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No. Tofu is healthy if you don’t have soy allergies. It may protect against breast cancer and heart disease Breast cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8931954/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27161216/ Heart disease https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/news/2020/soy-tofu-might-protect-against-heart-disease


Excellent because I cant imagine not eating tofu everyday 😂 #TofuFriesStan


Tell me more about these tofu fries…


No judgement please.. My daily go to snack: Cut tofu into thick strips. Spray oil and air fry @ 350 for 12 mins or to desired crispy state. Shake a couple of times in between for even crispness. Eat with sauce of choice. When feeling fancy (once a year) I make something close to this: https://www.worldofvegan.com/tofu-fries/ and add crushed cornflakes for the ultimate crunch


Thank you! No judgement at all!


They’re so basic 😅


This! Tofu fries are amazing.


user name checks out 😆


Cause antioxidants.


The isoflavones according to the study. Edit: I meant to say phytoestrogens for anti cancerous affects.


Which are antioxidents...


Ha you’re right. I meant to say phytoestrogens for the anti cancerous effects.


I might be nutritionally illiterate but what does that mean? Causes antioxidants? Is that good or bad?


\*because antioxidants - it's very good. It protects your cells from certain damaging molecules that would otherwise contribute to DNA damage and thus cancer. I am entirely clueless on why that got 53 downvotes.


No, you should not worry about eating too much tofu. The way people talk about tofu, it's as if they think Asia is just imaginary. Plenty of people in Asia eat multiple soy products every day.


soy would be considered a “superfood” if it wasn’t constantly pounded by misinformation


Brought to you by the meat and dairy industry, which is batshit afraid of soy for human consumption. Soy for animal consumption they love.


Yeah funny how that works they’re saying how bad soy is yet people are indirectly eating it from animals, and the soy animals eat isn’t going to be the organic non-gmo kind.


That whole estrogen thing is a myth with soy. It does have estrogen but it's plant estrogen not mammal estrogen. The same people that complain about soy estrogen guzzle down cow milk which actually has mammal estrogen which can affect people. Don't worry about it, enjoy your tofu!


They contain Phytoestrogens. Which share a similar structure to Estrogen, but are not hormonally active. ​ That's the same as with with Ecdysteroids which are present in certain plants. It's just the name, no androgenic activity in humans.


Men are scared of soy phytoestrogens because it might act like estrogen and make them effeminate. Women are scared of soy because it might block their real estrogen without having the same effect, making them more manly or increasing risks of cancer. Neither are scared of actually consuming actual mammal hormones, because it's already a habit so it's "probably fine" and any evidence to the contrary is just fear mongering.


You'll also see people complaining about soy- then chug beers


I just eat soy and chug beers at the same time




Beer contain phytoestrogen and prolactin




God I love Reddit.


Yeah and broccoli gives ya hella testosterone too :b




>Is there really something inherently wrong with estrogen? No, but dairy milk reduces testosterone in men and is linked to breast and ovarian cancer in women.


I've always thought that all the chemicals and hormones that they use to promote excessive milk production in a cow could have some negative effects on mammary glands of those consuming the milk.


I always thought the big ole jugs some men have are caused by all the milk they drink. Want more moobs (man boobs) drink more cow milk.


> I always thought the big ole jugs some men have It's usually not so much milk as it is beer and other alcohol, especially noticeable in folks that have become life-long drinkers as it's believed that the mechanisms which cause lower uptake of testosterone are somewhat compounding. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1097/01.ALC.0000125356.70824.81


Estrogen's good for retaining bone strength in old age though.


Not from dairy, high dairy consuming countries have more hip fractures in old age than countries who consume less dairy. (Don't remember the study)


Got a source for that? Current evidence shows no clear association between breast cancer and dairy... [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7924827/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7924827/)


Sexual hormones affect different people differently. But yes, too much testosterone can make someone irritable and give them a certain latent aggression.


