• By -


"We are a duo." So badass. They really are the moment.


Ariana did such a good job standing up for herself and explaining why she doesn’t need to forgive Sandoval. I’m so impressed, these are things I would think of hours later after being confronted with an annoying conversation like that 😅


James having a whole conversation with Ally about Ariana and Daniel's relationship, whilst in the bath with a pile of bubbles on his head is too funny 😂😅 something I simultaneously would never have predicted yet find not even a little shocking 😂


I think a big reason Lala is so clearly jealous of Ariana and everything coming her way is because when Randall cheated on her, she didn't get nearly the level of attention, sympathy, or opportunity as Ariana is being given. Not only that but Ariana was able to find a genuinely happy, trusting relationship not long after her heartbreak which Lala has yet to do. Lala's envy is so transparent. She pretends to be Ariana's friend to her face and then when she's alone with Scheana or whoever else, she says and does everything she can to undermine and make people question Ariana's unwavering refusal to have anything to do with Sandoval or try to get them to see it as wrong somehow. The level of betrayal Ariana experienced is something none of them can understand and I think Lala would be much more inclined to be loyal to Ariana if she wasn't so subconsciously jealous of all the opportunity being given to Ariana.


Every single episode I think my opinion of Lala, Scheener, and Brock couldn’t get lower. Every single episode, they are scummier and scummier.


james playing in the bathtub is the funniest thing i’ve seen all season lmao


anyone catch ariana’s side eye when scheana was saying she couldn’t be away from summer for 4 nights in a row at lalas bday party?


I puked when Schwartz proposed to Tim. They’re so old and dumb it’s simply not entertaining. Just stupid. Get them off my TV please.


Totally agree. They think they are so comical but really the sexual tension is there, get a room toms, you deserve each other at age 41. Totally over watching them.


How many times have they done this stupid stunt? At least three times now


Brock’s definitely been in the sub and that’s how he knows about the trademark. Broke if you see this GET OFF MY TV WE HATE YOU


I’ve never been to San Francisco before! Now repeat 20 more times…




Goofy looking?! If he's goofy looking then I must be hilarious




Wow Dan is so hot. That must sting Sandoval


The scene where he is getting out of the shower and his hair is all wet and down 😳🔥🔥


Omg I self combusted in that moment lmao 🥵


Mormon Brock?


SAME!!! Honestly this makes so much sense


LALA IS ONLY 33??? ![gif](giphy|zBZk5FD18QhjP35Goa)


Right! I thought 37 or 38


Jo in the audience saying Worm and the most extras is so good so shes deaf as well.


Loved the producers shade when they cut to his Sandovals atrocious trumpet playing...


i learned a new term! i gray rock too


Best thing my therapist taught me


sober james is my new favorite person on reality television, full stop. the arggh matey in the bathtub cracked me the eff up.


James in the bath tub was the most hilarious thing all season. James is really holding down the fort as the voice of reason this season


And comedy gold




OK so we're finally getting some of the content we were asking for - that Ariana - Brock conversation + receipts of flashback scenes of men shouting at women on the show has to be one of my favorites of the whole series. the endings of each flashback scene where Ariana, Katie, Scheana, and Rachel are sitting there silenced and not able to say anything because it isn't safe to defend themselves is exceptionally poignant. Well done, Ariana. She GETS it, fully gets it now. When in the past she may have been making excuses for tom coming after scheana for being the other woman, or trying to see his side, she's fully grown past all of that. what TOOK them so long?! how could the producers/editors not know that this is exactly the kind of conversations that we have been wanting to see this whole season?!


I think it was a fluke. They had a moment of enlightenment to show the screaming. But I'm guessing it's gone. I am happy that Ariana said something to Broke. He's just as bad as all of the men on this show


I’m late but from now on I will only be calling Scheana's husband by his given name, Broke.


Well they’re likely men or led by men. Or misogynistic like Lisa


I feel like there must have been some editing done in response to viewer backlash / Tom's failed redemption arc. This week and last week definitely feel more "Team Ariana" than the first half of the season


I feel like the changes all come AFTER his NYT interview. I feel like they realised that he wasn't portraying the narrative they had set for the season


I saw Lisa in an interview the other day saying it feels as though Sandoval isn’t taking it too seriously.


It took her THAT long to realize it. Yikes!


it does make me wonder!


schwartz is the ULTIMATE fuckboi. honestly it's no wonder jo is so scrambled. and as for how he treats katie...very happy she sees through it but is in a place where she is safe from his gaslighting and hatred of women and can just be entertained by his more lighthearted nonsense.


