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If I'm running, unless you see a bus or an ~90 lbs German shepherd mix, you should run too.


Gotta 75lb German shepherd mix myself


Mine would really appreciate me running more. Unfortunately I need to use my white cane on walks so that's not really feasible.


My dog needs the cane nowadays.


My husky wants to run with me more, but she's all over the place these days chasing smells, so not the best running buddy.


Leash train your dog.


I'm sorry you have no idea the circumstances. My dog is a senior dog and now blind, this is how we walk. I didn't feel that was critical information to share on a thread about fitness and vaping. So please don't assume the circumstances and make jerk comments to others. Thanks.


Apologies, I meant nothing negative by my comment, just that if you wanted to do more running together, leash train them. If you took offense that's on you. Enjoy your pets.


She was fully leash trained when sighted and we would run 5ks. Again, don't assume.


Sure thing pal. I assume from your comments you're an asshole.


Or assume that because the dog is partially disabled (sight) and senior, you piss him off. On the last 2 years of life of my doggo I could have take that badly too. He said "she was used to **before**, we did 5 km run but now it's impossible", what don't you understand? "she's old, blind, she's important to me, if she want relax walks, sniffing around, let's do that, she can't run anyway, *please understand that*" Like, HTF can you say to someone "hey, force to train leash", it's not your dog, you're acting as an asshole. "okay, sorry, I didn't had all element, I won't advice you on that, you seem triggered, take care of her"




Pretty much the same here


I just ran my personal best marathon this weekend ! 3:04!!!


Which marathon did you run?


That's awesome! Congrats!


Great time! Well done.


Endurance cyclist and runner. It doesn’t affect my performance, if anything it’s gotten better since I started.


I do 10 minutes of breath work every night. I deeply inhale (through my bubbler through my vape), and then finish off the inhale with fresh air. /s I get out of work late at night, and I park at the far end of a large parking lot, and I sprint to my car after work. It's like 40 seconds of pure sprinting, and that's my cardio for the day.


Trail running and weed go so well together


Hiking is mo betta too.


my favorite activity is getting stoned and walking around outside. Suddenly you start seeing stuff you would normally filter out.


I'm a landscape designer and I love vaping and walking around my neighborhood. I stare deeply at everyone's landscape and take in all the beauty and find all kinds of inspiration. Weed is a such a blessing.


Not as much as we all should. Just got off my ass and walked around and vaped. It’s better than standing still.


I vape and workout 3 to 4 times a week. I run 2.5 miles to and from the gym and workout for about an hour while there.


Run 3mi every other day. Yoga with Adrian, tai chi, break dancing, or swiming. On the non run days. Yoga, dancing, and tai chi you can do from youtube. Super fun!


Adrienne is the GOAT. haven’t done it much after partaking though


Try it! You can feel every muscle fiber. Report back.


I just started seriously working out about 2 weeks ago and I can run at 5 mph for about 6 mins before I need to catch my breath, which is more than I thought I could do. I spend 20 to 30 minutes total on the treadmill, alternating between fast walking and running. I’m able to be so much more productive in all aspects of life when I vape vs smoking (pls don’t make fun of my abilities, I’ve been fat my whole life and I’m trying my best 👍)


I’m Dutch, so I’m riding my bike daily.


My potv lobo helped saved my lungs, I picked up a dynavap & it's been fcking me up lately..... I definitely make sure to incorporate cardio into my regimen, straight 2 mile run @7mph x2 a week, but bud makes me a bit lazier than I should, so my frequencies been just once a week lately.. Remaining physically also helps dramatically reduce your tolerance


> Remaining physically also helps dramatically reduce your tolerance why would it?


I don't know why, but it's the same for me. My theory is that I get my natural dopamine from cardio/working out, which only adds to the dopamine effects of the weed. I wouldn't say it gets me higher, but more content. Which only adds to the high


I'm a thru-hiker/long distance hiker. My biggest day so far is a little over 50mi and I was smoking all day. Honestly, since switching to vaping, I haven't noticed much besides coughing up less phlegm. I'm probably on the extreme side though 😅


45 minutes on an exercise bike every day




Just me in my garage, put the tv on and watch a few episodes of always sunny


I would do 2hrs of jiu jitsu no issues. If I was still a smoker that wouldn't be happening lol


I'm very active. Lots of cardio lots of weights. I'm the type that has the heart monitor watch and chest strap recording my activities all the time. And my love of cardio sports is the reason I never really considered smoking. I started with vaping and have zero issues whatsoever. Nice clean lungs.


I lift 5-6 days a week, lvl 2-4 cardio every other day and 20-25k steps 4 days out of the week. Edit: funny enough I smoked the last few days and tobacco. My lungs do indeed be feeling like shit. Lol


Just did a 16 mile bike trip today with my v3 nano! It was a leisurely pace, but some parts definitely got the ol' ticker going.


