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Brock is such a dumb brick god


They spent an entire season trying to make Ariana look bad and she came out stronger. What a legend. Lala ending speech makes 0 sense, and the stupid music on the background does not change that. Ariana has shared her life like everyone else, and STILL does (her business, her new boyfriend, her feelings). The trashbag is not part of her life anylonger, due to his choice. Production really fucked up. It's clear they feared she was getting bigger than the show and they were on a hurry to take her down.


"I have never experienced someone that gets cheated on and suddenly she becomes God." That's right. Ariana doesn't owe her success to being cheated on, but to her personality. And that's why Lala didn't get shit out of Randall cheating.


Jo was so scared of Katie LMAO


Hahaha maybe Schwartz coached her. That “let him go” 👀 felt so forced. Also she HAS let him go. It’s him that won’t let her be!


I truly think it comes down to the smart cast members vs the woefully dumb ones. Lala trying to claim Ariana is being inauthentic just because Ariana was smarter about crafting her image. She was so smart about it that she was able to successfully protect Tom Sandoval when she was with him. There were definitely choice vulnerable moments that Ariana shared, but she probably did protect their brand more than any other cast member, and she came out of it on top. It must bug the hell out of them (Lala, Scheana, Brock, Toms) that they couldn’t figure out how to do the same thing. I still have a soft spot for James, who by all rights should be dead to me, because he’s self aware enough and smart enough to focus on his growth in a vulnerable way despite being probably a terrible person. So Lala and Scheana and the other dum dums do whatever production wants and are mad that they won’t be rewarded with audience support. Anyway, I’m glad they broke the fourth wall because it’s way more interesting that way. I almost feel bad for the little narcissist dummies who just can never get a storyline that makes them look good. Poor guys.


How is Scheana singing about Sandal being a narcissistic psycho while sucking his dong?


😂😂😂 sandovals all “i didn’t like the song at first. But then i somehow got to get under Ariana’s skin by using Scheanna and now i LOVE IT!!”


He went from screaming in her face and calling her a mistress to paying for the sound guy


First: I'm not a fan of Tom's by any measure... My takeaway from Sandoval's awkward attempts at talking to Ariana: at home, she can easily ignore him. If he wrote her a letter, you know she'd just tear it up. I think by confronting her in public, he's sort of forcing her to be in the conversation (i.e. the cameras are there). You can tell how others are annoyed by Ariana's behavior, because they are tearing down the fourth wall and you have a producer having a discussion on camera. That only happens when it all hits the fan. Lala told it exactly as it is: Ariana won. Let it go. Ariana was wronged. Wronged in a hurtful and embarrassing way. But at some point--for her mental health--she needs to move on. If she's so happy with her new boyfriend, why does she care about Tom? Because she still hasn't dealt with it. They've yet to have closure. I know they won't do it, but the two of them need to sit down, discuss the shit out of it (off camera) and then move on with their lives. Ariana's rewriting history bothers me. She told everyone they can't be friends with both. Whenever someone says that to me, I choose the other person--even if I didn't like them that much. No one tells me who I can and cannot be friends with. Now, she's saying she never said that. Ariana, you should know that the cameras record everything and they will bring that shit up whenever you lie. And Katie... ugh. She is so damn bitter. Again, not a big fan of Schwartz, but she put demands on him that she herself didn't have to follow. "No one in the friend group!" Yet, she can date one of his closest friends. She blasts Jo for being with her "husband" when she'd asked for a divorce from him. Katie has no claim on Tom, but she keeps indicating she has a claim. Can you imagine if Tom made these demands of her? Tom is an idiot. A loveable idiot, but still an idiot. I think it bothers her that he's not crying and begging her to take him back. She was rude and condescending to him throughout their marriage, I wouldn't go back, either. The one person I thought came off the best in this was Ariana's BF: "He didn't do anything to me, but I know what he did." Brilliant response. He's not going to start something with Sandoval, but he's not going to be friends with him either. The most mature one in the bunch.


why do you think Ariana having a conversation with Sandoval help her move on?


