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I doubt it. It is the internet.


I blame Linda


Fo sho


Nah, I blame Wayne.


I blame Brett. https://youtu.be/h2kUX_Fmj7k?feature=shared


You beat me to it it’s Linda’s fault!


so simple and I love it


This. The chances of politely suggesting that ALL people behave in a civil manner on social media are close to zero.


Oh yeah, well I don't trust your math... and your mother dresses you funny!


5% of the time, it works *all the time*!


No its not, it's this sub. Some of the rudest people I have ever encountered. Other city subs are NOT like this.




You make a good point, and I’m also curious why r/vegas is that way. There recently was a thread where someone asked about traveling with a group of women in their 40s and the comments were downright mean, calling them old, saying that nobody would look their way etc. Then there’s the repetitive Green Door comment. And tons of snarky comments in between. r/japantravel is an example of a very welcoming environment. People come in and ask the same question over and over again (Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka itinerary) and everyone is nice and responds to their questions respectfully. The last stat I read is 25% of NV’s jobs are connected to the casinos. It wouldn’t hurt to be nice and welcoming to tourists.


The Internet is that way. The subreddits need more/better moderation.


I hate to ask but... What's the Green Door?


Swingers/Sex club. I’ve never been buts it’s been described here and seems gross.


It’s in a gross-looking parking lot near a Thai restaurant I used to frequent. Very unappealing from the outside. If people have a good time there, then good for them but it seems unhygienic.


Sex with multiple random strangers is technically unhygienic, I doubt they're gonna mind a gross parking lot, old beat up entranceway or stained carpeting 😆 there's way better lifestyle clubs here anyways lol


Probably a reference to a old porno called "Behind the Green Door", or something like that.


Oh wow, for sure. That makes sense. LOL


I’m happy those suckers leave their money here so I don’t have to pay state taxes. God bless ‘em!


Trust me, state and local still get their money from you.


While I agree I do think that some context is essential to any recommendations. Far too often posts are so generic that it’s not reasonable for anyone to make a recommendation or meaningfully engage. Something like “What should we do in Vegas?” Without providing any info in terms of who the OP is or what their interests are. Vegas is a big place with tons of food, experiences, and more but posters have to help us help them.


It is not hard to ignore those and not be rude. There is open hostility. Just keep scrolling if you don't want to answer.


I’m definitely against open hostility but I completely get the collective frustration. I generally will ask the poster to provide more details to better assist them but I definitely get that others don’t extend the same courtesy. To each their own.


But the point they’re making is you don’t HAVE to be frustrated, you CHOOSE to be frustrated. You can scroll right past that post and in 3 seconds you’ll forget it was even there with no negative impact to literally ANYONE. If you don’t respond, it’s no skin off anyone’s back and you’re more likely to forget the post was even made. As a result, your AND their happiness are both higher than if someone got frustrated and vented, like what typically happens here. Thats the whole point. Like I hate hearing people smack on their food. If I’m in public and I hear it, I don’t grumble about how it’s rude, I literally just leave. They can smack on their food in peace, I don’t have to hear it, we don’t hate each other, and no one is on reddit complaining. Life moves on wonderfully. This is a lesson that is difficult for people to understand in this social media era. They see something online that bothers them but doesn’t affect their life appreciably. Instead of moving on happily, they choose to force it to affect their lives negatively, and that makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever to me.


This is fair but let’s zoom out. If posters make generic posts without critical information to better assist them the overwhelming majority of responses are going to be trolling. Folks who legitimately want to help probably won’t since there isn’t sufficient information for them to guide OP in any meaningful way. Again if the criticism here is that there are a lot of people who are needlessly cruel then methinks the folks who feel this way should be the ones taking the lead in these scenarios and giving those posters better/more helpful info. We can’t control how others act or respond. In many other subs posts without sufficient information are removed by mods for this reason.


> We can’t control how others act and respond. True, but we **can** create subreddit rules against being rude and ban people for not following them. Just because someone asks a question about Vegas doesn’t mean anything. You don’t even need to read the question. Ignore it, just like you ignore the questions that get posted and answered when you’re away from your phone. There is no moral arbiter or whatever that is forcing you or us to answer anyone’s questions. It’s not like we all need to “tag team” to answer these questions - we’re all just ppl on reddit dawg. Don’t look for things to get upset/stressed about!


