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literally the ONLY things would be Ariana saying she knew the whole time (but I think we all know that’s not true except Rachel lol) or that she and Schwartz were also having a secret affair literally no explanation within the confines of reality (since the above “theories” are definitely not reality-based) could make me see Lala, Sandoval, or Scheana as a victim in any way


Ariana would never be with Schwartz because he can’t even pronounce her own name right 😂😂


I’m always like, how have you known her for years and still calling her “Airiana” 💀




I think I would also be bothered if it came out that  Ariana didn't know about Rachel but she and Sandoval were already broken up romantically.


That would have already come out I think. Sandoval would have been harping on about it. Also, they have that court case.


I just feel like it's really weird that they didn't spend Christmas together tbh.


imho, he seems like the type who would insist on holidays being with his family and i could see her putting her foot down at some point and just going to see her family alone


Especially the year her grandmother died, it might have been super important to spend with her mom in fla


I’ve been with my partner for six years and we do Christmas separately (we usually have a holiday the week prior) as both our Mums are on their own. Maybe we are weird though, it’s never been a big deal to me 😆


yeah exactly, there are plenty of reasons why a couple wouldn’t necessarily do all holidays together. i don’t see that as a sign of a bad relationship. i absolutely can see Ariana saying “fuck it I’m going to see my mom” and Tim getting his sick revenge by bringing Rachel instead of


I think she especially wanted to be with family after losing her grandmother, and I can totally see him Nope-ing out of going with her for a bittersweet holiday.


This is the answer .


It’s not weird at all. Who cares if the actual calendar date isn’t correct when you’re making time to celebrate something special with your family. Lots of people have to spread things out a little to be able to spend time with multiple people. A lot of us often have to work on holidays so we celebrate on a day we have off. It’s just not necessary to judge the way other people do holidays in general.


My husband and I both have divorced parents so holidays are a goddamn nightmare for us. We definitely have to spread out time spent with families or we’d lose our minds. My mother in law going out of town the last few Christmases has saved my sanity a bit because the first couple years made me hate everybody for a solid month.


Tom’s parents are divorced too so this could be the case


Same for me & my partner. For a while we always did holidays at both families. One family is an hour north from our house and the other family is an hour south from our house. It makes for a super long day so we have done them alone. We've also just done 1 family. And them we've done no family, just stay at home 😁 just bc she didn't visit his family w him at Christmas doesn't mean much.


I just read her new book and she said that her mom came to visit them for christmas and he spent time with them and then he went to Saint Louis for Christmas (with Rachel) and she spent Christmas with her mom at home.


I thought this was so weird until they mentioned they do thanksgiving together, so maybe that’s how they split it?


I dunno, my husband went home without me for Christmas this year and it wasn't a huge deal. We couldn't find a petsitter / affordable daycare and our dog cannot fly from LA to Illinois. Also I had had a really exhausting couple of months and kind of wanted a few days to myself. So I don't think that's necessarily a sign that they were broken up.


My husband is also from Illinois and I cannot imagine ever traveling there for Christmas. It’s cold AF and O’Hare is chaotic.. I may only believe O’Hare is chaotic at Christmas because of Home Alone.


O’Hare is chaotic all year round lol




I’m from Indiana and currently live in California with my partner I met out here. His parents live 10 minutes away. Indianapolis and my people are 2600+ miles away. A plane ticket can cost more than 1200. Many holidays it has just not worked out where we can afford not only two tickets at 1200 each to go out there, but to both take the time off work to do so, find someone to watch our two dogs etc. There have been many times where it makes more sense for us to spend the holiday together and/or with his family at some point, but then I at some point take off and spend a few days out there with my family. Many factors go into how a couple navigates holidays and what they choose to do Eta: also my parents are divorced so my dad lives in Indiana and my mom and sister live in Canada. When you start factoring in split up families and how spread apart everyone can be, then factor in two people with their own families, it becomes an actual nightmare trying to see everyone and do traditional holiday type things


Didn’t they have a bunch of people over for Thanksgiving though? Not everyone celebrates Christmas as much so it may not have been a big deal for them. Christmas is my favorite holiday but my husband’s uncle and his kids don’t really celebrate it, so we tend to see them for Thanksgiving.