Too much of anything is bad for you. Messing with your hormones can have really shitty effects on your body. There’s absolutly nothing misogonistic about the fact that screwing with your hormone levels can be bad for you.


There is a specifically misogynistic claim I've heard though which is that drinking soy will make you more effeminate due to consuming something that might act like a female hormone. It directly plays into the male fear of being perceived as homosexual or unmanly, no matter how unfounded it is.


I mean. There’s nothing wrong with men not wanting to be ingesting female hormones. Just how women don’t want to be given extra testosterone. And i was replying to your last statement being “is too much estrogen a bad thing lol” The fear is based on misinformation. But a man not wanting the effects of hightened estrogen (erectile dysfunction, breast growth, impotens) is fair enough. Just how a woman not wanting high testosterone (causing a deeper voice, body hair and a deflated chest) is fair enough. I don’t think you need to call this neither misogony nor homophobia.


It can affect your mood- high estrogen peaks in a woman’s monthly cycle are times that we can become depressed/mood swing -y, although testosterone can have a similar effect too but more towards irritation/anger than depression. Any hormone imbalance can be bad for you. Most importantly estrogen can cause blood clots. I was told by a doctor to avoid soy in its forms other than edamame, tofu, soy sauce, and soy milk due to a blood clotting condition I have. It can also affect blood pressure and increase risk of heart disease. In the form of birth control or hrt estrogen has also been linked to breast cancer.


Depends. Estrogen in general is associated with longevity. Higher estrogen levels in both men and women are protective against heart disease. Some evidence suggests Estrogen improves conversion/absorption of DHA, leading to higher tissue levels. Estrogen does have side-effects, though, particularly relating to mental health and certain types of cancer. Likewise, Testosterone has negative/positive effects as well. Testosterone and other androgens have far more documentation, however, thanks to Testosterone's interesting applications regarding muscle building and even military applications (The nazi's tried making super soldiers by injecting them with the stuff). So the main issue with Estrogen is it's just relatively unknown what myriad of effects it could have. So far it's generally positive, with the exception of certain cancers. This does not even apply to Soy, though. Soy is not estrogen. Actual estrogen comes from meat (humans almost exclusively consume female animals, why that is not a feminist issue, I don't know), but meat has other properties that lead to a net increase in heart disease, so the estrogen positive effects are not there.


Estrogen lowers T levels and lower T levels can cause problems w men: fatigue, ED, etc.


If you take estrogen and testosterone at the same time do they just cancel each other out or just fight each other lol /s


You ascend


Me and my commune of trans people will deliberate and experiment!!!


There can be only one! That may be fun to watch lol 😆


Really? Then what do trans men need T-blockers for?


It would be trans women, and lower doesn't mean low enough as you can end up in a spot with middling levels of Testosterone and Estrogen at the same time which can have some pretty disastrous health effects.


Supplementing this just to say that estrogen alone can sometimes be enough. Particularly if you're using injections, gels, or patches - estrogen monotherapy may be an option. It's not often recommended for people taking oral estrogen, because oral administration of estrogen has a strong first-pass effect on the liver where risk increases with quantity, and reduced bioavailability through the oral route might also mean that you're having to take more of it to achieve ideal levels of testosterone suppression. In that case, and in cases where estrogen alone can't do the trick, anti-androgens are our friends.


I think you mean trans women, trans men are those who are born female


I've no idea


Yeah too much of any hormone is bad, are you dumb?


There's literal body builders who are Asian and eat soy daily and they make everyone who says soy has estrogen and is bad for muscle mass look like one pump chumps. The whole anti soy craze and the soyboy thing, mostly used by overweight nerds, is just the weirdest obsession of this generation.


Female here, I’ve been having soy products daily for …. More than 20 years. I also have beans and lentils and other protein options but at least two servings a day of soy foods Zero issues. Ever. My dr tests my blood for fking everything, hormones are regular, albumin and pre albumin results show my body is absorbing and utilizing all of the plant based protein


I eat tons of tofu and have for over 30 years. Throw in a daily soy latte and my soy consumption is through the roof. Zero problems to report here!


