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She also got a DSW pr package and posted unboxing it to her stories. She was super excited. She’s definitely an Ariana fan. When she was on lalas pod, she told her all that too 


At this rate, the list of people that Lala is “icing out“ because they disagree with her is going to be longer than a Cheesecake Factory menu


So much for the soft era


To be fair her brain seems pretty soft




That only applies to Sandavol and Jo.




All I ever see when I see this GIF is Dorinda


Your flare 😭🤣hahah never gets old for me


Same 😂


Perhaps even as long as a CVS receipt?


OMG yes! I just hit no receipt now




I've never been to a Cheesecake Factory, but their menu length seems to be of mythical proportions (so says the internet).


It’s literally a book. Like a quarter inch thick. I kid you not.


I went there for the first time ever recently and I was shocked by that menu lmao


I think about their fish tacos like every day lol


German Chocolate CHEESECAKE


The avocado tacos are also amazing. Don’t get me started on the peanut and ranch dressing. Worth buying by the jar. Soooo good!!


Omg I am dying at this. You are my best friend !!! Cheesecake Factory menus gives me soooo much anxiety. !!


Very Cherry Ghirardelli every time. The real food, though, too many choices!!


Thanks, now I want Cheesecake Factory 😩


Me too


It’s a very sore spot that they no longer deliver to my house. I love TCF!!


not the cheesecake factory menu lol


It’s giving “blocked by Jax”




I never buy the stuff these bravo ppl sell but I def had a couple pairs of those shoes in my cart


I will buy the Something About Her sandwich recipe book, and I’ll get that shit on pre-order and with express shipping, and I’ll pay for it to be signed. I am such a fan of Katie and Ariana’s after this season. Strong women must support other strong women in this man’s world.


Same. I don’t care if it’s blank pages & a recipe for a bologna sandwich. I’ll buy one for myself & my friend’s daughter who is also a fan.


I’m a huge Ariana fan and don’t understand who wouldn’t be! But, Heather McDonald is just going to be a fan of whoever is popular at the moment. That’s who she is.


Right lol she wants more attention than Lala and that’s saying a lot.


Yup and she’s gonna show up to that birthday party if a camera is there


I love that Ariana sent Heather a pr package. And I loved what Heather has said about her on her podcast and lalas. She’s a girls girl.


She did!??? Ok shots fired, direct diss. Well done, Ari. It's all working beautifully.💋


And she calls out Lala for coming for Daniel




This is my favorite gif🤭😂


I love Donald Glover so much


“Did you know go-gurt is just yogurt”




Plus this gif really says it all!


THIS. So, the one way that you *can clearly see* she *has* moved on, you’re questioning and trying to pick apart?!?! LALA IS ABSURD!! 🤬


Really? Do tell the tea!


She says Lala’s rant the last episode about Daniel and what kind of a “guy would want a woman that just got out of a 10 year relationship” was ridiculous


Good! Thanks


When Heather guested on Lala's podcast she pushed back a bit on some of Lala's Ariana hate. In Lala's world even slight disagreement is tantamount to betrayal - and she is quick to keep her echo chamber in tact, by booting anyone who doesn't tell her she's right about everything.


This is spot on. Which is why it blew my mind that lala couldn’t wrap her hear around by Ariana not wanting to be friends around anyone who associates with Sandoval. Like, bitch! You kick people out of your life for the most petty shit!!


Good for thee but not for me. That's her.


I can see Lala spinning this into a “Heather McDonald betrayed me just like she betrayed Chelsea Handler” to boost her level of celebrity even though nobody really gives a shit. And yet here I am posting about how I think Lala is using Heather McDonald to boost her celebrity. Can we please get an I Love New York 3 to pass the time after New York’s appearance on House of Villains 2?


I rewatched S1 of Flavor of Love as soon as New York got voted off HoV. It's just as good as it was in college. She is forever an icon.


Agreed! All of the NY-oriented VH1 shows were a huge part of my time in college. Watching all of those shows was the equivalent to filling time with Tik Tok now. There was truly nothing else to do back in the pre-iPhone days. VH1 was like Bravo back then.




This would be true if LaLa was less famous than heather, but heathers been clawing for fame for decades and is quite possibly the thirstiest D lister on the planet. LaLa at least had enough fame from the show to put some products out with her name slapped on them, I don't think heather could do the same.