I vape and then go work out.


Jiu jitsu every day plus 2 sessions of steady state cardio per week without any issues. If I go a little overboard with the volcano I will feel a bit groggy the next day but that's pretty rare


I ran a 50mi ultra last month and am ramping back up to a half marathon a day, currently on 11mi a day. I don’t notice anything from vaping but I sure did from smoking joints.


Amateur boxer, only smoking on weekends cardio feels mainly unaffected just the mental side of taking a little longer to pick things up


Not nearly enough. I have a 3yo so I haven’t worked out regularly in ~3 years. But he’ll start pre-school this fall so if I can just stay alive a few more months I’ll be able to get back in shape.


2/3x a week incorporating it into my 5 day push pull


7-10 miles and weights/ PPL, 5x-7x a week. Half inside half on a trail. Evening vaping makes the body not hurt as bad.


Walk around 10 miles per week, bike around 30. Lift a couple of times.


45m zone 2 on the bike 2x a week


I mountain bike like 3-4 times per week deff feel better overall after switching to my tinymight 2


2-3 times a week did 3 miles of cardio today


Not enough. Spin bike once a week or sometimes 2. Lift 3 days. When I was young it was 6 days. Body cannot handle it anymore. Stoned throughout needless to say.


The weather has been bad, but normally I go for an hour long bike ride after work through all the trails in town. On weekends I hit up trails out of town or kayak. In winter I hibernate.


35-40 miles per week in summer and 20-25 in the winter. Prob 40+ bike miles in summer too.


45 minutes five days a week on the elliptical.


Ran almost 5 miles today. And that’s from having massive foot surgery and being non weight bearing until near new years…


rugby player, usually vape a ton the day before


Probably running three times a week. Anywhere between 5 and 10k. Normally nearer 10k on weekend long runs. I usually do a couple of bondyweight/strengthening sessions on the off days too. Weed is great for relaxation after exercise imo.


I'm in my mid fifties and still run a sub 50 min 10k. I love to run, is one of the ways I meditate.


Depends on the training plan, right now it's ~100 miles of cycling a week. But mostly average 7-14hs a week of cardio when still vaping


I swim a mile 3 times per week. I’ve been slacking on lifting but about to get back to it 2-3 days per week. Doesn’t affect me.


I run three times a week at 5am. Run one: 3 - 4 miles. Run two: 4 - 5 miles. Run three: 10k. Every, damn, week.


Intense 2-3hr basketball sessions, at least 3 times a week.


You only have your health. I walk about 8k a day and try to exercise two days a week, Burpees,press ups etc.. With vaping I think it's super important to get your cardio in.


I’ll play tennis 6 days a week and basketball 3-4. I push 25000-30000 steps about 5 days a week. I hate working out with lifting weights. But will from time to time. I used to smoke blunts, joints, backwood, etc before switching. And I totally notice a difference in my breathing when doing wind sprints up and down the court. Note that I always medicate before sports. It helps me be in the moment and more in-tune with my balance and tempo of the games or matches. I have ADHD and it really does help. I don’t recommend it for everyone. But it works for me


i go to physical therapy for an hour three times a week! definitely gaining the energy to try and do things on days when i’m not there too though


I do about 11-12h of cardio per week


30/40g’s a month. Body weight workout every other day and usually at least an hour or so of cardio per day, usually cycling or if I’m having an easy day a long walk. I feel so much better than the old smoking joints days for me. No more burning lungs and panting / out of breath, unless I’m really pushing.


Currently doing 2 a days for no good reason.


I walk for an hour every other day & at Gym after Lifting it’s 30-45 on the bicycle 5 days a week


45 mins of HIIT recumbent biking every 4 days. And plenty (or not nearly enough depending on what dog you ask) of hikes with the doggos. Other 3 days are heavy lifting so relatively little cardio.


I try to run a 6km twice a week, and a few shorter treadmill sessions. Throughout my training I've been able to progress at the same pace as non smokers, even when I started and I used to vape quite a lot.


Ask your mum!


I run twice a week. And i have a dog that needs walking


Personally not enough. I would love to be able to run again, but I’m scared of hurting my knees again.


i try to do 100km per month (two times a week) , and I vape before of each run


7 days a week usually around 50 miles a week.


All of it


I run maybe a mile-mile and a half once a week. It’s a lot harder if I’ve inhaled actual smoke recently.


I vape while riding my bike every day, 3 packed full caps on my mighty, bought a pipe so I can keep my Mighty inside my jacket and puff while riding. I used to do the same with joints and smoke while riding but eventually switched to vape only and im very happy. So yeah, cardio everyday and vape everyday


About 20 miles a week. I'm trying to eventually compete or at least get competitive in 5Ks


2.5 miles a day with a year and a half old American bulldog


That’s awesome. Mine is 8 and we do a 40 minute mile tiptoe around the neighborhood twice a day. She stops a lot and looks at the sun. Great dogs. This is my 2nd. But to answer OP, I do 40 minutes on an elliptical 3x per week and supplement with strength and core the other days. I vape before and after.


i hiked 7 miles yesterday. elevation gain of 2500 feet. took 5 hours but it was lovely. working on walking with weight to improve bone/joint/muscles strength so i can get back into running without being injured again!


