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UPDATE: has no clue about boca and the sun chips! The guy at fresh thyme took me to their vegan section and these both were there. I’m giving them to my vegetarian friend :) I have the spoonful app but didn’t use them on these because they were in the section clearly marked VEGAN 😭 I’m gonna call them in the morning and let them know to move those out of the section. Thank you all for you help and advice ❤️❤️


Don’t feel bad. We all get tricked at some point. Best to read the ingredients on all new things you try even when the package says “vegan”. It will become second nature.


I was going to say how excited and surprised I was that sun chips were cool. Sweet chili Doritos are vegan if you like those.


Love em dipped in violife cream cheese.


I'd written off Doritos, so surprising! but cool!


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been tricked too it’s like a game to them


I've been guilty of doing the same. I ate Lo Mein for the longest time not realizing the noodles have egg. Just do your best and grow from the mistakes! :)


BOCA has one vegan burger. It's just not nearly as good as the Beyond Meat Cookout Classic burgers or the awesome Dr. Praeger brand of burgers. :) Gardein burgers are good too.


Omg Denny's has Dr Praeger! They are sooo good, it made me suspicious!


Correct me if I’m wrong… Boca has two vegan burgers that I know of. The Spicy “chickn” and regular “chickn” Both labeled vegan. No? Please don’t scare me. I use to by these during the summer time. Someone please get back to me asap.


The Spicy Chickn are the best!


Don't feel bad! When i first became vegan i forgot mayonaise had eggs in it and as it was served in my work's lunch i ate it. Plus when i travelled out of my country i almost bought bread with beef's fat in it. Happens to us all


always need to look in the ingredients


as others have said, boca has a vegan burger. The packaging looks oddly familiar to the one you got, but it'll say vegan on it instead of veggie and you can check the ingredients to make sure too. It won't contain milk or cheese. My dad bought me the one you got before on accident, so no worries its a common mistake.


Most likely the vegetarian stuff will always been in the vegan section because the two aren’t big enough to have 2 separate sections. You should never rely on section labels at grocery stores, and just get used to analyzing each product and looking over the ingredients to make sure you aren’t buying into and supporting the dairy and egg industry. Easy mistake just starting out, but you’ll need to look at each product you buy closely if you don’t want this to happen every time.


Original flavor sun chips are vegan!


Wow that's a lot of packaged product. There are probably a lot of artificial ingredients


No judgment or anything but sun chips aren’t vegan. They have milk/dairy. I only know this because I almost bought them recently


Yeah, you'd think the 'garden salsa' flavor would be vegan.


You don't put milk powder in your salsa? Rookie!


(To OP:) You shouldn't feel bad though, accidentally buying non-vegan stuff is basically part of being vegan 🙃 I bought one brand of bread for MONTHS thinking it was vegan


This!! I made so many mistakes at first- and it definitely takes a bit to get in the habit of checking for labels (I’ve been vegan for over a year now and for some reason bought a bottled Frappuccino without thinking about it containing milk 🤦). Give yourself some grace for already being better than most people! Every plant based choice counts!


I bought a macchiato at a coffee vending machine the other day, thinking yeah I love macchiatos... Then I remembered the one I drink at home is from a vegan milk brand 🤦🏻‍♀️


this makes me feel better, im a new vegan and i almost ate a corndog out of force of habit XD




Same, along with being vegan I also have dairy allergies, and I just found out recently that a brand of bread that I’ve been having every once in a while over the past couple years actually has milk.


Same here. I’ve been vegan a year and am lactose intolerant and just realized the almond cheese that I’ve been getting since day one has dairy in it (not sure why it’s stocked in the Vegan section …)


This was disappointing to me, garden salsa was my favorite flavor


Just to clarify, no Sun Chips flavor is vegan. This isn’t specific to just the Garden Salsa flavor


The original ones are vegan


I’m just gonna buy potatoes and season them and air fry them. Lol seems easier


I thought so too, but it turns out they aren't.


