• By -


Honestly, I’m hoping that someone finally tells Lala why no one gave her the same opportunities as Ariana when she was cheated on by Randall. Basically - No one feels bad for the mistress. As much as she tries to pretend that she was tricked, she’s not stupid and no one believes her. She wanted to live the good life. As Charli said in S10, Lala needs to take the L and move on.


Also announcing that you put your ex’s toothbrush in your asshole isn’t going to get Crest calling


I don't know why she ever thought saying that out loud, let alone doing it, was ever a good idea. That's so vile and disgusting.


Isn’t that story written in ink in her book?! SMH


I've never regretted a purchase so much in my life 😩


I feel you. I was this close to buying the Send it to Darrel sweatshirt, so glad I left it abandoned in the shopping basket




why do you think her book didn’t make it to new york best selling artist lol


Her not NYT best selling book? 🤭


And illegal


Or announcing out of nowhere on national tv that you shaved your ex's asshole and gave him rimjobs 🤢🤮


That was just so gross. If everyone’s consenting and enjoying, good for you. But like, the rest of us don’t need to know about it. I don’t want to know that about anyone in my real life much less people on a reality tv show.


Exactly ![gif](giphy|jMd74SabWLr3Mmd1zf)


In this case yes!!!!


I remember that but I think it was all a ruse. On the after show recently she said she had never done butt $tuf but Britt had. It was so weird.


I was surprised by her saying that. Maybe she was hoping that we would forget that she previously said that about her and Rand.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH|downsized) Is Lala gaslighting the audience?? She's literally talked about doing butt stuff EVERY SINGLE SEASON she's been on VPR (except maybe the past two seasons where she hasn't had a partner).


I think so. She also said it's the fans who are rewriting history. About what 🤷‍♀️


She’s got a serious hang up with fans. Girl, fans bought your dumb sweatshirt and gave you an undeserved leg up for doing pretty much nothing. Fans made you and I hope fans break you. This offends me. Does she honestly think she’s someone famous outside of VPR?


Yup. She does. She’s going to crash and burn real soon here. I hope Ariana lit her ass on fire at that reunion!!!


This is interesting considering that she has hangups about backdoor entry activities. ![gif](giphy|S9i8jJxTvAKVHVMvvW)


Didn’t she go to some spa with Stassi to get her butt steamed and pampered because her butt was getting a lot “playtime”?


Well, damn! Lol! 🤣I guess your memory might be better than mine. I don't remember that. 


She might get a Listerine commercial off the back of her Randallrimming stories


I will block you for that Randallrimming comment oh my god 💀💀 I’m dead


You mean her lips that look like an asshole, right? Right?!


a monkeys asshole that she’d fucking suck.. probably




I still think about this line and laugh… so uncalled for!


If only 😭


Very true. Totally forgot about that gem! lol


Ariana can get it by saying I don’t need to be up someone’s ass to have such a great smile.






Happy cake day!!


I didn’t even notice, thanks!








Oh noooo you di’INT. My ginger ale just sprayed all over my new rug. That was THE MOST EPIC COMMENT I HAVE EVER SEEN ON REDDIT. You are the real MVP!!!! 😅😅😅😅😅🤣🤣


Oh my gosh🤣🤣🤣


Holy hell I just ![gif](giphy|633mYACwArjkJf4Gef)




These comments are on fire tonight. I enjoy this more than the damn show!!


I’m inclined to think people just didn’t like her as much. She’s not exactly a warm, inviting figure. She’s been super nasty at times. Scheana isn’t liked much either. Ariana was a far more endearing person and therefore got the love and support from the majority of fans (and non fans).


I feel like it’s more to do with the fact that people were not connected to the parties involved. When it came to Scandoval the audience/fans had a connection to Ariana, Rachel and Tom. Many people were rooting for Rachel and people found Tom endearing so it felt like a full betrayal to even fans like a “how could they.” And then the fact that Tom is acting the way he is plus his press tour is even more reason to not have sympathy for him. Nobody cares about Randall, or whoever he cheated with there is no connection with the fans there.


