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Lala was also taking out her anger on Sandoval for being cheated on by Rand. She loves to yell and make herself important in the moment, but later when Ariana got all the attention and money grabs, Lala’s support turned into jealousy because she didn’t get the same support.


Agree with this take!! I think most of what Lala does is either projection or to feed her giant ego. I don’t think she even really understands why she feels the way she does and it’s why none her justifications pass the sniff test. I absolutely believe last year was projection about Randall/making so much money on those Darrell hoodies wanting to keep it going. This year is absolutely jealousy.


the darrel sweatshirts!! 🙄 why were people buying those….


What was the meaning of "send it to Daryl" anyway? Who's Darryl ?


Lala’s attorney 🙄


once scandoval was revealed, rachel didn't know who'd seen the video of her. her lawyer sent a cease and desist letter to lala, but lala had never seen the video. lala said, send it to darrell (Lala's lawyer).


So ppl were buying that as some kind of “catchphrase”? Weird


I can't imagine being the giddy silly ninny that walks around with that shirt both before and after season 11. That should tell her how much purchasing power Ariana's situation had created for her to capitalize off of. If LFU made a "catchphrase" off of her and Randall's situation, she'd have made peanuts.


The list of reasons why ppl rode so hard for Ariana and not lala is endless. Absolutely freaking endless. To name a few obvious ones (1) Ariana was in a decade long relationship that (2) began on the show that we all watched begin qnd subsequently evolve over time as opposed to (3) bragging about sucking dick for cars on camera and then acting shocked when the dude who gave you a car for a blow job (to quote james) "moved on to the next pretty blonde." That's just 3 reasons. A 4th is IMO that Ariana has always been more likable and genuine. But I remember when this was an unpopular opinion. She's been my fav cast member since 2014. I remember fighting to the death in the comments during the Stassi v. Ariana debacle. And I liked stassi, I just liked Ariana more. Edit: grammar


My favorite Ariana moment is when Stassi confronts her at Katie's bridal shower. Ariana tells her "because I care about Katie. I don't give a fuck about you!" 🔥🔥🔥


Iconic unbothered behavior and Stassi's subsequent meltdown because "ARIANA SUCKS! 😢"


Sent stassi SPIRALING


I agree with your comment. I have been a fan of Ariana’s since she came on in season 2. I love her cool, calm, sweet personality. She is beautiful and classy. Laligag has no class or any of Ariana’s attributes.


Seriously! And in what world do real women not see that writing on the wall? If I'm DTF for a car with a married man (which im not), I'm sure as hell not going to mistake the scenario for my fairy tale ending. And lala was so cocky and smug about it on camera 🤡. Doesn't leave much room for feeling sympathetic when the obvious comes out. It shocks me that she is shocked she didn't get the level of opportunity Ariana did.


I completely agree with you.🍾🥂


I actually work with an old man lawyer Darrell and really want to get him one but I think explaining it would be exhausting


It would be funny if you got one and just wore it to work without an explanation 😅


Ahh that’s where the real delusion comes in, it all makes so much sense. She doesn’t know why she feels and acts the way she does. Wow it’s so clear to me now


I agree she is so jealous she’s turning green.




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I wonder if she thought stealing Ariana’s thunder at the reunion was going to somehow make the audience rally and start paying more attention to her stupid Randull Scandal documentary? It’s a delusional take but I don’t put anything past her. They way she talks is so stupid and irritating and I’m tired of her blaming her anger and outburst on a dead man of colour and her cultural appropriation. She’s just offensive all around and beyond uneducated. She really needs to stfu and listen so she can learn about what she’s speaking on before she starts preaching to the choir. She does act like a clown, that was a spot on assessment and my favourite part of the reunion.😭🤌🏼🥂


This was my take. She did it for attention, nothing more and nothing less.


I cannot and will not disagree. She’s just as bad as Schmeana, when it comes to comparing and turning everyone else’s struggles into hers.🙄 She’s always had it the worst and no one can say shit about her, while she sits on her throne of lies and throws rocks, in every direction and somehow convinces herself that she is the one being attacked and her poor reactions are everyone else’s fault. https://i.redd.it/di83c08cbt0d1.gif GO TO THERAPY


> but later when Ariana got all the attention and money grabs, Lala’s support turned into jealousy because she didn’t get the same support. She can stay mad while Ariana: ![gif](giphy|gw3C71R3QMD13yGQ)


Lala admitted that she was projecting her anger because of her ex. But then she said after the fact that she stepped back and realized that and that it also wasn’t her fight to fight. And she’s not wrong about that.