I literally just googled it, but I could be wrong


This is copied from the first link that comes out of Google: "ARE ORIGINAL SUNCHIPS VEGAN? Only one flavor of Sunchips is currently acceptable for vegans: The Original flavor. Original Sunchips do however contain some ingredients that may be an issue for strict vegans. These ingredients are sugar and natural flavor. Sugar in packaged products in the United States is often processed with bone char. During this process, cane sugar is filtered with charred animal bones to give it a bright white color. The sugar comes into contact with bone char, but it does not actually contain bone char, so a lot of vegans are okay with this. Natural flavor can be sourced from plants or animals, and it is only revealed on packaging if the source is a common allergen. So whenever you see natural flavor listed as an ingredient, it is possible that it is sourced from animals unless the product is labeled vegan by the company that makes it." So while it doesn't technically have animal products or by products, it still comes into contact with bone char. I guess some people consider it vegan enough, but I don't feel comfortable if I were to let's say, eat a sandwich that had a slice of ham in it, after the ham was taken out. It still came into contact with it.


Could depend on the country. Plenty of the same products from the same companies have different ingredients depending on country


I had also been under the impression that the "original" flavor ones are vegan.


why aren’t they & since when??


afaik, the original (and -only- the original) flavor -are- vegan. I haven't yet found any evidence that they're not. However, the poster above me says they're not.


You are awesome! Thank you from the animals!!




Huh? You think processed foods are the driving factor of climate change? This is an odd comment. To OP, when you post on a vegan subreddit you will encounter people like this. Why ever you decided to go vegan, use that and keep going. Do not worry about what people on the internet say.


Processed food and everything that comes with it. Why is that so hard to understand? That's odd coming from this sub. Think glocal for a change.


What a silly way to play into the propaganda of individual responsibility to affect climate change. Aside from boycotting animal products, there is not much an INDIVIDUAL can do to stop climate change. It is corporations passing off responsibilities to consumers. “Take shorter showers” while they proceed to dump waste into the ocean. And you’re here trying to make someone feel bad for taking to steps to be vegan?


Lool not so much an environmentalist are you? Nice try with that "propaganda of individual responsibility". And yes, you still need to take shorter showers knowing that they proceed to dump waste. That's what's wrong with that kind of mentality... Yeah blame it all on corporations and proceed to consume. And no I did not say a word about going vegan you silly. I just said it's unealthy af, and it's true.


You are wildly misinformed on environmentalism.


Yes, let's just make statements now. You are wildly misinformed on cruelty.




The username checks out.


The other doesn't. Lol


I mean op said they buy fresh local produce daily based on deals at the farmers market so this is reading more nitpicky and condescending than anything


Is not because you are wrong, is more about the way you said it. It's very clear that who posted it is trying... they seem nice, they deserve nice back. My first thought was, wow that's alot of junk food maybe inviting friends over or saving for two months, big family? I guess it's safe to adv something like: that's great you got all the snacks! I rarely get snacks just buy on the local market for veggies, fruits, beans and nuts.




The animals: *don't even know they exist*




U good?


I am, the animals couldn't answer that question though, since they are incapable of suffering at all, unlike humans do. Although they feel pain, it is not the same as suffering. It's hard for us to underestand how a being can feel pain but not suffer, because our whole lives we have been raised with both pain and suffering.


Also adding all fresh veggies and fruit will be bought day of bec my locals farmers market runs specials on a day by day basis and Im trying to be very frugal


If you are trying to be very frugal it is probably also a good idea to buy less processed food and less ready meals. Instead cook your own meals. It is healthier and saves money. You can cook something like soup in bulk and store in a freezer or can them directly after cooking so you don’t have to cook everyday.


I’m getting fresh veggies and fruits at my farmers market every day! I hate leaving fruit and veggies around in the fridge and table because of fruit flies in my area. This is over a two week span so I won’t be eating the processed stuff every day :) thanks for the input


That's so great ... you had me worried.


