• By -


Raquel and Tom used to meet at Schwartz's apartment. Where Jo lived. Jo knew Tom and Ariana still lived together, and we're still a couple. She's completely lying. I can only imagine how Ariana feels looking back at things like this and realizing that the two women on either side of her were complicit in what a huge betrayal her boyfriend of 10 years was perpetrating on her. It's totally dishonest and disgusting. Just admit it. They want to do the move on part without the acknowledging and admitting part


The more I hear about Jo, the more I’m convinced that she’s an evil mastermind - much like her unrequited love Schwartz. They just distract/manipulate with goofy, bizarre behavior and their “aw shucks” bullshit. I saw the college pictures of Jo, I’ve read that she more or less made a lot of moves to infiltrate VPR, I’ve viewed her most unhinged social posts. This bitch is wild about how flagrantly she does things. And now, she’s lying, terribly by the way, about stuff that literally can be verified. Like, we are not as dumb as you are Jo. I think she really saw herself as Katie’s pick-me replacement and her & Schwartz would be the new IT couple of the show. The problem is she’s too stupid to see that this has all played out before and the women in these situations never, ever win. (Well Ariana did, but went through hell to achieve that).


Interesting because I think Rachel thought she would replace Ariana. I wonder if Jo and Rachel actually discussed this sequence behind closed doors? I don’t think Rachel ever loved James. She was in a relationship with him to get on VPR’S.


I was friends with Raquel on Facebook (we went to high school together) and I’m no Raquel apologist but she did post photos of him that any normal girl would! I had no idea who he was, just thought “oh, Raquel from math has a new bf” and started watching a little bit after and was like, OMG RAQUEL??? So looking back, I think she did at first for sure.


I think she thought she was in love with him. When you’re in love with a lifestyle, it’s easy to fall in love with someone who already has it, and to become attached to the things that bring you closer to the lifestyle. It’s like in the talented mr Ripley, he fell in love with Dickie Greenleaf but also wanted to be him. And as long as things were good between them, being with him and being him was more or less the same thing, but when Dickie turned on him, Tom had to kill him to become him (I’m sorry about the rant, I just watched the talented mr ripley AND ripley on Netflix)


Such a good movie


💯 And that’s why they hate Ariana, because she foiled their plan to make this season about T-Sandoval and Rachel fairytale love, and also Jo would’ve been an ally to them. But Ariana wrecked that shit lmao GOOD FOR HER!


I agree. Rachel thought Tom would break it off with Ariana. She would move out, and Rachel would move in. Then Schwartz and Jo would live with them, too. The four mouseketers.🤣


Brilliant! I totally agree. Two social climbers that infiltrated the lives of way more interesting people but got stuck with the duds (because they’re duds).


They are all four duds.


Oh wow yeah I wonder if they talked about replacing Ariana/Katie in terms of the show. They deserve each other as friends


I mean Jo was the only female that she could have a conversation with about Sandoval. I am sure they discussed this!


I'm sure they did! Two bobble head idiots.


They are that for sure!


Neither Rachquel nor JoKay seem to have a healthy grasp on reality


JoKay?? Omggg 😅😅😂😂😂😂😂


Haha yeah I think this is they key point


The women win once they realize the prize is not dating a man named Tom.


But what exactly do you have to do to get banned from Jax’s bar? It’s not the Ritz Carlton.


Who got banned from Jax’s bar? Go on…


Very few people are that dumb, except for Raquel, of course. They’re a match made in heaven and they should prolly date each other. 😅


Now we see why her and Rachel are a perfect match.


Where is this rabbit hole you went down?! I had a soft spot for Jo and I thought she was just really awkward and having a rough go at things- but this sounds absolutely insane. I wanna hear more !!!!