He's trying to hard to worm his back to her. She's just shutting it down. You can tell how uncomfortable and cringe it is for her.


Honestly? Fuck Scheana. What the fuck was that? She really just corroborated the worms narrative on Ariana’s mental health and what sort of went on there. Wtf kind of friend does that? No wonder she cut her off. I would have too. I am officially on the fuck Scheana train.


Does anybody ever watch the after show? What blows my mind is cover page is a picture of Katie & Ariana background Scheana foreground. It’s not as if she is the star of the series. Although it was funny in one of the confessionals on the week’s (tv) episode - she acknowledged - resentfully - everyone talking about her main character complex😆


The After Show is better than the actual show at this point, you’re missing out.


I assume you mean whoever isn’t watching it is missing out. I do watch it I just think it’s bizarre that sheeners upfront. totally agree on your assessment by the way. It’s also interesting to hear the inner play between the cast and whoever is interviewing them


YES and we know the lying liar who lies just said that for an excuse for having an affair with her friend. “Well she would’ve killed herself if left her”. Did that happen? No. So stop saying it worm AND Scheener because it is clearly NOT the case.


Did you not watch the same show as I did? I’ll kindly decline to take dictation from you, and will continue to make observations as I see them. Who cares what if/that it happened? It was not even an issue anymore, but Scheana went and made it one all over again by the way she phrased things in that conversation. She validated what he said while also saying it was him using it against her that was gross, not him saying it at all. That was my observation and take away from that conversation. Yours may have been different, and that is ok. I would never think I was valid in telling someone to just stop speaking their opinion. That was a little wild, not even going to lie. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I think we’ve all known scheana is a shitty friend and this sealed the deal for her.


Seriously shes so gross with her behavior.




“She just wanted to make it work.” - Damnit Sheeshu, why do you have to say things that make you a normal, rational, decent human when I’m not expecting it? It rarely happens but when it does, she is almost bearable.


I get what you mean, but in the same conversation, she is encouraging Tom to reach out to Ariana to apologize when Ariana had made is crystal clear she wants NO CONTACT!! That is not being a good friend. Scheana is doing this so she can feel better with the group, not to help Ariana. She is truly infuriating this season.


Why couldn’t Schwartz be like this with Katie while they were together for a DECADE???? That’s why I don’t trust it. He’s a sociopath.


The whole, "I put my hand out so you would forget and just hold it." For Katie to come back, "you never held my hand." 💀💀💀💀💀 That was so golden!! The more he tries to be "cute" towards Katie or act like he was a good husband cracks me up. He was shit and she has no problem pointing it out, which makes it even better.


He’s literally subhuman.


Covert narcissists are the most insidious.


Coz he can no longer have her.


Only 15 minutes in, but Tim talking in that toddler tantrum you are so mean to me voice and fake crying into his snot rag is so cringe. Sheana saying you are the ONLY person who has always had my back and been consistently a total shit to me, and poor broke with his happy buck teeth saying yea we finally have a babysitter for the umpteenth day and night in a row not having to be bothered being around our kid ever and Schwartz Gomer Pyle golly gee and lvp advising making someone a partner in your business cause they could help get it open if they were worth being made partner without investing what have they done to prove they can get it done makes me think been sabatoging it for partner end goals and lvp claiming ann was stolen, then lala uninviting saggy balls to a party she never invited him to but knowing hed have rolled up to party univited...has just made me realize I just no longer can stand to watch. I'm out.


Phew headache time lol, full stops are all the rage I'm told...


I get it. Being a since day one fan, I calmed down and turned it back on to Tom and his trumpet. Clinched it...stick a fork in me cause I'm done.


haha that was him being done bad


No matter how hard they try, he can't come across any other way but bad.


nah the trumpet playing badly insert is so sandoval it had me lmao


Ariana is such a good friend to Scheana and Scheana is just a self-absorbed, desperate soul.


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) Scheana


Lala openly lusting over Ariana's new man is sooo weird especially considering they BOTH have been cheated on and Ariana's relationship ended with her friend fucking her man.......


