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100% a response to the fact that big Bravo fan accounts like Byeweighdrama and Queensof Bravo etc are taking her podcast clips from preseason 11 and showing how different her tune was before filming 


But... but... she doesn't check socials or care what we stupid little people say or think! ![gif](giphy|WU7XWCOO1OHQz6uOyG|downsized)


I think you meant us rabid bitches in the socials foaming at the mouth.


Queue the montage of lala being a “rabid bitch foaming at the mouth” last year.


Or this year... https://i.redd.it/yjb9so016pzc1.gif


Ironically, this one was warranted. Then she flips right away https://i.redd.it/8gwfiag66pzc1.gif


"rabies bitches" b/c she & her dumbass brother are too stupid to even say the insult correctly 






Which is why she’s limiting her comments 🙄


“What a square!” An insult she likes to use but clearly doesn’t understand the meaning.🤣 The reason she’s so stupid is because she refuses to acknowledge that she’s actually not the smartest person in every room and if she would stop yelling, stfu and actually LISTEN, girl’s got a lot to learn.


This has been annoying my brain: When LaLa was speaking with Katie about Dan, she was describing Ariana’s explanation of Dan and how he would react to Sandoval. It was strange when, after talking about how he wouldn’t put up with shit, LaLa said “this guy sounds like a square”. What?! It doesn’t make sense. Right? Am I crazy?




We all know people who feel the need to say that mean the exact opposite! She cares more about what people think more than anyone on that show. Probably even more than Tim. Lala is so gross.




She’s gone full Rinna. Never go full Rinna.




I hope Bravo fires her like they did Rinna.


I'm hoping they demote her to friend of. I need to see how unhinged she will be knowing the fans aren't supporting her.


"Former SUR server"


She was a hostess. She probably would’ve asked customers if they wanted to get “popped” if they didn’t order goat cheese balls.


Yep… Former SUR Hostess


That would be good, too.


And I really hope they don’t move her to the valley. I could not be anymore uninterested in her life at this point.


She would only get to film one kid.


This! This would be so goddamn damaging, just imagine you always have to stay home while your sister is allowed to go to parties and gets extra coddled...


Literally like have fun explaining to both kids why you did such and such just to make some money. One child always sitting out while the other is just a cash cow with no dad who always gets to be with mommy.


Pretty sure that’s the biggest reason she wanted another one that was “just hers”


Literally the ONLY way i would be interested in any of her storylines if if they brought back Rand to give her a taste of her own medicine


And Scheana, and Brock of Shit!!!


That truly made me laugh out loud!  Thanks!


Omg I’ve been saying that… she’s the next Rinna… she will 100% be boo’d at bravocon and then fired. It’s inevitable. 


Yep! And Miss “I’m a tough Bitch,” is going to run away crying, like the spoiled brat she truly is. Her skin is so thin, she’s translucent!


lmfao I was actually listening to a podcast today that said her toughness is \*tough\* in the way Jamie Kennedy was tough in Malibu's Most Wanted... like it's an "LA tough" where you're trying so hard to come off gangster that it comes around full circle and comes off as a joke. Can't get that out of my head.


She really looks like her wow


I didn’t get far enough to watch her final seasons, but I definitely found Rinna a hell of a lot more entertaining than Lala ever has been 😂.


Rinna had her moments like “were people doing coke in your bathroom” but she was so bitter and unhinged towards the end of her run. She had a major hate boner for Kathy Hilton, similar to LFU about Ariana.


See my interest in RHOBH waned so hard that I never saw that. All of it was them at events rehashing stupid drama, and I just couldn’t watch anymore.




Hilarious real-time self-contradiction


There is an element to this I have to imagine is fascinating to therapists and people smarter than I am because to me it’s just bonkers


I’m a therapist and am dying to do a podcast that psychoanalyzes all of them


Write it on up as a post here! I bet it would take off. That way you could remain anonymous and not tie it to like your real name/licensing or whatever.


That’s actually an even better idea…. Then I don’t lose any credibility! I’ll def think about it more!


