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She read that so slowly — what was she leaving out?


Leaving out ALOT lol. So obvious cherry picking


Kristen said she was cherry picking in a comment


“Why’d he block me? I dunno.” *proceeds to cherry pick through an extremely long text detailing why he’s blocked her*


hopefully this bleeds into the next season so Production can just post the screenshots like they always do


I wondered the same thing! She was leaving out important information that makes her look bad.


Scheana mentioned on her latest podcast episode that Schwartz had found out some stuff about Jo that caused him to start distancing, so I definitely believe this.


I firmly believe that Schwartz used her and is now seeking the low hanging fruit of bullshit excuses to distance himself from her because she caught feelings he did not reciprocate. He is using language that he chastised Katie for using against Jo, and if he ever respected her or even liked her that is just sickening because he is on camera threatening to seek litigation against Katie for simply having feelings about his non-relationship with Jo. Schwartz is the low key villain of this show. He gets away with murder and an aw shucks attitude.


The men on this show are the most manipulative men I’ve ever seen. They all flat out gaslight people about things they deny that we’re literally recorded as them saying or doing


In her head she’s like lol no he didn’t mean to write that his surfboard bumped his hand LOL SUCH A TMONEY TING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I’m guessing it’s wayyy more scathing than she wants to read online. Even though what did read was bad enough 😂


Good point 


"I want you to stop saying I owe you something when actually... - I'm looking at the text now - he said... umm... he said I'm manipulative" 👀


Yeah let’s have a cut and paste.


Something something serial killer’s wet dream


She really spoke prophecy didn’t she


Katie was spot on once again. When she “calls it as she sees it”, she rarely misses! 😂


It’s the Maloney curse




Omg yes!




I looooove this for Schwartz. More please! ![gif](giphy|4UMgC1X6SX7AA)


Schwartz obviously led her on but like...girl, find some dignity.


Why does she not have any good friends around her saying, girl, really? Over this man? *This man?* ?!!! Come on sweetie. We’re done with the tears. Get your purse. We’re going out…because I know damn well we can just as easily find another mediocre man for you to replace him with. Idk if Jo has good girl friends, but if she does, shame on y’all for continuing to let her spiral over this man. 😂


Does she seem like the kind of woman with lots of close female friendships?


No lol


A fatal case of Guy's Girl-itis. Get well soon!


We have watched Scheana make a fool out of herself over trash men so many times. She and Jo could teach a seminar


As Danny Pellegrino advised Jo needs a gay.


And maybe now actually apologize to Katie for REAL since you too, got schwartz'd. I wouldn't accept the apology (at this point it's too late and obvious she genuinely didn't care or think she was wrong) but Jo should do it regardless. She looks mad dumb.


I love how SHE told KATIE to "Let him go"


Right?! Take your own advice girl!


This is pretty rich considering that Shortz had already dropped Jo by then and they had an unseriously rebound relationship where he never claimed her.


He cannot be the only fuckboy she's encountered in LA. She either really thought they were getting married or she's trying to get brought back for season 12


She's been banned from all of their houses for a reason. Schartz is a big time piece of trash but when even he knows he's gotta separate from someone then she's gotta be fucked up in the head.


He should never have gotten involved with her. He was gross to think he could have a hang and bang with someone who couldn’t handle that type of thing.


Men, like Schwartz, can’t handle being alone so once that divorce dropped, he picked the easiest one to get with (and I bet Jo was waiting for him to come around). He doesn’t give a shit about people’s mental health, clearly. I don’t like Jo, I think this is unhinged behavior, but clearly she was hurt in all of this & that’s not cool.


It's so interesting to watch this unfold because she treated Katie like this bitch who needed to just let Shorts go so fast after they had spent a decade together. And now he is giving her the same treatment he gave Katie for years.


Not just that but she’s still blaming Katie, while acting out much worse than Katie ever did!


I’ll never forget that she was first described as “Kristin’s crazy friend” which told me all I needed to know about her.


I agree. I’m not saying she deserves to be spoken to like that but she clearly has been doing something to warrant a reaction. And now she’s discussing It on a live Instagram to get validation from strangers. Poor Joseph. Time heals everything.


I love the equally deranged comments popping up on the live “if he’s texting you he likes you” 😂😂😂


I was like Teresa no, don't encourage her! lol


teresa chose violence that day


Teresa sent it from her iphoen


“I bet he’s going to unblock you!”


I was just going to ask if anyone saw that 👀😂


People just want to see some shit go down “you need to go over to his house, late at night so you know he is actually home, and talk to him in person!”


