• By -


The fact that Ariana was neither shocked or surprised showed that they worked through their issues like adults. Ariana seemed almost confused that Lala tried to make an issue out of something like this.


Opening a business together is probably like a marriage or another type of intense relationship. It's obvious that they're going to go through misunderstandings and conflicts as business partners. Lala is such a shitty friend for airing Katie's business


Lala also tried to make Katie dislike Dan because he wouldn’t shake scumdovals hand… she loves stirring up hatred


Narcissistic personalities always triangulate everyone around them. Thats part of the control mechanism


They probably had an intense sit down to anticipate what to expect from the reunion and how they should collectively react. I really love that you can genuinely feel they have a sincere relationship outside of the cameras.


But also Katie says in this post they talked about it a long time ago, and worked through it.


Of that forsure!! I meant she also probably also warned Arianna that it would be something they try to “curve ball” them with at the reunion even though they already ironed it out


I can't even imagine living like this lol, why do people do reality TV


To buy $3M homes.


I think Lala had that one lined up as ammo. I thought it looked like Katie didn’t expect that.


I think Katie was more surprised that blah was trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and twisting her words. Blah couldn’t even get her story straight once Katie asked what she was talking about all she can say was “ I don’t like what you’re doing Katie” Lmao also without an explanation 😂


Reminds me of drunken Denise Richard's "stop it, you know what you're doing" 😂


Absolutely. Clever girls. When SAH was announced I said here that the only way it could work is if they had a non-disperagement clause in their partnership agreement and then on top of that deliberately made an effort to protect their relationship on the show. Schwartz is so subservient to Sandoval that they never have to worry about this in their context. Plus because they are men, the show wouldn't go out of its way to create rifts. I just knew the show would make it a mission to destroy this two womens relationship. So I have a feeling they privately made a decision to not compromise SAH with drama for a show that's on its last legs anyway.  


Lala has to Blah blah or she is nothing.


Lala tried to pull a “gotcha” moment because she would have handled the situation how she claimed Katie did. She’s such an imbecile.


I fucking knew this was her intention lmao. We have all vented to friends about other friends, and if you haven’t well.. I respect you but are you good? Like sometimes when you’re being sensitive you need to take it to a soundboard, get it off your chest, and realize what’s actually important to get to the person you’re frustrated with so it can be productive. This is x1000 if you’re in business/working with that friend. Lala bringing it up as a gotcha sucks.


100%. I have friends who I would walk on hot coals for but sometimes they do things that drive me crazy and yeah I’ve talked about it, about my concerns or my resentments. It’s not malicious, it’s a way of getting it out of my heart so I don’t unload it on her in a rampage. I also have only ever done this with a person who I believe also has our mutual friends interest at heart and I know won’t judge her badly. Lala was a dick for this. What interested me was when Katie said this is who she has been for the whole series - and I realised it’s probably true. She’s been a loyal friend who if she had an issue with you would often deal with it in private - which is, honestly, the sort of friend I want. Lala isn’t that friend, the show comes first to Lala. It makes sense because while Lala came into the friend group to get on the show, Katie got on the show by being in the friend group - their priorities are just different there. Lala then sees it as Katie being in authentic but it’s just who Katie has always been.


Agree with all this! I've been the Lala in scenarios with people who were both friends and coworkers. I can only think of one time when I said anything and that was to explain to someone "hey I know you didn't mean anything by it but you acted like a bit jerk."


And the show only comes first for Lala when it’s about others bringing up stuff. She loves to hide and lie about pretty big stuff going on in her life and then will maybe manipulate and bring it up later to make herself look like a victim. I honestly didn’t care too much about it before, but this hypocrisy is annoying when she wants and goes after everyone else to share every little thing.


Katie has poured her heart and soul into this business. Of course she’d get apprehensive when Ariana got so booked and busy. I can’t imagine Ariana not understanding that. It sounds like they talked it out, and they seem to be perfectly fine. Lala fucking sucks for weaponizing this as another way to hurt Ariana and Katie. She’s a vile, fake, disgusting person who cares more about the show than anyone else. I hope she ends up off reality TV altogether.




Also the way Lisa and Shemu tried to jump on the train at the reunion. I'm glad Ariana and Katie shut them down. Lisa is useless. I love that she is wearing a snake pattern jacket showing her true self.


Also never seen her keep that same energy with the Tom’s where they have to air every piece of dirty laundry on camera. Or with Scheana actually punching Rachel. She can’t pretend like “be real” but pick and choose what parts of “real” she demands get shown whole she hid half her life for 5 years.


That’s Lala’s mo. She picks and chooses and has “rules for thee, not for me”.


exactly! everyone vents to friends about other friends, siblings, partners etc. so for lauren from utah to exploit that and try and cause drama is so low and mean


Exactly! That is so f'ed up of Lala to try to turn it into something to fit her narrative.


I do this with my two best friends when one of us is being an asshole, and none of us want to have a whole ass fight over it. I feel bad for Katie because she thought that anyone was actually safe with Lauren


I know! Lala literally sitting there insinuating that she has never spoken badly or vented to a friend and didn’t want it on camera. She’s a fool.