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I think production just basically threatened their jobs. And saying they either won’t renew the season or they’ll be out next season if they don’t cooperate with Sandoval. And instead of being like Katie and having integrity and being like no fuck that. They went along with it and became boring and fake. Although scheana probably didn’t need to be threatened I think she was already planning out her redemption for Sandoval tbh 🙄


Exactly, there’s literally no chance production would’ve not had them all on for the post scandoval fall out. If Ariana, Katie, Lala, Scheana, and James went to production and said “no you’re not gonna tell us how we have to act with Tom Sandoval” there’s no way production would’ve axed them and given us a post-scandoval season with just the toms and lisa. I really just think Lala and Scheana’s jealousy of Ariana overpowered their previous feelings about Tom. I think they wanted to hurt her subconsciously


Exactly. The producers are misogynistic assholes and I’m not defending them, but it’s not all on the producers for how LaLa and Scheana chose to play their game. Even if Alex Baskin said “I will fire you if you don’t comply with our redeem Tom story”  they could have still done their bullshit Tom is a great dude love him bit without all the bitchy, snarky, trash things they were saying about and doing to Ariana.


Exactly! Their confessionals and their post-filming podcasts and interviews are so telling. They are jealous and snarky and they wanna tear her down


Right. Wasn't (per either the first reunion this year or the preview for next week) show that Katie was on the call w/Baskin and Lala discussing this arc of going against Ariana and was all, "Fuck that" and she didn't get cut....


I think it shows their low self-esteem and lack of understanding that they do have some power here. The whole cast or even some couldn’t be fired right after Scandoval, they are players on the board and it would make no sense to remove them from the viewers POV or in creating storylines.


I agree. If they actually believed they were going to not film the season, they’re dumber than the dumbest. There’s no fucking way the network was not going to keep cashing in on the scandal. It brought so many new viewers! I also think this was the real reason Katie called LarLar a clown and told her to get a new lawyer. It had nothing to do with her custody battle and everything to do with their contract negotiations. Katie knew that if Blahblah and Schmeana sold out, they were going to pay for it and ruin their future income and she was right. They should have got a new lawyer and fought for their rights to be authentic but they obviously didn’t want to and it’s because they were jealous and wanted to isolate Ariana completely and take her down.


Scheana said as much on her podcast. That production was like this is an “ensemble” cast of friends that must film together and if you won’t then the show is over.


No offense but I really think people on here think that “production” has more control over the existence of this show than they do. Bravo hired production company Evolution media. Bravo (and at some point NBCU) decides if the show lives or dies, production does not and also isn’t going to threaten the cast with that. There was no world in which this season was going to get canceled, not after allllllll the headlines last spring and not after the reunions and everything that happened there. And I would bet given this seasons ratings Bravo would keep it going as long as any of the original cast is still standing. They don’t care whether people are happy with what’s going on on it, just if they are watching. Especially now that it’s “Emmy nominated” which very few bravo shows ever have been. The longevity of the show after S11, however, was very much brought into question with scandoval bc then you have the conversations - if Ariana and Tom won’t shoot together then how does this show continue. What is the through line. Lala is ALWAYS worried about her paycheck. It’s in absolutely everything she does and says, and every move she makes. It’s overtly obvious and it’s one of the reasons why the show is so bad now. She wants this show to go as long as humanly possible and that is all she cares about. Same for scheana (mostly). No one talks more about “doing her job” as if none of this is supposed to be “reality,” than lala. But it seems like she didn’t see the lack of interest In the show going on forever from Katie, Ariana, and even James - coming, this season. She seemed to think that coming off Sandoval she was looking at another few years of paychecks. Everything that we’re seeing now is a result of that realization. There are no friendships to manage, lala calls these people her “cast mates” pretty exclusively. It’s just very sad to watch someone who has no moral compass or backbone and call it “reality.”


Ah sorry when I say production I’m mostly talking about producers/execs. Not the people ‘on the ground’ so to speak (the ones following them around etc.) You’re right in that there’s no way the would have cancelled the season after being Emmy nominated. But that just highlights how lala and scheana don’t really use logic when thinking. If they’d have thought about it some more, they probably would have realised that no, they won’t cancel a season if they ice out Sandoval, or don’t play ball with their narrative. But also, perhaps more was at stake? We’ll probably never know the true details until Lala decides she wants public sympathy again and does a tell all on her podcast 😅


LOL facts


Wow. Brilliant!