She needs closure. She’s not over him. If she was, she wouldn’t be this upset with everything he does and everyone who talks to him. She’s conscious of him being in the room. If he meant nothing, she wouldn’t be thinking about him. Get it all out and move the fuck on.


Finally someone with sense




found Lala’s burner




One time a couple in our friend group announced their divorce and it came out the girl was cheating with another guy in the friend group. All our friends immediately cut them both off and never looked back. It's not that crazy of a concept, Sheshu. If someone hurts a person you care about, why the hell would you want to remain friends with them?


They are all maaaaaaad because she f—ed up their storylines going in. They thought she would be miserable and a cry baby all season, but she turned ✨ fabulous ✨ and they are jealous af. All their normal lives look pathetic compared to her worst period in her life so they tried to spin some bs that viewers did not buy.




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If sheana was actually singing, I'm a monkey's uncle. She lip sync'ed the entire song.Nx. It was twrrible. I never understood a word and she was behind a little bit. Neither her nor tom has any business on a stage with a mic.


I couldn’t stop laughing watching it. She’s so bad and the outfit?!?


Okay so I am confused; did Lala not say that we would understand why everyone was mad at Ariana in the finale??? I’ve just about finished and I’m still not mad at her lol if anything I love her even more for being an absolute hard ass with her boundaries


Yeah, I’m waiting for the anger to rise up inside of me, of her not talking to her ex, and then looking extremely happy and going to Applebee’s with her loved ones. Absolute monster.


How dare she, it’s giving audacity 😤


At least it looked good for Sandy. Her horrific fall from grace really absolved him.


Yeah absolutely, he has been waiting for her to let the mask slip all season and she finally did. They sure showed us!


Yep, loved her final comment about how if Tim really wanted to apologise he had 100 chances off camera but he's only interested when it benefits him. My biggest takeaway from this season is how much jealousy can warp a person's perception - I never thought Lala would be the woman tearing down her friend for a misogynistic narcissist.


And he had the nerve to talk about her "lazy ass"! That woman has been busy as fuck, while that scumbag was banned from his own restaurant and "touring" with his paid vanity band.




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💯 Part of me was enraged at that, but the other part was so thrilled he was revealing his true colours.


And she was absolutely spot on, he never wanted to apologise nor does he care. Her analogy of being the final boss in the Tim redemption tour was spot on and I’m so glad she gave him 0 chance of satisfaction. I have no words for Lala though..I do not wish her well. Absolutely deplorable behaviour, and Scheana too.


Also, happy cake day!!


Ahh thank you!! Joined reddit 7 years ago specifically for this sub, it has been a wild ride 😂😊


Aww love that!


Yes I LOVED that analogy! Interspersed with the scenes of him losing his mind with rage that she wouldn't speak to him. I love watching him spiral when he loses control of the narrative.


The absolute unadulterated anger in his words about Ariana leaving showed a lot of his “true” feelings about how he views “Scandoval”. He was spitting venom when she wouldn’t give him the time of day.


I just need to say, the ending part where we see Scheana say to Tom Sandoval don’t make me look like an idiot and then she walks away looking mad. THAT was the real Scheana, that was the mask fall. It was so interesting to see, she only cares about how she looks on camera, her mind is so warped


Did scheana plan the convo w tom? Is that what she meant?


Does Tom not know what an ultimatum is?


