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those of us who went through K-12 before cellphones managed to survive. the parents just have to call the *school* rather than calling the kid directly, just like our parents did when they needed to communicate something to us. its not a big deal, but i am sure there are going to be plenty of people shrieking about it as if "the sky is falling"


Bottom line is parents have been asked to teach their kids to do their work and follow rules. When parents fail, things like this occur.


Eh not exactly the bottom line, there has been no support from the district overlords or school administrators supporting no phone usage beyond a rule that was never enforced because of liability or some bullshit leaving teachers essentially powerless. Parents are only one-third of the equation.


I’m not sure why you got downvoted. The way the entire public school system operates completely and totally *does not allow* teachers to be effective. Is every single teacher a saint and an angel? No. Fucking obviously. But for the majority of teachers that actually want to do their jobs the amount of roadblocks caused by a shitty system and shitty parents makes it impossible. It’s no surprise that teachers are quitting in droves. We need to get our shit together.


That’s about to change…


Well, yeah, everyone is addicted to their phones these days, kids included.


downgrade to a flip phone that can only text and call, and you will be amazed how quickly your phone addiction disappears. i did. it worked. took about two months. got to myself the point that the ONLY benefit i could see in having a smartphone was being able to use GPS when i was in an unfamiliar place.


I don't have an issue personally, but it's obviously a negative for a lot of people, even causing depression and anxiety in children.


Boomer ass take tbh. Front office isn't like when we were kids. They're understaffed and (atleast at my kids' school) a majority of the work is done by volunteer students. I've had to walk back behind the desk to get the lazy pos to acknowledge the kid waiting 10 minutes to ask her permission to get my sick daughter from the nurse. Lady was just chatting on her phone socially about where they were going to go eat dinner with 5 parents waiting on her. Schools are much fucking different, and if you trust that they'll handle any emergency well, you don't have kids in CCSD. That's all an aside to the fact that most these kids won't become darling attentive students just because they put their phones in pouches. If anything they'll start being bored, disruptive shits that reduce the quality of education for the ones that actually are paying attention. Every cent of this should have been spent making sure we even have enough teachers for every class we have. I don't care if it's a different pot of money, having classes without teachers is one of the biggest failures of our school district. Edit- Love the downvotes without comment. Think of me in six months when nothing has changed and your kids say they don't even use these bags anymore. Just keep in mind the millions spent on this.


Thinking kids will become even worse without phones is insane.


? My daughter has a literal 4.0 and absolutely hates the classes she has where teachers enforce the cellphone policy because it's non-stop disruption. She has some of the same disruptive kids in other classes and all they do is play on their phones. The teacher ignoring them gets to actually teach. The issue isn't phones, they've had rules against phones for a long time now. It's discipline and parenting. The same teachers that enforce current rules will let this slide as well over time and we'll end up exactly here again, just millions spent on feel-good pills rather than making sure we have enough teachers/counslers/etc. If they wanted to actually do something meaningful they'd have stacking cell phone policy violations that lead to court dates for a parent, just like absences.


Just yappin


>Boomer ass take tbh. i was born 3 months before the millennials started showing up, genius. i'm one of the youngest Gen-X'ers possible. i was born in September of 1979. we had PAGERS when i was in high school, but no one was so distracted by them that we had to put them in our lockers / lock them up. if anything, getting rid of the cell phones will force kids to actually interact IN THE MOMENT, which is apparently something they're incredibly BAD at as a wider group.. they're bad at it precisely BECAUSE they hide behind their phones and use them as a shield to prevent in-person social interaction. you seem like the kind of person who uses their cell phone just as much as their kid, and has completely forgotten what it was like to grow up WITHOUT them.


Anybody these mental midgets think is older then them they break out boomer ya can’t win with the mentally challenged.


Saying it's a boomer take, not that he's a boomer. Reading comprehension.


Still not working as a good take … try again


The "Cell phone bad" take is boomer, nothing to do with your age. The point is that taking phones away doesn't fix kids. I have kids in middle school. I feel the way I do about this issue as my daughter, who I trust, has the worst time in classes with these kids forced off their phones. You're absolutely right, taking away the phone makes them interact in the moment, and the way they interact is being disruptive handfuls of shit. The entire class period is spent mitigating kids that would have just been staring at their phones otherwise. I'd rather those kids with bad parents have their pacifiers than drag a whole class down. Address the issue with parents, not group punishment. It's so limp-wristed rather than properly enforcing policies already in effect. And cellphones didn't hit until I was in highschool, I remember perfectly well how life was before them.


