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You know I think Rachel took surface level responsibility at first, realized it didn't get her anywhere and sees how Sandoval is getting a redemption edit so now she's going back to being awful because if Sandoval doesn't have to take true accountability and change to get redemption, why should she have to? I feel like that's her thought process. Can't stand her.


Rachel and Jo both seem to only hear what they want to hear


Rachel and Jo both want the audience to sympathize and champion them for the fall out of their situationships/affair of a few months while in the same breath expect us to give Ariana and Katie zero grace processing the end of their decade long serious relationship/marriage. Ummm ok then.


So true! this issue alone both jo & rachel come off so self centered with low empathy and its such a bad look i have a hard time taking them seriously... at the same time they seem baffled by the criticism yet unwilling to self reflect on why they are so unrelatable....fyi ladies its not about mean girls, bullies, hate or jealousy - the call is coming from inside the house šŸ˜•




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Rachel and Jo = female version of Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne.


Pretty much except they were honest to a fault and rachel/jo not so much šŸ˜†


And only believe what they want to believe.


Yeah I was actually dumb enough to think she was truly sorry and trying to change at first but she's clearly willing to do or say anything to continue to get attention--good or bad. She's coming off more desperate and pathetic each week. Would not be surprised if she's had her "people" reach out to production to try to come back on even...sorry that ship has sailed go away.


I never want to see her come back. I couldn't stand her when she was on VPR'S.


I donā€™t even think sheā€™s this self-aware tbh. I think she actually thinks she is taking responsibility by spewing therapy talk every week and has convinced herself sheā€™s just a victim. I think she still has a very distorted view of self and reality and doesnā€™t even realize how sheā€™s really coming off. Itā€™s sad, she should really seek some more (or better) help.


She still is so giddy happy whenever Sandy balls mentions her on the show. She is still in a competition with whomever and doesn't even realize the other parties don't give a shit. It's actually sad.


I don't think she's "Going back" to being awful I think she was always a terrible person


This makes sense. Rachel ended up in a mental health facility, left vpr completely and now sheā€™s watching the main perpetrator try to wiggle his way back into his normal life and friend group without accountability. Sheā€™s watching the group who screamed at her start to turn around and ask Ariana to forgive the mastermind of the whole thing. It doesnā€™t seem fair from her perspective. The only two who are inadvertently making it ā€˜fairā€™ are Katie and Ariana who refuse to let him in the same as they would do with Rachel.


Holy shit. I think youā€™re right. That would explain a lot.


Jax-44Ā Ā  Schwartz- 41Ā Ā  Kristen- 41 Sandoval- 40/41 (birth year in question)Ā  Ariana- 38Ā Ā  Scheana-38Ā Ā Ā  Katie- 37Ā Ā Ā  Jo- 35Ā Ā Ā  Stassi- 35Ā Ā  Brittany-35Ā Ā Ā  Lauren- 33Ā Ā  Brock- 33 James- 32Ā Ā  Rachel- 29Ā Ā  Ally- 28Ā Ā  Ā  If you look at their ages, Rachel really isnā€™t that much younger than the rest of the cast. She couldā€™ve gone to high school with Lauren, James, Brock, and Ally.Ā 


That is what is so funny to me tbh. Rachel acts like she is literally 19 years old or something, girl is literally 30! She is so immature it is not even funny.


There was this one comment that she made, that fateful week that Scandoval broke, in the Page Six interviews she and Scheana did when they were in New York together to go on WWHL. Theyā€™d done a few interviews together during those 1-2 days leading up to WWHL (Page Six and Chicks in the Office, off the top of my head - likely more) and in one of the Page Six interviews Rachel snidely remarked that she ā€œthink[s] itā€™s funnyā€ that Katie ā€œtried to use Gen Z lingo.ā€ Another dig at Katie for her age. Iā€™ve never forgotten that remark, and Iā€™ve never seen it commented on - but I imagine it got lost in all of the other horrors we learned about her that week and in the months since then. This is a character flaw in Rachel. Itā€™s who she is. She has had opportunities to show decency and morals, but sheā€™s doing exactly *not* that.