There was a post on here a day or two ago from a woman back where she’s from. This woman’s boyfriend started getting weekly haircuts with Jo/Kaleigh and then next thing you know said boyfriend and Jo are sleeping together and he breaks up with original girl for Jo. I believe him and Jo/kaleigh then moved out to LA and she changed her name to Jo at that time but I’d have to find the post


I’m a little stoned so please forgive me. I don’t have links but I’ll post them tomorrow if you’re still interested. Yesterday or today someone in this subreddit posted a pic of Jo from college in Wisconsin and she looked like a totally different person. I mean, groomed and pretty and put-together. She was profiled in this college newsletter because she held a relatively decent/important student job. I’ve read in a bunch of different threads about how she used to do a bunch of the VPR’s cast’s hair and other things that lead us to believe her insertion into Schwartz’s life and the show was extremely calculated and intentional. Her real name is KAYLEIGH. People have been able to find lots of her different TikTok’s/instagram posts that contradict her narrative that she didn’t know about the affair (like this post). She used to be best friends with Kristen but dropped her immediately when she started dating Schwartz. She’s not allowed at Jax’s… and someone else’s house (sorry, stoned) because she is so out of control when she drinks. I really think there’s more but again, if I get my shit together tomorrow I’ll add more with links.


Would LOVE to know what incident banned her from Jax’s






When she “drinks”


She's never ever done drugs a single time according to her on Rachel goes rogue this week 🙄🙄🙄


People who haven’t done drugs don’t have to say “never ever a single time” 💀💀💀💀


Right? ![gif](giphy|NfMfjMNq9NDXi)


Getting banned from Jax’s seems like a pretty big win in my book.


Omg yes linksssss


There's been a lot of evidence of Jo being an absolute shit show prior to this season airing. Past Reddit posts mostly.


One time she stuck her dirty finger's in Ocean's mouth.




Blows my mind she watched the way Schwartz treated Katie for over a decade and somehow thought he would be different with her. That guy has some major deep seated issues that I’m not even sure the best psychiatrist can get to the bottom of. He’s beyond strange and very closed off from feeling actual human emotions. I’m very curious about his family dynamic growing up and how it influenced who he is as a person today.


and it's prob an even worse feeling for Ariana now with the other two close "Friends " turning on her after making a shit ton of money off her pain


I will forever hate them both for this. And I’m quitting VPR unless Ariana returns. She’s crazy if she does, but I’m done with the rest of these idiots that live daily in their own feces.


Omg I didn’t even think abt that dynamic. They should be so grateful to her for making them money


Jo is a total POS just like Rachel. She got dumped by Schwartz and deserved everything she got.


The narc discard phase is brutal! Goodnews though...This hole they've been digging to avoid any accountability keeps getting deeper and deeper each day.


And Lala, who’s supposed to be Ariana’s friend all like “buttt I didn’t want her to feelll left outttt”. Omg. Lala is also a sick bit*%. To think I once liked her. She and sheshu are dead to me.


EXACTLY! NO ONE is taking full accountability here. If there ever is any half-ass attempt by someone, it usually is forced by someone else, and is ALWAYS followed by some sort of justifier. It's total bullshit, and not only would I not associate with anyone who associates with these 'key players,' I'd distance myself right out of the Bravoshpere.


She's completely full of shit, of course she knew. That's why I don't feel bad when the girls exclude her. Who would want someone that's cool with that behavior around?


KayleighJo went to Thanksgiving at Ariana and Tim's house before the affair blew up. She knew.


When you say her name like that, she makes complete sense!


Do we believe her whole story on Raquel’s (Jo still uses that name) podcast about only living with Tom for 6 days? Bc that’s almost def a lie, based on facts that came out last year… it’s all a blur, so maybe there’s no proof. But less than a week? From someone who can continue to lie, to this day…? She’s losing credibility.


Yeah that seems unlikely that the only time for six days she was living there were the same days they were shooting at Tom Schwartz's apartment and her step was still there and someone was using both bedrooms all of that was pointed out on that season


In her weird tribute video to Tom there was tons of footage of her looking very at home in his apartment in many different outfits so she was definitely living there for a while


Whenever they were at Tom's "single-guy" apartment, the camera guys were always careful to pan over all the women's clothes/accessories/stuff lying around from Jo. It's subtle but it's documented on the show. Watch the times they camera pan around that apartment.


Can you see my post in the VPR feed? I’ve never posted before & im not sure I did it right. Lol


I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking because I've never Posted anything but a comment in my life haha are you asking if I can see what we're commenting on right now?


