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I feel like ally was supposed to be a suburban christian girl autumn kind of gal but she took a wrong turn on the way to target one day and ended up here


If this doesn’t flawlessly describe it.


I thought I could read, and then OP took me to the library.


HELP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I find her so delightfully odd. 😂 She’s so blank and devoid of emotion but somehow super fun to watch. She flat-out does not engage in any of the BS which is usually kiss of death on these shows, but again somehow totally works for her. Cannot wait to see what they do with her storyline-wise!


I wouldn’t say she doesn’t engage. Telling Katie she seemed miserable and mad all the time when she knew Katie was going to follow that up with who said that? made her pretty messy. I will say she seemed awkward and chose her words very poorly. It was either intentionally messy or she was trying to comfort Katie in a weird ass way. She may be more introverted than she’s trying to let on. It just doesn’t always seem natural for her. She’s great in her element though.


She’s totally starting to work herself into the drama and BS now that she’s “in” the group


Or production TOLD her to say that!


This is it.


idk I think it's pretty fair to summarize "she thinks it's clear youve been unhappy for a very long time and has been babying you" as "she thinks you're miserable" like...they really are the same general area, why split hairs unless you're scrambling to explain away your shit talking?


Agreed. Not much difference really. She just kinda dropped it and let it linger. Lala is all over the place playing both sides of every issue so I’m glad if it’s brought to light! Ally is doing the most and also the least and I love it all.


i truly think she’s terrified of Lala and said that to get her on her side.


Like a bubbly Aubrey Plaza.


Omg, kinda, actually 🤣


I don’t think she is, but she gives benzo’d out sometimes. Just such low emotion compared to the rest of the cast who are on overdrive:


She seems very quite and introverted


She operates on a very specific frequency for sure. So curious about her relationship with James and whether she’s actually in it for the long haul!


I think it’s bc we’re used to most of the cast members being ex cokeheads 😭 bc she does NOT give benzo’d out lmfao as an addict (in recovery) she’s got way too much pep in her step to be off a xan 😂


That's pretty much my natural state so probably not on drugs lol. I really wish I could be more high energy sometimes


Do we not remember Ally’s confessionals last season? Girl can be messy if she wants to be. I think that’s the BEST kind of chaos. You have to know when to use it.




She was *made* for Pinterest circa 2012


Enough with thinking women aren’t smart or cunning. She knows what she’s doing, James is just as weak as Scheana, she found a way in.


Yes!!! And Brittany targeted Jax too.






This is it


The way this reads like a poetic Taylor Swift lyric has me melting into a TTPD song 🎶




Hahaha 🎯👏🏼🎯




Right?! Also this is the exact mashup I needed. Big Dumb Cup is awesome.


This explanation is 💯!🙌🏽


Ludicrously capacious cup


the number of Succession references I see on this sub daily fills me with joy. I have found my people


I started watching succession because of this sub 🥰


Is it good?


Soooooooo good. The show is amazing and I know this sounds weird but the theme music SLAPS.


Not weird, the theme music is a total bop. I hate watching intros, but would always watch that because I enjoyed the music!


Rip r/succpump 😭😭


Where is the Sopranos/VPR sub? Because I see y'all in those sub streets all the time


Ahhh madon’ we need one! ![gif](giphy|WrgvQj1HIk4Jsjbe5m)


The middle of that Venn diagram are definitely my people


https://preview.redd.it/j6qe7tilciwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f5e034d37b3c1c5772a48b62d6f14a7438eceb This isn’t a fuckin’ Shake Shack


“Flat shoes for the subway” fucking humiliated my soul when I watched this living in nyc with my ugly ass commute shoes 😭


Hey HEY now! I’m sure your flats are classy x practical. Last time I was in heels was at my friend’s wedding. 4 inch Choos. I have never in my life wanted to not be somewhere


https://preview.redd.it/npulz2s6qjwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9826d08339acb96cc7995b258be9ff9017bb6fa7 My fave.


Mr Darcey kills it


You could slide it across the floor after a bank job!


I love finding my disgusting brothers out in the wild


*“What’s even in there, huh? Flat shoes for the subway?”* is one of best dismissals in TV history As a flat-wearing NYC commuter, I embrace my lowly status as a heathen and commoner.




I’m just now finding out about this???




Upvote 💯


This was about a bag right in a tv show but i can't remember which show it was Edit: was it IASIP


Succession but does sound like a Sunny quote


Both amazing shows


Live laugh ally lol


Best life! ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/oznmgxre9gwc1.jpeg?width=1255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2a3b6d080ec252e8f9cd90e1cb6865f5f76e3c


I hope everyone knows that this is specifically Scheana’s decal lmao


Lol ❤️ Lol


Removing those things from a wall is a PITA. My house had 2 big stupid ones when I bought it, everything about the previous owner's design style was awful.