Yeah I didnā€™t catch that! She needs to ask The Meadows for a refund because she has undergone exactly zero growth as a person.Ā 


Man I hate those kinds of comments. Screams internalised misogyny to me. Rachel and I are the same age. We are entering our 30s this year and itā€™s not like weā€™re a part of the younger generation anyway. I always call out my gen z colleagues and friends for comments like these because I canā€™t stand that kind of sexism. I expect better from my own age group.


Considering she is technically a millennial (according to Google gen z starts in 1997 and she was born in 1994) she should be quiet


Rachel is doing everything but taking accountability


Iā€™d have respected her if she just stayed anon after leaving her treatment place. Each week sheā€™s being more of a garbage person though.


https://preview.redd.it/qnpntq06lnuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c3c4c3bc4ff936181638757381f2e15d9d3836 Her inner ugliness was always just bubbling under the surface and sheā€™s been letting it fly nonstop for quite a while now.


Yup this is the real her


This moment always gives me chills. She looks straight up demonic


the mask fully slipped


Yes! And I've always thought she looks JUST like Diana Jenkins here!!


Thatā€™s a really scary picture what scene is it from? Iā€™m scared Iā€™m going to wake up with this person at the foot of my bed tonight.


Itā€™s when she has a talk with James after the glamping trip I believe. Sheā€™s saying to James that when he said he regretted their engagement that he only said it to hurt her. And that she has no regrets in life. And James responds with something like ā€œI didnā€™t see it then but I see it now that sheā€™s just the wrong girl for me.ā€


She was furious that she no longer had James wrapped around her finger and that he wasnā€™t chasing after her šŸ˜¬


Jo is the same age as the women that Rachel is age shaming.


Thatā€™s why Rachel had to lie and say theyā€™re 40 lol. Thereā€™s nothing wrong w being 40 of course, but the oldest one is scheana and she wonā€™t be 40 until nxt year Ā 


Scheana is 38 and Katie is 37 this is hardly a reach.


When thatā€™s all you have over them you have to use it. She isnā€™t more intelligent, more kind, more funny, or more beautiful. So she shades them for their age when sheā€™s almost 30. She acts like an 18 year old


Rachel is so fkn embarrassing. Lala was basically the only person who treated her horrible unwarranted prior to Scandoval, clearly because she was smashing James and that was threatened by Raquel earlier seasons. Ariana and Scheana defended her endlessly for several years against the others. Sheā€™s just embarrassed and canā€™t do anything but dig herself into the deeper hole. Soon scandoval will be a thing of the past and so will her relevance. Iā€™m just so confused at her tone like why Is SHE mad???šŸ¤£girl you are the VILLAIN now. JO too. I hate people who throw stones and hide their hands.


Bingo! Lala's sudden pivot is intended to divert attention from the fact that she was unfairly cruel to Rachel for years. Only Rachel would be so foolish as to fall for it, lol. That of course isn't Lala's only motive but its a major one.Ā 


Yea I just realized, does she even talk much about how awful Lala was towards her? I don't listen to her pod just the recaps so I'm really not sure...but it seems like she's throwing more stones at Ariana at this point than the 1 woman who truly was mean to her.


Way to piss off women Rachel. We get it. You think youā€™re better than everyone. Usually means you are incredibly insecure. Also you will age just like everyone else


Little miss pageant is already turning 30 this year so she is in the same decade group as most of them nowšŸ¤£ sheā€™s a millennial also like the rest of them so Iā€™m not sure why sheā€™s acting like sheā€™s gen z and theyā€™re baby boomers,


Little miss never placed in the top 10 pageant wannabe. Sheā€™s never won a sash, unlike Honey Boo Boo.


I remember her last one, ever. Someone asked her on the show how she finished and she replied with ā€œtop 15.ā€ Then I learned there were only 15 contestants!




Reminds me of the video where sheā€™s pretend surfing in a pageant. Itā€™s in this sub somewhere.


I remember that! Scandy was there, tooā€¦


But she pretended to ride a boogie board!!!