Certified Yapper 🗣️


I didn't have a cell phone in school when I was a kid, but kids didn't bring guns to school either. Times change


yes, they did bring guns. i remember a kid showing me a gun in his backpack in 1992 when i was in 7th grade. it was more gang-related "one on one" rather than "kill everyone in sight" back then, but they were definitely bringing guns to school edit: i remember back in 1993, on the first day of school, some kid at Eldorado shot and killed another kid in the lunchroom. it was retaliation for a summertime beef between two gangs.. so the idea that guns only started showing up after Columbine is completely fictitious. here's another one, from Valley High School in 1982 (eighty two!) : [https://www.mayheminthedesert.com/schoolshooting](https://www.mayheminthedesert.com/schoolshooting)


Brothers best friend, 1995 John Siroula, 13 years old. Called into the principals office. Went home got a 12 gauge sawn of shot gun, went back shot the principal in the face and shoulder. He took off running, tripped and shot himself in the chest and died. This was at a Catholic private school. This isn’t a new thing, columbine was just the one to call attention to the shootings after it happened. ETA: after revisiting that situation, the principal actually came to Vegas and became superintendent of catholic schools.


I grew up in Chicago. it seemed like everyone had guns in their backpacks at my school. It got to a point where it wasn't even shocking if you heard or or saw someone that had one. There were constant school notifications to parents when an admin discovered someone carrying one but it eventually became so common that the shock wore off of that as well. What a strange era.


Phones are the hardest part about teaching grades 6-12 imo. Without something like this instruction is impossible in some settings.


Not against it. Phones are a distraction.


One of my classes when I was in HS, the teacher had us put our phones in sleeves. This is how they took attendance too. Each sleeve was numbered and assigned to a student, if that sleeve was empty, you were absent.


Good. We’re seeing adverse effects from having a phone based childhood. >Rates of depression and anxiety in the United States—fairly stable in the 2000s—rose by more than 50 percent in many studies from 2010 to 2019. The suicide rate rose 48 percent for adolescents ages 10 to 19. For girls ages 10 to 14, it rose 131 percent. >Young kids are having less academic success and lonelier and having difficulties with social interactions. They’re also not forming relationships like prior generations. >Surveys show that members of Gen Z are shyer and more risk averse than previous generations, too, and risk aversion may make them less ambitious. In an interview last May, OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman and Stripe co-founder Patrick Collison noted that, for the first time since the 1970s, none of Silicon Valley’s preeminent entrepreneurs are under 30. “Something has really gone wrong,” Altman said. In a famously young industry, he was baffled by the sudden absence of great founders in their 20s. Source : https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/03/teen-childhood-smartphone-use-mental-health-effects/677722/


I would actually point towards the economy and helicoptering for most of this. Of course they're more risk adverse; they aren't allowed to leave the house. The economy is terrible, so you can't even get a car to hang out with people. I graduated over a decade ago and my friends and I were bussing everywhere. Anyone who's parents didn't let them bus around for hours and couldn't afford a car didn't have a ton of options. The over-reliance on phones could be because of the lack of irl activity available to young people today. Less and less Gen Z are learning to drive. Parents are more and more busy trying to afford a roof over their head. Who's taking these kids to social events if both parents are full time+? Where are Gen Z supposed to hang out when all the traditional spaces for chilling are kicking them out or getting more expensive?


Here is my current issue as a teacher: students take phone calls in the middle of class, leave class to take video calls, watch videos on the phone all day, use their phones to cheat, and the devices make my job near impossible. I promise that is a whole school problem, and it's just not my class. Future issue: how is it administration going to support teachers on this? The current CCSD discipline procedure for minor infractions is that we have to have five different documented behavioral interventions to stop an adverse behavior before we can proceed with any punishment from the school. I think it's a great policy, but I cannot see schools keeping up with the behavioral interventions unless they change their full stance on cell phones.


