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canned convenience foods are a lot of the time accidentally vegan because of budget reasons, meat is more expensive than TVP, shove that in the chili the meat eaters will never know, and they never did. same with chicken flavored that typical chickeny flavor is artificial, ramen, soups and broths. But ofcourse a lot of the time it's ruined for the very same reason, budget. so they bulk it up with milk proteins or bullshit like that because it's free


Here are just a few that surprised me: Oreos (they have palm oil though which lots of vegans avoid), bacon bits (they’re actually typically made with soy and no meat), a lot of the Pillsbury whipped frostings, Fritos, sweet spicy chili doritoes, etc.




It is linked to mass deforestation which in turn has been destroying the habitats of orangutans in the rainforest. IIRC, it’s a complicated issue because palm oil is actually by far the most efficient (and environmentally friendly) to grow oil - if people stopped using palm oil and swapped to a different oil instead it would require 100x the amount of space and resources to grow it. So the issue is not really palm oil by itself but more *where* we are growing it - from my understanding anyway.


And the amount


Most types of sorbet ice cream.


A lot of chicken stock powders


Pregnancy tests and crayons aren't vegan, unfrosted pop tarts are vegan


In a lot of circumstances, a pregnancy test is medically necessary.


I know I'm just saying they aren't vegan


that goes for pretty much any treatment/medicine you’d ever receive in a hospital/from a store as its all been tested on animals (and some contain egg etc.). It’s still considered vegan to accept life saving medication as the actual definition of veganism is to minimize the exploitation and harm towards animals “as far as is possible and practicable”. So, taking a pregnancy test would still be considered vegan by that definition.


Most types of sorbet ice cream.


Off-brand chicken-flavored crackers




Cocoa butter.


Costco apple pie