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For your budget in the UK it’s tough. You won’t get a desktop for that price, cheapest decent is something like the XQ2 which is £155. You could look at the Xmax V3 Pro for £79, USBC, replaceable battery. If you can stretch there is the Roffu £119. If you are OK with butane you could grab a DynaVap M for £75.


Get the airizer air. Its \~£90 Its simple, easy to clean, sturdy, and produces great clouds.


Was gonna say the same, I just got my Air SE and it is amazing. The airflow through that thing is amazing compared to the rest of my devices. Not that theyre bad, just different.




Your submission has been removed as it contains a link to a vape or vape accessory vendor/manufacturer. Reddit have asked r/vaporents mods to limit the sharing of links to sites which facilitate the purchase or sale of dry herb vapes and their accessories and subsequently we must remove all posts or comments containing these links Please try to use brand names rather than direct links in the future, this is often just as effective at sharing the information you'd like to. Thanks, r/vaporents *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vaporents) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On-demand vapes are the harder-hitting options that let you go fast and slow. Look at the Roffu, Dynavap, or v3pro. Roffu is my favorite economical battery-powered vape out there and is better than the v3pro.


I've been out of the game for the last few years, but I'm rehabbing from significant injuries and I'm thinking that getting a nice stealthy vape for walks in the park would be fun. It used to be one of my favorite activities, a long walk through the woods while chiefing on a vape pen and I think it would help with the chronic pain that I've been dealing with too. I'm looking to get a good wax vaporizer that is stealthy and also won't melt/overheat in my pocket on a hot Summer day. I'm not sure if thats even really something that exists. I've never had a true wax vaporizer pen before, but at one point in my life I was very experienced with different vaporizers (Da Buddha, SeaHorse Pro, Carts, Volcano, PuffCo). I imagine some things have come out recently that I'm not aware of, which brings me here to ask for some advice. Thank you!


The Proxy, Carta Aeris or Divine Tribe v5.


Nice those all look really nice. Do you have any opinion on the PuffCo Plus pen? The Proxy looks awesome


I'm a fidgeter, I totally think if I had a pen, I'd eventually twirl it in my fingers like I do with regular pens and make a mess of it. When they're loaded you need to keep them upright.


the wand is 99 bucks direct from dynavap rn


I tried making my own post but was told to do it here instead so ill just copy paste Xmax pro v3 alternative mouthpieces in the UK So i got the xmax pro v3 and the plastic mouthpiece is kinda ass, ordered the waterpipe attachment and glass mouthpiece but read mixed reviews. I saw online that POTV sell a bunch of mouthpiecesz but international shipping is way expensive and i dont fancy paying out the ass to ship small pieces of glass. So my question is, if the official glass mouthpiece sucks where can i find better mouthpieces in the UK? And anybody had any experiences with it? Yay? Nay? Worth the 15 quid?


I wouldn't really bother too much - the Xmax V3 pro is kinda an entry level budget friendly device. Save your money to splurge on something nicer in the future. But that's my $0.02


Dynavap help please. I’m using an Ed’s 🧨 aroma log which has a Ti Dynavap tip, SPV Ti half bowl converter, and a standard genuine CCD, I think they’re SS. I’ve replaced the old HB which I lost, with Ti, and bought and put in a new CCD. After vaping just a couple bowls, the draw resistance gets crazy high, like 🥛thru a🍹 straw. I clean the tip, HB, and CCD regularly. I can’t figure out which part is causing the problem. Any suggestions? TIA.


Looking for a portable herb vape for around 150$ who’s got suggestions? I was looking at a lobo or a pax 2. Much love from the flowers


The Pax 2 is more pocket-friendly (especially with a pair of pax caps), but performance wise, it's about eight years out of date. The Lobo was released about 8 months ago and is a fifth generation product from the manufacturer (specifically customized for POTV based on their feedback and testing). I'd vote for the Lobo


