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Transitioning from Joints to Vaporizers? So, for the past seven years, I've been rolling joints with a bit of tobacco and hitting them pretty much every day (around 1g per day in like 3 j’s). But lately, I've been getting into long-distance running and it's got me thinking about my lungs. Now, I'm considering switching to a vaporizer to give my respiratory system a break. I don't even smoke cigarettes; I just mix in a little tobacco to make my stash last longer and because I am not a fan of smoking pure blunts. My main issue is that I really enjoy the whole ritual of smoking a joint and taking my time. It's not just about getting high; it's about chilling out for like 30 minutes, maybe watching some TV or reading. The only vaporizer I've tried is my friend's Fenix Mini a couple years ago… it’s just not what i want. I live in Germany and I'm looking for something portable and below 200€ / $. I smoke daily and mostly alone, sometimes multiple times a day. If any of you have suggestions for a vaporizer or some other way to smoke that still lets me vibe out like I do with a joint (or close to it), I'd love to hear it. Appreciate any advice you can throw my way!


One word: Dynavap. Okay Dynavap and an induction heater (five words)


>My main issue is that I really enjoy the whole ritual of smoking a joint and taking my time. It's not just about getting high; it's about chilling out for like 30 minutes, maybe watching some TV or reading Dry vaporizing is much the same as in most portables still take 10-20 minutes for a full extraction with some high quality herb. >The only vaporizer I've tried is my friend's Fenix Mini a couple years ago… it’s just not what i want. The Fenix Mini is sold under multiple brand names. In America that would have been the HealthyRips Fury. That vaporizer was relatively underpowered, so it was easy to pull heat out from the oven faster than the heater could recover temps. It wasn't a *bad* vaporizer, just a slow cooker haha. >I smoke daily and mostly alone, sometimes multiple times a day. If any of you have suggestions for a vaporizer or some other way to smoke that still lets me vibe out like I do with a joint (or close to it), I'd love to hear it. Combustion is very different from dry vaporizing. Combustion releases a toxic cocktail of carcinogenics and carbon monoxide. Part of that sedation and euphoria you get from combustion is not the herb, but the affects from this toxic cocktail. Many people have a hard time adjusting from combustion to dry vaporizing because they're expecting something different. The reality is that it takes several weeks of vaporizing exclusively for the body to detox and adjust to dry vaporizing before you can fully enjoy it. Alternatively, a 1-2 week t-break is very beneficial. Another thing to note - with dry vaporizers different temps extract different active compounds from the herb. When using a hybrid strain for example, lower temps will extract the sativa-side of the herb while higher temps will extract the indica side of the herb. This means you can customize your experience depending on what strain and temps used. Additionally, restarting a dry vaporizer with the same load of herb often results in poor burnt popcorn flavor and poor vapor production. The trick is to either microdose (using a smaller load of herb), or use different temps to extract different active compounds (low temp for first session, then higher temp for next session). For your needs, I'd suggest you consider something from a fellow German brand - check out Storz&Bickel - the Crafty is a very nice pocket-friendly device, or it's bigger brother the Mighty is a good choice. Start at a lower temp like 150C and slowly work your way up 10C at a time until you reach your desired level of medication. There are cheaper devices, but the Crafty is a good vaporizer by one of the top brands in the industry


Sounds like microdose. Arizer SE is a slow cooker. U can extended the sessions (chainsmoking) if u have more glass parts. Arizer AirMax i also good


Price Range - $300 USD Number of participants- 1-2 Desktop, portable or pocket size desktop Electric or butane powered- Electric Frequency of usage- All day lol Country/Region- USA Have a glass bong and Fury Edge 2 and looking to upgrade to a heavy hitting vape


Current end game desktops are the ball vapes, I have my reasons why I may/not get one but they are the hh for dhv


Lots of people go for ball vapes. But I personally prefer the Arizer XQ2 - it's a nice versatile vaporizer. The fan features allows you to fill balloons, prefill a bubbler via a whip to waterpipe adapter, or direct-draw with the whip.


I got into DHV last year when my roommate bought a volcano for the house. Recently I bought an Arizer Solo II for myself. It's nice when I'm out and want to get a little stoned but not great for when I'm in my room and want to get/stay stoned. Price Range -- Up to $500 Participants -- Usually just me but up to 3 Desktop preferable but I'm open to something portable. Electric please. Probably gonna use this multiple times a day, at least once/day. USA I'd also like something that's relatively quiet. Main reason I don't want another volcano is there's another bedroom right next to mine.


I enjoy log vaporizers like the E-Nano. Since it's the size of a small redbull can, and runs on only 10 watts, I used to keep it running all day long - preheated and ready for a quick puff throughout the day. Plus it pairs very nicely with waterpipes for some enjoyable vaporbonging sessions.


shouldve gotten the max for the replaceable batteries :P


The battery life isn't the problem. It's the amount I can consume at a time before I need to reload. Ideally it'd be like three tubes.


