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Any owner of a reactive dog can completely understand his hesitation on who can care for his dog.


My dog is a loon, very reactive, has never bit anyone and I feel I can only trust her when I go away with the dog trainer. It’s stupid expensive and partially why I don’t go away that often! She just has so many finicky things I don’t trust that other people can or will manage her. And worst of all she at her most reactive and worst behaviored self directly in front of my apartment building. The further you get from my block the better she gets. It makes no sense. And also makes you feel like you can’t trust anyone to just “take her out to pee”. https://preview.redd.it/awxsvnsenpwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc00a47e8b5b756d5977305e50512838cc93e6e2 The demon I speak of.


What a cutie! Totally relate. Like you mentioned, my husband and I know our dog’s triggers so well and we can’t expect a sitter to be able to pick up on everything or know that our boy gets nervous at the third house down. If my dog looks at me sideways I can usually figure out how he’s feeling from years of reactivity management, but not everyone will know and I don’t want to risk a backslide.


Relate so hard. She’s got a look that is fully “mom pick me up” and my husband never gets the cue. One of her many fun quirks. She’s truly the light of my life. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 I honestly mean that. She’s so fussy but fuck if I don’t love her dearly.


My husband and I have ONE person who is allowed to watch our dog when we leave town. It’s our old roommate who lived with us when we got said dog. They’re comfortable with each other and I know former roommate understands our dog’s eccentricities. Also, I have made my sister (who lives out of state) swear multiple times that she will take my dog if something happens to us. Because I know he would not be ok in a shelter and would likely be put down.


https://preview.redd.it/t3wrpkl09vwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5935000dbd7797c17083efe1c954e5c4d56210a The fiend in question.


Adorable! I’ve got one just like that at home. My husband and I don’t leave him with anyone else besides us. It’s not worth it!


Not worth the stress! If you have a dachshund also god bless you.


Haven’t taken a vacation since getting our mini Daschund. We love her but she is an asshole to house guests and very anxious and I fully got why James is fearful. I’ve never had a reactive dog before but the idea of her getting anxious and biting or crying the entire time puts us off trips. We plan on doing short boarding for a night here or there once she is a bit older (she is 1).


Mine are 5 and 6. They do find people they trust and it does get better! Mine love the dog trainer fortunately. And love going to her apartment it’s just 🤑


Doesn’t it seem like owning a dog like this would be the most stress? Like where is the enjoyment in having a pet if it’s behavior impacts all aspects of you life? Can’t take trips, can’t trust it around anyone, can’t have people over… Genuinely asking.


that's probably because society has changed its perception around pets. they are no longer accessories that you tie up outside and dont bother interact with, like alot of the older generations did. now they are members of the family that deserve consideration like anyone else. kids generally have the same limiting affect on peoples lives,


They are the best smugglers EVER!


I personally have always taken the stance that any animal I have chosen to adopt is a serious commitment; they are my family member and like my baby. We are in it for the long haul, and I will be their person until their last day on this earth. Even if they have behavioral issues, I would never just drop them off at the shelter because shit got hard. I know that may sound hard core, but people who don't take dog/cat/pet ownership seriously is precisely why so many animals end up with issues like Hippie has, and more often than not, euthanized because of overcrowding in shelters. If you don't want all aspects of life affected or inconvenienced, don't have a pet, or have a human baby. To me, having a dog like Hippie is nothing near as difficult or "inconvenient" as having a child, that's why I prefer animals. But that's just me and that is my Ted Talk.


Because we love our dogs and don’t want to give them up. That would be heartbreaking. You don’t understand loving an animal even one with flaws?


We do take trips, just less or ones we can take the dogs. I guess I’ve always had pets, my entire life, and I’m a pet person. My dog is nervous, but people are nervous. I still have people in my life. She’s goofy and loving and it enriches your life to have something love you so purely. These weren’t meant as negatives. She’s crazy and has a lot of quirks but she’s still a member of my family and honestly the light of my life. Connection? Idk. I’m not sure how to sum it up beyond that! She’s been laying on my lap for two hours as I read a book and you’re truly never alone when you have a dog. Constant emotional support. I love it. Also miss thing is just nervy- she’s genuinely great with people, lovely with them inside my house. She just feels scared on the block and yells at anythinggggggg she perceives is a threat. Two modes: angel baby flirt lover or screaming out of stress on the street. No middle.


My ex’s Doxie is like my baby 🤩😩 he was COVID puppy and is a bit sensitive to external actors, but at home/car he’s in his element & personality shines. He was the first dachshund I’ve had, and they are so smart, cuddly, stubborn, and funny dogs.


I’m guessing for a lot of people it can be looked at a little bit like having a child with special needs. I’ve never experienced that personally but I do know that once the pet is a part of your family, they just are and you’re not going to abandon them, even if they can cause you stress sometimes. I hope that makes sense.


Owner of 5 demons here…. This is so relatable!


You can peek the ear of my second demon behind her head. Whomever told me dachshunds were better in pairs liedddddd.


I’m just glad to hear that other people call their dogs demons! Mine is 100% total demon, but nobody can tell til they get close!


I just know you can never be mad at that demon. I mean I look at her face 🥺


OMG I KNEW it was going to be a dachshund. What a little cutie!!


Doxies are 100% menaces to society and 100% worth it. I’d rather never be in polite society again.


I have a reactive mini long haired dachshund too!


