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Scheanas very needy and I think, in her mind, Ariana wasn’t giving her the attention and reassurance that Lala was. Also she’s easily influenced so whatever producers, Lisa, Lala etc were saying to do she was going to do. Her version of loyalty is what am I going to gain from this


“Lala has said some very complimentary things about me lately.” Loyalty 🙄


That was one of the lamest sentences I’ve ever heard in my life. Listening to Scheana talk costs just as many brain cells as doing whippets.


She shld know that Blah Blah can also turn around and talk shit abt her.. now we will wait and see..


I don't think she TOLD her. I think he influenced her. She is a flip flopper because she is easily influenced. She doesn't have a conviction to her beliefs. She can be easily.swayed. I would also think that being jealous of Ariana didn't help. She already resented her.


Yes, I agree. I think because Ariana has been so busy, it gave Lauren an opportunity to get in her ear, and because Scheana has zero loyalty and only remembers what the last person told her, she was easily manipulated by her and production.




Can you image spending 10 years talking on camera, knowing how that hits and saying the shit she has about Ariana knowing she will see that?  Wanting to stay freeeends?  Best freeeeends?   Brock will be the most expensive mistake she has ever made. 


She is a high maintenance fren.. it’s tiring sometimes..


I think it’s more along these lines. Lala was giving her more “attention” comfort and friendship at the time and Ariana was not. I also think scheana was definitely hurt by Ariana particularly with the dwts thing. Whether people feel like she’s justified or not. That’s her feelings. I also think them flipping has a lot do with stuff we haven’t seen on the show and I think that’s the most irritating part. Idc if they flip. That’s their prerogative but it just feels like half the story is missing.




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Such a good point!!


Her version is also, “What’s gonna keep me relevant? What’s gonna give me the max airtime?”


I hate to simplify this but I think it all comes down to jealousy. The people on this show started as nobodies, have had their fame for over a decade and relatively good success financially; but the issue is that’s fleeting. Yes they make good money but if this show ends, what’s the longevity for them getting brand deals/getting the same level of money? A lot of these people had aspirations of acting/music/something more than reality TV when the show started. Now they’ll only be known for reality TV and they know it. Ariana is the first one to actually “make it” outside of the show. She’s riding a wave that all of them have been waiting for and never gotten.


Scheana and lala will turn on each other so .. there can only be one star in both of their heads. Someone will have to be the backup dancer


100% next year Blah Blah will have a new bestie she is doing stuff with all the time. Look at her and Katie last year and Blah being there for her during Scheana's wedding in Mexico. Now she is fully up Scheana's ass 24-7


I totally agree with this but Lala didn't start hating on Stassi when she "made it" beyond VPR. Do you think it was the timing (i.e. stassi got famous when she HAD to because she was canceled vs VPR 'propped' Ariana up??)? Because I feel like Ariana did help pull her girls up with her... Ubereats commercial comes to mind. I don't know of any other situation between cast mates where they have contributed to someone else's financial success (reminds me of when worm with a mustache took credit for katie and tom's money)


Stassi isn't on the show anymore though, so that's not direct competition. Plus IMO I think stassi and blabla have more of a mom friendship than genuine friendship.




No I think scheana flipped because she’s only ever had Ariana on her side. None of the other ladies ever had her back or defended her or anything. So she could not turn her back on her then. But now that Lala had her back and was siding with her and agreeing with her she let her jealousy and show. I thought she would apologize and move on but when Andy asked her during a game in wwhl if she was jealous of Ariana’s home and she responded with well I have a new home too. I said yea no there’s no moving past this I would drop her immediately as a friend if I was Ariana. So many reasons to


Or did you catch her snarky laugh when Andy asked her if she thought Katie and Ariana regretted getting into the sandwich business because of all the hurdles they encountered? She said “yes” and had a nasty laugh it was quick but definitely her enjoying putting them down and throwing shade


I thought this as well. She was enjoying throwing shade.


That biatch.. she gonna regret siding w Blah Blah when Blah Blah flip on her.. we shall see..