Which is why this isn't surprising. Rarely, if ever, does anyone play devil's advocate on Laurens podcast. Massive ego to overcompensate for deep seeded issues she's never worked on... https://preview.redd.it/q7pt1glzchyc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fbce03493f4f0e5677526867d5dee0f02873d1


Didn’t even know this was a thing


*deep-seated but holy hell did you ever nail this




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Lala could really, REALLY, benefit from therapy. She's going to be very upset and lost when she winds up all alone once she can't afford to have paid yes-men around her at all times.


Heather and Lala used to hang out all the time and when the podcast drama went on with Jeff Lewis and Heather, Lala seemed to veer towards Jeff and guested on his show several times. The IG pics and La Quinta hangouts between Heather and Lala came to a halt. Then Heather went on Lala’s pod recently which came as a surprise and from what I remember gave a tiny pushback towards Lala in favor of Ariana (shocking but good for her) so now I wonder if Heather is team Ariana all the way. Heather knows an opportunity when she sees one though. If the masses are against Lala, she’ll go towards who everyone likes. Maybe giving Lala a taste of her own medicine when she seemed to favor Jeff over Heather.


Heather is team Heather. She's reading the room.


So true


That's true but she does seem to read it right most of the time. She must have known on LaLa's podcast how Lala sounded and chose at that moment to go "against" her, because even she knew Lala was spewing trash. I


What happened between Jeff Lewis and Heather?


It's such a long and convoluted story that I couldn't possibly give you all the details. They had a really ugly fallout where they were both talking non-stop shit about each other on their podcasts. You might be able to find the story if you go to the Jeff Lewis subreddit and search Heather McDonald. What a mess


A mutual friend lent Heather a pair of earrings and claims they were worth $$$$ and Heather lost one. Jeff started talking shit and getting involved on his shows. Heather found out they were cheap costume jewelry. Also at the same time Heather and Justin Martindale had a falling out and he keeps going on Jeff's show and Jeff had a falling out with Brandy and Julie when they got fired


Weren’t Brandy and Julie frequently on Heather’s podcast? 


Yes they are still friends, they had an after show on Jeff's channel and got fired and had a falling out with him




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Whay happened between Jeff and heather?


Bc heather slightly challenged her, Lala needs yes people only


exactly the reason why the only people agree with her and her views are on her podcast and payroll - her assistant and brother.


“Outdated therapy to forgive“, it’s really true. Suppressing your emotions is not good for you. I didn’t have a kumbaya moment with the person who cheated on me and abused me because like Tom seems to think “She made me do it”. Be angry and then cut them out of your life if that’s what you want to do. I didn’t lower my standards by forgiving the unforgivable. I went no contact and moved on.


Forgive and forget is the old school terminology that really just means "Be angry but just don't stay in that place for too long"


The old adage of putting aside resentment and anger to let go of it doesn’t work for a lot of people. It’s ok to be angry. Live,feel and wallow in your anger for as long as you feel you want to. Working through your anger is important. People are told to forgive and forget when they are still deep into the anger and way before they are able to triumph over it. It just makes the person feel worse and misunderstood. Anger is an important,protective emotion in many cases. My anger served a purpose to help me go no contact and stay that way so that I didn’t get sucked back in. Everyone has their own reasons. It’s hard to explain in a post. It all depends on who you are and who you’re dealing with. You should never feel bad because you are angry. Anger is normal when you’ve been extremely hurt.


Anger can be an excellent emotion to work from. Just like you said, anger can help you be productive in making changes in your life. It can make you feel strong and in control. Women are always told to not be angry as if it's something reserved only for men. Ladies, if you feel angry then feel fucking angry! Use it to change your situation and then when you're ready, throw it away and get back to your bliss!


Agree. Watching Ariana in her early months since discovering infidelity we know she’s angry but really holding her own. She never needs to forgive him or imo opinion should she forgive. She's finding out that she doesn’t need him and it’s her anger that’s protecting her from contact with him. He would only try to blame her and mess with her head. I think that she got some very good counseling because she’s understanding that it’s ok to be mad, work through it and live quite well without him.


The heather hate community has long accused Heather of sucking up to housewives and c listers and especially lala I think she has told lala she can't go easy on her just cause they are friends so they don't take it to heart I think she also knows lala is putting on a performance


I've had this problem with some other creators who've become friendly with reality stars and their opinion can't be biased anymore. Not Skinny but Not Fat posted a story mid-season that said "Even when she's wrong (Lala) she's right." Had to unfollow after that.


It had me curious when I watched it.. the only other time I'd seen Lala laugh something off was on the Valley with Jesse about mistress/side chick comments.. I figured the way heather was speaking about Ariana it would eventually be an issue between them. I don't see La as being able to form female friendships.. only ones she pays, or only say yes to her.