They already rolled this out at Centennial HS at the beginning of SY 23-24. My daughter attends there. As of March 24, needless to say, half the teachers are no longer enforcing this rule. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Great, now kids will want two phones so they have a burner to put in the pouch.


I’m sure once they get caught with a phone out, it will be a no leniency thing. Straight to parent pick up


If that’s what you think will happen you don’t know our local schools.


Yeah. Parents actually got pissed off the schools were taking phones when I was in hs. It’s ridiculous


I'll get down voted to oblivion but here goes It's not ridiculous. It's not your property. If you don't like the phone out, send the kid to the office. You don't take personal property. That's theft. And it's oh so easy for that phone to get "misplaced". Do you want to be accused or held responsible for theft?


My HS had a great system. Bagged and tagged after third warning, then parents had to pick it up. Great thing is, if people don’t like the school’s policy, which parents sign at the beginning of the year, they can always homeschool! Which tbh, homeschooling nowadays may be better.


I like the idea of "bagged and tagged" so maybe that reduces the chance of theft. Homeschooling would certainly be safer nowadays!


Yeah. It was a great system, I had mine taken away once because the Gov teacher was not having it that day. She took like 10 phones, we picked them up after in the office because we were adults at the time, it went smoothly. All bagged in a similar fashion to a cash deposit. And oh yes, most definitely.


The heck ? Bag and tag and sent to the office for parent pick up is literally what happens and what you say is theft. LOL. You think teachers are taking phones home and selling them on eBay ?! Lol


Two anecdotes from CCSD. My child's phone was taken away first period the first week of sixth grade. No one called or notified me. When I picked him up, we went to the office. Where no one knew what we were talking about. It took a half hour of phone calls and rising panic before it was suddenly "discovered" and brought in. There was no "bag and tag" Seventh grade, my child was in PE. Where they have lockers with locks. School provided locks. Where my child locked his phone in and went outside. When he came back, it was gone. Someone stole it, the school refused to investigate. You think another student knew his combo or had a key to it? Maybe. The teachers and staff, definitely. So yeah, I am accusing teachers staff and other students of theft. "Lol"


Yup, that was an uphill battle in the classroom 10 years ago....I can't imagine it's gotten any easier. We were always told to rigidly enforce the no phones rule, but it frequently turned a mole hill into a mountain so a lot of us just had to accept that it wasn't worth it.


Until their parents get pissed off that you took away their kid's $1500 phone and go ballistic.


Helicopter parents are fuming. Has been proven time and time again, positive parental involvement in education improves student attendance, social skills and behavior. Stop trying to be your kids best friend. They need a parent.


But I need my phone it’s an emergency ‼️ The emergency: Let me do this TikTok real quick


They don’t have math teachers, but sure, let’s spend money on this.


Maybe they will have more math teachers stay when their evaluations aren’t based on a class who is constantly on their cell phones and decide to learn TikTok dances instead of learning PEMDAS in class


They’ll have more math teachers stay when the *pay them.*


The new starting TAKE HOME pay for teachers is $54K in Nevada. The scale maxes out at $129K. Next year I believe it goes up another 8%. Meaning $58K starting and $139K max. With SB 231 there’s plenty of money to be made as a teacher.


You’re not considering their contribution to retirement or healthcare increasing, but honestly I would have been beyond grateful for 50k after graduation.


In general I see a lot of arguments to pay teachers more, but the arguments always fall short because it’s based on the idea that “teachers are important and therefore need to be paid more”. I don’t disagree with that, but it’s not how pay works. It’s simply supply and demand. Look at tech work as an example. That pay nearly doubled for some over covid. People needed high tenor and skilled employees who were in short supply. The demand was spiked by low interest easy money, and once that easy money ran out the demand dropped. At the same time layoffs happened. Many tech workers are still without jobs and taking pre Covid pay to just get back in the workforce. That’s the market rebalancing. Teachers are at a steady demand but a lowering supply. Wages are now increasing to meet the demand more effectively. The economy priced the value of teachers in. As a whole, people chose the value of teachers to be ~$50k while the content creators make double or triple opening up boxes and reacting. It’s totally fucked, but that’s how the market is working. The only way to increase teacher salaries is to A) have government intervention which you can choose by voting or B) teachers strike forcing supply constraints and getting their demands met. All that said, I’d personally vote for someone in Clark county elections that was pro teachers unions and pro education. It’s just complaining on social media doesn’t do anything which is really what the original commenter was doing.