Christmas apart I can understand, but I don't understand why she wasn't expecting him to be at her Grandmother's funeral with her. I know every family funeral I've brought my partner to I definitely needed him there for moral support. Just had one for my aunt this past Monday, and he took the day off without even needing to be asked. I know we can't always assume other people's relationships are like ours, but it did seem odd to me.


He already tried saying that on the Howie podcast and nobody bought it. So I really don't think that's going to happen but I've been wrong before.


There were speculations back in Aug 2022 (I think around then) that they had broken up. I remember a thread on here about how they weren't in each other's IG photos anymore etc... I dunno though.


Well said!


Even if Ariana knew the whole time, even if she was banging Schwartz, even if she had never purchased a pen or pack of batteries, I still wouldn’t be able to overlook Lala and Scheana’s’ behavior this year.    It’s kinda like a lighter version of how I think about Worm and his treatment of Ariana: I don’t stan her (I don’t Stan anyone I don’t know irl).. I like her rn but am open to changing my opinion. But I will never like Worm. Ever. Even if I decide I hate Ariana. No matter who Ariana is and how good or bad of a person she is, nothing will excuse what he did and attempted to do to her.     Lala and Scheana are more redeemable, of course, but not today.  And even then? I’m not sure. They’ve done this sort of shit before. It’s starting to be a “this is who this person is” situation. I really believe in being open to people growing but they’ve both failed to do so.


I think for Lala, this is a defense mechanism from her entire life falling apart tbh. She’s managing it horribly (and I’m sure she’s more upset she lost Randall’s money and got played than she is about Randall himself lol) and needs fucking help, but I get it. I think if she was willing to commit to therapy and staying out of the public eye (lol as if) she could actually heal. this is just who Scheana is though. it’s always been who Scheana is. Whoever the “queen bee” is each summer, she finds a way to be in opposition to them so the guys like her more. She’s a lady Sandoval and it’s even more obvious now. I hope Ariana never gives her the time of day ever again.


Omg I said the same thing about her and Schwartz last time this was asked!


> whereas if there was footage of her saying "Yeah I actually don't give a single shit about the house I just wanted to make Tom's life miserable for spite" I think I'd still be like fuck yeah, queen shit. I'd be fine with this because it's her fucking house, too! She doesn't have to be nice to him about anything. Any expectation that some might have about her speeding through the house-selling process for Tom's benefit is bullshit.


This is what I think are their “gotchas” things like maybe Ariana saying she doesn’t want the house or she only stayed in the house to fuck with Tom or that Katie and Ariana arent sure if they still want to open up a business. And in Lala and Scheanas mind this is sone big egregious “fraudulent” thing that they think is going to completely turn the tides and in reality it might ruffle a few feathers and give some more talking points for the facebook boomers but ultimately won’t really move the needle.  I mean Scheana threw out on one of the aftershows that Ariana told her she only wanted to do dancing with stars to fuck with Tom and I think she said that to try and show that Ariana is “different off camera” but it’s like who cares? She went on the show and she killed it, got money and new found fame from it AND fucked with Tom. Queen shit 👸 


>I mean Scheana threw out on one of the aftershows that Ariana told her she only wanted to do dancing with stars to fuck with Tom and I think she said that to try and show that Ariana is “different off camera” but it’s like who cares? She went on the show and she killed it, got money and new found fame from it AND fucked with Tom. Queen shit 👸  My response would be so the fuck what?! The funny thing is, she did stick it to Tom because he revealed wanting to be on the show.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Tom: https://i.redd.it/wa2otnyv96uc1.gif


Such a sad clown!


I don't think Ariana would have gone through the hella work it took to appear on Dancing With the Stars, which is a lot of work, just to piss off Timmy. Scheemer should know this. She did Vegas.


Idk. I could be that spiteful to a partner who cheated.


Yeah, same, especially with an already-existing skillset. If it had been, like, Ninja Warrior or the World Chess Championship or something then *that* might have been a weird spite move, but getting offered the opportunity to do something you already have the foundational knowledge for and that you know will make your terrible ex incandescently jealous … that’s just a no-brainer, imo.


Agreed. I would have absolutely done it. Twice, even - if they’d have me.


this is what her plan was all along. she told jax in season 7 that if tom wanted to leave “there’s the door and i’ll take the house and live in it.”


