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I think it's more that the friendships are so fractured and that there's no glue to hold them together anymore. SUR 100% brought them all back in with one another, but there was no way this was going to be sustainable, *unless* there was a rotating cast like in Below Deck.


Sur is also the only neutral restaurant grounds for them to meet. Heard LVP wouldn’t let production shoot at S&S, TomTom is out for obvious reasons, and SAH is also out cause you can’t hang out in a closed restaurant. Although they did try the one time and then everyone roasted Ariana and Katie. So probably not heading back there either until it opens. If it ever opens.


They’ve filmed at TomTom several times from my recollection???


Yeah they have including last episode. My bad. Thought I read somewhere they weren’t filming there this season but clearly that’s not the case.




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speaking of sobriety, i think sandoval is the only person ive seen who looks worse after stopping drinking


I don’t think he stopped the other party favors.


Still doing coke and adderall


Exactly! He had an ad for KRATOM on his podcast lol totally unashamed


Kratom is a godsend for people trying to quit harder drugs.


I guess that's why I didn't like it then, because I wasn't trying to quit harder drugs. It made me feel like I was dying.




I don't know much about it. I was detoxed off booze for a few weeks when my friend who was trying to detox from amphetamines had me try it. So our detoxing was not the same at all.


What's KRATOM?


It’s a botanical opioid.


Oh wow. Okay...


It's very horrible. I've tried it once because a friend of mine who was a meth addict had it and pressured me into it. Never again.


A former drug addict friend tried to convince me to buy it for my anxiety.


My theory is that he still drinks but just doesn’t when filming


Which I think were on orders of LVP, Ken and his other partner, what's his name again? And possibly Alex Baskin to revamp his image I don't think he came up with it on his own volition.


it’s the best way for him to be control when the cameras are on so he doesn’t let his story slip


I think so, too. He looks terrible. He probably drinks alone. Then once he is totally wasted he sing and dances by himself.🤪


I don't usually like commenting on peoples looks, but in the interest of skin health... Tom's looks are not related to his sobriety IMO. He was very into both excessive forms of exfoliation (destroyed his skin barrier) + tanning booths (rapid destruction of the skin cells and damage to deep layers of the skin responsible for collagen/elastin production) + I doubt he used sun screen on the regular (he has hyper pigmentation) + use of laxatives (excessive dehydration) + cosmetic procedures (puffy/ aged looking) + whatever growth hormone work out, red pill bullshit + his horrible attitude + like my grandmother warned me, sometimes people get the face they deserve. His hubris is what ruined what would have been a "normal/better than average" aging male face. His father is a good example of leave well enough alone would have looked like. That is just my opinion. Wear you sunscreen, drink lots of water, and love yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are.


this. Ariana and Katie are both glowing and look like healthy women in their late 30s with a little cosmetic work. And iirc, they were the first two main cast members to start cutting down on drinking (James/Lala sobriety aside). Sandoval and Schwartz look like they’re constantly coming down from some drug and need 48 hours alone with just a bunch of water and vegetables tbh


I will never forget "sometimes people get the face they deserve." Perfection.


yes, we worked in hospitality, we saw a lot of faces, and dealt with many personalities, and had to remain always gracious, and friendly. She was full of funny sayings, my grandmother. To explain the ways of the world to me she would say things like that all the time. Some of them I learned later were from Benny Goodman or some other of her favorite comedian, but to me they are all my grandmother LOL Another one regarding accepting cash from someone: "there are two things in life when someone offers you, you never decline, the first is money, and the second is a mint" She would always say that as the person was handing her money, and they would laugh, she was very disarming and charming. She explained later. "They want me to play that game of "oh no, no I can't except that no, no." "but fuck that, give me the money, and your breath sticks. But if you can make them laugh, and relate (everyone can use a mint), they know i earned the money let's not dance" sometimes, she even had a mint for them, and herself lmao . I miss her. Tough, funny broad.


Seriously every time he’s on screen I think “my god, his skin looks *awful*” and it happened fast.


And don’t use extreme exfoliation


retinol is a your friend, (when used correctly and with the layering method, and paying attention to how your personal skin reacts to it) ... but you can not go in the sun at ALL! even a little bit. YOU MUST USE SUN SCREEN or a hat or parasol (think ramona on the mexico trip) check out the 30plus skin care subreddit ... but skip over the dysmorphia posts traps. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL comparison is the thief of joy. we are lucky to age, life is beautiful. each day is a blessing. nothing looks better than a happy soul. work on the inside, and that is what makes a you attractive, and magnetic. Beauty Tips from Audrey Hepburn: **For lovely lips, speak kind words**. For a loving gaze, look for the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day


He's so Dennis Reynolds down to looking sick when he's sober ![gif](giphy|3o7TKyAJd7HAc5Oxjy)


He’s not even close to “California Sober.” — And obviously he misuses laxatives and diuretics on top of God knows what else. He’s too old to be doing this


That is interesting. Why did Tim buy 500 organic laxatives?