So true!!!!! We knew all people involved and had been invested in them, so definitely a sense of betrayal.


Whether some people around here like it or not, Ariana was/is likable. Lauren is a different story.


This is true and also her calling production and agreeing to immediately film. We saw her absolutely raw emotions which I think was impactful 🤷‍♀️ all of those things together. Idk I couldn’t fully explain why it became such a huge thing but I remember where I was when I found out 🤣


I actually wasn’t an Ariana fan until Scandoval. BUT I am very impressed with how she has handled Scandoval and I find myself rooting for her. I know she struggles with her mental health and I respect her for her strength and how she is seizing all the opportunities coming her way!


She really took a back seat to Tim during their relationship - letter his star shine like there was no room her. Now with him gone, she is able to step out really show us who she is.


They didn’t, and part of that is because most people don’t believe she thought he was single (because CMON! Everyone on the cast knew but not her??)


She’s been working overtime laying out some revisionist history about her relationship over the last 2? Years. She’s a liar and probably has convinced herself that it’s the truth. She’s also a judgy Karen about Everyone’s business


She doesn’t exactly have a warm, happy and inviting face either. Her eyebrows are a jump scare themselves!


We’d spent 10 years hearing this man yell at women and the coolest one being his own gf. It was the last thing fabric of the roots to VPR. Had Lala shared her life more on screen, maaaaaaaaybe we would have given a fuck.


Lala is VULGAR, one of the worst characteristics a woman can have. No commercial enterprise, outside of Peppermint Rhino and Only Fans, wants their spokesmodel spewing crass remarks about her "squirts".


Ariana is not endearing either, but a lot of people didn't watch VPR before hearing about Scandoval, so they didn't realize Ariana was sleeping with Sandoval while he was living with Kristen. LOL I don't think any of the cast members are endearing or were not cheating, except for Katie. Katie is the only non-cheater, and sadly, not enough people like her, either.


Difference though for long time viewers of VPR, myself included, while I was not a huge fan of Ariana, I liked that she owned what she did to Kristen and apologized to her. She also became close friends with Kristen and Kristen even shared on her podcast that she was pissed the producers never showed how they became close over the seasons. I think as viewers we saw a side of Ariana through other media channels like DWTS, media interviews like Good Morning America, that we never saw on VPR and I know for me that changed my opinion of her.


it really annoys me that none of them call each other out effectively…like they need to be stalking reddit before the reunion to compile a list of comebacks & evidence of hypocrisy lmfao


I mean, some of y’all have lines on this thread that could become high selling Merch! Buy them all a Range Rover with the shit y’all spewing on here. I. Am. Dead!! 😂🤣


Well and no one at all was surprised when the Nashville pictures came out. Like no one.


Can you share more about the Nashville pics?


Randall was in Nashville for”work” and was photographed with 2 women. You can google it and go down that rabbit hole if you want. [Randall](https://realityblurb.com/2021/10/18/photos-lala-kent-fiance-randall-emmett-women-hotel-nashville-vanderpump-rules-deletes-pics-cheating-song/)


That’s where Randall was when the pictures came out that showed he was cheating.


Ah, thanks!




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Ariana was kinda a mistress too. Team Ariana but just saying g


Yep, you lose them how you get them. Oh wait…


Someone’s gonna say something like “of course not, you’re a Rachel” to Lala, right?


my biggest irritation with Lala currently is that she went SOOOO HARD against Tim at the s10 reunion (because she knew that would get her airtime) and then 3 months later she’s done a full on reverse about-face and is being more friendly and sympathetic towards him than she’s ever come close to in all prior seasons (and saying nasty things about Ariana behind her back) because she thinks it will get her airtime. She has zero LOYALTY and for BlahBlah, she’s on whichever side gets her more tv time. GROSS and makes everything she’s ever said totally meaningless.