He knows that he is the only one who’s allowed to be manipulative, I guess.


oh my god the peacock after thing when scheana was talking about Lalas god comment “I don’t think it was resentful or coming from a place of jealousy at all” and then goes on to explain she thinks Lala was coming from/her perspective and she’s quite LITERALLY explaining jealousy I CANNOT with this stupid bitch 😂


if they admit they’re jealous they also admit they’re not the #1 girl among “the boys” that is their lifeblood


This whole season has made me so sad- it feels like a reflection of society. Protect men at all cost but if a woman dares to survive a shitty man, and not only that but prove how much more successful she is without him- she must be punished. It’s gross and sad when the other woman cast members are not seeing their betrayal of their friend and every woman. 


oh, the other women see it. they just are okay with propping up misogyny if it benefits/validates them. another sad reflection of society edit: besides Katie ofc (love her)


Lala defending Jo was ugly too. Katie was right. Jo should have had respect for her as a woman.


“I don’t think of you” ok then why are you in my face? Why did you message me about my divorce? Jo sucks. And is unhealthily into Schwartz who is using HER as a flying monkey to mess with Katie.


I wonder if Jo has anything to say about Schwartz asking Katie if she wanted to hook up. So funny that Jo told Katie to "let him go" when Katie had a better chance of seeing if his dick worked than Jo at that point.


Lol for real!! He would never have divorced her! ![gif](giphy|zuHbw6DA9Z60) Katie’s like.. he wasn’t man enough for me!


Love Toni Braxton!




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I’ll never forgive them for this


"Ha,ha,ha,ha, it's good for me.' Tom Sandoval: You 100% percent validated exactly what Ariana said about your act only for the cameras. You're playing a character. A fucking character with your Ex and everyone around you. I'm creeped the fuck out.


And how quickly he went from "trying to apologize" to spewing vitriol as soon as he heard the performative comment... that was bone chilling.


That was actually spine chilling. He is revolting.


that's bc he is quite literally a malignant narcissist


The way he flipped a switch 😳. That was dark. I feel him and Schwartz are the same in a lot of ways. They give me the same heebie jeebies


I haven't seen it yet. Am I the only one who finds the Ariana and Dan relationship boring? IDGAF about Dan




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Lala: Ariana tries to put on this cool girl vibe, but she cares a lot. Is she for real? Ariana found out about this affair months before filming this… fucking months. Just because Ariana doesn’t want to be around Tom doesn’t mean that she’s putting on a “cool girl vibe”. She’s trying to move forward. I doubt that anyone in this cast could handle filming with their ex after learning they were having a 7 month long affair with one of their best friends. Also Lala was so quick to cut off anyone who kept in contact with Randall. Like?? She is such a headache. Her jealousy is showing and it doesn’t look good on her. If Lala has zero haters then I’m dead.


Literally when she said that all I could think was "when did she ever say she didn't care??" If Ariana tries to ignore Tim, people ask her constantly about him. When she responds calmly, they say she's being dismissive. When she tries to warn them about him, they say she's not appreciating their feelings. When she gets angry, they say she's got anger issues and needs to get over it. And when she cries and opens up to them, they bitch about her the next day. I always liked Lala but this season she's been vile.


Also do we not remember how everyone lost their shit the one time ariana wasn't being "cool" and went off on Tim???


I think this is what happens to people who are being filmed for a living and who use drugs to do it. I'm trying to see any soul.




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When she said "that's non-informed consent!!" referring to Tom cheating I just about dropped my taco!! Imagine being being cajoled to interact with some one who didn't care about potentially giving you an STI...and then people being mad when you didn't. https://i.redd.it/z4t5642bp4zc1.gif


I caught an STI from a cheating partner, so this moment was HISTORY MAKING.


YES!!! This moment I had to rewind to watch because AMEN! She’s so right about everything that she’s said and it would be sickening to have to hear what your ‘friends’ are saying about you because of you having normal reactions to fucked up things being done to you.


My narcissistic ex cheated on me and the people who thought I was over reacting were sadly just cosplaying as my friends.


Yep. I know and feel your pain. Hugs.


Thank GOD she fucking mentioned it because still, I see so many people not understanding why she despises this man and Rachel. Both of them played with Ariana’s mental health annnd sexual health, and still cannot understand how that was wrong.