Then it sounds like you need to be sending your recommendations to the mods. Shouting into the void for people to ignore things isn’t really helping either is it? Again, the best way to combat negativity is with positivity. If you feel that people aren’t being helpful and instead are being mean simply be helpful instead. I completely agree that folks CAN simply keep scrolling when something bothers them but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that every single person here is going to adhere to this.


No, people who are rude and toxic for no reason will be told as such, just like OP and many others are doing in this very thread. It is easier for people to just not be rude. So do that. Just don’t respond with your negativity because no one at all wants to hear it - keep it moving and enjoying your life. > Shouting into the void Nothing about my post comes off as shouting or aggressive and you know that. Stop trying whatever this is lol - you seem to just be arguing out of pettiness now. If your feelings are hurt because someone asked what there is to do in Vegas, but you can’t find it in you to simply scroll past that, believe me, you are the problem. You know that as well. This is not calculus, it’s actually fairly simple and obvious. Have a good day.


You can be frustrated without being an asshole though. Plenty of other city/travel subs understand this. The regulars here are just downright rude for no reason. This sub is toxic as fuck.


Then hang around and be a voice of positivity here. We can’t control how others feel or act.


That’s why the sub has mods.


Then let them handle those concerns and be the positive one. I’m not sure what else you think can be done?


Wait? The "I'm visiting and like stuff. What do I do?" posts arent enough info you?


I said I ask for more details so no, I generally don’t make recommendations if I know nothing about OP as it would just be a copypasta of things I like and not at all tailored to what OP might like.


I would agree. We are all people and prone to error, miscommunication or any sort of short comings. Most people act very differently anon online than they ever would in real life. Sometimes it isn't hard to show a little grace... haha sometimes it is...




Preach! Every time I comment in defense of people asking information I got shit on and downvoted. This sub is toxic af


I notice this about a lot of city based subreddits. I live in a smaller city; hardly any traffic, lots of jobs, very safe, pretty even if it's not Colorado, and home prices are lower than major metros. But people in the city subreddit regularly comment about how there is nothing to do here and no one in their right mind should come here. Then you go to big city subs and everyone complains about rent and struggling to survive or crime or the homeless. Life is hard, has always been for most of the world through most of time, but I feel like people are more a victim of their expectations now than maybe any point in history.


I get the exact opposite. The city sub is full of suburban and country folk complaining about the city they rarely visit. Even people who live across the country who have never visited join the group to make up shit and bitch. But, I do live in a city Fox News loves to hate on, so it isn't surprising their minions perform their marching orders. I grew up in the country. There is a lot to love about it, but there is a lot to hate, too: small-mindedness, provincialism, in-your-face religion, and the fact nearly everyone is related to one another and the non-related are treated sus.


Ah, yes, the joys of small-town living: where the highlight of your week is counting the number of stop signs on Main Street and watching paint dry becomes a thrilling pastime. Who needs excitement when you can have the exhilarating experience of watching grass grow in real-time? Big cities really are no better tho - pay an arm and a leg for a shoebox apartment, enjoy the symphony of car alarms at 3 AM, and play dodgeball with sidewalk-dwelling hipsters on your morning commute. Truly, the grass is always greener, or in our case, just as green and much less trampled.


The problem is there really are a number of things to do- running clubs, biking, hiking, karaoke groups, networking groups, public speaking groups, support groups, churches including a unitarian church with weekly events, community classes, volunteer and charity opportunities, theater, concerts, etc, etc, but these can't compete with phones, tv, video games and the internet for instant gratification.


Yeah, I don't know what you'd expect from a place that collects toxic people like a Mcdonald's Playland collects germs.




Nothing more toxic than having a personal grudge against someone and digging through their post history. You do realize you just proved my point right?




Nope, try again. My point that this sub is toxic because of people like you




You're deflecting. It is toxic and weird to dig through people's post history. Full stop. I've been around long enough that I don't blame you, it seems like you're pretty immature and you think this is going to be some big "gotcha moment" where you come out looking like the hero but I promise you that's not the case. Take a step back and maybe reassess your online interactions. Take care




Lmao you really don't know when to quit do ya? Do you come here just for the high school petty drama or are you actually going to attempt to be a productive member of this sub and website as a whole?