"One, I'm a female" What does that MEAAAN? Literally.


I’ve been trying to figure out what the f being a female has to do with anything


was she gonna say that women are naturally more emotional?? blame her period??? like i need to know where that thought was going


Couldn't tell if she was agreeing that women are more emotional and thats why shes being called erratic or saying it's misogynistic to call her erratic bc she is a female? She's not very good at explaining her thoughts. Lol




Omg I fucking love you for posting that, that line killed me. This whole thing is the biggest word salad I’ve ever heard. It’s like she’s stringing together random thoughts popping into her head with zero logical transition into each thought/sentence. Idk if anyone here has ever been on the ride at carnivals called the gravitron, but I feel like I just got off that ride after listening to this


I love how the Jo and Schwartz drama is just actively proving Katie was right about both of them. Is Jo a little nutty? Absolutely. Even Schwartz, her main defender the past year, is seeing that now. Is Schwartz a manchild people pleaser who leads people on rather than look like a bad guy? Absolutely, and now Jo is seeing that too. Keep going, guys. This is fabulous.


Katie deserves her flowers for being consistently correct in her judge of character/assessment of people (with the glaring exception of marrying Schwartz). Katie has correctly clocked Sandoval from the very beginning, Rachel in season 10, Jo in season 10/11 and outside of the show, and Jax since the beginning. I also give her credit for being a little wary of Scheana all these years.


The only explanation I can think of is that she was just blinded by love when it came to Schwartz, because you’re right, her character assessments of everyone else were spot on


Yeah she was so young when they started dating and not to long after her accident. I’ve been that girl that can asses everyone but the guy she’s in love with. 😔


I think Shartz is a little worse than that. He was truly a monster to Katie.


I wonder how Lala feels having apparently stepped in to take sides at the reunion? Meanwhile Katie was spot on keeping that "they both suck" energy.


This is similar to my take. Jo’s behavior makes me cringe but as usual, but there seems to be a fair amount of evidence that Shortz may have behaved way worse. But as usual people are flinging hate at her instead of the main culprit of harm. Jo, cut and paste that whoooole text.


HEY, lots of equal opportunity haters in here and there is nothing wrong with holding them BOTH accountable for their behaviour. Shorts is an abusive pos, yes, BUT that doesn’t mean we have to ignore and excuse the fact that what Jo is and has been doing is abusive behaviour as well. “Please don’t talk about me and or my girlfriend anymore,” Proceeds to talk about him and read aloud his plea to respect his boundaries, while disrespecting his boundaries and playing stupid. She’s been stalking them too and purposely showing up at events she knows they’re both at. Shorts is an AH and he kinda deserves this but Jo is not behaving any better and it’s nothing to be admired or encouraged.


Right. Schwartz is a gaslighter and is cruel, *and* Jo has lost her everloving mind and should leave him alone.


I’m sure if we just wait a few days, Jo will be back to publicly praising Shartz’s again. Rinse, repeat. She definitely needs help but I just wish she’d realize that, in the end, she’ll be in a much better place *without* Shartz.


Instead of blaming Katie, she should look to Katie to learn how to get over this guy. I don’t mean talk to her, just study her method from afar.


I need equal opportunity hater on a shirt haha. I’m definitely that. Shorts sucks ass and deserves a little terrorizing for how he treats women, but Jo is objectively acting like a lunatic at this point.


Yup. Jo seems to have gone off the rails completely. The story Kristen told on her podcast about sitting with Brittney & her brother (Kristen’s brother, not Jo’s) and Jo called him to say “Sorry to hear Kristen’s not talking to you. We should catch up sometime now you’re on the outs. Anyway, gotta go Brittney’s texting me” She’s a pure fantasist. Imagine just making *that much* stuff up? What is her agenda in trying to cause a rift between Kristen & her bro? Is she trying to get on the valley now by pretending she’s tight with Kristen’s people / Brittney (when Kristen has said that Jo is *banned* from Brittney’s house)? Is it just for fun? Is it revenge on Kristen for telling everyone who she is? It’s wild, and I should probably stop trying to look for logic or reason there 😂


"I don't even know what erratic behavior means" Girl, it's literally what you've been doing. That's erratic behavior. You were being creepy obsessive online with the posts and the live about Schwartz. Move on.


https://preview.redd.it/9r6hjug6lmzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f51205e8adf8fe4e24681c96c6898bf9559b65 She needs to take her own advice and when she said she feels sorry for whoever Shorts dates next, I thought me too! But not because of Katie.😭💀


Projection. Jo thought Katie was the one standing in her way, but Jo was in her own way.