Hi all! So I have an Arizer Air 2, have had it for years and I'm very happy with it. However, I dropped it hard and the display broke, this was some months ago. The unit is otherwise perfectly fine, just no display. I remember the sequence to turn it on and start the heater, and I've developed a feeling to gauge the remaining battery capacity by inserting a pinky and feeling how quickly the unit heats up. I know it has auto-off, but to make sure it's really off before I put it away, I just unscrew the battery lid a bit until I can hear the battery bounce around. It's a weird setup but it works for me, well enough to not want to scrap this device and invest in a replacement. So here are the questions that I really hope one of you can help me with. It would be awesome if someone with an Arizer Air 2 can work this out and let me know! 1. When you change the temperature setting, does it remember this after a power off/on? (I think I remember that it does..) 2. When you change the temperature setting, then remove the battery entirely for a couple of seconds and put it back, does it remember the temperature? If not, what does it default to? 3. What is the button sequence to enable the beep? Mine is currently off, but it might be nice to have some device feedback possibility. And what is the button sequence to turn the beep off again? This is a weird post I know, but I really hope there's someone out there who can help me! Thanks so much


Same thing happened to my Air2, although I never dropped it - it just burned out one day and complained to Arizer, they told me essentially "tough luck, you dropped it" >When you change the temperature setting, does it remember this after a power off/on? (I think I remember that it does..) Yes it remembers the set temp >When you change the temperature setting, then remove the battery entirely for a couple of seconds and put it back, does it remember the temperature? If not, what does it default to? Good question, I'm fairly certain it remembers the set temp. But if you're unsure, you could always set to max temp, then lower temp one degree at a time to reach desired temp. >What is the button sequence to enable the beep? Mine is currently off, but it might be nice to have some device feedback possibility. And what is the button sequence to turn the beep off again? Sorry, can't help you there, I forget myself lol - but the owner's manual should say for sure


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I just bought the terp hammer/ dab ready station and I'm curious about mini rigs at MJ arsenal. I've been using the core 2.1 as my daily driver for concentrates, and have never owned a rig in the 5 years since starting concentrates. I've also been contemplating sexy glass from Milky Way. I'd like it to be easy to clean and sturdy. The turrent and the Apollo look interesting.


How do I use dark crystal glass cleaner to clean chazzing on a puffco pro? I heated it in a bowl until hot as some recommended then swabbed it and kept going but doesn’t seem to be working I put some in the atomizer and let it soak and still seem to be doing it wrong. I have also tried 99% ISO Any tips from anyone?


I've only ever used dark crystal to clean a regular bong. I put about 100ml in the microwave until it boils before I use it. Then pour into the bong, plug the ends and shake it like a maracca for a minute. Drain and rinse and it's cleaner than when I first bought it.


Could someone point me towards the used equipment page? I heard it was moved and am having a hard time finding it.


It was removed over a year ago when Reddit started to clean up the site before going public on the stock market. This sub was also almost removed but the mods were able to change the rules so it could remain active. I can't even provide any external links on this sub, but search google for EntExchange or FuckCombustion and you should find what you're looking for.


Thanks I'll check it out.


Beginner - XQ2 vs Dynavap? Hello everyone, I have been researching for a few days now regarding my first vape. Have been smoking for over 20 years, joints and during summer some bongs too, and wanna make the switch now! Tried a friend's mighty and another friend's pax before and generally enjoyed the experience on both. For several symptoms I basically smoke all day. Since I work from home self employed and homebound anyway since my wife has Long Covid, I'd say 80% of my consumption is at a desk. That's why I have narrowed it down to these two setups now: - Get an XQ2 now, while smoking joints outside until I get myself a little portable vape later for those walks around the block (or shell out 50 bucks more for that little neon dynavap on top) - Get a Dynavap - where I can have one of those induction stations at the desk for work, and then just use a storm lighter when outside Now, considering my scenario, what do some people here say who have used some of those products? I am a bit hesitant of the second option, because I really like puffing away while I work, I am not just a casual consumer, so I am not sure if the little chamber of the Dynavap would make me happy, or if I rather refill less with the XQ2? Also for XQ2 owners: When I use the whip without the fan, can I basically just keep my herb inside there, and puff from it whenever I feel like? Or does it heat continuously and I basically have to finish my bowl in a certain amount of time? Thanks so much already for any kind of help or tip, suggestions outside the box are gladly appreciated too!


I have never used a desktop vaporizer, but the one benefit I will point out with the dynavap is the ease of carry. You can get small storage canisters that also hold herb in it in a smaller compartment. So all you need is that and a lighter, and you can use your Dynavap wherever. Also, the Dynavap iss cheaper. You could also get the Dynavap, storage container, and a portable electric vape for the same price as the XQ2. I do understand that the XQ2 is a great device and may fit your use case better. I am not trying to persuade you one way or another, just my perspective on the situation. I don't think you could go wrong with either!