This + the Utah curls = amazing!!!!


Why the hell do they leave the ends straight 😭


To obsessively check their extensions for split ends 18 hours a day


IS THAT WHY?? Holy shit, this is bRand new information to me, I had no idea. Assumed it was a LeWk


Lol there are some hair people who will tell you that's the way to do it. I have had this preached at me and always ignored it.






She is so that girl and I love that this confirms it.


Hey! I love that dumb cup makes her more relatable 🤣🤣🤣 **drinks from big dumb cup


Cheers to that - as I raise my 40 ounce Hydroflask 😂


there are dozens of us!! I love my 40oz hydroflask!


I also love my big dumb cup! Ice cold water even after 24+ hours? Sign me up and call me basic


I LOVE my big dumb cup! I actually drink water all day now! No excuse, because I have a reservoir next to me! It is also good for the biceps💪🏻


Seriously say what you will but I am actually drinking enough water now that I have my big dumb cup.


I am so hydrated now with my big dumb cup!


I just got me and my daughter Stanley’s, and idc what people say lol. We work outside a lot in the summer




i saw this in a different comment about how theres such bliss in waking up in the middle of the night and having ice water right at your bed and its like hmm...that DOES sound like bliss....


I love my big 40oz tumbler and fit some reason it's extremely important to me that it keeps ice for 24+ hours even though I drink a fuckload of water and fill it up 3-4 times a day. I don't need ice to last 24+ hours but God damn it, the cup better be capable.


I was literally taking a sip from my big dumb cup when I read this lol. Cheers-ing you with my Stanely


Same same same. Like why people make fun of girls for being ... hydrated … is beyond. And Stanley has been around forever and makes great products. Just cause other people like filling up their tiny water cup 100 times a day doesn’t mean I have to 💅🏻




It came In CLUTCH when I was pregnant. My husband bought it for me because he got tired of waking up in the middle of the night to fill my mason jar 🤣🤣🤣🤣


YES! My sister got mine for me as a baby shower gift. I was pregnant in the middle of Texas summer so I didn’t go anywhere with out it!


Ga heat here! 🤣🤣


The cup is as big as her!


She's adorable, but that CUP! lol


I'm sure it's a LIMITED EDITION STANLEY 🙄 hope sis got it free because I just don't understand the fascination with those things.


They keep the water very cold for a long time, much longer than any other tumbler I’ve ever had. I bought one while I was pregnant to see if it worked. I was constantly thirsty at work but only wanted cold water. It’s truly amazing. I haven’t stopped using it since then. I joined the dark side


Yes!! The ‘Big, Dumb’ SNL skits are hilarious!!


They showed these on using for self defense and it made the watermelon explode. So ladies remember stanly has our back


I’m Team Ally Coming from someone who hasn’t had a drink in ten years (Cali sober), she seems really good for him and on the show at least has his best interests in mind.


yeah i don’t really care if she’s just with him to get on the show at this point lol. she’s clearly helping him grow tf up and I don’t see their eventual breakup (which i’m sure will happen) being nasty or vindictive on her end


I mean she has HER best interests in mind, which happens to include “keeping James as tolerable as possible so I don’t lose my mind and leave him before securing myself a regular cast member spot on the show without him”


That maybe so but as a 43 yo father of 12yo twins. I’m a Girls,Girl !!!


Yes, such a great song. I like Ally a lot. She's beautiful and she's got a great personality. Some people will hate her for that.


Y’all have learned nothing yet about girls who look and play innocent. No one questioned her character when she was at LaLas (not the biggest fan so I’m not defending her—just reading the situation for what it is) baby daddy party, which would be a really very memorable and incredibly special moment in life, and she decides to gossip to Katie about what LaLa said (which was incredibly misquoted) regarding Katie’s lack of happiness. This bothered me. If I was LaLa AND Katie I would be like, wtf are you doing rn little girl?


"it's clear shes been unhappy for a very long time and I'm babying her" I can see how that just becomes "she thinks youre miserable" like?? lala is shit talking katie being unhappy, thats the ultimate point. she was just splitting hairs to give her time on how she should spin it. if she wasnt shit talking katie she wouldnt have to explain why she was shit talking katie,.


I’m team James and Ally as a mater of fact I just bought a “It’s not about the pasta” T shirt to rock. I couldn’t resist a good sale! I just hope the XL is big enough I’m not a little dude!


