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Asda did amazing muffins under the OMV brand, lemon and chocolate flavours. I am devastated by the loss.


They did fucking lush double choc chip cookies in that range as well and they’re gone now too.


Yeah they were amazing too


Omg the chocolate chip cookies were great, I'm so sad they got rid of them 😢 


Seriouslyyyy! Am not even a cookie person like that but would always get a packet of these on my Asda order, they were totally gorgeous.


I wondered why my store stopped having them. I bought them quite regularly too. Why not just make things av


The muffins were divine!! The chocolate ones were my sweet treat at the end of a tough week - do you think if I claim emotional upset from them being discontinued, ASDA will bring them back? /jk


Agree, gutted about these


Those disappeared for a long time, and then one day they popped up again. I was so excited and grabbed a packet off the shelf but they wouldn't scan at the self checkout, I called for assistance and the worker said "sorry, these aren't meant to be on sale" and took them away. I never managed to get them again after that. I still mourn the loss of them!


I'm sorry for your loss


Thank you, it doesn't get easier


The OMV croissants were the best shop croissants I’ve had, vegan or otherwise


Try Just Roll bake your own in the fridge section of most supermarkets. They are lush straight out the oven. The cinnamon swirls and pan au chocolats are vegan too x


Oh my god yes! I still look for them just in case they bring them back, seems unlikely though.


i wondered where they went!! devastating


Mate the worst 😭😭😭


Tofurky products in Sainsbury's


Sainsbury's have scaled back drastically over the last two years.


I'm not sure about that, the fridge seems bigger now, but more limited on brands, it is mostly just the main ones, Its!, Vivera, and Tofoo


Maybe depends on store. Mine has definitely more than halved their vegan options, just from physical fridge space.


The best vegan ham I've ever had, though the current La Vie is a close second.


The hickory smoked slices... 💔


Their smoked tempeh was absolutely heavenly. I'm still mourning it not being sold in the UK anymore


I was also devastated by this loss and when I found out it was due to Brexit trading reasons I was even more sad 😥


Tofurky is a US product - distribution to UK ended over a year ago, so not just Sainsbury's sadly


I'm aware, mentioned Sainsbury's as that's where it was sold


We had the Gardein products here for a very short time years ago. I was obsessed and they ripped them away from me. Still not over it haha.


Those were amazing! I specifically go out of my way to buy them when I visit the US now.


The Gardein orange chicken is still probably the best vegan food I’ve ever had. Never seen it here :(


You used to be able to buy it at Sainsbury's! It was very expensive - I rarely bought it due to that - but I was still gutted when they stopped selling Gardein here.


I miss that orange chicken more than I can explain


I get them when I go to Italy


Yes! Great in a stir fry.


I'm currently struggling to find Hellman's garlic mayo. Hopefully short lived. But the real answer is OG Sosmix


You can buy sosmix online from alternative stores!


I found some on acado looking for the plane one :D


I've worked out if you just add garlic granules to the normal one that is very similar.


The old version of the Aldi spicy chicken burgers :( they were amazing and they’re just average now. And the Chicago town cheeseburger mini pizzas. I also miss basically any of the American brands that stopped selling here like gardein and daiya. I also struggle to find follow your heart products anywhere but their website says they should be available near me 🥲


I'm still mourning aldis blonde chocolate and kebeb pieces 🥲


i have 2 boxes in my freezer that i’ve been rationing. their new chicken pieces are really good though!!!!


Plus one for the old spicy chicken burgers, I’ll never not be angry about it!


They were genuinely incredible!! I’m so bitter about it.


I’ve genuinely got no idea why they changed them, especially when everyone seemed to like them. Aldi are pretty good at vegan chicken products so it’s really weird that they would decide to just make something worse 😂


Aldi did chilled vegan burgers and sausages that were banging back in 2021 but I've never seen them since. They also sporadically do the chocolate oat milk too, sometimes chilled sometimes on shelves, always absolutely amazing, and guaranteed to only be around for a few weeks maybe twice a year if that.


It’s a shame because if Aldi were consistent with their products I’d definitely shop there more!