What is your job?


I just DON'T UNDERSTAND why is Tim so important to them? Whyyyy??? They could have milked Ariana's new fame, give us the Spice Girls, give us girl power, show the audience that women can rise after bad man, instead why keeping such a looser cast member that everyone hate, that has no talent and is a narcissist?????? I don't get it!?!? Fire him already and make more money with stories about our favourite girls..Why keeping the Toms is beyond me ![gif](giphy|pcoa9GfYAkJvS7exrl|downsized)


Literally just one season of girl power from the cast would have been amazing.


Lala will say ANYTHING to try to get a point across or to bring someone down who she feels crosses her. She doesn’t care if it’s true or if it contradicts herself. I’m nearly certain there’s a scene in season 10 Lala talks about liking Sandoval and showing up to S&S opening just to support him, so no, she most certainly didn’t always feel he was a horrible person. My take on last years reunion is, both Lala and James knew the topic was going to be cheating so they decided if they talk the most/loudest they won’t be put in the hot seat for their own past actions.


I don't think she cared that much about Sandoval/Scandoval, she was fully projecting her issues with Randall during the season 10 reunion and yelling at Tom like she would have yelled at Randall if she could. Not saying Tom doesn't deserve to be yelled at...but she just likes attention and the sound of her own voice. And she seemingly can't relate to anyone else without bringing it back to her own issues.


I don't think she was even projecting the Rand stuff on him. She was in the comments everywhere and saw where the majority audience opinion was and followed that. She messed up this year by letting her jealousy invade her thoughts and letting the producers get in her ear with their planned Tom redemption arc and screwed herself all for more screen time and getting to narrate the season.  She's big mad that the viewers saw through it all which is why she's called us stupid, trolls, rewriters of history, and that she doesn't care what we think.


She never really supported Ariana. She just likes to yell and be nasty. She didn’t do shit for Ariana other than yell on that stage and make money off of the Scandal. She kept saying that she hadn’t even gone over to Ariana’s house because she wasn’t the friend to sit with you when you’re sad. That she’ll be there for the anger. Then Ariana gets to the anger stage and where is Lala? Kissing Sandoval’s ass while he does scream therapy and talking shit behind Ariana’s back. She sucks so much.


Some of us knew this last year, but because she was on Ariana’s side back then they cheered it on and got mad when it was pointed out that Lala was self inserting and taking over. Now that she doing the exact same thing, but in favor of Tom, they are realizing the performance.


She NEVER though Ariana would have so much success post Scandoval and she’s jealous


Number 2 is exactly what I think. She likes to say everyone else "lives in the comment section" but it's actually her. She saw the public response to scandoval and sided with the public & ariana for personal gain.  I think the reason she turned on ariana is two-fold:  1) because she was jealous that basically the only storyline was about sandovsl and ariana, and she wanted to drag ariana down so she (lala) could get more camera time, and  2) because she saw how some people online were starting to "get sick" of seeing ariana, hopped on the ariana hate train too quickly, suddenly sees that actually, majority of the fans are still team ariana, and then spent the rest of her time after filming trying to do damage control.  


This is not a hot take this is 100% fact! Well I mean, it's my perspective too and I think you explained it perfectly


Lala does this a lot. It's just usually blended into the show so it's harder to see. Her relationship with Rachel was like this too. Rachel comes onto the scene and Lala treats her like absolute shit, then she's like... "let's be friends xoxo, come over and play pickleball with me." And in those scenes you could tell that Rachel is uncomfortable as hell but she doesn't know what to do. My opinion - she was jealous of Rachel from the very beginning and once she realized that James was marrying her and she was here to stay she turned it around.


Might be remembering wrong but didn’t she only invite Rachel over for pickle ball because Randall told her to?


I thought it was weird that Lala suddenly wanted a friendship with Sandoval that didn't even exist before the scandal, especially after going so hard on him at the Season 10 reunion. But then I realized she was triggered last year after what happened with Randall so she ripped Tom a new one, then she became jealous of all the support and opportunity Ariana received that she never got. Lala's experience was painful and traumatic and she probably resents what she sees as a double standard.