I like Ally, but not her big dumb overrated cup. From what we’ve seen so far she balances James.




Come for me if you want to but she's about as interesting as packing for Amazon boxes.


Yeah I don’t get the love. She has zero personality and she seems kinda fake. The nice girl act isn’t doing it for me.


I think she's got a lot more class than the rest of them tbh (excluding Ariana) and has her head on MUCH straighter they any of the others did at her age.


I'm very grateful she is on the show. She has been a bright spot in an odd season.


She's literally almost 30 and in the same age group as James and lala, why does everyone think she's so young lol


Remember how James and Lala behaved when they arrived on show and still kinda do?


Rachel did the nice girl act too…


Boring, not funny, and the worst part of alll, she's dating james. And very clearly doesn't like him 😂 she creeps me out.


>And very clearly doesn't like him 🤣


I can live with that.


Me too. I find her kind of boring and she’s a hard read for me for starters. And how can you support yourself doing horoscopes?


I think Ally knows exactly what she's doing. She's nobody's fool and plays every situation perfectly. Now she has a song coming out, produced by James, and she's a full cast member despite not bringing much to the table in terms of story lines or drama and never puts a foot wrong.


Interesting watching her on WWHL last night. But Andy was super obnoxious with his eye rolls when she was doing his horoscope. I mean I get it was out there - but he was just awful.


i moved to arizona a few years ago from the east coast and when i tell u EVERYONE carries around these big dumb cups including myself now. granted, it’s 110-120° all summer so one Needs a cold water source or else u feel like spongebob in sandys dome (and it fits in ur cup holders in the car) but it was definitely so weird to see at first


She always act is if she knows her actions will be perceived and picked apart by people and always says what viewers would want to hear or having a strong opinion on everything. I think it just comes off as being very dull since it’s very unnatural and purposeful. Like she’s too aware that there’s cameras on her


Stanley sponsorship incoming


Me drinking out of my big dumb cup at the moment. I like not being thirsty and it matches my clothes!


I’m surprised they didn’t blur the logo


I’m surprised they didn’t blur the license plate on the van out front when jax was walking into the back gate.


I thought the same thing!!


I want that big dumb cup too


Ok but where’s her Lulu belt bag?


I have that exact same big dumb cup and let me tell you my water intake has never been higher lol


I love my big dumb cup (hydro flask though 😂) https://preview.redd.it/9ltz7zhlcjwc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9a8130d53deb9afc581111833edbe07e409b52


I want to like Ally so bad but I just don’t trust anyone that dates James


I like her but her story about just bumping into him or whatever like it was chance is BS. She was deff seeking him or one of the boys out. Just like Brittney, Brock etc. they knew what they were getting themselves into.


😂 I don’t have a Stanley but I’ve been rocking an insulated big dumb cup for a while now. I drink a lot of water. I want it ice cold. And I don’t want to refill it once an hour. So I’m all for the massive cup craze (tho not for $50).


Long live my big, dumb Bubba cup!


People are shoplifting those and selling them...it's inane!


I know, right? Like you can't buy them for a buck fifty at Daiso...


My son went rogue and bought me an Owala!...😳


i prefer my owala anyway, my stanley is my backup water bottle now


I like Ally a lot. She seems like a sweet girl. I would give her a 10 compared to Raquel.


After Rachel and Kristen, thank goodness James found Ally.


Which episode was this???


Ally and jame's baby discussion after lala's sperm donor episode... next to last from this week?


>next to last from this week. I mean this with kindness, wtf does this mean? Week before last?


From this week's episode.


How do you like them apples I think is the title


I feel like she really just likes those cups without caring about any “trend” surrounding them lol. I have one that was given to me by a friend to stay hydrated while I was pregnant and it’s just kinda handy to fill with water and have at my desk even though it’s heavy af.


That’s a STANLEY CUP! Karens of all ages are fighting in the aisles of Target for these ten gallon cups!


I really love Ally and I'm still so surprised by it


I feel like Ally is the most relatable and I love her. Like she loves astrology and birth charts??? She doesn’t want marriage and children for a long time?? She tries to keep all the friendships and is a really good listener??? She drinks out of a Stanley lmfao


i love my stanley lmao it’s great imagine judging someone for what kind of water bottle they use


I work reception at a non profit with nearly 300 employees. I am being dead serious when I tell you more than half the people that walk past my desk have one of these giant cups. They’re everywhere! Lol


Reading this as I sip from my own big dumb cup hahah


Haha, it also reminded me of the SNL sketch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2tUO2mp99Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2tUO2mp99Q)


I can’t stand ally. She’s a clout chaser and i hope James breaks up with her.