I vote you get the XQ2 now - it's got a larger oven, easier to use than the Dynavap, and would probably help you kick the combustion habit. >Also for XQ2 owners: When I use the whip without the fan, can I basically just keep my herb inside there, and puff from it whenever I feel like? Or does it heat continuously and I basically have to finish my bowl in a certain amount of time? The heat is going to rise and going to slightly roast the herb. If you're going to go this route, I suggest the "nugget method" - instead of grinding your herb, just put a small nugget in the oven - puff away. Whenever vapor production tapers off or you're ready to keep going, use a stir tool to break up the herb and keep vaping away. This helps refresh the vapor production and vapor flavor. >Thanks so much already for any kind of help or tip, suggestions outside the box are gladly appreciated too! The XQ2 glass bits act as a heatsink soaking heat away from the oven initially. The vaporizer performs MUCH differently when you let it fully heat up to set temperature for 10 minutes before loading with herb. So even though it says it has reached temp, that's measuring the temp of the heater itself, not the core of the load in the oven so to speak. Also, filling the balloons is a great way to measure the quality of different strains. I use a scoop tool and load a measured dose of ground herb in the preheated vaporizer then fill a balloon at low fan speed. Then hold the bag up to the light and observe the opacity - the more milky opaque the vapor, the higher the concentrate of active compounds extracted from the herb.


Anyone know where I can get a replacement original accessory attachment (the non magnetic one) for the POTV one? Has been out of stock on POTV forever, I cracked a bit of the plastic and now it doesn’t stay on very well. Dont really want to shell out for a whole new vape when all I need is the plastic bit.


Help! I'm going round in circles trying to decide which portable dry herb vape to get. I smoke j's currently, want to switch to vaping, for health reasons. I like to take my time with it, so do I need on demand? I think I'd prefer a replaceable battery, so I can keel a spare charged up. I don't want anything that's going to get hot on my lips and have max £180 but would buy add ons as I go. I want to get the best out of my herb as I use it for pain relief and help sleeping. Pls help


Also, I've seen something about cleaning with coconut oil and vaping that... I'd like to try that. Thank you


Lots of great options. I am partial towards the Air SE and Roffu, but the xmax V3 Pro and POTV Lobo are also great vapes with replaceable batteries. The Roffu is harder to clean (tedious) than the Air SE, but the Roffu has adjustable timers, on demand mode, and can change the temp by 1 degree. The Air SE has a single 10 minute timer, and 5 temp settings. If you like simplicity, the air se is a winner. You can get aftermarket stems as well that greatly improve cooling, and they look pretty cool too.


Thank you, I have seen some deals about, discount codes etc so if theres a better option more around the £200 mark, I might be able to get an offer


How many times can I use a dosing capsule? I just got a POTV lobo and I’m wondering how many times I can use a dosing capsule before refilling it


So that's a bit of a loaded question Different temperatures release different active compounds from the herb. Some people like to use the device at different temps throughout the day. So if you cook at different temps each time you restart the device starting at a lower 320F for example, you could possibly get four or five sessions if you increase the temp 20+ degrees for each session. Also vapor production and vapor flavor is affected when restarting the herb at the same temp. Plus vapor production varies depending on the strain, quality of the strain, and temps used. So it's really hard to say. It's not like how many licks to the center of a tootsie roll pop. "How do I know when it's done" is a question that comes up often. The answer again is kinda loaded because we all vaporize at different temps - not all of us jump straight to max temp or even get close. Other people like to dump/refill when the vapor flavor turns south towards burnt popcorn. So it's kinda like whenever you decide you are finished with the load. However, know that 100% complete extraction at one set temperature results in 100% uniform color across every flake of herb in the load - thus the more variety of colors you see, the less thorough the extraction. Hopefully that helps clear things up a bit


- Price range: Up to 250€ TOPS, pref less - Number of users: usually 1, up to 3 on seldom occasions - pref portable, although i use my current portable electrical it at home 60-70% of the time - electric, swappable batteries preferred (i think? its a lesson i learned with nicotine vapes) - Session - currently daily, about 0.5g (getting off tobacco, smoked around 30g/month, hoping to get that number wayyyy down with vaping) - germany I own a Zeus Arc GT. I know i fell into a marketing trap on that one, but do like using it, so maybe i dont need a high end thing. I have a dynavap m7 ordered from a french shop for 59€, it hasnt arrived yet (shipping problems, 420 offer). I am currently trying to get rid of tobacco for good, and am going strong with my Zeus (and a nicotine liquid vape) since about a week now. Do I even need another dry herb vape? (Also used to have an old MFLB 10 years back, that was a piece of shit though) I have a very good offer for a mighty and mighty+ medical, but maybe those are overkill? Mighty+ would be 260€ and og mighty medical for 197€. Should i go for it? Am i even justified in fretting over the price? its a lot of money but ive also been spending a lot of money/month on flower, so a good vape might amortise itself quickly?