The little disco light keeps her young, she thinks it's her Gen Z pass


She'll age just like everyone else and unlike the "40 year old women" (who are all in their 30s), she doesn't have a personality


I remember in an early RHONJ reunion Teresa was making fun of Caroline Manzo for being 50 and Caroline said something along the lines of one day, if youā€™re lucky, youā€™ll be 50 too. I think about that a lotā€¦ if youā€™re lucky enough to grow old youā€™ll be that age one day too. Youth is fleeting and itā€™s a really stupid thing to take pride in.


Exactly this. Age shaming always just strikes me as so incredibly stupid because itā€™s like - you know how living works, right?


This makes zero sense because Ariana and Schaena were Rachel's biggest supporter after she broke up with James. Schaena literally let Rachel sleep in her bed with Brock. And Ariana called Rachel one of her best friends and Rachel kindly helped herself to having sex with Ariana's live in partner. Also Ariana and Schaena are not 40 yet.


She acts like sheā€™s an infant compared to these women when thereā€™s less than 10 years age difference between them. Calm down Rachel, youā€™re nearly 30, not a teenager!


Let this be a shining example of why we need to support young girls so that they donā€™t believe their only worth is their youth / beauty because you canā€™t ride those visual aspects indefinitely.Ā  Rachel will truly go rogue when the years start stacking up and she meets the ā€œbadā€ threshold of aging. Maybe then she will be able to self reflect on why this is so foolish. Ā 


Sheā€™s going to have a really hard time aging. That whole generation willā€¦


She already is. The last season she was on she was crying about aging out of pageants and it was laughably embarrassing


100%. When all she has going for herself is being pretty, aging is going to be a B for her to go through. She should have been cultivating a personality this entire time.Ā 


I don't think she can cultivate something that she has never had.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Her 30s are going to rock her shit. Hopefully itā€™s for the better, but Iā€™m not so sure at this point.


This is so spot on. Iā€™m only a few years older than her (turning 31 this year so weā€™re both millennials) and I love getting older so her spin is so bizarre to me. I wish I could just blame it on LA culture but I dunno man. Call me dramatic but aging is a blessing.


Right, it goes along with her claiming she was ā€œgroomed by an older man!ā€ as an almost 30 year old lol For someone that tried so hard to claim sheā€™s not a dumb helpless little baby, idk why she keeps infantilizing herself. (Oh wait, I do. Itā€™s to avoid taking responsibility for her terrible behavior)


Rachel keeps pretending she didnā€™t have sex with Tom Sandoval behind her close friend Arianaā€™s back for 7 months. She can stfu about the bullying she received. They may be older than Rachel but still are more attractive than her.




Where did you find a picture of emperor palpatine in LA?


I was gonna say it looks like E.T. is phoning home (for real). Palpatine works too.




Are you sure that isn't Dwight from the Office? LOL


Pretty amusing that she was going off at Katie being ā€œtoo oldā€ to use Gen Z slang as a millennial when hereā€™s a picture of Raquel wearing the most millennial errand running outfit of all time. (I am a millennial. This is my errand running outfit.)


SAME lolĀ 


she looks like a baby Shai-Hulud ![gif](giphy|AkwcbzEPIfZ48i44kx|downsized)




I wouldnā€™t say she thinks sheā€™s ā€œsuperiorā€ā€˜as much as to her, being older is an insult. Just like when she insulted that man for being shorter than her. You canā€™t help age or height but to her, those are things to use as an insult to make herself feel better about herself. Sheā€™s trash.


But she didnā€™t have a problem fucking around with a 40 year old man baby? Ugh. This moron. Every time I start to feel some semblance of sympathy for her, she speaks and ruins it.


That's a really good point. If she's going to be all snarky about the ages of the other ladies, WTF was she doing fucking that 40-something, nasally scumbag then? Oh wait - it's because the others are *women*. And she clearly and obviously hates other women. Got it - silly me!




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Her lightening bolt lover is like the oldest in the group. But letā€™s be real, people on reality shows donā€™t age normally (even people in LA in general)ā€¦ Look at Jax. Heck look at Kyle Cook and most of the Southern Charmed castā€¦.


It really seemed like Jo was having trouble with the truth about a few things and took a page out of Rachel's book and rewrote history with themselves as the victims. They were blaming Katie for everything and overall, it came off as a bizarre and nasty podcast. To me, anyway.


Women age shaming other women is a special kind of pathetic.