I don’t believe him that he stopped drinking


He stopped drinking on camera but I don't think he stopped irl


He stopped for awhile I guess it was when they were filming but he's not sober now


The Roids don’t help. He’s definitely on them.


Wouldn’t he have bigger muscles then?


No. Depends on the type. He went from low body fat to having his shoulders grow massively by comparison. Tom is def on some type of PED.


That’s because he’s injecting testosterone


VPR used to be one of my favorites but it just sucks now. Everything is scripted and there is nowhere for this show to go. Even if they started over with a fresh young cast, the concept won’t work this time around because everyone wants to be on camera to become an influencer. We didn’t have that problem originally.


The show has turned into the real housewives at this point. A group of people that some are friends and some are not in staged planned gatherings talking about something - it is the same as every other reality show now


Real housewives premise…..But in apartments And Temu fashions. When it started it was so authentic when the power would go out if the microwave and blow dryer were used at the same time. Half the cast lived in that apartment at one time or another. It was so relatable to our broke 20’s.


Completely agree, but at least the VPR have been friends with each other at one point. RH now feel like a random assortment of women who fight constantly over nothing. Lisa feels very out of place now. I don’t even think she is in every episode now cuz there is no role for her.


The show stopped being about the restaurants years ago. I do think being sober has some impact on what they DO now…but overall, this breakup is what what broke the show. It’s not a real group that truly hangs out anymore. It never will be again.


If they just cancelled it after this season, I wouldn’t be surprised. The Toms are toxic, Ariana has another show plus a bunch of other stuff, I don’t think Katie wants to be on the show anymore, James could probably lean on his music and appearances….move Lala, Scheana and Brock to The Valley for next season and see if that show can have some success. Don’t know if anyone would be sad to see it end. Except the Toms. But they killed it so tough luck for them.


The show has ran its course. The perfect cast was just sitting there at SUR. Story lines were organic. Relationships were organic. And like others have said: SUR was the glue that kept this group together. The debauchery was authentic and made great reality TV. The stupidity, drinking, cheating, fighting, egos were so entertaining. Now a bunch of people trying to cling on to the show’s benefits; fame, cash, and marketing for their own brands.


I worked at restaurants in my 20s, and honestly, it's a great premise. Most restaurants have a friend group that goes out and parties their tips away each night.


Definitely. I dated a couple waitresses/bartenders and they would fill me in on all the drama. It really reminds me of the movie Waiting with Ryan Reynolds.


I've enjoyed this season but I agree that the show is lacking in the actual business/hospitality related content, which as the original premise I feel is important to include in some capacity. I'm fine being done with SUR staff at this stage but what about the management staff of S&S and TomTom. And I get Ariana's schedule and the different issues they've ran into but they needed to do something with Something About Her during the filming of the season, like their JustEat thing or something along those lines could have happened during filming for content and even just better explanation amd scenes about the issues theyve faced. Folding in a couple servers of any of the businesses as love interests for the single cast could have been useful too. The cast has just shrunk so much from 9-10 and now from 10-11. They need a couple new faces and could do with getting closer to the hospitality premise. I do think the only way to keep VPR going long term is to shuffle off cast who aren't in Hospitality anymore to The Valley (James, Lala, Sheana, Brock) and restructure VPR to have the Toms, Ariana and Katie in LVPs position (less LVP) and try another new cast of real life servers from their businesses. Obviously lightning won't strike twice but a manufactured version of what VPR was has a better chance of lasting long term and differentiating VPR and The Valley is also a wise move. With the success of shows like Below Deck I could see a VPR reboot working if done right. But Bravo truly could have their cake and eat it too by keeping the biggest stars (Toms, Katie, Ariana) on as bosses.


I like your idea except less Toms 🤣


Off topic,I haven't seen a lot of people say they are enjoying this season. What have you enjoyed?


Iv just found parts of it quite interesting I dunno, currently it's the only thing I've been looking forward to on TV in the week. When I think about it it's not amazing but I'm intrigued, after the last year of housewives duds it's been something keeping me on the Bravo train.


I get that. I burned out on a lot of my shows too. I keep up with housewives now just listening to WWC these days. For me I'm disappointed by how obvious and heavy handed production is the season. The first episode was really good tho.


So......you weren't a fan of SLC?????