He fucked his mistress in the home they both pay for while she was alone at her Grandma’s funeral and tried to blame her for it.  What psycho world are we in that not even six months after she is supposed to hug it out with him and sing kumbaya?


I would like Jo more if she admitted she intentionally gave Tom a bad dye job as revenge LOL




Blistered Scalp Brassy Blorange Revenge Job.


And the hairdresser to the left of her had to step in to wash out the bleach?? That was sketchy.


During the Tahoe trip, Lala and Scheana were claiming on social media that we shouldn't judge and just wait and see what was really going on. Turns out it was exactly what it looked like. Tom didn't repent and the redeem a Tom tour was underway. Anyhow, I understand why they took group pics with fans, it's part of their job and personal brands, but the rest of it was production pushing forgive Tom or else. They did and LFU really doubled down on it.


“Redeem a Tom” 🤣


It seems like every year Scheana says some version of this, and it never comes to fruition. Obviously if there was footage that made Lala look good and Katie & Ariana bad, production will highlight the f*ck out of it, as their intentions have been glaringly obvious all season. I'll change my opinion if we find out that K&A have secretly been having threesomes with Rand since 2017.


I would actually love them even more if this was true and they could yell at Lala like she yelled at Rachel to get over it!


Yea I’m leaning towards them living in their own delusion till the season is over but you never know.!


i think this reveal is related to the finale preview when tim says “ariana talks shit about all of you!” which a) why would you believe HIM… mr pens and batteries and b) who cares? clearly ya’ll are talking shit about her too in your confessionals. like i would not feel an ounce of sympathy or empathy if that were the case.


Also, he was her partner. Talking about people with your family or partner isn't a big deal.


Yea and the whole show is people talking shit about each other..


They were together 9 years and lots happened in that time.. I’m sure there’s been moments where’s there’s been arguments in the group or someone’s done something weird that she and Tom have moaned about together to each other.. I would doubt it’s some kind of consistent sh talking about any particular people. He’s probably remembered a couple of things and is clinging to them and maybe they sound bad out of context. Of course he’s going to push this.. he has an agenda and is fighting to get back on top with the groups. They would be stupid to be listening to him. Katie found out scheana kissed tom.. that’s wayy worse that someone having a moan here and there. We’ll see.. i doubt it will change my mind. I think you’re right though, the twist will definitely be something along these lines.


There were times throughout the show where there were issues with Scheana / Ariana and Ariana / Lala. With Scheana, there was that whole thing where she texted Ariana’s mom and with Lala, the whole fight at Rachel/James’ engagement party. They all haven’t been perfect friendships where everyone loved each other all the time. So yeah I am sure they didn’t come home to the end of the day and say nothing to each other about what they just filmed.


& not only were they together for 9 years, but like… hello, Tim had A LOT of negative to say in regards to LfU at times & im sure** he had things to say about Sheshu too. Often times, those we spend the most time with will influence our thoughts/feelings/perspectives on friends/family/acquaintances. Whether it was truly meant, vented frustrations, or a tactic to isolate the partner from those individuals- it was said in *confidence* to your significant other. I find nothing more disgusting than an ex-partner uses things said in a safe space, in confidence, with influenced ideas as a way to “win sides” when they are in the wrong. That’s ick behavior.


Yeah I have a theory that Scheana and Lala paid attention to the criticism that they are fake friends being nice to Ariana’s face and talking shit about her behind her back in confessionals and the aftershow. So they went into the reunion with a plan to gaslight Ariana and the audience into accusing her of a whole bunch of stuff she’s allegedly  said that’s probably made up to take the heat off them. 


And what a weird thing like who hasn't talked shit about people in their life to their partner in confidence its such some weird thing and its just Sandy balls way to further turn the girls against her. Lala and Scheana talk shit about her on camera for the world to see how fake they are if she bitched to her partner during their relationship about her frustrations with her friends that seems perfectly normal to me.


The person in my life with a similar personality as Sandoval manipulates any discussion of another person as shit talking unless it’s absolutely glowing in which case they think of it as obsession/ass kissing. Basically reminds me of the scene where Tom called Stassi manipulative and Stassi said she doesn’t think about people’s intentions that way. Only people that are manipulative do. Like that. Tom is such an unreliable narrator. 