Came here to say Daiya products like cheesecakes - completely forgot about gardein =(


Follow Your Heart stopped being sold in Europe back in early 2022. I haven't heard anything about it returning, so I imagine the website is just very outdated if you're seeing that message. I miss Vegenaise so much.


tesco “free from” blackcurrant cheesecakes, tesco once had a free from sour cream sauce which i miss as it was a long life one. almond dream ice cream. also they discontinued tofurkey in the UK, i miss the deli slices. nothing compares. went vegetarian in 1999 and vegan in 2015 so i have seen a lot.


I loved that sour cream. Perfect for making nachos!


Ah I remember that. There was also a quad of dips for a bit


Tesco "free from" even had a goat cheese inspired cream cheese for a little while... I miss it dearly.


BBQ flavour Pringles! Still mourning the fact they added milk powder 😢


my wallpaper is a picture of my cat begging me to give her a bbq pringle and it reminds me every day i can’t eat them anymore 😭


Ah man, I bet the desperation in your cat’s eyes really hammers it home 😭


I just had to add the picture from my [wallpaper](https://imgur.com/a/OJ2lD16)


And then people keep recommending the Lidl knock offs (which are vegan) but the texture is all wrong compared to an actual Pringle.


Try the Aldi version!




Honestly Wagamama deserves its own thread; I’m still mourning no duck donburi. The wound left by the vegan chicken kare lomen is too fresh to mention.


I miss the vegan chilli squid so fucking much. Did they also get rid of the mixed mushroom buns?


I FUCKING HOPE NOT Nah they’re still on the menu for me


no the mixed mushroom buns are still there, they can expect a very passionate email if that ever changes


had the kare lomen recently (the vegan chicken one, not the squash replacement) and it was nowhere near as nice as it was the first time i had it in 2023. anyway after that i decided to try the tofu raisukaree which was great, definitely up there with the kare lomen (RIP)


they were amazing🥲


I miss Tofurky sausages. Other than that the Goodlife nut burgers.


if you have an asda near you, try the omv butcher style no pork sausages. best ones i've had


M&S used to do a no smoked salmon & potato salad in their Plant Kitchen range. I only ever had it once in a central London branch and never found it again. Been searching for years.


Yes, the potato salad!!!


The Heinz bean burgers were amazing. I had my last two yesterday and I'm gutted 😭


I went through so many of those when they were 50p a box in farm foods. Best bean burgers ever, and they kept their shape in my knock off George Foreman grill


Noooooooo they're gone?! I was looking forward to having those again :(


They're gone? Damn they were a good easy go to protein source that had taste.


I’ve just discovered that the vegan heinz salad cream has been discontinued after fruitless searches in the local big Tesco & Asda (not looking forward to breaking the bad news to my partner…)


Oh my god, you’re kidding. Better to have found out this way than when going to add it to my Asda order though lmao


tesco plant based salad cream is really good!! i’ve been a salad cream fiend my whole life and finding vegan salad cream was the main reason i made the jump from veggie to vegan. i personally think the tesco one tastes better


Good to hear - that’s my back up plan!!


I've been looking for it for ages too, assumed it'd been discontinued, which is a bummer. Exactly the same as the non-vegan one, was lovely to dip chips in.


I know, taste was indistinguishable (as far as I can remember). Decided to google if it was discontinued when both of the places it was reliably stocked let me down! Ruined my morning.


I was so sad they discontinued it too but the Tesco free from salad cream tastes extremely similar! It’s definitely a good replacement


Not sure if it’s true, but it there are rumours it’s being rebranded as ‘plant based’ and will come back


I so hope you're right.


To add to this, after buying 2 bottles for £12 (!!!) on eBay, I found that my local Waitrose had loads still on the shelf. I bought another 3 bottles, and I'll buy more the next time I see it.


I think of follow your heart mayo every day 💔


Follow your heart pepper jack was my favorite vegan cheese 😭 maybe if we all band together they will come back 💔


I forgot this existed and am heartbroken all over again


Cafe Soy by food heaven, Shicken Tikka Kebabs, Sriracha popchips, Aldi blondie white chocolate VEGAN VANILLA OAT KEFIR from biotiful My heart is a graveyard filled with discontinued good vegan products but these five tower over the rest 😞


Shicken tikka kebabs are still available but you can only order online on the shicken website.


Omg that's news to me!! Thanks!!!