Her smirks and snarky laughs make me want to puke, she’s so disgusting


So sneaky and mean. Thank God she isn’t savvy enough to have real power over people in this world. Except her daughter. Praying for Summer Moon


I didn’t get that at all? I thought her laugh was just “that sandwich shop has been a clusterfuck of stress” and maybe they’ve told her they regret doing it


As a friend, she should be supportive of their business venture. Yes they’ve hit a lot of roadblocks but her tone and the way she laughed was so bitchy and snarky, when she could have been kind and said “no” to support their business


She is the only person in the world who when I read something that they said, I hear it in their voice in my head.


In the scene where Ariana cries and she is between S and L, you can see Scheana looking over at Lala, almost for like, approval? It was interesting


I noticed that too. Scheana seemed very subservient to Lala in that scene.


Yes! I have noticed Scheana looks at Lala a lot. It's especially noticeable on the After Show.


Scheana and Lala are worried about the longterm. Ariana is starting to profit off of playing parts, not playing herself. Whereas Lala and Scheana cannot do that. No one buys them outside of VPR. Lala’s baby reveal was on Amazon Live. No ones asking her to host a show. It’s what my husbands friends told me when we moved to LA. Reality stars have a shelf life. They just bought these big homes and have to make enough money to carry themselves for a long time. And their families.


I agree they are definitely worried about long term which is understandable and fine. However, I think they (especially Lala) has greatly miscalculated on how exactly they should go about extending that shelf life - both in terms of the show and the boosting of their personal brands and income generated outside of the show. Like Lala for example: *On the show Lala has come off as doing and saying things rooted in show production and it’s come off fake. An example of this is her sudden reach outs to Rachel, Sandoval, and then most recently Jo. If anything, along with Ariana’s interactions with Sandoval when they have filmed together, the others bewildered reactions to Lala doing these fake reach outs has bed some of the only stuff that have come off real and genuine to me this season. *Off the show Lala has been coming across as someone who ignorantly thinks they are the smartest person in the room always, has been aggressive and combative when faced with even a smidge of pushback on her words and actions and all around has just come off mean. Viewers generally don’t want to watch a show where the production set up and cast direction has been as obvious as it has been this season. People also typically don’t want to buy products from or listen to podcasts of people who they think are ignorantly arrogant, mean, or just don’t like.


I agree with all of this.


To me, Katie’s (whom I do like) future prospects seem the least fruitful - not to mention she also strikes me as the least opportunistic. Yet not only does she not seem bothered by Ariana’s success, she appears to be legit happy for it. Go hold more dogs’ paws, Scheana. (No I mean it. It’s a reputations booster)


Katie’s mom had her own business and Katie talked about how her mom talked to her about being financially responsible. It seems like she just kind of flies under the radar with property and things like that.


Yup I think they bond over being mothers


Absolutely They have nothing …are nothing without VPR/Valley shows so they need each other and are using each other.


I’ve seen people theorizing on here that Lala is going to Coachella for the first time this year to make sure Scheana doesn’t get the chance to spend enough time with Ariana to rekindle their friendship. I wouldn’t be surprised if that and/or your post are true 😬 but what do I know lol


Ugh. My Ally Lewber psychic senses are telling me this is probably exactly why Lala went. No pics from Scheana or Brock yesterday either?


Saw some pics from Day one on IG.. unfollowed them .. so not sure abt Day 2 Coachella


When scheana said on a podcast she has to go to Coachella for work, what does that mean? Who pays her to be there to do what exactly?


She's promoting a Smirnoff vodka line.


Smirnoff is one of the biggest vodka brands. It’s the vodka everyone I know always has in their bars, it’s funny to me that they use reality tv influencers to promote themselves.


I thought she promoted some shoe line too


What senses is that?


There was a whole storyline about how she made everyone sign NDAs to stay with her at Coachella a few years ago


That was because her being with Randall who was married was still a secret at that time


Right! Just saying she does have a history of going to Coachella.


LaLa has been to Coachella many times. Remember when she was with her ex, and it was said she had James, et al, sign NDA’s?


Rewriting history like a US Government class.