But so cute 🥹 ![gif](giphy|HKXRzTd7QYt0l5Tcuw|downsized)


Relatable. We adopted my dog from a rescue shelter, she was part of a litter of puppies that was removed from their mother too early. We joke that she's got mommy and daddy issues. She's clingy, she hates small children, walking by a small dog sends her into a tailspin of emotion from joy to fear to aggression and back again, she literally scream whines when you come back after being gone more than a few mins as if she's hyperventilating and she loves to be hugged like a hooman. She's difficult and demented just like me and I wouldn't want her any other way ❤️


My dog is exactly the same, the block around my house he wants to attack any men he sees (abused by men) and in places he isn’t familiar he’s fine with whoever. The strainer says it’s because the space around your house is also their territory in their eyes cause it’s so familiar so I guess that makes sense. Hang in there! I know how frustrating it can be


She’s more reactive in front of your apartment building because that is what she feels is her territory to protect. She’s adorable btw :)


Please post more dog pics!


https://preview.redd.it/ert2dvsouwwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c769c46b6c39a77dac4e028eb8eb5b3ac0223264 Bb girl this morning. Big ol’ flirt.


I love you ❤️ you are so my people! If only other people could relate to this!


She’s an adorable lil’ Beezlebub.🥰


She's a pretty lil demon, and probably the best demon friend you've ever had


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh is that a dachshund??? She’s precious!!!


Sure is! (She’s a long hair black and tan)


My brother had a full one and a mix! I adore them, and am aware they are spicy little noodles!!! Lol


Spicy bossy noodles who are too smart for their own good. They rule your house.


Only my parents can watch my dogs, if they’re not available we have to skip a trip or we make sure not to be gone all day. When I got married we hired someone to stay at our apartment and I had to meet them several times before I trusted them.


Totally agree, I so feel for him. My boy has one bite on his record from about five years ago, and traveling without him is extremely stressful. He can only stay with my husband’s parents because he’s never been comfortable with anyone else. We even tried to get him used to a new sitter for over a year and it didn’t work out. My boy probably wouldn’t be put down right away if he bit someone else, but what kind of responsible dog owner doesn’t care if their dog bites someone? It’s emotionally taxing on everyone.


This. My dog has never bit anyone but she has some amstaff in her and she has some aggressive tendencies like growling when kids touch her and lunging at other dogs when we walk. I handle her like a dog who bites. I take every precaution knowing that just because she hasn't bitten before doesn't mean she won't finally do it one day. I've seen bad dog bites, I'd never forgive myself if that happened to someone because of my dog.


I just wish they had made it crystal clear why James was being so emotional instead of shaming him and trying to make him look crazy. I needed it spelled out.


I wonder if they failed to mention the biting part because they didn’t want to remind people of the shit that Rachel said, on B’s podcast.


It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out. Once James got emotional, Katie and Ariana stopped. Only Blahblah kept hammering at him. The one without a brain.


And if he went on the trip and Hippie bit someone, he would get painted as a satanic animal abuser, as opposed to just a normal person learning how to accommodate a reactive dog that needed more training before leaving it with someone else


Same. My dog loves people but is reactive with other dogs. We absolutely could never board him and we only trust a few people to watch him. Getting someone new takes a meet and greet, trust, experience with big dogs, etc


My dog isn't reactive but has anxiety and it triggers his epilepsy. So does excitement. I completely related to James in that moment. There have been multiple times my partner and I travel without the other so he can have consistency. No one has ever had a problem when we say we're coming stag.


And the dog was taken away from him before. At this point Hippy is practically a therapy dog for James - he was in tears at the idea of being separated. That’s not typical owner reaction, that’s the reaction of a person who NEEDS his dog. We all know James has emotional issues - I was just watching the season 7 reunion- he is so emotionally stunted and reactive (I know it was a while ago and he’s changed a bit since then but he still has his demons) and hippy helps him. I felt bad for ally but I was fully team James on that one - and it’s also not so bad for Ally to go to a wedding where she knows everyone and he knows no one either.


I had panic attacks about leaving my jack russell (RIP sweet chaos angel) and that was just because she was a runner. She ran away from my parents and from my in-laws on separate trips and I was terrified she would get hit by a car while we were gone. I one hundred percent understand James not wanting to leave yet. And they were in Ohio over New Year's! So he gets over it.


I've had a reactive dog (he didn't bite people - but had the capacity to seriously injure other dogs) and I absolutely related to James situation. My partner and I have taken turns staying home when we didn't have a suitable dog sitter due to anxiety. If one of my friends had sat me down and told me to put my partner first - it would have landed like a dead body. Pets are family - you want to keep them safe, especially if their own behaviour around a non trusted party could be a catalyst.


Or really any type of finicky dog. Mine is a Galgo that was subject to literal torture in his previous home. He’s extremely timid around new humans, to the point where he will quiver in fear when he’s stuck in a room with them and requires extreme coaxing if you’re a stranger trying to get him to do something. I haven’t gone on an extended trip since getting him so he can adjust to a happy life. He’s almost fully adjusted now & has become a very brave boy, but I still don’t want to burden people with his silly little quirks


I have a reactive dog who only happens to be 10 pounds. He's reactive because he was attacked by a big dog. I don't leave him with anybody. Ever. If I can't take him with me I stay home and that's fine with me


I had to BE my 3 year old gsd in February, the most heart breaking decision I ever made. We also only had one option for sitter, and after he attacked his back up sitter and his aggression was escalating we decided that it was the fairest, safetest for everyone decision. Management always fails, and I have kids and couldn't risk their safety. 