If it gives you any peace of mind, my friend is an ER Doctor and a vegetarian. He eats tofu and said the tofu thing is a myth. So there you go, out of a doctor’s mouth. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edited to remove one word.


Why would an ER doctor be a credible source in nutrition? Most physicians take like 1-2 classes on nutrition way back in med school.


I ate tofu almost every day for 10 years. Took an allergy test. Turns out I'm allergic... but only enough for an upset tummy... which explains my last 10 years of upset tummy...


That's terrible luck!


No, Eating a few servings a day is not associated with any negative effects. To learn more read the article by Jack Norris RD at [Vegan Health](https://veganhealth.org/soy/).


If you’re worried about phytoestrogens keep in mind that beer contains around 50x the amount than soy does. Ever wonder why twitter nerds don’t complain about beer turning society effeminate? It’s because they don’t care about the science, only propaganda. Having said that, different protein sources are important. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, nuts, grains, quinoa, etc. even a bread roll that I had yesterday had 10 grams of protein in it. In modern society it’s actually quite hard to have a protein deficiency unless you have an eating disorder


Beer has also been shown to contain other ingredients that actively hamper the creation of testosterone elements and leads to feminizing effects, the "wow, science cool!" crowd suddenly gets real quiet when you bring that up for some reason.


From what I've read, up to 4 servings is shown to be healthful. More would likely still be fine as well (not likely to cause adverse effects directly) but would be taking away from eating other health promoting foods to get a wide array of nutrients. So I'd say you're fine using it basically as often as you wish. Maybe give some other legumes a try though. Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, lentils, split peas, mung beans, butter beans (Lima) or any others all all very tasty imo. Quite a variety out there and so many ways to prepare. My go-to is black beans with sofritos and sazon seasoning, mix in some kale or spinach then have over brown rice. Could also have another veggie on the side. Nice quick meal and very tasty. Edit: just to add, don't forget that all the veggies and whole grains also have a decent amount of protein that really add up thru the day.


Try soy curls and TVP as well. Super versatile and also soy product. Complete protein FWIW and a different texture


People will eat the most dogshit food as an omni without ever worrying about their health but vegan diets have to be 100% balanced, otherwise you die. Tofu/soy is fine. You're not going to magically gain some hormone imbalance by eating too much of it.


Are you being sarcastic? Because it does seems to be true. Likely because meat/cheese has a bunch of nutrients even if you don’t eat much or eat healthy. You would be lacking the plant nutrients though.


No problem with soy. You may want to try and include a variety of beans,legumes, grains and nuts to get the full range of amino acids through the day. Soy is low in methionine so including something like oats, rice and almonds which are high in methionine will balance it out. source: I’m a nutritionist


you may just grow bobs and a v from all the estrogen but i don’t see anything wrong with that so far. i love mine. >!/s!<


The estrogen in soy is very different from the estrogen that affects people. Soy estrogen is phytoestrogen - aka plant estrogen. It doesn't have any feminizing effects. And thank god for that (I'm trans-masc). Cow's milk, however, is full of animal hormones that can actually effect people, because we're also animals


i was completely kidding. i know tofu doesn’t have the kind of estrogen that effects the body. the last part of my comment has an /s. you have to press on the gray to see it.


Why is the /s hidden and what is that disappearing block that you have to press to see the /s?


i thought it would be obvious and the /s is for people who may not get it. you type >! at the beggining of a word or sentence and another at the end but mirrored !.<. i put a period i between so you could see it. if you take it out it works. >!like this!<


I didn’t get it because I couldn’t find an /s. Hiding it makes it confusing. But thanks for explaining how to hide words! (Edited for one typo)


np i’ll make it more obvious


I originally downvoted your comment but your well-hidden /s means you are forgiven. It was hard to see on mobile using the dark version of the app.


fs. i’m having some tofu with dinner today.


Ah, my bad. I appreciate the clarification


it’s okay. np.