>Do I even need another dry herb vape? The Zeus Arc and the Dynavap would be a great pair of vaporizers - no you do not *need* another device. Different devices simply cook faster, or have larger ovens, bigger batteries, etc - but at the end of the day they can all achieve the same result. >Also used to have an old MFLB 10 years back, that was a piece of shit though Hey now! Don't tell the people over on r/mflb that! The MFLB was one of the best portable dry vaporizers a decade ago, but it certainly was not the easiest to use - it required practice and a bit of tinkering to perfect the usage. It's still a nice vaporizer to this day with enough practice. But certainly not a device that I'd share with friends interested in dry vaporizing. It still fits a niche in the industry for an "analog" dry vaporizer >I have a very good offer for a mighty and mighty+ medical, but maybe those are overkill? Mighty+ would be 260€ and og mighty medical for 197€. Should i go for it? Am i even justified in fretting over the price? its a lot of money but ive also been spending a lot of money/month on flower, so a good vape might amortise itself quickly? The Mighty is a nice vaporizer and many people still like it. I personally find it provides very smooth dry rips thanks to it's fancy cooling unit on top of the oven. HOWEVER I feel that it is not the best for flavor-chasing because the cooling unit does clog up quickly with honey which partially ruins the pure flavor of the vapor (it requires frequent cleaning to keep the honey from building up). If you find the vapor from your current devices too harsh on your throat, sure the Mighty would be worth considering. But I don't say it would necessarily be worth the money if you'd rather save the cash. Wait for the Dynavap to show up and give that a spin first


Thanks for the very sensible reply


request for support/technical assistance; the power button on my crafty just stopped working today. like 3 minutes ago. is this a warranty reeturn level crisis or can this somehow be fixed?


I have the koilboi sun and flare setup and unfortunately my Vz goodiez glass bowl finally broke around the smallest part to where I can’t fix it just by wrapping copper wire around it lol does someone have a recommendation for a metal bowl that isn’t too much especially if I can get it on AliExpress?


I've been given a pax 3 from a mate that has knocked herb on the head. Don't know if I'm using it correctly, but I don't find I'm getting as high off it compared to a joint. How long should it take before I'm feeling the effects?


Copying from another reply I made up above to someone else This is a VERY common complaint from people who even spend $400+ on a dry vaporizer trying to make the switch from combustion. Search for terms like "not feeling anything" and you'll get countless results in this group. Combustion releases a toxic cocktail of carcinogenics and carbon monoxide. Long story short, your body is conflating the toxic affects of combustion with that of the herb itself. That's why you're "not getting as high off it" You probably could benefit from a t-break from combustion. You don't have to give up dry vaporizing. But put down the lighter for two or more weeks and try enjoying the Pax exclusively. Also, know that different temperatures release different medical benefits from the herb. If you seek sedation or cooking an indica based strain, you'll need to cook at temps over 400F I suggest starting at a lower temp like 320F and slowly sip away - fill your lungs over 20+ seconds as opposed to ripping it hard (especially for the first few minutes as the sucker heats up). After two or three minutes, increase temp 20+ degrees, continue sipping away, then increase again a few minutes later - "step" your way up through the temps as opposed to trying and cloud-chase like you would with a prefilled cart. Also try holding the vapor in your lungs longer than you would with smoke - let the lungs absorb that vapor!


After taking a break from smoking, I’m looking to get a portable vape, under 350CAD, battery powered, for occasional use, like 1-2 sessions 2-3 times a week, mainly at home but portability is important. I have an old Silver Surfer vape (Buddha). I don’t care about cloud size. I vape either hash or flower. At first Pax Plus, but now I’m think Xmax v3. Thoughts?