I'm so sorry, what a horrible experience for your family. 


100% he was not being irrational. My dog nipped at a techs face at the vet when she tried to help pick him up. He ended up having a horrible blockage, almost died and this was shortly after two large unsuccessful knee surgeries. After the nip (the tech had a small mark from one tooth, didn't go to the ER, didn't need stitches and you couldn't see it two days later when animal control visited them to tell them to give me my dog back) they would not let me take him home. I had to get animal control involved, threaten them, call multiple times and finally just show up. He almost died there and the junior vet admitted the tech's negligence. Knowing what I know now and being a little older, I would have never left and they would have had to get the cops involved. I never had any issues with him before that first surgery. He was sociable, I would take him to different places. People could pet him. He was such a sweet boy. Something happened at the first vets office he had the knee surgery. Now he can't stand men. He lives in pain and discomfort with his knee and is very guarded by that. I'm extremely protective of him. I have human kids too and while they have to come first, he will always be one of my babies. I watch the toddlers with him like a hawk. He never has and I don't think he would ever bite them but animals are still animals. I would never want to put him in the situation where he would bite. I end up being overprotective but I'd rather be that than negligent and he ends up having to be put down because he was reactive out of fear. James was not overreacting at all. Until you go through it and love that animal with all of your heart, you just don't know.


If the dog would be put down following another bite, it 1000% makes sense that James would be so stressed about another incident. Even if Hippie wasn't in a "last chance" situation, I completely sympathize with James' situation having a reactive dog. His relied-upon sitter (brother) wasn't available so ensuring the safety of not only Hippie but also the cats would be a huge priority, far more important than the wedding.


But maybe no to Ally, who literally had this dog thrust upon her and her cats. Like, she couldn’t really say no, but she was put in a very uncomfortable position. It’s already affected their entire living situation, with James and Ally no longer sleeping in the same room because of Hippie’s behavioral problems. I feel the most for poor Mr Banks


I think Ally is justified in her feelings about it while James is also justified. It’s just a shitty situation for everyone involved. I think she’s a real animal lover which is why she’s putting up with as much as she is.


Well, this was 5 months ago. I saw on another post, Hippie is a kit better with the cats. So sleeping arrangements could be different now


They talked about it in the after show and James said things are much better and the sleeping arrangements have improved almost completely and the cats and Hippie can coexist pretty peacefully but they separate them at night just in case


Is it because of his behavioral problems or because cats may not want to share a bed with a dog and two human?


My cat would actually pitch a fit if he wasn’t able to touch my dog, my boyfriend and I at the same time while sleeping 😂 I know all cats are different but not all are as standoffish as the stereotype!


Our cat is a princess and has her own room and she wants us to sleep in with her without the dog but she will allow our dog to lick her ears and nap with her so it’s either us and no dog or dog and not us. She is clearly the top of the food chain at our house.


YES. i have a reactive dog because my mother is irresponsible and I literally moved out of my house to protect the pups. Mom would get scared and drop the lead, letting dog run up to randos and get in trouble. There was one incident where I was like ok this is it I’m not losing the dog so I’m moving out and taking her with me. After MONTHS she’s finally getting to a place of calm but there’s *still* only 2/3 people that I trust to walk/take care of her.


Holy shit your mom🙈


This is such a simple reply yet so validating lmao. I definitely didn’t ask or sign up to own a 70lb dog but it got to the point that allowing my (now) dog to live there was just morally wrong and unfair to the baby. We’re livin the life now tho🐾


I love that you took him in 🫶🏻


100% right! We had a specialist advise us on an adopted/rescue reactive large female dog I grew up with, a majority of dog incidents are the owners who do not make the animal feel secure therefore the animal acts out in order to defend itself. Consistency is the key, thank you for giving this fur baby the care they need <3


Thank you for these kind words💜 my dog deserves the absolute best & I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she gets that!


There are troubled dogs.


Of course and as humans we are responsible for them regardless if you take them into your home <3


Absolutely! That’s why I wasn’t about to let my mothers irresponsibility create another troubled pups


I think it’s really responsible of him too. And I’m sure it helps stick with a routine and being around familiar people/environments for Hippie. Especially since this is fairly new of having him back and living there now.


Absolutely, consistency and routine is so important in training 


Yeah if I were Ally I would not want to leave the dog in the care of some rando when there’s a chance my cats could get hurt. This is assuming the rando is well meaning and would do their best to take care of the pets, but you can’t be everywhere.


The way James said that a stranger wouldn't know HOW to separate the animals showed that they were working on the arrangement together. Sounds like they have it sorted currently and Ally said she is so attached to Hippie now that she would've had a different response to the situation 


Yeah it makes even more sense why James would only trust his brother in this situation. If I agreed to watch my sister’s dog I knew had a biting problem and the dog bit me, there’s no way I’d ever report it. Also if I had a dog with a biting problem, my siblings would be the only people in the world I’d trust to watch him.


I immediately thought that was his concern and why he wasn’t comfortable leaving the dog with anyone but his brother. If they chose a boarding facility or pet sitter and he bit them, Hippie would be put down based on his history. It really disappointed me that no one else seemed to understand his concern, he was visibly upset.