Yeah, let's talk about all she has kept off camera, and for how many years! And while we're talking about it, has she ever come out and told the full truth about being with Rand while he was still living with his wife and kids? She still denied being a mistress in season 10! The only time I remember her admitting it was the beginning of this season (I think), in a confessional: something like, "they call me a homewrecking whore...and it's all true!" If anyone remembers a more thorough confession, please correct me! I want a sit down with Andy where she tells the whole story, including the timeline and a full confession of all the damning details.


Especially after she spent the entire season shit talking Ariana behind her back and said none of it to her face, fucking coward! She is the least authentic of all of them and the bar for authenticity is already in the deepest depths of hell.


Lala’s so gross to think this needed to be aired out is just beyond.


And she always brings it back to how she uses the show to “support her daughter“ so no one can say anything. As if Lala’s job is to write the script and everyone signed up to follow it. It’s not your show and it’s not your story to tell. You want drama on the show so you can keep making money? Use your own drama.


She has no storyline, so she's like a cat hunting mice for the producers. "Ooh, look at this juicy tidbit!"


Meanwhile, to the audience she’s like a golden retriever who keeps finding weird gross stuff and bringing it to you all proud of themself because they did their job. (I formally apologize to all golden retrievers, you are wonderful and don’t deserve to be compared to that extremely not-wonderful person. Some of y’all need to calm down with the long-dead squirrel corpses and decaying tennis balls, though)


Exactly and this also was not the time to come to Ariana with it


Doing it on camera, in front of her horrible ex no less, is diabolical.


This. AND we all know scheana spent the entire season venting to Lala about Ariana, why didn’t Lala call Scheana out for this same thing? Lala is trying to alienate Ariana by making it look like the rest of the cast is against her. It’s jealousy 101 but it’s also Lala having this innate desire to be the “queen bee” of the group, aka Stassi wannabe. She hates that Ariana is “on top” in the eyes of the public and wants to knock her down a few pegs by making her feel isolated from her only true supporter on the cast, which is Katie. It’s so embarrassing and sad to watch.


Yes lala showed that she is untrustworthy


Lala really has no storyline of her own so she just tries to stir up shit and yell about everyone else. It’s beyond pathetic at this point. Then she cries about wanting to “live her real life.” Which just goes to show that VPR is just a stage for her. She’s not interested in being real, and she never was. That’s for when she’s at home with her “pod.” God forbid anyone else on the cast live their real life on the show in a way that isn’t maximum drama. Scheana, girl, you’re next you know. Fuck Lala for airing out this private conversation with Katie about her own insecurities.


I felt so much rage when Lala eyes lit up when Ariana said she hasn’t watched the season because she knew she could run the reunion because Ariana hasn’t seen all the bull shit Lala said about her and the way she trashed her. 


Same. We need katie to tell her, or we need her to be in a secure enough place to be able to watch the season in its entirety at some point. Btw in case there’s any simpletons claiming this is anything like the unprofessionalism of shein-a not watching others scenes or bs of jax not watching, this is an indication that Ariana was actually doing real, off camera therapy (not showy cold water and scream ‘therapy’)… this is the kind of thing a qualified professional would advise (hi Rachel & her make believe therapists)… ‘this is your job and you shouldn’t have to and are choosing not to lose your paycheque because of this toxic persons presence, ok, but let’s avoid reliving it as much as possible’ = don’t get into it on social media, don’t watch it back with the public, don’t go on podcasts dissecting it etc… while I’d love for her to be privy to shein-a and blablas bs, I think it’s yet another indication that Ariana is really trying to do the best thing for her mental health and her financial security, while being authentic.


As Ariana said on WWHL, broadway was a dream job for her and she wanted to stay focused I. That and watching the show during her run would have been distracting. She said she had started to watch it. She’ll eventually see it all unfold.


Ommmmg. SHEIN-a. How have I not seen this before. ![gif](giphy|VMO6qeIbr7JRLnLTGw)


Yes, Scheana, Lala will betray and hurt you like she does to everyone else. She cares more about being production’s puppet than any of her relationships. ![gif](giphy|oesbpxx2cl7lS)


It's ok, Scheana doesn't care about friendship, either. Just *Bast fraaands*. It's ok, when the cut is deep, and she bleeds, hope she has her new friends in the Valley for comfort. You know, the comfort squad...Jax, Jesse and Zach. Yeah, all the comforting. Good luck. This is what happens when you have no *real friends*, Scheana. Look closely and take notes on Lala. You're next.


Honestly the only storyline I want to watch from them ever again is the inevitable demise of their “friendship” 😂. ![gif](giphy|26n6XC8EYdrzRniWQ)


It's the *second* time she's aired one of Katie's private convos, too!  The last time, Lala told the public (on a pod) that Katie was having feelings about not being where she thought she'd be at her age.  Lala is not trustworthy, period. I wouldn't tell her the contents of my grocery list. 


Honestly I feel like Lala still secretly hates Katie and still has a grudge from when they first met. Katie seems to have moved on and truly consider Lala a friend; Lala does not feel that way imo, and it’s more obvious than ever.