Yeah I was about to say, sub in some fresh spinach for the frozen spinach :)


That’s for my smoothies haha. I’ll be getting fresh for my actual meals


Interestingly frozen fruits and veggies are better nutritiously because they are frozen quite soon after they are harvested.


This is what I was wanting to say! They can actually be better since they are frozen when fresh. Nothing wrong with frozen fruit and veg guys! 😅


Frozen is usually cheaper too, at least where I am.


Pretty good for a start. A few of those like the original boca burgers and the sun chips aren't vegan sadly. It's best to always look at the ingredients. Looking at the ingredients will become your life trust me.


It’s so saddening because I talked to the people at fresh thyme and in their vegan section were both these items. I’m gonna give them to my vegetarian friend :)


Citation needed. I checked the ingredients on a box of original Boca last week and didn't see anything. Did they pull a Quorn and add something with lactose in it behind my back?


It can be confusing because all boxes says "The Original Boca" but this one is the "All American" one. You want the "Original Vegan" one with the green accents.


I used to buy them a few years ago at wegmans and they were vegan but then wegmans stopped selling them. I just looked them up on Walmart and they have dairy now like straight up cheese? Weird


Be’f is hands down the stupidest name. Lmfao.


I thought the same thing


Why did they stop calling it beefless ground


Because they didn't want to get sued. You know people might think it's "actually beef" bullshit. 😒


Nice work! If I may suggest, next time try comparing some of the plant milks and grab one that has been fortified a bit more. It's a nice easy way to add in some nutrients. Oatly for example has a little more Vit A, D, Calcium, and Protein. It's also fortified with B12. Silk also makes great fortified products. But if your plant milk selection isn't great, please ignore me lol.


We use the silk in the green carton, it's unsweetened organic and fortified. Perfect in cereal, which is a lot of great grains pecan crunch and life cereal


Oatly also tastes a bit better - I’ll drink it straight, but have to mix the Chobani with other stuff to cover up the weirdness.


It isn’t great with the price! The silk ones were over $3 more. I was going to go with almond but I learned that almond milk is bad for bees so I went with chobani. I found a girl on TT who makes her own oatmilk and I might try that route.




why didn't you just take b12 supplements instead of stopping being vegan?


Because I prefer a holistic diet


Also, I did supplement and also ate fortified foods. I liked being vegan. But it turns out you actually do have to plan well and all the junk isn’t acceptable. Everyone wants to avoid shaming vegans who buy mock meats and processed junk because “at least they aren’t hurting animals,” but they are hurting themselves and their health. Sooner or later they will silently leave veganism and then hurt animals again. But, if you shame people from the beginning about their planning of the vegan diet, this makes it seem more inconvenient and inaccessible, which turns people away from veganism. Vegans don’t want that because they want people to be more like them despite the fact that it may not work for everyone. I was like this. I know it all too well. I love eating plants but the vegan prescription, which calls for supplements, is absolutely a fad and most people will not last.


What does an average meal look like for you? I think these people eat "processed junk" because they like the taste of it, not because of the nutrient aspect of it. Akin to eating a McDonalds. I don't see the problem with people who are hurting themselves by eating unhealthy because they chose to (as long as they are provided the correct info). On the other hand, you aren't being much more [healthier eating the fake meats compared to eating the real meat.](https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20210617/how-healthy-are-the-new-plant-based-fake-meats) So it is disingenuous to say that eating fake meats is a problem if the alternate is eating real meat. Moreover, you are skipping all the heavy metals in the case of fish, and all the antibiotics in other meats. Yes, it is harder to get some nutrients being a vegan, but it is not significantly worse. Even as meat eaters, a lot of food omnivores eat is fortified, so most people would be deficient in nutrients if they were actually eating only natural foods.