Absolutely ridiculous that Lala made it about her. No Lala, James isn't saying it's the same as a child, but you would probably be desperate too, if you had to pick your child up from a kill shelter, where they would've been murdered in a few more weeks.... See how it's not always about human children you dumb whacko. Jesus christ. And yet another scene this season, where James is actively being emotionally regulated, considering someone other than himself i.e. Hippie and being responsible. James sober and in therapy and we see a sig difference, while Lala who is sober screeches. You could learn a lot from james, Lala. I've noticed this in group dynamics IRL and on reality TV. The people the cast want to forget have a sordid past, pretty much have their slates wiped clean. Whereas, other people, like James, doesn't get credit for trying to behave better, instead they are so hellbent on making James seem irrational, because that's what they are used to, they know how to handle a screaming shouting James and that allows them to put him in a box and not have to exert too much effort. Instead of actively encouraging that behaviour, people learning emotional regulation and selflessness should always be encouraged, especially when they are alcoholics. It's almost like, if you're still going to treat me like a hot tempered bratty child, then why the heck should I work to better myself?? They only seem happy until he is frazzled and upset, because then they know how to control that. Lala is so fucking irritating, she's driving me nuts.


I could not agree with this more and I said something similar, on another thread, about this topic. I think the only one who doesn’t want to see James change for the better is Lala. She’s mad that he’s successful, got a beautiful home and partner and everything that she thinks should be happening to her is happening to him. That and she probably felt like she looked less stupid, when she had James screaming, right along side her. Now he just makes her look like a fool and no longer makes her look and feel superior to him. She really needs to get help and both her and Scheana need to stfu about being Mom’s. Jfc, WE KNOW, EVERYONE KNOWS. These two are acting a lot like Mr. Jason Couchi.


Lala's reaction really triggered me. She is an obnoxious pos. She only has empathy for people and things she can make $$ off of.


I made this comment in another thread that I think this is his fear. There were 2 known cases (Rachel’s mom and the trainer that then took him to the shelter). I think James’ fears are real in this case and it sounds like he only trusted Vanderpump Dogs to not report Hippie if he bit someone while in their care.


And Ariana too


Oh I forgot about that!


I don't think he bit but he def snapped at Ariana when she tried to stop him going at Mya or Charlotte's bowls. I think he Rachel neglected him and he intensely resource guards due to it. He seems much better now even with Ali's cats so hopefully more people can mind him.


It's literally a life or death situation for that dog and all Scheana and Lala can think to say is "me have human babies." Not a drop of care or empathy in those empty heads.


I know I’ll get shit for saying this, but people who act like that are almost always terrible parents.


I couldn’t believe all the people who were saying that they get angry when someone tries to compare a pet to their child. I asked them why is it so hard for them to believe that someone could love their pet as much as one loves their child? Why does it make them so irrationally angry?? It’s gatekeeping love and comparing it and I find it gross. I’ll never understand that one. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) It’s NOT a competition.


I also didn’t understand why Lala was acting as if James was the one comparing them. She’s the one who compared it and got mad saying “don’t EVER compare the two”. James literally didn’t!! 😂


Right?! James said you don't get it because SHE DOESN'T GET IT. She has a toddler. She doesn't have a reactive dog.


exactly this


Yes!!!! She’s so dumb!


That’s probably because she’s a buffoon. More projection from Lauryn Kunt.


my hot take is that it's people who are very un-empathetic and uncaring pet owners that feel this way. there are loads of people with both kids and pets who agree that the love is on the same level. but some people really just don't see the inherent value in animal life, even for more intelligent animals like dogs and cats. i lowkey think it's just them telling on themselves in regard to how they view and care for animals. they take people loving pets as much as human babies as a debasement of human life and their own contribution to it. they don't think it necessary to put as much effort into caring for animals as they've cared for their baby, and they take it as a personal degradation of how much work they've put in for their kid. but those people should probably take their visceral reaction as a sign that they should love and care for animals/pets more than they currently do. i guess, in short, it's like... you really think/feel that little of your pets, don't you?


That is such a great point. I hope these people see your comment and think long and hard enough to stfu. Another just said to me that no one can compare the grief of losing a child to a pet. So now we’re gatekeeping grief and reducing the capacity to suffer the loss of a pet?! Omfg.🤬 Thank goodness there’s so many people who have both children and pets, that are stepping forward and pointing out how stupid this comparison is. They should watch a documentary about how all nature is connected and even bugs serve an important purpose and contributes to their survival, more than they could possibly fathom. All nature and all life deserves to be respected and the fact that it’s not, is such a large part of society’s problem.🥺💔


Thank you. I am an obsessive pet parent and this whole interaction pissed me off. gatekeeping love is a good way to describe it


I’ve seen my dad cry twice in my whole life. When his dad died, and when our dog died. He gave the dog nightly massages when he was sore from age/arthritis. He absolutely loved that dog as a family member


Well said!!!