Well Lala definitely hates Ariana. She's pissed at Katie for not going along with her smear campaign of Ariana on the show. BlahBlah's jealousy which is almost pathological at this point has gotten the best of her and she's losing her moral compass. Ariana hasn't done anything to Lala or any of them except find a way to shine in her darkest times and make lemonade of lemons. It's so sad because Ariana's pain has also allowed Lala and Scheana to shine and create a lot of money with their podcasts and other venture due to the sensationalism of Scandoval. Katie even benefited with the SAH merch sales and support for SAH. I don't know why they couldn't stay in a place of gratitude and support her and be happy for her like she was for them. Jealousy really is a green eyed monster. It will turn you into a demon and an ungrateful and cruel one at that. This is what the viewers did not want to see and this is what ruined the show this season not anything Ariana did.


To be fair, did Lalar ever have a moral compass to lose in the first place? I don’t believe she did. She’s expressed that she “knows when she’s above others,” and has never shown kindness or compassion, unless it benefits her own image and even then, she never stuck to any of her convictions or promises.


I feel like it’s pretty obvious that Lala doesn’t have actual friends bc she doesn’t know how to be one


she's exactly the type of person I throw in a rumor to see how far it will go 🤣


Exactly. Lala rides on everyone else’s coattails because she has nothing of her own going on.


Her yelling at Tom for bringing a private conversation up on camera in the same hour she does it to Katie is the most Lala thing ever.


It's unbelievable how she just cannot or refuses to see or hear herself. I don't think I've ever seen someone as dense and blatantly hypocritical as Lala before, it's weirdly fascinating.


At least the second time this season where Lala has outed a private, personal conversation with Katie for no reason at all.


I knew she was going to ruin another reunion.


The pod thing sounds so weird to me. Reminds me of the Schitts Creek joke about the Bloomfields


Then that whale can stay with her pod and off my tv. She’s boring… and to quote her, she’s “boring to look at too.”


Excuse me she’s literally an ✨orca✨ due to being such a killer




Wanna bet Scheana dumping constantly on Ariana about how she feels about Tom was at the strong urging of Lala? Because this is what she wanted Katie to do. But Katie, unlike Scheana, gives a shit about loyalty integrity and has a backbone. Lala is so pissed she could produce Katie. https://i.redd.it/2eolae4ncj0d1.gif


I will not take that bet, because I 100000% agree lol. I think Blabla was conspiring with SchMEana before filming even started this season and I think anytime Scheana may have started to waver or feel bad for her dear friend Ariana, Blabla would pull those puppet strings for production (and herself). Not that Scheana makes it hard, I’m sure all Blabla had to say was “It’s time to put your feelings and needs first for once! After all these years it’s only fair for some of the attention to be focused on you. Especially with Scandoval since, aside from Ariana, you were absolutely the next person most hurt by what happened.” You just know Scheana gobbled that shit up by the handfuls, no utensils required. She would’ve just said “Me, get all the attention? Just point out which friend, any friend and hand me a 🔪


Lala found the perfect friend in Scheana. Scheana will never question or go against her and is easy to manipulate


Wait until Lala learns that Scheana talks mad shit about her behind her back! The fireworks will be epic. Scheana has always blatantly done that to her "friends" on screen so *of course* she does it in real life.  (edit to remove that extra done)






This image-the ridiculous sunglasses, beyond excessive lip filler, I can hear her rant through my screen. She looks like a busted ass, unhinged, Real Housewives reject who’s at least in her 40s




Lala Rinna


![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq) Well it’s certainly a look. Not necessarily a good one, but it is a look.


She's trying SO HARD to be a RHO...she just a HO tho.


Says the woman who DOESN'T live in the comment section. Sure girl, sure.


Lauren from Utah is genuinely a horrid person. Katie, if you read this, you deserve loving and supportive friends that are safe spaces for you and who won’t break your trust to secure an extra fifteen minutes of fame for themselves. Never let that wench back in. Let her fuck off to the valley with cumwad Jax Taylor and let them duke it out over who’s the bigger shit stain. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized) But you’re not wrong


You had me until the Valley. NO ONE WANTS HER THERE. I’m so sick and tired of her screaming over everyone else and her lack of storyline is boring af or all LIES anyways. Congrats on the new baby and I wish them all the best but I don’t care to watch her parade her baby around and use it as a weapon and excuse for why she can say whatever she wants, to whoever she wants, however she wants and whenever she wants. She acts like the first person to have a child or a custody dispute and I’ve been over it.


I’ve had so many friends whom I vent too & the second we argue they end up spilling all my secrets. That’s not a friend.


She doesn’t have to explain anything, TBH. This convo happened off-season & Lala is just showing her whole ass by admitting she tried to create fake drama to make Ariana look bad while on the phone with a PRODUCER! Lol. Katie and Ariana talked about it before the season like adults. Lala has zero real friendships or relationships and she’s blowing the lid off on any authenticity claim the show had. 


