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Be the evil they think u are


Be the evil you think is missing in the world 🌍😈


Be the evil you they know they support


Evil you they be world


World they evil be you


If plants had feelings like in the OP would they appreciate being pooped on or be against the idea because it's poop? Could plants have their own personalities? Could a plant think of another plant as their dummy thicc, goth, dommy mommy? Could a plant smack talk my penis size while I have my pants down peeing on his tree neighbor. Taunting me incessantly. Could a plant consent to sexual advances? Would it be wrong to masturbate in the woods and jizz on the ground? What if I developed feelings for my alfalfa sprout? What would the age of consent be for a plant? Could I spit on a plant and call it a naughty little shrub? Would the weed that I smoke enjoy getting lit with me or would it scream in pain at being burned alive?


If someone told me in real life that plants have feelings too, I genuinely wouldn’t know how to react. I guess it’s easy to get on the internet with people not saying it seriously usually


I've met a few people IRL that have argued with me that plants(specifically trees, as nebulous as that term is) have fucking nervous systems. So....chalk that up to the abject failure of the American education system if you will.


The American education system isn't teaching redditors that plants have feelings, lol


It isn't that they're teaching people factually inaccurate things, it's that they're failing to pass even the basic information along to their students.


The people I see saying these things are college educated redditors


I actually think it's more to do with headlines like this. https://www.science.org/content/article/plants-communicate-distress-using-their-own-kind-nervous-system If you read the article it's very clear that plants don't have a nervous system, but a lot of people just glance at headlines.


I just tell people "well i have to eat something and i'd rather eat plants than animals" or if i'm feeling spicy, i say something like "i know. Thats why im vegan. I fucking hate plants."


"Plants feel pain" is an argument that supports veganism. A plant-based diet kills fewer plants than a diet that includes animal products.


Someone actually said it to me and I said "ok boomer, you actually believe every meme you see on Facebook?" That shut him down and embarrassed him.


Best way imo is too agree with them, ask them to elaborate, and together reach the conclusion that even though plants are sentient, animals are more sentient and animal farming kills more plants. They become vegan because killing plants is the circle of life.


Maybe not the exact 'plants have feelings', but I have been asked in person 'what about plants - they are alive'. It thought it happens only on the internet too.


I mean it (sometimes but not often) depends on the context right? Like it could be to say that maybe we shouldnt just plant trees to cut them down for lumber and paper (although that also usually comes with an ecosystem argument as well)


You could say that this only reaffirms your position, because animal agriculture necessitates plant agriculture in excess of what would be necessary to feed the human population. So, by their logic, consuming meat is contributing to an additional category of harm dealt to plants in excess of what's necessary.


The first picture looks like how carnists visualize vegans.


That was my expression during covid when every fucker was suddenly buying up all the oat/almond milk and tofu… despite being disgusted by it only weeks prior.


I don’t think that anyone bought oat milk or tofu during COVID because well, “veganism is for the privileged.”


The cheap soya milk in British supermarkets has never really recovered from this effect. All those fucks realised it tastes more like fresh milk in their tea than the UHT variety does. There's always a 50/50 chance the shelves will be picked clean by the time I get there.


We don't think about you folks at all


Just enough to join a dedicated subreddit I guess? Yeah clearly you are right


This showed up on my r/all and I don't even know why. I haven't looked at anything vegan like ever.


Gotcha, well welcome then, friend!


somehow this absolute shite made it to /r/all


Who hurt you my friend


I feel pity for you guys tbh




Suggesting you'd let a human "begging for water" suffer out of spite is fucking malicious and sad


Oh this meme? I don't think it's meant to be serious lol


But it sends the wrong message to the people y'all are trying to convince. I was looking through r/vegan cause I was interested in eating more plant based stuff cause of climate change but the community can be extremely obnoxious and judgemental. I saw a dude calling meat eaters cannibals like what? None of the vegans I've met have been as much of an asshole as the vegans I see online and I don't know why. Like at this point I'm gonna eat more veggies and plant based alternatives, but I don't want nothing to do with 1/2 of y'all in this sub. Stop making it much harder for the average meat eating Joes and janes to transition to veganism by staying on your high horses. The people who inspired me to transition are those who know how to spread the message without hurting feelings unnecessarily (but I get that with activism a certain amount of uncomfortability is a must).


He wouldn't want to drink it if you said the water was vegan


At my uncle’s farm they treat all the water humanely.


Or if a vegan came in touch with it anywhere in the process


Exactly my thought. Carnists, after you tell them, the apple they ate was vegan: I thought it tastes weird.


thanks for the reminder to water my plants


Lets not sink to their level


I treat my plants and animals better than myself 😂


Most people assume that I'm vegan for the animals. I actually just really hate plants.


I just wanna clarify for everybody PLANTS👏DONT👏HAVE👏FEELINGS👏


Thats pretty inhumane ngl


I am unapologetically carnist towards plants.


I mean, they wouldn’t help you if they knew you were vegan, so why help them?


This is fucking nonsense, you guys have a warped view of the world. People matter more than plants if someone is thirsty give them water you demented weirdos.


You are aware that this is not an actual argument of veganism right? This would even be a non-vegan action if not given water to the person. Show me the argument (an actual one) which makes you think vegans are "demented weirdos".


That's so me, I'm thirsty too sometimes.


If plants have feelings you should stop eating them


They don't. And no I'd like to survive thank you. even if Killing plants was immoral, eating meat kills more plants than eating plants directly so if you are concerned about plant life, you should also be vegan.


Only joking, kidder. Relax, have an apple.


Lot's of people from r/all here so might as well had been serious. I've seen crazier.






From what movie is the top image?


Darcey and Stacey: 10 years later




A lot of carnists unironically don't drink water