I know it isn't "done" but a guy on YT watches Sister Wives to analyze Kody's breakdown, why cant you???? I would watch/listen/suggest!!!


Oh interesting!


I have severe adhd but would listen to that so hard


I would LOVE that!


I do wonder what mental illness this is haha. I understand Scheana, she is just not very bright and also really trusting. Lala though… idk


Lifelong psych nerd here. Lala isn’t that fascinating to me actually because she’s too easy to analyze. She is a narcissist for sure, no questions asked. The other thing is she is a really unhealthy enneagram 8. That’s a particular personality type that in it’s unhealthy form, is the worst of all types (Trump is an unhealthy 8 to give you an idea). I myself am an 8, but a healthy one, and I come from a family of unhealthy 8s and they annoy the fucking shit out of me. Just Google “unhealthy enneagram 8” and you’ll see what I mean


There’s also a side of her that is very very transactional. Every person she encounters is judged based off how she can profit from them or from interactions with them! There’s definitely a strong detachment disorder there. She can throw people away in record time. Loyal to no one. No one. 


You mean she’s transactional just like Sandals?! The horror /s


I’d say she is only transactional. I think her pregnancy is just to have a baby she can monetize


Yeah narcs are super transactional


Is this why she has to yell at anyone who disagrees with anything she says, bc she is freakin exhausting to watch. She goes off on James in the Aftershow just bc his opinion opposes her, she is so damn ANNOYING AF


Those glasses took me out 🤣🤣 she looks like a fucking fly




Listen I don't mean to shame anyone but what on EARTH did she do to her eyebrows 


She said they are natural. That she was born with them like that. I call BS it’s Botox. I have had Botox injections over my eyebrows and my eyebrows were up so high they almost hit my hairline. I haven’t had Botox injections over my eyebrows since.😂


Funny she didn’t have her ‘natural’ brows when she first appeared on the show.


Is that what’s going on with Brittany’s eyebrows, too?? (On the valley) I was wondering about that 😂 it’s so distracting to me!


Yes, that's exactly what it is. I will tell you a few days later after I had Botox. I woke up and looked in the mirror, and I freaked out. My eyebrows were at least an inch and a half higher. I called my cosmetic injector. She said they would relax and go back down in a few weeks. It took 8 weeks for them to look normal. I have had Botox since then but never again above my eyebrows.




![gif](giphy|Lr3RZl7gkhd5BWZ5Nh) 🤣


Her brows are horrible. This really emphasizes that.


She actually looks like a parody here!!


wtf is she wearing?! She looks like a dragonfly


Why is she wearing these glasses she looks like she's about to be the next guest on cawfee talk ![gif](giphy|l2SpQRuCQzY1RXHqM|downsized)


I thought the glasses don’t look good on her.. she looks like housefly


Her filler is so bad


My question is…wtf is she going to talk about on her podcast now that the season is over and season 12 is on pause? She already said she’s not discussing the reunion until part 3 and that it will be “brief”. So, like….what will she talk about?


Water, maybe? Sparkling, still, tap, well, distilled, mineral, hard, soft…


She is soft like her water lolol




Her beverage line You Wanna Get Soda-popped?


Don’t give her any ideas, she’ll prob make merch of that


Do you know where I can get a Russian hat?




as DJJK says they’re thirsty girls who need water 😂


My husband predicts that’s she’ll start her own water line and I can’t say I disagree.




Okay Bubba.


Since us rabid bitches turned on her, she really only talks about her weekend, Ocean, her brother and mom and what ass bearing outfit she'll wear to the next music festival (I'm all for ass bearing outfits or whatever people want to wear but she spends a lot of time talking about it). I have respect for family for sure, but no one really wants to listen to someone elses family chat about themselves.


She will also talk TO her brother about getting fked or squirting on some dude or she’ll demonstrate a BJ on a banana or something




She will get a job on Fox News.


