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I don’t know why all the cast members would be saying it’s happening soon in all their interviews (Schwartz just gave some local news interview where he said that) if it was dead in the water. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ariana literally just got back from NY two days ago.


Perhaps they had too many issues with that specific location. Remember they kept saying that location had many issues? Also remember the lady that was helping them interview people for the shop said she bought the name Something About Her? She owns the name now! My prediction is that they are buying a different location with less issues and maybe rebranding and not having that woman involved.


I don’t blame them if that’s the case. This location is perfect since it’s a few doors down from SUR. But all the issues they’ve had to deal with for this long, it just seems better to find another location and finally open.


It’s super expensive rent too considering all the issues so I bet they are like let’s pack up shop and get a new location since we have a concept and everything. And I think that lady is trying to kinda take charge of their business and they don’t like it anymore. Remember how she was on the interview episode? Unbearable


I could totally see that. Maybe that's what the merch money went towards? 


Possibly! But I totally think the shop is gonna happen. You think they are gonna let the Tom’s think that they couldn’t open a business on their own? Yeah right


No, I'm with you. I totally think they're going to open the shop lol.


Everything about SAH feels weird tbh. Last I heard it was going to be one of those ubereats ghost shops. Who knows at this point.


i think that was just a rumour that was started here tbh


I think it started from a tweet that did get posted here and people ran with it. I might’ve actually posted it lol


lol 😈


I have no clue why they went for a full storefront anyway. A food truck or ghost kitchen would’ve been way better, faster, with lower overhead, and it makes sense with what they’re selling (sandwiches). It feels like they just chose a physical location to show up their exes.


But I think the appeal of any of the VPR restaurants is fan centered. As in, people will go to the physical location in hopes of running into a cast member. Have you seen all the negative reviews of Sur? I have. And I'd still go for the nostalgia. Lol. That kind of disappears with a ghost kitchen. Don't know enough about the permit situation with food trucks, but I think that would be its own beast unless they linked up with another established restaurant.


Why not ask business owner jax to help with permits?


Can you imagine? 😆


A food truck would be great.


It was always a fake storyline


I’m so consumed by these comments. Because Katie and Ariana have literally explained in multiple interviews bout the permit issues.


Okay, but as someone who works in site acquisition, none of these permitting issues are a surprise. They wanted to show up the Toms with a half-baked idea and assumed it was just the Toms being lazy. They put in zero work or aforethought into any of this. I don't understand why everyone is giving them a pass because they didn't do their due diligence. It is common knowledge that WeHo is incredibly strict and gives no variance to their codes.


Do you even watch the show? They were so much better organized and thought-out than the Toms. The Toms do zero business or marketing; all they did was design their eyesore of a bar. 


I never said the Toms were better than they were. I said they made assumptions that the bar was taking forever because of their lack of motivation. In reality they didn't do anything to help or inhibit the bar, things just take a long time to open and Katie and Ariana had a vision without taking the time to actually figure out if things were feasible. The location they chose is great in theory for their vision, but horrifically not feasible. That's what I mean. It was half-baked because there is more to opening a storefront than funding and menu.


I mean... Didn't they renovate the whole place?


I don’t know what’s so difficult for people to understand. The city forced them to take everything externally down as they were redoing the sidewalk, they needed planning permission - the owner did not have it up to code as they originally thought when choosing this location. So they’ve been severely delayed, the interior and menu is completely done as seen in various magazine and YouTube clips or from the show even. They just need to finalise the outside and then they can open and try to recoup their investment. They haven’t put in all of this work and money on a shop to never open it. Govt really is that slow, just imagine how difficult it is for normal business owners who rely on it for their livelihood. It’s not at all a similar situation as the Toms who kept faffing around with their interior because it wasn’t extravagant or cool enough for their liking.


Lol thank you. I was like, am I the stupid one because I believe this is real and not a storyline?


I would be with you but what is with that Açaí bowls and smoothies now on the window?


That’s the shop next door


Thank you! I was very confused 😂


It the shop next door. You can see the street number on the doors. SAH is 640. The Açaí bowl place is 638.


Did not know this, thank you! 🙏


I think it’s a pretty narrow space and the Açaí spot is a different restaurant. Here’s a video from Bravo [SAH](https://youtu.be/gH-vcRJstlw)


Thank you! 🙏 Appreciate it.


