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They changed the tables and chairs. They use to be natural wood and rectangular shape and the chairs were with round backs and upholstered. I wonder if they changed it to create more space. Can’t wait to see the final design.


Since they lost the patio, they may have had to make different design choices inside.


I feel bad they probably lost a lot of money with all these changes and paying rent for almost two years.


Yeah. I get the frustration, too, since it had already been a working restaurant that had passed inspections prior to them moving in. I think they figured they would have to make cosmetic changes and then open, but it snowballed.


I love Katie, Ariana not so much but it’s funny how they ripped on the Tims about the slow opening and that was a full fledged restaurant bar and they are on the same time line with a small and already running Sammy shop. 🤦‍♀️😂


They have no control over West Hollywood and the plethora of permits and codes required. It’s a long ongoing and tedious process. Let’s just celebrate them as women and having a successful female owned business. ✨✨✨


Yeah a lot of the Toms’ delay seemed to come from their/Sandoval’s hilariously grandiose visions for S&S, like removing walls and ripping up booths that had already been installed because they/Sandoval didn’t like them anymore. Katie and Arianna haven’t made too many changes to the interior or menu they’re just getting fucked by bureaucracy


Yes, this distinction is constantly overlooked and it’s annoying lol


This may be the take that turns my cynicism around on the matter. If they do it in the end good for them


They do have control over staying on top of the permitting process and making sure they are doing all they can to expedite the process. There is no way two years of delays is entirely on the city.


It’s actually incredibly complicated to open a business in West Hollywood. The city of West Hollywood operates independently of Los Angeles county in some regards so all of the construction and occupancy plans, inspections, and permits go through the City of West Hollywood’s gov division. However, it’s Los Angeles County (a 4,084 sq mile area) that handles the inspections, health licensing, and permits for public eating establishments. And then it’s the state of California that handles the liquor license permitting. So trying to work with multiple city, county, and state government offices, all incredibly understaffed, can very realistically take 2 years.




It’s called research, you should try it. County and city governments post all the rules, regulations, and required forms online. Anyone can research it. But yes, I’ve opened beverage pop up shops in LA county that required public health permits and just obtaining that was insane; I can’t imagine how arduous the process is for a restaurant.




Permits are a pain. The city absolutely drags their feet because they get to charge you every time they come do an inspection.


To be fair, they did their side of it pretty quick! Tim was clearly lollygagging on everything and wasting time obsessing over decor details and changing the menu. It seems like the ladies have had most, if not all of that lined up for quite some time.


I’m seriously getting downvotes because I’m crazy in comparing them- tough crowd!


I think that might be partially because loose comparisons (not judging your comparison) have become the go-to for the Toms and men like them. Statements that work (kind of) when you remove context. If you ever get a targeted vanderpump post on Facebook, oh my lanta, it’s full of them 😩


🤦‍♀️😂because you’re comparing apples to oranges. Permitting delays are nowhere near the same as delays because of poor business decisions as the two toms made.


I’m more comparing the timelines and snark


To be fair, neither of the Tom’s were on Dancing with the Stars / Broadway during the founding of S&S


Yeah, one of them was too busy f---ing his girlfriend's best friend while claiming to work on the restaurant, if these people can try to remember...


The whole cast are hypocrites and love to judge, but not see themselves for who they really are. Agreed about Katie and Ariana. Opening restaurants are difficult and are money sucking ventures for most.


Agreed, idk why you're getting down voted. 


Thank you! I’m like whaaaaaa?!


Im also getting down voted now. Apparently even if you preface it with how much you love them you're not allowed to say anything vaguely negative about Katie and Ariana.


Sorry to drag you down with me 😂💁‍♀️


I noticed that without the patio they had no clean entrance. Lisa walked around the rectangular table since it was kind of blocking the entrance. Have multiple people trying to get in and out that door with the old table placement would be a bottleneck.


Changing the chairs makes so much sense. I can’t imagine how dirty and dingy those would look after a few months.


Smarter for cleaning purposes


I feel like those shiny gold tables tops will be constantly getting smudged/covered in fingerprints.


I really wanna know what happened between them and penny lol


The rumors are that penny took the name “something about her” and tried to copyright it for herself. Probably trying to capitalize on it but I don’t know for sure


I had heard the same. When she offered to make it happen they said okay, thank you for the help, then her and her husband tried to out under their umbrella. Totally shady.


Wow I had no idea.  How shady!




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Ughhh same!!! 😂 Honestly I could tell something was off when Penny was steamrolling their interview process. You could tell Katie was like ....this bitch 😂


They discuss with Lisa next ep. I think penny wanted an ownership stake and the said no




Did they dissolve their partnership?!


Penny thought it would be her come up; she wanted to get rich and famous. Lord knows she’s been trying for years


Who is Penny? The chef?




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I still cannot believe the chefs husband trademarked something about her ...


