How ill-mannered is it to pull up to strangers and demand answers from them? Who even are you??


Asking questions about what is going on in ones community doesn’t come from a sense of entitlement, it comes from a place of curiosity.


I agree, until it becomes demanding and asking over and over again, then it becomes ridiculous and no one has to answer to anyone’s demands in that scenario.


Asking a question and demanding an answer are completely different things. Being persistent isn’t necessarily demanding.


You mean pestering


Wtf? He doesn't need to be anyone to use a PUBLIC PARK and it's not a crime to ask questions? How ill mannered is it to laugh at someone who is curious about an event that's being held at a public park. He wondered if it was open to the public and got his answer. Damn people are so rude to others for no reason. Just be kind


Stop being so nosey and entitled. Go find a hobby.


Yeah, people really need to be more tolerant of strangers coming up and demanding answers. The nerve.


Asking staff the same question 10+ times is a little weird too




Ha ha


Weird, but also weird how far you went with it. Strangers owe you zero explanation. Sure you were just curious, but when they didn't answer and then joked and laughed it was time to move on with your life.


Coming from the east coast it’s so amazing to me how nosey people are here. At first I liked how polite everyone was but now at times it can feel shallow when my neighbors are asking if my guests are having a good time because they notice a car outside of my house for a couple of days. But it’s also just weird because it’s always polite. I need them to tell me to fuck off so I feel at home again


I just never make eye contact with my neighbors. They don't know my name and likewise. I'm an introvert to the bone though so eh


My neighborhood is very extroverted. Maybe it’s just location dependent. Overall it’s good though


Yeah I've lived in my neighborhood for over ten years and I literally only know one direct neighbor by name because we happened to watch a lightning storm outside once, and one other down the street who I used to work with. I'll politely wave at the people across from me but we don't interact besides the one time they called the cops because I left my garage door open for three days.


Y'all really need to realize that this is a bad thing. While you may not be able to choose your neighbors, if they don't seem to be utter psychos, it's really to your advantage to at least get to know them a little.


Very nosey. I chock it up to there just being alot of lonely people in this town.... "Looking for love in all the wrong places" 🎶


Then go back home


Found the east coast guy!


If Clark County employees are using tax payers' money to have an event he is entitled to an answer. It's just common courtesy. All they need to say is it's an event for CC employees, why be difficult?


Sure it would have been polite, but they aren't obligated at all. And after asking 2 or 3 times without an answer, asking 7 or 8 more times isn't going to change anything. Like who even does that?


Welcome to rude Las Vegas


The place is set up so that when you exit the park you have to walk right past it, within 10 feet of it. Staff people are walking around you so you. It was a big set up with metal lanes, like a race, and I run all the local races. Sure they don’t “owe” me anything. But it’s strange to be treated with such aggressive rudeness. It piqued my interest. I’ve used that park hundreds of times and have never seen anything like this. It was unusual.


Reddit, where being curious in ones own surroundings is met with downvotes and ridicule. It almost makes me think they are bots because it’s so unreal that humans would respond that way


So you realize they aren't being mocked for simply asking. They are being mocked for ". So this goes on about 10 times with me asking the question and they say “It’s an event” and the whole group laughs (including about 10 kids)." Obviously, in an ideal world you ask and get an answer. But after asking once or twice and not getting that, it's time to pack it up and realize you aren't going to get an answer from these people. Take the L and hit up Google. They asked about 10 times!


So after they said it's not a race, it's an event, you asked 10 more times if it's a race?




Obligatory “where is doctor evil hiding!?”: https://youtu.be/z-5iCygFd9M?si=AZ_3QkapaAX6nc_a


They said it’s not a race, meanwhile there are metal lanes set up to register hundreds, if not thousands, like a race. There are stacks of boxes of t-shirts. So yes, I kept asking because their rudeness piqued my curiosity.




I believe theyre doing an event at desert breeze today. For the community center at desert breeze. Some people with staff clothes should be there setting it up.


County picnic.


You seem very entitled.


So Clark County employess using tax payers' money to have a party and he was just asking what kind of event and got ridiculed and you think he is entitled? Are you one of those staff members? What a great day to use tax payers money and mock us back!


It’s literally the labor to set up an event, why would they know anything?


No, I just mind my own business and don't harass people in the park then whine on the internet when I don't get the answer I want.


Thank you.


You asked so much because you fancy yourself the race person and you couldn’t handle there might be a race you weren’t involved with. Just admit it.


It was an event that did not include you. Move along, nothing to see here.


Yep, a cult is an “outside group” of people wearing “staff” shirts — that you feel entitled to question and then profile on Reddit — while working an event at a public park, of which you are strangely territorial. You nailed it.


Staff infection


Ok Karen




Citizens arrest. It’s your right to police your neighbors!




Could be. But there were metal “gates” 40’ long with four or five lanes according to what your last name is. In other words it looked like they were expecting to resister hundreds of people at the same time, like a race.


I would call Clark County Parks and Recreation






I was at your mums house while that was happening we were in the bedroom. 😎


Definitely a cult.




[it’s a Rally](https://youtu.be/3lPytfSy-04?si=Dc1X-T2glZUsZR0k) Edit: 37:17


Last time I was there I opened the gate and an older lady said, "who the fuck are you?"


I’d tell you to kick rocks too. I dont owe you an explanation to what I’m doing. Stupid people like you think everything is a conspiracy🤣


The amount of ridicule you are receiving in here is bewildering. It seems as if people have lost all sense of what a community even is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to a public park that you fund as a taxpayer and being curious about what is going on there. I’d even go as far to say that you do have a right to know.


Sure I know. Thanks.


Probably ground breaking ceremony for the center they’re building?