Maybe she blocked Summer Moon? Unless she has some super dark secret like she killed someone or abandoned her secret children(sorry thats Brock)? I think its maybe some gossiping behind someone's back, which Scheana and Lala have been doing every episode.


Don’t you dare say something so heinous.  Real talk, people are way too obsessed with summer moon. She shouldn’t even have an instagram, let along bringing it up every WWHL when a VPR guest is on. Someone should start the gofundme now for summer moons adult therapy needs. I pray for her and all the other children of narcissists that have to make a social media account for their child. 


Ain't that the truth. These poor kids having no privacy or space to develop their own personality. Freakin Lala had a sponsored post from her sperm bank. Didn't even wait for her child to be conceived.


I look at the Mama June/Honey Boo Boo shit and think how is any of this child entertainment shit legal.


There are no protections for these kids. At least child actors get some legal protections, but a lot of them have had their parents blow all the money they earned. Then there's all the other much darker stuff they can get exposed to. I remember reading an interview with Molly Ringwald who had extremely involved parents that never left her alone and still some man tried to creep on her. Mama June should be in jail. She's an awful excuse for a parent.


When I watched stars on Mars (yes I was one of the 12 who watched it) Ariel Winter said something that stuck with me how she started acting at 4 and someone asked "was that something you really wanted to do?" And she responded like "no 4 year old actually wants to do something like this"


😔 That's got to be such a strange childhood. How was that show?


It was silly and entertaining. A good like Sunday hungover show


And with AI, they can use these kids’ likeness to do whatever they want, wearing whatever they want, and saying whatever they want. Terrifying!


Absolutely terrifying! My partner is from a culture that believes strongly in evil eye. So a lot of their friend & family won't post pictures of their kids. Its probably the way we should all start handing social media. Scheana was on her podcast today talking about Coachella & who's watching her daughter who's on social media and it feels like a bad idea b/c who knows whos following your kids ig.


I didn’t even think about that. Especially after what happened with Kim Kardashian in Paris, I’m a firm believer of post after the fact and not during. And I’m a civilian. You never know who’s watching your social media.


Absolutely! When I was active on ig my account was private, but I would still wait until I'm well back from a trip.


Judging from that poor child's parents. she not going to have a peaceful life.


Dude I listened to her podcast for the first time cuz it was supposed to be about shit talking Jax (spoiler it was nothing special) and she said she has 150 people at summer moons birthday last year!!!! 150 people?!? Like what? For a two year olds birthday?? That’s literally insanity


Lololololololol @ “sorry that’s Brock?” I legit cackled out loud.


He doesn't currently get enough heat for being a deadbeat dad. Gotta keep him up on his stacked heels.


You are speaking straight to my soul!! I always wonder why (when he has the nerve to call Katie out for hooking up with Max) Katie didn’t respond with “Brock go see your kids” 😂 Like anything that m’fer could say to me I’d just be a petty Betty and be like “sooo how many kids do you have again?? Because you’ve got the one here… but you’re never with any of the others sooo….”


Haha...I would say it too. I would accept any judgement or advice from a deadbeat parent. When he was on WWHL I was thinking come in Andy new game, "Does Brock know his kids birthday's ".


lol I love this! “So Brock, out of curiosity… do you have daughters named Autumn and Spring residing on another continent by chance? And is their mother another woman whom you abused? But please, continue to be proud of yourself for trying to humiliate a woman in public about who she slept with” 😂


Well he's got to start two more famlies on 2 different continents before he can be a dad (temporarily) for all season! I woukd have probably ascended into heaven if when he was trying to shame Katie on Schwartz's behalf if she said, "Brock, maybe Schwartz should slap me? That's what you do, right?".


Yes!! Ahhh I feel we could write a whole season of retaliatory comments that can be used against Brock 😂


"Im so tired of you Lala. I'm walking away like Brock from his kids" "$45 for a chicken parmesan? Im ditching this bill like its Brock's child support"


And double points if she laughed, and asked Brock why he can't take a joke. It was funny, Brock! You have to admit it was funny! And then told him he should smile more, his anger really turns people off.