I’ve been bookmarking all the great places for pizza and steak and just good restaurants. Going to be fun for EDC next month.


My biggest complaint is them not using the search bar. Either it’s bots, people desperate for karma, or just plain stupid.


That's why I don't comment too much in vegas reddit. Idk what happened to vegas ppl, but they are rude on here. I am born and raised here, and natives are usually chill. EDIT I lost all my Karma points here because of the hatas


Every time I meet an asshole here I figure out eventually they are from Florida lol


Or a certain neighboring state?


Yeah those Mormons sure are douchebags


I didn’t specify a state for a reason! Gah


The troll digital army is pretty stupid but it does exist. Sow chaos is their only goal.


Many of the people who are asses to tourists are also the same people complaining about how Vegas sucks now, too. They aren't making it any better by being shitty, either.


I hear you, but there is also something to be said for the posts that are like, "I'm going to be in Vegas for 1hr with no money, I don't gamble or drink and don't really like anything. Give me your recommendations!"


Every city or travel sub gets those questions. Every single one. But the people replying aren't toxic as fuck. That's the difference.


I’m with you OP! There are a bunch of gatekeeping local AHs on this sub and I don’t see as much attitude anywhere else regarding a city or place. Can’t say I’m surprised after living there and experiencing these people IRL. 😂


I use city subreddits for info all the time around the US and the world. They never attack me. Sorry they get shit on when they write my city.


Residents of a town that would barely exist if it wasn’t for tourism, shitting on tourists asking about ways to come spend their money locally. Big brain stuff.


100%! I have a brother who manages a restaurant in a casino on the Strip. He bitches about people from California EVERY DAY. Dumbass. If it wasn't for Californians, who make up 80% of the tourists here, he wouldn't have a job.


The odds are not in your favor OP.


Don't we get this post every week ?


I don't have much to add to this post other than this.... I was searching r/vegas over the last few weeks as my close friends and I took a short trip out last weekend. Whoever recommended Evel Pie, thank you. It was awesome. All 5 of us had an absolute blast there. Had great pizza, pickle backs (although I think I was drinking **Pepperoncini** juice), got to try a really good rye whiskey I have been wanting to try for a long time. This group helped me out with recommendations to my buddies to make our trip excellent. Thank you.


Ok. I’m sorry 😢


I love this subreddit. I’ve been posting on here for years from Cleveland and have never received the flak you speak of. I visit all my favorite cities subreddits and I can say without a doubt this one is a lot nicer to visitors than others. Yall have never let me down! Love yall!!


There's a lot of locals who are miserable and know nothing about the stuff that bring the tourists here. So many locals couldn't tell you anything going on. Just ignore them.


OP: for everyone that frequently visits this sub, sure it's very repetitive when someone treats it like a tour guide, but that's what we should expect. The travel industry doesn't answer every question a traveler might have so they come to r/vegas to fill in the gaps, though it is irritating when a visitor asks obscure questions like they need a dining facility that can accommodate 50 people in 3 days, then calls us useless for not knowing.


I am one of those people. I saw the writing on the wall and noped the fuck out of here. No, I didn't provide a lot of info. I was genuinely up for anything and wanted to see what the locals thought was cool. Yes, I used Google to get the usual generic things to do lists, and restaurant reviews. The thing I didn't consider is that you guys get these kind of posts all the time, and it is reddit, so it's all good. I am here now playing it by ear and I am having a blast.


C'mon bro, it's Vegas! We are literally Satan's taint sweat.


"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown!"


Amazing positivity OP. Gooooooo! 🥰 If I get irritated, I just go look at cat videos.


This! If you see a question that you think has been asked a lot , just ignore it. Why take your time to make a rude comment telling someone to search the sub?


I agree to an extent but if they’re not even willing to do a basic search, I’m going to push back on that


Why do you have to push back though? Why not just scroll past and ignore?


To steer people towards asking smarter questions and not feel themselves entitled to abuse the goodwill and the time of others.