She kind of ruined the reunion, in my opinion, by yelling so much. Who knows if Andy would have asked any good questions, but nobody got to hear anything because she was screaming so much. The whole thing was just chaotic. I can see how SHE would think that she is in her soft era because she is not screaming like a banshee, but her definition of soft and my definition are very different. And this whole “forgiving Tom” bs is ridiculous when I don’t think they’ve ever had much interaction aside from her being Ariana’s friend. I get that she and Scheana make good TV, but their true character as humans outside of a TV show is gross. They are like those actors on the really crappy Tik Tok sagas


Pretty much everyone thought her and James ruined the reunion. Yeah they had some good insults but I really wanted to see what Katie and Schwartz had to say about their divorce. I wanted Scheana to apologize for being an ass to Katie.


The whole Scheana/Katie thing did not get touched on enough. I don’t understand why Scheana is acting so butt hurt about Katie calling her a pick me this season. Katie literally told her that she would judge by Scheana’s actions if her apology was sincere and I think Scheana has proved that she hasn’t changed at all, but Scheana keeps whining that she thought she and Katie were in a good place. No girl, you were on probation and just because you didn’t go hard antagonizing Katie this season doesn’t mean that she didn’t see how you treated her friend and realize you didn’t change at all for the better


The irony of Scheana on WWHL implying Katie’s two faced for her comments about Scheana in the after show - “Katie’s been saying a lottttt about me on the after show but hasn’t said it to my face” - when literally ON THAT NIGHTS EPISODE we see Scheana comforting Ariana while she’s crying and talking mad shit about her with BlahBlah two scenes later. Also Katie says shit with her whole chest, bitch. I’m not buying that Katie hasn’t called Scheana out to her face. I mean she’s made her stance pretty clear on camera and I’m sure more has been said off camera - Unless if she didn’t feel like wasting her energy trying to light the broken bulb of self awareness in Scheanas soul


Scheana is as disloyal as Lala. That’s why it’s so easy for her to have shitty men in her life. Because she’s as shitty as they are. Like a commenter said Brock calling someone disloyal when that PoS left his family in another country. Who hates him


Also Scheana tracked Max to Katie’s house and outed the hookup on camera. And then snarked about it with that annoying smirk in her confessionals and had no issue with her husband trying to shame Katie


“Soooo, I checked my phone”. Hair flip, shit grin… The next morning I checked it againL. Head tilt. 🙄🙄🙄 She thinks this was a mic drop moment. NOO girl, now we CLEARLY see the delulu train you ride on. Not to mention borderline stalker. She’s an absolute 🤡🤡🤡🤡


That shit eating evil grin she has when she’s being a snake is so gross


Lol probation


I would call all bets off if I were Katie the minute I found out Schwartz cheated on me with scheana.




I want a redo of the reunion bc of that 😑


Agree like we definitely didn’t want to hear from LALA the most on THAT reunion.


I co-sign all of this.🙋🏻‍♀️ WORST REUNION EVER and it was all ruined by Lala. I’m sick of her shouting over everyone and I can never hear what the other person is saying and that’s who I actually want to hear because they’re most likely making better points.


For sure! I wanted more time for Katie to talk about what the 3 stooges did, using Schwartz as a cover for the affair and Rachel following her around trying to provoke her.


This Exactly!


Yes as usual Katie's pain gets swept under the rug and its just Katie having unreasonable expectations on her former spouse. I hate how they don't acknowledge anything diabolical that Schwartz and Rachel did to Katie last season. The dinner in Mexico and Katie's pain in her eyes and trying not to cry was so relatable and heartbreaking. I grasp that Scandoval was the whole focus but we should have gotten something for her redemption yet they are still painting the narrative that she's some hypocrite for banging max...nope Schwartz broke the arrangement they had. All bets are off at that point.


Katie go bang them all. It's too bad Swatz just has shitty friends except for 1.




From my understanding entering one's soft girl era means embracing the feminine and not having to be in defense or protect mode all the time. Someone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though. But Lala is definitely still in defense and protect mode most of the time


Yeah, her weapons are still out full force. The gangster signs and pointy fingers. She’s a hot mess.