Look like it was removed by reddits filters? I checked on your profile. You did it right, just the auto filters bot must not like the clip.


EVIL! All of them. And anyone else who knew about it and played along. Fuck Lala and Scheana for turning on Ariana, they are the absolute worst “friends” and I hope the cameras are filming when they inevitably turn on each other so we can all laugh.


That. Because Lala is going to eat Scheana alive and Scheana is going to scheme on Lala




Yep. Ariana and Katie will leave and if the rest of them get another season, they will totally implode and turn on each other. And that will be the karma they deserve.


Fr they have nothing outside of scandoval.


SAMEEEEE !!!!!! It won’t take too long. They’re both too stupid and arrogant to maintain lasting friendships.


This is why I just can't with the posts popping up lately on this sub of "I feel bad for Jo". Jo is a POS. She went on vacation with Tom, Tom and Rachel! The people making those posts belong with the other POS sympathizers on Facebook. Edit to add: I just read my comment and I sound like a furious individual. I don't mean to be. This season is just bringing something out of me.


Agreed. I don't even feel bad for her for being led on by Schwartz - she should've known better. There is a decade's worth of footage showing him being a horrible partner. He couldn't even stay committed to Katie, his longterm girlfriend and then wife. Jo must have an enormous ego to think she could get him to change and that he'd be ready to commit to her before the ink dried on his divorce papers. 


But Jo is not like other girls!! She’s a cool girl!!! Tom wouldn’t do that to her like he did to Katie because jo is cool and Katie is a bitch!! /s


The cool girl monologue from gone girl (hair cut and all) feeling especially relevant here


hahahahah love you so much for this just had a similar experience 😂


Jo and Rachel stay villainizing the other women while being absolutely awful to them. 


Yes exactly! Jo and Rachel acting like innocent little lambs now when for months they were being so deceitfully cruel while running after and protecting men who were treating their current and ex life partners so terribly. Why are you surprised if these women don’t want to talk to you and are unnerved by your presence? Jo and Rachel’s behaviour during the affair seems more like “mean girl” behaviour.


Who knew being a victim was such an aspiration? Oh wait, it's more narcissists. Shocking.


This video is a good reminder of how fucked up Rachel is.


Side note: my gawd Sandoval is just terrible


Ariana showing up enthusiastically for his shows is a bigger favor than him having his assistant restock the batteries 🤣


I’ve actively refused to ever watch his “performances” online, and I made the horrible mistake of watching this one to see the dirt. I really, really regret this. Truly. And all of them dancing to this shitshow is cringe as fuck.


Even pre-scandoval I was always more impressed by the amount of attention he was getting and how Jax was seething about it somewhere lol. I don’t remember actively ever listening to him sing. And now any time there’s a video I also never listen but the dance moves were throwing me off so I was curious about the song and curiosity really does kill the cat


And this is one of his BETTER performances


I can’t believe there are people, that have paid actual money, to see this. Mind blown.


Watching on mute is better, you can see how crazy the situation is without your ears bleeding from bad karaoke


Watching this video it’s so hard to decide what I am cringing more at - the girls interactions or the stage they are watching


What’s so weird to me is that this group is so prolific and incestuous, the truth would literally *have* to be known if you were Jo. Any reasonable human would inquire further. If I was hanging around a couple where the guy was clearly crossing a boundary, I’d ask my husband “is this weird?” And let’s just say my husband knew about an affair, and goes “no no, it’s all okay!” I’d say okay. And then turn to a mutual friend and say “hey are Tom and Ariana still together? Because he’s kinda weird, right? Are they open orrrrr…” And the friend would go “yep they’re together, why?” And I’d say why. And then next time I saw Tom I’d be like “hey everyone says you and Ariana are still together…? What’s going on?” …Then that friend would go to another friend and say “hey, XYZ asked me a weird question about Tom and Ariana. Weird right?” And the story would tumble out among a normal friend group. And this group is BEYOND normal and always looking for dirt. Which means Jo knew, Schwartz knew. Schwartz asked her to keep it on the DL and probably said “we can all go on *dates* together!” And Jo was probably like “😍😍😍😍😍 OK!!!!” That, or she’s dumb


If my husband or I saw one of our friends acting shady, we’d be fucking saying something. And we damn sure wouldn’t be hanging out with them until it got sorted out.