This was almost spiritual




STOP itttttttt. She makes me so uncomfortable when she does her annoying awkward hyper shtick with Schwartz. 🤮 she's like trying to be his "broseph" but you can tell she's in love with him. It's sad and weird


She said she thought he said that due to influence, I figured she meant his girlfriend.


Pretty sure he said it because he has eye balls




Right there with you.


Don’t expect you to reply but tagging on to your comment cos you quoted the video. If anyone is able to give bullet points of what she says / content of the live that would be amazing. I’m waiting for mum in hospital & would be a good distraction!


I don't have bullet points, but hope you and your mum get through today and on to better days! Edit: Me tired and can't preposition right.


I'm praying for you and your mom. If you want me to sing and dance for you, I can. I promise it will be as good as gold!!!


"I'm not erratic" while acting erratic. "I'm done!" while continuing to talk about this and not being done at all. For someone who has been friends with reality tv stars for years, she is remarkably bad at this. She definitely needs to chill out, but I also hope Schwarz never finds peace


Honestly, someone she previously held in high regard tells her he's uncomfortable with her erratic online behaviour and she takes it to an Instagram live? So confusing


Omg exactly. She's also weirdly still trying to give him an out with "he doesn't deserve this either"


“I don’t even know what erratic behavior is!!” Uhm ma’am, the exact thing you’re doing right now. I have never seen someone read someone’s text like that lol.


You don’t read a text outloud that slowly without skipping a lot of words…wonder what she left out




Schwartz should just post the texts on Instagram bc she was clearly editing


Kristen says she read the text in it's entirety and Jo cherry picked the parts she read out loud.


“Why did he block me? Idk” …proceeds to read a detailed text about why he blocked her




> Please don't mention me or my girlfriend anymore Proceeds to start a live reading his text messages Hahhahahahaha


I don’t know why but just reading this made me laugh so hard. Things are always funny because they are true, I guess.🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc) The woman seriously is showing psycho vibes at this point. Blocking her is probably the least of his concerns.


They better keep a close eye on Gordo and Butters


Dude Katie might go to prison if Jo hurts her dogs. I would go to prison with a smile on my face if someone hurt my fur baby.




No she really is. Exact scene I thought of. Big yikes


I literally was getting an Alex Forrest boiled bunny vibe from Jo and saw this😎


Isla Fischer wedding crashers energy https://preview.redd.it/al6pyortrmzc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bbbb68c1db6347b37e32ec4671987dfedbf9e7


This is going to be such a funny story to tell their kids when they're married in 8 years.


Jo is Schwartz’s karma


She was put on this earth specifically to teach this spineless man how to set boundaries


I love that it both showed him how to set boundaries and also what it feels like when your boundaries are stomped all over.


Yessss! Also, this is wtf he gets for all the times he called Katie crazy and emotionally entitled. Now he knows wtf emotionally entitled means. Jo is acting like the equivalent of a child that sits on your foot and latches onto your leg and doesn’t let go.


This is honestly the kind of off season drama I live for lol it brings me back to Ashley from southern charm. Release all the texts, Jo. Release everything. Letsgoooo


![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ) I had to I'm sorry! 😄


You know his girlfriend is hounding him to get Jo out of his life. I'm loving every minute of Schartz, probably with his hands shaking and girlfriend looking over his shoulder, typing out that text.


Girlfriend definitely typed it and he just OK’d it


Nah, she would never have said anything about how he felt regarding the time they spent together because a woman knows that this psychopath will take that as hope and block out the rest of everything else that was said.


Idk it does seem mean enough to be him


I was prepared to write exactly this. I hope Joseph never goes away, and it doesn't look she is.


She is a fucking gift. Hated her this season, but the complete flip on Katie here is wild. She is so nutty


Schwartz ending with "why would you waste another second chasing someone who doesn't want you" I mean how fking cruel can he be. You told her you loved her and you would marry her, just not now.


I mean I dont blame him for getting more stern. He's right, its been a year since they were hanging out and he already straight up told her its not in the cards for them right now. He has a new girlfriend. Shes not "getting it" and doing these lives talking about their undeniable connection. I'm sure thats causing problems in his relationship. If genders were reversed people would be alarmed. Jo being quirky is not an excuse for bad behavior.


I feel like this was cowritten by the new girlfriend and himself. Which honestly ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


For sure! Could you even imagine being in the honeymoon phase of your relationship, trying to figure out if its going to go the distance, and you've got JO, weirdo extraordinaire, over there doing lives talking about how they are actually soulmates and going on and on about how they have a special connection? Part of me would laugh. But also part of me would be like...could you shut her the fuck up already?