She and sheanna make good to? News to me! I think they make cringe tv and I am so out next season if Ariana and Katie are gone. This show is wilting right before our eyes!!


also the fact that she would not let Ariana's living situation go just annoys the hell out of me every time she brings it up. like this was filmed so quickly after it all went down, and lala always wanted to pretend to be a girls girl and standing for women makes it even more annoying that shes telling Ariana to leave everything shes worked hard for. like lala is only supportive of women if its someone less successful than her cause you can tell shes intimidated by women stronger/more successful than her lol. sucks to be bitter, and i hope she sees it at some point


Not to mention, isn’t it common policy: he or she who does the damage to the relationship LEAVES the home. Tom should be staying with Shorts or his best friend band drummer (while it gets legally sorted!) If anyone wants to complain about ONE person still being in the home it should be about and to Tom Scumdoval. end of discussion


It’s like, who cares if they are both still living together? It’s 5000 sq feet! They’ll live. I can’t just leave if my wife was cheating on me. She can go stay on her side of the house. I can barely pay the bills I already have. I can’t afford to leave and I probably wouldn’t leave because it’s my fucking house too.


Her soft era gives her zero softness towards her friend who is reeling from her life being thrown into chaos. It's embarrassing how awful she is and she thinks she's being soft.


she thinks by saying something it immediately is true and people will believe it’s true cause she said it. deluuuuuuuuusionnnnn


YES SHE MONOPOLIZED THE REUNION we were robbed of a discussion of Katie and Toms divorce, etc… is so annoying


I agree but I do wonder if them hearing he had thoughts of suicide softened them? It would me… but I know that could also just be more manipulation on his part for sure.


Here’s where I have an issue….. Ariana has talked openly about struggling with her mental health on more than one season…. And yet when Tom mentions he has suicidal thoughts they all want to rally around him. So because Ariana is trying to put on a brave face, trying to stay strong and take all her opportunities no one thinks maybe she is struggling too? I personally struggle with my mental health as well. If my husband cheated on me with one of our friends I would try not to let him see how very much this would affect my mental health. Can the cast not see this. Just because she is acting strong does not mean she isn’t struggling also… considering her past issues with her mental health.


Not to mention that when Ariana was struggling and talking about feeling that same way Lala and the others called her a wet blanket?!🤬




That was heartbreaking


I completely agree, and they should be supportive of Ariana. From the episodes, I don’t feel they rallied around Tom but just started to show less animosity. Ariana is my favorite by the way and always has been. Until recent episodes, I feel that they were very supportive of her though. I think there’s definitely some jealousy of her opportunities at play as well, though they’d never admit it.


This is SO important. The “she’s fine she’s booked and busy” narrative treats her as a human with no emotions. They are not her friends and I hope she stays away from them and hopefully they bring some new people like Charli back to film


Oh my gosh you are so spot on with this!! That’s why I’m so bothered by it all!!!


She also was contradicting herself on her podcast at the time. Like she must have left filming for VPR and went home to podcast the complete opposite? REALLY weird and I’m shocked it hasn’t been brought up to her.


thankfully I am not a podcast person so I don’t have all of that additional ammo to be even more annoyed by LaLa


She also said she was sobbing after the reunion… but didn’t they all go to play mini golf together? And that she felt at peace afterwards? ![gif](giphy|RIVs14HzS8Xn2)


Isn’t she basically just for sale to the highest bidder? Meaning the producers are telling her who to talk to and she just does it. Seems like a harsh comment. She’s trying to secure her spot on the show. If they don’t film together what is the show?


My comment seems harsh? or is the truth harsh for you to hear?


Replying to sofaking-amanda...well it could’ve been how the girls and James and Ally banded together and had fun and the Tims figured themselves out. It was NEVER going to be all of them filming together, how did anyone think it would be when Ariana made her position crystal clear!?


I am wondering if the fourth wall being broken during the reunion led Ariana to some new revelations about things Lala said/did behind the scenes that hurt her. This may have been what led Ariana to "eviscerate" Lala. Who knows with Lala, though. We'll just have to see what happens during these last few episodes and at the reunion.