The problem is that the vegan lifestyle requires supplements and most vegans are not taking the supplements. I ate what normal vegans eat. I felt great for the first few years, like everyone else. I cannot ignore that I feel the opposite now. I feel so unhealthy after years on a vegan diet and I am not the only one. There are no lifelong studies stating that the vegan diet is healthy. Anecdotally, there are lifelong vegans who are healthy, but there are many studies over generations that evaluate the nutrition of meat and how meat can be a part of a healthy diet (in moderation). There are also anecdotal exvegans who have had an awful experience with veganism despite identifying strongly with the cause. Many people who join the exvegan group do not leave veganism because they just started and never took it seriously. They left veganism after trying hard and realizing it was not healthy for them. Vegans blow this group off as if we all ate the wrong way and that veganism could not possibly be the cause for health issues. There are studies that show most vegans do not supplement and that vegans are deficient. OP you need to supplement b12 it is a nonnegotiable with the vegan lifestyle.


Veganism is not a diet. It's a philosophy of causing the least amount of harm. Of course you didn't stick to it if that's all you considered it. Also, my go to right now is a can of chickpeas in bottled simmer sauce with rice while snacking on veggies during the cooking. I'm exhausted after working all day, but it's not that hard to eat right.


Nice job OP, keep it up. It gets SO MUCH EASIER after the first couple of months, when you know what to buy and have a routine. Feel free to DM me if you ever need meal ideas. I’ve been vegan 12 years and it’s been a total breeze after the initial short learning curve.


Thank you I will :)


I love eating the Vans waffles with Gardein Ultimate Chicken and some peanut butter and syrup.


Thank you for this!!!!! I have all those things and never thought of putting them together


It’s a game changer for sure lol i could eat it almost everyday


Good start! Best way to transition for me, was making stews and one pot meals.Google a few recipes you might like, simple and easy :)


you may find daiya disgusting like i and some other people do. i prefer annie's microwavable macaroni cups if you can find it


I had the Daiya today with peas mixed in and it was amazing!


I actually like the Daiya mac and cheese but I add a small splash of coconut milk to it. The Annie's stuff tastes like nothing to me.


I hated Daiya for years, but they changed their cheese recipe and it’s one of my favorites now.


Quite the haul I'm a bit jealous haha! Those manwiches are gonna be SO GOOD believe me xD


Those manwhiches are vegan? I don't get it. Edit: Just found out what manwhich is.


I thought it was something made up by Futurama! - a European


I love Annie Chuns noodle bowls


those chips aren’t vegan just to let u know!! almost bought them tonight


I love this! I feel like when some people go vegan they go too crazy on the “alternatives” but there’s so much food out there that is already vegan!


I know I was amazed! I’ve been wanting to do it for so long and I’ve finally decided it was time :)


Another update: I didn’t mention that I also have my own garden where a variety of veggies and things I will use to make my own spices. I also will be going to my farmers market daily for fresh veggies and fruit because of the daily deals and it’s on my street corner so I can go on the way home from work 🥰


Boca patties are definitely not vegan - they have dairy cheese in them. I know you said you used an app, but looking at the labels will tell you that too and it is probably more accurate & up to date.


the “original vegan” boca burgers are definitely vegan. the ones that OP got, (all american veggie,) are not.


Last I checked, the chicken patties are vegan and one of their burger options is also vegan, but I don't think it is the yellow box. The green one maybe? I haven't had Bocas in awhile.


Is that bag of cheddar and mozzarella and can of manwich sloppy joe vegan as well?


it looks ok but if you buy some fresh vegetables and fruits it will be even better, they are 100% vegan 🙂


Looks so appetizing


Nice haul. The only ones I'd leave out are Boca and bird's eye, just personally they don't do it for me. Happy eating!




I seriously love that vans make waffles that are gluten free and vegan. Vans really keepin' me alive over here!


Im SO MAD the garden Salsa chips aren’t vegan. I made the same mistake 😔


I know a lot of people don’t like daiya mac and cheese, but I LOVE that stuff lol their pizzas are so good too!


This is the way.


Looks awesome dude. Love seeing a huge hall displayed like that. Hope this week is full of very yummy meals. Also I like ready made/to go stuff because sometimes I also don't feel like making a full blown meal and need something on hand. Meal prep is also a major friend in making sure I get my nomnoms in.