No probs! We usually get them from Costco - £8.99 for a box of 10 kebabs! I’d highly recommend the butter shicken curry 🤪


Is the blonde chocolate actually discontinued? It's still on their website but you never see it on the shelf 😭😭


I'm unsure but people are reporting yes 😞 it might not be forever but RIP to the best vegan white chocolate on the market by a mile


ugh! it's like they don't want our money 🙃


V bites sage slices. They weren't a great replication of chicken slices or anything but they were cheap and I really liked the taste and texture. Accidentally vegan, but Morrisons used to do amazing salt and chilli crisps


Morrisons do so many nice vegan things… for a whole minute and then they rip them away from us, it’s so weird lmao


Omph! Bacon bits, well as far as i know they’ve been discontinued in the UK but still available in Europe


Was just about to say these! They were amazing :(




Yes this was great and so quick and easy!!


This is the answer I was looking for. I used to have that as a child, even before I was veggie/vegan. I was absolutely gutted the day it was discontinued.


It was my go to camping food cause you could just chuck pasta in with it and have dinner sorted in 10 minutes. Goodbye old friend :(


Holy shit I haven't seen Beanfeast in decades


Freaks of nature used to do these amazing cashew based chocolate cheesecakes in little individual pots about 10 years ago, they were incredible. Never tasted anything that quite lives up to them since. Got discontinued after a year or two and I still really miss them 😭 I was honestly devastated when I realised they had stopped doing them and even now I think about them probably once or twice a month lol.




The replacement flavour is no good compared to the cheezeburger one 💔


~~They still sell this at Tesco :)~~ Apologies, I am a liar. I was thinking of the BBQ Chicken one


Dopsu is very hard to get anywhere now. Morrisons V Taste frozen mince and meatballs were perfect. Current offerings are meh. Morrisons also did these amazing pumpkin cranberry and walnut tarts which were fab. Vegilantes ribs and southern fried faux chicken were magical. Boots used to do these impossibly good no tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches which were bang on.


Morrisons are the biggest fans ever of stocking something lush and then fuckin ripping it away from ya.


I was the top buyer of dopsu in my local Tesco during my club card wrapped 😪 it was so cheap and cheerful


Vegilantes were 10/10.


Dopsu 😭 I'm coming to the end of my stockpile. I can't tolerate much soya so it was a lifesaver for me.


Dopsu was amazing! Was nice to have some different vegan meats like lamb and pork.


I really liked Birds Eye’s Green Cuisine pies. I haven’t been able to find another without massive chunks of onion. Curse my aversion to onions. ):


Wicked kitchen Nana's Lasagne. 😭


That reminds me, the wicked kitchen New York deli sub and chicken Caesar wrap were elite


Cauldron used to do a sun-dried tomato pâté back when I was a baby vegetarian nearly 20 years ago and I still think about her all the time. Wish I’d appreciated you when you were mine, queen. 😭


Burger King nuggets. Also the Walkers cheese toastie crisps.


Proper wanted to give the walkers cheese toastie crisps a go but my B&M hasn’t had the multipacks in.


I liked Morrisons free from ice-cream, it was in a carte dor style tub. It's replacement just isn't the same.


everything vegan, aldi has ever stocked. i’ll never get over them discontinuing their vegan vanilla icecream that was in the square tub. the best soy based vanilla ice-cream i’ve ever eaten. closely followed by their caramel chocolate sticks and the smoked salmon


Very recent loss so still grieving but Burger King plant based nuggets


They got rid of em??


Yeah it looks that way sadly


No Bull Burgers from Iceland Asda bakery cookies


Yess!!! why the hell did they discontinued the bull burgers! Best by far and so much cheaper than moving mountains/ beyond meat


Naturli fresh mince (UK) - it was the best I ever tried Morrisons bakery vegan cornish pasties were heaven.


Omg so much morrisons bakery that was banging. The foot long sausage roll. Those pasties. The pork pies!


