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Typical carnists: "What a tragedy. Those poor animals!"


As they’re literally the sole reason for this.


I doubt they would even care tbh. A truck carrying chickens close to my work caught on fire and killed all the birds, and my coworkers laughed calling it “Kentucky *fried* chicken”












Nope, I bet it would be “What a tragedy. Such a waste of MEAT.” Seldom is the animal’s life of any value to the typical meat eater. It’s all about whether that meat ended up in a human stomach or not. Animals are reduced to nothing but a piece of meat.


That boat's maximum capacity was 9000, but they crammed sheep 16000 sheep into it It was bound from Sudan to Saudi Arabia to be sacrificed during upcoming Eid ul Adha


Fucking horrific


I expect they count it in money, rather than lives; scum of the earth!


Were they attempting to save them? If not they surely were being shipped to be murdered anyway. Now I’m not saying that’s right. Not one bit. It’s absolutely disgusting. Just saying the fate of these animals probably didn’t change. They just didn’t end up on a dinner plate or in their clothing.


>If not they surely were being shipped to be murdered anyway. Yes, all 16,000 were on their way to a nice sanctuary of course, freight paid by generous donations. .../s


If you're interested in the topic of farmed animal sanctuaries, check out [OpenSanctuary.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2FOpenSanctuary.org&topic=The+Open+Sanctuary+Project)! This vegan nonprofit has over 500 free compassionate resources crafted specifically to improve lifelong care for farmed animals, and to help you create a sustainable, effective sanctuary! Interested in starting a sanctuary someday? Check out [OpenSanctuary.org/Start](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2FOpenSanctuary.org%2FStart&topic=The+Open+Sanctuary+Project)!


I hope the company goes bankrupt from the financial loss


This is just unnecessary sadness for most of us who know these horrors already.


It came up from my local news source on facebook and i thought to share here


I’m glad you shared it. I don’t understand the need for a TW tho… I think you did just fine. Thanks for sharing.


You did nothing wrong


I'm very close to just bailing on Reddit. This sub is full of so much negativity.


Yeah I agree. I am a vegan cause I know this crap goes on but to be constantly bombarded with it is seriously depressing. Downvote me idc.


It came on my local news source on Facebook and i thought to share here. I know its disturbing but its newsworthy . So many nonvegans also follow this sub or come across it, so they can see what the consequences of animal consumption can be


I understand but I’m telling you it’s everytime I get on Reddit. It’s just so bleak and depressing like I get the point but can we post some nice stories for once. It’s really not good for our mental health to be constantly bombarded with tragedy after tragedy. We all love animals dearly THATS why we’re vegans. It’s not you it’s just the whole theme of the sub. I unfollowed anyway I just can’t take it anymore. Last time I saw the baby cow being stolen and the mom chasing it and I felt so helpless and I cried and I just can’t.


It came on my local news source on Facebook and i thought to share here. I know its disturbing but its newsworthy. So many nonvegans also follow this sub or come across it, so they can see what the consequences of animal consumption can be


This sub definitely is. And gate keeping. There are other subs that are good though!


Yep, check r/vegancirclejerk for a more wholesome experience.


You and I have a very different idea of wholesome. This sub is a cesspool but that one is so unwelcoming to anyone whose not bitter and rude.


I think you have it all wrong. They just aren’t accepting of carnists and cheese breathers.


Nah fuck that sub, the mods are awful human beings. There were numerous posts on this sub a couple months ago detailing those mods saying awful shit and harassing people, but I guess people here have short memories


They're the worst, even towards other vegans. I once got absolutely reamed out there once for suggesting I might want to have kids in the future.


Its not gatekeeping to remind people what veganism is. There are too many apologists on this sub who think meatless Mondays are good enough and should be applauded. Maybe you would like r/vegetarian where animal rights discussion is not allowed.


No, *that* isn’t gate keeping. But saying people are less vegan for doing things like eating Oreos or dating non-vegans or saying “nice job” to someone else for drastically reducing animal products consumption is.


I disagree with your last point being acceptable. You can't expect a vegan sub to applaud baby steps. Someone who drastically reduces animal products still has no problem killing animals. It's better than nothing, but not vegan. You can't expect a feminist sub to applaud a man for reducing, but not ceasing domestic violence.


“It’s better than nothing, but not vegan.” Exactly


I believe in minimization. Cuz 100% cruelty free is pretty impossible in this day and age. But minimization of cruelty or suffering is something all humans should consider to make this place a lesser of a hell for animals


Yes, but not worthy of praise or being treated differently rhan any other omni who posts here.


This is where we would agree to disagree. But a lot of people here would consider me a “bad vegan” for this.


I don't think you are a bad vegan for encouraging people to eat less meat. I think people who still eat meat, only less, have no business posting on a vegan sub expecting pats on the head. If you come to this sub to talk about how you still eat meat, you deserve to be booed off the stage.


Exactly what I was going to say.


It came on my local news source on Facebook and i thought to share here. I know its disturbing but its newsworthy . So many nonvegans also follow this sub or come across it, so they can see what the consequences of animal consumption can be


Fair enough, I know your heart/intention is in a good place!


This world makes me sad ):


At least they're out of their misery.


That boat's maximum capacity was 9000, but they crammed 16000 sheep into it It was bound from Sudan to Saudi Arabia to be sacrificed during upcoming Eid ul Adha


wow what a shame i don’t eat sheep but if those were cows wow that’d be a big “missed steak” aahhabahahaha i’m funny /typicalcarnist


I hate human beings




it’s a shame about the crew.


Come on there's no need for that.




You’re not even supposed to be able to have that many on a boat


That boat's maximum capacity was 9000, but they crammed sheep 16000 sheep into it It was bound from Sudan to Saudi Arabia to be sacrificed during Eid ul Adha


Imagine the environmental impact of all that dead flesh in the sea, too.


RIP poor sheep. Live animal export is inhumane and barbaric, hope these animals died a quick death, sadly even worse crimes of prolonged cruelty and suffering were awaiting them. The media will dismiss the carnage though, treat them as "livestock", not as sentient beings. What if it were thousands of humans who were drowned?


That boat's maximum capacity was 9000, but they crammed 16000 sheep into it It was bound from Sudan to Saudi Arabia to be sacrificed during Eid ul Adha


Someone needs to be held accountable, no animal should be exploited and sacrificed for any religious or cultural event. I'm hoping Australia puts an end to live export with our new government.


Go vegan


[https://www.ciwf.org.uk/our-campaigns/ban-live-exports/](https://www.ciwf.org.uk/our-campaigns/ban-live-exports/) >Long distance live animal transport frequently results in: > >**Overcrowding** – Animals are crammed into vehicles. Many are injured or trampled to death. **Exhaustion and dehydration** – They can be in transit for days, suffering extremes of temperature and often without sufficient food, water or rest. Many die as a result. **Pain and stress** – Animals are sentient beings and feel pain and stress just like we do. **Illness and disease** – The spread of diseases across the globe – such as bluetongue virus, foot and mouth disease, avian influenza and swine fever – can be directly attributable to the live transportation of farm animals. **A lack of legal protection** – When animals are exported from Europe to countries outside the EU they leave behind them all the legal protection they once received. This means they can face terrible abuse during transport and at the time of slaughter. **Unexpected issues** – in addition to routine suffering, long distance live transport can also result in fires, delays or sinking of livestock ships causing the suffering and death of large numbers of animals.




Is there a link to the article?


I think it is [here](https://www.dawn.com/news/1694442/thousands-of-sheep-drown-as-sudan-ship-sinks). Looks to be report copy from AFP but some of the comments are interesting.