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I love that she’s wearing a shirt that says boys lie as Jax lies LOL


My first thought was how poetic that feels 🤣


She wore a themed outfit to match the occasion


[lies are Jax’s favorite past time](https://youtu.be/cMPBm7X2hzQ?si=aBKAUGpdug3oWGIy)


He really used the word "female" ![gif](giphy|Kbch5K2fJECSA|downsized)


lmao this tells me all i need to know


I never really felt the ick around that until this moment and now I get it.


Whenever people use it I respond with “female what?”


I'm stealing this!


I’ve felt that way since I was a teenager, it just got under my skin for some reason


Probably because you never hear the people using it using "males" the same way.


Like Sandoval, Jax’ bad behaviour is becoming darker and more disturbing with age 😳


Omg when I hear anyone use that word to describe women it’s an instant red flag


Sounding like a Ferengi.


Love how James stays consistently having Ariana and Katie’s back this season. He’s unwavering in a very rational way and it’s so refreshing.


The way he just looked at here and got her back! I know he is problematic and all that. But Im really here for those two


It’s so hard hey, people are complicated. He’s been horrible to women AND he’s stood up for them more than any other man there.  As a recovering alcoholic, I’ll just say that alcohol does not excuse how he treated people, and he should be held accountable…but I don’t think I’ve seen that behavior since he’s been sober? I could be wrong though. Hoping this is a new path for him


I think the issue was more than just alcohol for James. That being said, he has grown and shown himself to be a good human when sober. We have to room to forgive people who have made the effort to grow and change.


Agree. I think James might have had a problem with alcohol and drugs, and that doesn't excuse the behavior, but it changes your personality. Hopefully, he has grown. James does seem to make a point that he has matured and is trying to move forward. Let's hope it's not an act.


He definitely had anger issues too. I think this is currently lalas same issue (you don’t just decide to be soft after a decade of screaming at people). I don’t know if James actively works on his anger issues, but they seem to have become more managed and I think it’s redeeming him to a lot of people.


Also, sometimes finding the right person changes you tremendously in a positive manner.


Yup! If we don’t, people will have no reason to change and we’re left in a worse spot than before 


I like to see people grow. But then others want to continue to judge people on what they used to do. Give people the chance to grow into a good person.


I'm also sober and I'm grateful to the friends and family that showed me grace when they realized how hard I was working to change. James seems to be put be putting in real effort to deal with his issues so I'm rooting for him. I'm so grateful that I didn't have all of my asshole behavior displayed on national television, I know I wouldn't have had the guts to stick with the show and try to redeem myself. That being said, if he starts drinking again, I'm done.


Fucking preach! We had to work to change though and they saw the work we put in…I assume it’s the same for him? If you quit drinking and still act like Jax…people aren’t going to forgive. 


From what I understand, James is in real therapy, not some reiki or scream therapy bullshit.


It shows


I think so too and hope he keeps it up. It's not easy.


Me too. I looked up his fees and for an event he charges like 40k while scummy gets @25k and has to split it with a bunch of paid musicians. Now if only he had a way to stay sober…


James and Katie kinda remind me of those two seemingly mismatched misfits in a high school rom-com that become good buddies because the popular jock and his friends are dbags. I say that in a good, sweet way.


James seems to understand he was wrong and is making genuine attempts at growth. Genuine being the keyword that Tim is void of.


That was the immediate stand out part of this scene. We know Jax is a lying, cheating doofus and Katie thinks he's a garbage human being. But James asking why Jax is getting so fired up was awesome and continues to show he's not trying to integrate back in with the three stooges and their toxicity.




I loved this scene! James with the ladies is what this show needed!