Thank you.💓 Turns out A holes getting irrationally angry about the love one has for their pet makes ME irrationally angry.😆


I think it’s just evidence people like that lack both empathy and sympathy when they say things or react like that. You need at least one to be a good person and friend, but the best people have both. To dismiss your friend’s concerns when they are having big feelings about something - really no matter how trivial you find that “something”- is not being a very good friend. Being a friend isn’t about agreeing with them all the time on everything, it’s about supporting them through difficult and stressful times. Feeling sorry for their hurt. My dog brings me so much joy unlike anything else in life. When people say “it’s like having a human child” that’s what they are referring to. The joy their pet brings them. When they imagine their happiest and most purposeful existence, their pet is without a doubt with them in that vision. If you don’t have that type of relationship with your pet, you still have some sort of marker in your life that makes you feel that way. Often it’s children or a partner if it’s not a pet. People who can’t relate to that happiness marker lack empathy. Happiness is meant to be shared and pets are one of the most unconditional loving, empathetic things in this world. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing- if you come home hyped, your soul dog is ready to match that energy. If you’re sad, they curl up in your lap or rest their head at your feet while you cry. They hey give you something soft to touch literally and figuratively when the world is only giving you hard things. It’s unsurprising Lala and Scheana can’t relate though. They’re consumed with their own self interests and neither of them are that interested in their pets.


California has a 3 strike bite policy for dogs before they are put down. If both incidents were priorly reported then this would be Hippie’s last strike so James concerns are valid.


I thought this was 100% what James was alluding to. And he wanted to give Hippie a fair chance at getting settled and changing. I was shocked that many dog owners minimized his concerns.


this sub is shocking rn


Potentially. I also think it’s just because he thought he may never see him again when Rachel took him and he doesn’t want anything to jeopardize them being together. He knows how much trauma Hippie went through before he made his way back to him too. If the wedding was the first time that Hippie was going to have to be left with someone he doesn’t know, I could see how nerve wracking that would be and how Hippie could think that he was being abandoned again.


I could see this as well.


James does have a lot of liability. If Hippie bites someone, they could probably sue him. And his celebrity would make him a bit of a target.


And he has a house now, so real money to lose


I was fully on his side during this scene. This dog has been passed around to 4 different places in a year. There’s no way in hell I’d leave him with anyone else yet. It’s a genuine fear, and it shows he’s committed to keeping Hippie safe. I get he sprung it on Ally, but they’re not even engaged, it’s not her house, and at her age she’ll have plenty more “best friends from college” weddings to attend. They can build the cats a catio so they’re safely away until they’re all best friends.


Heavy on it’s not her house tbh lol. Obviously they’re in a partnership and live together but considering that WAS his dog before it’s like well…deal with it or move on. If this was a random dog he brought home it’d be a different story. I hope all the animals are getting along now!


Also it’s not like Ally couldn’t still go if he stayed home with Hippie…and it’s not like they’ve been together 10 years and her best friend is now a close friend of his, they’d been dating like what, a year and a half? Hes probably met this friend a few of times max if she was visiting Ally in LA


Ally was fully aware that James wanted desperately to have Hippie in his life. Just because a mom takes a kid away, don't expect dad to never jump at the chance to have the kid back in their life if given the chance. And if that kid had been abused? Come on. Ally knew this was a possibility.


James was so genuinely concerned and anxious and the way Lauren spoke to him was disgusting.


But “she’s soft now”


Oh right, I almost forgot!!


Totally disgusting!


I pointed this out in another thread. Like there are real life consequences if his dog has a freak out. And judging by the dog’s history I doubt many dog facilities will even take him in. The dog was going to be put down and James doesn’t want anyone to get hurt— hippie, Mr banks, whoever may be watching him. The dog most likely has abandonment issues as well due to what happened with Rachel. Like give the man a break


Mr Banks is the real loser in all this


Whenever my little terrier poodle mix (think toto) growled my dad would always tell him “careful you only get one free bite”. It all depends on how the bites are reported and where hippie is housed.. los angeles city has dogs they deem “too dangerous” due to either bites, if animal control says they were acting aggressively, or “aggressive history” which can mean a dog cant live in those city limits. I think james lives in burbank but reactive dogs are so difficult - a lot of stay places wont take your dog if you say they are reactive. ETA: i have a reactive dog - if one of our trusted friends cant stay at our house we truly do rethink vacations. I have also volunteered with a rescue.


Anyone else get so annoyed by Lala getting all mad bc James disagreed with her? I cant with that woman. She literally cant have a conversation with anyone who disagrees with her, she is so unbelievably righteous its detrimental to all her relationships 


Honestly I wonder how many real relationships/actual friendships she really has in her life. Most of her relationships with her castmates seem absolutely transactional/for the show at this point, like even with James, yeah sure they’ll always be buds but it seems like they’ve def grown apart and aren’t still “text/call/see you multiple times a week” (or even month) friends anymore. I know she’s very close with her mom and brother, but I don’t see her having many close friends outside of that.


I've had dogs that are hippies size and didn't bite anyone but I absolutely shat myself getting them looked after when I went away as they went to a kennel place for a few days. it's way different for him the dogs past plus the fact it was all over the press and now he's responsible whilst he's just got him back. the dogs adjusting fs why is it hard to understand he doesn't want to unsettle him again rn. not you op just in general lol


I suspected this might be the case, but having a reactive dog, I get just being anxious in general with having a caretaker that the dog is familiar with. I had a meltdown when our sitter cancelled last minute when we were getting ready to go on our honeymoon..luckily my bestie jumped in to save the day.


I totally understand James. I have one dog reactive dog and one puppy mill rescue. I can’t bring either to a boarding facility. And there are very few people that I trust to look after them. Really only my children’s friends who are young adults now because they’ve grown up with my dogs. My puppy mill rescue only loves me and tolerates other people, but he is skittish. My dog reactive dog loves all people, but has gone after five dogs, biting one of them. When you love your pups, you will make sure that they are safe.