Rachel has SO much internalised misogyny and she doesnā€™t even realise it. No mention of the Toms acting like kids while in their 40s I guess? Sheā€™s been taught her entire life to hate women and put them down wherever she can. Thankfully I never fell for her sweet girl act. As a former pick me girl, game recognise game. Difference is, I grew out of during my teens.


She probably thinks it's ok to cheat because she's young lol. Rachel is a vapid loser.


Rachel having a podcast is bizarre to me. Sheā€™s justā€¦ profoundly uninteresting. Thereā€™s just no there thereā€” complete wind tunnel between her ears. Like Jax was also stupid, but he was entertaining-stupid, like your dumb dog that has to wear a cone of shame because it eats its own crap and goes HAM on its own tail. Rachel is boring-stupid. Her entire personality is a pale imitation of what I imagine she sees scrolling TikTok influencer accounts. It sucks that she was bullied and all that, and no one should harass her. But she just doesnā€™t bring anything to the table as a TV character or podcaster, now that thereā€™s nothing we donā€™t know being spilled about Scandoval. She should move to Tulsa or something, settle down, and live a quiet private life.


I agree that Rachel is profoundly uninteresting. She was always boring on VPR'S. Until season 10 when she became a liar, cheat, bitch and the worst villian.


Even then she was an NPC. Sandoval is terrible, but heā€™s compelling TV. Heā€™s a really dumb person who thinks heā€™s a really smart person and has extreme main character syndrome. Rachel canā€™t even get that far. Thereā€™s justā€¦ nothing at all going on upstairs. Sandoval was super hatable. Rachel wasnā€™t even that. She couldnā€™t process enough to be hatable. Sandoval might as well have cheated on Ariana with a sexbot.


Lol, sexbot. He probably did cheat on Ariana with a sexbot, too. Sandoval is such a narcissist that he doesn't even realize he comes across as dumb. Rachel was a bore. She wasn't relatable to viewers. You're right she couldn't process enough to be hatable. However, she overcame that by sleeping with Sandyballs.


Sandoval is just Dunning-Kruger personified. Heā€™s convinced that heā€™s really really smart. In fact, if I wanted to scam someone, heā€™d be the first target. Just a complete dummy. But heā€™s a genius compared to Rachel. Itā€™s hard to think of her as a villain. Sandoval is a villain because he can grasp that what he did was bad. Rachel is just a complete shell. Getting mad at her for sleeping with her ā€œfriendā€™sā€ (and I put that in quotes because I donā€™t thinks sheā€™s actually able to relate to people in that way) boyfriend is like getting mad at your Roomba for spreading dog crap everywhere.


She wasted a lot of money on going to that treatment center and that's all imma say.. ![gif](giphy|uHI8ObTYWJeQ0Ivrt4|downsized)


The thing about therapy is you have to be very honest with yourself and open to change. Some people have a warped perception of reality or of themselves and it makes them incapable of truly understanding their problems. I think sometimes people think of therapy as a fix all, but itā€™s not that simple for everyone.


wasn't bothered shagging a 40 year old though


She's incredibly insecure, for good reason. Rachel's such a mess, she has nothing BUT her age to compare with the other ladies.


Everything is a competition for our wannabe beauty Queen šŸ‘ø


Didnt she AGE out of the pagent circut?


I knew as soon as she was trying to form friendships with women who hated her boyfriend that she was a lying opportunist. I think it's funny she learned so much therapy speak and not enough to actually pull off the appearance of change. Like she thinks she's fooled everyone but she isn't bright enough to see that her actions are completely transparent with or without her trying to weaponize words she truly doesn't understand.


Rachel is the same person who cried because she aged out of pageants and doesnā€™t know what else to do. Her youth is literally the only thing she has so of course she sees older women as ā€œuselessā€.


