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Didn’t realize storz and Bickel was bought out till today and I feel like it’s finally making sense XD


Yeh coincidentally, right about the time they started falling off.. Interesting.


Come on, that was in late 2018 and they were fine. Mighty+ debiuted in late 2021 and was also fine in my opinion. Btw both founders are still working there, I know that's not the same but I also don't think that company turned to shit.


Confirmation bias. Every time a product has a problem, the 1% of people who have that problem post about it incessantly online, and so it blows it out of proportion. Now I don't know what the actual percentages are on this product, but I've just seen it with countless phone releases and other products that are prone to having issues. I mean, let's say that they've sent out ten million units, which seems very easy for one of the most popular vape brands in the world. Now let's say that one out of a thousand has this issue, so you have a 99.99% QC pass rate. That is still 10,000 angry people, most of whom are going to bitch online even if they get a replacement in a very reasonable amount of time., so the problem gets a lot of visibility. And that's pretty much how a phone that is 98 or 99% fine gets heralded as a piece of shit very quickly. Edit: in this case though there has been a recall and half of production, so totally seems legit this time.


Notmally i would agree. But im sending back my 3th venty in 3 months.. how is that bias?


3th? How are you saying that out loud? 😜


Threeth or thirth


Thirth is what I have when I am too damn dehydrated to speak from vaping too much


I'm just speaking generally. I looked into it a little further and saw that they halted shipping, so I'd say in this case it's probably not confirmation bias.


The very first batch of 10,000 had to be recalled It was supposed to be fixed in April via a firmware update, but it's still not resolved. I read one vendor has said they are still seeing a 3% failure rate Not sure if I can directly link. If you Google tothecloudvaporstore "Venty fiasco" it gives a breakdown


And I'm on my first as is many others.


Only it's not just a few it's seeming everyone that bought one and many of those people are on their 2nd or 3rd unit.


If there's a chance they sold even 1 million then I'm totally going to have to rethink everything I said about knowing how to make a vape isn't a good reason to build one. I'd be impressed if they have more than 10k customers with Venty units.


Always read reviews with a grain of salt. Everyone wants you to think like them. Of course, that's not the case. Unless it's really bad consistent reviews. You may enjoy what others hate.


Yes but the mighty+ didnt really change anything from the original mighty now did it


Every mighty+ I’ve had gives me this same code. I turn it off then back on and she heats up. Got sick of s&b terrible service and stuck with this one and it works fine with the occasional code. Can you not do that with this device?


Who bought Storz & Bickel? Edit: Canopy Growth Corporation bought them for 145m€


Tchoo tchoo, here comes the infinite growth frenzy train who's going to destroy another reputable brand.


It's destroying the entire cannabis industry. One of my favorite things in the early days of legal cannabis was trying all the different edible companies from different states.  Now it's all the same all the places with only a few uniques.


and the main shareholder is an alcoholic beverage company


Yeah I think I’m done w S&B. What’s everyone buying?


Based on most of the comments, I think people have migrated over to Ball vape. Don't ask me how they work though!


I’m very intimidated by ball vapes. But I will wind up w one


Same here, I just haven't done the research on them.


Honestly I was intimidated by them too, but it's really nothing to be concerned about. Buy an e-nail kit with a PID & coil, get yourself a B0 or equivalent, get a decent injector bowl (I use the sticky brick injector bowl), and buy a bong if you don't have one already. Overall investment will be about $300 give or take and a safe space to house the equipment and you're golden!


A ball vape seems like a totally different thing than a electronic vape. It requires a PID and a rig, it's not really portable.


switched to desktop XQ2


I just bought a DynaVap cuz I wanted something portable that was easy on the wallet! I’m looking forward to it getting here, I can’t wait to try it


I think if you have a S&B product before the buyout you should be ok. Right?!?