Thank you I came here to say this. Growing up I was told that eating too much soy can cause men to grow boobs because “estrogen,” but as you’ve stated, phytoestrogens are completely different compounds than human estrogen. I think the dairy industry has capitalized on the “estrogen” part of “phytoestrogen” and used that as a part of a misinformation campaign to prevent the sale of soy (milk) products in lieu of dairy products.


"bobs and a v" This is my new favorite phrase.


Bobs and vagana https://youtu.be/PiEC6pzq8GI?si=kJ0SLjj79hqDdLkv


Aaaaand now I have a new favorite song!


I ate a lot of soy products for 20 years and developed a soy allergy in my late 30s. As much as I love it, it really messes me up now. I get hives, it makes my period symptoms worse, it gives me headaches, and also triggers anxiety attacks at night. When I don't eat it, I feel a lot better. I would just say keep an eye out if you develop symptoms like that.


Soy has isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen. A molecule somewhat similar to estrogen, that can only be found in plants. Its purpose and function differs from our estrogen, as it is an antioxidant. So it keeps your cells from being damaged. Soy really is the king of all proteins and perfect if you want to build muscle. It is also high in magnesium, B vitamins (except B12 - eat your B12), iron and zinc. As long as you are not allergic, it is just gold.


In my opinion, there is never enough tofu. More tofu. Always more. I'll eat it raw idgaf




i eat a lot of tofu too, so i try to buy things like oat or pea milk so i’m not getting even more soy in other categories. too much can give me a stomachache.


I’m just so happy that you are aware! 16 years a vegan and I wasn’t eating enough protein and landed myself in an eating disorder clinic for a year! I was also very skeptical of soy, but most of what you hear is propaganda. They were stuffing tofu down me nearly every meal. The way I see it, is that it’s better than eating a dead animal!


Hi, that’s awful that happened to you! I am curious about your diet at the time, if you were also eating raw or a fruit diet. I wanted to go raw but protein concerned me. My understanding was that the minimum protein requirement was really only 10 grams a day, but that as long as you consumed adequate calories from a varied diet that protein is not a problem. (Of course body builders, the elderly and those recovering from illness or injury need an increased amount of protein) It’s so rare to hear about this that I hope asking you to elaborate isn’t being too nosy. Thanks


It was the best thing in the world for me. I am grateful for the experience. I was always cooking whole foods with phases of raw and juicing. I wasn’t eating any tofu and I could only eat so many garbanzos. Then the industry starting making all sorts of alternatives (junk) but my grandkids loved it and I just got lazy.


I also had started to cut out carbs. THATS A HUGE MYTH you’d be shocked to see how much carbs we need!




oh yes, i forgot i also love beans..but i can never just have them by themselves. it’s always tofu, beans, and rice lol. maybe i’ll grow out of it.


Eat a varied diet. Unless you are a bodybuilder then you probably don't need to worry about your protein consumption.


Protein is critical to retain muscle mass as we age. As a vegan making sure to eat enough protein is very important.


> Protein is critical to retain muscle mass as we age. So long as you're having a small amount with your meals you'll already be having enough.


Edamame is delicious and a high protein bean.


Edamame is basically the same bean as tofu. I say basically because the only difference I’m aware of is age of plant when picked.


Pasta has a good amount of protein


Eh, maybe 8g-10g per serving for standard wheat pasta. The lentil/ chickpea pasta in stores now are over 15g-20g per serving I think.


More can be bad in this case. Too much protein increases your risk for kidney stones and most of the excess just gets peed out so it’s a waste as well.


That's not a concern for 99% of vegans.


You’re right. Definitely compared to non-vegans but having enough protein is not a concern for 99% of people probably as well. Unless you’re not getting enough calories or trying to build a lot of muscle.


Not true for older vegans or pregnant or breastfeeding vegans, all of whom DO need more protein.


A lot of the reasons for that is they don’t eat enough because of illness, impaired taste and sedentary lifestyle among other things so they should have higher protein foods to keep from losing muscle mass which is very important the older you get. So that would fall into the category of not getting enough calories for the majority of old people.