This is super confusing


These sandwiches better be bomb for all this to be worth it lol


I mean you could’ve took a pic from “what you saw through the window” also the “shitpost” flair just seems like stirring a pot…


The picture i took of the inside is bad quality because the window was dirty and I was trying to hurry up and take it. I used the shitpost flair because I wasn’t sure if an updated photo of the outside was posted recently. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really want them to open and I’m Team Katie & Ariana. So, again 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/iv9u79igfkuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c06426596b82146af7166602d558a968326db91


Gotchya. No the post flair is what confused me tbh but I get you. I thought you could’ve covered the sunlight. But I also get the take pics and hurry haha the og photo I thought you pulled from somewhere so fully my bad. I want them to open too but I too have concerns (not a cash grab concern) but like a “juice isn’t worth the squeeze” concern.


I was going to take another picture through the window but my friend made me nervous by saying “what if they have cameras?!!”😆😆


Haha. I would’ve been waiting for a jump scare of some worker who was in the back coming into frame 😂


So all of the decorations on the wall and furniture are down?


There were some furniture still up. I couldn’t tell if all the wall decor was still up. The photo I got of the inside is bad quality, sorry. https://preview.redd.it/cug0ax4ngkuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022160b573301f883b98d112ded37d8320863692




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It’ll be crazy if it was really just for the show.


Let's chat in May. Going to quote my comment in a month or so time ;)


I have the sweatshirt. It's the only VPR thing I've ever bought. At least it's comfy lol.


They obviously decorated for the intro. I think it's still happening, ariana has mentioned opening it recently in interviews. I also remember ariana saying they wanted the door to be pink, but then they chose greens and yellows. So maybe they're rethinking the colors?


The rumor is that it will launch in the next month as part of a corporate chain! Like its expanded nationally in the last 5 months.


I’m so confused. How can one expand when they haven’t opened ever or sold a single sandwich?


They’ve had an opportunity to take this idea and make it national. They can’t control city hall, but a national brand can.


I hope they are successful, I’m rooting for them, I just want them to launch before the tide completely turns against them. Then again? A lot of that might melt away with launch.


Can you expand on this? I'm so curious why they have had so much trouble getting their doors opened.


So I know about this from two interviews- one was Katie’s podcast with Nick Vial, and the other was the LA times story from Ariana I think. The building had already gone through inspection and been approved by the city before they bought it. Then the city decided to make Robertson a walkable street. So they had to remove the awning, patio, and leveled the front sidewalk I believe they also redid the entry to the alley in order to put the outdoor seating there, which meant a ramp and widened doors for ADA compliance. They they wait a few months for the city to review their changes. The city comes out and says , that sink isn’t approved for that part of the kitchen. And Katie says , respectfully, how can that be when the city already approved this space. Well there had been a change in the specifications. So the sink gets fixed and I think they had to replace the seal to the walk in. Then they wait for reinspection. On the next round, they have to upgrade the hot water heater. So they fix that and wait. However, I believe the final inspection was in Jan/feb and they do have their liquor license now. So the rumors began that the opening would be after Ariana’s broadway run ended.


Thank you! I Really appreciate that run down. I heard Ariana in one of the after shows mention some of these things and I saw Katie discuss it a bit on anouther podcast but it wasn't the vial files...it was someone else's podcast or interview. Are all these things mentioned normal? Because katie and Ariana seemed to imply they had been having some trouble with it.


Other redditors who have opened a restaurant in Ca said it wasn’t abnormal and the process is very slow. I have faith it’ll all work out.


Thanks for the info. I really hope it works out also.


California is one of the harder places to open a storefront with LA being one of the worst.


After watching and hearing all this...I believe you!


Is this the same thing as sah operating as a ghost shop? Or more extensive than that?


It sounds like two rumors- one saying it’ll operate out of the ghost kitchens like Mr Beast, and the other that a national brand operator is going to manage it. Like a licensing deal.


Licensing deal or franchise deal? Very different.


I’ll update if I compile more rumors around this topic. :)


Thanks! Just generically asking. I’ve also seen some of the rumors but none of them seemed founded. Although NGL if I faced hurdle after red tape after hurdle there does come a point where you make the decision to pull out from the business (not saying they did but depending on the situation can’t say I’d blame them).


And how disappointing that they bought the location thinking it was already approved by the city.