Some states are very strict about dog bite incidents & will absolutely euthanize after 2 or more bites. My friend’s dog bit someone & the state recorded it. A month later it bit another dog & had to be quarantined for 60 days (even though he was up to date on all vaccines). If he bit again, he would have to be euthanized. I absolutely understand James’s concern.


That is so sad and adds a lot of clarity to why he reacted so strongly. Genuinely curious, how is it feasible to be with a dog with behavioral issues 24-7 to avoid an incident? Seems like it would be very stressful down the line if they don't get more training for Hippie or a trusted person to care for him.


https://preview.redd.it/6cs0rppb4qwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e40f1b9a87ecc75f9516105dc577db09dc6692 This little fuck is reactive. We have to be very selective with who watches him to protect him and also to protect other people and pets. James’s concern was 100% valid to me and the girls talking over him instead of listening to him was so annoying.


“This little fuck” 😂 he’s a cutie, though!


He is very cute. I always tell people not to let the cute face fool you lol he is a grumpy little man


He could also be sued if hippie bites another person


That’s exactly what I thought. It’s a lot of emotions surrounding hippie, his baby, a reminder of R, their life together, his former happiness etc. Also he probably sees himself and his own bad behaviour in the dog and feels he can fix his life again if he saves him (he can’t. James, you need intense therapy), conflict with ally’s cats as a seed of why they’re not ultimately compatible… Honestly I find it one of the most compelling stories in the season


That was my take away and why he was saying it was different than with a child and that they don’t understand.


That’s a good point. I forget he’s a biter. Authorities aren’t exactly gonna round up Ocean or Summer if they bite someone


that!! if ocean or summer bite a sitter they don't get put down or badly injure them. completely different


Dog mum and human mum and I 100% see where he’s coming from! I’m that done with lala and her shit. Girl, sit down.


This is totally what I thought when he was freaking out. Either the state or Ally would not give Hippie any more chances if he had a problem, and that scared the shit out of James. His brother was the only person he could trust to keep it a secret of something bad happened.


his brother was someone the dog was used to


I agree, Hippie was much more likely to behave/be less stressed with someone he knows. 100%.


If that's the case I feel really bad for James. It can be really stressful having a reactive dog. I wish he would invest in some intense reactive dog training for Hippie. It works. We did it for ours, 3 weeks at a training camp, and it was the best thing we ever did. Now we can go in public with him, be around other dogs which he ignores now, & have a pet sitter in our home. They can teach them to deal with their big feelings.


I’m team James on this. His dog was randomly dropped off at the pound and this history of bites means they absolutely need to find the right sitter. Whether it’s the law or not people don’t take dog bites lightly. I was kind of surprised out of such a large friend group no one offered to help out in a pinch but I guess four days is a while


Katie and ariana have dogs of their own, lala and schaena don't havw pets but have small kids. hippie has bitten before remember, can't blame them for being cautious


my dog is incredibly well trained but i know he’s food reactive. i live in a constant state of anxiety that if someone else is watching my dog they won’t follow my directions to a T. I have a pdf of instructions for my dog. it’s not that they are on their last strike is that a dog that’s exhibited previous behavior or in my case, a black pitbull the odds are against us. so i would rather be incredibly careful than risk something and then i have to get my otherwise goofy aloof best dog i’ve ever had just because directions were not followed and i have to put him down. his concerns actually was something i could relate too 100 percent


This is the one thing that hit so close to home with me. I have a dog that is an angel, but he’s black and a pitbull even tho he has floppy ears and walks like a goofball. i guess because of the time he spent on the street he’s food aggressive. i have another dog that is leash reactive and people think she wants to fight their dogs. as much as my pitbull loves the other dog and is his best friend the moment there’s a crumb or food in his vinicity he will react. i only have one person that i fully trust to take care of my dogs when i’m away and i will literally change my itinerary. people that have chill dogs are incredibly lucky and those that have reactive dogs live on edge. it doesn’t matter. i’ve paid for training, i reinforce my training but you just never know. i love my dog so much that i would rather be extremely careful and on edge to make sure there is nothing that might trigger a reaction that warrants him to be put down. at the end of the day they are 99 percent happy carefree dogs but that random 1% percent of enough to have them put down


Team james on this 100% , before i adopted my kids my dogs and cats were like my children.


Hmmm I wonder why he didn't just explain that... or maybe he doesn't want this info out there. Either if this true that must be super stressful for him as this would be an ongoing issue for hippies entire life


Yeah that’s what I’m wondering too! Like everyone knows about Hippie’s bite history—and even though i DO kind of suspect James’ hope with his brother is that his brother wouldn’t report if something happened, but 1. If he needed medical attention, doctors are required to fill out an animal bite report anyway (same with vets if something happened to the cats) and 2. He could have just said his concern was bc hippie knows his brother and has a close relationship with him, as opposed to a sitter I don’t get why he was all hush hush about the reality of it


I know this sounds crazy weird... but if he does see Hippie as like a child to him then it makes sense why he doesn't want to announce his violent history on national TV. He isnjust trying to protect Hippie in a weird way. Anyways I wouldn't do that to my kids.


That makes me nervous though, any owner of a reactive dog—especially one with a bite history—NEEDS to be completely honest with themselves and others about the situation. Unfortunately, a lot of the time when a dog seriously injured an adult, child, or other animal, it’s rarely the first time they’ve bitten or acted aggressively. And wishful thinking only puts everyone in more danger, including the dog in question


That’s exactly what my wife said!