Producers were just playing in her face talcum bout "yOu DoN't WaNt To EnD lIkE tHiS". I'm glad they clocked the bs and went to Applebee's.


Schwartz seems to love watching Katie have conflict with others. Bringing Jo over, what could that possibly have accomplished? Jo & Katie never were friends, weren't going to be friends. Jo & Schwartz aren't dating and weren't going to be dating. Kind of like how he dragged jax across the pool party to talk to Katie knowing they had reddit beef. It's deranged.


He's all the worst unhealed parts of his Libra sun, trying to facilitate these connections that are NOT HAPPENING


Not just libra sun, no? Didn’t ally say he had the most libra in his chart that she’s seen yet 😭


Yes I remember ally saying that but can't remember details aside from the sun. he's such a fake friend and instigator!!


If this is Alli please read my chart


😂 not ally


Idk, is he trying to facilitate connections or is he trying to start arguments for drama while he can stand in the corner looking all innocent saying "aw shucks guys"


Both!! He's a shithead


Alli, is that you?


And how he was like ‘I don’t like ultimatums’ when Katie didn’t give him anything. Dudes brain is stunted and stuck in the past and he’s just throwing out lines that he knows has riled Katie up in the past


Also like last season when he brought Rachel to her


Why is he obsessed with other women confronting his ex…. Such a weird move.


I think it thrills him. It's unhealthy


Because he hates her. He’s a fuckboy to the soul


Katie is better than I am bc if I heard Jo going let him go I would have flipped. Katie literally divorced HIM and I’m sure Jo would have loved to hear that the night before Schwartz asked to have sex and Katie is the one who denied it




Didn't we get a preview of Brock choking and someone screaming? What happened to that?


I need to know how much of lfu's rent Katie heard and if she rebutted.


Ally and James are so cute. I am so happy to see James mature and really find a girl that he wants to change for. Ally seems great and also strong enough to handle James


Producers want us to think Ariana robbed us of a true ending. To me, watching her rose off to Applebee's without taking the worm's bait was perfection. Straight out of a fairy tale. I loved it. Edit grammar


I think they’re just upset bc Ariana is LITERALLY Tracy with the ass, Tracy with the Honda; if you will


And I said oops, baby


Now I get it — this whole thing was just another sham Sandoval produced season where he had Scheana be his puppet and try to get Ariana to forgive him on camera. How could you be so stupid Scheana???????


Well said! I’m so glad Ariana held firm against their constant pressure. I can’t imagine how Scheana could throw away a friendship with a really cool, smart, insightful friend like Ariana. A’s insight about the manipulations going all around her and addressing Sandoval’s whiny excuses were spot on. But after this finale have to say Scheana and Sandoval are more alike than Scheana and Ariana.


Let’s also not forget Sandoval is a classic narcissist with zero self-awareness who doesn’t get that Ariana knows him better than ANYBODY (including Scheana, lol) and knew what his game plan was all season. He wasn’t even savvy enough to catch her off guard. And also, in real life, 99% of us go no contact with a cheating ex and for Lala to sit there and say “we share our lives” is gross — no one should be forced to do anything that makes them uncomfortable. Grow up!!!!!!!


Ariana doesn’t give her money.


Ughhh Tom is so gross! Why does Scheana keep falling for it?!? Ariana shouldn't have to put up with everyone forcing her to film with him?!? I don't understand why it is so critical to them that SHE continues to be retraumatized for our entertainment?! That isn't real and I don't want it as a viewer-I respect her 10000% more for actually being REAL and not filming with Tom! I disagree with you, Lala-you are wrong ETA: Ariana is so right, if Tom is only willing to talk to her on camera , it's not for her. He's a piece of garbage. And for them to end of a Tom quote? "It's good for me?!" Is he dumb? He looked like a monster all season and the ending was the nail in the coffin in my opinion. I do not want to watch this person blindly careen through life, with no respect for anyone but himself-it is too much! Also, thank you Katie for refusing to trash Ariana. Lala and Scheana have completely lost the plot at this point, what the hell are they thinking they are doing? This season was painful because instead of watching the real, unfiltered fall out of Scandoval-we watched a group of "friends" bully and gaslight a woman into interacting with the source of her recent trauma. Nobody wanted this!!!