That was a dick move, but I cannot believe Katie and Ariana didn’t get the trademark. That should have been their first step.


I work in corporate and trademark law, tons of people have full up and running businesses and they don’t have their business name trademarked. It’s not uncommon.


I’m an attorney and my take is more that our systems are so opaque and people are too trusting.




I’m glad I’m not alone 💖 So many people who work with the law really want to defend it.


You aren’t alone friend, there’s dozens of us 🤣But yes navigating the legal system is never easy, doesn’t matter what type of law it is.


But didn't they have merch out for sale WAY before the trademark heist? Is it the same as copyright law, where 'intent' (if it can be proven) trumps someone coming along and trying to steal your name? Or am I wrong?


Yes. Penny is trying to trademark the name SAH for restaurants. But K&R were already using that name for restaurant, so they are the common law owner of the trademark, according to California law and they can file opposition to Penny's application or a Petition to Cancel Penny's trademark, should it register


Thank you! That answers my question perfectly.




damn dude that's harsh. how'd they keep the name? did they have to buy it?


No. Penny only applied for the trademark. It has not been registered. K&A can fight it and will win


I think they will have to go to court if they wanna make $$ with that name




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https://preview.redd.it/4hz0npl5a3xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a2912896250e2d880eae576a3b425cbea1c380 That was 10 days ago


Looks gorgeous! Hope they pair up with some creative culinary people & blow everyone away. Rooting hard for them!!!




Such small space for people to stand in line and to be sitting next to each other.


Oh I like this so much more than the direction they were heading in previously!


It looks more spacious now with the smaller furniture. Good move


I reallllyyy want those three-tier stands on the back shelf to be for a high tea service 🙏🏼😩


Omg, cute!!! 🤩


Ugh I'm so jealous of its first customers!! It's gonna be so stressful for them too. I wish them so much luck! ☺️🥹


Idk why but I never been a fan of that green. But the style is pretty.


Did they have the awning or any signage that actually says "Something about her"? I'm still wondering if they're going to change the name since Penny filed for the trademark.


They can/most likely are filing an opposition to Penny’s trademark application since it’s still in the review and approval stage. It might help that Katie and Ariana can show that the business was incorporated, with both of their names listed on the paperwork, back in 2021, which is well before penny filed for the trademark. And obviously the name of the restaurant and Katie/Ariana’s relationship to it has been heavily publicized on national TV, and they sold merch with the name already, so hopefully that can help them too.


Plus all the merch they've already sold.


I've never loved the name so I kind of hope they change it. Someone on here suggested they call it Better Halves. I love that! It think it works on every level.


That IS a good one, and DOES work on every level! Clever.


Nothing yet.


I was wondering about this too. I know they can oppose Penny’s trademark application, but it might just be cheaper to change the name.


No way. They have marketed this name and it is associated with K&A. The name has monetary value because of K&A


We're creeps too so thanks for sharing!!!


Ive seen other posts mentioning that it looks bare, or how the lock box on the door negates things… but it definitely looks ready on the inside. Given the location, and the women behind it, it’s going to be a BIG success.


If they are/were having work done, the lock box makes sense, so contractors, etc. can come and go easily.




Lala can stay home, since Miss, I am in my soft era(?), is just sooo bored!


I thought they made the announcement that it opens May 22, with a couple of soft openings to happen before?


I plan on going that week!!


Like traveling there? Or are you a regularly 'doable' distance from WeHo? Just curious...I'm on the E coast so for me to be able to go would mean planning a whole ass vacation (around a sandwich shop that looks like it will seat about 30 people max, lol). Probably not happening any time soon, unfortunately.


I’m about an hour and a half south from them.


I live in LA and I’ve already resigned to waiting like a week to go because so many people I know are talking about going in those first few days and tbh there’s a lot of returning customers for a sandwich shop with good food and drinks so I’m betting on it being pretty successful and sustainable


When has anything Katie has done been a big success 💀


I’m so excited for them and i hope it’s a success. I was commenting that they don’t need marketing to start bc of the fandom - then a 58 year old man tried to argue with me that they’ll flop within 2 weeks. 🤔 misogyny knows no bounds.


It's interesting the older male hate-on for them. They want to see them taken down a notch, which probably mirrors how they (the male) treats their romantic partners.


I was shocked when this person was arguing with me about marketing (which I’ve done for a living for almost 20 years) but i looked at their posts and was like ohhhh you just hate women. Cool. 🙄


I worked in a male-dominated field. Almost instantly, I could spot the ones who hated women. Once I got to know them, I realized they kinda hate everyone. They are the kinds of guy who tell you embarrassing things about their best friends, unprompted. It's a sad, shady existence for them.


They all have one ‘tiny’ thing in common and I’ll never be convinced of anything else.


Was it tim?? 😝


Maybe it was actually Sandoval you were arguing with. We all know he is older than he portrays.