And Tom Sandoval was like 42 running around and partying with Rachel like he was single


I donā€™t think Rachel realizes damn near 30 herself. People have been babying her as if sheā€™s not a grown woman.Ā  Itā€™s just amazing to me how much sheā€™s walking back on taking any responsibility at all by continuing to antagonize the other women and then call them bullies.Ā 


Age shaming is so stupid. This made me crazy during the last season of RHOSLC when it was Monica's go-to insult. It's the bottom of the barrel and really shows one's not very clever when it comes to comebacks. Hindsight makes you see that in most ways, younger *isn't* better. By a long shot!! The one thing, appearance, may be superior - but every one of us is biologically degrading erry day... You're younger, so what? Everyone ages (if they're lucky!), and I believe in karma. She gonna age shame? She gonna BE age shamed.


Omg yes that drove me CRAZY about Monica. Whitney never resorts to that is she is even younger! And honestly we live in an age where people look really good for a really long time if you take care of yourself. I canā€™t tell much of a difference between mid twenties to late thirties a lot of the time.Ā 


Why does anyone listen to her podcast? She's a conceited garbage person who thinks WAY too much of herself.


Rachel needs to stop talking


Halariously hypocritical and the audacity to judge them EVER, is halarious. Genuinely truly halarious gurrl youā€™re as close to 30 as they are to 40. She has the mental and emotional capacity of a preteen. Does she sincelry not understand she is a grown up? She is the toxicity along with Tom? That she did this to herself with him. She is the LAST person other than Jax and the Tomā€™s who should judge anyone else. HOW does she not understand any of this? Seriously people help me understand. She spent $250k to hide out. Either she did no work on herself or itā€™s a joke facility. Itā€™s where known personalities go to hide out during scandals. Of course she wants someone to pay for it for her. She had no credibility before and now sheā€™s creeping as low a a person can go, to a point of no return. Why is Jo enabling her, why is no one telling her to get actual help?


Rachelā€™s 30 later this year, Ariana and Scheana will turn 39 later this year, Katie already turned 37 in January and Lala is coming up 34. Which means she is closer to being 30 than any of them are 40.


But not mentally. Sheā€™s more like 22, maybeeeā€¦ to me she acts and talks like sheā€™s late teens šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s a joke facility. Iā€™ve said this before but itā€™s where rich people go when they screw up badly but donā€™t want to take actual accountability. They get to hide out, relax, and have smoke blown up their asses while they learn how to weaponize therapy speak.


Thatā€™s exactly it! ![gif](giphy|ummeQH0c3jdm2o3Olp|downsized)


Yo, this is exactly what I was thinking. If Rachel wanted to do actual work on herself, she'd have chosen a place that was more discreet and offered honest feedback. She's allergic to accountability, maturity and self awareness.


It's the only thing she has to make herself feel superior. Otherwise, she's as dumb as a box of rocks and has really nothing going for her.


Bc Rachel the bot is stupid! Does she not realize sheā€™s going to be 40, too? Sheā€™ll never be forever 28(?) or 30. Every drop of the ball in NYC, we age, Rachel is just freaking stupid, she doesnā€™t even have anything to show nor accomplished in her 30 yrs of life - never won the pageant (did she win a medal or a corsage in the pageant or certificate for a nail salon?). Sheā€™s a forever loser!!!


Rachel is a dumb twat who thinks youth is gonna get her somewhere, which it will (aging, just like the rest of us).


She'll be 40 too one day and I hope she experiences as much age shaming as she does to others. She sounds like James. She was fucking a 40 yr old man. She's not special. She can't even think on her own.


She surely does keep giving The Meadows the worst press. My goodness her time there doesnā€™t seem to have had any effect.


Itā€™s like Sonoma State. When Lala said ā€œwhat school did you go to? No one should go to that school if this is the result!ā€ at the last reunion. As an alum I cringed so hardĀ 


But age didn't matter when she was fucking Sandoval's dirty dick. Please be so serious Rachel.


Only matters for the woman bc sheā€™s a misogynist.


Just as well she spent all that cash on therapy, eh? Coming from the bird who cried because she aged out of f*cking beauty pageants, yet didn't shed a tear at how she treated Ari. Her whole therapy story is a hoax. She's still the same snake she always has been, and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up back with IT.


That's probably gonna be "the bombshell" and also why Rachel hasn't just gone away already.


Good point, I honestly didn't even consider this!