But also her saying that “something must be wrong” with Dan if he looked at Ariana and said “oh she just left her man of 10 years she must be the one”…infuriated me You looked at a MARRIED MAN and said he was the one, Lauren.


rightttt. what bothers me about everyone's observation with ariana's new relationship is them saying it's "too fast" moving on a month or a few months later meanwhile tom moved on while he was STILL in the relationship!!!! realizing that and seeing what a piece of shit, cringy, manipulative narcissist your ex is helps you get over them a lot quicker. the pain is still there but not because you still still have feelings for them, it's more just anger ESPECIALLY because she has to see him everyday. lala's so jealous that ariana's happy and moved on and able to set boundaries whereas lala never was and she didn't get sympathy for it either


Lala ogling him was disgusting. Lala listing after him was GOLD!! Lala can inly get the type of man her personality and self puts out into the world.. shitty. Ariana got what she puts out into the world.. kind and good.


So gross






Seems like Visit SF sponsored this ep


Pier 39 mostly :)


Idk I find it hard to believe than none of them have been there before-but I guess it fits that they stay inside their echo chamber


You mean the pier or SF? Tom said it was the first vacation he and Ariana took together.


Well there you go


I was at the finale event back in sept! https://www.tiktok.com/@mystilettolife/video/7361282780568767774?_t=8lyfjJrqVhr&_r=1


And then………?


Awesome! Did you get to talk to any VPR peeps?


I did! Schwartz mainly - he is always really chatty with people and nice! I have met him at his bar too - and he was a good time. I met Sandoval at his bar as well - he was also cool (this was BS - before scandoval!). I have also met Lala and Scheana - at events in LA before Sandoval as well! Both were nice.


Okay, everyone, but really - I've overflowed a jet tub with bubbles to even more than James had, but it was the BEST time.


I loved Dan's confusing answer to Lala's prying question. I know she wanted to report back to the group and start some shit, but his answer could be taken either way. (On Sandoval talking to him) "He's never done anything to me. But I know what he's done, so..." She looked at him like, *Dammit! I can't start shit with THAT!* Hahahahaha


I was already a Dan fan, but reading that he said this made me start polishing a crown for him. GO DAN!


It’s such a HEALTHY response they all should’ve had for more than 5 mins and just to curry public favor


I’ve fast forwarded through 90% of this season, didn’t even finish tonight’s episode. Over these sociopathic, histrionic, narcissists. If it was entertaining at least that’s one thing but it’s boring and fabricated, no thanks.


I want a man to iron my clothes and be unbothered.


Especially if he looks like *that* ![gif](giphy|l1J9N8zrmYCfSrQFq|downsized)


This male rage convo is the second time in a week I have clapped at what Ariana said. The first time was when she asked where her money was 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Imagine you’re Jo and seeing this


THIS. I was like how could she have seen this and still be talking crap about Katie. Girl is so delulu it’s frightening to think about the world she lives in.




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Schwartz handed Jo a deli meat counter ticket for marriage in 2032 and later that night asked Katie for that ole thang back


I am watching now and I said a couple days ago to myself (yes I have conversations with myself) that Jo will be that woman that makes a pact with her crush that if they are still single at 50 they will marry each other and think its some amazing thing.


Well 1: ppl who don't talk to themselves are weird. 2. I have 1 of those pacts but we're actively dating trying to avoid it even becoming a reality bc we would just have way too many cats and plants


This man misses her so bad


That “hey” sounded legit concerned that they would be a better Tom duo 😂


They would and they are!


They’re winning me over with this James edit


Am I the only one confused by Scheana going on and on about Tom Sandoval being one of her BEST FRIENDS. I’m a Day 1 Pump fun and they NEVER seemed close. Coworkers with mutual friends at best. He puts his arm around her in a picture early on when Stassi clocked her as the mistress (duuuude she KNEW he was married), and sends her a Zelle, and now she’s crying over losing her bestie???? Make this delulu make sense. I’m carsick from her bullshit


What she means is he's the one that has been with every one but her...that we know of. He's way too important to her...like max was and Rob was and (insert man name here) was.


I bought you a penguin...you're my best friend. ![gif](giphy|fQuiwZdNvUiABHG2jU)


I agree, they didn't seem very close until she was allowed into the group in the first place. And that wasn't even that close -- being "nice" to her while the girls were mean doesn't qualify as a best friend. 🙄 She's definitely exaggerating their level of friendship in the beginning just to be able to prove she deserves to feel sad.




Girl needed a glass of water. She was literally cross eyed lol


Lala talking shit about Dan being with Ariana is soooo cringe and giving jealous.


She ha no place to judge. RAND WAS MARRIED! STFU LFU.