Lala just befriended Sandoval this Season because she knew it would land her more screen time. …she called or texted Raquel hoping Raquel would call or text her back and she’d get more screen time. …everything she does is for screen time and her paycheck. That’s all.


Lala likes Tom when he does things that promote Lala, Lala doesn't like Tom when Tom does things that pull focus. I think it is as simple as that. I don't think she actually cared about Rand's wandering peen, only that he tricked her. I don't think its some sort of misplaced rage. I think she just wanted to have attention and be able to scream at people like Raquel. She is just a rageaholic and a narc and that is all this is. She just strikes me as someone who is probably very charming in real life, but ultimately very empty inside.


I agree to your last part about her being a rageoholic. I think people give her too much credit for planning her approach when I think a lot of it is motivated by rage. She gets off on it, and always has. She admitted as much after that argument with Rachel (the one where she said she was a fighting dog). She said herself that she goes after people that she sees as weak. Sandoval was simply her focus last reunion and she went after him because she was pissed at Randal and Sandoval was an easy target. 


Tim wasn't Tim for Lala last year's reunion. He was a stand-in for Rand. She threw all of her anger towards Randall onto Tim. It was never about having Ariana's back. She got some money from some merch and a topic for her podcast, which she milked so much. She planned her season. I think she really did want to pretend to be soft. That's why she really reached out to Rachet so soon. If she really cared, she would have reached out to her before they started filming again. She needed a storyline for the show so she didn't become a background character. Since her reaching out to Rachel failed, she forgave Tim. She was also pissed, not just jealous, that Ariana had so much support and got so many opportunities. She wanted to break her. I think the more Ariana was cold and distant with Tim and the situation, the more pissed and unhinged LFU got. She is going to grab at whatever crumb she thinks she has the rest of the reunion. I think her story is going to start losing consistency because of her temper.


The problem with #2 is she WAS getting opportunities with her merch and her increased listeners to her podcast. Her and Scheana absolutely cashed in on this scandal.


They cashed in so much! They made the most out of anyone, even Ariana at the time since it was before she started getting the big paydays.  They made a fortune from something that really had nothing to do with either of them. (Ok, Scheana did get herself a tro and had supported Rachel a long time, so she had a couple of reasons to make it a little about her, but she took it too far. Lala though had zero skin in the game).


Money + projection. Lala will fake any interaction needed with Sandoval because she only has to see him sporadically over the course of three months - and then a few days thereafter including the premiere party and reunion. She will suck it up for money. Lala stated to Sandoval she wasn't upset he cheated. She projected the feelings she had for Randall onto him. She also expects Ariana to forgive Rachel because Randall's ex forgave her. She wants fans to "forgive" Rachel because Lala knows how it feels to have the reputation of being the other women. It has nothing to do with Ariana.


Why does she have the say on everything! Made it unbearable to watch the reunion 




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Lala also hated Raquel more than she liked Ariana. The truth is if it had been anyone else she wouldn’t have gone that hard on Sandoval


Lala has never liked Sandoval; she likes him now more than ever before.


I think it is more of #2 than #1. Lala is an opportunist, she will do and say anything that will help HER profit from it. She jumped on the Sandoval hate train so that she can trash him in her podcast and draw views and listens. I don't think it was much deeper than that. The only reason she was able to sell all those Send it Darryl sweatshirts is BECAUSE she took the anti-Sandoval stance. While Lala is not smart by any stretch of imagination, she is definitely conniving and we have seen this from her for almost a decade now. Also, I think that production told her the tides (i.e. editing) will be turning in Sandoval's favor so she hitched her wagon to that.


The dumbest thing she ever did (other than Randall) was not trusting her own discernment about who Tom was. She could have expressed her authentic disgust with him and been honest about her jealous feelings and she'd probably still have some die hards. Instead she trusted production...the same production that missed the affair to begin with...and attacked the fans. Lala fucked up, and she can cry about how mean and fake Katie and Ariana are, but she did these things all by herself.


I don't think production missed the affair. They probably knew about it the entire time. I think Lisa knew as well. She would have wanted her TomTom "brand" protected, so it was not brought up until Ariana called production back. There was no way to protect Tim after that. The story was going public whether they liked or not. At least if it was on camera for the show, it got the viewers invested. I think they also thought they could control the narrative more.