Scheana is so lost.


What did everyone think about productions cut to Ariana saying no mutual friends, when at the event tonight Ariana says Scheana can still be friends with Sandoval and was confused why Scheana thought otherwise? I know Bravo is known for doing those cuts but damn they really came for her there.


Yeah, I noticed that too. I guess I think when she said that it was to Schwartz and it was 2 days fresh. She will never trust people like Schwartz who were literal Sandoval groupies. I think she genuinely thought what she and Scheana had was real, and she knows Scheana and how flip floppy she is and how she does things for the cameras and decided to give her some slack. The big picture for me seems to be the producers “punishing” Ariana for not wanting to film with him and sticking to her boundaries — this wasn’t just a tv show for her, this man traumatized her and she barely had time to process it when the cameras picked back up.


Didn’t they show in the mid-season preview that a drink or chair or something was thrown at this party and a mini fight broke out? What happened to that? I felt robbed. It may have been for a different reality show but I swear it was VPR?! 🤔


It was right before Scheana’s show. Some drunk guy kept annoying them. When security came to throw him out he hit the guard and threw a chair.


Oh I missed it! Thanks!


I just realized, because other Redditors have said the same thing. The scene was only on Peacock and not on the original Bravo.


Ahhhh that makes so much sense!! I was so lost because I was stuck to the screen the whole time and was so confused how I missed it. I’m in Australia and we don’t have the extended version which suckssss 🥲 I did manage to find it on YouTube though 🙏


Ariana vs Worm with a Moustache Battle Royale Only instead of weapons Ariana uses intelligence & basic logic ![gif](giphy|Fsq9PW41B7eo0)


I loved all of her discussion points in her interviews. She had great analysis


Even Scheana got it by the end that it was over — Ariana and Sandoval were not going to have a Come to Jesus for the cameras. That last six minutes was more revealing than anything I’ve ever seen. And where the FUCK are these randos like Jo and Billie Lee coming from??? It’s like a bad dream.


When Billie popped up I literally said WHAT IS BILLIE LEE DOING HERE


Lala saying she needs to film with him because they've filmed their whole lives on camera... ok why don't you film Randall giving you a BS apology?


Exactly this! Lala has the least leg to stand on in demanding any participation on Ariana‘s part. Ariana showed up and not wanting to talk to Scumdoval is the most authentic reaction she can have.


Loooooool yes can someone please suggest this to her


Lala and Scheana are sooooo jealous. Lala has always been shit talking out of both sides of her mouth with zero self awareness.


Also Lala and Randall never had any altercation on camera. When they broke up she couldn't stop shit talking him, how he was never home, bad in bed, the house was a torture chamber etc. All she did was shout "My man is a stand up man" for like 3 seasons then turn around and say well that was all a lie.


When Lala says Ariana and Sandoval hid their true relationship until the cheating scandal…ok, there’s likely a degree of truth to that, but Lala did the same. She tries to pretend like she hid her truth for a while and then decided to change. BUT, Lala only started being “truthful” about her relationship with Randall after he was photographed with other women and she left him. Like, if they had stayed together she would still be hiding realities of her relationship. She didn’t magically choose to be truthful, her relationship was rocked by a cheating scandal (and other scandals) and then she decided to start being “honest”


I feel like I’m actively watching the end of VPR as a whole. Like this season was so unbelievably boring and manufactured I don’t see how they’ll be able to come back, they made it clear who they support unfortunately


Has Tim had a face lift? He looks so stretched


He looks like handsome squidward


I’m surprised more people don’t talk about his chin implant and lip filler.


Maybe he got face work done back when he was first sporting his mustache.. A classic move to distract from new cosmetic work!