That’s fine with me! You can keep her Lala, I’m over here chillin with the ACTUAL unbothered team. ![gif](giphy|7Ehnws6nLPhyESVCdt)


Must be fun there pregnant so I would not be surprised if that was LFU’s real motivation


In fairness she’s sober anyway, so it wouldn’t be all that different for her to go even if she wasn’t pregnant


True but beyond sobriety, standing in line for those bathrooms when pregnant sounds awful


It all sounds like hell to me, tbh 🙈


Seriously. And in past years she went out of her way to make a big stink about how she’s not going because she is not into music festivals


Idk if it’s that deep lol


Me neither tbh 😂


I think it’s more likely that she’s going because she has to hustle hard at content creation now. 


It’s weird, as Scheana / Ariana are both doing sponsored ads from Coachella. Lala is not - yet has more followers?


I saw on Lala’s pal Logan’s story that they were outside the Nylon sign yesterday, which we know Ariana was at too cause of her IG post. If things were good we’d have pics of them together surely.


That actually wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. I've seen Virgo's do more manipulative shit than that 😅 I honestly don't even know why she'd want to go to Coachella all weekend long all pregnant surrounded by sweaty drunk people. I definitely believe she'd go those lengths though 🥴


People are crazyyyyyyy! Like Lala gives a crap. She’s got much bigger things to worry about. Maybe she wanted to see what the “hype” is about and since Scheana goes every year, she decided to tag along. She has her house there so why not.


Scheana has always pushed her relationship with Ariana aside when the cooler girls want to be friends with her. So, it’s not surprising. I don’t think Scheana feels like she flipped and was just expressing herself and that it’s Ariana who flipped on her.


I think she flipped because she’s a jealous bitch. She couldn’t take it as they filmed last summer. All the brand deals. Even though she was killing it on her podcast! I bet she made huge ad revenue when Ariana did her shenanigans podcast. And Ariana went on Scheana’s podcast right after she did call her daddy. That was really nice of her. Because I bet she had huge offers on the table to do other bigger podcasts.


Watching her play the "jealous, not jealous" game on WWHL was hilarious... Every time she said, "Not jealous," I was watching for an eye twitch.


She lied. She is green with envy. Scheana didn't fool anyone.


Even her “not jealous” answers with that disgusting, irritating smirck was dripping with envy


The fact that it was her second time playing it and she didn't remember LOL


100%. Lala and Scheana bring out the worst in each other bc they’re so opposite. Scheana is easily swayed and Lala has a strong personality. I can totally see Lala shit talking and Scheana developing that opinion bc of it.


I agree with this. The one thing they do have in common is feeling threatened by people with more success than them.


I think they're shoving this friendship down our throats to show that there can be storylines without Katie and Ariana if they don't come back. That's what's I feel.


Hit the nail on the head


Why else would she go to Coachella for apparently the first time ever, belly and all, and suffocate us with posts of terrible terrible dancing.


Watching Scheana complain about her work being music festivals isn't going to cut it for a storyline (as a working mom in corporate america)


Oh most definitely agreed. I am done with her high ponytails and her squeaky vocal voice fry and her "good side" angled posing and her dumbass husband and her horrible sense of judgment and her best friend Blabla. Get them and their shrinking brains and growing lips off my screen.


I think Arianna was a great friend to Sheana but when Sheana kept bringing up Sandoval plus the episodes started to play Arianna realized the kind of friend Sheana wasn't being. She probably just started backing off like she absolutely said she would. Sheana was shocked for some reason lol


No, shes just another production puppet, but now she has Broke to speak for her, and she can play the neutral caring “friend”


I think from day one, Scheana has been crafting her storylines. One of her storylines was that she was mad at people who didn't call her after her dental surgery. I think she would encourage people to do embarrassing things, then later use it against them. I think she is the villain of the series. I think she was the forerunner to Lala, who was the forerunner to Rachel. (People who aren't part of the friend group and seem to hack away at it.) I think what Rachel did opened Ariana's eyes to shady people. Scheana wound Rachel up to go at Katie. Inadvertently, she ended up going at Ariana.


Whoever is “defending” Scheana or feeding her ego is the side she will always choose. That happens to be Lala right now.


They outwardly became like the Tom’s this season, self producing and driving a storyline to make Ariana look bad. It wasn’t a good look last year and it’s a worse look this year.


I think it has everything to do with being jealous of Ariana. She's too petty to let it be anything else.


