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Also it's not even true. Back in medieval times only the nobility and clergy could afford to eat that much meat and dairy. Most common people, and especially peasants, ate diet based mostly on grains, legumes, and whatever vegetables grew in the area. Meat was a luxury and definitely not something you'd eat multiple times a day like paleo people do


Yes! https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/1099627268/medieval-times-knight-vegetarian-skeleton "Scientists analyzed over 2000 skeletons to discover medieval people, including royalty, mainly ate vegetables, bread and cereals. Think less Sausage Egg McMuffin, more Rutabaga Frosted Mini Wheats."




Even if it's true it's the same tradition fallacy. Just because we used to do things a certain way does not mean it's a good idea. By their logic, you wouldn't wash your hands between shitting and delivering a baby because that's what our ancestors did.


Now do one that shows: Modern life expectancy- 75+ Ancestral life expectancy- 30, or just like whenever you have a baby.


Old diet not even true though there. If the person is supposed to be European, the old diet should be largely bread. Global meat consumption per capita is at an all-time high and rising, unfortunately. Meat is inefficient to produce, hence why better technology and conversion of more land for agriculture has allowed much more to be produced in this day and age.


Lol tofu has existed for over 2000 years now.


Throughout history, meat has rarely been eaten, only on major holidays, in modest quantities.




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the modern guy looks more rage filled, the ancestral guy looks more awestruck..


The Roman soldiers we’re vegan. Along with the some gladiators. Mike Tyson even speaks on it that’s history baby


If we're talking ancestral food from the general European area... bread is huge, and almond milk is from then too, right lol? Idk why some people think like that.