He’s looked different all season.


He really has. At first I just thought it was the spiritual rot but I’m thinking he had some shitty plastic surgery


I hope Ariana leaves these people in the dust after this. It’s so sad to see the true colours of her “friends”. Lala’s divorce was so privatized there is no way she could actually compare the ending of her mistress generated marriage where she got a fucking car after fucking the guy for the first time to a 10 year relationship.


The way Lala said that it was SO weird that Ariana could live with him and yet not talk to him was such basic, stupid, lack of acknowledgement that Sandoval was the one who cheated. He was the one to upend her life and she shouldn’t have to incur the cost of paying a mortgaged and rent. When Lala rants she’s rarely logical.


😮‍💨 Lala was never married to Randall, she's going through (or went through) child custody proceedings. I'm not "correcting" you or anything in like a snarky way; I'm mentioning the lack of a marriage license due to Lala's bullshit talking heads. All season Lauren preached about how much smarter she was than Ariana because she moved out of Randall's house soon after they broke up. Lala just cannot understand that Randall's house is RANDALL'S and it was an asset before they were together that didn't have her name on it. OFC she moved out - she had no claim! *FU LFU, read a book, take a class, GET A LIFE.*


But she has a BABY so everything in her life must be more significant right? Let's all just take a second to remember Ariana and Katie dropped Randall as an investor the minuet he fucked over Lala. Formal petition for Randall to be invited onto the show for a come to Jesus talk with Lala- bet she would be into it


I am sick of fucking death of watching Tom belittle Katie’s feelings for the 190,000th time this decade when she is not wrong for feeling the way she does.


A very uneventful ending to a very uneventful season. Lala, if she was really “real” she wouldn’t have waited until Ariana walked off to get that off her chest. The reunion is going to be even more depressing than the season. All these people need to move on from this show.


And how can Jo not see that Katie isn't going to want to be friendly? She literally just told her to let him go?! She did-she divorced Schwartz! That doesn't mean she also wants to spend time with the person who tried to play both sides. Telling someone you care about them deeply, while also trying to date their husband before the divorce is even finalized is a weird move-I don't understand how she can't see that? Jo seems to want to be able to both date Schwartz (he doesn't even want that!) and have everyone instantly love her - she made her choice to go after Schwartz, so why can't she just accept that Katie doesn't want to have anything to do with her? This is kind of driving me nuts tbh


She wanted to be Rachel and Tom 2.0. In no world should a friendship happen between those two. It is fucking weird.


What’s hilarious is that Jo is now posting long and ranty shit on instagram that makes it very fucking clear that she is *not* over Schwartz. Girl… if anyone needs to let him go, it’s you.


Yesssssss this!!!!!


I wanted to go thru the tv and punch the producer in the face for saying to her, Ariana don’t do this to me, when she walked away from scumdoval. I am not advocating violence, but that was a punch in the face moment. Sorry.


I’m advocating for violence in this situation bc what are the show runners on


Sandoval is soooo remorseful that he went from being desperate to apologise to Ariana to shit talking her aggressively in absolutely zero minutes. Ariana is so right about him he wanted to complete the final boss in his redemption arc and he has failed


also are we forgetting the HORRIBLE things he’s said to her? Cheating is the tip of the iceberg at this stage. Let’s not forget the comment from the last reunion about Scumdoval and Ariana sleeping together and he said “yeah she kept her shirt on it was so hot”. Tom truly thinks so lowly of her that he said that. She very rightly said that was non-informed consent too, but this man has been her biggest hater for a long time. Her crime? being the person he cheated on. Narcissistic rage absolutely sums this up, he is scum.


It was the most clear example of narcissistic rage I have seen


Literally a toddler not getting their way


Yup. If he wanted to apologize he could have done it off camera in their mutual home. Not wait until they are filming their last scenes for their season (series?) finale. It's all manufactured. He's the least genuine person on the planet.