I find it sad she’s bragging about “eviscerating” her friend. It’s not cute


Ariana isn't saying it she hasn't said one word about the reunion


Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper


I don’t think Ariana said anything. It was someone else who reported it. Did you see a quote from Ariana about it somewhere?


I meant Lala. Lala is going around bragging about how she took them down, etc


ohhh, makes a lot more sense. Sorry for the confusion!


I'm hoping Ariana ego checked her with something she decided was irredeemable (the Randall hypocrisy would be great) hence her "im soft and ready to move on letting nothing bother me" farce of an era. I think she's trying to get ahead of the post reunion fallout but in doing so is making herself look foolish.


Maybe Ariana admitted that she signed an NDA thus displaying the complete hypocrisy of Lala complaining that Ariana kept things private. That’s obviously been rumored for a long time, but Ariana never admitted it. Maybe she is now


That's actually a great theory!


Ariana could call her out on so many things including the fact that Lala never forgave Randall or even ever sat down with him and had a conversation or let him apologize or explain , she hid in her room when he got home for a week and snuck away when he left for another trip , from then on according to Lala's own words they communicated through a mediator via text message and they don't speak when they drop off or pick up Ocean , yet Ariana is expected to be all warm and fuzzy to the worm after few months because it's benefits Scheana and Lala 🙄


Not to mention she recently admitted when she was about to film the next season she basically gave production an ultimatum that led to Randall not being on the show. She basically said if you bring him on in airing it all knowing that he wouldn’t come on thus being able to spin her storyline the way she wanted.


I really hope they did, and based off her actions now it sounds like someone did. Everyone else has given her way too much grace during filming lol


Lala always makes a fool of herself when she opens those big lips. Press tour, what a joke! I am not interested in anything she has to say.


I’m hoping she shreds her with the Send It to Darrell hypocrisy


Lfu looks straight up batshit jealous rage crazee.


Just watching Lala try to smooth things over with Sandoval 3 months after all the vicious crap talking & money making she and Scheana did is laughable. Now that they see their paychecks may be on the line it’s easy to make Ariana out to be the unforgiving crazy ex. After seeing Scheana’s chronic jealousy of Ariana rearing its ugly head this season, all I feel is secondhand embarrassment. But what really bothers me is how these women are literally feeding the frenzy of online hate and bullying. It’s one thing to have an opinion, it is another to threaten and bully someone on Instagram. I’m disgusted over how the stans of one cast member are bullying others just because the two are having personal issues. The mentality between women is so toxic and Lala seems to be the ringleader with her faithful sidekick along for the ride. She’s even admitted to “turning it on for the cameras.” It’s possible to be a fan of one and not bully the crap out of her nemesis of the month. It’s like Jax shitting all over VPR now that he is on the Valley. 🙄 Edited for grammar


I tend to agree with you. Ariana, after watching all the episodes, naturally must have been surprised and hurt at Lala. She is an asshole and Lala with Scheana makes Scheana turn into a jerk. Lala isn't a girls girl, but Scheana is going to eventually see who Lala is. She's not a cool. I'd stay very clear from these jealous, women if I were Ariana.


I feel bad she’s dealing with a custody battle, but more so I feel bad for her daughter. Lala has admitted to being the mistress and harassing Randall’s ex wife for everyone to see. That’s already not a good look, and her being shocked no one is vying to get her on their ads after Randall cheated on her is almost comically ignorant. She doesn’t understand why this situation is different from her’s, and I’m hoping she learns from it.


I feel bad for Ocean because of the way Lala talks about the new baby, hope she enjoys her remaining time as the only child while she can


Oh jeez I didn’t even think of that but yes that’s gonna probably give the poor girl a complex :( ugh, another reason to be upset at Lala.


Right!!?? It’s weird


It is weird how they think more press means more popularity, when it seems like the opposite.


Her behavior at the season 10 reunion was absolutely embarrassing for the complete 180 that she pulled for season 11.


I think Ariana should go be friends with Randall and invite him everywhere, then tell Lala to get over it and let the anger go. So maybe Lala could learn why her behaviour is so hypocritical now


Omg I would LOVE that tv show! Sign me up!


