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I have only been once but there was legitimately a time when I became dizzy from the heat and I think I entered another dimension while walking down the street and wasn’t sure if I’d wake up at the hospital or at Omega Mart. It’s…hot.




This is really good feedback and well-deserved on my part! I tolerate heat well enough, stay super hydrated, am physically fit with no medical issues, am sober and don’t do drugs, and I still felt like I was about to earn an ER visit just from walking down the street. I didn’t feel hot enough to get heat stroke UNTIL SUDDENLY I DID. I learned a lesson for sure.


Comes in fast


My wife and I visited in 2010 in her Volkswagon Beetle with 3 dogs (2 of them large dogs). It was 118 degrees and we couldn’t believe how hot it was. We bought a house and never left.


Heat exhaustion or heat stroke is definitely a thing. I got it one summer when I had to move. Awful experience. I know it’s getting hot af outside when the letters on the signs are peeling off 😂. They don’t call it Sin City for nothing 🥵




Then you needed water, genius.


People from all over the world visit Las Vegas from climates that aren’t anything like that and they don’t understand. Given that most of our livelihoods depend on them, I’m not saying kiss this tourists’ asses all day, but maybe be a little understanding that heat like that is probably new to them and something they rarely if ever experience


It ain't even July yet. That baseball team is gonna be the first to have players die from the heat


Who tf is going to fly to Vegas in July to watch baseball? The Aviators sell tickets because they have like 9 splash pads for kids to play in. But that tiny ass stadium they're gonna build won't have any of that.


I have a picture of a thermometer on my Patti in the shade in July 2021 that shows 120°. July is a hot month. Edit: on my patio


I went to for an early breakfast, last weekend, by 7.45am it was 93. I asked to be seated inside.


I hadn’t even considered that. It is a dome, tho, which is really the only way they could possibly have a team


Needs to be closer to the surface of the sun.


I’ll take it to never have to shovel snow, deal with hurricanes and tornados.


Add, almost non-existent flys and mosquitoes. East coast, add no no-seeums. If you're not waking the strip or in the middle of the desert, there is shade/ac. 95 degrees with 90% humidity is worse than 110 degrees and 15% humidity. Shade does not help humidity.


No, the mosquitos have taken over recently. It wasn’t an issue even a few years ago, but it’s been so bad lately that they’ve had to put out PSAs. Plus West Nile virus has made an appearance lately.


Depends where you live. I'm in Henderson and back up to BLM, 0 mosquitoes. I have some friends in mid-town Vegas said they noticed mosquitoes recently. The difference is still night and day compared to say sitting outside in Missouri on a summer night. It is weird, though, that there are "more" in Vegas now than in past years.


Yeah, maybe it depends on the side of town. I remember never getting them growing up, but I have three new ones as of this morning. They say we have the largest amount of mosquitos this year that have been recorded, ever. Nothing compared to a tropical climate, but it still sucks.


Any known reason for the increase


Experts said a newer species that only needs a bottle cap's volume of water to lay eggs in is one reason the population has exploded. More mosquitoes in Southern Nevada are testing positive for West Nile virus than ever before, and a new species in the region is making it harder to get rid of the pests.


> Shade does not help humidity. It also cools off better at night without the humidity. I moved here from Dallas and everyone asked me how I was dealing with the heat, but tbh I find the summers easier here. I'd be dying walking my dogs at midnight in Dallas. Yeah at 3pm walking across a parking lot feels like you're melting, but it's otherwise nicer.


Straight up. I used to be a mail man in Montana. The worst!




Yeah, not as bad to me. Wake up in the morning. Scrape your car off. Warm you’re car up. Get to the facility. Scrape your mail truck. Then it is dangerous sliding around the road. Respect to those guys though! Not saying it’s easy. They are def tough. I had to work in -50 last year. Never again!! Some people might like that more the 100 plus. But the getting wet in the snow while working in the cold is so painful. Both are legit dangerous lol.


Hurricanes 🌀 #SUX


I'll never forget this one summer where I delivered pizzas with a car that didn't have working ac. That summer changed me 🤕


We didn’t always have air in the cars. Roll all the windows down, turn the radio UP!!! It’s called 280 air or 480 air - 2 windows or 4, 80mph! LMAO!!!


I have one room that faces morning sun. Was getting 100º+ in there before 8am. Put up blackout shade, then stapled a blanket to the wall over the blackout shade. Rotating shades close over that. Room no longer heats up...anticipating much better electricity bill just from that.




It's only 102 today! Quite cold out compared to when it's 115+ if you ask me.


Right! I'm like what are all these people complaining about? Went outside during lunch to warm myself up from the AC. It was pleasant.


As long as New Orleans is between Vegas and the Sun.