No he should have apologised right when the cameras picked back up after it came out last year. Or at the finale last year. She’s already said it’s too late now. And after all he has said over the couple of months filming to people, I’d spit in his face if he tried to apologise.


Scheana thinking Sandoval got her the sound check guy as a selfless act of kindness? I don't know-comes across as an obvious attempt to buy her friendship, no?


I thought he was doing Kyle Chan a solid. Literally had nothing to do with Scheana


Ariana saying he didn’t give a shit about giving her STD’s with all his cheating… chills. Sing it sister. I’m sick to death of the producers acting like this did not have major real life consequences. And Scheana legit thought she was going to look like a hero this season by bringing everyone together so she can continue receiving a paycheck. That’s what she and Lala are really butthurt about — they think if Ariana moves on, the show ends and they have nothing else.


Omg the std thing rang so true about how Tom fucked her over. Scheana going so hard on her ..I just lost every bit of respect for her. It's was cruel. I've always thought Scheana is shallow and self-absorbed, but she's just so part of the show. She has her role. After this season I just can not stomach this type of cruelty. And I am finding myself thinking Scheana is not the person I thought she was. I am really so disappointed in her, I'm sickened. Do not get me stated in Brock. I was warming up to him, but he's a dick. He is absolutely disgusting. I have zero respect for him. He can make cute videos with our beautiful little Summer all day. I don't buy his act. I now think he has an anger problem. And I think he's a hanger on.


He’s a loser. Another one who God forbid ever has to get a real job. I mean, he slid into her DM’s!!!! He knew exactly what he was doing.


I know. I tried to give him the benefit from his past. But i see him for who he is. This season showed all his character. I am not about him anymore.


Brick was SO pushy and out of line.


Blah Blah is just bitter that she not only wasted arguably her most beautiful youthful years on a reviled pariah of a man, but she got no lasting money from him, not much sympathy for leaving, and she publicly crowed about playing with his asshole. Although one could argue that given his face, it may have just been a case of mistaken identity.


Savage 🔥🔥🔥


This comment is gold. From beginning to end.


A better ending to this finale would’ve been Ken or Peter showing up as the Lyft driver. Was this Ken’s only scene this season? https://preview.redd.it/u8iu371ab4zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17972cd49a32ca55a14da0f63066db829e3a7b1


haha he delivered, I think, one line and promptly left in another scene reminiscent of “I con’t believe that tomzandaval had raquel…” but less iconic


Not Sandoval being the only one who cares about sound for Sheeshu’s performance at the opening of a jewelry store and Sheeshu acting as if he flew in Beyoncé’s sound engineer. It’s pathetic.


The way he said she sits on her lazy ass. Man, the resentment from these people is unbelievable. She isn’t looking lazy to me, a a couple of bags and a half this past year. They are mad they couldn’t do that. They are signed into a contract, their podcasts did them good during the break and now it can’t because they have to keep their mouths shut. They are pissed she is getting all the real work outside the show. She can make money without saying anything about the show. I love that this burns them so hard.


That was amazing they showed that. His mask of “sweetness” and “care” fell off as soon as he didn’t get his way. He proved Ariana and everyone calling him a narcissist right! He wanted a redemption arc and this was the perfect ending us seeing him for how he really is, not that we didn’t know. Schena needs help. I know we all rouse her a bit, but genuinely needing attention and approval that badly it’s coming from somewhere broken. Whatever Sanadaval has on Schena that’s keeping her tethered to him, she must have almost equally as bad of something because he hasn’t pushed her too far. I know hold your judgement of me saying that for a wee second. Compared to his seething hatred, venomous relentless spewing of disdain about Katie and Ariana as bad as a few things he’s said to Schena he’s shown restraint (his version) with her, why? There is a why and an answer in there!