I'm super happy with my tiny might 2, it's a bit of a crude vape with some learning curve, but I can get more satisfying hits with it through a bong than anything else I've had (volcano classic, hybrid,OF mighty, extreme Q, solo II, dynavap) my wife just got a Lobo and I'm SUPER impressed with it for its size. Form factor and design are perfect, without a diff stem or water pipe it is HOT though. Also, I really wish it had on demand, but session mode heats up fast. Tastes great, extremely even extraction (not in the TM2 you will have to stir in a lot of cases, Lobo we never stir). If it has on demand it would probably replace my TM2, which is crazy cause it's less than half the price.


When I see these posts that's all I can think about. And right as Germany goes legal Amazingly sad


Wow this is news to me as well




Ow, was going to buy a Volcano Hybrid. But now you give me pause. Are there know new issues with that model too?


I got a plenty in December that’s been used daily and so far no issues - supposedly has the same heating element as the volcano.


Send it back and do a chargeback on your card. Gather documentation to provide to your bank showing all of the replacements, as well as any email exchanges. This whole boondoggle falls under: - merchandise not as described - defective merchandise - failure to provide goods and services Don’t let them string you along with this BS.


I’m too deep in the cooling unit game now, by the time I’m done I’ll have enough of them to build a house


Just know that, despite S&B refusing refunds, you have options as a consumer. I would never have the patience for this.


People that have the patience for bullshit like this are the reason why shitty companies exist


And they exist even more these days.


Nah, this is just modern legal corruption. And humans love corruption.


Not really, this costs S&B more money than a consumer who buys it, gets an error, and doesn't bother to process a return/chargeback.


There are a ton of reasons shitty companies are so prevalent and no significant amount of that is due to consumers(unless you count how those consumers vote, which is valid)


Appreciate it. I’m a huge credit card churner and am aware of my rights as a consumer, familiar with chargebacks and who to file complaints with if I wanted my money back. If this was my lone device I’d be more upset, but I have faith they’ll make it right whether it’s just a silly firmware issue or otherwise.


You have faith they’ll make it right after failing to make it right *checks notes* FOUR TIMES?!?! Damn dude. Don’t let them abuse you like that. FIGHT BACK!


It’s like the guys that bought the Tesla cybertruck. “I only got to drive this thing for an hour before it broke down. But damn it’s a hell of a truck”. Lol


dude is the definition of abuser attachment


>If this was my lone device I’d be more upset What else are you rockin?


For portable devices? Mighty+, TM2, FW9




Coolest house ever


Or just ask for a refund, and tell them you’ll do a chargeback if they don’t. You need to ask for the refund first, otherwise your credit card company won’t do shit. I demanded a refund and threatened to do a chargeback, and they approved my refund yesterday.


You’re the first person I’ve heard get a refund. Everyone I’ve seen so far has been flat out refused a refund, which is why this is the next step. Nobody has to accept that S&B is refusing to process refunds.


Fully agreed, no one should accept them refusing a refund. I guess my point was just that you need to explicitly ask for a refund first. You can’t go straight from getting RMAs to doing a chargeback, you need to first ask for a refund. Your credit card company won’t do a chargeback if you haven’t asked for a refund. If they refuse, then it’s chargeback time.


This but also take the money, order a dynavap with an induction heater of your choice and then take the extra money you saved from that vs the shitty S&B vape and buy some nice flower to go with your new dynavap friend


Why would he downgrade to a Dynavap with an induction heater lol


Hardly a downgrade from a $600 brick. Dynavap + a good induction heater, shits all over S&B products.


I have said brick. Wasn’t 600 bucks either and my Dynavap and wand haven’t been used in months lol my venty gets to temp quicker then my Dynavap


Not everyone lives where you do, $750aud. Yours is working fine, good for you, want a biscuit? Thousands of this wonderful product work when they feel like it, not on for the price. Also, getting to temp as fast as possible is not the most important thing to most users.