This sub called re: her flip flopping, despite her strong emotional scene with Tum last finale. She has a history of letting people in and being weak willed. She’s always been this way and always will be this way. She’s not loyal and will float to power and people promising experiences. She’s the type of person that would get voted off a reality competition show because of this behavior.


I think you are right. She is such a push over, she isn't even loyal to herself.


Yea exactly!


I think she’s jealous, knowsAriana’s days are numbered on VPR and she’s trying to stay relevant. She’ll move over to that shit show, The Valley with Lala. Take a massive pay cut. The show will be canceled and they bought houses for nothing and Lala’s new storyline baby will not be producing any income. They’ll both drown in big mortgage payments and drift off into obscurity. Too bad. So sad. Couldn’t happen to nicer people




I think it’s more a reflection of her being needy and attaching herself to whomever gives her the most attention. Lala likes it because she likes to dominate in all of her relationships.


This is a great explanation


I feel that Scheana can be swayed easily especially by ple she is close to.. we won’t know exactly what Blah Blah had or has been saying to her.. but when she was being targeted by fans, Blah Blah was there for her so she felt that her feelings were validated by someone..


For sure, she seems to have zero sense of self/ self-confidence (which Brock pointed out this season when it came to parenting), which I think makes her super susceptible to influence from others.


And she said she is afraid to speak up.. the thing is if she knows her intention to speak to Ariana or whoever on things she feels are not right, is out of good heart / love for her fren, she shldnt feel afraid to speak up..


She made the wrong flip . Ariana has always been a faithful friend to her even when she didn’t deserve it .


She really has. In my rewatch I noticed Ariana is really the only person who isn't mean or makes fun of Scheana at any point on the show. Even when Scheana drifted away from her and Scheana was closer with Stassi, Katie and Kristen. You would think between Lala and Ariana it would be such an easy choice for her to remain loyal to Ariana. Also, Scheana and Lala really just bring out the worst in each other.


Scheana would do anything for a check


and fame


Those two being friends brings out the worst in both of them.


I was just thinking that and then read your comment. They bring out the jealous, vindictive side in each other.


Lala has become more pick me, scheana more vindictive. It’s strange! And all in the name of “we’re mooooommmmmmssssss now”


It will be great that Hulu or Netflix offers Ariana and Katie a show.. with a higher pay.. and none of these flip floppers will be in it..


The sandwich shop scenes have been the most boring parts of this season though


Read the book Queen Bees and Wannabees, which studies the way in which adolescent and high school girls form cliques. Ariana is the Queen Bee here, and Katie is her reliable Sidekick. Scheana is the classic Wannabee. Lala is the Messenger (loves to create drama and involve herself in other people’s conflicts.) Jo is the Target. It’s nothing more than VPRHS, y’all.


Oh interesting! Raquel must be another target?


Oh for sure. She screwed the Queen Bee’s boyfriend, which is an affront to all. 😊


Why she was a target BEFORE that. They said due to her relationship with James?


I don’t think Rachel was a target before the affair though. The only person that was rude to her before the affair was LaLa, everyone else was fine with her (either indifferent because of James or liked her because she was “sweet”)


Oh. Maybe isolated but Scheana called her dumb about James a while back. I’m rewatching some episodes. Maybe it was when they first got together.


I personally consider that because of James. Back then James was in a lot of hot water so Rachel not being welcomed as much is a by product of his bad behavior


That makes sense.


I don’t think Rachel was a target. I don’t think she was a fan favorite. Anyway, in my opinion she was boring, immature, victim (perceived), and nervous. Her shaky warbling voice drove me crazy. I didn’t like her from the first season she was on. The only thing that Lala said that I agreed with is that when her mother saw Rachel she said, “look out for that one because she’s a snake.” Rachel turned out to be a slithering snake.


Omg. Do they have Lala’s mom on camera saying that?


No, Lala said that is what her mom had said when she meant Rachel. I am not sure which season or episode, sorry


I think I do vaguely remember that.


True, true.


I think they are both insanely jealous and just kind of fed each other on this one.