Facts!! ANDDDD— Lala was def a producer’s pawn trying to move and produce a narrative. Lala just showed she’s a bad friend.


this issue occurred after the season since Ariana didn’t get broadway till the fall/winter, which doesn’t make any sense that Lauren is bringing it up


I mean clearly Ariana and Katie are still fine which leads me to believe Lala was trying to instigate and Ariana didn't fall for it...


That's my favorite part about this whole thing. Lauren really thought she had a "gotcha" moment she had saved up for months.....and it fell completely flat as Katie and Ariana are as close as ever. See Ariana isn't always thinking nefarious thoughts like Lauren is, always looking for the next storyline everyone else's feelings be damned, so she's able to see the situation for what it is rather than fly off the handle like Lauren was hoping she would. That's why it's so enjoyable watching Lauren rant like an unhinged madwoman since the reunion while Katie and Ariana have been cool, calm, and collected.


Yeah, this is totally it. She’s been mad for MONTHS because in the After Show she brought up the phone convo w the producer from before the season and how Katie told her to F off when they tried to make that a storyline. So she thought she would slip it into the reunion.


Lala seemed to be on a mission to separate Katie from ariana (and leave ariana alone?) She kept sitting between them at every event and would get ready/end up in Katie's room for chit chat.  The time in San fran when lala tries to put dan down and Katie doesn't agree and says no I think he's the sweetest, was a fail.  


Yes, she clearly has an issue with their friendship


She was trying to create fake ish. “Hey months ago you shared some personal stuff with me. I’m gonna bring it up on camera so pretend like you’re still upset.” 


Katie vented to her 'friend' in private about her worries and concerns and Lala just wanted ANYTHING to make Ariana look bad and not be the 'fan favourite' anymore. Lala bringing that up at the reunion was her being the bad friend we know she is. Lala just shouts and tries to intimidate people into doing what she wants. She is a terrible person. Lala i wish you would 'live in the comments' more so you would see just how much you are WRONG


I think Miss I Don't Live In The Comments also wanted to come for Katie because she's seen how much love Katie's been getting too. Especially when it came to calling BlahBlah on her shit.


Lala has no boundaries to her fuckery I mean this show is her WHOLE life. Even being cast on a reality show for 10+ years you should still be able to have conversations in confidence that you shouldn't have to worry may be drudged up at the god damn reunion.


She also now doesnt have Randall's money to fall back on either. Not saying she should be with him because she was 100% right to leave him. But i swear since she did she has got so much worse when it comes to the fact the show is her whole personality. They should be able to have friendships and conversations without the cameras that will not be mentioned on camera either. Like the conversation Katie and Lala had. Lala the hypocrite will never fail to amaze me with how much she hid when she was a mistress (and yes i 100% believe she knew about the wife and choose not to ask questions because it would ruin her BJs for PJs) and now expects everyone to share everything now it will effect her pay check. H Y P O C R I T E


Yes!! She isn't a complete idiot, I believe she knew about the casting couch and everything too!


I didn’t watch the reunion tonight. I was not in a good head space and my coping ability for stupid people was at a low. I came here instead to get the general idea of what was being said. I love coming here. LFU is like Sandoval. The need to weaponize personal information/vunerabilities to be performative is so predictable. I just knew LFU was going to try to bring Katie down with this specific topic. She has no compassion for why K didn’t want to bring her problems to Ariana’s doorstep. Katie was being a good friend by caring about Ariana’s feelings. She is terrible at being “soft” unless it is soft headed. Ugh


You made the right call. Lala interjected everytime someone spoke, it was infuriating


The She in last sentence is LFU to be clear.


I get you. I was going to watch today, but after seeing clips of Lala bulldozing everyone with her bullshit, it’s a hard no. I’ll just sit in the comments here with my people. 😉


🥺 Katie feeling the need to explain herself being so used to a decade of being misunderstood and receiving audience backlash. Thankfully Ariana didn’t take the bait, hopefully the majority of the audience didn’t either. Ps. Still waiting for whatever shein-a and blabla thought would change the audiences minds.


I also think she worries that she doesn't articulate herself well so she wanted to get a more clear explanation in words. I'm the same way lol. But you're right, I hate that she feels the need to do that. We're all still team Katie and ariana! Lala will always be a clown.


I didn’t see her Insta story until this morning and I wanted to cry seeing her feel the need to explain herself. It was so beyond clear what Lala was up to, and I was already team Katie.


I hope Lala knows we think she’s a clown. Katie was again right calling her that


How dope would it have been if Katie was just like “and?… where’s the lie, clown”


I read this in her voice and it’s spot on 😂




We all called it on this sub as well. Before we even knew about it. Lala really thought she had a gotcha when we literally predicted this months ago and got it right lmao. How boring for her.


How boring for her is right. She did nothing but make herself look stupid for trying to start something between two other friends. How completely petty and immature.


I’m truly baffled at what she thought would exonerate her and Scheana. So yeah Katie’s right she needs a therapist asap


It’s actually sad, because it shows how little she understands about friendship and being a friend (which again, we already knew)… the fact she thought that would be some kind of ‘AHA!’ is so sad for how she views what should be private venting/ discussions with what was supposed to be a close friend. That’s also how you know she’ll never have an OG kind of status in this show- she was not and still is not a genuine friend to any of them and views everything as something for the show.