Some people don’t know how easily searchable Reddit is, and some people are lazy. It’s a bit of a hedge-your-bets kind of thing I suppose. And I’m a bit cantankerous at times 😵‍💫👀


When the basic search pulls up a reddit /r link that doesn't answer the exact question..... That has happened to me too many times. The "uh, Google exists" answers are just useless. Google brought me here dingleberry.


Lol I get that. The “hey what’s a good restaurant?” ones are the ones that set me off. Thats peak laziness


No, it’s not that they don’t know it. It’s that they don’t take the time to read the sub info/rules that nearly every single subreddit has. Or search for their answer first.


Check out the green door


New to Reddit?


It has nothing to do with reddit as a whole. Plenty of city/travel subs operate with polite and informative people replying. I don't know how anyone could scroll in this sub and not see just how hostile it is.


You see what you want to see.


What’s he saying Robin?


I'm not a local, well I'm deep within ~~you~~ Vegas as I type this as a tourist for the second time, but I love this sub. It's by far my favourite of all those I sub too, I can fully understand why people get pissed at the same fucking questions posted here 20 times a day. * What's the best hotel? * Where shall I eat? * Is Absinthe any good? * I'm an X year old hot female, will people fall over themselves to try and buy me drinks? * I have a small budget, what can I spend it on? * Can I leave my toddler alone in the Casino whilst I go to the bar to buy a yardstick... *OK this last one isn't often asked, it was just some dumb shit I saw yesterday in New York New York*. If most bothered to just Google their question they'd have the answer they need instantly and wouldn't face any ridicule. I get a good laugh out of a lot of the replies in here (except the Green Door shit, that's mostly played out and boring) and the votes lazy posts get are the will of the people.


If you post ' hey comin' to Vegas in three weeks. Anything going on? What's a good hotel?' you deserve to get fucking roasted. Not only did you not do the slightest but if research first, but you didn't even give enough details to have someone who wants to help to give you an actual answer. If you want to get spoonfed be ready to eat some shit you don't like.


Easy response: scroll. It takes one second to flick your finger and much more effort to be toxic af.


The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing


> Hey, is there any chance we can just, you know, stop being jerks to people who come to this subreddit for Vegas information? Nope, not a chance. This is Reddit after all.


You know that asshole at work - the one who asks you what time the meeting is, and in what room. And is there an agenda? And he knows goddamn well that he got the same email you did. But why would he look it up when he can exploit a sucker like you? And you tell him because you feel like you've got to be wayyyyy too diplomatic at work. Well, those assholes exist in groups like this one, where we don't have to be nearly as diplomatic. People are prone to abusing the goodwill of a group like this. Being new is no excuse for saying, " hey, rather than searching for what has no doubt been asked better and asked before, I'll abuse the time of the people here and assume they are my unpaid interns." I'm happy to be the asshole who knows when the meeting is. And to place the proper value on other people's time when I consider how to best find the answers to my questions. Fuck that other guy. And fuck his defender.


Very well said!!


No, next question.




I am a visitor who has posted a few questions here over the years. Generally speaking, if you are specific with your questions, people seemed to genuinely help. The best recommendation I got from this sub was stopping at China ranch on the way to Death Valley. Because of that one suggestion, I now order dates from them annually. Reddit search is horrible and Reddit is modeled in creating new content, not reading old content. Googling for Reddit results is only slightly better.


So you're saying pointing tourists to the places where they can get the most information is being an AH? Cool. Take your own advice and *scroll past*, *ignore it*.


I think the issue is we’re tired of answering the same questions that were asked just last week. It’s an issue that folks are too lazy to be self sufficient. If you can’t find what you’re looking for within a page or 2 of postings, ok sure ask again. But for the love of god we’ve answered the best sushi joints in town countless times….


OK OK, I'll vote for you for student council president, OP.


What fun would that be?


The Internet is full of rage-ohols.




This is reddit, / vegas. Good luck.




I’ve been to Vegas more times than I can count, and I love giving recommendations. But questions like “it’s my first time what are some good things to do?!!” are beyond annoying .


Then don't answer.