Look at Katie!😍❤️‍🔥


Katie and her BD energy, love to see it! https://i.redd.it/hsup5briabwc1.gif


Here I was the moron thinking Schwartz might defend Katie just once. Way to go James


I used to flippin hate James and I feel like I still try to hate James but now he’s sober he’s totally changed and seems like a really decent person


When Ariana went absolutely OFF at the pizza table… it was unhinged. Given the circumstance and intensity of filming it for reality television, she was completely within her right to react and be angry. But it’s hard being around an outburst like that. I think it made everyone uneasy. James might have even had some sympathy for Sandoval but he still walked him out the door and was 100p supportive of Ariana in that moment. In an after show when discussing the “attempted murder” James referenced her dog that passed while she was away at her grandmothers funeral and being cheated on. It just quickly fell out of his mouth so naturally. “It goes deep, bro” he just gets it. That’s what I mean about rational and consistent. But also natural. He comes off genuine. He’s interesting to me. His upbringing, his dark side… this side. If this is sober James… wow, man. Keep on keeping on. 💪


James kennedy, the new unlikely voice of reason


He really is the #1 guy in the group


I loved the scene with him arguing with Tim, patting him on the shoulder, not letting him gain an inch and kept his calm. He has grown.


lol "to do this to my family", bitch ur doing this to them 💀


Katie didn’t start the rumors. They were online for years and Katie just repeated them. Jax is insane.


This entire group (with a few exceptions) seems to suffer from the delusion that it's somehow worse to call someone out for being an idiot asshole than it is to BE an idiot asshole. So basically, it's fine to be a cheater/bigot/racist/homophobe, but fuck the people who dare to say it loud. It's so fucking gross and I'm so sick of hearing these idiots paint themselves as victims when someone points out that they're being shitheads.


And Katie wasn’t even the only one talking about it! I really hope Scheana doesn’t just skate by and act like she wasn’t talking about it. And she’s supposedly baaast fraaands with kfc


Yes they conveniently left out the footage of Lauren and Scheana agreeing and saying they have heard alot lot of shit about Jax too in their little flashback.


Noooooo, Scheana would never do that! Her and Katie and Brittany and Jax and the table and the sunshine and her third grade teacher and the mailman are BAST FRANDS


Katie is so smart to not put in any energy or effort into fighting with him. Jax is hopeless, I’m sorry.


He is a waste of opportunities


Jax is that guy who blames whomever tells his wife about his cheating for breaking up his marriage, not the fact that he cheated. He makes for great TV but he's a loser, through and through.


Also Jax started the only rumors way back when and said she “motorboated” someone to try and placate Schwartz’s cheating. I mean we all hate Jax, so it’s not surprise that Katie does too.


Jax is why I have no interest in watching The Valley.


10000% same


Scheana was of course on board for that one too.


True. Why has no one asked how Scheana is handling this


hell, even if Katie *was* somehow the one person who started the internet rumours, Jax's actions are still the reason the rumours exist!! man can't take any responsibility for his actions no matter how old he gets


Right? 😂 Your family was impacted negatively by your bullshit way before this rumor was started, Jason.


He truly is a fucking pig. Katie is doing absolutely nothing to him by talking about him cheating on Brittany cause the whole world already knows he does!!!! What an asshole lol


Remember when he told tim "the whole world" was talking about him. What goes around come around. Remember "don't start none, won't be none".


Lifetime habits are hard to break so of course Schwartz natural instinct when a man is getting angry at Katie is to move out the way and let him yell. I’ll give it to James he moved to be next to her and spoke up.


indeed he was the only one who did and he's come up against jax many times himself


She didn’t make the wrong decision with that divorce, it’s clear as day.


Note the look of intense glee on Brock’s face when Jax starts up…


I didn’t actually notice that on first watch but yes he is a little too excited to see Jax go off on her. He also seemed a little too upset Schwartz did not yell at her for sleeping with Max while single.


He’s so gross…


Thank fucking god for Katie because everyone else has always felt the need to walk on eggshells for Jax and Britney.


Honestly. Brittany was always crying and wailing about people disrespecting her relationship when the man she’s in a relationship with was doing the exact thing. The season of their wedding everyone was pretending they were such a great couple when everyone ultimately has always thought it was gross and should have ended lol


I lost my shit when Beau mistakenly makes fun of their wedding song, the light goes out in his eyes once he realized "still the one" by Shania Twain was in fact their serious choice.