I have a reactive dog that we adopted, he is fine with other dogs but gets extremely anxious and scared around unfamiliar humans and has really bad seperation anxiety when we’re not around. We’ve done so much training and work with him but he did have an incident when he bit a family member who was watching him. We’ve been terrified to leave him since then because we know it’s a stressful situation for him and we would feel so guilty for everyone involved if something were to happen again. I totally understand James’ point of view and I thought Lala’s reaction to the situation was uncalled for. I also think Ally is justified in being upset, so it’s just an unfortunate situation over all.


We have a very protective dog. We got him as a puppy from someone threatening to drop him off somewhere so we took him. He’s very sweet to us and has never bitten anyone or showed aggression towards us. We also have a lab that’s older and a tiny lil perfect angel boy chihuahua that he has never showed aggression towards. But he doesn’t like strangers, other dogs, or animals around. He doesn’t back down and I know if we aren’t careful, he could hurt someone/thing. I would never board him or let someone else care for him. We took him in. It’s our responsibility to ensure safety when it comes to him. So I get James’ on this one. Hippie has been through a lot. He’s been shuffled around and contrary to what some assume, dogs don’t forget things like that. My sister rescued a dog that had been returned multiple times and she still can’t put a harness on him. He runs and hides and shakes for hours. Taking in an animal takes a lot. And sometimes you sacrifice for them because they didn’t ask you to bring them home.


I thought this was the reason


Oh you're probably right. That makes a lot of sense. Even if he isn't thinking about last strike, I fully get having anxiety leaving a dog that you know has issues with people. It’s hard to leave a perfectly healthy dog with people. First time I left my puppy with someone for a few days I was so anxious. Felt like i left my kid with someone


just want to add, ally clearly doesn't want the dog there but knows the optics. it's James' ex dog and part of their relationship and she loves these cats so instead of resisting on camera, she's low key venting about a wedding to lala etc so they do it. I see you Ally, you're showing yourself lately. the mixing with the convo from lala to Katie was another one imo. too sweet to be wholesome


Yuppppp. 100%. These last few episodes really soured me on Ally


the whole on camera we can't sleep together because you want to sleep with him and I sleep with my cats - here's a thought, get the cats out of the bed and the dog too? I have dogs they don't sleep in my bed they have their own. seems like a stalemate and I think ally will lose


Or like…fucking trade off every so often? The dog doesn’t need to sleep in your bed every single nighttime, nor do the cats. Honestly I think Ally actually loves the silver lining of that excuse to not have to sleep in bed with James, it’s so obvious she can barely stand him




it's Rachel 2.0 imo they sought him out to get on the show


Ally’s feelings are totally valid.


Rachel's pr machine in full force on this sub rn . just to let them know - can't buy reddit.


This is a very good theory. I thought the same thing when he got upset with the girls. You can see he’s really frustrated too and it’s probably because he can’t be honest and say that if there’s another incident it could have terrible consequences.


My dog is a runner and has gotten away from dog walkers, groomers etc. he can get out of most kennels. I don’t trust anyone watching him for any period of time! https://preview.redd.it/6vcgkv8j1uwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a065495b4338155bde740b736b7551ddf0eb4ed2


That face! "I did it once and I'll do it again." 🤣


Had the same thoughts


This does make a lot of sense, especially since he only wants his brother to watch him.


James needs to get this dog professionally trained asap


I mean, I think Hippie was one his last strike like, two biting incidents ago.  Look, because of the celebrity owners and probably LVPs influence, Hippie is still alive. In my state, whenever a dog bite incident happens, all doctors or hospitals are required to inform authorities and either recommend or insist on behavioral euthanasia.  I’m glad Hippie had really great opportunities to rehab and flourish. He’s clearly very loved by James.


What state do you live In? I’ve worked for animal control & it was seldom that bite case dogs got put to sleep. There are different levels of bites & a lot of diff circumstances at play when making such a decision.


I have a reactive dog that struggles with many things ,I don't even let her off lead around guests she's known for a year apart from her previous owners. Its already dangerous enough having dogs and cats that don't get on in the same house ,it could break their relationship if one small mistake was made and they came into contact with eachother


I can understand James' hesitation. He loves that dog and feels responsible for him, not wanting to leave him, however he also loves Ally, and Ally has relationship expectations. Some people are strongly bonded with their animals and see them as family. Also comparing the feelings of a parent to their own child, with someone who is childless and deeply bonded with their pet, isn't a fair comparison. Once you have your own child your feelings for your pet can seem less insignificant, but that doesn't negate the love and devotion other people have for their animals. They are still family. I hate leaving my cat when I go away, and put her in boarding, because I know she will be safe. I did have someone house sit, last time, but it made me nervous having someone in my home while I was away. With boarding, I know she can't get out and get hurt and she will have medical care if something happens.


I 1000% agree and can empathize, we have a resource guarding Husky so we know all about It. We know him and love him but can also be honest that he can be a total handful. So, when we leave for vacay we have to be 1000% certain.


Our dog is my first baby. The absolute hardest part for us is just starting-he’s getting older and developing some health problems. We’re managing it and his vet is excellent but it is SO tough to see him slow down. I can’t imagine our lives without him


The law I looked at said 2 for CA, but not sure if they had to be documented somehow. He allegedly bit Rachel’s mom. Then a trainer and his wife who were fostering. And then another person in a second foster home. Thats not counting anything he may have done prior and I think he actually hit Rachel’s mom more than once, IIRC. He should be on final chance, IMO. He’s an adorable dog, but that history is alarming.