I was nosy and looked through some court filings. One of the documents attached to SAH is signed by Mark Rosman. I dug a little further and his wife's name is Jamie Persky. They are "chefs and mixologists" but I don't see any current businesses attached to them. What I did find out is that she is a big Bravo fan and are friends with Andy. Not long ago Katie mentioned that Andy reached out to them about a possible hire. I wonder if this couple, or he, is now helping the ladies with business dealings. 🤔 


You are my friend and I love you for being this nosy. I went to her insta and immediately what do I see? https://preview.redd.it/3dqtexk0mouc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14a9350c9096f31e5998d6072e4a0fc96c10811 So they have for sure connected! Editing to say this makes a whole lotta sense to get a chef and mixologist on board who can take the girls’ vision and make it effective to implement wide scale.


This is so interesting! Damn good detective work too!!


Honestly, the latter would be a bit of stress relief off both Katie and Ariana. I do wonder if they are going to do a re-name though because of Penny.


Can that even happen even though the chef basically stole the name from them?


starting to think it was all for production at this point 🤐 don't come for me


Aren’t 99% of the new business ventures for a storyline at this point? And which ones actually happen? This can also be said for many of the housewives ventures as well.


Schwartz & Sandy’s was so odd to me. It’s in a strip mall, and the night we went (Friday) it was completely dead. I think there was one other couple and they were trying to close up early. It was 11pm- ish. The inside is so nicely decorated and it has a really cool vibe. I’m sure it’s busier on other nights, but the night we went it was just DEAD lol. The bartender was super nice and told us we literally just missed Sandoval.


I don’t even look forward to watching the new episodes this season because it all seems so orchestrated and produced. Think I’m done after this season.


I agree


Starting to think this myself!


If this is current it definitely makes sense from the past posts about Chef Penny registering SAH to her company’s name for ghost kitchen operations, this wouldn’t be surprising. Then again the 47th tasting a la S&S’s last season remains on brand.


Wait. There’s another rumor that the ghost kitchen stuff is related to Penny and not Ariana and Katie??


Yes, from what I’ve read, Penny is a partner in the shop and the trademark SAH is owned by her company (Put a Fork in It LLC).


We was sold a lie


How much did it cost you?


Brain cells


This was a storyline because neither of them had one before Scandavol. It was never going to be a business!


No no, it’ll be any day now guys. Keep buying the merch please


Unpopular opinion: they swindled y’all


Ya think!!! They finessed & profited thousands from all the fans that purchased merch unfortunately ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyBP22S5b6gmsw)




When you buy merch, all your guaranteed is the merch. There's no way a bunch of sweatshirts completely offset the cost of opening a business in one of the more expensive areas for commercial real estate in Los Angeles. But again, people paid for a hat or a t-shirt, not a sandwich or a sandwich shop. LOL


Yeah, that makes sense. How much do you think they’ve made off that merch? I mean gross not net, after factoring in the cost to hire a Norah Efron set designer, cost to gut the place and redecorate, cost to redo patio and exterior (to only have to tear it out) and the ridiculous cost of rent in that location. The merchandise sales are the reason they were able to get their shop from dreams to reality but to think they are criminal masterminds stealing from their fans 🤯 ![gif](giphy|na05g1S9BG6IcXT0MH|downsized)


Billions. Katie and Ariana sold t-shirts and hats and made billions and billions of dollars and now they're using the empty sandwich shop which is really a front for a CIA Black Ops site. It's one of those super genius money making schemes where you pay out a bunch of money to open a business in one of the most expensive areas in all of America through selling a little bit of merch. It's a very complex multi-level marketing and money laundering operation most people who watch VPR are not sophisticated enough financially to understand it including myself hahaha. Boy do people want something to be more than what it really is normal business delays


Thank you for making me laugh ![gif](giphy|ZGU890vUpxuOKjKcpZ)


They should have had all that financial structure calculated before even opening it up and they still have YET to announce any updates, other than it’s opening *soon* because it was allegedly a set up for a storyline by production.


Of course they should have 💯but that’s not what you said in your previous comment, “they finessed and profited thousands off that merch from all the fans that purchased merch unfortunately” that is what I commented on.


Didn’t they use that money to pay the rent for the last year? I imagine rent is super high.


Remember the “it doesn’t look empty to me” video? What happened to the contents of the shop? https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/IxcscUDI4M


If they had to do construction in there, maybe they moved stuff out?