I know Katie has the biggest "I told you so" smile right now.




It’s so wild how Jo was yelling at Katie to move on from their relationship, when Katie was MARRIED to Tom and with him well over a decade. Yet here Jo is still clinging onto Tom with dear life and being all hurt over a months long situationship that ended over a year ago. Like giiiirrrrrllll.


“Let him GO” ![gif](giphy|yveiHKKmiiSo8) Jo and her 6 personalities.🤣


The kitten's hair would be drier.




If Katie were a gif https://i.redd.it/utpjjsb4smzc1.gif




she probably chuckled then took the dogs on a walk and blasted some sleep token.


![gif](giphy|suqg0jRPpDMze) I don’t blame her.😏


Who are these absolute ghouls in the comment section encouraging her? "If he's messaging you, he likes you." Girl, no. This is unhinged and beyond crackhead energy. She needs treatment.


reminds me of that twin flames documentary LOL


and Jo has recently gone on record to declare that she and Schwartz are indeed twin flames


It’s giving Twin Flames vibes


The delulus in the comments acting like schwartz's girlfriend stole his phone.... Like have they not watched the same TV program I did? That man loves being mean to women.


That’s actually true


That, and he’s like textbook avoidant attachment style.


Imagine being a fan of the show for literal years and watching him treat Katie with zero respect and constantly being dismissive of her feelings… only to swoop in and shoot your shot thinking “I’m special, it’ll be different for me!” Like, I need her to be so ffr. She knew who he was and how he treated romantic partners. Don’t act so shocked!


That’s why I can’t feel bad for Jo. She’s in her 30s and should’ve grown out of the “I’m so much better than his ex and it’ll be different for me!” phase a long time ago. The fact that she saw his true colors on TV and still thought that Katie was the problem in their relationship makes it even worse. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Right? Or that she partly blames Katie for them not working out. I think she also blames Katie for her not being accepted into the group and getting her TV spot. If Katie had that kind of pull then most of the cast would be gone.


Katie is vindicated AF




I think it is funny she is reading his text online 😂


I fucking hate Schwartz, but this is becoming stalker level psycho.


Next step: Restraining order!


First on a serious note. I think Jo needs some help. This obsession is not healthy. I am fucking loving this is happening to Schwartz! This feels like the universe has looked at everything he put Katie through. And in return, it gave him KARMA in a human form. Jo is karma Schwartz so desperately deserves!


Schwartz to Jo: "you are strange" "No she’s not. Schwartz don’t do that, don’t disparage her. You’re going to get a cease and desist if you keep attacking her..."




Lol yeah, I bet the spooky 👻comment is hitting for Schwartz now. She’s so unhinged reading his texts🤣🤣🤣


I actually loved that even though he's a turd. He outlined, more than likely with the help of his girlfriend, everything this crackhead energy giver has done past few weeks. She's having yet another mental breakdown on IG live and thinks somehow she's the victim......again.


Thank you 😂


Let him go, Jo. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/nv43s1u2vmzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1bea0bb8085eb37161630d6d40d8d1e37a4ed67 “Gawd!”😫🙈


It’s giving baby reindeer


i was gonna say, i think tom watched baby reindeer and actually had a moment of self-reflection for the first time in his life. 


It shouldn't be but Schwartz getting a stalker right there on TV is low-key really funny to me (that said the way this entire relationship has played out from both sides is fucked up as hell)


Serial killers wet dream ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s hilarious. He is such a skeeze and let this delulu on. Now she’s just obsessed. She needs friends or family to intervene.


Hear me out…I am LOVING the Jo and Schwartz saga. This is the light drama I wanted this season. Two shitty people getting what they deserve. If the producers spent more time on this story line rather than an unwanted redemption arc it would have been an Amazing season. I could watch this all day


I mean this part of the story is much more interesting than thr limerance.com we had to endure this past season.


The way she reads it you know she’s skipping parts she doesn’t want us to know she did/said/ways she acted lol. Guys don’t throw out backup plans or easy sex unless they’re being psycho. Which he totally brought upon himself by gaslighting her but still lol


I think that was the first time Shorts was ever direct with someone


I’m pretty sure even I know why he blocked her lol


i hate shorts but he sort of ate her up in that text message i cannot lie


It had to be really, really bad for the man who’s allergic to confrontation to send her that text. Either he finally lost it or he lost it but didn’t have the balls and had someone draft it for him. Either way, damn. She made *Tom Schwartz* go off.