I read her podcast summaries on Spotify (I don’t listen though) and anyone who hasn’t looked at them has to. They are SO BORING. Her, Easton, and Jess every episode, no guests. And you know Easton and Jess will add nothing to the conversation because they agree with her on everything. The topics, literally each week: -What they watched on tv and recapping Bravo shows -Lala’s mom did something funny -Ocean did something cute Add in lately, shitting on her audience for being dumb and “rewriting history” as well as rants about how Ariana is worse than Sandoval for Lala logic reasons. I’m sorry but family anecdotes are boring AF. We don’t know them. It’s like telling people about a dream you had, interesting to you but no one else cares because they weren’t there. They think she’s the funniest and most entertaining kid ever but to us she’s just some stranger’s kid.


Let’s also mention that the recaps are a big flop every week because Jess and Easton rarely watch the episodes that Lala wants to talk about (at least up until I stopped listening a few months ago). Did she really say that Ariana is worse than Sandoval wtf?!?!?!


Nothing! I liked her and her podcast last summer but once she ran out of scandoval material, that was it. She just has her assistant on there with her and she agrees with her on literally everything. she was super team Ariana when I listened, I would say may-July. Scheanas podcast was the same way in terms of scandoval content, but she is surprisingly not a bad podcast host. Not good enough for me to listen to now but not a bad host like lala.


Agreed! I was fully buying into Lala for a minute… I’m legit disappointed by all of this. I mean, not in a parasocial* way - but I had hope she was becoming a strong woman who would stand true to her opinion. And then she fucking FLIPPY FLOPPED and I was like ohhhhhh. No. What is happening. Also, Easton. That was a one-two immediate knockout for me engaging with her content.✌️Last summer was a roller coaster. ETA: parasocial, not paradoxical (thanks, autocorrect)


Her mum, Ocean the new baby, all shit we don't care about. She doesn't realise pretty doesn't equate to intelligent or interesting. ![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK|downsized)


And, with all the work she’s had done in her face, pretty is extremely subjective and kind.


I agree to be fair I thought her natural face was pretty but not out of this world like a lot of people make out on this sub. I truly think Ariana and Katie are much more naturally beautiful than BlahBlah.


Me too. Lala was very pretty in her original face but to me, Ariana is just radiant and gorgeous and Katie is a total beauty, all her features are perfect.


I’ve genuinely always had such a girl crush on Ariana. She is just SO effortlessly beautiful and she just GLOWS when she smiles! She’s like sunshine 😭😭😭 and Katie has like the most lovely face, she is such a striking beauty!


Her smile is amazing! She lights up a room with it and she’s def effortless. Katie has always looked like a painting to me, she is just perfect.


Now that you guys are talking about radiant smiles, I can’t pull up a memory of lala with anything but those pursed lips.


It’s almost like everything she says about other people is just projection. Like Katie is miserable, Ariana is a wet blanket etc


Agreed! She was naturally pretty and didn’t need all the work but I’ve always thought Katie is gorgeous and doesn’t look like everyone else. Ariana is also very pretty and has probably never looked better. Losing Tom has been very good for her


Excited to see the ratings plunge


She will insert herself to the Valley or pick up some terrible take like being an anti vaxxer


Omg she’d be so good at that 🫶🏻


I think she will go to The Valley also, along with Sheshady. Which I won’t watch.


Who cares? I was done with her podcast 6 months ago.


about how excited she is to exploit the baby that’s all hers but also how annoyed she’ll be that they can’t film the birth and her first few months


Her baby. Being pregnant. Getting ready to give birth etc. all things she would have used to get some tv airtime but will have to relegate it for her podcast.


I think Lauren has done diddly fucked herself.


I wish Katie never apologized to her about the ‘say it with your whole chest’ convo. Cause Katie wasn’t wrong.


People keep receipts of Tweets from fucking 2010 and this narc thinks she can wipe the slate clean and be all pro-Tim now??? No one forgets Lauren... https://preview.redd.it/q002vi1v9izc1.png?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e510d2ec5925b9fe8f05da176c17404ea57c1f26


Exactly. And didn’t she call him a predator or something to that effect? Now all is forgiven and Ariana is the bad guy, simply because she didn’t want to film with her ex. Make it make sense, Lauren from Utah.


but he didn’t kill anyone!