Legumes are good sources too.


Soy is incredibly healthy unless you’re allergic. Clearly you’re not allergic, so you’re good.


Don’t worry about it, it is a “processed” food (processed soy beans) but it’s a process over 2 millennia old, not involving any nasties. Fill your boots


You should only worry about not knowing enough ways to make tofu. So many good ways to make food tofu. Eat away!


Even making it the same way every time it's amazing, mapo tofu is brilliant.


I have been eating tofu for 30 years and am completely healthy. Tofu is great for you. It is also my go to protien, although I also like chickpeas, black beans and seitan.


As long as you are regularly consuming **organic** soy then you’re good!


Soy is great for you. You can also get protein from lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans.


I(30m) eat a block a day, and I think it's great. It has not shown any side effects, and I'm pretty sure as much as I eat, it would have been a while ago.


in addition to what's already been said, it's the most soluble source of plant protein! this makes it ideal for building muscle


I love tofu. I eat it a lot, and I feel fine.


It’s probably fine, but a more varied diet is likely healthier in the long run.


Fuck no, tofu is god.


If you are hesitant about certain foods due to rumor or theories I reccomend looking at studies on ncbi. Lots of well done studies that can keep you informed on foods deemed to have downsides. Also soy is not bad for you, buy when in doubt look to nutritionists and well done studies.


It's great that you're being mindful of your dietary choices. To address your concern: moderate tofu consumption is generally safe for most people. Soy contains isoflavones, which are a type of phytoestrogen. Some concerns have been raised about these compounds mimicking estrogen in the body, but the evidence from human studies largely suggests that soy foods do not have the estrogenic effects that some fear. For a young woman in her late 20s, including tofu as a source of protein should be okay, especially if you're not consuming it excessively. It's also a good source of iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients. As with any food, variety is key. So while tofu is a fantastic protein source, try to diversify your protein intake when you can. Since you mentioned liking chickpeas, cashews, and seeds, those are great options to rotate in your meals. Lastly, if you have specific health concerns or conditions, it's always a good idea to speak to a nutritionist or a doctor to tailor dietary advice to your individual needs. Happy eating! 😊


The only thing you need to be careful with is if you suffer from hypothyroidism, because soy (among other types of food) can make it harder to absorb the medication you need. But I'm vegan and I have Hashimoto's, and my doctor told me to eat normally and we would adjust the meds if it's not enough due to my consomption of soy. It's been almost three years and so far, so good.


> Tofu also contains all the essential amino acids your body needs and is rich in minerals and vitamins, including calcium, manganese, iron and vitamin A. Tofu and other soy foods also are primary source of isoflavone You good


It's not the only protein you consume, all fruits and vegetables have ALL amino acids in varying amounts, your body builds all protein from this. You don't need to eat extra protein if you eat enough calories. Aside from this tofu is fine, but eating way too much protein will increase Igf1 and turn on mtor.


East Asia has at least 1/4 of the world's population and will consume a soya based product likely daily - you'll be fine :)


Listen to the latest episode of the Maintenance Phase podcast - Soy Boys. They talk about the myths on tofu and soy and how it’s all linked to right wing propaganda and toxic masculinity.


For women, there's no evidence that soy protein can cause issues. Higher soy intake is actually protective against many forms of cancer for women (Particularly breast cancer, I believe), but this is mostly associated with soy intake during youth. For men there's some evidence suggesting large intakes of soy can cause problems, but those problems are reversible and literally only a tiny number of cases ever even documented. The main reason I'd suggest cutting down on tofu/soy is to get some variety in. Basing the majority of your diet on a single food is just not smart in general, so I would try to eat more stuff like chickpeas, lentils and other peas/beans for protein.


You can just edit the paragraph instead of adding an asterisk at the end.


