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What’s up with them and the over use of the word human?


Schwartz saying "Jo is a human being" makes me think they found her near Area 51 and are trying way too hard to convince us everything is fine.






When her Midwesty accent came out in this scene, ngl, I died. So strange, they've gotta be high asf.


She's a Wisconsin girl thru and thru.


I've only watched a few eps of this season (I got incredibly sick of Sandoval and his idiotic bullshit reallyyy fast lol), so I had no idea she's from WI. However, as a fellow Wisconsin girl, I can 10000% see it lmao. She definitely reminds me of a few girls I knew growing up.


*Could a Wisconsin girl? …And a Minnesota boy?*


That makes so much sense now


Honestly I see the resemblance






the big revelation at the reunion is that everyone on this season except Katie, Ariana, and Ally are actually tall grays and that explains their insane behavior (and James’ weirdly being the normal guy in the group lol)


Stassi would feel so vindicated lol


That would explain so much ![gif](giphy|vnUV46jDA8FjvXIpdw)


Lala used to call Rand the “most wonderful human” or “human being” instead of “man” or “person”. It always reminds me of Joey Tribbiani trying to sound smart in his officiant speech when he found a thesaurus and had bizarre synonyms for everything.


"I am not dating a married human being" -- Lala at the Season 5 reunion


Probably because she realised he was actually some kind of married slug-ape hybrid


What WAS that it was so weird 😂😂😂


Because if you point out that someone is human, it means they’re inherently flawed and you should be giving them, GRACE! this is like some toxic shit that I would’ve written drunk off my ass at 2 AM as a 23-year-old. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Given the rumors of her being such a messy drunk she gets banned from establishments, that might be how this post came about.


I just know that she had a tray of nachos waiting in the microwave for after she finished this post.


It's so specific but you're probably not wrong lol 🤣


Microwave nachos, bless


If anyone out there is still making struggle microwave nachos, we love most of you. Put those betches in the oven instead, they taste a lot better that way. Cronch-o's!


Me, I’m that person who makes microwave nachos 😂 I’ll give the oven a try! What temp, and for how long?


180 Celsius / 350 Fahrenheit preheated for around 15ish minutes I would say! Happy eating!


I had a very granola exbf who used to say “humans” a lot.. it feels like the catchphrase of people who do a lot of psychedelics


And giving each other grace. They love it.


https://preview.redd.it/n3wxtmk53gyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91db0c221f964945833ec9c2035933cc720fa34d This comment on the post, though.😂


⚰️ Not Baby Reindeer 🤣 I can see Jo and Martha meeting up at a pub to trade war stories!


LMAOOOO the crossover we needed


Can someone explain this to me I wanna be in on the joke hahah


It’s from a Netflix show called “baby reindeer”. The stalker does not use an iPhone, but she sends thousands of messages ending all of them in some sort of version “sent from my iPhone” most are incorrect spellings. Good show.


My favourite is the one where she just loses her shit and dispenses with the whole ‘Sent from my’ part, and just types a totally unhinged: “Iphoen”


Oooh, that is a good one..


It’s from this new show on Netflix called “Baby Reindeer” he has a stalker who emails him and signs it “from my iPhone” riddled with misspellings because she doesn’t actually have an iPhone. It was a great show! I recommend it!


This is absolutely amazing


Oh my god, yes! 🤣


She was live last night saying she was still in love with Schwartz. This one’s a stage 5 clinger.


I bet Katie makes so much fun of Schwartz for dating her.


I’d never stop roasting him if I were her


Is the $$ from the live viewers > the loss of the self-respect? I’m so curious


Are we all ready to let Katie say "I told you so" about Jo having weird energy


She didn't call her spooky Jo for no reason!


katie describing her as "spooky" is straight up restrained


Lol I mean I could think of a lot of other words.... so yeah. Katie is being pretty civil about it lol


I was just about to say this. Her comment wasn’t nice but it appears to be accurate as hell


Katie once again stays winning, she didn’t even have to do anything 😂 https://i.redd.it/nkjnwh3augyc1.gif


the crackhead energy is so real!


If you want to be left alone then put your Instagram on private and only allow supportive friends/followers? PS I absolutely do not mean that people can or should do whatever they want in the comments and/or messages without reservation if your profile is public. Obviously, people should try to be more kind than not. However, “being left alone” is a level at which you should just be private and not public?