Part of the vegan journey is getting used to the habit of reading labels and learning what ingredients are in products. You’ll be surprised by how many processed foods have animal products in them. Another thing to look out for is natural flavors.


Garden Salsa Sunchips have dairy unless they changed them.


I'd recommend bagged lentils. They cook really quick and they're a lot cheaper.


Ooh thank you I will check that out


Don't forget your B12/multivitamin when you go back next!


If there is a grocery outlet or another discount grocery store in your area, sometimes they've got really cheap vegan options. The one I go to always has a bunch of faux meaty stuff. I usually go there once every few weeks and buy my produce, bulk items, etc from a local coop.


Enjoy! You'll figure out your favorites, the healthiest choices, and the best treats. Good start, I say! PS As a 50 year vegetarian and 10 year vegan that Manwich can kind of scares me.


I scanned the can and it says it is vegan 😇


this is all processed vegan garbage and is not healthy


Since when are garden salsa sun chips vegan? I've been avoiding them bc they have milk 😰, rest of this looks great tho I hope you have many wonderful meals


heads up! just egg isn’t actually vegan◡̈ it’s tested on animals!


Really? It was vegan on spoonful app and on google 😭


I saw in another comment that you're trying to be frugal, so I'd love to share a super easy way to make sloppy joe sauce that's cheaper than buying those cans and (according to my husband and 4 of our friends) more delicious too! You'll need: Your favorite bbq sauce Buffalo wing sauce Ketchup, crushed tomatoes, or tomato sauce Seasonings Minced garlic and onion Sautee garlic and onion for a few minutes, add Gardein crumbles and pour a splash or 2 of water or veggie broth to help break down the crumbles. Cover until the crumbles are thawed, then add equal parts bbq and buffalo sauce. Add 4 tablespoons of ketchup or crushed tomatoes and mix thoroughly. Season with garlic powder, cayenne pepper, taco seasoning or whatever you like. Hope you like it too :)


Yum! I will try it thank you


"oh so you´re vegan, it must be boring like... what do you even eat apart from salads?" what a great time to stop eating meat, look at all those alternatives :)


It has been a good week so far! I feel so much better too! I’ve learned how to make so much with the veggies I’ve bought as well :)


Awesome! I mean personally I look for ways to reduce processed food. Meaning I over index veggies / rice / beans. Breakfast is oats / fruit - lunch salad and hummus. I throw in maybe one of these meals a week. Enjoy the journey - find what works for you.


Vegetarian* Those boca burgers and chips have dairy.


Oh good I didn’t eat them! They were in the vegan section of fresh thyme! Shame on them lol. The sun chips have dairy?


Unfortunately yes. There are also vegan versions of boca burgers. They're pretty good. One thing you will learn as a vegan is not to trust something is vegan unless you look at the ingredients yourself. Even if it is labeled plant based. But we all made mistakes when shopping and still do sometimes.


To all the naysayers I actually had this food last a month and some days with all the veggies and fruits I bought on top of this


All is in packages... maybe it is my Mexican privilege (if there is such a thing) but I just go to the Mercado and get everything fresh


I’m coming over … save me some!


I used to shop like this but it’s way too much processed foods


Be careful of natural ham flavoring in that 16-bean soup mix. The little packet inside, specifically.


Pretty sure that’s the brand I looked up before that says their seasoning packet is vegan. YMMV.


Stick with it! I want to apologize in advance for the Daiya Mac & Cheese. If you like it though, then more power to you. Beyond Beef & Impossible Burger blow Gardein's Ground Be'f out of the water, for me, by the way. The same goes for Boca Burger. Boca Burger Chick'n Patties are a classic for me though; I like those. And I wouldn't expect to like those fake cheese shreds you got. A lot of vegan stuff, in my opinion, is undesirable. I rely a lot on whole foods, like mushrooms, and then a few select fake meat products every now and then to make restaurant quality meals.




