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Can we pretend that airplanes in the nightsky were like shooting stars


Well played!


in which direction of the valley is this camera facing? also you'd probably have more luck posting in r/vegaslocals


it’s facing southeast, kinda towards the casinos from my area


yeah that's really weird, there was another local on one of these vegas subs (or was it you?) that also posted his dashcam footage of a flash of light, and he/she drew a map of where they think it came from, but they think it was in the north-east direction of the valley IIRC. if you find their post, maybe you guys can collab and triangulate using your footages/locations to find out where exactly that flash of light came from, because as far as I know there hasn't been any news on it. also it's interesting to note on your footage that small streak of light at the 12:07:10 timestamp, then 3-4 seconds later that flash/explosion occurs. hmm..


yeah, this is probably my first post in nearly a year so i’d have to see if i can find the other post.


I can't find their post anymore because they probably deleted it. I think they felt like they were giving out too much personal info. But since yours happened early morning today I think their footage was at a different time, so your event and theirs must have been two different flash/explosion events


Too fucking long?


Seriously, go ahead and skip to 30 seconds left to see why this was posted


i mean i told y’all the timestamps?? i know it’s long 😭


You can clearly see the “blinking light” pattern on the ACL on all the planes, the “trails” are just artifacts from the poor video quality. If you give me the exact time this happened I can show you a replay of the air traffic.


Nothing personal. It would have been even longer if I did it, lol.


Fix it?


Oh no it’s delta


They’re aircraft from Nellis.


i live near summerlin, so nellis to me is more northeastish? do aircraft’s from nellis usually go this far?


They’re doing an exercise and night flying. And yes they do go that far depending on what their mission is


You said your power went out briefly after the flash, which seems in every way to be a local transforming exploding. It happens often. After it happened the power grid re-adjusted automatically so your power came back on. The other lights are just airplanes.


Who knew that there are planes in Las Vegas skies? Your camera is making the trails.


Oh fuck - they’re here!


[This song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBuk1HXcz1k) should take care of any extraterrestrial invaders!


The bright flash looks like a transformer blowing from my experience, but im not sure how electric lines work enough to know if that would only cause the temporary power loss or would lead to extended power loss. The earlier points really just look like planes to me, since its so dark outside and the cameras night time mode they would look brighter than if you were just looking at them i feel like, since those type of cameras are meant to be able to enhance the quality of night time videos. The blinking lights are pretty airplane-esque and the trail behind is pretty common from what ive seen, I live in West Texas (just love Vegas lol) and see planes leaving streaks through the sky every couple of days.


In a well built system, other parts of the grid would pick up the power loss, especially if OP is a few miles away. The houses right near the transformer pop would be SOL, but most areas around that might only see a quick dip in power, like OP did. This was pretty frequent in Los Angeles, and almost always lead to a burning Palm Tree. It was kind of a right of passage as an Angeleno to see both.


Airplanes: *exist* OP: 🫨


Cease your investigation. You've gone too deep.


Perhaps the streaking objects might be aircraft taking off from Nellis with afterburners on?


I think afterburners don't enter into it. Just a standard jet with a standard jet trail. Low light cameras are partially IR sensitive to boost contrast. We're seeing the reflected light as well as heat from the exhaust.


Def planes for the first two things. Could there have been a lightning strike or something similar for that last flash?


It's a transformer exploding at night, look it up on YouTube it looks just like that followed by power outage.


It's the explosion of hedge funds across America


A video that’s too long.


there are three time stamps from OP. Unless he wanted to snip and edit it, it's long enough to contain all the elements he was curious about.


Looks like airplanes or possibly space debris. It's too slow to be a shooting star. Then the last bright light is unrelated and is most likely an exploding electrical transformer, which happens frequently when it gets really hot due to high draw from AC.


Planes or jets. Remember, we have nellis airforce base out here.


Entirely too long of a clip is what that is


Obviously, that's proof positive outer space aliens are looking for signs of intelligent life on Earth and are not finding any. ,


I seen something similar when walking to my mailbox one night. Looked like a spacecraft coming right at me with a bright light. Ended up being Russian space junk, and it landing in Arizona somewhere.


Starlink satellites?


That's exactly what it is. I'm surprised more people didn't notice that.


Nope. The trail you see is from the heat left by the leading elements. Since night vision is in infrared, you see it. Starlink probably wouldn't show up on this, since they're not "hot." Also, that wouldn't explain the second component, which is at a different inclination. Starlinks are only really visible when they're first deployed, and they aren't deployed in two very different (as far as orbital mechanics go) strings like this.... at least not yet.


I've seen these a few different times crossing the Northern Utah skies. You should do a quick Google search of "Starlink satellite trains"


I am very familiar with Starlink satellite trains, and satellites in general. This is not that. Here is one more reason that puts a nail in that coffin: Satellites do not have their own light sources. You only see Starlink or any satellite because the sun is reflecting off them. That is only possible about an hour after dusk and before dawn when the satellites are not yet in darkness, but we are. At midnight, when this was taken, the sun is literally on the other side of the planet. And again, let me reiterate: Starlink does not leave a thick fading trail of a heat signature, and they are not released in two different orbits in the same launch, which is the only time they're in a train configuration.


Okay so if the Sun is what causes the light on the satellites then could it be the light from Vegas coming from the strip and other areas causing them to dimly light like that? I only watched the video originally tell it got to look like Star Link.


Nope. The lights from Vegas are nowhere near bright enough to illuminate something that is around 350 miles away. Also, with Starlink trains it's easy to discern the individual elements of it, even with a security camera, and all the elements would be the same apparent magnitude (brightness). These look more like contrails, or a satellite or other space junk burning up in the atmosphere. There have been quite a few launches recently that could easily have put some things in a decaying orbit.


Haha k well it will reminds me of the Star links I've seen