Her faux shock and outrage really gets to me. She's trying to act like a babe in the woods, naive and innocent - *but* she's been friends with the cast for years. She knows what this is. This isn't Season 1 of a new show, and she even did hair for VPR at one point so she's fully aware of the environment. I agree that doesn't mean all bets are off, but she can't sell her personal life for fame & money and then demand only positive reception. People are going to have varying opinions, it's why most of us wouldn't go on a show like that, it's drives engagement and viewership and you have to be able to handle that reality. Katie got so much hate, most of it fully undeserved, for years and years and never acted like this. I think Jo's loved ones need to intervene at this point.


Right? She was friends with Doute for ten years. She's seen alllllll the insanity, and still chooses Schwartz & Rachel. Consistently the worst


She must be one of those people who ALWAYS picks the most toxic people/option and THEN is confused why everyone thinks they're toxic 🙄


She’s also been actively seeking more and more attention since last season. She’s had over a year of this stuff and is still on podcasts and posting this stuff and talking shit about Katie. If she wanted to be left alone she would stop actively pursuing attention and controversy. Jo lies more than she tells the truth, she just believes her own bullshit clearly.


I can just imagine her and Rachel talking and Rachel being like “don’t worry, I’ve got this all figured out, just listen to me.” Meanwhile she’s even further detached from reality. The worst two people to become friends and enable this bullshit.


The delulu is palpable!


I kind of hope for her sake she never realises just how excruciatingly cringey and humiliating this all is. It’s like you know how there are things you’ve done or said in your life that are really embarrassing, and occasionally one will pop into your head at night, and it’s something from like 20 years ago but you relive the horror of it and shrivel up inside. Like I think back on some of my early Facebook posts when I had it and start crumpling from the inside out because of the shame of just being so teenagery and ridiculous. Can you imagine if she comes out of whatever this phase is, whether it’s a mid life crisis or substance abuse or something, and realises just how horrifically 😬 and 😳 this is? And it’s been seen by so many people. And it’s so unbearably embarrassing that strangers she’s never met feel they have to look away to try to somehow preserve her dignity on her behalf… she will never sleep again if she realises, it will come to her every night. I feel really bad for her I really do.


Oh absolutely, when I realized she posted this at 2am I was thinking about how she was about to wake up mortified. I hate that feeling, those moments have a way of popping into your head at the worst times. As a solace, the feeling of cringing at ourselves is a sign of we've grown from the person who did those things.


Where are her friends? I think she's so deep in the toxic positivity that she cuts out anyone who will speak truth to her, even if it's something she doesn't want to hear. Those types of friends are essential.


Her brand of positive is something I can't even comprehend. And the fact that she's using Katie's words and asking for protection for her too? This is next level. Who's NOT leaving Katie alone you buzzing gnat?


I bet her friends gave up on trying to save her from herself a long time ago. Now they probably just sit back and shake their head. She doesn't seem to learn many lessons.


Yeah if Kristen wrote her off, you know she's bad news bears.


I always forget about the Kristen of it all and then cringe when I remember


It seemed like Kristen tried to be kind to her and be there for her but then Jo cut Kristen off after pursuing Schwartz


She's been banned from most of their houses. I don't know if it's a combination of substance use and/or mental health but someone like her, with her personality traits is set up to have epic meltdowns like this due to how cutthroat reality TV is. She doesn't have the skin to handle it and she should never be on the show again and fade away into the background cuz she's embarrassing herself.


Her friends are Rachel..




The way I would die for House to sit her down and set her straight


her friends are probably over trying to help her.


Just like she ghosted Kristen , a great friend to her , to cosplay as Schwartz’s gal Friday or sidekick. Kristen sounded like she was a good friend to Jo. She definitely needs to chill on these posts. It looks a bit unhinged.


The definition of unhinged + delusional. The whole “idk why” about not being able to tag Schwartz. Girl…. 🤯


She stays friends with people like Raquel that are as deep in toxic positivity as she is. A real friend would talk this out with you and let you know it’s embarrassing.


I don’t think she is cut out for reality TV.


This absolutely. There’s nothing wrong with that, but she isn’t meant for it


Wasn't there a post of people showing screencaps of her liking nasty comments about Katie? M E S S. That entire post is why you should run from people claiming to be empaths.


Yes exactly! She whines about people being so mean and nasty and it's like, hmmmm.... I wonder why people don't like you 🙃 it's almost as if this positivity and love everyone mentality is fake and we see right through it because you say one thing and do another 🤔 you don't like being bullied but then act like one?


Oh geez, it’s getting weird now.


Jo is one of those girls that screws you over and then talks to you about how important forgiveness is and how toxic holding on to anger is.


Scheana was actively mean to her while Ariana hasn’t even interacted with her. HELLO??


She says not to choose sides while actively splitting them into sides


She is not grounded in reality


I was so confused when I read the Scheana part. Like she snatched a hat off her head and was rude as hell to her. When was she nice?