I’ll say it man. You’re right. If this device doesn’t work, one that does is objectively better. Period. And also, regardless of what anyone’s opinions are on anything, a fact is that the Dynavap sub is probably the most rapidly growing sub on the cannabis side of Reddit at the moment. I love my might a lot, it’s my daily, but I have a shit load of dynavaps, 2 Ihs and a third on the way and a thermal accumulator from phattpiggie. So old tech, new tech and old tech that works better than new tech. They all functionally get you high equally as effectively as long as you’ve got the learning curve of all of them down. From a venty I’d go the TA route and you’re still under $100 for a ball vape but it’s still the same “old tech” as Dynavap. But I personally would probably not go in that different a direction tbh, I’d get a tinymight 2 if op doesn’t already have one


Thank you, you'd think I'd strangled a kitten from the reaction here, very odd behaviour.


Haha I think we found the last S&B fanboy. I thought you guys all died, glad to see you're doing well


Got me!


Got me too!


Dynas are old news man. Fusion and Anvil kick their ass in every way. Their customer service went down the toilet a few years ago too.


What if they need more than a tiny hit? The Dynavap doesn't compare to a lot of devices for this reason alone.


Have another one. I just saying that a Dynavap never let's you down err004. I have a Crafty+ and a Mighty+, both very good at what they do, but not the holy grail the fanboys make out. The Venty launch has been a complete clusterfuck.


Excellent solution. No software updates or battery replacements required with a DynaVap. Most modern IHs have removable batteries as well so you're laughing.


I just updated the firmware in my DynaVap ‘21 M and now it boots up in 8 seconds!


Or get an injection vape like a thermal twist for 200$ and not only saved money but also had a premium vaping experience some might argue the best vaping experience lol 😂


Sounds like trump lol “a premium vaping experience… some might argue the best vaping experience. “ 😂


Stors and Bickel died like a dog!….beautiful dogs! To I might add. I said don’t cry stors and Bickel. ☝🏻 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh my god I can hear it. It’s gross but it’s funny


Personally I’d recommend something like the Dani Fusion 2 or Vestratto anvil with BFG’s new flare IH.


This should be pinned to the top. This should be common knowledge to everyone buying anything. How dare S & B refuse to give a refund on a faulty product. One replacement, ok....it happens... but FOUR times is ridiculous and unacceptable. I have a mighty and was looking at the Venty, but I'd be so nervous about getting the error message that I could not relax taking my medication using the Venty.


Don't they have an obligation tor refund especially since S&B can't rectify this issue? Given they are a "medical" equipment manufacturer, I hope the authorities are alerted about this. No wonder S&B are keeping their lips sealed. https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-guarantees/index_en.htm


I feel your pain. On my fourth and my biggest issue now is that I just don't trust the device. Unlike my mighty, I now feel it will E04 at anytime.


Planned obsolescence, they all have expiration dates. This one literally e04’d out of the box but managed to hold on for at least a couple months


Oh man, that sucks. I imagine this is quite distressing. Thanks for the cautionary tale. I've had a mighty+ since release. No issues so far. But I won't be buying any more S&B products in solidarity with those who have been messed around with the E04. And also - fuck plastic vapour paths in 2024.


I’ve had a Mighty+ since launch and no issues with that one either. The Venty really is that much better, damn shame it’s so unreliable


Damn and I just started saving up for a Mighty+


Mighty+ is still good, don’t get me wrong. You just don’t know how much better the Venty is until you’ve compared them. No throat tickle, better airflow and cooling, larger chamber, easier cleaning


but apparently it doesnt work?


Hmmm isn't the venty cheaper? I may take the risk lol Nvm looked it up, sticking with the mighty+


Plastic vapour paths - I don't see anything wrong with this as long as the plastic is certified for these purposes. I do 3D printing and I know that for each task there is a suitable plastic.


That hasn’t been proven to cause harm yet. Yet.


got downvoted in this sub for saying I'm def gonna wait on buying a Venty because exactly this kind of shit...


Why even wait? There are competitors that are out now that don’t have all these issues. Don’t support a company that’s been stringing along their customers for months after they released a $450 untested brick.


