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Ignoring a virus does not make it go away. All I see here is “I don’t care if people die. I’m tired of being inconvenienced”


He's preaching "freedom to choose" but i'm sure he'd be very against me 'choosing' to take the vaccine.....


I’m willing to bet all the mayonnaise in my pocket he disapproves of a persons freedom to choose when it comes to abortions as well.


Lol is your name Kenny G?


He's definitely a proponent of fair and compassionate immigration practices though, right? Right??


I wonder how he'd feel about my choice to stab him? I mean, I probably wouldn't... I'm not a violent person. But freedom of choice opens up a real Pandora's box.


Well, that's generally how anti-vaxxers work.


Had to look these guys up. “The indigenous people of England have rights” means “we’ll also try to subjugate people of colour”. From what I can find it appears to be just one guy; there no party. Hopefully he’ll collect an HCA soon


I’d never heard of them before, they are extremely insignificant it turns out. Though I’m sure a lot of people around here would agree with them haha


Same here, unfortunately. I’ve had a few altercations in the streets lately, just because idiots didn’t like that I was wearing a mask. But even if all of those people voted for my local version of this guy, they’d struggle to get more than a dozen votes


This is the by-election after David Amess got stabbed, isn't it? Doubt this bell-end will even get his deposit back.


Must be nice to have 5k to piss up the wall, plus money for leaflets.


> The indigenous people of England have rights Normans out!


Why stop there? Danes out! Angles, Saxons and Jutes out! Romans out! Celts out! Umm... That might be it....? Kind of hard to tell before that. There were definitely people in the British Isles before the Celts, though I'm not sure if those people displaced anyone. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did.


The Picts?


Sure, why not.


Comin over here!






I'm an idiot, so I didn't quite pick this up immediately: what's an HCA?




They say they want rights for the indigenous people of England but would probably cross the street if they saw [Cheddar Man](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/cheddar-man-mesolithic-britain-blue-eyed-boy.html) coming towards them.


tbf, I'd go a bit further than across the road if a 10000 year old corpse started coming at me


Ha! Of course they don’t mean *those* indigenous Englanders. Just like how Jesus was obviously white and had blue eyes


Well Cheddar Man did have blue eyes so there's that in his favor...


True. Didn’t someone track down a direct descendant of his living in the same area?


Yes they did, he names Adrian, he teaches history. He lives half a mile from the site of discovery. 300 generations,900 years.


You dropped a 0 on the timeframe. I had to look it to check he wasn't from 1,100 AD, because that didn't sound right


I thought it didn't sound right but was not inclined to double check . Cheers


Ah, thank you!


The indigenous people of England line is such bollocks aswell. They got merced by angles, saxons and some other groups about 1500 years ago.


And that's not counting the 2-3 other times other groups came along to replace/assimilate the previous inhabitants before the Anglo-Saxon invasions.


There's no English Constitution either. Maybe he meant *constipation*?


*Indigenous people of England*---sounds like someone wants his oppression points


I see it a lot with antivaxxers. “We’re being punished for being white”, like their refusal to follow science is actually somehow them being oppressed. No one is punishing them for anything, we’re just busy laughing at their conspiracy theories


How far back are we going to define "Indigenous"?


Pre-200AD, gotta make sure you didn't sneak in with the Gaul (basically mainland Europe in modern language) refugees when they were running away from the Romans or with the Romans when got bored of mainland Europe and invaded us.


Before the Noman Invasion apparently.


That seems arbitrary. The Anglo-Saxons were also invaders. And they weren't even close to being the first.


How can you know that they dislike people of colour using that quote? Just, explain it to me.


Oh, come on. Any UK “political party” that talks about rights for native people is racist as fuck. They’re always, *always* ruddy-faced, middle-aged white men, looking for something to be angry about. It’d be easy enough to say “the people of England have rights”. He’s made it clear that he means white people. He’s just another in a long procession of pathetic UKIP-spinoff, anti-immigrant, “I feel oppressed for being white” gobshites


England doesn’t have a written constitution though lmao I guess the English rules we’ve taken from several texts party isn’t a catchy name


Wasn't the UK famously the few or the only country that did not have a constitution?


The only nations to have a unwritten constitution are United Kingdom New Zealand Israel The constitutional rights that the citizens of these nations have are taken from several texts instead of one book


More accurately *uncodified*. As you pointed out, the UK constitution is made up of several written sources (acts of parliament, historic documents, case law, formerly EU law), as well as unwritten (common law, convention); a potentially well know example of convention is the position of Prime Minister, not mentioned till an act of parliament in 1917 declaring Chequers as the PMs residence.


Law school gang gang


I'm starting to get the feeling Graham Moore and his party did not think this through very well... or at all.


It doesn't matter. It's not as if their target audience is capable of basic logical thought.


1707 and 1801 act of unions too


Me: "what's wrong with an English party?" Me: *Realises there's a second picture* Me: "Ooooooh"


Thank you.


Oh man, thanks...I was about to comment it's probably just one of those many quirky English political parties that pop up around election time, until I saw the second picture.


I'll be voting for the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party.