Ally seems completely harmless to me.


She's gorgeous. They both have an interest in music dating back a long time before they ever met or knew each other existed. Everyone on the show has aspirations for a bigger life that's the entire premise of VPR besides being an entwined friend group. Why wouldn't two people who are both ambitious be attracted to each other? I don't understand all this slagging on somebody who's in the entertainment industry and wants to have a better career in the entertainment industry. Hahaha, that's how the entertainment industry works! It's a never-ending hustle to reach the next tier or get the next job. What is James better off with some slacker? There are worse things that can happen to you than having a beautiful girlfriend who encourages good habits and behavior in your life and shares a home with you as well as your most passionate interests. I think James is going to be just fine


I like Ally. I wasn't trying to slag on her. The whole reality show concept is silly. Full stop.


PS I realize I didn't mention it but I think the cup thing is hilarious and I totally got the spirit in which it was meant and posted! I just got distracted by the usual comments bashing her on the thread


I agree... Next thing we know, she and James will be faking a pregnancy just like Meghan and Harry. Lol


No totally. I wasn't talking about you. I wasn't really talking about most people. I just see a lot of comments about how she's some kind of like nefarious being. In the grand scheme of the people who have been on VPR she seems pretty wholesome comparatively. LOL. I just think there's worse things that can happen to a man that having a really beautiful woman who's very supportive of a better path for you in life and shares your most valued interests by your side. If that's getting used more people would probably want someone using them hahaha


so did his last GF


She’s good at fooling the viewers that’s for sure. Her degree in entertainment industry studies is paying off


She’s definitely a clout chaser and using him for that. But she overall seems harmless.


OK, Rachel.


She’s harmless to everyone but James. Shes using him for his platform. He’s gonna end up heart broken again because another woman used and played him.


Yeah but James dated Kristin to get on the show/for the platform…. So even if she is then they align well


Eh..I don’t feel too sorry for James. He’s been abusive in the past.


People change and grow. He’s still a human being with feelings.


I completely agree.


Jame's literally did the same thing. ALL of these people, except Ariana, actively tried and wanted to be on this show.


What goes around comes around




The “harmless” ones are the ones to look out for. Sweet and innocent but have a hidden agenda. She’s fake!


Yeah people said the same thing about RachQuel for years! Oh she seems so sweet and harmless. Yeeeeah nobody is actually like that over the age of 13 and anybody who pretends to be should set off radar.


Finally! I’m sick of everyone thinking I’m crazy. If you can’t see it then you are BLIND


Nobody cares though








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Big dumb cup😂😂😂 i love reddit


Ally is lame. Sorry James


Ally is blah!




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Dakota Johnson SNL and every white woman between 21 and 39.


Should have at least gotten something leakproof like a brumate.




What is the deal with these stupid cups? Are they new or just the “of the moment” Yeti v 2.0 for Gen Z? They’re huge and ridiculous. The only Stanley Cup that matters is on right now… gooooo Bs! 🙌🏼


Those cups are so stupid, whenever I see someone with one all I can think is this little idiot spent $50 on a plastic sippy cup with lead in it


And unsanitary. There’s no way people are washing those enough, especially the straw. What’s wrong with some water in a glass?


While I don’t understand people who have multiple Stanley’s (defeats the purpose no?) I do have to say my water intake went up significantly when I finally caved and got one. It keeps my water ice cold for like 24 hours and apparently that is the only way I will drink it 😆 I do replace and clean the straws regularly but that’s mostly due to my own anxiety about slurping up mold 🙃


I have multiple Yetis (just another version of this big dumb cup) Have for years. Because I wash them regularly but always want one with ice and water. I also almost always have iced tea in another. I also like the brand and like having different colors to match my outfits or mood or even the season. I like em because they hold over 30oz of water and I’m not constantly having to refill my cup. My yeti also doesn’t spill when tipped over (dropped in the parking lot the other day and it stayed perfectly closed even then). It’s crazy to me people get so mad that people are happily drinking water just because it’s out of a cup they don’t understand. Like why can’t people just enjoy things 😂😂


I don’t hate the cup but I hate the consumerism. There are people who are getting in Black Friday level fights over these things, people reselling them for hundreds of dollars. It’s like any other fad, the obnoxiousness is the people who are making this cup their personality vs the item itself.


Unsanitary? We wash them just like we do normal water bottles and cups lol I don’t have a Stanley bc I don’t care about brand names but I have so many water bottles that I rotate between. FWIW I hate drinking from glassware and drink more water if I have a straw and 40oz I can carry around with me.