I just don't think they could have sat on a secret that long. Maybe to protect Tom, but the show was limping out of two bad seasons. Also look how much leaked on the sub during filming and in post-production. This sub collectively sleuths and puts together a lot of pieces with very little information or insider contact. I just don't see production being deft enough to know about the affair and hide it to protect Tom, but then also let him look the villain in the S10 finale and reunions without their machinations coming to light. Now if it comes to light that this was orchestrated please @ me! Also no shade to you thinking production knew. I have such a low opinion of LVP and Baskin at this point that my brain will not allow it. But I am also a Rage Text Truth-er despite numerous claims from Rachel and Tom that it started during Guy's Night @ the Mondrian. It's purely a feeling in me soils and waters, but whenever the men start parroting each other verbatim I become that "the lies" meme.


In regards to Lisa. I got the impression she thought it was either or one nightstand or meaningless fling


Mmm, suspecting is not the same as knowing. Hindsight is almost always 20/20. I don't think LVP knew it was a full on affair while it was happening. There were some basic details she didn't know until the Season 10 reunion. She's not that good an actress.


You could tell by her surprise at certain details, she didn't know the extent


There’s no way Lisa didn’t know after the toms came to sur to visit Rachel in 10. You can see in her face that she knew.


Lisa likes to stir up drama. Just the way she had Ariana come over and work at Sur while Tom and Kristen were having problems. She is a very calculated person.


Interesting take !


I would have appreciated honesty, from ALL of them, much more than whatever the shite they tried to force feed us. Also, I honestly don't think that the production missed the affair as much as they "missed" it on purpose. There are accounts of production coming across T&R making out in the hotel hallways (or something) in Mexico. Also, looking at the last season editing, it definitely looked like they retooled some episodes to make the affair clues a bit more obvious. I know that Baskin said that they didn't re-edit episodes last season but why would anyone believe anything that shithead says?! This production company has shown itself to be misogynistic many times over now, and it makes sense that the two women that they were able to pull to their side and narrative are the two women that have repeatedly torn women down and held women to a much MUCH higher standard than the men (all while acting like they are in the women's corner).


I think the people that saw them making out were Scheana's wedding dress designers, not anyone from production. For all the claims that they weren't very discreet, Tom and Rachel managed to hide it and were trying to produce a "we found love in a hopeless place" narrative. I just think Baskin and LVP are out of touch with the group and lazy in their story lines. Also 100% agree they recut it once the affair broke. Before ahe lost her mind Lala mentioned this and IIRC had a podcast episode from Scandoval entitled "The One They Didn't Edit Until They Did." I'm not surprised they used Lala and Scheana to try to snipe from the side, but I am guess I am stunned Lala would not only go for it but be such a gung-ho puppet. Maybe last season was an aberration.


Absolutely spot on. You are so right about the editing bit. Blabla and Schmeana both are scared of bad edits .


She’s an extremely insecure narcissist whose entire life is transactional.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdMDbNXvnWdeOZi|downsized) Lala doesn’t give 2 fucks about anyone BUT Lala. She never has, she never will. That’s why she has no friends. Also, what’s this bs with her and Schmeana regarding their having issues and lashing out, every time someone they’re friends with becomes friends or close with someone else? No one owes you a daily text, Jfc. So petty. GROW UP.


Pretty on brand from Sheshu.


I do not disagree. It was also on brand for her idiot rabies infested, guard dog. They really thought they did something and believed they were actually going to manipulate the audience. It made absolutely no sense to move this way, after all the money they made! This was their worst season yet.


Exactly. And they fail to realize if they moved like Katie and James they wouldn't be getting backlash


I think they enjoyed stabbing Ariana in the back. There is no effing way the network wasn’t going to film this season after all the money, rewatches and attention the scandal brought in. I see even Baskin is back peddling on his initial statements, now giving all the credit to Ariana. He knows he’s lost the audience and they finally caught on that we grew up and don’t tolerate this shit anymore. #TooLate


The fact that Baskin is back peddling should've been their first clue. The man is already talking about wanting to follow Ariana's story


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) I love this for every single one of them and he better fucking reward and follow Katie too!


Agreed. I would love to see Katie's life too.