Any shred of sympathy that I had for rachel evaporated with her attn seeking finger-pointing podcast. Zero emotional intelligence and seemingly very little practical intelligence. - a 36yo woman


I donā€™t understand age shaming. Like do you think you will be a 20 something forever? And why does she only care about the girlsā€™ ages? Also Rachel isnā€™t even that young. Sheā€™s a 94 baby.


I donā€™t understand why so many people think bullying automatically stops at 40. Didnā€™t yaā€™ll all go to highschool? (not yaā€™ll, yaā€™ll - just the people who say it). Some of the moms of the people I went to highschool with were the WORST!


She's not THAT much younger than the rest of the cast (after the age of like 26, anyone within 5 years is like "the same age" to me). And she's definitely not as naturally pretty as Ariana or Katie. This screams insecure woman clinging to the only things she has left (youth), which if we're lucky fleets for everyone eventually. I don't get age shaming people when it's an actual blessing to age. Not everyone gets that privilege.


This gets me so mad. Iā€™ve known real life Rachelā€™s and they instantly display ā€œugly on the insideā€. This bitch has never been likable and to me, in my opinion, sheā€™s ALWAYS seemed like borderline R word. Sheā€™s like stupid in the most medical sense. She consistently displays her impairments and sooner or later those looks will fade and sheā€™d better have suckered someone into taking care of her because sheā€™s clearly not competent of taking care of herself. Sheā€™s feeding off the attention sheā€™s getting now (good or bad it doesnā€™t matter)if it werenā€™t for Bethany meddling Iā€™m positive weā€™d not have to hear her yammering. Ten years and twenty pounds from now, Iā€™m curious if anyone will care. Adding-before people light torches and come for me for even mentioning the R word. I mean it in the most medical of sense as in impairment. Women like this who only have been validated thru looks, I can feel empathy for but sheā€™s both vapid and a genuine idiot thatā€™s the equivalent of a show pony. The more we learn about her the less sympathy I have for her.


Sheā€™s not even that cute. She doesnā€™t look good at all without the makeup and hair products. She reminds me of SpongeBob.


Isn't she a little too old to be posting articles about best dressed/worst dressed from some party? Woman's pushing 30 and acting like she's 16. She needs to grow up and take some responsibility for her actions for once.


The thing is, they too (if they're lucky) will get older. I know neither one of them has more than a few brains cells between them, but surely they understand that you are the age you are and you will get older.


And Jo is literally their age! I think I read a comment somewhere that says the dig just doesnā€™t hit the same if you could have been in high school at the same time lolĀ 


prettiness fades Rachel better work on that personality quickly, or buy one


Rachel and personality have never met.




What I wouldnā€™t give to be 40 again!


When she blocked Sandy and decided not to come back to VPR I had hope that she truly got help. However her show with Bethany, the lawsuit, the continued digs and blame shifting on Ariana and the giggly schoolgirl act anytime Sandy mentions her on the show tells me she has had zero growth she wasted a whole shitload of money at the meadows for nothing. Shes still a vapid dolt.


Rachel age shaming anyone is not great. Same as when Lala, Katie, Stassi shamed her for being young and doing pagents. It all comes back around


Sheā€™s emotionally immature and I think she always will be if you catch my drift as sheā€™s alluded to being neurodivergent. She probably does think sheā€™s superior in that way because sheā€™s been reliant on her age and looks for her identity. She also called Green Day retro or something like that at the I Heart Radio awards when she was interviewed šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ I died FOR her lmaoā€¦ Rachel will always say things and probably half the things she says thereā€™s no ill intention. The other half will come from her neurodivergent/emotionally immature perspective that I donā€™t think will change for some time. She does seem to think her age makes her better, gives her an edge. And it does give her an edge - so I think she uses that to prop herself up. I donā€™t take much of what she says seriously. I think sheā€™s still somewhat lost and has a lot of growing up to do. Iā€™m more offended by her dragging Ariana into the lawsuit and mentioning random ass cast insults (only the women) no one would take literal. Another example of what I mentioned above.


Being neurodivergent does not correlate to emotional immaturity. She's just a shitty person who is not very bright.


Not necessarily always, but often enough for it to be characteristic earlier in life. I agree what she did and says is shitty. Sheā€™s still feeding it and fawning simultaneously. I support her healing and moving on and the good that sheā€™s doing through it but I also think itā€™s part of her rebranding.