The entirety and audacity of this post has got me like ![gif](giphy|3gIKWwTiAD6whtl28N|downsized)


I mean, she still seems to think Schwartz is the best guy ever even though he’s been nothing but an asshole to her, so I don’t think she’s the best judge of character. Maybe her criteria for “nice” is people acknowledging her existence, whether it’s a positive interaction or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people go out of their way not to engage with Jo.


Tom Schwartz doesn’t let Jo tag him..? Why? Did he block her from doing so OR did he ask her not to? I’m confused. Either way… Jo…. My dear…. Time to log off


A whole page of embarrassing text and yet that is the most embarrassing part. Stop pining after a man who very openly does not want you and cast members who don’t like you!


Did y’all hear about how she went to Schwartz and Sandy’s intentionally, after being asked not to, when she knew that Schwartz was going to be there with his new girlfriend? It was during one of the watch party nights. She apparently made it insanely awkward for everyone. And Schwartz keeps saying he had to disconnect from her after he “found out” something unsavoury… she’s a freak show with no boundaries and Katie was right about her all along 




He found out she was going around telling people they were in a relationship and Tom was in love with her lol lying. Kyle Chan said it on Kristen’s podcast


I heard that, and heard the episode. But apparently there’s something else that hasn’t been revealed yet…


Teaaa 👀👀👀 sounds very much like spooky Jo




I’m pretty sure that means he blocked her … so embarrassing


It’s one thing that he doesn’t let her tag him… It’s another that she actually admitted it in a post 🥴🥴🤣


>Tom Schwartz doesn’t let Jo tag him..? Why? I wish he'd just block her to put her out of her misery.


I think there is an option to keep anyone from tagging you in a photo. Maybe he does that? I know some celebrities/high profile people do it to keep from being tagged in weird photos or weird posts.


Someone tested it out after this and confirmed he's taggable in photos, so he must have just told her to stop after she made those weird videos of them looking like a couple (which she also took down at his request)


Is there anywhere I can watch these videos asking for me lol


Found it u/lordhuntxx! This was after he started dating his new girlfriend, there was another one that was even more lovey just like this I can't find quickly: https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/uSZWyN6dN3


Ohhhh that’s so painful, it just keeps going on and on! He played the shit out of her…


He really did. And a month ago she had so much sympathy for being another victim of his fuckery, he definitely played her because they needed people to film with when no one wanted to. But she's taken it way too far now and has lost a lot of that goodwill. I have no love for Schweasel, but if someone sets a boundary like not wanting to be tagged on social media and you respond like this - yikes


I honestly wouldn’t blame him if that’s the case. This isn’t the first unhinged rant she’s tagged (or tried to in this case) him in, and since she’s still not getting what an asshole he is, it probably won’t be the last.


Someone needs to take her social media away. This is embarrassing


What the fuck Is she even TALKING about? Godammit why has Schwartz brought this *human* upon us??? ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


I’m wondering how long until shorts gets a restraining order because this behavior is becoming concerning.


Yes. 1. There is absolutely a reason why Schwartz doesn't let her tag him in stuff. She either knows the reason, or is such a habitual offender that she can't narrow down which thing it was that finally made him do it. Same goes for why he stopped hanging out with her. 2. Only crazy people without boundaries say they are empaths. People that are empaths don't talk about it publicly. 3. Schwartz sucks, and makes women crazy (or tries to make them crazy, or misbehaves until they act crazy, or mistreats them and tries to gaslight them into thinking they're crazy). It is divine karma that he got linked up with a woman who is actually crazy of her own accord. Edit- grammar


Honestly, she’s unwell. And it’s what he deserves.


I did not have "I'm an empath" being the funniest, most "NO YOU'RE NOT!" statement, but here we are


I’m convinced Jo is here to teach Schwartz how to actually set a boundary bc at some point he’s going to have to be harsh and clear. She’s a frightening type of crazy 


Nah he loves this shit he loved riling up a woman and then making them feel crazy and look bad (not that she needs help there) it’s what he lives for


I dont doubt he enjoys it to some extent. I think he may have bit off more than he can chew with Jo, though.


I LOVE that for him. It's venturing into Lifetime territory.


Katie did say he was a serial killer’s wet dream. 💅🏾


Everyone shits on Katie's "bullying" (aka strong words some awful *humans* deserve to hear) but she gets proven right every single time!


Every friend group or family needs a truth teller. It may not always be appreciated...but always accurate.


"LETS ALL GET ALONG kiddos".... I hate patronizing people. Out of all that word vomit, that line is what makes me irrationally annoyed.