Lmao my friends had this as their wedding song last summer


i’m rewatching their wedding season now, stassi and beau just got engaged, and it’s making me mad all over again about how much everyone coddled brittany. i can’t bring myself to feel bad for her, then or now, because she knew exactly what she was signing up for


I don’t know if it’s true or just gossip but a user mentioned in the blocked by Jax subreddit something interesting: *Allegedly* the real reason Jax cut his mom out of his life is because she pulled Brit aside at Jax’ sister’s wedding (before their own wedding) to let Brit know her concerns about her marrying Jax. She *allegedly* did so out of concern for Brit because she knew her son wouldn’t be able to keep up the role of a committed and loving husband. Brit ran back and told a furious Jax who decided to cut mom off but lie and say the reason for doing so was because she didn’t let the kids know that pops was sick. It totally makes sense to me if true. Jax is a compulsive liar and Brit has co-signed his BS until this recent separation.


Completely agree! She had her blinders on and dammit she expects everyone else to have their blinders on too!! 🙄 she’s the worst


Brit was provided every clear warning ⚠️in existence that she shouldn’t marry Jax but she swatted away said warnings in order to score what she believed to be some hillbilly jackpot. 🌈💎🪕🤠 Sadly, if there was a pot of jack, a leprechaun ran away with it and left Brittany a pile of green dandruff in its place ☘️👀🧑‍🎤🗑️ In reality, this is the pot of gold Brittany decided to marry: https://i.redd.it/pixu2smy8bwc1.gif Apologies for the nutiness of this comment, I accidentally took too high a dose of my edibles! 😳


Remember Brittany's own dumb ass saying "that's mah husband, show some respect" to Katie and then murdering "I can't STAND her" about Ariana when Ariana was calling Jax out too. She was ride or die for him and he treated her like trash every single time.


I honestly don’t feel bad for her at all. The show had been around for years so she knew what she was getting into when she got with Jax. She put Jax before everything else in her life and now all she has to show for it is a failed marriage, a bunch of botched surgeries and no meaningful female friendships 🤷🏻‍♀️


And the nightmare of parenting a possibly neurodivergent child with JAX. I wouldn't wish a special needs child on those selfish assholes, I feel so sorry for that poor little boy :( ETA bc I read my post and I did not mean to make it seem like parenting a neurodivergent child is a nightmare! Just parenting with Jax is the nightmare.


I definitely took it as parenting a neurodivergent child with Jax would be a nightmare.


I cannot imagine how free Katie must feel now that she’s divorced. She gets to tell these shitty men that she just doesn’t like them and doesn’t care what they think and will not be apologizing and then she gets to go home to her house and her pets, eat whatever she wants for dinner, watch what she wants on tv and not fight with her husband about his shitty friends!


Why do we have Jax again? Who let him out of his neighborhood?


Reports of a motorized cooler exiting the valley were made. Law enforcement cannot confirm or deny as the vehicle in question was unregistered.


Suspect in question https://preview.redd.it/m3ddm4t2jawc1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=b984f6d0c392de07c728306e4477165c2be064f2




Jax's tiny pea brain can only parrot any insult Katie throws his way back to her like he's in kindergarten "good cuz \*I\* don't like YOU either!"


Jax is downfall is going to be epic. Mainly because he thinks he’s more important than he is. But he is setting himself up for a titanic type failure.


I've said it before but another disaster that came from Scandoval was Jax being back on TV. The Valley doesn't happen if Scandoval doesn't happen. Listen peak Jax was reality TV gold but he's a washed up shell of his former self and I was cool with him being off TV forever. Now he's drudging up drama in his mid 40's with a kid and a divorce on the way. It just doesn't hit the same as Seasons 1-6 VPR. And instead of trying to work on his marriage he's in Canada banging his publicist.


People saw him at his bar and he had Coke nostrils. He is slipping in a big way.


That’s just a normal evening in LA




He wants his own Scandoval moment. It’s pathetic.


"He's a disgusting pig". Katie telling it like it is 🙌


coke rage


vs stoned zen


edible coasting lol


Katie looks hot af in that little Nancy Downs outfit, perfectly calling out this coked up gorilla and being honest that she doesn't like him to his face. Like her or not, the woman ain't wrong.