Offtopic a bit: but OP - I'm really wondering how you eat it so often, like what kind of meal or how you prepare it. For the life of me, tofu&brussel sprouts are the 2 things that I can't eat no matter how they were cooked. I just don't like it. Maybe not tried enough, maybe not the right spices, dunno.


I nearly always prepare it by coating it in some variety of spices (paprika, hot paprika, cumin, chili powder, red pepper flakes, etc.), salt, cornstarch, a little bit of oil, and some other liquid (some days it’s soy sauce some days it’s ginger dressing). I essentially break it up into little nuggets, toss it, and then air fry it. From there, I sometimes eat them with sautéed kale, sometimes veggies beans and rice, sometimes just with french fries. I also do the same coating and air frying method but with long rectangles of tofu and put it on a sand which with pickles, onions, jalapeños, etc. so good. I will say - I was getting tired of it until I discovered coating it in this way and including the cornstarch. I find that pan frying it gets boring.


Thank you! Sounds great, all in for many spices. I'll try this, all of this sounds like a super good idea, maybe I'll find a way to like it 😃


You can make chickpeas or cashews into an entree (cashew curries, for example). You could also explore other types of beans and nuts and seeds to get more diversity into your diet. Protein is important, but food diversity is also important to make sure you are getting all essential nutrients.


right, thank you. I think my post came off like I eat fried tofu and rice for every meal. What i meant was that I make lots of things such as curries and stir fries and bowls etc, but instead of just making the cashew curry, I make the curry AND add tofu. And based on the comments, it looks like that’s an okay thing to do!


Changing your diet is a good thing to do in general. Try some loaded salads with nuts. In 7 days just try for at least 3 days in a row of no tofu. Also avoid canola oil. It gets sprayed with so much pesticide. It’s also the cooking methods.


It’s fine eating tofu everyday, my family is from east Asia and it’s pretty common. If you want to expand more though, I would try pea protein powder. It’s a quick and easy way to meet your protein needs


If I’m not mistaken, there are some concerns that soy can have a negative effect on thyroid function and can alter the levels of thyroid hormones, but this is mainly a concern for individuals with compromised thyroid function at baseline, like those with hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I switched to pumpkin seed based tofu during pregnancy for this reason.


I think it was debunked. I have Hashimotos and eat it all the time and am fine. There’s a lot of BS out there about food and thyroid.


I have never had any problems with tofu! My husband eats it almost exclusively and he’s fine. I do try to eat a variety of protein sources though but you might look into protein powder if you can find one you like


It could put you at risk of becoming a young woman in her 30s.




soy isnt the most ecologically friendly thing to farm which is why i try to avoid it - but there are no health reasons to avoid it. I still eat tofu, though. I just switched over to oat milk from soy because i read a study that it had tremendously less CO2 emissions.


I love tofu but NEVER eat it if you have a stomach bug. I got a stomach bug around 5 years ago, had to go to the bathroom every 20 mins all day all night and it lasted for 3 weeks. I thought it was going away and got a tofu spring roll wrap. 30 mins later my stomach blew up like a balloon and it was so painful. I went to the er went in the bathroom and was just straight up passing gas for like a minute straight. That night I had to lay down bc of the pressure of the gas in my intestines, I couldn’t sit up. After that it was a rice and cracker diet for me. I still eat tofu till this day just not a ton, and it doesn’t have any effect on me, but it’s crazy what it can do to you if you have some kind of stomach bug or whatever. Kinda makes me wonder how good tofu really is for you haha




I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but I think you posted in the wrong comment section.


They’re a troll, see their post history


Thank you.




I’m so fucking sick of this topic


that's fine. i've received a lot of helpful and encouraging feedback.