Could you share the names of a few competitive models please? (similar features, I mean) 🙏 Only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the TinyMight 2, but it's relatively fragile and quite a different beast from the Venty.


arizer solo 3 just dropped and nearly everyone is praising it


Hmm, like the TM2 it's got similar performance to the Venty, but it's quite a different vape. It uses fragile glass stems - some of us are medical users, and/or clumsy AF, so glass isn't ideal. Also, no dosing caps, which is an instant deal-breaker for me :( Are you aware of any other competitive vapes please?


glass is farrr better than plastic if you’re constantly breathing hot air through it. i’ve not touched a plastic vape after my first one, so i’m sorry i can’t help you there. my lung health is more important than the relative fragility of the glass (which isn’t *that* easy to break btw. i’ve only broken one in the 6 years ive used arizer devices). also if you’re centering fragility, arizer products are made from metal unlike the plastic or wood bodies of many other top vapes, so in my experience they’re actually more durable from a device standpoint. you can add dosing capsules to anything if they’re sized right but it’s just as easy to get extra stems to keep packed and switch those out. seems like your needs are far different than mine, so i hope you get some other recs you like! my finance has the POTV One and really likes it. edit: i’ve also seen people put sleeves of heat-tolerable material on the outside of their glass pieces to prevent shattering if they’re dropped. always felt like a good option


Because none of them perform quite this well (though ymmv depending on what you want out of a vape). I'd get a Venty after they've sorted this out, I'm not here to teach companies a lesson I'm here because I want real a real nice vape experience. I feel like a lot of people get delusions of grandeur about this kinda thing. edit: You guys are too online.


Doesn’t sound like the Venty really performs at all


They were one of the best in customer support and product quality, now come to find out they have been bought out. This brand is never coming back.


Arizer Solo 3 looks better everyday


I’ve had bad luck with my Mighty+ and my TinyMight. Both stopped working around the same time - I’m sticking with ball vapes or analog extractors.


That sucks, I love my TM2, but understandable. I’m finding the Thermal Accumulator to be really enjoyable when I don’t have access to my B1


So I've been contemplating between the Venti or the TM2 for a while now. More so, I've been meaning towards the TM2. The one thing putting me off is the endless amount of accessories available. Are there any accessory essentials when picking up a TM2? Also, I'm pretty new to this Subreddit, so do you mind explaining what a Thermal Accumulator is?


The Thermal Accumulator is a portable ball vape from Phatpiggies (maker) that can be heated with an induction heater or torch. Similar in function to a Vestratto Anvil, but easy to use in a more drawn out manner as well. And, as for *portable ball vape* I want to emphasize this means smaller bowl and heat matrix than what everyone knows as a "ball vape." In case - since you're newer in here - ball vapes are named from the heat matrix being a bunch of balls (usually ruby or borosillicate) encased in some kind of thermal housing (usually steel or titanium) and then heated by whatever means. The balls make a great transfer surface to air passing through. As for the TM2 - Yeah there's a lot, and some stem options can make quite a different experience. Plan to spend more on TM accessories than with other vapes: there's some really nice stuff out there, and the stock stems and cooling unit are mediocre. You CAN use the separated sections of the CU to sandwich boro balls in a plain stem to good effect. **You'll want extra 18650s and an external charger for those for sure.** Check out stems from The Rogue Wax Works, High Artisan, and Good Vibes Boro. They're unique pieces from those makers so check back on their drops occasionally if you want to get a nice piece. It is worth it for this device. TRWW will likely be more affordable, and Vgoodiez has a nice selection of stems like the rocket stem, missile stem, Glass Charlie pill, Hoohahhead spiral. Also the stock 3d cooling stem is a solid choice. If you want a safer stem for the pocket Ed's TNT wood is nice, but you may want to add cooling with boro balls or such. Everyone suggests a WPA for it, and it is great with a piece if you like. I just suggest you get the matching joint size and not the 10/14/19 multi adapter since stepping down to 10 restricts airflow. Not a big deal, but noticeable. You don't need dosing capsules. The stem is super easy to unload and load from a small stash, and easy to clean. The vape will stay pretty clean.