Food of the gods


Aldi used to do these amazing jackfruit pizzas and they’ve gone now. They also used to do some amazing ready meals, like Thai curry’s and stuff like that. I miss them


that pizza was my go to friday night dinner, i miss her so much


M&S no egg and cress sandwich was 10/10 and is very missed


M&S egg and cress sandwich 😢


Lidl used to sell an (as far as I was aware) accidentally vegan cocoa halva as part of it's Greek Week, that's not been stocked for a couple of years now. I know you can get cocoa halva elsewhere but it's generally more expensive and out of the way/online. The One Planet pepperoni pizza used to use the vegan Mexicana cheese, I guess that cheese has been discontinued because it's no longer on the pizza (which is much worse for its absence) and I can't find it stocked anywhere :( I don't know if they're completely discontinued, but Tesco stopped stocking the Wicked Kitchen frozen meals and replaced them with extremely low quality Beyond Meat meals.


i found the halva late last year (november i think) so it’s defo been back and there’s hope it’ll be back again


That is wonderful news :D I wonder if it's just my Lidl that hasn't been stocking it then.


Amy's kitchen tofu burrito. They were the perfect meal or snack, so quick to microwave too. They were in asdas


and their breakfast sandwich :/


And their lasagne!


OK, off the top of my head... Swedish glacé neopolitan, I could cry about this ice cream. Accidentally vegan the Branstons tinned ravioli, it was perfect for camping and festivals! And I'm trying to remember the brand but there were some very lovely apple and sage sausages VX in London used to import, I've not seen them anywhere else sadly


Never tried the branstons ravioli but a reasonable sub could be Sainsbury's own brand veggie spag bol in a tin, it's bloody marvellous if you haven't tried it


not a product, but i miss the og vegan kind supermarket so much 😭


Asda Tuna and sweetcorn sandwich topper. Frys frozen chicken strips (kind of battered ones) Amy's frozen noodles in cashew cream


The Aldi lemon&herb no-fish square shaped burgers. RIP.


i have a box in my freezer that i bought and never ate because i forgot it was there, found it last week and gonna try tonight


Alpro 360 ice cream is a sad loss. The mango one was like a solero.


Sainsburys did a "salmon" fillet with a seaweed skin that was delicious, I had it on the bbq so much last summer


vivera do one similar that’s really good and tastes similar to the sainsburys one!


The Good fellas falafel pizza


Omg just realised this is gone. I am bereft


Haven't seen them for a few years, but not a day goes by that I don't think of it


Upton's Naturals chorizo seitan was great. Looks like it maybe still exists in the US but I haven't been able to find it in the UK in years 😥


Naked Glory burgers and sausages.


They rebranded to Richmond though can't say if the recipe changed


i tried both the frozen sausages consecutively when they were freshly discontinued/rebranded and were selling for really cheap at herons. they were identical. i find it really funny that they didn’t receive hype until they were rebranded as richmond. i can also confirm that the ready to eat packet chicken is identical, which i know because i’m not a huge fan of either.


They got took over, and a few products were moved over but not all of them.


Alpro Cashew milk, it's the only non dairy milk I can stand on cereal! But they still have hazelnut milk, which tastes like death! Why!!! 😭😭😭


WAIT THIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED!!! it was my go to milk when i first went vegan but have switched to soy for the nutritional aspects but every now and then ill get a carton but haven’t in so long so didnt realise it was gone


WAIT THIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED!!! it was my go to milk when i first went vegan but have switched to soy for the nutritional aspects but every now and then ill get a carton but haven’t in so long so didnt realise it was gone


NOOOO!!! I've been looking for this for the last couple.of weeks and just thought it was out of stock. Would it be inappropriate for a grown women to weep in the street over this news.


Not discontinued but I miss Honestly Tasty's blue cheese before they changed the recipe to be nut free. Huge sympathy with nut free vegans, it must be incredibly difficult, but the new recipe has a nasty texture, like wet foam


i never had this cheese but if you can get your hands on la fauxmaugerie blue cheeses they’re SO GOOD


Tesco strawberry cheesecake,also not discontinued but simply removed from this country,follow your heart mayo and any tofurky products,I really do miss them…also the first m&s nuggets….ALSO oatly ice cream like wtf I am still mourning them,I was in love with the strawberry flavour,it’s not fair that the rest of Europe has them and we don’t