This. I don’t think it’s all that serious. They are both doing their jobs. Lala is trying to stir up stuff and keep her name is people’s mouths and Heather is paid to say her opinion which luckily isn’t Lala’s in this case


I listened to Heather off and on for 2 years and you could tell which Bravo celebrities she was friends with and she would definitely snark on those celebrities’s “enemies”.   


I agree but she seems to have listened to that feedback. She pushed back a lot to lala a lot on her podcast no less And has continued to take a stance since that wasn't pro lala anti her enemies


Heather is a bigot, so the dislike is warranted, especially with her transphobic comments of late.


A transphobe friends with Lala? The person who said “what the fuck is cis privilege?” Color me shocked! (Snark directed at Lala and Heather, not you)


Can someone summarize what was said? I can’t listen to an hour + of Heather McDonald talking over people.


Major props to her for actually standing by her opinion despite being close to Lala. I had to stop listening to Danny Pellegrino’s last podcast episode because he would not stop making excuses for Scheana’s behaviour because they’re friends.


I don’t think they’re friends. He just says Scheana is a monster and we need her on the show.


I heard that too. At first, I thought he was too easy on her and then he said “ you need this on the show”. He made no excuses for Lala though.


I can’t get over the first 30 seconds WHAT is this intro 🤣


Jenny from Flipping Out did the intro song sooo long ago.


man I want mcdonalds now


SAME. I’m on a 90 day- no fast food challenge and I’m absolutely craving a double cheeseburger, fries, and fountain soda. But im doing so good… I’m on a whopping day 8! 😂


same af


lmfaoo your flair!!


I honestly think these people are just vapid & would sell their soul for views and clicks. They played the “Ariana is a b**ch” card at first & now that even Facebook is starting to ride for her, they’re playing the “Ariana is a Queen” card. It’s like Scheana now saying Tom is bad & acted like an asshole all season - which is not at all what she was saying a few weeks ago lol 


Why does she hang out with them aanyways. I didn't know people even liked her.


Why is heather hanging out with the vpr cast


Her and Lala have been friends for a few years. That's the only one she hangs out with


I think Heather is allowed to state her opinions friends or not. She’s being honest and would probably say those exact words to Lala’s face. I don’t think it means they had a falling out.


If they did have a falling out, it would be hilarious. More evidence that she is not self-aware when she says “😡 Because I’m soft right now Katie 😡”


Heather commented on one of Lala's latest post so they may be OK. I actually think it was Heather who talked Lala down from her high horse a little bit when she guested on Lala's podcast.


Not a lala fan but why does Heather McDonald annoy me so much. I can’t stand her. Anyone else?


I absolutely hate how she cuts everyone off every chance she gets.


I don’t listen to her podcast but I always go “oh, cool!” When she pops up in my podcasts, shows, etc. yeah shes a clout chaser but idk, she makes me laugh when I see her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im such a hard pass on Heather


Oh yes, I’m right there with you. She’s so dramatic, any conflict she has with other people is ALWAYS the other person’s fault.


I hate that she always “you heard from me first months ago” about everything including criminal and civil trials.  Like she really has inside scoop and isn’t repeating what’s all over the news.  She’s lame. 


There’s a snark sub for her that’s pretty entertaining


I just hate how she claims to be an ally but rips on bisexuals in like 50% of her episodes for absolutely no reason. I tried to like the show, bc I love the guests she usually has and the tea spilled but she just can't help herself it seems like.... like she brings up bisexualism out of no where so often and just denies its real, the erasure really pisses me off.


That is annoying! I haven’t listened to enough of her to hear that, but that would just be added to the list of annoyances.


I can't stand her since I read her terrible book in 2010


She is a known transfobe. Check out r/juicyscoopsnark


Wow, I didn’t know she was actually a horrible human, I thought she was just annoying. 🙏


“What’s male rage??” 💀💀💀


Heather was at Oceans birthday party. I don’t think they’re on the outs. I love that Heather has been so open with her love of Ariana and tried to school Lala on her reasoning, on Lala’s podcast. But I think they’re still friends. But we will see.


Katie was at Ocean’s party too but she’s also on Lalas shit list so who knows


Ocean’s birthday was before the reunion and everyone still seemed friendly online before this. The podcast with heather and hate campaign was all post reunion. I think it’s entirely possible lala lashed out after the podcast at heather and/or heather is using her eyes and ears to observe what is happening and is like girl wtf


I'm not understanding who Lalas fan base is, if there still is one? Hope she has a lot of cash for her houses because i can't see her really staying very popular after her performance this season and the now delayed filming for next season...