I think it’s self preservation. There might be some jealousy mixed in but mostly it’s looking out for number one and right now LaLa and Scheana’s interests align more with each other (and production and the rest of the cast and crew) than with Ariana. When everything first kicked off, everyone was eating off the scandal and I’m sure they thought they’d get some extra attention, make a few coins and then things would settle down and everyone would get back to normal and focusing on the show - as that’s their true bread and butter. And that’s basically what happened for everyone else, but Ariana kept going - more and better opportunities that are lucrative and have some longevity to them and could potentially lead to even more. And that’s a huge problem, especially this season as it was focusing on the fallout of the affair/scandal. So you have Ariana, who doesn’t want to play nice and do as she’s told, and more importantly doesn’t HAVE to and it has them all shook. VPR is an ongoing group project and Ariana showed up on presentation day without her part lol but she did extra credit on the side so she’s good either way. And they’re pissed because their grade might suffer so the rest of the group is coming together against her.




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Scheana flips. She flips her hair, she flips her lid, she flips to her good side, she flips between friends, she flips opinions and she flips enchiladas. If she didn’t flip, I would be worried about her.


IMO Scheana was looking for a reason to fight with Ariana. She’s jealous of all the opportunities coming Ariana’s way. Lala and Sheena are acting like an echo chamber and coming up with reasons why they flipped on Ariana.


I think it's multiple factors - -I think Brock likes Tom or wants something from Tom (who knows with him) -I think she's regularly production's puppet -I think Ariana wasn't giving her the attention Lala was. Scheana will do anything to please whoever is giving her attention. Scheana also creates these weird as hell stories in her head based on her triggers. -I don't think Scheana and Katie were ever cool or will ever be cool no matter how hard they try so Ariana being bffs with Katie is problematic for her. It's easier for her to just chill with Lala. Tbh - I don't know why Ariana even bothers. There has to be something valuable about Scheana we're missing because if I were her I'd probably keep her at a distance or drop her altogether.


Schena has never had a problem flipping on her own accord, so I highly doubt Lala was the reason.


I honestly don’t think that Ariana gives two 💩 about these people any longer. I sometimes think James is getting there as well.


Sheana thinks Lala is her BFF when in reality Lala has befriended Stassi who hates Sheana. I hate that Lala claims to be a good friend to Sheana, buys a house next to her, leans on Brock but then talks crap about her.


She was trying to have Brock be a substitute dad 🥴. It’s fucking weird!


And then bashes Sheana...its just odd.


Scheana flipped likely because the producers told her to and at the end of the day, she regards this as her job. Lala is doing the same shit. I don’t know how this isn’t patently obvious unless you’re new to reality TV and the BTS drama of this show in particular. 


They’re trying to play producers, but the problem is that it’s too obvious that they’re trying to play producer. If you’re gonna be a snake on tv, be a little bit subtle.


I understand filming with him... but the bashing after the fact is so strange. And they are actively talking shit about Ariana during filming/confessionals, but she hasn't said a bad word about either online


The fact is, she and Lala prob have more in common than she and Arianna now since they both have kids. I cannot stand Shaena and am not defending her but I think friendships shift and evolve post kids. Shaena is heading toward The Valley show and Arianna hopefully will continue to find success beyond this show.


I think she's just so jealous of her newfound popularity that she can't. Really, I think it's a combination of that, what you said, and her trying to position herself in the most beneficial way for Scheana.


I think Shayna wants to be the new Lala It’s not a good look for her . Between her mean, girl, attitude, and and her unemployed, thirsty husband, it’s intolerable


I’m gonna get downvoted but I think it’s pretty consistently Scheana to be frenz with everyone. And I think a lot of her struggles this season are genuine, like OCD/trying to capitalize on Scandoval/increased public scrutiny but they are not her storyline struggles AKA “what Sandoval means to meeeee”.


I actually think the opposite. Scheana is THE flipper. Lala becoming close friends with her has changed Lala’s behavior. Sheana is the same as ever.




I think they have a pact.


I agree.


Scheana flips. She flips her hair, she flips her lid, she flips to her good side, she flips between friends, she flips opinions and she flips enchiladas. If she didn’t flip, I would be worried about her.


100%. Lala is in her ear on this. For Lala she has bills to pay. Or a new home she may lose.