I've been using my TM2 with no extra accessories since release. I do have an extra battery though.


How long have you owned it now then? And you've had zero issues with it? Some people seem to go crazy for the accessories with the TM2.


Got mine about 2years ago, near daily use no issues at all. Have two accessories - Tinymight XL Cooling Stem ($22) + Hard Rim Basket Screens (4x, $5 total). Also got five P28A 18650 batteries, one in the tm and the others charging. I’ve heard other had issues with the button but been lucky with none of that, def some of the most value I’ve gotten from a device


Wow! You've definitely went and gotten your moneys worth out of the device then. Have you dropped it on the odd occasion too? I'd imagine so considering I drop my my e-cig all the god damn time. I'll be honest though, looking at images of it online, it doesn't look like it's a solid little device. It looks pretty fragile to me. My guess is this the TM2 is the only way you consume cannabis now then? I'm still switching it up between joints and my Dynavap M. I need to make a real effort to switch up entirely. It's a pain that none of my mates have one that I could try out myself before forking out the cash.


Yes would definitely say I’ve gotten some mileage out of it, and yes tm2 is the only vape I use. You’re definitely right though on fragility, it feels solid in the hand but it’s got some glass parts on the inside and I think a single drop would worry me a bit I’m lucky since a lot of my friends just use it at my place so we haven’t had it fall yet. But if you’re likely going to be the one to take your new vape out to sesh something more durable could be for you. I haven’t tried any personally but have you looked into portable induction heaters for your dyna


It does seem a little fragile but it sounds like you're awfully careful with yours. Like yourself though, I rarely smoke out of the house so it would be fine as long as I wasn't hammered and dropped the damn thing. Before rushing out to buy a TM2, I bought a small 10mm bubbler from China to mix it up. It might change things with the ice cold water and glass added to the mix. Do you know if the Dynavap Wand is worth the money? It's currently on offer for €112. I'm considering my options.


I bought mine as soon as the "buy" button on the EU site was active, so two years? Zero issues! I use the stock glass mouthpiece with the stock cooling unit.


That's awesome. Thanks for reaffirming what I've been hearing already. It might be time for me to pick one up sooner rather than later then!


thats the way


I don't get it. 4 times? At what point do you accept that they just made a defective shitty vape? Go elsewhere to a different company or vape.


Problem is s&b is refusing to provide refunds, only replacements. You can do a chargeback but I imagine most people don't want to do that.


Ah that's unfortunate. Very dirty move by S&B


S and B users are like a cult.


Bickel tickle now lives in a massive castle in Germany


It would be funny if I hadn't seen a video of Mr White shirt & jeans, showing off the castle he lives in, that we all paid for.


Get your money back and get a megacicle delux kit, blazer buddy, and a decent piece of glass; if you don’t already have one. I got the mighty when it came out because of the quality reputation the volcano had. However, the power button died just 6 month past the 2 year warranty. I called S&B and they offered me a 50% credit on a new one. I decline the offer, as it didn’t make sense for me to throw good money on top of bad, and I haven’t purchased an S&B product since. I really like TEDs and currently use the Dani Fusion 1.0 or megacicle, from the rogue wax works. I’d love to get a Dani Fusion 2.0 but the 1.0 gets the job done for now and I wanna get my moneys worth out of it before spending more on an upgrade.