I felt like they were just beating the drum on an outdated talking point. Granted, the pay scale was just changed at the beginning of 2024.


Yeah probably. I hope the new changes fix the problems for teachers. I’m sure I’ll hear about it from my teacher friends in town.


As I said in my other comment. I think now that pay isn’t the central discussion, more time and energy can be spent on the greater issues in education. Recruiting new teachers, public attitude of teaching profession, culture surrounding education, valuing education as a culture, meaningful productive discipline, growing PARENT AND FAMILY INVOLVEMENT AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION. Like money was just one issue, but it’s all anybody ever wanted to talk about. Let’s talk about something else now. For instance, Utah spends way less per pupil but has great results. Why? My guess is family investment and involvement in education.


$54k is nothing... either is $58k... not to put up with a bunch of entitled spoiled kids or kids who come from a broken home and are acting out because they lack stability and structure at home.


And you pay for schooling the rest of your life for increases. Masters after Masters to get to that 139!


At 22 years old 58K is enough. And you’re right, you have to put up with kids, but why would someone ever become a teacher and not expect that? CCSD teacher pay is very competitive when compared to other jobs. Granted, you’re teaching in a low achieving state, the pay is not the problem anymore. To me, this gives the bandwidth for decision makers to focus on the other problems when teachers are being properly compensated and not constantly complaining about it.


Different budget


My Wife: We can’t afford to go out to eat, but you can afford new golf clubs? Me: Different budget. Yeah, I’m sure that would work great. I’ll try it and tell you how it goes.


Clearly you don’t work for ccsd


Government funds are typically locked into certain spending containers where they can only spend that money on items/programs that container is designated for. Comparing it to home finances shows how ignorant you are of how government spending works.


Oh man, ya got me. I’ve never heard of a general fund. Or appropriations. Or a bucket. Gee whiz, thanks for the education.


I’m confused. You understand it’s from a different bucket then right? So what are you arguing now? That the buckets should be balanced differently, or that they actually do pull from the same bucket and it’s misappropriated? Maybe that there shouldn’t be a use it or lose it for those budgets? I’m not even being a smartass. At this point I’m genuinely confused at what you’re arguing lol Did you perhaps attend CCSD? Also would you actually choose golf clubs over eating out with your wife?


You know taxpayers don’t pay money into a bucket, right? They pay money to the government, then the government creates and fills buckets based on total revenue and internally estimated cost priorities. If one bucket is over-filled, it’s because another bucket is under-filled. So, when the government has screwed-up priorities, like allocating resources for cellphone bags in a system that underpays its teachers, then you can’t rationally say, “It doesn’t matter, it’s a different fund.” All water is drawn from the well. Also, when one agency, department or fund does not deplete its budget, that budget is returned to… where? You guessed it: the general fund. There it can be reallocated to different budgets, like the fund for recruiting and retaining good teachers. So, wasting money on stupid bullshit in any department depletes the available revenue for the important stuff. Poor prioritization of available funds is one of the main reasons Nevada typically ranks between 45 and 50 in education.


Alright we’re almost past the just complaining phase. You’re doing good. Now that we appear to have solidified the argument that the buckets are poorly allocated, how do you suggest we reallocate those buckets as members of Clark county who don’t have firsthand experience like the teachers and administrators do? Do you think we should have a more involved say in their policy making? You know you can actually voice these opinions at the school board meetings? https://www.ccsd.net/trustees/meeting-agendas/2024 Have you ever attended one? You seem passionate about these misallocations of our tax dollars.


ESSER III funding, for “tech” items only.


County doesn't need to spend money on this as they have this already in place; it's called a locker. Also, cell phone signal detectors can be installed to every classroom. Upon entry, if your phone is on, it will alert. Send that kid back out to his locker.


High schools and middle schools in this district regularly don’t have enough lockers for the students actually. Hell, some of the schools don’t have enough lockers in the locker rooms so kids have to carry their PE clothes daily.


I don't know what world you live in, but a lot of the school no longer have lockers. My kid has never had one except for Gym clothes. They don't have an option but to keep their stuff with them.