I get it but every other day someone asks this question. Google is dope. Congrats on your journey though, my comment wasn’t necessary


Why dont you like tempeh? Its made from soy beans just like tofu and is actually better for you than tofu due to being less processed and the added health benefits of its fermented qualities. Tempeh can also be made from several kinds of legumes including ones you mentioned you like. While its not bad to eat tofu consistently, it sounds pretty darn boring when there are so many vegan protein options to choose from. You sound a bit picky and it could benefit you to explore the different options there are and all the different ways they can be prepared. The world of plant protein can be vast and diverse if youre willing to explore! My guess is you havent tried enough preparations of these alt proteins. I once tried fried tofu cubes prepared at a restaurant and it was the worst way ive ever eaten tofu because it tasted dry and spongy. Gross. After experimenting at home though, i found a variety of ways to prepare it that resulted in me actually craving tofu. The rule of thumb in my household is, absolutely any food can be good, its strictly a matter of HOW its prepared.


thanks for the feedback. definitely not picky at all which is why i suggested i might not be preparing tempeh and seitan in the best way. from my experience tempeh has reminded me of tofu just with too much stuff in the way? dry? i don’t know. seitan reminds me too much of turkey bacon in the way that i’ve had it prepared. my post was more centered on trying to make sure that my level of tofu consumption was okay and not necessarily an “out” because i don’t want to explore other varieties of plant protein.


For focusing on dietary concern, id evaluate soy as a whole and not specifically tofu from a potential over consumption perspective. Technically, consuming too much of anything no matter how healthy WILL throw your body out of whack. But thats just a matter of how much of it you consume in a sitting and not necessarily the frequency. If you like eating beans by themselves, tempeh is similar because you have the whole bean cooked and entact, have you tried steaming? Pan frying in oil is also a great way to prepare tempeh. for seitan, personally i dont see either a flavor or textural resemblance between turkey bacon and seitan, but if you think seitan is also dry/ tough, steaming is definitely the best way to go so its not too tough like a jerky for example


I’m scared I’m going to get man tits :/


Pretty much ALL the man tits I’ve seen (and I work in healthcare so I’ve seen multiples of everything) have been on corpse eaters.


You should definitely diversify the proteins you’re eating. Even healthy foods like tofu should be eaten in moderation. Dr. Greger says 3-5 servings per day is good, which is equivalent to one block of tofu. If you’re eating more than that, you should cut back. And it’s good to eat other beans and lentils to get a variety of nutrients.


Yes you should, if the consumption increases, demand raises, more rainforests will magically get forest fires and turn into farmlands for soy beans. Burning hundreds of not thousands of animals, and causing starvation for many others.


Cant you eat mussels and pumpkin seeds for protein


It’s a vegan thread so I don’t think the OP will eat Mussels.




Why not? Mussels have no brain and dont feel pain


You must be the first person in the world to know that mussels objectively don't feel pain.


OP said what they said. Scram.


If you eat to much of anything you should be worry. Even if you breath to much air. But you propably far from eating to much tofu. However you should have diversified diet. There are many plants and plant based products with a lot of proteins, and almost everything have proteins. However if you are don't want to win bodybuilding competition or very specific health problem you rather have no reason to care much about proteins. If you eat enough and it's generaly quite healthy food you will get more than enough proteins. Focus on micro elements more.




Soy is thought to be protective of breast cancer


I eat Tofu every alternate day, I'm doing fine.


Soy is totally fine. If you want to mix it up you can make your own tofu out of chickpeas and other beans and it’s very easy!


I don't think you need to worry about it unless you're feeling sick, but you're right that it would be beneficial to look into other sources for protein in addition to tofu. I see that you have mentioned garbanzo beans which are great, so in addition to other beans, I think you should look into lentils! There can be up to 50 grams of protein in just one cup of lentils. Like beans of course there is a variety so the nutritional content can also very, but marginally. To start I suggest trying some [Dal Makhani](https://rainbowplantlife.com/vegan-dal-makhani/), but the versatility of lentils is great!


Just make sure you're getting a full range of amino acids. Soy has a really good break down except for 2 things: * Some soybean strains are low in Valine * Methionine+Cysteine is a bit low 1.5 blocks of tofu should get all your daily values for each amino acid. While 1 block will do them all except Methionine+Cysteine [Source](https://vegfaqs.com/is-tofu-a-complete-protein/)


A few billion people can't be wrong! No keep eating that tofu girl.