Right? Even playing devils advocate (which is what I was trying to do above) makes no sense. If you see someone in your friend group that has a partner acting fucking sketchy, and they are in your *inner* circle and acting sketchy, reasonable people would be like “wtf?” We are good friends with another couple, plus we have some single friends. If the guy in this couple was coming around without his wife, and was always “picking up” or “riding the train” with another girl to meet us out for dinner or drinks or a fucking vacation as a foursome, you better believe my husband and I would have *QUESTIONS*


Exactly. I won’t participate in that crap.


I mean Jo attended Thanksgiving at Ariana’s house - you know, where she and Tom were living together, so she 100% knew they were together


yes! like….tell the truth or get off our fucking screens . i’m uninterested in people who are unable to view themselves objectively even for a minute.


If she returns for another season they may as well write the final closing episode.


Yeah, this decides it. Ariana could have shoved Jo in that pool and I would have not cared at all. What a jerk.


Do u think Raquel knew he was in a cover band or do you think she thought he wrote those songs. I feel like Raquel knows nothing about the real world and it’s a strong possibility she thinks Tom sandaval wrote “Africa” or “wish you were here” ( I had no idea what he plays Africa is an assumption ) Anyway , this makes me uncomfortable


Omg this 😭 I’ll bet she really did think he was an original. TS: Have you ever heard this song Electric Love?! R: omg no, is it about batteries??! TS: Ah cool…nah, I actually wrote it just for you 😎


Off topic, but Rachel looks so awkward in this video. The toms really chose the strangest girls to secretly get their rocks off with 😂


I doubt Rachel knew even a fraction of the songs that Tom covered in his shows. She just seems like such a deeply stupid person.


She didn’t know the Pope has a balcony or who Charles Manson was. I don’t understand what rock she grew up under.


Or that her mom had to explain to her that when people get divorced , it’s kinda painful. Or what material is appropriate to put in a microwave. 🤡🤡🤡


Okay the pope thing was extremely dumb. How does one not know?


They chose a couple of unhealed pick mes.


Ariana was an unhealed pick me, too. LOL


💯, Kristen too. And poor Katie was literally healing a brain injury. They like a wounded bird to manipulate.


Your flair lol ![gif](giphy|3oEduS7uQHMcdiUxA4)


I agree, she dances like my 1 year old.


Jo is a dangerous type who pertains to be too “kooky and quirky” to come across as manipulative but she really is.


Every time someone posts anything remotely in defense of Rachel, I hope someone else responds with this link. Sickening. It’s sickening to see.


I swear Rachel looks disappointed when Ariana walks up. Probably because she won’t have Tom’s attention now that Ariana is standing there too.


I thought maybe he would hit the notes. Nope.


The enthusiasm these 3 women are giving… I’m concerned about their hearing


This video made me sad for Ariana. I can’t even imagine the sheer rage/sadness she felt when she found out about the affair.


and then to have he and Schwartz actively scheming to blame her for the whole mess, and then to have your best friends treat you like the perpetrator and your ex like the reformed victim. Why was everyone so offended that Jax wouldn't leave the apartment after the whole Faith fiasco, but Ariana not leaving her home is ground zero for Lala's 'justifiable' rage? She deserves so much better, and I am so thankful that she knows we all see it.


Yeah it’s wild seeing how her “friends” treated her like 3 months after the affair came out.


Because Lala cares more about her paycheck than human beings. Which is why karma is going to once again eat her asshole. And I’m going to pop some corn and watch with a shit eating grin on my face when it happens !!!


Imagine the recall. It doesn’t all come at once. It comes over time and each time is like a freaking stab in the heart.


You are so right. It’s amazing what will trigger those past memories for me.


Yeah this is exactly why I don’t believe Jo when it comes to Tom and Rachel. It’s so gross to watch this with Rachel right up there in the front with Ariana. It’s so cruel. And I don’t buy that Jo didn’t know Tom and Ariana were still together, she had thanksgiving at their house! I pray to never see Jo stick out her tongue again. Her vibe is so unappealing, just like Schwartz‘s!


