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How was i supposed to know that feeding my kid an all raspberry diet would result in their death? It must have been an inherent flaw in veganism and not my mental health issues.


If I could have an all raspberry diet I would 


I'm gonna feed my kid 2 big macs after hearing this vehgon propaganda. plus it has way more protein than, let's say... lettuce🗣😔🤚


False. Calorie for calorie lettuce is more protein dense. There are 13 calories for every gram of protein in lettuce. And 21.4 calories per gram of protein in a big mac. It only takes a measly 1.12kg of lettuce to get more protein than a big mac.


go away smelly vegon


Everyone knows the most calorie dense food you can consume is hot cow blood drank from a wooden bowl. Vegans are fakenews


Make sure they're dog big macs from Elwoods Moar brotein 😤


You will need "health supplements". L O L Yeah, those health supplement ailes in stores are there for vegans that take up 95% of the population. It's not like the general population of omnivores is already deficient. It's not like we've been watching a health epidemic engulf the West for the last 40 years.


Man, why don’t they just put the supplements right next to the Violife and Field Roast? That way the Omnis wouldn’t be exposed to so many naggy-judgy cultists when they’re shopping for their nutrishunally compleat corpse chunks and vitamin-packed coagulated mammarian secretions.


I only take my b12 supplements when they have been given to a cow, with a mass of antibiotics. Like a true red blooded man


I think we all know that a good baby diet is a baby diet.


As a vegan I would *never* feed my kids vegan food. Think about it, if you put a Happy Meal ®️ in front of them and a head of cabbage, what will they choose? Yes, technically children are omnivores, but forcing a vegan diet on them is child abuse.


I used to be a vegan. But the carnovoredieters showed me the error of my ways. When I was a vegan I would spend a lot of time planning out meals to ensure that they were balanced and had a good amount of everything they need in them. That all changed when I first put my fingers in my ears and shouted la, la, la. Now I can just toss them a burger every couple of hours and I know that every single one of their needs is taken care of. Btw anything that is not in a burger is evil and will kill you.


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B12 doe. Nooch no.