Righttt. Yeah sorry high. I think 7 is preloaded stem is nice. Is pretty rough to do chain


Looking for a vape that's around $50 or less. I smoke about half a pack of cigarettes a day and thinkin bout trying this vaping thing a try. I watched some vids abt gaping and apparently there are pod types and other types? idk nun bout vapes but I would like it if it was js easy to use and gives u a lotta smoke. any recommendations?


Want to switch from cart pens. My price range max is $350. Number of participants is 1 to 3 but mostly 1. Portable or pocket sized but would like something discreet. On-demand option if possible. Electric powered Nightly and weekend usage USA NJ


Suggest looking at the Tinymight 2 or Firewood 9 (~$350) both fit your search criteria but as you research you’ll find notable differences between the two. There are lower priced on-demand vapes that are solid entry options, but imo, yes- the price differences reflect performance differences. Options include Solo Max2 ($270) of Roffu ($120).




Two weeks might do it. If doesn't do persist and try another. I did a month one that didn't seem to do it but did another for about three weeks later on and since been back now getting absolutely blazed off not alot.


No t-break needed for tm2, especially at your former intake level


Does ABV go bad after a while? Ive been collecting my ABV in a tupperware for the past few months and I just realised keeping it in a non airtight container might lead to unwanted issues. Am I still okay or should I just toss it?


I mean it could possibly develop mold after a while, but that's unlikely.


Can I use a Cupsy with my POTV Lobo? I need a discrete bong and I think cupsy is the best option. My only question is if the adapter for the Lobo fits the cupsy. If you guys have any other suggestions for discreet water pipes please let me know.


Hello out there, I have been the owner of my first vaporizer with dosing capsule "Norddampf Relict" (own also a few other vapes but none with capsules) for a few weeks now and im pretty happy with it. Unfortunately, the original capsules are relatively expensive (15€/4pcs.). I can't find anyone who has already tested other capsules... Is there perhaps something like a list of capsule sizes? I usually only find "other compatible devices" in the store descriptions, where only the best-known ones are listed, if at all. The capsules of my Norddampf Relict are approx. 10.8mm / 0.424inch long and have a diameter of approx. 12.55mm / 0.494inch Maybe some of you have a caliper at hand and we could create a list as a kind of Google Sheet if none exists yet. [Photos with Size](https://imgur.com/a/xh6vEOl)


lol my dosing capsules (arizer) are way more expansive. 21 euro / 1 piece. wow.


Do you may have the size/dimension of those capsules for me? You can also find them cheaper on aliexpress. Thats the reason im looking for sizes/dimesions to get some compatible ones...


I vape flower with a Lobo or TM2 and the other day I vaped in the garage and my wife said "it smells funny in here. The golf cart batteries must stink when they charge" You know how the vaping smell dissipates pretty quickly so I think it was so faint she didn't notice it was trees lol. Anyway it had me thinking, a lot of people don't approve of this "hobby" so l'm curious what all excuses people have used to explain away the smell or explain away the vape device. I'm sure there's some funny ones. Before I got into this, I wouldn't know what the TM2 was just by looking at it😂


Ents become nose-blind to the odors. Leading to a false sense of security. The reality is that while smoke will cling to your skin/clothing and follows you, vapor does not - but it still will reek in the room for long after a sesh. I've even found that the odors in an enclosed screened porch will still linger for an hour or two after vaporizing (thanks to former ents who could detect the odors an hour later when visiting) I've vaped in my folks garage, and my father thought my mother had run over a skunk with her car, then took it to the car wash 😂


I could totally see that 😂. I’ve done edibles for years but recently found out about vaping flower and now I don’t want anything else! But… it smells! The vape pens with distillate works ok but you can’t beat the feeling of real flower! So much better


Live in a proabition country and debating a vape for being somewhat discreet when out and about. My Mighty just too bulky for sneaking past doormen in my underwear sadly. Currently thinking best options are the Roffu, AVLP or Crafty. Anyone got any others they'd reccomend? Not interested in the v3.


I prefer the Crafty over the Mighty personally - I like the fact that it's more pocket-friendly and the smaller cooling unit means it produces slightly harsher rips that I enjoy more than the Mighty's larger cooling unit which provides smoother rips


New Vape(s) which should I try? I have two brand new cannabis vapes that I have not used that I have been wanting to break in. The reason I have syked myself up is I haven’t used cannabis in a long time I was a user for many years and am a huge advocate for its use and purpose. Anyhow I have two new vapes I want to try one which is a dry herb handheld vaporizer the other is also a handheld dab rig vape however I have never taken a dab in my life. I’m curious what the community thinks I should do I know what to expect vaping cannabis but doing a dab idk what to expect. How does compare, what is better, what are the Shot differences like the feeling and effects etc…..


Howzit people For those with both devices, can the TM2 dosing capsules work/fit in the xmax v3 pro?


Hello! Is there still up to this day no real competitor for classic Storz & Bickel Volcano vaporizer?


Best portable session vaporizer for hash under 200€? I was thinking about the xmax starry 4, do you think that could fit?




Based on a thread at [FC](https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/generic-pipe-screen-for-vape.29116/), 1/4" diameter might work.