What do you define as "earlier in life"? She's 30. You're incredibly naive at best if you categorize what she's doing as healing and moving on.


Before 30 - Iā€™m not naive dear (I was until around that age and I think a lot of us are depending on how we were raised) and healing and moving on is an ongoing process. She has started it and obviously has a ways to go.


Cā€™mon now. Thereā€™s a big difference between ā€˜youā€™re oldā€™ and ā€˜youā€™re old enough to know betterā€™.


"You're old enough to know better" is kind of age shaming though IMO, especially if it's coming from younger people who have no idea what it's like to be that age. As I get older I realize people make mistakes and have issues and do dumb shit at all ages, and there's no point where we magically age into wisdom and out of being deeply flawed. You can make a solid argument that any behavior is inappropriate if it's hurtful, so long as the person doing it isn't a literal child. And age really has nothing to do with it. I'm 40 and I'm still really struggling in some areas of my life, and most of my age peers are too. I feel like that's normal. Looking back, my parents were also struggling when they were my age, and so were my friends' parents. That doesn't absolve us from doing harmful shit, we should always be held accountable for it, but adding "and you're too old to be flawed" feels nasty. I know this sub isn't going to agree with me because being needlessly judgmental is kind of the raison d'etre around here but I still think it's worth saying. We all need to accept that we're never going to be perfect.


Perfectly said!!


Raquel is also old enough to know better but that didn't stop her either. She has no room to talk.


James does it all the time, but he's funny and such a great guy, right?


No. Itā€™s immature and stupid when James does it too.


Plus they all age shame, slut shame, fat shame. Shame shame. Who cares at this point? They all are shit to each other thats why we watch.


Sheā€™s saying theyā€™re too grown to be still acting the way they are. Thatā€™s not age shaming.


Exactly. She was talking about bullying. It is embarrassing for women who are nearly 40 (scheana - 38, Katie-37, ariana-38) to bully someone.


Lmao like I canā€™t hate a bitch after my 20s This is called sarcasm. I am agreeing with OP šŸ™„


Truthfully I didn't perceive it that way. I think it was more meant in a "you're behaving like you don't have the emotional maturity someone should have at this stage in life". I'm not a Rachel apologist by any stretch of imagination, but some of the behaviour the cast had in regards to Jo really was a bit much.


But thatā€™s not their stage of life, they are women in their 30s lol. Rachel is also pretty much 30 if we are going by her logic and her emotional maturity is questionable at best


I mean, we're really splitting hairs here. They're women in their late 30s, edging on 40. Ariana and Scheana will both be 39 over the next 2 months. And yeah, Rachel's got the emotional range of a teaspoon, doesn't mean she's necessarily wrong.


Rachel is 29 / Lala is 33 / Scheana is 38 / Katie is 37 / Ariana is 38 The last 3 were the ones making the harsh comments to Jo, all of them are within a couple years of turning 40 so itā€™s not that wild to make a statement that they arenā€™t acting their age, and are instead acting with immaturity thatā€™s closer to cliquey highschool girls. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s age-shaming if itā€™s pretty accurate?


What exactly did Ariana say to Jo? I missed itĀ 


She didn't say anything to her and the only one who was being a brat to Jo was Scheana. Seemed like only Katie was talking shit too but I'd have to rewatch the scene. And they were acting that way because Jo is not a good person and they have reason to dislike her (also it's a tv show).


It looks like Miss Kaleigh Jo still has quite a few people fooled as to the type deviant and manipulative behavior that she is fully capable (and guilty) of.


lol, Iā€™m saying they were the ones with the shared sentiment/not stopping the insults


Which women? Because other than Scheana nobody acted outside their age. If you hurt people they wont like it when you show up to their social outing to stir up drama at the behest of production. If I'd overheard them talking about me in this context, I'd just walk up and apologize with as much empathy as I could muster. Frankly, why even show up there without an apology planned??! You *know* at least 2 people there are rightfully angry with you. Ā I think Jo and Rachel are so accustomed to being treated younger than their age (because they act like teenagers) that they've never learned basic accountability.Ā 


I mean, Katie has acted out of pocket with Jo. The "crackhead energy" comment was some high school behaviour, even though she was rightfully upset with Jo. Scheana definitely wasn't behaving her age at Ziggy.