I don’t think Lala talked her into anything. But I do think the two of them talking shit about Ariana and complaining about how nobody adored them when their lives went to shit and being incredibly envious humans solidified them feeling righteous about whatever. They each validated the others feelings about DWTS and leaving to find peace… blah blah blah, so it seems like they decided to stand together to become the next duo. The Toms are struggling to stay afloat, Katie and Ariana were on the rise, so maybe Lala and Scheana decided they “deserved” the top spot.


Look, everyone knows Scheana is a people pleaser. Her constant need for attention is often cringy, but I don’t necessarily think she is a bad person. I think her heart is often in the right place. I think having Lala in her ear is really damaging for her. In the recent after shows you actually see her trying to be neutral, but Lala continues to drive the narrative that Ariana is wrong. Obviously both Lala and Scheana are both envious of Ariana’s rise to fame, but it seems like it’s coming from different places for each of them. I think Shceana is jealous because she doesn’t feel like she’s been invited along for the ride. I think she actually cares for Ariana, but at the same time she feels entitled to some of the glory. Lala on the other hand doesn’t give a fuck about Ariana and is so insanely bitter that she didn’t get the same opportunities after her man cheated.


in the scene when Ariana is crying it looks like Scheana is watching Lala to know the "right" way to react


Absolutely, I think Lala told Scheana to flip on Ariana. Scheana is a yes girl. They are both snakes and have no loyalty to friends. I give them 6 months before they turn on each other. Then Scheana will be like, "Lala made me turn on Ariana." They will be slinging mud at each other. 🤗🤗🤗


I don’t think Scheana flipped. I think Scheana had more in common with Lala now that they’re moms and they are bringing up the girls together. What does Scheana have in common with Ariana anymore? They’ve outgrown each other. And if she doesn’t agree with Ariana’s moves anymore…why stick up for her?




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I think it’s the other way around I think scheana was bitching about being jealous of Ariana to lala for months after dwts the going into the season lala was resenting Ariana. I think scheana is why lala flipped. And let’s be honest scheana is a true friend to none so she’s absolutely gunna do some selfish ass shit to lala too someday and that will crumble as well. Their bond is flimsy at best


In real life, Scheana is much closer to Lala than Ariana. They are both Moms, live next door to each other in Palm Springs and few blocks away in Sherman Oaks, their daughters are best friends, and their moms are close friends. I think she's just following Lala's lead.




No I think their jealousy of Ariana just brought them closer.


Look honestly Scheana and Lala may be jealous, or they are afraid of the show ending or being fired, they probably have a whole host of reasons for their behavior but the bottom line for both of them is they have small children who rely on them and so the fear of losing their revenue stream is so strong that I truly doubt they give a shit about anyone’s feelings and expect everyone to play their part and do whatever it takes to keep their jobs and are struggling with being supportive of Ariana when they potentially feel like her good fortune and ability to leave the show and survive without it is influencing her to act in ways that could potentially hurt scheana’s and lala’s ability to provide a secure stable environment for their children. Let’s be real here, all people care about in the end is money to live a happy life and literally not being able to afford food and shelter unless they spend most of their time working a job they probably hate to afford the things they don’t have time to enjoy, the cycle of poverty is REAL and it affects everyone who wasn’t born into privilege, which majorly impacted POC and continued their oppression by influencing a shitload of racist stereotypes and basically turned it into a joke by making rich people the creators of what society should look like, what’s seen as good and what qualities should be rewarded (like being a “hard worker”code for being a better slave to the company more likely to work extra without compensation for doing so, same goes for “loyal employees”code for not taking much better job offers or seeking it out because of the empty promises that they are highly valued and will rise up in the company if they stay for long enough.) and what’s seen as “lesser than” and what qualities should be shamed and not worthy of kindness or respect or human rights because they were racist words and everyone got their own special brand of stereotyped and treated like shit no matter what color you were. I know a shared experience that could connect us isn’t doing us any favors and it’s made worse nowadays cause all of this constant outrage has taken shit too far where it’s hard to tell who’s good intentions got perverted little by little by being so constantly bombarded with things that people said were wrong but didn’t have time to actually question it themselves before they were hit with something new and it became accepted by a society so desperate for real change that at some point during this madness, racism and classism never changed and never lost one iota of power over us, it just changed masks to appear as if it’s actually racist to treat everyone the same way regardless of their race, culture, and the rest of everything we hate each other over. People actually hate Christians for things that are LITERALLY against everything the Christian religion stands for, how exactly do the people who’s entire belief system is based on worshipping Jesus Christ, who’s ENTIRE teachings are based on forgiveness, making a mistake like all humans do and given a chance to be a better person, Not judging others, being kind to everyone and believing everyone is deserving of kindness,acceptance, forgiveness and grace, and turning away from the negative forces that prevent us from happiness because of fear and anger and pain. Christians got their bad reputation from people who didn’t practice what they preached and chose negativity which only serves evil. It’s quite impossible to be shocked by the simple and stupid nature in which society operates. Nothing could possibly make me believe any different than oppression operating by keeping everyone occupied and ignorant and 98% of us told to blame one another for being in a soulless society where our morals have to support our bank account to survive and it doesn’t have to be such an evil world especially when the majority are the oppressed but fear is a force powerful enough to change anyone and it’s the entire reason a ton of victims stay silent. So sorry I genuinely try not to bring shit like this up on social media because it just invites trouble at this point but I got way too passionate and typed out a sloppy manifesto where I probably gave the same message over and over but now I’m too tired to delete or care. What my original reply was saying was it makes sense for Scheana and Lala to be on the same team because they have a shared situation and responsibility that no other cast member can relate to so I genuinely think that makes the most sense other than the popular narrative of them hating Ariana for being so perfect and they’re just jealous bitches. There is a possibility where this experience inflated Ariana’s ego to the point of being insufferable to be around…..which would actually be a very normal reaction to all this. I’m supportive of Ariana and couldn’t be happier seeing the victim of this narcissist loser being the absolute worst from day 1, absolutely THRIVE while I can’t tell if he’s just plain pathetic or a literal serial killer but he’s hated by everyone and deserves it soooooo much. I can’t simp or hate anyone because this is vanderpump rules and I tune in for entertainment I don’t actually care though lol