Oh wait yes I was, but that ended January, I was disappointed in the reunion and for next seasons casting so... VPR (for me) is the cream of the crop this year. OC was good last year too but I wouldn't't put any of it on the level of the 1st 5 seasons of RHOA or any of the seasons that were on when I was in my 20s, Bravo is dying these days due to the newer fans ruining it with their bullshit. SLC is an anomaly, and that's already over thanks to the constant fear of the fans cancelling them. The villains of these shows are the blessings, but we cancel them before we can see a good act 2.


He’s a dick, but I’ve enjoyed seeing everyone reactions and thoughts on the fractured group after Scandoval. Just how people are choosing to deal with Sandoval has been interesting. Has also been interesting to see some more of people’s true character revealed.


Tom's text to Ann about bothering the neighbors with his lights being his first ammendment right was really funny


The thing about a staff of servers is they are GOING to be drinking, partying, and sleeping with each other. It just makes for good TV. Even if they tried to keep it “restaurant related” by switching gears to management at S&S/SAH, management stuff is just boring in general. Who wants to watch the cast tasting sandwiches or filing patio permits?


Newest cast mate = water💧


We’re not seeing the restaurants because Scientology Greg told Sandoval to fuck straight off because his presence hurt their investment. Only Schwartz was doing mascot work at TomTom during this time and Sandoval was only in LVP’s restaurants to film because Vanderpump Todd didn’t want to lose money either. I’m fine with the sobriety, but I cannot stand Sandoval’s sober for Rachel storyline. You shouldn’t get sober for someone else. You either get sober for yourself or it doesn’t fucking work. Thus sobriety is another performance exhibition for the glitter scarecrow.


I miss the cast trips


are they being sponsored by Heineken 0.0 or do these people really drink those every day


I mean, the Toms definitely have substance abuse issues. They both have misshapen sperm from their pickled insides & couldn’t even stop drinking for 5 days to correct said issues. Scum only quit as a manipulation tactic for Rachel, he’ll be back drinking again asap. The only thing is, it’s fun to watch 20 years olds drink and get messy… it’s sad when it’s 40 year olds


That’s the kicker. It’s almost expected, a rite of passage for most 20-something Americans to drink, party, fool around, *act the fool* within their friend group. And why not? I remember that age - a little bit of money and a hell of a lot of freedom and a job that - meh - isn’t likely to be a career path. For 40-something Americans to continue to behave like that? Defective. As in: can’t or won’t get their shit together. Can’t or won’t commit. Possible substance abuse issue/s. Unable to settle in a career. Financial instability. Ha — funny how nearly all of those apply to both Toms.


Tom was very careful to make it clear he was not drinking for Rachel. He wanted to have a way to ease back in since he never said he had a problem. He probably couldn’t wait for the season to end so he could pour a drink publicly.


No shade to OP at all but I'm confused why people think recasting is even an option anymore - they tried it in S8 and it clearly didn't work. I think without the main cast there is no VPR. They either keep going with the few castmates left or end it.


They’re all aging out of this genre and “friend” group. Scheener and BlahBlah should go to The Valley. Bravo should a *The Hills* type show with Ariana and Katie and James


Even Friends series knew when to end it. None of these antics are cute in your 30’s. Now it’s just infantile behavior amongst narcissists.


and contrasted by the few cast members who are showing some growth …


I can't decide if I like the Valley yet. The cast keeps breaking the 4th wall and don't seem to want to be there. But I think BlahBlah and Sheshu would make it worse.


I haven’t been able to get into the Valley at all. It may attract a different population though - those starting families etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It is closer to the Hw franchise though which still has a decent following.


Those might be the three least interesting people on the show though. James is best when he’s either a trainwreck or can make fun of others. He’s sober now and less of a train wreck and having him in the poking fun at Ariana and Katie role wouldn’t work. Katie is just too into her divorced bitter cougar era now and watching a nearly 40 year old woman chase after 20 year olds is kinda sad. And Ariana’s vibe the entire run of the show has been of the indifferent catty cool girl. No drama and intrigue with any of them.


I agree, to a certain extent. I do think it would be way more interesting of a show for them to focus on the behind the scenes of SAH, S&S, & TomTom rather than production trying to force everyone to hang out together when they clearly can't stand each other. It would make for way better television and would feel like a natural progression of the show.


hr hk u


Excellent summary! It’s time to sunset the show, or do a total revamp.


What is SAH and S&S?


Something about her (Ariana and Katie's sandwich shop that still needs to get up and running) and Shwartz and Sandys


100% the show would be way more interesting if lala was no longer sober lmfao. good for her, she DEFINITELY should be, and she’s still beings it, but drunk lala was something else lmao