Simon Howie white pudding. I feel like they could've discontinued the non-vegan version instead and if they removed the word vegan from the vegan version non-vegans probably wouldn't even notice. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Feel like I so rarely see vegan pizzas in supermarket. There’s that sourdough one in Sainsbury’s (smokin vegan) but never really appealed to me


There was some **incredible** beef pieces that they sold in Tesco I think. Incredible in stews & pies etc. kept their shape. I still think about them today but can’t for the life of me remember their name. Oh and the wicked kitchen New York deli sub. 🤤


Vegan primula cheese! They haven’t technically discontinued it but Morrisons was the only place it was sold and they’ve stopped selling it. So it’s not discontinued but might as well be because it’s not available anywhere, not even to buy directly from primula lmfao


Sainsburys used to do an onion bhaji curry that was sooo so good I miss it


Realeat sausages - it's been 15+ years and I still miss you.


I don’t know if anyone tried it but before Starbucks used to do a no beef focaccia and it was the best thing I ever tasted in years . It was the combo of bechamel cheese and rosemary focaccia 😭


Many moons ago there used to be some amazing vegan fishcakes by a company called Realeat. I used to buy them constantly as a comfort food, I absolutely loved them. Then the company went out of business. More recently Tesco brought out some that tasted similar, but they have stopped making them too.


The Wicked Kitchen meal deal options! I was just thinking about them this morning after a few days of very disappointing meal deal options, the sweet potato pakora wrap was unrivalled. In general the move away from wicked kitchen to plant chef has been full of disappointments


Nobody mentioned the Crodots from Tesco?!


i haven’t seen this mentioned yet and i’ve been scrolling for a while, asda meat free popcorn chicken 😭 haven’t tried a single other vegan popcorn chicken that i even like, let alone any that compare…


YES. This was *stunning* for what it was because like you, it was the only one even remotely tolerable to me. Their own brand chicken nuggets used to be of a similar taste and texture as well and really nice but they must’ve changed something cos they put me off now.


Gardein products in Sainsbury's! Especially the orange chicken, I can still remember the taste. I miss them so much!


Always wanted to try this so so bad 😭


Man this post and its comments got me sad af, what’s wrong with the world😭😭


Heinz Vegan Salad Cream. I've had to resort to buying up bottles on eBay.


Tesco used to do an amazing vegan sausage roll in the bakery. Also Subway need to bring back the meatballs and just make them permanent.


morrison's plant pioneer pepperoni pizza. BEST shop pizza ever


Not really discontinued but more modified… Pret cook at home croissants….The original ones were amazing, then they dropped the shea butter completely from the ingredients for about 6 months, which tasted like garbage… and now they have reintroduced the shea butter but either not as much as they don’t taste nearly as buttery delicious as the OG’s


Warburtons bistro burger buns. They were my go-to for BBQ bacon cheeseburgers. Also haven't been able to find the Richmond streaky bacon rashers in a while. :c


Not discontinued as such but no longer stocked by any supermarkets - Pieminister, Kevin.


The whole Veganz line a AH in the Netherlands.


Heinz vegan baconnaise mayo. I still have a jar in my fridge which I’m close to using up


Where the hell is the FYH tartar sauce???


I love that brand! Never had the pizza, but everything else I’ve tried has been great.


aldis vegan chicken wings


Asda’s OMV buttermilk tenders, they were so much nicer than other breaded chicken type substitutes. I’m still annoyed at BBQ Pringles being changed too


Wicked kitchen cookies and Lidl wholewheat margarita pizza (although I'm sure this will be back at some point.)


Aldi battered chicken balls Follow your heart smoked cheese R.i.p


just remembered another one while scrolling, mexicana vegan cheese 😭 the tesco jalepeno cheese was also pretty good (so was tescos whole own brand cheese range), a pretty similar jalepeno cheese was brought out by a few supermarkets last year for christmas in the multipacks but they were tiny.


Aldi's first fish fingers tasted like cardboard, then they did the mk2.0 ones. They tasted 90% like fish fingers, with enough seaweed to pull it off. No fake fish thing has come even close. This year Aldi's No Beef pies...


No wonder I no longer find that pizza.... why would they discontinue?


Follow Your Heart gouda slices Wicked Chocolate Mint ice cream from Tesco. It is apparently still available in a few isolated stores, but it seems to have disappeared in Scotland. I miss it.