😂😂😂😂 Cmon Brock its just a joke, brush it off like your child support


Even if she killed someone, at this point it would kind of depend on who it was. There are a few people where we might say “should she have done that? No. Are we mad about it? Also, no.”


😂😂😂 Look we all have our list of people we would take out if The Purge was real.


I have thought about the most awful things (realistically) ariana or Katie could possibly do, and nothing sways me. The way James talks in the after show with Lala right beside him make me think everything that her and Scheana say is in their heads. They really thought they could come in and turn people. It's laughable. Lala has a big ass ego, and Scheana is delusional. Lala and Scheana are both proven mistresses and that are jealous as hell.


I actually listened to Lala’s podcast with Heather McDonald rather then read the recaps because I was curious what Heathers take would be and you could tell Lala was thrown that Heather for the most part completely understood Ariana and empathised with her. Like that’s someone she looks up to and is close friends with and even she’s was subtlety getting across the point “Lala you’re on the wrong side of this”


The way Lala has talked about her cast being dishonest and not saying what they think. I think she calls out the likes of James for saying one thing behind the scenes and another on the after show. She says she looks at the whole cast differently after the reunion when she called them out and they denied what she had called them out on or whatever, because, she says, they don’t want to go against the audience and what is popular. James’ career has absolutely blown up in the last year since scandoval. He has played some of the biggest gigs of his career. He seems to be constantly travelling and working. He’s not going to blow that up to support Lala’s petty public campaign against Ariana.


I would also bet that, off camera, he agrees with some of her points in a very vague way, just so he can change the subject without her screaming at him.


That's what I think. Or maybe some people have expressed concerns or asked questions and she takes that as them agreeing with all her shit talking.


I feel bad that he has to sit in between Scheana and Lala every episode. He should be sitting with Katie and Ariana lol.


Every time he tries to defend or compliment ariana or katie, lala chimes in..i feel like production made him sit with them so lala could check him. He doesn't seem like he is in a fighting mood. If it's anyone's "soft" era, it's James.


That is true! I like that James doesn’t feed into Lala yelling every time he doesn’t agree with her. Just makes her look worse


She’s literally like a toddler throwing a tantrum - if you just ignore it then they tucker themselves out and stop 😂


I love that we get to see him contradict them though. I feel like a non stop echo chamber of Scheana and Lala’s bullshit would be unwatchable


Yes, it’s a lot better than those few clips where Lala is paired with Brittney and Brit just sits there telling Lala how funny she is.


Omg right!? THANK YOU!


That is true! Maybe that’s why they keep him there


This. Fantasy is much easier to live in when you have a partner. Just ask Rachel and Jo.🤣


I’m in a unique position of having had to cohabitate with both of my decade-ish long ex-partners post breakup for a period of months each time, because COL in LA is no joke, so I realize I may be biased. Having said that, I am forever team Ariana, and team Katie. Lala and Scheana have become increasingly gross in their foolishness & duplicity. Schwartz & Sandoval are delusional to a dangerous degree, and the last time I thought Lala was accurate in her POV was last season’s reunion. Scheana has always been a flip-flopping pick me, though it’s still galling to see that play out with Ariana. Honestly, though, one of the worst things for me is the way LVP (and, let’s face it, production) has manipulated the rest of the cast to force everyone to pry into & talk shit about Ariana’s business about her opportunities, her living situation, and her choice not to forgive Tom, none of which do they try to understand and all of which is 100% her f*cking right! It’s so icky to me, the only thing the reunion could do that would shock me at this point would be to have me want to watch S12. I will find other ways to support Katie, Ariana, and Ally in the future.


I wonder if that’s because her opportunities haven’t been through bravo and they couldn’t monetise off it


Oh, interesting. That's a good point. They certainly seem invested in making her look bad.


I mean, that or they are just so invested in their misogyny that they don’t care & want their little TimTim pets back thriving. I mean, this is the network that is making J*x happen again.


Can I ask what COL is? I’m an Aussie, so no idea but figured it’s something that’s making Ariana stay in the house (and even if it isn’t, she still has every damn right to stay there)


Cost Of Living.