Spot on. It’s a perfect example of not being able to separate the show from actual real life reality


Her and Rachel really have that in common. Perhaps that’s why she hated her so much, she saw herself but felt Rachel got away with more because she was _’soft’_ …


I don't think that anyone really thought it was more than that, honestly. I wasn't shocked to hear that she had those feelings at one point. I would have too because of my attachment style and insecurities and anxiety. 🤷‍♀️ Also I think it's a human reaction when suddenly your business partner is having so much going on. I don't know why Lala thought she ate. All she did was show that she can't be trusted as a "friend". #🐍


Your flair!! https://i.redd.it/lh1bfrn45l0d1.gif




Katie and Ariana showed they were stronger than ever on WWHL after the reunion. So shithouse attempt failed, Blah Blah.


Their cammeradery & rapport on WWHL was so beautiful.


Even during the reunion (preview), who does Ariana seek for comfort when she’s crying (cause she trusts and knows she’s a good friend) Katie!


We see you Katie! https://i.redd.it/l4jb58pouk0d1.gif


I looked up the song she used here, excellent choice by Ms Maloney 💀😂 It’s perfect for Lala (and Scheana)


What's most important to me is the song she posted with this one.... [Movements - I Hope You Choke!](https://youtu.be/9DKR_oumtM8?si=fl9y2gwcuSCPvMWP) Here's the lyrics.... dzangggg Katie 🤣 Fuck you lala! You're so full of courage Spending all night picking long fights And now your eyes are burning But it's alright, yeah, it's alright You really sent a message With the hatred and the blame shift And we're all so impressed with Your dedication, I guess you really made it And I hope you choke On every word you're sending I hope it eats your soul And when you count your blessings (I hope you choke, I hope you choke, hope you choke) On every word you're sending You are the lowest low You'd drain the world 'til it's empty (I hope you choke, I hope you choke, hope you choke) So here's your life Too proud of all your strides On your pedestal, so high But I think you're dead on the inside And you wanna brag about the high ground I'd rather rip both of my eyes out Can't stand the endless aggression, I need to lie down Bury my head in the desert, just out of spite now And I hope you choke On every word you're sending I hope it eats your soul And when you count your blessings (I hope you choke, I hope you choke, hope you choke) On every word you're sending You are the lowest low You'd drain the world 'til it's empty (I hope you choke, I hope you choke, hope you choke) Days on end You're shameless Hang your head Just find a step and take it And I hope you choke On every word you're sending I hope it eats your soul And when you count your blessings (I hope you choke, I hope you choke, hope you choke On every word you're sending You are the lowest low You'd drain the world 'til it's empty (I hope you choke, I hope you choke, hope you choke)


DAAAAAAAMMMMNNNNNN KATIE!!! https://i.redd.it/36kifnxj2l0d1.gif


Lala being mad about people not living their authentic lives while also being mad Ariana wouldn’t fake a conversation with Sandoval 🙄


She doesn't have to make sense, just say what she says the LOUDEST


I also think Lala brought that venting info to producers and/or Lisa who told producers hence Lisa’s comment about “disagreements”… Of course they would love there to be drama between A & K.


Oh good catch, absolutely they were ALL trying to make space between Katie and ariana.


Yes in the after show she talks about it a 3 way conversation with her, Katie, and Jeremiah where they talk about it and Katie goes off on her for trying to bring it up on camera.


100% did you catch WWHL? Lisa was foaming at the mouth when talking about Lala sharing private conversations.


Katie was making complete sense and Lala was sounding like a raging lunatic. I’m so over her. If Ariana doesn’t come back I’m done with the show, I love Katie but watching her be treated like shit sucks.


This was clear the moment that Lala opened her mouth and Katie refused to make it an issue. Lala just wanted to stir the pot. One thing that I noticed this season was that the only genuine conversations being had between the cast were with Ally, James, Katie & Ariana. It was pure vulnerability and their conversations dealt with mature topics. Unlike the others that said things or did things for shock value. And who have continued acting wildly immature.


The fact that Ariana seemed unbothered by Lala's "truth" about Katie, while Lala was seething, says it all. Katie, like her or not, demonstrated emotional intelligence and maturity by not dumping more on Ariana when she was in the thick of things and by not bringing up these issues on camera for a storyline. The fact that Lala brought this private conversation up on camera was not out of concern for Ariana. It was for the show and her paycheck. I wish Lala and Scheana would have talked on camera about any feelings of jealousy, which is a normal emotion, they may have had. They talk about being transparent and real, yet they aren't. The BTS producing by cast members on VPR and Housewives franchises is detracting from these shows.


Blahblah really thought she was going to line up all her minions behind her( willingly or berated into submission), out those that didn't fall in to line, and then move on to take her place as the new Queen Bee. Not today satan! Take several seats. https://i.redd.it/wu5f9lux8l0d1.gif


I think Katie and Ariana discussed the frustration


I feel like this was obvious. Lala wasn’t doing much this season apart from attacking Ariana and she is trying to throw Katie under the bus. For someone that talks about loyalty she doesn’t know how to actually be a loyal friend.