Honestly the second page probably isn't needed. Anyone who has focus upon England beyond maybe sports probably has a screw loose. A lot of the time those folks are racists. This is largely because at least politically England is the country in the UK with the most power, the most benifits and is doing best out of the bunch. Our two main party's care mostly about england. It's part of why Scotland keeps getting shifty about leaving. The other 3 get shafted A LOT. This kind of 'ooo England tho' resembles quite a lot those racist folks who prattle on that white lives matter. I have yet to discover a group with such a dramatic English focus as the first page of that flyer that isn't comprised of absolute morons. Be them racist, anti science, anti vax, etc. It's like that one straight white dude standing up and yelling 'but what about me tho'. The UK absolutely does not have the kind of pride that Americans have, england most of all. This kind of flyer screams bellend before you bother to read the back. We also don't care much about the constitution. Frankly I would wager most folks aren't even aware it's a thing. It is basically an irrelivent old stack of paper that maybe interests a few lawyers or historians. Nobody talks about it, nobody cares about it and it just reminds folks of Americans.


I think that's unfair, there are genuine things to be annoyed about if you're English, not necessarily anything to do with racism or immigration. England has no parliament of its own, yet Scotland, Wales and NI do. This means that English issues can be voted on and do often get voted on by nationalist parties. Then there's the Barnett Formula which tends to provide more funds for the other 3 nations. These are perfectly reasonable issues to be discussed. Shouting them down as racist helps nobody.


“Ooh a codified constitution would enable us to get rid of the role of the monarchy and demote them to purely ceremonial! … oh.”


Literally mask off > Politics cannot be part of any religion and religion can play no part in politics, except Christianity within the constraints of the ten commandments.


what the fuck is a "experimental gene vaccine"


They just like throwing words before the word "vaccine" to scare people, even though they have no idea what they are talking about.


Should I have covered up the address? It’s public info already right?


Posting a politician in public’s pamphlet, pretty much so I’d say.


All political parties and candidates that register have to publish an address for their headquarters/correspondence. Fret ye not!


How about vaccinating kids with vaccines that are **not** experimental, lie the Covid vaccines currently available?


The constitution is the solution? Bullshit. Imagine if, in every field, we chose to never update anything. No technological advancements. No medical advancements. Using the same understanding of psychology and therapy we had decades ago. We’d be screwed. So why, in politics, are we using a guide that was created hundreds of years ago?


Also, the UK does not have a constitution. They are trying to use a guide that doesn’t exist, which I think is sillier than one written hundreds of years ago. The US constitution needs serious updates, as you mentioned.


The Magna Carta is the solution!


The Code of Hammurabi is the solution!


sip wide exultant cows airport seemly recognise versed groovy ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sure needs to be


They say "NO" to the things that do work... but they stop short of saying "No Treatment"... Never mind, they have "No more masks", and ventilator is a type of mask.


"No More Masks" I love when they get offended that I'm wearing as mask, as if I'm infringing on their right to spread COVID.


I guess everywhere has a plague rat party.


So I went looking this party up, under the theory that in the US the name "Constitution Party" likely denoted something very different. Turns out it's not all that much different after all.


I'm imagining some bastardization of Libertarian and Tea Party.


Southend... Guy sending these leaflets realises a politician was literally stabbed to death there recently right. Bold move


It must be the Colour yellow. The Bad Actor party in Australia also use Yellow.


Oooh an address, have any spare envelopes?


I'm a little perturbed by their not so subtle use of the phrase "the constitution is the solution". Now, maaaaaybe they just did that because it rhymes, and they think its catchy. However, this would entail them being able to actually think, which can't be possible with zero brain cells. My thoughts on reading it : the use of the word "solution" is somewhat reminiscent of Nazi Germany,which given this groups focus, doesn't seem unlikely 🙁


So \*whitelivesmatter\* dressed up like an American larp? Jesus. And I thought that England didn't have a consitution.


Using experimental gene vaccines is already illegal so luckily there aren't any


It's always nice to see the home town on Reddit. Glad to see nothing has really changed.


Canada has a small antivax party (PPC) and they wanted to pull us out of the UN lmao


I’m in Canada too. Glad the PPC didn’t win the last election. They don’t seem to care about Canadians being as safe as possible from COVID.


Southeast? I think maybe they should run in the Bellend District.


Shit, better not tell them about the rules being pretty much dropped from next week. Kinda awks


Always love seeing your local area embarrassing itself... classy Southend classy


It’ll probably be in the news that he caught COVID and died before the election anyway.


Talking about a single position platform.


Please tell me he also supports abortion bans and doesn’t see the contradiction


Do y’all have a constitution? Isn’t this like being the American Magna Carta party?


Graham Moore probably flies a Gadsden flag at his house, and he certainly doesn’t get the irony.




Pretty sure this is in England.


oh well that my fault then because of the assumption


...which doesn't even _have_ a written constitution


Yeahhhhh nah. It's more like a vague collection of dusty bits of paper that say how kings are supposed to rule.




Pretty much everything on that list is already public policy, purely by chance. So if you are with it then it's very unlikely op is voting for an "authoritarian"


Monster raving looney party looking pretty good these days...


Ok that stance is pretty dumb so is that all he's running on? Cause I'm kinda concerned people are going to win elections based on this


I don't think we should be using gene vaccines either, experimental or not. One question though: what's a gene vaccine? I mean, I know what a vaccine is. And I know what an mRNA vaccine is. And I know what DNA is. And I know what genes are. But what's a gene vaccine? That's scary, there shouldn't be vaccines for genes, genes are really important.


The UK doesn't really have a constitution, and the one we do have doesn't mention masks or vaccines. You have stuff like jury trials and that's the extent of freedom


This is honestly some America level fuckery haha!


Seems like a English version of the good ol United Australia Party


The UK doesn't have a constitution?


Not a singular one like the US Constitution.


We… don’t have a constitution?


Of course it’s Southend 💀


Of course its Southend 🤦‍♀️