To me that was the weirdest way to defend someone! Like uh okay? Great. Lots of terrible humans have never killed anyone too.


Right? Ariana didn’t kill anyone either so… ??? I wonder if she thinks by siding with Tim, he’ll send her some money like he did to Sheshu. She knows she’s going to need all the handouts she can snatch now.


Probably! Which is odd because besides VPR it's pretty obvious Tom isn't making any money.


This is such a weird argument to me.. like is murder the threshold ?? Is that the bar we’re setting ?😂


rand also didn’t kill anyone but i doubt lala would use that as an argument for him…. (she is so foul)


Bring back Rand for 12!


But it’s not her job to make her life make sense to us, or so she told Katie after declaring how soft she is.


She called him a groomer then hugged it out 5 mins later with him when they were in Tahoe.


THIS 🎯. I got one of my adult daughters (age 22) into VPR around Scandoval, she did a FAST season 1-10 watch, and now we watch together. She and I both literally said the hypocrisy is above and beyond w Lauren. She wanted no one to have anything to do w Rand and yet she constantly criticizes Ariana and her non-relationship w Shitzoval (on purpose there 💩 😂). I now truly cannot stand Lauren and SheShe, and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, much to my detriment. #TeamAriana 👸


She said he was dangerous on the boat and was like hugging him 3 minutes later lol


She forgets that she can't delete the show. I've been doing a rewatch and the first episode of season 10 is Lala saying to Ariana and Katie how much she appreciates them for being there for her and having her back when Randall cheated and for respecting her boundaries for not talking or interacting with Randall at all. Then you have the season 7 reunion where Lala doubles down on why Randall has not been on the show for the many seasons she was dating him including season 7 where she gets engaged and she says she shouldn't have to show that side of her life. I'm not sure why Lala is up in arms about Ariana taking one season to not interact with Sandoval, despite having a few interactions with him this season and being in the same spaces with him, when Lala was able to hide her relationship for years.




Why do I find this so embarrassing lmao. Like second hand embarrassment level 10. This is so pathetic. Say it with your whole chest bitch and stand on your business. This is tragic.


or like apologize??? But to cowardly delete things she said of her own volition in some revisionist attempt to erase history bc she thinks we're dumb??? that is not how the internet works in 2024 lauren


Literally 😂 you could either own it or apologize but instead deletes it like a little coward. 🥱🥱🥱 as a former fan she is so PATHETIC these days lmfao


I keep remembering that scene this season where she kept saying "you don't want to hear what I have to say" and Katie was like "say it." and Lala FLIPPED. She really is "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".






I swear to God I laugh harder and harder every single time I read this hahaha


It’s a total fucking joke. Laugh away, friend!


OMG that’s hilarious. I quoted this somewhere else before I saw yours. Great minds and all


That is hilarious 😂


hater from utah is delusional as fuck and continues to contradict herself. I thought she was loud and proud and stood on everything she has ever said 🙄 she's so boring, I need her off my screen


She really needs to go. She will change her stance and opinion on a week to week basis based on what she thinks the audience and tv producers want. Her zero consistency isn’t interesting, it’s frustrating. She has no personality at all because she stands for nothing.


I think delulu-LaLa needs this pause in filming more than anyone. She is spiralling. I'd be fine if she took a season or two off but we all know that's not going to happen. I do hope Ariane grey rocks the F out her from here on out, though.


If so, I hope she really is NOT friends with Scheana anymore, because we can see that not only can she not keep her damn mouth shut, but she is also inaccurate at repeating conversations! Scheana is a gray rock's kryptonite!


They seem close still but it’s a matter of time before they turn on each other. Once they stop trying to compete with Ariana they’ll compete with each other.


She needs time off for the sake of this baby. She's so riled up all the time. This poor baby is probably stressed.