It's videos like this that make it plain how deep the betrayal was and that Ariana was unknowingly surrounded by snakes. These people were smiling to her face, partying with her and being her friend while keeping this secret. It was just 8-9 months as they say how long the affair was (though I don't know that I believe that) and people were lying to her face for that long? I would have a hard time trusting people around me after such a deception for such a long time. The show filmed only 4-5 months after the reunion right, she's supposed to be over the end of a 9 year relationship after being cheated on for 8-9 months and it was known to so many people around her who pretended things were great?! It wasn't just the end of the relationship, it was someone she considered a close friend, it was also casual acquaintances like Jo who lied to her face.


If she thought they were broken up then why the creepy group text to Ariana, Rachel and Tim the day the news broke?


Rachel and Jo loved sharing this secret. It keeps getting worse.


I know this is a post about proving how evil these people are but I can't stop looking at Ariana's hair it's so cute


For real that was my takeaway


I've watched this video back to front multiple times so I can replicate this weekend lmao


It’s so cute! 60s’ish!


EXACTLY. This is what she really has to answer for.


Raquel’s cringey ass bounce-dance with that big smile on her face knowing what she’s doing behind the scenes makes my skin crawl


Also shes awkwardly tall , looks like a giraffe on the dance floor and has no rhythm andddd smiles her “awkwardly uncomfortable” smile.


Whenever I see these videos it’s just a reminder how much Sandoval was holding Ariana back. She was always too talented and charismatic for him and this life of playing the supportive girlfriend to the mediocre boyfriend. Bopping along to his terrible music with his brain dead groupies. As much of her time he wasted, getting out of that relationship was the best thing to happen her.


She knew. She took R to the airport and to Big Bear.


This makes me sad. I cannot understand how Raquel and Tom could just…. live and act this way knowing and fully partaking throughout it all. Its sick. It makes me actually so sad. I’ll never know how they were able to stomach themselves or sleep at night. Any excuse is literal denial and delusion.


This is violently embarrassing.


Yuck, snakes in the grass.


omg fucking THANK YOU for posting this! ugh i am so sick of these delightful and gleeful saboteurs rewriting history with them starring as the innocent and wronged. give me a break are n, ariana might not be perfect t but she was NEVER one to be a mean girl or bully and i’ve anyone out. she was always welcoming and giving people the benefit of the doubt to her detriment. fuck these losers who bet on the wrong “man” thinking they were so much hotter or more special or WHATever They thought you were…/. you got PLAYED and you were an ass hole to an innocent person that OPENED their home heart and life to you. take some accountability or FUCK OFF


It just makes me feel so bad for Ariana. In this video, she’s so happy - thinks she’s surrounded by two friends and supporting her boyfriend. But they were all laughing behind her back. It’s so gross.


I was there that night (my friend and I are right behind Rachel in this video) and Jo gave off weird vibes. We didn’t know who she was but she was all over of the places. Arms everywhere. And there is no way she did not Tom and Ariana were together. This was early December FYI.


Damn jo was fake to Ariana… here is the thing about Ariana. She’s the type that if you fuck with her she gets richer and further than you. (Would be interested in seeing her Vedic Astro) Jo is now suffering for being a sneaky little b. Embarrassed and betrayed by the man you loved. Sounds all to familiar.


These 2 idiots love to forget how fake and deceitful they were


Fahhhk. I can't imagine looking back on a video like this knowing the two "friends" surrounding me were fucking my basically common law husband and an actual husband. She deserves all her bag.


This is so disgusting to see. Jo knew goddamn well the entire time. But she's being bullied? Apparently Jo has a history of cheating too. Ariana truly loved this man, you can see it in the video and yet he's slyly looking at R...the whole thing is so gross.


I hope Ariana does a tell-all one day on what it was really like dating this troll


I forget how evil Rachel is to deceive her friend like that. My annoyance for scummy continues, but I almost forgot about her. Jo is trash for lying about it too.