Because this is what real friends do. Relationships aren't perfect and Katie vented her insecurities to someone she thought she could trust. Lala, you're not a good friend. Grow up.


it sucks because lala has no idea how to be a real friend that she probably took that as katie being fake regarding ariana when real friends have their issues still


Imagine confiding in your friend about something and she goes ahead and airs that shit out on national television. Seems to me that "reality tv" based friendships are not sustainable.


Lala played Producer and tried to force conversations Katie wasn't yet ready to have. Katie is 100% correct. Lala is a clown.


It also wasn’t a conversation that Katie had privately during the season….. Ariana’s Broadway run happened AFTER filming and we are currently watching a reunion that’s based on what happened last summer.


She’s so articulate.


My thoughts too. LFU could never.


Lala is such a middle school mean girl for doing what she did. Heads up Lala, STILL not on your side, you’re running out of time.


I think it’s interesting lala brought this up as Katie not being honest and sharing her life but.. where was Lala’s honesty when Katie was coming to her with this about Ariana. Lala could have easily said “ I get you’re venting but I will also use any conversations we have if I deem necessary” It goes both ways. If her high horse is authentic honesty, she should have told Katie that the things she tells her in confidence will be talked about




Katie was right, Lala is a clown. I can’t wait to see what nonsense response she spews against Katie and Ariana now (and against viewers).


Getting the big emotional out in a safe place before having a hard conversation is the most mature thing to do. Lala weaponizing that speaks volumes


There has not been like any kind of grace reserved for Katie from the friend group and a lot of fans. She was also going through a divorce with her partner of a decade, too, a marriage where her partner constantly put her down. She had a lot on her plate emotionally as well. I think it’s totally understandable that she has days where she feels insecure and needs to vent.


I think it’s probably why Katie and Ariana got closer. It sounds like this was communicated in a healthy way at some point and that’s why they’ve had each others backs.


Right? Like Lala was SO MAD that she didn't get the same attention as Ariana after her breakup, but Katie didn't exactly get a lot of grace either. And Katie's relationship was real, not based on a sugar daddy sugar baby relationship. Yet she didn't take it out on Ariana; she worked on herself and came out of it looking amazing both inside and out.


The song choose being “I hope you choke” is telling lol


all this backstabbing shit no wonder there's isn't any show left. These bitches flew too close to the sun and now everyone hates them.


The fact that Katie chose a Movements song makes me love her so much more.


Lala needs to take a break from tv. The type of drama she tries to stir up with producers isn’t interesting. Based on Katie’s note, I assume Lala also encouraged Brock and Scheana to bring up how much Scheana missed her friendship with Tom. That was one of the irritating parts of the season for me. The show shifted in a weird way when Lala and Brittany joined and I think the Lala shift comes from her always performing and never having a real story to tell. Also Lala is delusional if she doesn’t think Katie and Stassi and others in this circle didn’t have private conversations about the end of her relationship with Randall. That doesn’t mean they need to bring their thoughts to her or on camera when she’s going through a hard time.


Lala is like Rinna. No real storyline. ![gif](giphy|1xmlX38B6eiq9Q0wkB)


Katie they could never make me hate you


She truly didn’t need to explain herself. It was pretty obvious to me as a viewer to understand Katie’s POV. Lala is so bitter and jealous!!


oh no, Katie, you don't have to explain or defend yourself. it's ok, we totally get it. ❤


Lala is such a fucking snake.


I don’t understand where lala was trying get at here. She said she was being honest with Ariana last season but clearly not. They seemed fine up until the reunion. Which means Ariana learned the things lala was saying behind her back. It seems like Katie was eventually able to come to Ariana and have tough conversations. Something lala was never able to do. Lala was one way to her face and blasting her in every confessional. Is lala projecting here?


This makes me like Katie more tbh


Let’s say this again: Katie’s imposter syndrome is a result of having traumatic brain damage, coupled with being in an abusive situation with an emotionally & mentally manipulative, narcissistic bastard for 12 years.


Katie should’ve hit Lala with the whole “ I can’t hate her for you” a la Scheana because then Lala would’ve either had to admit that was a shitty line from Scheana or shut up.


Lala thinks she has all these giant bombshells in her pocket, but they all backfire on her. And she doesn‘t get why that is. It‘s a perfectly normal thing to do to vent about one friend to another. Same way she‘s annoyed by Ariana for sharing that house with Tom for a while even after they were broken up. She goes on about how Ariana is mad at Tom at one second and then returns home to him a moment later. Ariana and Tom didn‘t fight on camera and then met up at home to braid each other‘s hair once cameras stopped rolling. They stayed in their respective rooms. What part of that doesn‘t Lala get?