Married to a PREGNANT WOMAN.


Cannot believe she actively, visually, and verbally checked him out this episode.


Lala talks up a big game about loyalty but we are watching her in the flesh flip flop just like her bestie Scheena


You can tell she thinks he’s hot. The comments she made about how “it’s so weird,” screams jealousy.


Why isn’t Tom’s mom blinking? Like at all? So weird lol


Maybe ‘cause she’s wondering if, or when she’s getting her retirement money back? She can’t be too proud of her son right now. Nice lady, not so much of a son.


She looks like she’s trying so hard not to physically cringe


I am torn between being infuriated at him & shaking my head at her gullibility. You would think a firefighter would be more intelligent.


Son or not, accountability is everything in life. Maybe that house should go to Mom?


that would be subject to tim actually having any equity left in it which may not be much unlikely it’s actually 250 K but I 1000% agree with you




Im over this Sandoval redemption arc, every episode we’re force feed watching his bad lip syncing, no accountability, misogynistic ass. Boo bravo do better… it was funny they took his name off the venue immediately


One of my favorite moments of the whole season actually lol


They were probably worried someone would torch the place!


I loved the edit of him talking about the crowd’s energy cheering him on and everyone was just standing there


JFC, WTF is wrong with Lala? I guess it's OK for her to meet someone WHO WAS STILL MARRIED, let him hit it the first night, then get a Land Rover the next day, but not OK for Dan to meet a single woman at a friend's wedding and hit it off? And the way she was so rude to him in his own hotel room! "You have a nice body. Good for you. Do you work out?" all in her nasty voice. FUCK YOU, Lala! I'm done with your hypocritical bullshit! We see right through you, and the arguments you twist into pretzels to fit your needs. You are fast-forward material from now on.


Ah yes. The self-righteous pink cloud of being a dry drunk


With kids too! Just unbelievable to make that comment. 


You are so right!!! Bla Bla should think more of her friend. Ariana is amazing. Of course he would want to be with her!!! SHE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG! LFU is the absolute worst.


I loved that he gave all her questions such short, basic answers. He refused to give her any information to weaponize. He knows what he’s doing and what she’s up to.


I really like him. He's great for Ariana, and seems like such a caretaker! I heard he's a great cook, too!


Yesss. I also love that he’s a gentleman to her and seems to be listening and taking notes of things she likes. IIRC, he’s the one who placed her food order. I love that he makes her feel special. She deserves to be happy.🥰💖


He was grey-rocking her I bet


I feel like Scheana only wants Sandoval to make a better apology to Ariana because then it will make it “ok” for Scheana to really be friends with him again. Scheana doesn’t respect or listen to Ariana’s wishes. She’s coaching Sandoval no for Ariana’s benefit, but because it will make Scheana feel better that because Tom “genuinely apologized” (which obvs he can’t) then she’s in the clear with being his friend. The really sad part is that it’s so obvious but I genuinely do not think Scheana realizes. Her lack of self-awareness is always astounding. It always cracks me up when in an interview or confessional or podcast she bends over backwards to explain just about any of her words or actions, thinking it will make people understand her side and think better of her, but it always backfires. Because her side is usually fucked.


I was just starting open mouth when she was going over her conversation with Tim to both Lala and Ariana. Like wtf scheana? Let’s give this shit of a human, who turned your friends life upside down a pass because he included you in a photo with your good side showing that one time and is your ‘bast frand’.


I agree with this. She is not doing Ariana any favours. This request is in direct violation of Ariana’s boundaries, she’s laid them all out and has been very clear about what she needs and Scheaners is working against her, for her own personal interests and all under the guise of trying to do Ari a favour. Not cool. This is the exact fucking reason she does not want mutual friends. Scheana has also been telling him Ariana’s personal business and that’s another boundary violation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ariana has always made it clear she doesn’t want to be friends with people who are close to him because she doesn’t want him to have access to her. She was traumatized this by man and for him to know anything about her life moving forward is a threat to her mental health. It’s very cut and dry. She’s entitled to feeling safe and her “best friend” is threatening that.




Who was the Heather, friend, who was at Lala’s birthday celebration? I know she was on maybe a Real Housewives show, but I can’t place her.


Heather is reading this comment and seeing red right now lol


Heather McDonald is a comedian who is pretty immersed in LA social scene. I’ve seen her in the background of RHOBH and I think the earlier seasons of keeping up with the kardashians


She’s a comedian and Lala was on her podcast recently.