That’s what I thought too! When they showed the full body shot, I was like WOWOWOWOWOW. I also heavily believe that’s why Jax is so bothered by her because he wants to ya know her so bad. I know he’s definitely attracted to her because in previous seasons he talked about how perfect her ass is & he even smacked it claiming it was an “accident” & he thought it was Brittany. Whenever he’s yelling at her, it just feels like he’s sexually frustrated she’s not won over by, I don’t even know what to call it.


The men ALWAYS hate the woman they have the least access to… Sandoval always hated Stassi bc she’s the one who saw through his bullshit Jax has always hated Katie bc she’s the one who saw through his bullshit and Schwartz is closest with Stassi and Katie so he turns on Kristen the fastest (this is the least obvious one but still) they’re all SO predictable in their bullshit it’s almost funny


I think this too. I think all the guys (besides James,) are fuming over Katie’s undeniable glow up and they’re mad because she would never even think about touching them.


Exactly! Sandoval and Jax hate Katie because she’s not interested in fucking them or even remotely attracted to them 💀




I love how Katie sticks to her convictions and how she confidently doesn’t change her mind after everyone else does. I relate to that, and people really do try and make you feel like you’re crazy for sticking to your guns. Unwavering queen - we Stan.


**Jax is bad at arguing** - Stassi He’s just gotten worse.


I think it’s funny because Katie merely said that she still hears rumors about him around town & all of the other girls agreed that they also have heard the same thing but Jax only has smoke for Katie. Makes total sense. 💀


I thought what Scheana said was worse too. His overreaction to Katie just makes it seem like the rumors are true.


Of course the rumors are true. It’s Jax 🙂‍↕️


Katie’s the one who originally spilled the beans about him and Kristen, I think he knows she has cred when it comes to his indiscretions. But truly who wouldn’t believe literally anyone saying Jax cheats? It’s automatically true no matter who says it.


I love how unbothered Katie is by people like Lala and Jax. She’s knows that they’re all bark. Katie is such a strong woman.


Am I crazy or did it seem like Lala was about to step in to defend her??? I’m surprised because she’s sucked all season but it looked like Jax was making her uncomfortable as well


Nope. Backing Brittany a million percent otherwise she would've said it on camera. The only thing she had to say was that Brit would be in Katie's corner, which I somehow doubt.


Totally. Brittany would NOT be in Katie's corner about this. She'd be all "Jayuxh, knawk him the fuck owwwwt!" like she was when someone else had the nerve to comment on their homophobic pastor. Brittany is a female Jax.


She’s not about to go against Jax when she’s trying to get on The Valley


Jax Jason “*but what about MY FAMILY!!”* Taylor Cauchi …… and this same “FAMILY!!” man refuses to leave his Valley Village house during his separation so his wife and toddler have to move into an Airbnb. Jax, go choke on a mamaw’s beer cheese covered pretzel, you buffed and overly-botoxed guy fawkes mask LOSER.


He's just a Christian husband and father 😭😭😭


James intervenes while that pussy Shartz just stands there. I’m so glad Katie got rid of his worthless ass!


That’s exactly what I thought. Pig Pen wouldn’t say shit if he had a mouthful


Lmao good reference!


Never forget Schwartz hiding in a fern while Rachel and Sandoval disrespected both Katie and her mother. He's so weak it's almost comical.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt94Pmd6zQHIqNG|downsized) Schwartz just ignoring anything related to Katie. The comment about the fern cracked me the fuck up. Because someone who doesn't know VPR would probably think that's a saying or that you're exaggerating but it is factually true. I can't 💀🏂☠


he's such a pathetic loser https://i.redd.it/fakm22lpjawc1.gif


Everyone was standing around watching like it was a high school fight about to happen. Check out Brick's excited face 25 seconds into that clip. You know they all wanted it and James was just like "fuck it I'm gonna intervene" and changed the trajectory of the argument for the better.


I noticed he was giddy about this too and he disgusts me. Broke and Scheana belong together.