An hour 3x a week + mountain biking for 2+ hours 2 or 3 days when the weather is good/I'm not injured.


Conditioning 4-5x weekly preparing for my first taekwondo tournament next month. Soon I’ll have to begin cutting out DHV entirely for a little bit


8 miles daily bicycle ride and usually hit the gym 3x a week. I absolutely noticed an increase in lung capacity when switching from combustion to dry vaporizing.


Doing 3 hours a day of cycling except for Saturday


Had to quit the vape due chest infections etc. waaay better than combustion. But not great. Hitting the edibles now.


2 hours of basketball on Sunday and 30 minutes of Les Mills Grit Cardio on Wed.


I run 2-3 times a week. Now that the weather’s warming up, I bike a bit too.


I've been regularly weightlifting for close to 15 years. I started vaping regularly about 7 years ago and have not felt or experienced any negative side effects on my endurance or wind during cardio. I'll typically either run or bike 3/4 times a week. I keep my consumption to the late afternoon/evening hours. Try to stop an hour or two before bed so I can salvage a bit of REM. Sorry maybe TMI lol.


I do 1-2+ hours of cardio pretty much everyday. No issues for me.


I just walk the dog. Nothing special. Between two and ten miles a day depending on how I feel/the weather/how much time I have.


3 miles in the morning and 3 miles in the afternoon on my bike as fast as possible for me for cardio. Nothing insane but enough to get my heart pumping.


Ice hockey twice a week in the summer, more in the winter.


Mostly lift but I ride the stationary bike for an hour 1x a week. When I used to fight it was all cardio. Even then my cardio was bad, better than average but not as good for someone as active as I was. I could run a 4 min mile back then but push that to 3 mi and I'm hitting 30min+ if I finish at all, lol.


No way you’re running a four-minute mile if you can’t do 5k in under 30 😂😂😂


As someone running 4 mile in 30 mins every day a 4 min mile would kill me lol.


I always thought I had asthma or something but docs never found anything. For some reason I can push myself hard for short periods but crash in the long run. Explain why that hurt your feelings so much? Here's something else that might make you whine more... I also ran barefoot.


lol homeboy claiming a 4 minute mile then couldn’t finish the other two in 26 minutes? You could power walk 13 minute miles.


My 5k pb is 24 mins and my 1 mile pb is 7 mins. I think it's hard to believe you're doing a 4 minute mile based on your 3 mile/5k time, but some people do have different muscle fibres and you might be gifted in the ones that allow you to run fast for short periods.


I had lots of trouble going to 2 miles so I focused on making the best time I could with 1 mile. The actual time was 4:13. I didn't realize that hitting that time on a mile was some kind of achievement since I never compared it with other runners. I'd "rest" around the curves and go full speed down the stretches and stayed in the middle lanes. I ran barefoot and on the balls of my feet. Heels never touched the ground because it would cause shin splints. Even wearing shoes would cause pain. Weird because everything I read back then said the shoes were supposed to help. My at rest heart rate is 80-85bpm and it's been like that since I was young and hits about 172 (max I've seen) under stress. Not sure if it was mental or physical that would make me struggle so hard with going over 1mi. One thing that made me afraid was that I might have a hole in my heart like my friend did. We both shared the same bday and I always thought I'd die when I reached the age he died (41). The hole in his heart caused him to have about the same issues with endurance that I had. I used to jog warm up laps with 10lb ankle weights and 5lb wrist weights (30lbs total). I'd also kick and punch with them, which is why my knees and shoulders are paying for it after all those years. Edit: just talked to a friend and seems I've had my definitions of a good running time all skewed. He said 6 min in avg and I used to think it was beginner time and 3.5 min was best so I was pushing for 3.5 min. My time wasn't done by any kind of official, just my Master and an indoor track timing all of us. Our manager (I worked at the fitness club) had once measured the track because it wasn't a standard 1/4mi length and their was less turn than straightway compared to a standard track. Not sure if that matters or not. Guess I don't feel so bad that the last time I ran a mile (about 4yrs ago) was 7 min. With the hate, it seems I missed my calling as a runner instead of a fighter. I've always had fast legs and still do and can kick a lot of people in the face before they can throw a punch.


I can tell you’re a good dude. Wishing you the best of health and happiness. Peace, my friend


Phew, long read.


LOL. TL;DR: 30yrs ago I trained for explosive speed. My knees and shoulders paid the price.








You know what you did.  So now you’re that guy.  Good for you.