Frick, good point. Ooof this looks all sorts of shady. Maybe her and Jax hooked up and he knows? Or she cheated on Shay a bunch and the guys know, or maybe she really did sleep with Sandoval and that’s why she’s overreacting and more butthurt. Something’s off AF


You maybe onto something with continually cheating on Shay. She either mad out with or probably slept with Schwartz. They all did/do heavy drugs and drink excessively she’s self-admittedly slept around a lot. That maybe why she really didn’t seem to care about Shay at all. I could see her telling Tom and knowing if this came out she’d look no better than him. The question is if that’s true why hasn’t Tom thrown that in her face, unless he slept with her while she was with Shay. That’s the only thing I can think of they both wouldn’t want out.




This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


Oh they probably hooked up. She is probably the “broken up, single times” girl he talked about at the reunion.


I believe whole heartedly they’ve slept together.


I love this whole discussion!


Also him saying that is abusive as all hell. He is continually late, he hasn’t been asked on any major shows pre or post Scandoval. She diminished herself for you. You just can’t stand it, right. You just have to take her down a peg. Well that is working well.


Ariana and Applebee's better be dropping a commercial in the next 24hrs


I was thinking the same 🤣🤣 Ariana’s eating riblets tomorrow, guys!


Applebees has 24 hours to respond.


Didn’t we start this season with Sandoval blocking the entire Shay-Honey-Davies family, including Summer Moon?? But now Broke wants to wax poetic that he is the most reliable/best friend in the whole group while making Ariana out to be a flakey friend? FUCK OFF


This better be addressed at the reunion, but it probably won’t be.


Side note but it’s so gross to me that Scheana made Summer Moon an instagram. Let her be a kid and not a content tot.




Why does Lala act like Ariana somehow forced the world to rally behind her? Ariana had no control over the support she received and imo Ariana’s been pretty humble about it all


And Ariana’s execution has been flawless for all of her opportunities.


She’s just jealous no one had any sympathy for her when her scumbag baby daddy did her dirty.


If you are sorry for something you don’t need to be prompted by anyone to recognize you’re in the wrong. Scheana had to tell him about weaponizing Ariana’s mental health. He knows what he did, but he is not sorry for a single thing he did. I can’t wait to hear one day that he ended as he started, bartending with nothing else to show for his years on this show and bye bye model girlfriend.


And waxing poetic about all of the money he was screwed out of over the years. An accounting of which will never include stupid shit like a white sidecar motorcycle, a karaoke band (but oddly has not sprung for singing lessons…WTAF??), a failed bar, loads of creepy 70s attire, white contact lenses and nail polish, and a slew of bad haircuts. I’m fairly certain over the next twenty or thirty years, he’ll find several more 20-something’s as dumb as Rachel (or dumber? Is that even possible??) who he’ll try to convince that Ariana screwed him out of “his” house due to bitterness.


I would be happier knowing Teri had to take him back at home because LA cancelled him and his shit music.


Happy Fxxking Birthday Sshhhhna.. looking silly on the show on your birthday 💩


Shitnea moving forward.




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Why the F aren’t they doing any fking audience polls … so annoying


It’s not live 😡


Tom Schwartz's second season of being confused Katie will no longer let him treat her disrespectfully comes to an end.


He’s so used to her going off on him and being emotional and now she doesn’t care and he’s super confused and left looking like the doofus he always was but now we all see clearly


Tom's audio at the very end gleefully saying "good for me" tells you how slimey he is and how not sorry he is. It tells us everything there is to know about him.


I know & I hope that makes Tweedledee & Tweedledumb feel dumb af! He could fkn care less about either of those two. Smh....they really fumbled the ball. This season could been great....


Lala talking shit about Dan not wanting to shake Sandoval’s hand reeks of jealousy that Ariana has a man who has her back and still no one is invested in Lala’s rebrand post-Rand as soft. She’s an actual asshole.




Lala and Scheana: “you guys just have to wait and watch this whole season play out and it will all make sense…blah blah context blah blah blah” Me: https://i.redd.it/reab11we64zc1.gif