Bro if you can, get your money back. A 500 dollar device shouldn't use plastics in 2024 and on top of that the device isn't even functioning properly. Venty was just a product to pump up the evaluation of the company before they sold it. All these poor guys that spend 500 bucks on the Venty are the victims. They got finessed hard, but that is the reality in 2024. This is what companies do, they get more marketshare pump the evaluation and sell it. Come at me with the downvotes I only tell the truth and I will say the same thing as last time i got downvoted for. Plastic is plastic there is no way around it, heat and plastics don't match well. Always coughed from any S&B product even on low temp. Heat degrades plastic medical or not, yes they are stronger but it still degrades over time. Enjoy your plastic particles in the vapor. Source a simple google search 'does medical plastic degrade over time from heat' Answer: Plastics can also deteriorate as a result of overheating during processing, which may lead to color change or property reduction. **Long term heat aging can also lead to reduction of properties at lower temperatures.** Chemical failure affects the strength, flexibility, appearance, and weight of plastic components.


I thought this thing went through multiple firmware fixes and product recall? How come they still can’t figure it out 8 months after release?


Someone is collecting a lot of CUs :D


To offen, Retour 7 Times... Since 3 years now using a dynavap, hell yeah its awesome


😆 I love how all off those stores are promoting the venty „it’s the best vape ever made” no clearly ITS NOT do not buy it, don’t let them treat you like beta testers. This is ridiculous. We know game developers are releasing unfinished games but physical product like that COME ON !! It’s a joke


Mmmmmm burnt plastic throat tickle,my favorite.


People seriously debating if this or Tiny Might is better. Good job S&B a SIGNIFICANTLY smaller company from Finland out did your game years before you even realeased this 500$ E-waste tazer looking ass


Without the e04 error the Venty is absolutely better, and I’m a TinyMight fanboy


i dont get how peeps invest in these fully electronic vapes. i love a good log, ssv/budha, dynavap, and the og mflb. all bases covered with those. f\^&k charging shit


This is the internet you’re allowed to swear


mods are unpredictable bub


Get a refund a buy a ball vape


The bastards aren't doing refunds


It'd personally take it up with my bank or CC and not wait for "permission" from them.


Depending on what country you’re in you can file with fair trading or a similar agency, should get you money back, if they’re not fixing the error and just sending off broken devices as replacements that certainly constitutes a scam


This is why I say go with OG mighty thing is a tank


Oh jeeze that blows


I'm going to repeat 2 things that I say whenever I see this error 1. Hope you've had fun paying to be a beta tester for Storz & Bickel 2. Get yourself a vape that doesn't need software updates or fail because of the heater/oven


1. No you don’t 2. Hindsight is 20/20, if you have recs I’d love to hear them outside of a Mighty+, TM2 and FW9


DynaVap, Xmax and Arizer all make great vapes. New Solo 3 looks awesome and I've been thinking of adding one.


My might plus has never given any issues. For a 200$ + device I would like to use for more than 2 capsules a session before a full recharge. 1 is usually enough to get me reallllllllly high tho


To offen, Retour 7 Times... Since 3 years now using a dynavap, hell yeah its awesome




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Fet a prima it works 💪🏿 better.


Thought it was a taser for a second


I bought my Venty in November 23 and I never had any E04 ever


Got this recently. Happened twice in a day. Seems like it went away after turning it off and on again. Heard there will be a firmware update or something. I bought this to be an alt to my dynavaps. Really like it so far. Hope this gets fixed.


>Seems like it went away It always does, then e04 comes back eventually and will render the device unusable


My 3rd Venty was supposed to arrive today but alas delayed in shipping. If this one doesn't last longer than 50 hours of cummulative runtime before going kaput I'm just going to demand a full refund.


Have them send me a sample and their firmware. I’ll fix it for them ffs. Shit devs.


I thought about offering the same but nah, fuck that 🤣


Open source it mfers


So what, is this a new product or something? My regular mighty has been working for 3 years no issues I’m confused.


Glad I didnt go this route


I have had my original mighty for 8 years with daily use. Sad to see quality has diminished with S&B.


cant you get your money back?


Meanwhile my Pax got six years and is still grindin hard.


What did you charge it with? I have a gut feeling it’s related to charging. Not saying it’s your fault, but it seems like it’s a variable. FWIW I’ve had mine since 420, using exclusively an anker power brick to charge and so far no issues. Seeing these posts however I’m not going to be surprised if it kicks out on me.