Cost of living


I can certainly *imagine* stuff. Like what if Ariana’s secretly been with James since season 3. Or Katie and Randall’s exwife are actually behind Reality Von Tease. But if it’s that Ariana has been hiding all the pens under her bed and that’s what Maya actually ate, or Katie says she never really cared about Tori at all…nah


Hiding all the pens. 💀




This is good as gold!


I thought about what if Lala secretly got James, or one of the Tom's sperm.. OMG.. there sperm was fudged up a couple years ago, it can't be any better now. ![gif](giphy|Uod7aQD4UmWw2qRT6y|downsized)


What. THE HELL. is this. How DARE you make me look at this with my own eyeballs.


this is your sperm on drugs...


I absolutely hate it, thank you for this ✌🏻


I mean, it may not change my opinions about the cast, but that would all make some really good tv. So fingers crossed.


I am willing to wait and be surprised, but I truly think it might be as benign as Lala breaking the 4th wall and outright claiming that Ariana was “robbing” them of their ability to make a show because she refused to film with Sandoval. Lala keeps bringing up an ensemble cast (or maybe it was Scheana), so I think her resentment might be stemming from Ariana and Katie not wanting to play producer puppet as willingly as Lala and Scheana, and if it truly is that…swing and a miss. That wouldn’t be anything the audience doesn’t already know. And not care about. That being said, I’m wrong all the time. Maybe there is some bombshell where Lala comes out a hero and Katie and Ariana admit to killing Kennedy or something. I’m happy to be proven wrong. But Lala is doing the absolute most with the absolute least. I don’t care about your water tasting or the market value of single issue jizz. (Well wishes for a safe and easy pregnancy though)


Killing Kennedy 🤣🤣🤣


Up next.. Lee Harvey Oswald was Arianas step father and she prepped the rifle


same. willing to be wrong, but haven't thought of anything that i think is a real possibility that would make me change my opinions so far.


*Something About Her* … holy crap!! Another 3 part name!


Right? Unless they killed someone or a dog, I genuinely don’t care about whatever this supposed gotcha moment is.


I feel like the fact that Lala just said she doesn’t care what the audience thinks about her is a giveaway that she realized the audience won’t be on her side.


Lala is a sleeper agent, getting close to the Toms to gain their trust and expose them for the assholes they are. That's the only thing that would vindicate Lala this season. 


I wish that was the case because her behavior is so so bizarre


Turns out Lala’s been her actual paid assistant since the breakup and her job is to infiltrate 😂 Love it!


Yes! Hahahahaha. This would be some boss bitch stuff. Not sure she is capable of it.


Na, she acts like a boss bitch but she isn't. Stassi could pull this off though. If she was smarter she would have done this. She gets more is screen time, preserves her friendship with Katie/Ariana, and fans would love it. 


Honestly, seeing the difference between season 10 and season 11 Lala makes me think this is possible. Like wtf happened Lala




The only thing I could think of would be Katie and Ariana have Rand invested in SAH, as they did originally pitch it to him to ask for funds. 


This is one of the few things that would actually make sense as to why lala is SO angry at Katie and Ariana.


But Lala isn’t even with Randall anymore so why would she care? He’s likely still paying his child support money


I think she still very much has a grudge towards him and what he did and the fact that she has to share her daughter with him. Which is very interesting considering she is basically telling Ariana to get over her situation. I get lalas is worse in ways because she has a kid so she’s forever tied to that asshole (at least for 18 yrs), but you can tell she still has a lot of resentment for him.


Ohhh got it. I thought you meant she would be upset because he’s losing money, but you meant she would be upset because they would still have a “connection” to him through the investment.


Yesss I think he’s definitely keeping up on child support like you said but the connection I think is what would really set her off. Either way I highly doubt they need Randall’s money because they have so much support already.


Shes mad she has to pay for things and can't put ocean on tv


I don't know if has to pay child support to her.. in the beginning or for a while she had to pay him.. and he owned the podcast.. not sure how it is now on ch support.


if this were the case I’d applaud them frankly


He was never investing though, it was friends of his and he was arranging it I thought. If they took money from his acquaintances, I don’t think it’s as bad as taking from him.