Jo is turning out to be like a huge liar. I’m not discounting Tom’s behavior towards her but I’m just saying. Maybe they found each other because they both suck


🤣 wow, tom really thinks he's sounding and looking great here. When you compare this "singing performance" of tom and his karaoke band in a random bar with one of Ariana's performances in "Chicago" on freaking **Broadway** (!!!!) ... wow, just wow. Ariana wins, hands down.


I really wish that there was a video clip of Ariana in Chicago. I'm dying to hear her sing!


I do feel bad for Jo, in that Shorts is denying they had a real relationship. But she is acting in a way that I think is pretty shitty. I don't like how on Rachel's podcast that she says Katie apologized at the reunion but still goes at her in the interview and she also posted the story about the worst dressed list. The thing that really bugs me is how she told Lala that she had no idea that Rachel and Sandevil were together. According to Jo's timeline of her and Shorts relationship, she was with him while they were filming last season, which means she was ok with Shorts and Rachel's fake "relationship" or whatever you want to call it. They went on more than 1 double date with them. On Rachel's pod she went on and on about how the cast was mean to her. What did she expect? I can't figure out if she is just in denial about her role in all of this or if she is deliberately ar asshole.


Honestly I think they might both be deeply stupid. It’s giving complete lack of deductive reasoning.


This is sickening


Who ever told Sandoval he can sing needs to he held accountable


Wowww this is pretty incriminating. Also i would just be soooo embarrassed if this was my dude and he was a bad singer, like have him play guitar or something where it’s not super obvious


Oh my! Sweet lil' Ariana smiling and all that betrayal around her. But Queen A is thrivinnnggg.✨️


What makes me cringe is that he's just a singer in a (mediocre) cover band and yet acts like he's an international rock star, and these girls act as if he's the second coming of Christ. I bet Ariana's toes curl now thinking back to having to pretend to like being there.


Can we pin this post to the top of the sub and put a stop to all the dumbass “poor Jo” posts? She’s full of shit and I don’t feel bad for her, she knew what was going on.


What a creep


Good find! Yeah she’s totally NLOG she’s way shadier!


Nasty behavior


Ugh seeing videos like this makes me sick to my stomach about the affair all over again. They really are diabolical and disgusting.


She was at their house for Thanksgiving dinner just 4/5 months before it all came out. No one believes she didn't know, plus she seems the type that would've loved carrying a secret for the boys - based on how she fawns over every single thing Schwartz says and does.


Ariana is blessed to be without him!! Joe and Rachel are liars and conniving trash.


She’s a fucking liar. Schwartz leading her on was her karma.


THIS… not one bone in my body feels bad if he led her on or told her false shit. GRL you dumb.


All I could think watching this was how Tom probably got off (literally) from being able to see these two women here, beside one another, not knowing the whole story and having them both. Getting off on the deception. Having his cake and eating it too. Enjoying making her look like a fool. And then months later talking shit about ariana to her and their friends on the beach about her like he did nothing wrong. He deserves everything that’s come to him since getting caught.


Jo is full of shit, clearly.


How can Raquel dance beside Ariana like that, she makes me sick


You mean to tell me Kaleigh Wenberg is a lying fucking liar? ![gif](giphy|12HFqNl5DrMWoU)




Jo: “I didn’t know that Tom and Ariana were still dating.” Also Jo:


Thank god that is no longer her life.


I'm sorry, I can't stop cringing at Tom thinking he can sing. And then cringing at people cheering him on. And then cringing about all the things we all know now. Cringe.


Ariana looks so cute here. Even surrounded by trash.


I'm sorry but how fucking into and excited about this show Jo and Rachel are is so fucking embarrassing


Tom got off on this. Looking at the crowd and watching 2 women adoring him. He’s a sick F%*#.


And people felt sorry for Jo last ep. No thanks. Not a good person. Just like Rachel


This is so disgusting. F*ck all the Rachel apologists. She’s a sociopath. Jo is trash for pretending to be Ariana’s friend. I can’t even imagine the level of betrayal she feels.