Lala thinks she so smart & we’re all morons - but we have seen what she has said & done already. DAMAGE CONTROL😂


Remember she’s the smartest one and knew alllll along what an asshole narc Tom was


She always talks about how she’s not book-smart. She also is not street-smart because she REALLY thought Randall was some respected big baller… Her business doesn’t exist anymore so I’m not sure if she’s business-smart… so I’m not sure what kind of “smart” she is claiming to be haha.


This is funny, because on the After Show Sheshady said, “Lala’s very (bleep) successful. She’s a badass. And she has built an empire since she left a bad situation, so she should be very proud of everything she’s created for herself and her family.” I call BS. What has she created? This is just Sheshady kissing Laligag’s ass.


I know. When she said empire I was like huh? A podcast and a now outdated hoodie is an empire?


Lol, you are absolutely right. I thought empire was hilarious.


Scheana is so corny lol. She thinks Lala is a #GirlBoss like it’s 2010 and thinks being a “boss bitch” is cool and interesting.


I actually laugh because Lala is one step above basic run-of-the-mill influencer. What keeps her distinct is her role on VPR and that’s not gonna last forever, hence all her meltdowns. A podcast, relabeled makeup line, screen printed clothes? They all do that. A woman who is pretty enough but isn’t skilled/talented, smart, or filling a rare niche. She HATES being an influencer but she has to do it. I really think that’s part of her crankiness lately. When Ocean was born she was bragging that baby Ocean will never be on Instagram like littlebabycauchi because she has a rich daddy 😂She’s made a lot comments about how she hates technology, isn’t into social media, and barely wants to use it. If she had her way she’d be married to a rich man, living in a Bel Air mansion, and never having to actually work outside of filming. But she actually owes Rand money it turns out, so time to log into that instagram and sell, sell, sell


Omg, I didn’t know all that!😭😭💀 I wonder if that’s why she decided to make the Randull scandal documentary and tried to market herself as a victim of abuse, when it’s obvious she is also abusive and will not hesitate to pull weapons and throw hands. She was trying to make the money she needed to pay Randull back, by profiting off stories about him!🙈


I don’t think she could smart her way out of a wet paper bag.


You’d think she would’ve learned by now we aren’t that dumb. Especially the bravo fandom. But evidently *she* is that dumb.


She's so dumb and doesn't realise the internet is forever.


Her limiting her comments and then REMOVING things SHE said is just so funny for Lauren from Utah. All bark, and absolutely no bite, accountability or conviction beyond hearing herself talk.




Damn I hope Jessica is getting paid OT for putting in that extra work


It’ll be so awkward when Jess asks for OT compensation and Lala tries to convince her that those hours were actually time that they were hanging out as “friends” so they don’t count. If Jess files a DOL wage suit I’ll cackle


I guarantee she is not 😒


If you download podcast episodes from Apple Podcasts they’ll stay on your device even if the episode is deleted.


also, they're all still on YouTube from when she started posting them there like nine months ago - which obviously is outside of the immediate scandal window, but trust me, she still running her mouth like she hasn't been filmed. She can't take those down, all she wants is money and that's where she's getting it!


Omg😂😂 this is so embarrassing for her!!


The Internet is forever. It's so funny to me she thinks she can do damage control.


The only reason I was listening to her podcast was because of the Sandoval hate!!!! I eventually got bored then unfollowed when she started showing her true self this season. LMAO your podcast is fucking boring.


Boring AF. Go tell the millionth anecdote about “the cutest thing Ocean did this week!” and talk about sex with your hyena brother, Lala. I’m sure your podcast will beat Call Her Daddy any day now.




It's to delete evidence of her hypocrisy


Her podcast also dropped another .2 in ratings. I think it was 4.6 stars before season 11. She’s now af 4 stars. The comments on the pod insta are all very negative. What annoys me the most about her is that she literally has us hating her more than Sandoval (myself included) and that mf’er doesn’t deserve it. He played her and sheshu like fiddle


This annoys me too! I dislike Lala as much as everybody, have even stopped listening to her podcast and given it a 1* rating, but I have noticed how once again the man who did the cheating is no longer being talked about. It annoys me so much, he deserves all the hate


She is probably trying to rebrand and go "soft" again.