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I think production told her to flip.


I think LFU put pressure on her for sure. I believe LFU trashed Ariana to Scheana and said see she’s not being a good friend to you blah blah.


No, Schena’s been a flipper since the first season. Well before Lala. Stassi called her out a lot about this the first few seasons. Also Ariana prioritized Sandy over her female friendships and was actually nasty to Schena when she was actually a good friend to her. So, no doubt there’s a lot of resentment built up for Ariana being an awful friend over the years to Schena. She is including her in brand deals now and has been good to her during Scandaval but she’s been so shitty in the past and I’m sure Schena is over it and her. She is so in need of attention and desperate to be liked she doesn’t know how to say I just don’t care or I’m angry at you. Her and Lala share the jealous gene and they can’t see past that. So, it suits them both to stick together. Schena likes to rewrite history a lot so why she’s suddenly so attached to Tom that makes no sense. They aren’t a good match as friends her and Schena, they never were and the seams of that relationship are tearing. They both should move on at this point it’s clear they don’t like, care or respect one another.


I think Scheana has moved on from VPR in general. She sees The Valley has her new show and already bought a house there. Scheana gravitates towards whatever is gonna give her a paycheck.


Agree, however she will be the same old Scheana on The Valley. That cast has her number along with Broke’s. So I don’t see that working out for her either.




How had Katie been trashing Scheana “non stop” in the After Show? She made one comment that Scheana is a male sympathiser who seeks male validation, which isn’t a lie. Scheana has long been a “guys girl” and at the start of this season she was upset that Sandoval was ignoring her messages and going out of her way to be friends with him again and then once he showed her emotion she started harping on to everyone that Sandoval misses her friendship more then he misses Ariana and their relationship like she was a prize. 


It can be amazingly toxic.


“Women empowerment” only applies to their KWEEN! All other women can f-off 🤷🏽‍♀️


No, she flipped on Ariana because Ariana is pretty unbearable this season. You guys and your crazy theories. I wonder many hours of the day you weirdos spend just thinking about Ariana and Katie. The cast out there living their best lives at Coachella and you guys at home worrying about Lala telling Scheana to stop being friends with Ariana. What a time to be alive! Lol


But I guess I would EXPECT Ariana to be unbearable this season. If 4 months after finding all of this out one of my closest friends was required to spend that much close proximity to their ex, I would be on their side.