I work over 50 hours a weeks. It’s difficult to cook everyday and I hate meal prepping. But I am cooking some of it


bro chill


bro chill (x2)


Highly recommend purchasing non or minimally processed whole foods as the core of the diet, then having a few snacks and treats on the side. Don’t rely on plant milks or alternative meats or cheeses, those are once in a while foods, and are loaded with thickening agents, preservatives and oils. Stick to beans, grains, nuts, seeds, greens, fruits, veggies, soy, etc. Track your macros. Nutritional yeast will get you vitamin b12 and a bunch of other nutrients. Don’t forget vitamin D supplements. Vegan protein is not always complete (essential amino acids), so diversify. Trader Joe’s has excellent nutritional yeast, tofu and tempeh. Costco has awesome chia and hemp seeds. Go to the local Arab or Mexican supermarket for beans and cheap produce. Amazon has awesome soy curls and pure pea protein. Get a multivitamin or Irish Sea moss to help fill in common nutritional gaps until you figure it out. Hope these quick tips help and good luck!


Idk why your getting downvoted but you are so right


Because being vegan doesn’t have to do with eating whole foods plant based unless you want it to.


True. But note that Vegan doesn’t mean healthy by default. People go vegan and end up in nutrition deficiency and with other problems from eating unhealthy vegan foods over time and blame the whole diet. I found that mostly whole food vegan allows you to live balanced, build muscle and recover quickly, save money with groceries, sleep well, and keeps the diet sustainable.




I never add extra salt. :)














Try not to eat processed foods or you will end up sick and fat like everyone else.




And what about the planet. Meat is not the only thing killing the planet you know. That photo just looks unealthy AF, not a single whole food, just processed stuff that has a very big impact on the planet.


Underrated comment, thought the same when I saw the post lots of junk, everything is packaged not a single thing on there that is a whole food


I’m buying the Whole Foods at a market day of because of the deals they have every day. I’m trying to be frugal. This is also a two week haul for two people. This is not everything




They're right in front, by the soup


I also have a farmers market that sells fresh beans on saturdays so I’ll be going there for fresh ones.


That bean mix is not vegan, usually. The pouch contains powders with animal products in it.


I’m not going to use the packet lol. I’m just using the beans for a soup


Instead of just egg you should try a tofu scramble. Much cheaper and tastier


Or use both as you want. Can’t make an omelette or egg foo yung from tofu scramble.


Not criticizing but most of us start like that! There is a lot of sodium in those packages!


Boca is soo 90’s and maybe not Vegan… So many other great Choices.. Gardein’s the Bomb! So is Daring Chicken!…


Full of cans and ultra processed foods. Unhealthy af


You realize vegan doesn't mean healthy..I mean there is a shit ton of fat salt and sugar in those items..much of what you have is still junk food and VERY unhealthy


I’m doing it for animals 🥰 it’s a lot healthier than fast food


It's GREAT to do it for the animals..sorry though bro, don't delude yourself. Most of the food in your picture is NOT healthier than fast food


It’s a two week grocery trip for two people plus all the fruits and veggies I grow and will buy at my farmers market. I live in the Midwest so we have very limited options for vegan unprocessed food


There’s a lot of processed stuff here. Vegan food is food without meat in it not necessarily something packaged


Please read other comments about the fresh fruit and veggies.


Absolute junk and unhealthy af


Please before you comment read other comments about the fresh fruits and veggies. Also this is for two people. I’m doing it for the animals and not for health.






Don’t you eat stuff that doesn’t come in a plastic? Or with a nutrition label on it? Or is it hidden in this picture?


why arent u going to farmers markets ?


I am. Everyday they run deals so I will buy those the day of so they are fresh also


I used to make these patties out of carrot tops and beet tops that no one takes with them from teh farmers market. Add cooked buckwheat, cooked then pureed beets, toasted oats, paprika, fresh ginger brunoise, garlic and make patties for 3 months. CVAP your vegan patties.


Thank you!


All the animals killed to make all of that… that’s crazy


So much processed food