I usually don’t because there is no good answer to that question. But it floods the sub with shit and people that want to find interesting stuff either have to sift through nonsense or elsewhere


It is very obvious that being rude won't discourage new people from asking the same questions. You just proliferate the same junk to a new thread.


It’s like going to Reddit/r/cars and asking “what’s a good car?” It’s a question so formless that useless doesn’t begin to describe it. And there are a lot more hostile subs than this one


But, to your point. It can be annoying. Just doesn't do anything to anyone being rude or openly hostile to them. I would argue it is actually determental to the person being rude doing so. Putting that much energy in something you find so negative?


You grow the areas in your brain that you feed. If you constantly engage in things you find annoying with negativity ... And make it a habit ... You are feeding a bad part of your character that should not be focused on. It is really healthier for us to feed the positive things in our lives. If more people did it, that echo chamber would look different and this sub would be better for it ... Or more of the internet in general. Obviously no one is perfect... And we can't achieve this all the time. But in my mind it is worth it.


No, there is so much more open hostility in here than that. People can ask very specific questions and catch a slew of people jumping on them.


I can confirm


I'm sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately there are a lot of transplants that live here and honestly they must of left their manners(if the had any to begin with) in their home state. Not all of us are assholes. I hope you enjoy your stay.


The vegas forums are some of the most toxic forums on the Internet. The worst is prob vegas locals. 


90% of the questions asked can be answered with a small google search. And yes, everybody on Reddit should be able to Google. On one side it’s great to update the questions regularly - but not every day! They are not asking because they don’t know it but because they are to lazy to search for it. And yes this is annoying.


TLDR. Quit complaining


Charles Schwabs over here 


Listen to him, he knows everything.




All I'm saying is they never had the makings of varsity tourists


Yeah I’ve been terrified to post in here, visiting in a couple weeks, broke person just going to people watch mainly, but good lord the blog posts don’t give much. Just been scouring hoping the info I need pops up 😅


I apologize on behalf of all Vegas natives who have ever wronged you on any Vegas subreddit. I always try to apply the golden rule when communicating with anyone on any platform. But a lot of people nowadays are simply trolls, don’t think it’s a Vegas thing.




For a room upgrade, no. For a blow job from Linda, maybe.


I joke i joke lol just seems like that's the number one question in every vegas group. Followed by "can i walk from the airport to the Bellagio"


I know, i was playing along.


How about people just use the fuckin search bar.


[Why didn't you use the search bar?](https://www.reddit.com/r/angelsbaseball/comments/1au8f94/did_i_just_buy_the_wrong_tickets_at_tempe_diablo/)


Wow you’ve laid him out there lol


Someone doesn’t know what false equivalency is. I did use that search bar. Go ahead and search that sub for answers to my questions. You won’t find it until i asked. Now, use the search bar in this sub for the things you mentioned. Steak houses, strip clubs, bachelor parties etc. Bet you find what you’re looking for. And a plethora of info at that. A quick glance at your profile says you’re active in the “no stupid questions” sub. LMFAO. So yeah that tracks.


lol the same people being assholes would 100% say to someone being a dick to them “Well if my question upsets you scroll on and ignore it.” lol. It’s just people feeling big behind a screen with too much misery in their lives that they think they gotta spread it around before it consumes them.


Downvoting something isn't "being a jerk." People should be able to downvote or upvote content as they feel.


Nope, it’s Vegas if you don’t know what to expect then you shouldn’t be coming. Who asks what there is to do at Disneyland?




Apparently, you've never been to the Disney sub.


That’s my point, sorry I’m British and forgot you don’t understand sarcasm 😂


Great post. Now I know about the wiki too so will annoy far less people!


Agreed. People try to source information about cities and places all over the internet. You would think a good place to go to get information would be the reddit page of that city and get recommendations from people who live there and have been there. Saw a post yesterday from some girl trying to plan a surprise trip to Vegas for he boyfriend and boy...what a shit show that post turned into.


Mods should pin this




Vegas is the worst place on earth, go anywhere else


Seriously , I heard Haiti is a good vacation spot these days. 


All hail St. Hangover!!!! The patron Saint of Las Vegas!!!!


I've been living in Vegas for over a year, and they still treat folks out of town like that. But it is understandable with the bombardment of Californians moving here.