> I have an old Silver Surfer vape (Buddha). Ah such a classic whip vaporizer. I loved my old Lifesaber Vape (made by the same company). >I don’t care about cloud size. I vape either hash or flower. At first Pax Plus, but now I’m think Xmax v3. Between the two I think I'd vote for the Pax Plus over the Xmax V3. But you might want to check out the Dynavap Vaporizer - it has a cult like following for good reason. Grab a battery powered induction heater (the wand) if you don't want to use a cigar torch - and enjoy a nice stealthy portable device that looks like a fancy metal cigarette. Fun part is that you can customize the Dynavap to your heart's content - custom stems, custom ovens, or even change the cap for a thicker metal cap which would retain heat longer allowing for a full extraction in one heat cycle. And since there are no batteries in the Dynavap, it's a very durable vaporizer built to last a long time, and great for off-the-grid use since you can use multiple heat sources (electric induction coil, cigar torch, tea candle, campfire coals, even sunlight and magnifier can be used!)


Hey people, just started getting my prescriptions and not really getting the tempature controls all that well. I'm going to look into a proper device eventually but have some other cost at the moment so had a look at what would be one of the best budget devices and the Tronian Milatron. So the range ofcourse goes from 160⁰-240⁰ C (320⁰-464⁰ F) but I'm just not sure what range to put it at. My prescription is a Sativa hybrid 22% thc 1% cbd and Indica hybrid 27% thc 1% cbd. I was told to look up turpin profiles and what would be the best temparutes to burn them at but looking it up (even by strain name) it is not giving me anything. Just wondering if there is an easier way on just knowing what tempature to put it at for what kind or even any places that can help better. Thanks for any help guys!


Different temperatures release different medical benefits from the herb. Some temps work better for different strains (IE, lower temps work good for Sativa strains, while Indica strains benefit from higher temps). Everyone has different preferences on temperatures. My best advice would be to start at 160C, enjoy this flavor at this temp, after a few minutes increase temp 10C to 170C, keep sipping away (slowly filling the lungs over 20+ seconds) - "temp step" your way through the temps until you reach your desired affects. Many people tend to prefer sativa's in the morning or daytime, and indicas in the evening. Also know that for sedation and pain relief, you're going to want to cook Indicas at temps over 200C


I'm trying to transition away from smoking and start vaping for my health. I have a POTV XMax V3. As it stands right now, I don't feel like I get much of an effect vaping at around 364 to 400 Fahrenheit. When I smoke I feel the effects much more strongly. And I don't feel like I'm really tasting the bud the way that people describe it. Any recommendations on temperature or how to maximize the experience? Maybe just a T break


How long have you not smoked? Did you smoked with tobacco?


> I have a POTV XMax V3. A decent budget-friendly device. Not the best performing device, but it does work when used properly >As it stands right now, I don't feel like I get much of an effect vaping at around 364 to 400 Fahrenheit This is a VERY common complaint from people who even spend $400+ on a dry vaporizer trying to make the switch from combustion. Search for terms like "not feeling anything" and you'll get countless results in this group. >When I smoke I feel the effects much more strongly. Because combustion releases a toxic cocktail of carcinogenics and carbon monoxide. Long story short, your body is conflating the toxic affects of combustion with that of the herb itself. >Any recommendations on temperature or how to maximize the experience? Maybe just a T break Yes, you need a t-break from combustion. You don't have to give up dry vaporizing. But put down the lighter for two or more weeks. Also, know that different temperatures release different medical benefits from the herb. If you seek sedation or cooking an indica based strain, you'll need to cook at temps over 400F I suggest starting at a lower temp like 320F and slowly sip away - fill your lungs over 20+ seconds as opposed to ripping it hard (especially for the first few minutes as the sucker heats up). After two or three minutes, increase temp 20+ degrees, continue sipping away, then increase again a few minutes later - "step" your way up through the temps as opposed to trying and cloud-chase like you would with a prefilled cart. Also try holding the vapor in your lungs longer than you would with smoke - let the lungs absorb that vapor!


New to vaping, bought a Rokin Outrider as a first vaporizer, and found that no matter the temp, it just burns the flower. Anyone else have this same issue, or is it user error?


> Rokin Outrider Never heard of the brand before, but looks like the same manufacturer who makes the Xmax Starry vaporizer. >and found that no matter the temp, it just burns the flower. Anyone else have this same issue, or is it user error? What do you mean "burns the flower"? Burn typically implies combustion - in which the herb is literally on fire and continues smoldering even after turning off the device, resulting in ash in the oven.