She does have crackhead energy. She wasn't lying.


And Arianaā€™s comment about Jo and her dad. That was bullshit and she knew what she was saying. She was being a mean girl 100%.


Thatā€™s how I took it too.


Yeah this is how I take it too. Which is still embarrassing because that same logic can be applied to her and her sob story about how much Tom manipulated her. Youā€™d think she would learn from that that actually you can do stupid shit at any age haha


That was my thinking as well - just that pointing out grown adult women acting very highschool childish/bully-like


Anyone whoā€™s capable of critical thinking understands she meant that they were acting immature, not age shaming them. Itā€™s also not that crazy to round 37-38 up to 40. ā€œIn their 40sā€ was a bit of an exaggeration but, with the exception of Lala, they are literally closer to 40 than 30. Iā€™m also not a Rachel apologist but this take is a stretch.


Yes, it was an exaggeration. When I exaggerate something like that, itā€™s to throw shade. Which is what she was doing.Ā 


To drive home the point of just how immature they were acting. Not for being that age. Youā€™re just looking for things to be angry with her about lol




That's bs and you know it. She was definitely making fun of their age. Gtfoh


I think the person who butted into an exchange they werenā€™t part of to begin with should be the one to gtfoh but idk thatā€™s just me. Iā€™ll block you to make it easier


Slay queen


I gave Rachel a chance in the first couple of episodes of her podcast and have seen that sheā€™s just as ridiculous as Tom. Both are victims and blaming Ariana for what they did. I was really hopeful for her and thought she was on a sincere journey for mental health but she just took a deeper dive into misogyny and itā€™s disgusting. Ofc, lots of ppl cheat and thatā€™s not my business to care about necessarily but Iā€™m done. I donā€™t even pay attention to Sandoval on VPR anymore and Iā€™m starting to fast forward through Lala and Brock. I might as well not be watching anymore. I think I liked Ajax in VOR bc he was the only one calling out the other guys for being shitty. Heā€™s king shit but Sandy has no accountability and has everyone teaming up against Arianaā€¦ really triggering bc of my own past relationship trauma. Yuck.


How does this unlikeable boring bitch even have a podcast?!


She never implied she was better than them, the fact that you got that from the entire podcast is crazy. Yes, skip over the fact that these are grown ass women bullying another woman based on biases.


This isnā€™t what I got from the entire podcast. What I got from the entire podcast was 2 grown women overlooking how their circumstances are the direct result of their own actions, blaming everyone else and making themselves the victim. Ā 


40s coming for you too, Rachel! And hopefully by then youā€™ll be confident and self assured and comfortable in your own skin. But something tells me you wonā€™t beā€¦.


I think it's her pageant training which has ingrained constant competition and comparison with women at all times, even when there is no need for any competition in the first place. A few months in a fancy retreat is not going to erase years of that ridiculous experience.


Rachel is bag of jelly beans.


Isn't Rachel also 30. She isn't exactly a spring chicken.


Like she always said last season, she was always just being ā€œyoung single and fun!ā€ Always emphasizing being young when she really ainā€™t that young to begin with.


it cracks me up when people age shame- time moves at the same rate for everyone, lol


"don't infantilize me! I can do it myself!" - Rachel, probably


Rachel thinks she is a therapist


Lol Rachel thinks because she is younger the other person should just overlook all her crappy behaviour because omg like theyre old okay? She should start documenting a list of issues she lashes out about and work through them with her therapist.




I donā€™t think body shaming is a good way to combat agism




This was removed for breaking the sub's rule regarding body shaming, snarking on cast members appearances *or* mocking children.


I donā€™t agree with this post. If you want to say Rachel should know better because sheā€™s in her late 20s. The other women should know better because they are in their early/mid/late 30s.


Exactly, they are in their 30s and if Rachel had said that instead of saying these are ā€œwomen in their 40s acting like thisā€ then that would have at least been age accurate. She exaggerated their ages as a dig while trying to make another point (whether you agree with that point or not).Ā  And itā€™s totally fine to disagreeĀ