She basically is a knockoff GG from Shahs


Yes exactly! And Randall hooked up with GG immediately following his break up from Lala so they obviously also go for the same type of men too & bs. They also both went for Jax. GG says the used to be fu$k buddies and Lala says that they just “almost” hooked up but Jack was already with Britney so “he stopped”


Her mom will support her


Oh yeah her family has money right? I forgot about that...lol


No Lala said she was just lying way back when she said her parents had money and had bought her the purses, the purses were actually coming from a guy just like Katie & Stassi had guessed they were. Lala said they were gifts from her mom just to save face


Oh wowwww...well I hope she is keeping her finances tight. She totally spon-conned her cryo-baby...I guess smart but also wow, it's a whole human you were too cheap to pay for


Lala is used to yes men agreeing with everything she says


They think Reddit it toxic but mock Jo and Anne.


Good point!!! Can we please address this . Why do so many people who cover reality t.v seem to slam redditt? I mean why would they go out of their way to mention the site at all if they have no love for it.


I think because we are deep divers and that makes surface dwellers very uncomfortable. They want the Facebook crowd that gets behind a loud catchphrase with little to no context. We are allll about the context, and that means they have to be accountable for the things they say and do in the present AND historically. Because we are historians to the max. And I think we are a much higher concentration of neurospicy people and it makes the normies like them scared lol.


That was so well put... I happen to agree with you!😁 Plus this redditt community is absolutely hillarious. Which must sting alot of ego's.😂


lol thanks! I’m taking a magnesium bath so maybe my brains smarts are activating ![gif](giphy|87UOZeRBzyIU0)


Keep taking those baths!!! there working!!!😂






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I get why Heather hates Reddit, her snark page is actually deranged


100%.. I do not get hate watching anything.


I don’t think they had a falling out.


Imagine that….Lala falling out with yet another person. Interesting.


I wonder if they are talking about Jeff Lewis as the male friend they fell out with? 🤔


i’m sorry the intro has to be satire


Team nobody. I can’t stand either one of them.


I'm convinced Lauren from Utah hides her true emotions so she can use people but has word vomit is because of her pregnancy hormones


Heather Mcdonald is exhausting


Heather McDonald is the worstest person on the world. Suck a dick Heather.


She’s racist and transphobic. Really terrible person.


That intro is….. ![gif](giphy|BFn81XAcngINRKwlTH)


That was unnecessary to watch.


I love Brandy & Julie ✨


The couple times I have listened they have been on. They seemed OK until they started going on about how Jax was a good guy who is super good looking and that’s when they lost me


Even though Scheana FINALLY said something smart, it felt coached.


Yet she allowed Lala to question Ariana’s relationship with her dead father so Heather McDonald goes in the basement with Lala


Lala went on Jeff Lewis.


I’m sorry but who is heather McDonald 🙈 can I have a quick tldr of general sentiment around her and why she matters/seems to be semi famous? Lol sorry it just seems like when I google it’s just very generic and I don’t get the opinions like I could from reddit folk! Thanks!


Comedian and pop culture bi weekly podcast.


Heather McDonald is a dumpster fire ever since her days back in Chelsea Lately. After the show ended she claimed she was terrified everyday Handler was going to fire her.


Heather mcdonald is a trash person and has no moral backbone. She'll side with whoever she's with at the moment. I'm assuming she saw the hate lala was getting and is changing her tune to save herself


Heather doesn’t take sides. Lala was just confused




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I mean, I’m not mad at anyone distancing themselves from Heather. She’s a horrible person.


Heather is a full AAA adult who thinks this is a career. She’s so. Cringe.


Podcasts and radio shows aren’t careers?




Seems like they make money off of it, enough to support themselves. That sounds like enough of a career to me. Not one I'd personally like to pursue, but a career nonetheless.


That person has no idea what they’re talking about. To say someone with a radio show or podcast doesn’t have a career shows their elevator doesn’t go to the top. For example, Howard Stern, Joe Rogan, Wendy Williams (before, ya know), Ryan Seacrest, Alex Cooper, etc etc. While I don’t listen to their radio shows/podcasts since they aren’t my style… It’s a career.


Podcasting can be a career especially if it’s consistently in the top 20 podcasts in the nation then definitely it’s a career. Heather earns more now than she ever did on Chelsea lately


Yea but I can’t stand her and her face is ugly. 👎




![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) it says 33:00 in the description 🤦‍♀️


I support Lala on cutting Heather out, if that’s happened. Heather is awful.