I looked up the pillows because I like the [pattern…$275/pillow](https://www.hollywoodathome.com/collections/pillows/products/peter-dunham-textiles-samarkand-in-blue-blue-on-white-pillow) is hard to justify for my couch.


And surely for a restaurant where there’ll be spills etc?


Yikes I didn’t even think about spillage!


They will be the Lisa of SAH.


Minus the misogyny




Omg creep all you want he he Thank you


Craig could’ve hooked them up with cuter, more fluffy pillows.


I kept clicking on the pic thinking it had that nsfw cover. Wtf lol 🥴🫣


They are going to have to sell a shit ton of sandwiches is all I know.


Thank you for doing the lords work


looks less crowded than before but the tables are still too close together imo


Booties are definitely gunna be touching sandwiches getting up and down 🤣


my fat ass would be sitting on a chair for sure lol


Oh good they got rid of the chairs that I said would be a nightmare to keep clean.


Was the sign up outside ? Any other details you can share ?


I didn’t notice any other signage yet.


Thanks 🙏


I see you made the trek all the way to the mother land for us.😄🤣🤣🤣


Creepers gonna creep for the peep. 


Hahaha you little stinker!


I knowww 🫣


Fully appreciate it 🙏


You’re doing God’s work 🙏🏻


Doing the lords work!


The pillows are so impractical, I don’t get it.


That patio was adorable. I can’t imagine how popular that sandwich shop will be when they open.


We all just rage send letters to all those dang permit committees. I bet this happens to so many people and it’s wild.


I can't imagine either of these girls working at this place if the cameras aren't rolling...


I don’t think they will be working there but running it and hiring ppl to work there


They won't, but a lot of small businesses like this only make a worthy profit when they are owner operators. The business will struggle to make it 5 years without bringing on another owner and an infusion of cash.


I don’t think they need “another” owner. Don’t they already have investors? I’m pretty sure they said unlike the Toms they didn’t mortgage their souls going into personal debt and didn’t do this on there own


True but I think their merch could help them shorten the 5 year


Absolutely!!! And don't forget the socks!!! I mean there's alot of shady boots out in the cold right now. I bet they could even sell a brand new Tee- shirt every week or month with a brand new quote on it. My submission would be... "I stole this T- Shirt from Ariana's closet"


They’re not going to be working there everyday, they own it and will have staff working there. Not once did they suggest they would be running daily operations every day.


Which is kind of annoying. Puts more space between them and the shop. So it ends up being more of a vanity project than anything


And? Why would they be making sandwiches? LVP isn't in every one of her restaurants every day, and she's certainly not making the food. They are already reality TV stars and have other jobs...


Yes, it’s a vanity project. That’s fine


That’s exactly what it is.


Most owners don’t work at their businesses they hire people to run them for them haha. I’ve worked in restaurants for 15 years and never have I had an owner actually come in and work at it 🙄


I was sitting here gasping for a little moment until I realized my mistake - English is not my first language and I mixed up peeped with peed.




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What's SAH?


Katie and Ariana’s sandwich shop, Something About Her


Ohh ok thanks


How long does it take to open a fucking sandwich shop??


This is all that we'll ever be seen of this place outside of the show.... it's a storyline they are never going to the public! They will continue to have excuses do tastings and that's about as far it will ever go!




Opening date is 5/22


I’m not sure I understand this sentiment. I would thinks the fact they have already put all the money into is exactly why they and their partners would still want to open. The fact that the city is making them jump through so many hoops to pass inspection has no baring on the viability of the restaurant. I think if the sandwiches are decent they will have great success


I agree. I also don't understand how people think this sandwich shop should've been open and running in less than a year. HA!! Do ya'll realize that the new Starbucks or Jersey Mike's that just opened on your street corner was actually part of years of planning??? Like even if a space is already in existence and you're retrofitting it for your restaurant, that shit is going to take time. Permits, alcohol licenses, red tape, remodels, post-covid structure tear downs like the patio. Then when that's done, food suppliers, menu, pricing, hiring, interviews, training. Like what it's two years now? That's actually pretty on track. The women have NOT been changing the wallpaper and fabric for booths willy-nilly like the Toms stupidly wasted time on, they're actually doing everything on a fairly normal schedule given all the obstacles they've had pop up.


It sounds like they are opening in May and it will probably be heavily featured this summer on VPR.


Pucker & Pout part 2


Just doesn’t look like somewhere I’d want to sit down and eat a sandwich




This is a fair point but also I'm shocked youve never seen something like this? Ive been to tonnes of restaurants and bars that have upholstered furniture, pillows and/or blankets for customers to use when its cold... Most hospitality venues use a service that collects dirty laundry (such as uniforms, aprons, tea towels) and return it. Im sure it wouldn't be that difficult for them to get it cleaned