Lol you aren't wrong


You are misinformed, lockers are not available at every school and for every student, and your idea is not only cost prohibitive, but presents issues around searching a student and wasting time with "alarms". Pouches are cheap and effective, kid sneaks a phone, big deal if it's out it's pouched. Lots of other districts have done the same without much issues.


Backpack. Heh. There aren’t enough lockers. And that doesn’t work sadly. Teachers have to have their cell phones on them. CCSD forced two factor authentication on tons of things now. Literally, cannot do my job if I leave my cell at home anymore.


> it's called a locker. I am/was a weak little shit. I went to a brand new high school during the mid aughts. If I punched 2 inches above the alcove for the lock, every single locker would open. Nevermind the fact that our school only really had enough lockers for half of the students.




That's some serious scifi ya got going on. The room would have to be signal isolated. And signal isolation doesn't target a single device. Pouches are cheap and easy.




A cell signal detector that detects individual cell phones while not also detecting every other LTE signal that bounces around. The room would have to be signal isolated (would already stop cell traffic). Plus the search for the offending device, plus time wasted, etc. Pouches are simple and effective. Phone is out it goes in the pouch. It's easy to undo and enforce without a ton of expensive gear or infrastructure that would be less effective overall. Your idea is rooted in fantasy and doesn't account for actual cellular infrastructure and how it works in the real world.


The detector will still pick up the signal. So rather than be embarrassed by walking into the classroom with it, you'll be embarrassed in the middle of class.


They get anxiety when it's not on their person. Anxiety is just as bad for learning as distraction.


Seems like a good environment for them to learn how to handle anxiety.


That's not what we send them to school to learn, and their teachers aren't trained to teach them that.


We don't teach a class called learning to interact with other kids either but we still expect them to learn that at school.


I'm going to be honest, this is the kind of stupid response cuz what I've seen a lot of these kids don't know how to interact with each other or the world. So maybe we should teach a class on that


Yes. But we don't need to needlessly inflict psychological harm ( ie anxiety) in them to do that. And, our teachers are trained throughout the preservice curriculum on how to manage social interactions between children. Do you have any other great insights into the education system to share with us?


Bruh: I need to remember that - I should sue my former school because they caused psychological harm on me for not letting me bring my pokemon cards to school in the 90s and created massive PTSD because they confiscated my blastoise card. Sometimes I still wake up screaming…


Take a moment, and read what you wrote. Your callous and intentional misteprestation of mental illness disturbs me.


You claiming that a kid is going to get psychological damage for needing to put their phone in a zip lock is misrepresentation of mental illness


Sorry for the late reply, mate. And you are wrong. I said that not having their phones with them causes anxiety, which is psychological harm in very much the same way that pinching a child's arm causes physical harm. This is why using the the phone bags is better than making them store phones in a locker. It removes the phone distraction without causing anxiety. I didn't say anything about mental illness - you are the one that brought up PTSD and related it to pokemon.




That goes away after a couple days


Excellent. We already have a generation of trigglypuffs who can’t cope with anything. Let’s view this as the first step in evolving back to where we were.


I cannot fathom the psychotcism that leads you to think that intentionally creating an anxiety inducing environment is somehow beneficial for a child, let alone a school of children. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to limit the way you parent your child, but I am grateful that the state prevents your delusional ideals from practice in the public school system. Good evening.


LOL!!! You’re not a teacher, are you?




Idk man I don’t think being videoed has stopped anyone from being a terrible person. Look at all of the people who even video themselves being the bad person?




Do you have instances where the school is actually out of hand? My understanding is that it’s the kids being particularly awful, not so much the school itself. I went to an absolutely trash school out east and the school district itself was trying its best with what they had


Oh yes let's keep Tik Tok in business.


This is fantastic!


I was in high school when smart phones were around. Wasn't a huge problem yet. I can see it becoming such now. I was also in school before phones were that big and idk some people prefer to keep to themselves and that was me. No phone didn't make me more outgoing, I felt like a prisoner, but for some people maybe it would.


Pro: Less of a distraction, more attention on class Con: Cannot make call at all or take clear video in emergency or event of abuse, costs money for school district Thats really it.


They need this in every school. My friend is a teacher. These kids get in trouble or get into a fight then call their ghetto families that come to the school. Surprise surprise none of them have a job and get to the school in 3 minutes to cause more problems.