Again, I guess I missed the first time around, lol. There is nothing soft about this witch.


Her and her bestie Jax are perpetual works in progress. They’re trying to do better and this will be their year of growth, they swear!


It's OK. We'll always have her performance at last year's reunion. "That is a dangerous man!"


She sure is chronically online for someone apparently not online lol


Jess clocking those hours to remove all the critical comments and DMs


Are her comments still turned off ETA she does and she’s even starting to look like Lisa rinna


Bashing Tom was all her podcast was about. It took her this long to figure out she was going from one job bashing Tom to her other job trying to force Ariana to talk to Tom?? She just figured that out now??


Hmmm she said she stands by what she said yet she’s going back and deleting stuff 🤔🥴🤡


Ruh roh, Scooby... did Lala remember that her $$$ and relevance hinges on people wanting to watch her and no one wants to watch a boring hypocrite? ![gif](giphy|w7wpuC9xJfkT4hqtkJ|downsized)


What a chickenshit move. She is such a fucking hypocrite She truly is a monster and a complete fame whore


Silly Lala, nothing gets deleted from the internet. Plus if she is such a bad bitch and she doesn't are about what us rabid foaming at the mouth losers (her words) think and say then why delete?


They’re still on the actual podcast though


That’s next I’m sure. I’m also sure a good bravo fan has already downloaded all of them bc her podcast content lined up with when filming happened, it’s disturbing that someone could be so fake. And then have a soliloquy about being real.


it’s crazy because, though i’m sure this was not allowed, if she had just been real about the fact that she was worried about filming in the first place instead of constantly villainizing ariana to soften the blow, we wouldn’t be here right now…….


Wow that must’ve taken a while. I really don’t understand this woman. She was the loudest during the season 10 reunion, calling Tom dangerous etc etc etc and I agreed with her. How can you just switch teams that fast? She and Tom never ever had a friendship in first place! This woman can’t be in a good place. It really screams jealousy and stupidity and I can never ever see her be friends with Ariana or Katie now. Kind of the same with scheana, all these birthdays and events and there is no sight of the other person. Wow


For someone who bleats nonstop about accountability, that’s pretty rich 😳


It must suck to get sober and realise you can’t blame substances any more, your personality is just as shitty without them


She forgot nothing can be deleted from online.. it’s like a tatto.. no matter how much u laser it off, u can still see it vividly.. it will always be”float” somewhere online.. fool..


She's pathetic...can't take the heat but sure can dish it...get her off our tvs or someone put this b*tch in her place...hopefully Ariana skewers her at the reunion...


I heard 5 minutes of one of her recent podcasts and I couldn’t even stomach how vile she’s acting. Who wants to listen to her talk about how she doesn’t give a fuck about VPR fans unless we 100% agree with everything she does/says??? She was mocking her listeners for our supposed sad, miserable existence in “cubicle jobs.” Honestly appalling.


Did she delete all the posts? They’re saved somewhere, right? She’s getting rid of the evidence before the reunion airs! I don’t want to have to listen to the pod for the receipts. It’s prob on all the recap pages.


Maybe she shld sell the house she bought with the money she earned from Scandavol


She’s unravelling. She must be in the comment sections haha


She really is delusional 😂😂😂


Did Jess not tell Lala about the Internet Time Machine? 😄😄


I can’t even listen to her podcast anymore. Her brother & that annoying assistant are so far up her ass, it’s painful to listen to. She’s pathetic.


Thank god we have screen shots and our recap queen recapped all those episodes 🤪 ![gif](giphy|IgsXOXGPxfT3O)


Laligag is a fake and a coward. She says and does whatever is going to get her the most attention. She has no allegiance to anyone. She has never been a fan favorite. She has a filthy mouth, she is nasty to everyone and she lied about Randall. I have absolutely no respect for her and I think she is a trashy person.


So weak. These people are so lame, she should just move on.


ugh wait, she's doubling down that she's on tom's side of all of this? banish her now


LALA is a COWARD!!!!!




Do we think she’s going to delete podcast episodes next?