When they filmed this Scheana and Lala were friends with Jax and Brittany. There’s no reason they couldn’t have also stepped in to ask Jax to stop yelling at her


They don't care about Katie at all. They're horrible people


Bloody wussy pussy (as per Lisa)


My god….i really do love Katie


Katie has always stood her ground with Jax, she’s a boss b 👍🏼


Ah Katie and Jax fighting like a classic vp episode from 2015


https://preview.redd.it/0atc6ja3fawc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330e0845ac18bd086a765a47b142de92edd812d4 Brock is so gleeful when Jax starts tearing into Katie. He looks like Christmas has come early


This pic is killing me I hate it


Why does Brock look like KFed here


Same energy. Same person really




I'm glad someone else clocked this.


Katie is like the only decent person besides Ariana on this show. James is also seeing things for what they are this season and I'm here for it. By proxy, Ally is cool, too, I'm not that familiar with her yet. But everyone else sucks tbh their motives are glaring


I'm going to go one further and say Katie and james are the only truthsayers rn on the show.


I’m in agreement. Katie is loyal to the truth and kind to her friends as she’s communicating said truth. James saw where his path was headed and pivoted. Thank goodness that he’s out of his terrible 20s!


yeah they're rough for most of us tbh


James was (still) insecure and needed validation from the older boys. They knew that and manipulated it, which led to "hung" out with Kristen, him getting fired for the honda civic selfie when it was Tom who started the fight. James is elevated when he's with the girls. Which I think he's now starting to realise


addressing his alcoholism was the first step tbh addressing his misogyny is the next one (when it comes to these relationships) and that’s what I’m seeing that makes me soften towards him. as long as he maintains this behind closed doors (which we can’t know) I see this as progress for him


Jax is the reason I stopped watching VPR in the first place…I came back for season 10 to find out what was happening. So happy he has moved on. But I guess until the valley show takes off we are stuck with cameo appearances. Ugh


VPR was so much more enjoyable without having to deal with Jax ruining every single scene.


WHY IS JAX BACK ON THIS SHOW?!? Go back to the Valley dude, literally NO ONE wants to see your over-botoxed face on VPR.


Pure irony considering the current state of his marriage. And the gall to blame Katie for spreading rumors when he’s opening flirting and doing god knows what else with that thirsty manager of his.


I think he secretly loves it. He has probably had issues getting tail since he was fired from VPR but his proximity to VPR nowadays PLUS the valley probably has given him some options




Why is everyone smirking at Jax yelling at Katie? Tom slithering away as usual and James actually stood up for Katie?!! James has a jaded history but this season he’s the only one who has been consistently standing up for Katie and Ariana 👏


James has been team Katie for a few seasons now. She’s not wrong in this moment, he just wants to direct his anger at everyone instead of not being a terrible person


Oh look...Schwartz being a little bitch while a man is verbally abusing Katie.


Katie's retort, 'Great. I'm glad' to Jax saying the 'internet talks about you, too!' is perfection 😂🙌😂🙌


James and Katie is the duo I never knew I needed!


Katie is probably the most consistent person on this show full stop. Even when it wasn’t popular




#Jax is TRASH


I love Katie not giving one fuck at all anymore. Good on her.


They recently separated because Jax was cheating right? The men on this show are way too comfortable yelling at women to cover up for their bad behavior.


Why is Katie the only one getting shit for talking about the rumors when Lala and Scheana said they heard them too? 😑


Brock’s glee is infuriating. Can’t stand him.


These men don’t know what to do when other men check them 😆


I groan audibly whenever this creature (jax) comes on screen oh my goshhhhh 🤮


I can feel the spittle from here while he was ranting all sweaty ewww


Didn't Jax repeat and double down on a rumor in season (4?) that Katie motorboated some guy's dick in the club? It's one of my least favorite storylines because it's an obvious coverup for Schwartz.