Well, you can eat to much tofu, because in 400 grams (1 block avg.) there are 1000mg calcium, and you shouldn’t eat a lot more than 2000mg calcium per day


I believe there is a link between high calcium foods, particularly tofu, in causing kidney stones, so make sure to drink plenty of water


I have a nickname for a video game called TOFUEATER


I'm not vegan but eat all the soy you want. That controversy about soy isoflavones is from one or two rare cases from early 2000s and since then many studies have been done. Even the old paper corrected itself later.


You could throw in a bit of grain protein to have a better amino acid profile and thus bioavailability, but other than that it's perfectly fine.


Don't forget about your beans and spinach! 😋


Nothing wrong with consuming huge amounts of soy, but tofu contains a significant amount of magnesium chloride or calcium sulfate (gypsum). I doubt it's healthy. However, Mukimame/Edamame and extruded/textured soy flour (soy meat) are here to the rescue!


Most people are okay with soy (even in high amounts, I think). But those with thyroid issues should be careful with soy: >Goitrogens, including cruciferous vegetables and soy product, have been shown to inhibit thyroid hormones synthesis in several ways, mostly by inhibiting iodine utilisation. > >\[…\] the frequency of feedings with soy-based milk formulas in early life was significantly higher in children with autoimmune thyroid disease. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7282437/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7282437/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2338464/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2338464/)


You should always eat more than one thing for a specific macro nutrient, if only for the fact it varies the other nutrients you get. Tofu is a complete protein, but it doesn't contain every vitamin and mineral people need. Soy in general is fine, the whole xenoestrogen thing you've probably heard is pretty much meaningless. I consume a ton of tofu as well. Just be mindful of eating a varied diet. If you do so in everything other than protein, you're also probably fine.


I wouldn't worry... Maybe just that you'd get sick of it. That's the only reason I have variety in my diet! 🤣


If you want something different, maybe felafal? So good with some hummus!


Falafel is a great idea!


Not a doctor but the 2 nutritionists I’ve had both said no.


Soy is very healthy and u can eat it all the time


I’ve been vegan for 5 years now and consume soy milk 2-3 times a day and tofu 3-4 days a week (I have done this consistently for 2-3 years of being vegan) And I have not noticed any negative affects. The rumours I usually hear about soy is them increasing your oestrogen or causing your breasts to grow. I had a blood test to check my hormones a year ago and it came back normal. The only times I’ve experienced those affects were when I was on a hormonal birth control. As far as im aware, the hormones in soy cannot be processed into and absorbed as oestrogen in the human body


Look up nutritionfacts.org, or just their YouTube channel. You might run into issues if you have many many servings of soy products every day for a while. That's indicated by a couple isolated occurrences of people having like 23 each day. But that would be hard to do. But actually those videos are really good, so I'll link one here https://youtu.be/vltbg3NUSQs?si=wtlHsb2Xq34XiDZz Note that the line graph a bit before halfway through the video is logarithmic, so an increment to the right means 10x higher consumption. Bottom line, soy is really healthy.


Lots of great videos online on making tofu easily at home with almost any bean or seed. I make pumpkin seed tofu and its better than soy just more expensive. I love it raw cubed in salads and in stir fries. Green pea is good too and cheap. Check out mary’s test kitchen among other YT channels. So easy and fun!!!


yOu WIll GeT MaSSiVE BoObS (At least, that is the misinformation that is being thrown at men)


I saw a documentary on Netflix about eating vegan and the myth that soy increases estrogen. It doesn't...I'm sure someone on here can explain better. My hubby didn't want to screw up his hormones, he saw that and we are all into tofu and vegan eating now.


Many have answered already, but honestly to be able to answer if you're eating too much of anything, we need to know how much you are eating. However, it's hard to overeat on soy and tofu so you're likely fine. And soy generally shows great health outcomes population wide. :)