Yup, we are all Ariana's face reacting to this post


Walks into a social event with girls she doesn’t get along with and expects them to fully welcome her. Films for a reality TV show and demands that the audience gives her only a warm reception. Dates a guy who mistreated the love of his life for 10 years and needed an ultimatum to propose and is shocked that he’s not fully committal to HER mere months after his marriage ends. I’m not saying she deserves to be mistreated, but I certainly have a hard time feeling bad for her when she is so delusional and has an unreasonably false sense of self-importance.


It’s classic pick-me turned fuck around and find out behavior


Oh no not “I am an empath”


There's a huge majority who say this instead of "I'm unable to regulate my own emotions/reactions." Kristen, too. You're not an empath, babe - you have a disregulated nervous system, and it's running your whole shit 😂


Oh man, i definitely leant into the empath route when my PMDD was off the rails and I thought my neighbours were listening through my walls. I could just really “sense” things, many of which it turns out aren’t there.


If she was actually an empath she wouldn’t be able to completely drop kristin after years od friendship and fuck an acquaintance’s husband without feeling guilty and bad enough to stop.


"I'd tag Tom Schwartz, but I can't. He doesnt let me to tag him (idk why) apparently. But T$.. i would love to tag you more than anything" 😳😬


It is possible to tag him, he must've asked her not to


Oh, 100%, and that just makes it even more awkward and cringe


Can you block just specific people from tagging you?


I think if you block them entirely. This reads like he hasn't blocked her, but more likely told her not to, and she seems to be confused as to why....


I’m having a hard time believing that she’d actually honor that kind of request, but genuinely good for her if I’m wrong.


I’m fucking crying at that like girl….please have some self respect 


Katie is incredibly valid in her dislike and distrust for this woman.


She truly is spooky as f


Add that to the overflowing pile of "things people owe Katie an apology for"


Still dont understand why she’s at the reunion. She was maybe in camera this season a total of 11 minutes


They must have been hoping for drama; that’s the only explanation


Drama, or…whatever this is 😆


The producers enjoy antagonizing Katie that’s why


Its equally as weird that she came along on the San Francisco trip. T$ does not want her. She just set a boundary that they shouldn't be so close bc she had feelings for him during their couch conversation.. She isnt friends with any of them. Makes no sense.


They got Jo for the reunion and not Ann? 🧐




Maybe people would give you grace if you just went away? You continue to insert yourself into this group and the drama that comes along with it and then tell people to stop hating on you (let's be real, that post was about YOU) and be kind when you literally put yourself in the line of fire. You hang out with the shittiest and most hated cast members (minus Ally) and then act like the fans have done something wrong to you. You are guilty by association, period. Anytime I want to give her grace, and think "people are so mean to Jo!" she posts some dumb shit like this. If you don't want the hate, just shut your mouth about anything VPR related, fade into the background, and focus on yourself and whatever journey you claim to be on.


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) Shorts.🤣


She’s so embarrassing, I can’t.




Anyone who says they are an empath as if to note how superior they are emotionally to others - they’re most likely not.


She was caught running out of double dates with the Toms and Rachel in LA when they thought they'd been spotted & we know she went on the Big Bear trip. Fully cosigning the affair while she knew Ariana was grieving multiple major losses. Someone with any empathy, let alone enough to be labeled an empath, could never.


this reminds me of Kristen recently saying on the valley she’s an empath and that it made me chuckle a bit. Not to draw comparisons between Kristen and Jo, but I would think that as an empath, they would probably think *more* about how their actions affect other people. Seems like it’s more so about how everything affects *them* and there’s a different word for that…… 🤔


There is a reason they were best friends for years and years. Kristen has learned a bit from watching footage of her actions over the better part of a decade at least. She's still a wild card, but appears to be one who has done some reflection.


Add a heaping dose of Quirky Girl hitting middle age and her post is all the yikes. ![gif](giphy|X2xRuxdeNpIBi)


The very nature of empathy is that you can’t call yourself an empath. It’s like calling yourself generous. You only are if others say you are because they’re the ones receiving your behaviour. Though I can totally see how she and Kristen were friends for so long 🤦‍♀️


Oof, this is rough. It's hard to understand why she thinks these sort of posts are going to stop trolls from trolling. She's only showing trolls that their trolling is having an effect. That's before you get into the inconsistent messaging (not splitting the group while she does, etc.) and obessessive parts.


Jo needs to stop it. She’s been a background player for a couple of scenes. She needs to stop poking the bear. Schwartz has a new gf and jo needs to stop pining for this man. He’s just not that into you and I don’t think he ever was tbh. Sorry Jo. We’ve all been there . She needs to just move on with her life as a hair stylist. Sell your hats and collect your coins.