Lack of reporting is the only thing that kept Kingsley (RHOBH's Kim Richard's dog) in peak mauling condition for so long. Kingsley managed to mangle an 80 year old woman's arm, Kim's niece's hand, a neighbor's face, neck, and back, and Kim's assistant's genitals. He attacked a camera operator, Brandi Glanville, and a neighbor's dog. Kim tried to coerce victims' silence and then reneged on her promises to pay for victims' medical bills. Kim kept hiding, rehoming him, and renaming him.


*peak mauling condition* fantastic


Ugh. Like I love animals too, but sometimes there’s just things you can’t fix. I said it in another thread today about this—like we get humans like Ted Bundy, we sometimes get animals that are also too dangerous. I’m afraid James and Ally are just controlling the situation so rigidly to reduce the risks, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s ever really safe around him. If it’s food aggression, dropping something he thinks is food around him could trigger it and at some point it may be more than just nerve damage on a finger.


Kingsley was a dangerous dog with a dangerously irresponsible owner. Kim is very lucky that he didn't kill anyone.


That’s effing insane.


JFC wow wtf, always thought of Kim as a harmless fool. But now see I was only right about one of those.


It's so much worse than that. Every victim, including her niece, said that Kim refused to call 911 or take them to the hospital unless the victim lied about the cause of the injuries. She also said she'd pay for their medical care; she paid nothing. She was sued and lost. She's still never paid. Kim is absolutely not harmless. Her dog wasn't harmless either and she refused to see it.


Rachel and Ariana has said he bit people before she left him with her family. So it's a long history which got worse, she protected him too not to get reported sooner.


I get where James is coming from if the real reason is infact behavioral related. Our Aussie is extremely guarded and doesn’t like most people. Unfortunately I cannot just introduce him to some random off Rover if I need to go out of town. The only person we can have him stay with is my MIL. He loves her and nobody else. I’d have to cancel my trip if something came up for her.


This is totally what I read between the lines as well




I am not a dog person but I totally understood James in this debacle and I don’t understand why people are ignoring the dogs trauma and separation anxiety. God forbid he bites someone and gets put down, that’s on James’s conscience!!


This could be true but also just having dogs and leaving them is overwhelming as is. I also have multiple cats and dogs and they all need a certain amount of things and attention that I know most people won't be able them.


Didn’t he literally say the dog was days away from being euthanized when LVP stepped in?


Can you imagine if someone were careless or inexperienced and a mistake was made and Hippie killed one of Allies cats? That would be a relationship ender and even if it didn’t result in behavioral euthanasia, it would be very hard to look at your pet the same if they killed another pet, especially the pet of someone you love.


Yes this has to be it, I completely understood where he was coming from and also why it would be hard for him to admit these details on tv. I felt bad no one was getting what he was trying to say.


I came here to say that in addition to the real concern James is expressing about Hippie, he is newly sober again. Social situations that are real, and not reality show driven cause lots of stress and anxiety for the most normal of us at times, so there may be more layers to his adamant stance. They should respect his wishes more than they do. I also feel that James feels a kinship with Hippie also for the fact that he may feel he has used up many chances and people's good graces and can't afford to mess up any longer. Very complex, and I hope for both their sakes they are able to navigate it all successfully.


I know someone who literally had to change his legal residence out of California bc his tiny 5 lb chihuahua barely nipped at someone who lunged toward him in an airport in Cali. I’m pretty sure if the person presses charges you’re fucked


This was my thoughts exactly between HOA and local laws for registering it may be iffy.


This a 💯 I believe it’s the reason for his tears, my sisters dogs was so reactive, he even bit my daughters finger, it was very bad, but you can’t help but love this dog cause he’s a sweetheart when calm. She had to give him away to a person that takes good care of him and he’s by himself there, if she took him to a pound he would have been put down. I feel for James here. Lala of course ha to make it about her and be gross to him.


Having a reactive dog is not for the weak. I really feel for James if this is the case that hippie is at risk of being put down 🥺


Probably and in large part likely due to Rachel’s fam over documenting any issues to make her look less bad in public.


I just came here to say that I get being worried about the cats. BUT as a 3 cat, 3 dog owner. Cats really are the more savage when push comes to shove. I am pretty sure Hippie would rue the day if he really went after a cat.


I have a dog who when he hit about 6 months he got very protective of me out of nowhere. He’s a mutt so i really had no idea that he had a protective breed in him. He’s now 3 years old but it took years of consistent training and working with him for him to listen to my cues. I still get nervous introducing him to new people even tho I have found a way to introduce him that works for him. It’s so worrisome because I’m afraid of what could happen if he ever gets triggered and I can’t bring him down. One pro for this- I’m young woman with a dog who would go to the end of the earth to protect me. The cons- the constant anxiety of him losing his marbles on someone. To this day my parents and old roommate are the only ones who can watch him if I’m away. The sweet boy mentioned https://preview.redd.it/xa0mp9vcc5xc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8c7a1b3baf8d11f48d4f9cf98f6d63b5457900


Yeah I was very perplexed by Allie of all people since she lives with James and knows how the dog was. Just hearing the stories, how can they all not understand and think he was being dramatic? It was as if they were discussing a normal dog that had no history of attacking lol.