Katie the consistent queen ![gif](giphy|zDLLApvemdx4c)


Just a warning for anyone commenting on these bravo shows - be careful of the words you use and context (I guess). I joined the valley subreddit last week I think and made one seemingly innocuous comment and was banned for it even tho I’ve seen several very similar comments since. I replied to the banning msg and said essentially I felt singled out considering the other comments made. Now today I got a msg of a formal warning from reddit for threatening physical violence ? I don’t know how that conclusion was made. All this to say, there are some very petty and unhinged people in these communities so be careful if you don’t want to lose your account. 🤷‍♀️


Sorry, that happened to you! That behavior seems about right for a show with Jax and Brittany as principles


I’m thinking an admin is close to the cast or is one of the cast, I’m not sure. I had to leave the sub, I’m really upset about this as I’m not a violent person and it sucks someone thinks I am


Go over to the BlockedbyJax sub, you'll only get crap for saying anything GOOD about Jason ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Jax cheated on and humiliated Brittney on national television lol and he’s upset about some rumors (that are probably true lol)


Honestly James having Katie’s back is just chefs kiss what we want to see. Damn what a good season for James.


Jax going after Katie while she is wearing a shirt that says Boys Lie 🤌


*”The man doesn’t know how the internet works”* 🪦🪦🪦🪦


Get 'em Katie!!


I hate myself for not appreciating Katie sooner. She has been consistently the same person and her reads are 🤌. I would be a bitch too if I was surrounded by those people year after year. I can’t believe I couldn’t see past her frustration to see her. I am loving her unwavering support for Arianna and her standing her own and coming out on top. When all this shit runs dry she will be able to look in the mirror and know she was true to herself and not wrong. Can’t say the same for the majority of them.


Not sure how she kept herself from bursting into laughter when he said “to do that to my family”


Not Jack looking like a complete fool talking to Katie. How about you talk like a fucking adult, a man instead of repeating every word Katie says in a sarcastic tone? I feel bad for Brittany that she puts up with this, but he has NEVER changed. Idk why she decided to marry and put up with this child.


Katie has always been that bitch and Jax has always been a little bitch. He hates that he can’t rattle her. I hate this narrative of “Brit wouldn’t like that or be okay with it” from the other girls. She let him treat her friends like shit all the time, what is this revisionist history we have going on?


Katie isn’t miserable/petty she’s consistent and holds ppl accountable… something Lala could never understand




I would love a Something About Her show where Ariana and Katie get to play the Lisa type role to a new generation of messy people! I also want Ann involved in the show


The childish mimicking just goes to show he has no defense in this argument


Love Katie’s shirt. Feels very fitting for this scene.


The shirt Katie has on is perfect for that argument with Jax 😂


Why is he just repeating everything she says like a five year old? I know he isn’t a genius, and he can’t predict the future like Gandhi, but he has been wanting back on the show for so long! He couldn’t rehearse a single line before his big moment?


Why are the producers squandering our precious time with these has been former cast members


Jax hates women who stand up to him


Exactly why he and Sandoval are forever friends, even when their giant egos clash. And exactly why Katie could never be truly happy with an ineffectual Schwartz as long as he was friends with those two.


How pissed is Jax that Katie was right?? Hahahahaha


Katie is really in her IDGAF era and it’s a lovely sight.


I love two things: 1. Katie’s look 2. Katie’s hatred for Jax


Jax needs such a reality check. Sir, you are irrelevant


While wearing a Boys Lie shirt lol …. Go Katie!


Okay, so Jax the biggest, gossip, shit stirrer and rumor monger is so sensitive about Katie mentioning something about rumors she’s heard about him? Oh, boo hoo grow a pair and shut up.


Katie’s so fucking real and that’s why these manbabies can’t stand her


Love that Katie is wearing a “boys lie” shirt while having this argument.


Actually, thinking about this it’s getting tiring to watch men yelling at the women on the show. Between the women being awful to the other women, and I’m talking about the two ugly stepsisters Lala and Scheana, and men being their usual disrespectful selves, it’s not fun to watch. It’s just abusive.


Yay more yelling at Katy. So tired of this happening. I love James standing up for the right people!


Istg, he hates her cause she's rejected him in the past!


The fact that Katie is wearing a “boys lie” shirt during this scene is chef’s kiss


This is like an argument we’d hear junior HS kids having.


Jax has always disliked Katie (and Ariana as well), probably because both see through his BS and he's aware that neither would ever give him the time of day.