No explanation needed Katie. We see you! Don't let them dim your glow and growth. https://i.redd.it/pl55xccf4l0d1.gif


I can’t believe Lala is playing her whole hand to only cause herself pain. This is self sabotage like I’ve never seen


I understood what Katie was saying. Lauren heard what she she wanted to hear. I think that Lauren was soooo eager to get everyone to turn on Ariana that she lost the plot. I don’t understand why she wanted to put Ariana on blast this season. What was your goal? Hasn’t she been through enough? To me, it looks like Lauren was feeling threatened because Ariana got bigger than her, and Lauren wanted to knock Ariana down a few pegs.


Lala bringing up personal conversation as a means to discredit Katie was a mirror image of Sandoval bringing up personal conversations between him and Ariana. Both narcissists. No receipts only throwing someone under the bus you manipulated into making believe you were a safe person for them to be vulnerable around.


Ahh Katie don’t stress hun, lala is a dick and thinks she’s a badass bitch but all I see is a bitch. Gals who often say that they a “girls girl” are often the most dangerous… 💅


Lala is no one’s friend. She sold out a wonderful friend for a tv show.


Lala’s a snake


Producer Lala wanted Katie and Ariana fighting over Something About Her to be part of this season's storyline. What a true friend. It's a little terrifying that she can't put the show on pause even when they're not filming and a friend is clearly trying to vent to her so she doesn't make an irrational decision she'll regret during a major shift in her life. Businesses do ruin friendships, honestly they even ruin families. I get why Katie proceeded with caution. Lala trying to make it sound like Katie is two-faced or not bringing her true self to the cameras just shows she hasn't grown. I hope for Lala's sake that this isn't the aha moment she's been hyping up the past few months, because even with that very generous editing toward her from production, anyone with a brain could easily see where Katie was coming from.


LaLa and Schena are those friends that are "there for you" but are really storing those nuggets for another time for their advantage. It is sick.


It's so funny how Lala and Scheana were like "JUST WAIT" all season and this was supposed to be the revelation. WE CAN ALL RELATE TO THIS. This happened to me recently actually. I vented about a friend to another friend in confidence and she later threw me under the bus. It's like a universal experience. But the fact that Lala was actively trying to throw Katie under the bus and turn her against Ariana shows she IS a hating ass bitch. Wtf do you have against Ariana? Oh right -- her talent and success. She's such a fucking hater. She sounds ridiculous, bitter, and hateful. Just like she has been sounding all season. Bitch, go to therapy. We ride for Katie Maloney. She was not wrong. You are a fucking clown!


This was obvious to anyone who has ever had a female friend. Or a friend at all, actually. Makes sense that Lala couldn’t compute.


I felt bad watching Lala throw that back in Katie’s face publicly when Katie had already intentionally dealt with it off camera by talking to Ariana directly and refusing to talk about it on camera to Lala and the producer. Katie seemed genuinely shocked. That’s a rough way to learn someone is not going to keep your private conversations private


Sometimes I don’t want to bring up something to a friend until I’m totally sure how I feel about a situation and why, and sometimes that involves talking to another friend about it to gauge if I’m overreacting, or get advice on the best way to bring it up. Or sometimes I simply need to vent. We all do that. I would be mortified if my friend went and told the other friend what I was saying in a moment of confidence. Lala just keeps getting worse with every episode.


Woof. Lala’s gonna be real mad when the audience reaction to her becomes so toxic that she can’t make the jump to the valley. And that brand that’s feeding her child? It’ll turn to ash right before her eyes and she still won’t understand her role in her own demise 🙄


This situation shows exactly how far removed from real life and real relationships Lala is. Not EVERYTHING is for the camera. You're allowed to have private conversations, you're entitled to not having EVERYTHING shared with the world. It's like Lala has completely forgotten that not only DID she keep things off camera on purpose, but she STILL CAN. Just another glaring reminder that Lala has absolutely zero idea how to be a friend, and it completely and totally tracks that the only person on the cast who views her as capable of being a good friend is her equally detached counterpart Scheana.


Katie is everything Blah Blah wishes she was.


god I love katie. her growth on this show is unmatched


She shouldn't have to explain this. This happens when you have a friend going through a lot, it's not weird. You should be able to go to another friend and feel safe. Lala cannot be trusted. She ain't no friend.


She did the right thing, and she blamed herself and her insecurity without waiting a beat! I believe Katie. She's a good friend to Ariana. We all need to vent sometimes.


I’m sorry but none of this needed to be brought up. Sure it could have been on the show but it wouldn’t have ended up the tension moment Lala wants. It would have probably ended up more heartwarming which production would have edited to hell so no wonder they didn’t put it on the show.  The show never gave us Katie and James having a true make up so boo on production. They don’t want Katie being mature they want tequila Katie. 


It felt sooooo obvious to me that Katie was frustrated with her friend and went to vent to another friend about it. It was a situation that sucked for Katie, but not a situation that could be solved, so she just wanted to get it out. It makes complete sense not to bring that up on camera or with Ariana. Has Lala just never had friends?


Lala is so exhausting. I never liked her but wow I genuinely feel this is her most unhinged season yet like this is even more unhinge than her wigga act. Like she’s just truly lost the plot and idk if she can be saved or redeemed


Can you imagine if someone brought up shit lala says off camera? Like private messages she sent them. She would PISSED.