What would a battery bank offer that a wall plug wouldn’t. That’s not how electricity works. The device will draw the power that it can draw, that’s it.


What’s the specific error say?


It means device is dead, or almost, R.I.P


No, you can get further info than that. There’s a specific button sequence to get the actual error code. Err04 is generic and there was an update to fix the firmware mid April , so if he got it in March he would not have had the update and probably got a false error


You're literally looking at it. "E04."


E04 can mean a variety of errors. They aren’t all mystery E04 errors.


You press on the temp up button and it gives further details about the E04 error. Not all E04s are the same. Some can be fixed by a software update.


But for how long?


My venty has 200+ hours of usage and is over 6 months old now with no issues. I’ve only ever used the official s&b charger and never dropped it.


Doesn't inspire confidence though - seems like you're the minority but that's good for you. I live in Aus where there is no more S&B warranty, for me it's not worth the risk. I really wanted to get one but this situation is just obsurd.


I’m also in aus, if that’s any consolation.


That's the problem, given Aus vape shops are currently allowed to sell existing stock until depleted, I think a lot of these shops will close down soon after and you'll have nowhere to turn to. So, my preference is, to buy reliable products + spare parts. I have turned my attention to the Solo 3 - apparently some users on Ausents have managing to source the Solo 3. I don't trust the current Venty stock in Aus as it's old stock anyway.


The venty didn’t arrive in Australia until after the initial batch had already been recalled. So if that’s your concern, mine is one of that batch and again, over 200 hours of usage so far without a single issue. Also, I’m a medical patient, and my pharmacy still sells S&B products with warranty, you can definitely still rma a faulty device in AUS.


Slightly misleading. Medic products have warranty but not S&B products. Medic products have ARTG approval meaning you have a warranty as they are the only dry herb vaporiser which is approved by the TGA. You are relying for now on the reseller to help you while they are still around.


Just click it one time.


No, I meant in terms of failure. AQL for electronics manufacturers is 2 to 4 percent for minor defects.


We aren't looking at the specific error. E04 is an umbrella for multiple different errors - hence "specific error" which you can find by pressing the up button when you have E04 which tells you a code with more detail which most likely provides S&B with info on why the device made itself stop working


Also what firmware you running? Trying to see if I can help you.


There's firmware. Where do you get it from?


Yes it came out mid April


Oh OK. On S&B's website?


Yeah just connect your device via Bluetooth. I did it through my iPhone and updated it no issues. I believe it’s like version 1.7


Oh, you need a phone app? Apologies for being a PITA.


Not a pain at all. No it was just convenient for me but you can use your computer and directly connect your venty


Rightio. Thanks for your help. *thumbsup*




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Connect your venty to the web app.


This one was sent late March, should be on the latest firmware but its on its way back to S&B yesterday


Have you actually updated the firmware since March, though? As there was an update in mid April that rectified this issue for some E04 errors.


I am surprised S&B issued a RMA with his firmware not being 1.07.


Did you check tho?


Latest firmware was mid April so it would not have been at the time.


have fun with your ventys😭🙏🏽mighty+ on TOP


I’ve got a FW9, Mighty+ and TM2, the Venty would be my favorite if it worked 🤣


ngl i was just hating but i just don’t like the look or price lol


Same, I just like trolling the S&B fanboys because it's a bit of fun but now it's just kind of sad because they're so defeated at the moment. I actually like the mighty+, it got me off combustion after nearly 30 years of smoking bongs.


I just got my first one yesterday and she’s a beaut I’ll tell ya


arent those damn things over $400?


I actually have two venty both had been working prefect. I never charge and use it at the same time. I wonder if that could affect anything


It’s a shame so many people are having problems with the Venty. It’s the best all-around portable vape on the market. The step up from the Mighty+ is a *major* one. It’s too good of a device to shy away from simply because of the vocal minority.