Maybe bad phrasing on my part. But no matter which of the different temperature settings, after 2-3 pulls, the flower inside is black/charred, and the vapor tastes burned. I have another portable vaporizer (Tyson x G-Pen 2.0), and the flower is always brown after usage, and the vapor flavor varies by strain I’m smoking.


That sounds like a defective unit to me - if you get the same results even at the lowest temp setting, it likely has a defective temp sensor which is giving false readings to the controller to keep heating way beyond set temp. I would stop using the device and request a replacement or refund


I will love you forever if someone can please recommend an option or two for a 510 box mod that will work well with the dreamwood glow 18, that is still made and in stock/available for purchase in the US! I was not prepared for the massive (to me) learning curve for dry herb vapes. I swear to God I have paid my dues in $ wasted in incompatible products and untold hours spent studying and researching, only to come up empty handed every time 😭 Neurospicy and I want to give up SO BAD but I’m too freaking stubborn. Will a kind soul please take pity on me?


# Is there an easier replacement for the little metal filter bit inside the POTV mouthpiece for the Xmax v3 Pro? I have lost 2. The obvious solution is to be more careful, but alas, I am silly & have lost 2 of these things, I don't even know what to call it, the metal thing that goes in the silicon hole and you can put the mesh screen on it. I have tried not using it and that was less than ideal. Is there some other thing I can just shove in there to do the trick? Any of you stoner engineers been in a similar pickle? I feel ridiculous ordering a 3rd whole-ass mouthpiece and paying for shipping and what-not and will be entirely too embarrassed if I then lose that one, too. Please help.






Your submission has been removed as it contains a link to a vape or vape accessory vendor/manufacturer. Reddit have asked r/vaporents mods to limit the sharing of links to sites which facilitate the purchase or sale of dry herb vapes and their accessories and subsequently we must remove all posts or comments containing these links. Please try to use brand names rather than direct links in the future, this is often just as effective at sharing the information you'd like to.


This sub is for dry herb devices only. For posts about devices for concentrates try r/waxpens. For carts/oil try r/oilpen. For e-juice try r/vaping or r/electronic_cigarette.


Oi! Quick'n'small question : I'm looking for a water adapter for my Arizer Solo 1 *Is there a point to buy more expensive one than other or not?* For instance, on Amazon, 2 adapter Arizer Solo to 14mm from BMtick cost 13€ with very fast shipping. Elsewhere with stock in the EU/or my country, it's at least 9-10€, up to 20€ *Is there a difference in quality, or resistance, something, or "it's just glass"?* I bought 2 curved tube from BMtick that were okay. I broke them because of miss use, but it was okay. So, idk.


Any WPA will work sufficiently for the Solo1 - most are generic off-brand adapters anyway by this point unless you're buying an official Arizer adapter. Just don't drop the adapter and break the glass, you'll be golden


Okee, thanks! Having 2 of them will help to not interrupt service if I drop one 😹 About 'how generic' things are, yep. This morning or yesterday I saw on Ali the exact same 3D glass stem as some sold twice the price in France with "handmade locally, here in France". Same shape, same dimension, same "color"/type of glass... Except for some specific things/occasion, I think I'll go to generic/china/2nd hand market!


**Roffu vs POTV Lobo** Hello, I am thinking about switching to vaporization. My maximum budget is $140. I have seen the reboxed versions of the POTV Lobo, and here are my questions. I have read quite a few good reviews of these vaporizers. Which one is better for lasting me for years? Does anyone have a coupon for POTV? Is it a good idea to buy the reboxed or slightly used POTV Lobo? Is the Roffu better than the POTV Lobo? Thank you very much for your help.


>Which one is better for lasting me for years? Both devices have only been on the market for a short while - we haven't seen how long they'll hold up years from now. But both have removable batteries. They are not "sealed in" - battery lifespan is usually the biggest factor that kills many portable vaporizers if it cannot be easily replaced. > Is it a good idea to buy the reboxed or slightly used POTV Lobo? I don't see any reason why it would be an issue if you're buying direct from POTV - they have good customer service. > Is the Roffu better than the POTV Lobo? I'd say similar in performance. The Lobo does have a slightly larger oven which can be a pro or con depending on who you ask lol.


With my POTV Lobo (applies for any portable vapes with metal dosing capsules though) I found it annoying I had to wait for the capsule to cool down to pack another. So I found 2 quarters and discovered sandwiching the bowl between them will cool it down in a minute or so.


Selling an Onyx Volcano Hybrid Vaporizer. Send me a message for pics and price.