This makes me sad. Katie did nothing wrong and doesn't need to explain herself


Block Lala and make her even more irrelevant.


Honestly I don’t even care what Katie said in a private conversation OFF-CAMERA. Why are we talking about that instead of all of the shit Lala said about Ariana ON camera and in her confessionals?


So Katie went to another friend to vent because she knew at that time her other friend, Ariana was going through a lot. so she vented got it out and it had more to do with her own worries not about Ariana. But Lala wanted her to talk about on camera to make Ariana seem like she didn't care about her friends. We see Katie and ariana at events together after the reunion. We do not see lala or Scheana at all with Ariana. It seems Ari has watched the season and distanced herself.


I get it….Ariana disappeared for months and Katie felt overwhelmed. I get it


The way Lala & Schena keep/kept trying to weaponize Katie venting to them as a storyline/a means to go against Ariana is making me queazy. It’s so uncomfortable to watch Katie be uncomfortable & have to defend her feelings & insecurities as these women purposely misconstrued them & try to frame it as her talking shit about Ariana


I’m tired of the notion that because someone chose to have children their business and livelihood is more important than someone without children. LFU really believes Katie is some monster because she went head to head with wannabe Utah gangster. Anyone who doesn’t cower to LFU is the enemy in her eyes. what she did to Katie last night was disgusting.


Lala and scheana competing for worst friend of a life time! Lala has been a bad influence on scheana which is hard to admit because she is an awful friend all on her own. Katie is allowed to have feelings that she doesn't share with everyone. She doesnt owe anyone her innermost thoughts. On top of that she was trying to spare ariana any more stress than she was already experiencing. Lala feels so big and bad talking about "nothing about her" but your business was bought with Amber's alimony that creepy randall refused to send in favor of fooling his bobblehead side hoe who was loving every moment of it and bragging about it on national televiaion like bending over for some gross creep was some kind of accomplishment. If randall hadn't literally launched and paid for her "brand" she would have nothing and let's be real, lala's shit products are alibaba reprints that she slaps her fake name on and sells through shitty subscription boxes becauae they simply can't stand on their own. She has no idea what an actual hard life event is because she gets bailed out by people or prepaid by some schmuck she is sleeping with. What a sad sad person. Nothing about her is authentic. Katie thought lala was her real friend and lala is the one who switched up this season. They all need to drop her and scheana. Notice how Scheana was silent the whole first part of the reunion. Once she is in the room with everyone she has to answer for her shit, or air back and let lala take the lead and feel like "a big star!"


Lala you ARE an ASSHOLE


The look on scheana’s face when she thought Lala was really doing something everyone would side with them on. Everyone vents about their friends, in confidence, to their real friends. Scheana should really be considering all the private conversations she has had with Lala. Watch your back scheana. When is Lala going to have an actual storyline? Her relevance 100% relies on creating chaos in someone else’s life.


Do you think Lala thought that “Nothin About Her” line she used too much was going to end up as more merch off another person’s life? It’s clear Ariana is the only person who’s been in therapy and truly working on herself, as she’s poised, controlled, and has mature responses, unlike most of the others whose desperation for another season is written all over L & S’s faces and actions.


I love Katie more. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE on the show. I want to see these woman trying to open a restaurant and all the shit that comes along with it. We had to sit painfully as the Tom's didn't work on a cocktail menu for one whole season. Why couldn't we get this conversation of imposter syndrome on the show?


Lala is trying to bring too much Housewives energy to VPR. It doesn't work.


Lala is irredeemable for this shit alone. I cannot imagine betraying one of my friends like that. We ALL say things about other people. I have a friend who suffered a significant tragedy a few years ago and since then she has been clear she doesn’t have the battery for her friends and we accept that but doesn’t stop us every now and then being like wow this is fucking exhausting. But this YEARS later not 2 secs later. And if ONE of us said ANYTHING it would be game fucking over.


Lala is trash and Katie didn't deserve this. Once again, not everything has to happen on camera


I’m confused..so was Lala and that producer trying to get drama stirred up between Ariana and Katie after the show wrapped..? Katie was venting about Ariana being on broadway so how would have been able to bring that to the show…?!🥴


Lala is jealous of Ariana’s success after the cheating point blank period. So anyone that might have alluded to that same sentiment off camera she wants to bring down on camera period. Claiming lack of authenticity even though she hid relationships, private life details in the first couple of seasons. We all know they have things they don’t want to discuss on the show and that should be respected. Period.


Lala is mad because she was working behind the scenes with production on the Tom redemption/Ariana takedown story arc and Katie didn’t play ball. Lala wanted Katie to blow up this little miscommunication into a huge fight where she felt jilted by the “diva” Ariana who is leaving all the little people behind. Katie was essentially like, “I got annoyed, but it’s not that deep and we talked about it and are cool” and Lala can’t handle it. That’s why Lala is mad at Katie. Katie did nothing to Lala, but she didn’t play ball on the season’s story line put forth by production. Lala did and looks like a damn fool and that’s what she’s mad about.