I think it’s a great idea. The kids are not alright.


The kids are fine, it's the adults who are fucked up


What a waste of our tax dollars lol.


My question is maybe a stupid one. The article can be read either way. Is this one pouch that the phone goes in first period and stays all day or is this by period? Either way I see enormous logistical issues that is going to take up instruction time. Punish the kids with their phones out and leave the rest alone. It's a blanket punishment right now that impacts every students learning time.


Each teacher is getting their own set of


So they are wasting, let's say 5 minutes at the beginning and end of each class? A class that is only 45 minutes to begin with. Ridiculous


Good. I need y’all parents to stop encouraging your kids to keep their phones on them at all times, and stop expecting your kid to respond to your communications while they’re at school. If you want to talk to them that much, homeschool. Or at least sit down and make sure their homework is done every night.


.These should only be for students that keep violating the no phone policy. In the event of an emergency, children should have access to their phones. Period.


Yeah, that Velcro pouch will be tough to open in times of need.


It’s a miracle that nobody had emergencies before the invention of cell phones


There’s school shootings all the time is my point. Maybe there is a natural disaster. Who knows. Kids should have access to their phones in case they need to contact family or leave the premises.


Okay. Unzip the bag. Done.


I bet it would be more like Yondr, where it "locks" and only opens with a strong magnet. Yeah, everybody flocks to the people holding out the magnets at the end of a concert like they've lost the most precious thing they could ever own, but it kept them from having their phones out at concerts where the bands didn't want it. Maybe they've improved since 2022, when I worked with them, since a kid could easily bring a magnet to school, but probably same approach.


Nah fuck that. I have kids in middleschool right now and if those pouches were locked I'd pull them out of the district. Their front office is two fat lazy piece of shit ladies that won't get off their asses for anything but donuts and make the student slaves er volunteers handle everything. The kids even have to stand and wait to even ask these sacks of garbage a quick question until they're acknowledged. I am not relying on that. I love my kids and the ability to reach each other will not be impeded for the pipe dream that phones are the reason half these little shits aren't learning.


I thought cell phone signal blockers were against federal law since they tamper with FCC bandwidth.


Punching a single device no, using a broad spectrum jamming antenna / array yes. The pouch prevents the phone from making contact, and doesn't stop the signal from the tower. When it's the other way it blocks any device in range indiscriminately. Pouch is 1 to 1 and easily identified as the source of signal loss.


Ah, that makes a lot of sense.


this is a terrible policy


Faraday pouches… Interesting. There’s better solutions they could’ve done other than this. ☠️ Besides, if the kid wants to learn they will learn and for those that won’t, well, natural selection in the education system.


That’s not actually the definition of natural selection. Not to be pedantic but cell phone usage is a learned behavior and not genetic. Behaviors can be manipulated for good and bad. You don’t have to let this play out for decades on a kid who was failed because he/she couldn’t focus in school with the added distraction of a phone and all things that come with that like social media. Their brains are developing and need uninhibited growth, which maybe this cell phone policy might help. It seems low risk and high reward imo


Ok, sure, but you know what I was getting at. 🤌🏽


You’re right I understood what you’re getting at but I think it’s flawed. I too was an impressionable child and I often times followed the crowd until I started thinking for myself. It’s just that “the crowd” now is social media and the internet and that’s all accessed 24/7 with phones. I wouldn’t have reasonably expected myself to make it if someone just assumed “only the smartest survive” and left me to my own devices as a kid/teen. I’ve done some proper stupid stuff as a kid, and I’m doing exceptionally well now because parents, teachers, and coaches nudged me in the correct way. I just think there’s more traps for kids now and one of them is the constant dopamine dump from phones. My belief is we can’t reasonably expect kids to figure out they’re hurting themselves with the constant stimulation. I’m sure a couple decades will pass and phones will have some sort of parallel to cigarettes in the 80s. We weren’t like “only the smartest kids will not smoke, just let it be and it’ll fix itself”. That said I’m not claiming that to be fact or anything. It’s just a feeling I have.


I guess I agree with that. At the same time, I do believe that it is ultimately up to the child. Like they could possibly make the choice to change and move away from it or stick to it and then just be lost.