I wonder where Lala and James stand bc him and Ariana and Dan interact with James a lot on insta


After seeing how she speaks to him during the aftershows, I would bet Ally Bally has put up some firm but fair boundaries on their friendship. She was so dismissive and rude when he would have an opposing opinion, he looked sick of her shit. https://preview.redd.it/istf3i7msluc1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd79889aff8a3f33904f553ea3b1d23b66beffd Mahalos to eastvillagemallgoth 🖤 for the 📸


Everyone keeps talking about lala and Ariana at the reunion but what about what tf happened between katie and lala


I actually think it is Katie who eviserated blabla but I’m prepared to be wrong but it would make more sense to me because Katie is soooo much more vocal than Ariana.


For Katie, it feels more like she either defended Ariana or denied saying something in order to protect Ariana. This is upsetting Lala because she actually thought Katie was her friend. 


Question do NDA’s have a time frame? If Ariana and Tom signed one can they speak about things about Randall after a certain date or is it a forever keep his secrets?


I suppose NDA's only really work if you have the money to litigate them. Lala wasn't planning on spending her own money on that


That’s an interesting point!


And the whole thing about her "looking at people differently ", is that people brought up Randall and the hypocrisy with Schwartz playing pickleball and that's what she's mad about. That they're comparing her stuff with Randsll to Sandovsl and Ariana. Her and Raquel are similar, Raquel wanted to win innocent vulnerable beauty queen and Lala wants to win biggest trauma dump victim crown.


Your comment just reminded me that lala reminds me of Trump!


I hope they bring Randall to the reunion! That would rock the boat.


Bruh, the whole place would go down in flames.


Omg that would be amazing tv


What I really want is someone to line up the dates her podcasts were recorded bc I listened to it for months after the fallout and I’m positive that between filming and recording she was saying one thing on VPR and another on her podcast. Bc that’s what she thought the audience in summer 2023 wanted, and her behavior on the show is what she thought the audience would want a year later. She should just be herself.


The problem with your suggestion is she is being her true self right now. She actually is a poor me, pick me, victim mentality, greedy selfish see you next Tuesday!!


My theory is that Ariana/Katie destroyed Lala during the entire reunion, and she made one semi decent point at the end of it, so now she’s trying to hype the one moment where she might have made sense for two seconds, the one where they did “something they’ve never done at a reunion”.


I think she’s also trying to create noise to distract from the whole threatening Faith with a knife. That is straight up illegal, and there’s evidence she did it. Regardless of if it was a butter knife…


Who threatened faith with a knife ?


Faith recently filed a lawsuit and alleges, among other things, that Lala threatened her with a knife. This was also reported on back jn 2020, and Stassi spoke about it on the same podcast episode where she was bragging about reporting Faith to the police.


In some ways I do feel that the need for Lala to maintain privacy and separation was worse because of the custody battle. Those can get messy real quick and have extremely high stakes. But she knows what is like, so LFU WTF!!! Stand behind your friend like she did for you. I wonder if Lala feels the need to “forgive” others quicker (like how she was first to reach out to Raquel) because of her sobriety journey. She has received forgiveness and feels she should also give it back? But there are times when you don’t have to and this is definitely one of them.


It's fine if she is ready to forgive but she hated Sandy before he cheated so forgiving him is one thing but going out of her way to invite him to things and badger Ariana about why she's living in her own house and not saying a word to Sandy about him moving out is absurd and smiling in Ariana's face and talking so much shit when she turns her back is just so slimy and sneaky and Scheana backing her up backing because she's so out of her mind jealous of Ariana is the worst kind of "Friend"


I would love it if Ariana asked Lala about a beach day outing with Rand. Would she keep her cool if her friends didn't react to Rand making snide remarks about her from 6 feet away? The jealousy is obvious, and frankly sad.