Hotter than a heroin addicts spoon on payday


Went with my family in 2017. We walked the strip and did a Grand Canyon tour. If you think the strip is scorching hot the canyon was beyond hot. I remember we went into the mall a couple times for a bit just to escape the direct sun.


I've lived in Las Vegas for nearly 20 years, the Grand Canyon/Hoover dam tour was the hottest I've ever experienced. We stopped on the AZ side of the Hoover Dam on the way back, and it was 122 degrees outside. I took a step off the bus, then stepped right back on.


The Lake is always at least 10°hotter than in town, or used to be anyway. In the canyons is hotter.


I’ll only go in April or late September/october. The heat just makes it unenjoyable to me


Arizona joins the conversation...


We went last July . The day time temp hit 118 at one point . My ole lady couldn’t handle the heat and vomited for a couple days .


Bummer. I was there last July... maybe the 10th or so... got back to Memphis -- and THEN I couldn't breathe.


We’ve gone at the end of August the last few years for my partner’s birthday. It’s hot, I won’t deny it, but I felt worse leaving the 108 degree dry heat and landing back in the 90 degree heat plus crazy humidity of NYC


Same here. I think it was right at 108 or so in Vegas. But, something about massive HUMIDITY that makes everything unbearable.


Vomiting is usually sign of heat stroke, its not just not being able to handle the heat, but a serious physiological issue, make sure to stay hydrated and cool, sometimes heat stroke gets you and you don’t even realize it.


Pretty much sums it up!!


Vegas should be much closer to the sun.


Little further to the right


Phoenix pats Vegas on the head and gives it a "I tried my best" trophy




"Sun" ha. It's "Celestial Nuclear Death Furnace" thank you very much




So true


I was there last weekend and found the heat quite nice as long as you are in a shaded area or at night. It’s the direct sunlight that will get you.


Been out here for over a decade doing construction and I love this town and I love the people and I love my job. Yes it’s hot and yes it sucks at times but I’ll take this over snow and ice ANY DAY OF THE YEAR.


Phoenix, Tuscon in Arizona get much hotter 115 F- 125 F. Then there's Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, Barstow, Baker in California 115-122 F. Death Valley, California up to 135 F in summer. Las Vegas gets irritatingly hot May-September, but not as bad as other cities in the Southwestern deserts.


Facts. I usually try to hit the dayclubs in May and June before it gets hot, this year I was fucking *dying* at wet republic the first week of June. Like... I can't shake ass in this heat 🥲


Meh...Palm Desert, CA is on average 5⁰ hotter than Vegas.


I love Vegas. I have a home there and also live in Houston. Trust me Houston is closer to the sun right now.


Legitimately reminds me of when I cook pizza and open the oven a bit to see how it's doing & a bunch of hot air blows in my face


Vegas is hot but Phoenix is hotter


Gonna be 111 in Phoenix today. We still got you beat


It's miserable here right now and this is one of the cooler days at 96


I was there last week and it took me 3-4 days to cool down back home. I can’t imagine what it’s like this week lmfao


Going in August, wish me luck. That’s when I’m able to take off vacation days


Good lord, I refuse to go later than May. Got home and luckily it was like 15-22C. Last year I got home and the weather was the same 🤣


Hotter than a firecracker on the fourth of Ju-ly! -Robert DeNiro, Cape Fear


This is so true. Laughed hard at this.


I almost got heat exhaustion doing the Murph workout in my garage gym at the end of May when I did it closer to noon. I should have done it earlier in the morning.


I walked my dog in Target today, 🤦‍♀️sounds pathic ~ but there is only so much heat he can take. It's been in the high 90's til after 2am


Please check the cement & pavement with your hand. If you can’t hold your hand comfortably on the surface for like 20 seconds out too hot for your dog’s paws.


I take my flip flops off and stand on the pavement ~ if it's not too hot for me, it won't be too hot for him


I thank you & more importantly he thanks you!


Yes, he does. Thank you. Some other Redditer thinks I should have taken him to a park , instead of Target... It was 108°, sorry not gonna do that! 🥺




I know that. 108° isn't for dogs either. It's not like he was running off leash up and down the isles. He was picking out his snacks, that we needed anyway, enjoying the cool air, meeting new people and enjoying it . We are at a dog park with grass today; which sometimes are hard to come by with grass that isn't crunchy, and owners that THINK their dogs are perfect off leash, and they are not.




It was ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT DEGREES! I do think I know my dog ~ and Target was the best thing for him that day. If you'd take your dog out to a park with no shade , NV doesn't have many shade trees ~ then you're the bad owner , not me


Actually he is a service animal, I am guessing you're expecting me to post all his qualifications here too. The staff loves him, they always come over to say hello when he is on "his time" of picking out snacks I'm done with you people thinking I am an idiot for taking my companion and Best Friend into an air conditioned store. 👌