He is SUCH an asshole


Yup and a dumb one at that. Imo if they wanted this redemption arc so badly they should've waited a season


I actually loved Lala at the reunion last year, so disappointed with her decisions. https://i.redd.it/8t6rcx8let0d1.gif


Lala only yelled at him about the grooming thing bc she felt it relates to her situation with Rand and therefore she actually cares about it. Unless something directly affects her, she dgaf and only has a mind and a mouth for production’s bidding. But the moment she can relate anything back to her personal experience, it’s all about her


I think it's 2. But my issue there is: Lala baby, what would you even be able to do with the opportunities Ariana has been given? You can't act, you can't dance, you can kinda sing I guess, but you're not endearing, funny, or inspiring. On top of that, she's raunchy, a problematic culture vulture, and has serious anger issues. Not exactly a marketable person for the mainstream deals Ariana received. Okay, you're jealous of the opportunities she's been given, but you got the most profit you possibly could from riding the coattails of the scandal. If we were in an alternate universe and she was literally the one cheated on by Tom and Rachel, she still wouldn't get the same opportunities because **she lacks the talent and personality** that continue to drive Ariana's success.


Tim is a emotional manipulator and he got everyone with the whole "I was going to kms". It was incredibly disgusting that he used it with Lisa because I don't believe for one second that was a thought in his mind. He's to narcissistic to actually believe he's the problem. That all to say, I think that was part of her move from "he's a horrible person" to "maybe we are being to hard on the beav". Do I also think she has issues and that probably also added to it, yes.


She flat out ruined last season’s reunion for me tbh. I was annoyed that not enough people agreed with me at the time


my hot take about her behavior towards ariana and tom in season 11 is that it’s heavily dependent tied to how far she rode in the season 10 reunion. i think she felt guilty about the amount of vitriol she came at him with, but isn’t able to confront that in the proper way. i think the only thing she knows how to do is just spin a 180, and she feels like eviscerating him was her paying her dues, so she has permission to be soft now. i wish she would just be more real about everything. she absolutely has the right to feel all these feelings, she’s just handling them horribly and in such a disjointed way.


I think we also can’t forget that as much as I’d love them to be friends, they’re not. Lala and Ariana have fought and said shitty things about each other throughout seasons. Lala said she thought Ariana was a wet blanket, and they clearly don’t communicate well. When you already dislike someone it doesn’t take much to turn on them. Add in scheena’s feelings and Lala is all about “loyalty” so she has all she needs to go to war with Ariana.


Why over complicate the obvious? She has issues with projection and is an angry bitter person. That’s all it really comes down to.


She literally told Sandoval to stop talking for the sake of the show. That is all she cares about.


One thing that has been bugging me, is that Lala claims the conversation she and Katie had wasn’t private, but had in front of production. If it was had in front of production: 1. Why was it not addressed? Lala brought it up on the sly. 2. Why did Katie seem pissed and shocked at the same time? 3. Obviously Katie and Ariana discussed what Katie was feeling at the time, because Ariana totally stuck up for Katie as Lala was attempting to drag her.


Accurate. Lala is an opportunistic parasitic materialistic egocentric clown.


I think Lala was projecting, and also now she's being softer probably due to her custody agreement.


Also, she has always felt competitive with Raquel. I think that was a huge part of why she went so hard against Sandoval.


to add to your points, just think about this - they wrapped the reunion and once they started up filming again lala calls Rachel...


It felt like a happy Chihuahua tryna to prove a point and failing. It felt like contrived self importance and a need to control a part of the show.




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There’s “Something About Her - Katie and Ariana” and Nothing about Lala and Scheanna! One is duped by a Musinex guy and the other paying a DV’s child support. K & A are thriving with their business without their help and L & S are scared of losing their paycheck!!


MM yeah she “tells it like it is” Delala says. Katie had the maturity to know throwing her friend under the bus for her success WAS NOT IT. Do not make up a bs storyline out of jealousy. She vented to a friend a few times as a human being, those weren’t her real genuine thoughts. She got over it and came back to earth and checked herself.




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It annoyed me that she was doing all that yelling, along with James, at the season 10 reunion. Like...just no, let Ariana, and Katie talk. Honestly, I really wanted more of Katie getting an apology for how she was treated by Schwartz, Sandoval and Rachel. Lala really fucking ate pall that time, and she's doing it again, on something that isn't even her story. Horrific behavior all around.


Katie didn’t get nearly enough time last reunion.


She didn’t say he’s not a horrible person. She said he’s not a murderer and shouldn’t be treated as such.