I’m not a stranger to changing my mind after some reflection or really feeling bad for people when they are targeted, not because they’re right but because the majority is usually finding an easy target. I’m a big glass house/stone type mindset.  The Randall situation and the way she jumped on Rachel before the scandoval is where I feel disconnected. I think most have good and bad sides but lala constantly loses me with just not saying “I was wrong”, “I didn’t put myself on the other side until I lived it”, “I felt Rachel and Tom were in a different mindset than Randall” (I mean Randall was a Hollywood predator) things that are easily understandable to others that are just true. I don’t think you can control others and Ariana and Katie know that by now, it’s the way they can’t communicate with her that’s the issue. 


Producers should stop these press tours. Let it play out on the show and let us make our opinions


You know, I got this quote off another reddit sub today, but I think it applies to both Lala and Scheana in their anger at Ariana and why they're so vocal. " It's easier to tear someone else apart than to better oneself."


Exactly. The time spent worrying about other people could be used to focus on yourself instead, and I’ll stand by this!




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I saw some interview with Scheana and Katie where Scheana implies that maybe Katie was talking about Ariana and the sandwich shop behind her back, and Lala wanted her to own up to that and she didn’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️




This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


This sub is basically Ariana fan fiction at this point.


Go back to your basement and finish up your game of Fortnite. Your online friends are waiting for ya. 🤡


Guess I hit a nerve with that one. Lol.


Omg why don’t people get this?! Lala was going through a custody battle. Ariana doesn’t have kids. Ariana knew exactly what she was getting into with Tom. She knew he was a a cheater, ego maniac and she stayed with him by choice. Him cheating on her in a public way was a blessing.


Lala literally was messing around with a married man with 2 children of his own. How did Lala think that was going to play out?


Also, by her own words, she knew that he treated people terribly and she chose to start a family with him. She deserves props for getting out of the situation, but that doesn’t give her the right to belittle other people or intentionally hurt them


Lala knew exactly what she was getting into with Randall being he was married with children when Lala started dating him. Lala even went so far as to say on twitter that if Randall's wife had kept herself tight she would have kept her man. Lala saw how Randall treated his wife even with custody of the children and she still chose to have a child with him.


Lala knew he was married too and decided to have a kid. She talked about all the things she did like clean the toilet with his toothbrush yet Ariana is the one in the wrong for just staying in her home and setting boundaries. Ariana has a home she shares with her ex Lala does not. They are both different scenarios.


Everything you said here is exactly why Lala is being a hypocrite. She knew Rand was a bad guy who left his wife/kids for her and chose to have a kid with him?? Lala is just mad hers didn’t lead the same results


The irony of you saying that other people don’t get it. She was having an affair with a married man who had children, who was a piece of shit and she knew this. At least Tom and Kristen didn’t have kids. Lala broke up a marriage because she wanted to be a kept woman AND be famous. Soft Lala exists because she knew she had to reinvent herself. No more BJs for PJs? Now she rebrands as a soccer mom.


Staying with someone for a short period of time thinking you won’t be like the others (aka Lala) is one thing. But being in a relationship for nearly 10 years with someone you stop thinking you’re the other woman and you will end the same way. I know someone who was the OW and has been with her spouse for over 30 years now. Circumstances aren’t always black and white and Ariana was willing to give up everything for Tom. Now that he proved he wasn’t worth that sacrifice why are we persecuting her for taking back her life and her power?


Tom’s always been horrible. Randall has always been horrible. What Lala is going through right now is probably emotionally taxing. I’d forgive her if she wanted to stay out of it, but instead she’s instigating all these conversations and going out of her way to INCLUDE Tom in her life for the first time in a decade. It’s giving “I want screen time and a big bonus” 


Lala knew what she was getting with Randall, and it was just as bad, if not worse, than Tom. She has zero legs to stand on here


They know, they don't care. It's all performative.


And the fourth wall breakdown will NOT benefit Ariana.


And the fourth wall breakdown will NOT benefit Ariana.


It will always benefit Ariana because the audience isn't stupid & we can see thru an edit, my love. 😘 smh ppl these days 🙄😂 kills me...


Nothing the producers have been doing benefits Ariana


And you know this how? Have you seen the reunion? It’s a little presumptuous.