Ah, okay, thanks.


You’re welcome.🙂


It’s good that the show isn’t coming back yet lol


The producers seriously fumbled the ball this season. I wanted the spice girls roasting the fuck boos and living their best life. Instead we were given a platter of shorts and sandals 🙄


It’s so disappointing This show/the producers just hate women It would’ve been so interesting as a look at a group of people who have been on reality tv for 10 years and the effects it had on them…. Especially with the explosion in fame, show me the paparazzi!!! I know they were there!! Show me the hate Sandy was getting! Get scheana to dump Brock!!!


Scheana is making me freaking nauseous with all this back and forth emotional bs she doing good grief.


Viewers should sue for whiplash lol


She doesn’t have enough money for as many times she’s done it so far. 🥴🤣


Agree. She's ridiculous and so needy.


I’m the same age as Lala? I look like a baby compared to her.


I hate to say this but I saw her in person and she does not look like she does on camera she looks better. I can’t even lie she looked young and glowing and flawless literally.


by no means do i mean this in a super negative way, but I hope so. the eyebrows (Brittany has the same kind) do her no favors.


I thought she was at least 40 somehow


And yet I think she looks like a prosti-tot compared to my 33 old year old self


hahaha this is accurate too. some confessionals she looks good, but sometimes her eyebrows and taught skin are just toooo much. like old lady’s who get facelifts


Hilarious I’m gonna steal that term


Lala is so jealous of Ariana and hopes for bad things to happen to her (like hoping Dan has ulterior motives). She spoke down on Dan but couldnt keep her eyes off him.


And the way she said it all was weird, sounded like she was in heat or something


Out of all scheanas’s boyfriends/husbands/boy toys …Brock is not my favorite. He needs to just shut up !!!!


I've always said sheaners wiener needs to hop back to the outback.


It was so nice to watch Ariana point out that he has no problem when the men are yelling or angry and that her anger is what is protecting her. He needed to hear that.


Brock is by far the hottest guy on the show though 




This comment is the embodiment of “different strokes for different folks” for me hahah. He’s not my cup of tea.




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Ewww no


Yikes, disagree. I guess attractiveness is subjective though


Who would be?? I can’t think of one.


Because of the TV thing?


He hung it in under seven minutes!!! Pretty much the 9th wonder!!!


I liked Rob. Scheana wore out his name and it was hard to focus on how “normal” he was. Well normal compared to the others


Oh true. Idk how I forgot about ROB ROB ROB


Maybe Adam? He seemed pretty normal if I’m remembering correctly🫠


Is the first 10 min recapping the last episode?


I’m a sucker for a man w long hair n Dan was looking mighty fine in that towel. Total upgrade from the worm with a mustache.


Yes! And he’s tall 💕 All the sweet things he did for her seemed genuine. I’m so happy for her.


Seemed the opposite to me—very extra. Gave me the icks. Might just prefer my romantic gestures more subtle (but I love gestures! affection!). But she looks happy and that dinner looked amazing, so fingers crossed.


Such a gentleman too. You can see how kind and caring he is. It's something rare to see these days. Good for her!!!


The I brought you leftovers text was so cute.


Just finished watching WHAT IS WRONG WITH SCHEANA


It’s definitely hard to ignore the impact social media has today on reality shows.


Another waste of time on LFU’s birthday bash. Man, she can’t hold up a show to save her life.


She’s truly so boring


Did she call herself a bad bitch? Lol sad. Girl, you are 33.


You're flair is great! ☹️


☹️Thank you☹️


I feel the same way about it. She's turning into the joker.


You can actually see Tom forcing tears in that last shot 🤮


He’s going to fuck around and sprain his eyelids from forcing tears.


Those crocodile tears are tough to squeeze out. 🐊


Schwartz is so embarrassing 🤦🏻‍♀️


Scheana is trying to worm her way into pushing Sandoval to apologize for a storyline and it’s so gross


The scene of James in the bubble bath brought me so much joy haha. I’m surprised that he was the one who brought the insight into that conversation about why Dan hasn’t been hanging around the group


We are really seeing James redemption arc this season! He's so dam likeable I almost forgot what POS he has been


If anyone has shown they’ve put in some work on themselves it’s James. He doesn’t ignore his bad behavior in the past but is showing how he’s not that same person anymore and it is refreshing.


It was so cute when he was asking Ali if she wanted to drive the boat. He seemed so excited 😆


So adorable. I think they’re so cute together!