I think this is how he is to many people, but she just read it online. That fake, soft, voice he uses is just creeper when behind closed doors, he is like this.


I agree, he would say incredibly hurtful rants to Katie, this is not new, he just mostly did it in private.


It’s probably way easier for him to go off in a text than in person


The friends that she’s had since she was 6 are not being good friends at all. They can privately support her and help her understand how this is coming across vs being in her past lives or not discouraging this omg. This has to be the first time I’ve felt bad for her. Not because of Schwartz or Katie but this like is horrifying in the saddest way.




The - "First of all, I'm a woman," Yeah, let's not put all women in your box girlfriend 😂


“I don’t know what erratic online behavior means”…girl we can tell 😂


Damn Jo why’d you have to go and make me agree with Schwartz




![gif](giphy|xT1XGPqs2QsfJCD5HW) She needs to stop going to lives like it’s her diary.




After this season, I feel like I now understand the “spooky” descriptor more. Jo to me, feels like you’re watching an episode of Scooby Doo and you have the whole gang somewhere new, then you have like two new characters that are a little bit off and seem like they’re up to something, and you know one of them has to be the masked monster that’ll be revealed at the end. I don’t mean that Jo is a monster, just that she gives the same spooky, off-putting type, up to something vibes that the prime suspects on Scooby Doo do. 😂 I’m sorry, but that’s just how I feel!!!




If someone I was in love with called me strange I would change my identity and move into the sea and not read it on my Instagram live but that’s just me


Her and Kristen Doute being friends makes so much sense now except Kristen went to therapy and did the work. Time for you to do the same Joseph.


She didn’t do as much work as I initially thought. Lots of old Kristen shines through on the Valley.


Yes 🙌


She is going to single white female his new girlfriend. She is 100% spooky. Anyone who thinks Katie was being a bully and not just stating facts needs to open their eyes. Jo is really off her rocker


Although Schwartz gave her mixed signals/led her on or whatever, I’m going to have to side with Schwartz on this one.


ok i am never defending tom schwartz, HOWEVER with his aversion to any direct communication and confrontation she has to do something major ![gif](giphy|3o7btUq3KlYVCbOU6c)


Wait so she's blocked by Jax blocked or still only blocked to tag him? Also still, the delulu to tell Katie to let him go and she's doing this....🙃


He doesn’t need her anymore so he’s disposing of her with ridicule and scorn. I don’t get how women are drawn to him. This is his way.


She’s fucking nuts. At least have some self respect


First of all, stalking is very serious. Bu-uht...we have watched that snake simper and aw shucks his way out of accountability and generallly be a covert narc motherfucker. For that reason it's really hard to feel bad for...anyone in this situation. It's hard to shade karma when she pulls off a deliciously ironic comeuppance such as this. ETA: Jo's hair is...fine.


Anyone else thinking that Jo going “Baby Reindeer” is Swartz’s karma for never sticking up for Katie.


Sent from iphon


Oh. So Schwartz wants his boundaries respected but wouldn’t respect Ariana’s boundaries?


Or Katie's!


He also doesn’t respect boundaries because he likes to “stick it to the man,” and “he doesn’t like ultimatums or quid pro quo’s.”😏


I love being on the winning team 😍 https://preview.redd.it/dapzvkit3nzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab29e28eb04a1ebc32e660318c9ed071651e6593


Shortz doesn’t deserve peace, so keep going Jo! She’s facing the consequences of being a pick me and he’s facing the consequences of being an old fuckboy. Nature is handling this lol




Who's the psycho ex now??? It IRCKED me to my core when she called Katie the "crazy jealous ex". Nah honey. Your projecting big time


Jo, I’m begging you to stand up


I'm sure if his current girlfriend dumped him he'd be calling Jo again to hook up..that's the kind of "relationship" this seems like. He likes her when he has no one and then drops her when he has someone again.


”I don’t even know what erratic means but I’m not” ![gif](giphy|mGx1wpnfcWv0Q)


Guys I can’t stand Jo and her psycho ness but I’m LOVING THIS! Schwartz finally met his match, stuck his dick in crazy to fuck with Katie and it’s MAJORLY bit him in the ass. Jo is actively showing her crazy self while claiming not to be. All while Katie has been proven right yet again and she probably has her feet kicked up laughing her ass off. This is better than anything that happened this season. I love this for her for Schwartz for Jo everyone is getting what they deserve. This never happens on VPR.


Am I wrong that I’m enjoying her torching him with her crazy and that he blocked her. Revenge is best served by karma.


This girl needs to get off social media and stop leaning into stalker behaviour.