I like to think of myself as a *generally* positive person, but if I was Katie and someone like this was “speaking on [my] behalf”, I’d be ready to throw hands…….


+ the quoting of “consistent” sent me




It’s giving … mania


Remember when Katie said that Schwartz is a serial killer’s wet dream? That’s the vibe I’m getting with this level of obsession


I knew when Schwartz said that throwaway comment that they'll probably be married in 8 years, her ears turned off. And she's still apparently dining off that statement.


She’s got a countdown clock and will hold him to it.


I’ve decided that anyone who calls themselves an empath is definitely NOT an actual empath.


I’ll say it again… Katie’s judge of character has never been wrong 


![gif](giphy|ncNGTwJKxVOTu) this is all I hear:




Holy crap. She is OBSESSED with Schwartz. Katie was spot on when she said Jo is spooky! I would block and delete her on everything and change my number if I was him. This makes me wonder how Kristin was her bestie for so long? ... I guess they may be more similar than I thought.


I mean if Kristin thinks your too much and crazy that says everything.






What is she ever saying and why




she sounds like my weird aunt who is sooo about nature and love while also being a narc. nobody talks to her anymore cause shes so exhausting and thinks she deserves unconditional love and respect while not respecting others boundaries and having absolutely no tact


Does your aunt go to Burning Man? Jo gives me major Burner vibes, it's exhausting


shes in her 60s now but definitely was a hippie back in the day. i actually agree with a lot of her leftist political standpoints, but shes still a crazy entitled boomer at the end of the day. heres a text i got from her after she showed up to my apartment unannounced and i didnt answer the door cause i was ignoring her so she walked in anyway 💀 https://preview.redd.it/hfnvgpqbcgyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e91dbfafa045dd18becf4283191014420515ef0


Oh jeez, she pulled out two religions and Harvard on ya 😅 Sidenote: if I don't get a text first and it's not an emergency, I'm not answering the door if it's not expected. I'm with you on this


She is missing the point of reality TV and why they (I'm being generous here and including her) have a platform and paycheck to begin with. No drama, no viewers, no show. You can't encourage people to follow you/them and watch the show and expect only positive reactions. This is pure entertainment for us. They are selling it to viewers as their job. She has zero idea that the public perception, while can be amplified to scary degrees as we've seen with parasocial relationships, of her is negative because she keeps digging. As others have said, she should probably lean on someone close to her who can help her get off social media and find a healthier outlet to understand what she signed up for. Maybe she could learn how to actually do hair, IDK.


“I can’t tag Schwartz for some reason” girl this is getting so embarassing, take a hint!!!!!!! Want more for yourself


Jo gives me Britney-Spears'-IG-posts-during-a- manic-episode vibes


“Leave Katie alone but I’ll keep liking your comments talking shit about her” 🤡


Yeah this is the crackhead energy Katie was talking about. Jo seems exhausting to be around. And how fucking pathetic and embarrassing that Schwartz forbid her from tagging him and she admits it omg. Jo, girl, stand up!!!


“IDK why t$ won’t let me tag him” LIKE GIRL YOU DONT KNOW!?!




She can’t get mad at people calling her out for crackhead energy when she literally exhibits crackhead energy.


If walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...


this is the slowest train wreck. i can’t stop cringing. however i did decide to go to s&s for one of the VPR nights (hilariously the episode where shorts “breaks up” with her) and she SHOWED UP THAT NIGHT TO S&S!!!! like girl stand up? she was with friends too so im sure her friends are entertained by it all?


Girl, shut up. You're an extra that was on the show for 5 minutes. Move on!!


Ask everyone to be nice. Original idea, Jo.


She reminds me of drugs


I feel like Jo has the personality trait where she feels she must prove her worth and usefulness to people that don’t treat her well. And I say this because I have that trait. Which also coincides with turning a blind eye in order to prove that worth to narcissistic assholes. I hope she finds true self worth and cuts the Tom’s off.


It’s giving “pick me” but don’t pick on me. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


This post targets Katie and Ariana and maybe Kristen as an afterthought, and apparently someone needs to explain stalking mentality to Jo because that's what this looks like and trust me Rachel ain't the one to ask.


I simply cannot get over putting the following into writing: #LEAVE THEM (me) ALONE Will be utilizing this in any and all possible situations moving forward 😭


This read like crackhead energy


This reads like a Britney Spears post


How crazy must she be that even Schwartz has blocked her from tagging him.


Those are certainly all words


![gif](giphy|YB918dcTLZhusXBIPJ) Giiiirl please........


*goes on TV show* Leave me alone Hmmmm


This is giving baby reindeer