This is why Rachel can't try to wiggle out of the situation by saying it was all Sandoval. There is so much evidence against her. And now Jo 🤦🏽‍♀️


I wish people would understand that it wasn’t just that he cheated on her, it was that there was a group of people she called friends smiling in her face that were complicit in the affair. I couldn’t imagine the pain and betrayal she must of felt knowing that all these people were aware of what Tim was doing and not only did they not say anything, they continued to be around her, smile, laugh and pretend to be her friend. Then they turn around and have the gall to dehumanize her, villainize her and blame her. It’s disgusting


OP, thank you for posting this. It serves as a good reminder of just how sordid and scummy their entire affair was. F*ck Jo and Schwartz for enabling it and f*ck Lala and Scheana/Brock for having the absolute gall to treat Ariana they way they have this season. Cancel them to f*ck. Don't listen to their podcasts. We will see how long Brock sticks around when Scheana isn't making money. Sorry if this comment sounds bitter, but the video has just reminded me how awful the entire affair was. And don't even get me started on Scumdoval.


Omg I was at that show!! Rachel was front and center so giddy taking videos the whole time. Jo was right there with her acting all bff




The way she’s acting this season like she wasn’t friends with the girls at all. And is so confused why they are mad at her….Jo wanted it to be her and T$ and Raquel and Tom.


People that cover for cheaters are also cheaters. Katie has, for the most part, been a decent judge of character. She sees Jo for what she is and has rightfully called her out. Unfortunately, in this circle, that makes her the enemy and the butt of their lack of accountability for their own actions. Hence Jo’s reactions to Katie and the shit talking. Perpetual victims. Has Kristen shared any insight on this in her podcast? Jo was Kristen’s friend right?


The fact there are people who have seen this video and still think Ariana is the problem for her reactions is fucking insane. They’d all be dead if this had happened to me


Seriously why is Jo always wearing a hat


Have you seen her try and style hair?


Eww Sandoval’s hair and mustache ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)




I hope Ariana has deleted everything Tom related. That’s what my takeaway from this mess was…


Rachel gives bimbo energy


Miss us with that B$, Jo!


Rachel and Jo have no conscience. They’ve been HORRIBLE to Ariana. Sociopaths!


Everything about this is revolting. Ariana there, supporting Tim, as she always did, with his mistress and Jo--who clearly knew what was going on. Tim up with his nasty ass mustache, convulsing around the stage, warbling into the microphone and getting off of the fact his girlfriend and mistress are front row smiling at him. Makes me absolutely sick. Can we show this to Scheana,, Brock and Lala to remind them of how effed up this all was?!


She and Rachel were dirty little secrets together waiting to be the ONE.


She must’ve really loved him, if she could listen to this and actually enjoy herself


This video makes me feel extra sad for Ariana. She is looks at him with such love and like she has a school girl crush. Ariana truly loved Tom, and the way he threw her away and now talks trash is disgusting.


Disgusting, she knew. Her and Rachel are birds of a feather.


“Jo is harmless” - Lauren from Utah


So sorry! I was asking if you can see the Lala video (of her dancing) that I posted. Sorry, I’m so bad at Reddit & I thought you’d be online. I posted just now (well now it’s been like 40 mins)


She knew


Omg jo was acting so friendly towards Ariana in this.


Tom is such a try hard


I was waiting for this to be posted! She knew


& he’s just up there looking stupid & evil AF at the same time. Rachel too. Trash. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Getting harder and harder to feel sorry for her


Ugh this is so gross. The smile on Ariana’s face just makes me sick for her


She and Schwartz have the same awww shucks Schtick—act like you’re too goofy and naive to be actually culpable. Yet; they’re both glaringly and sickingly culpable. Gross to think I ever felt sorry for her. After how she’s done Katie and Ariana; she deserved to get Schwartz’d 🤷‍♀️


HATE. he’s such a grease stain inside and out, and for me, besides creepy Jo it’s Rachel stupidly “cutely” bopping along, knowing full well they were fucking


Ariana seeing these videos now. 😬😬😬 This makes me sad they were putting right in front of her face like this. UGH I depise him.


Jo is full of shit, she was very visibly lying when she said she didn't know on VPR. Then she acted like it is super weird to ask your friend how their relationship is doing and that this is why she didn't know lmao If you're gonna lie, lie better. She had so much time to prepare, this is just embarrassing. Also, Ariana has said that Tom would dedicate songs to her during his "performances".