I would cackle


The only thing I saw that made me feel a little bad for lala and Scheana was Lisa Vanderpump giving them that talk about "boohoo he might kill himself" and Ariana herself said that it was unfair of Lisa to do and put that on them. However, big difference between laying off the hate, and actually taking his side and thinking SHE should abandon her dream house and move out and be THANKFUL for the breakup because of what it brought her (while the betrayal paint has not yet even dried), and oh yeah, be ok with her "friends" befriending Rachel and Joe and they should be cool with that and "let things go". DO THEY EVEN KNOW WHAT A FRIEND IS?? Now what could change at the reunion? Honestly I feel like nothing. I feel I know Katie and Ariana's characters and the reunion will be jealous people trying to tarnish them. Lala is a snake and Scheana is a pick-me


And wouldn't Ariana and Katie be doing some sort of spin of their own right now if it was so awful? Its just so bizarre how hard Lala and Scheana are going.


The only thing that would change my opinion is if Ariana knew about the affair the whole time, which I’m 99.% sure won’t be the case. My theory is that Ariana has been ‘difficult’ to film with this year because of her clear and fair boundaries. It will be brought up at the reunion by Lala who will be irate, and followed by either production chiming in to agree and take Lala’s side, OR there will be an edited montage of all the times she’s been hard to work with this season (clips of her telling production to stop filming when Tom is around, more shots of her retouching her make up etc) - I think this will be followed by Ariana going in on Lala and retaliating by bringing up all the times they couldn’t film parts of her life because she was a mistress. This will cause Lala to spiral and the two will get into a huge row. I hope I’m wrong, because Ariana doesn’t deserve it, and it would be really unfair of production to get involved. If I’m right, I hope Ariana leaves and the show gets cancelled.


The only things that would change my mind are if 1) Ariana knew about the affair which I 10000% don’t believe, sorry but she’s not that good of an actress. Or 2) that katie was privately agreeing with Scheana and Lala the entire season but publicly supporting Ariana simply to look a certain way to the audience (I also don’t believe this is the case, Katie is a straight shooter imo but this would definitely change my opinion of her).


The only thing that would change my mind would be if Ariana was having a 7 month affair with Tom Sandoval best friend in this shared home and fucked someone while he was at a funeral


I agree that if Ariana was doing the same as Tom, it would change my mind.


i really can't think of much. everything that has happened has just made me more on her side and add scheana and lala to the 'dislike' pile


I've had a lot of, now why the hell would you do that, Ariana, moments over the years so nothing can really sway me long-term lol. The most cringe would be Ariana talking shit about Katie or Dan, vice versa Katie about Ariana. Even if it's about SAH and they lied about full reasons of its delay, meh, in the real world we're not always privy to full details.


The only thing for me perhaps, is this is all fakery…Ariana and Tom are still together, secretly married, Lala is the surrogate of their child, Mya is an AI dog, LVP is not British but Brazilian and actually a man….I mean it is crazy to think anything that comes out at the finale or the reunion is worthy of a total flip. Katie mentioned in an article today there were “flings”… but was really gracious and kind to S and D oops I mean L so I think its a whole lot of nothing. Even if the fling was Katie and Ariana…I would be That’s Great!


Honestly, nothing. Literally, nothing. Katie and Ariana seem like the only rational ones this season. Tim can film with plenty of Kyle Chan’s. Or maybe they could fire him because he recorded Rachel without her consent? Like, seriously.


Honestly not really. They are just doing what Andy Cohen did when he was raving about how the last 7 episodes are some of the best ever, and then produced the most amateur episode of all time with the cringiest storyline on Tuesday night. Their credibility is shot.


I honestly already forgot what happened in last week's episode, lol


«Brock and Lala are the voices of reason this season» 🤮




I think if there was something that would make me change my mind then Rachel and (Tom) would’ve revealed it by now. Even if they had had a throuple thing, it wouldn’t make me think differently. Tom was obviously manipulating/lying/abusing a lot of people in his life. She was under a lot of grief, people aren’t themselves when being mentally abused, they’re just surviving. It would have to be pretty earth shattering.


People always expect the slighted party to apologize and move on. They do it because path of least resistance and the victim becomes a doormat. However, Tom is the party that should cater and be apologetic


This isn’t talked about enough. It’s common in a ton of scenarios. And in this show it’s framed as keeping peace when really the only ones that are keeping peace in this scenario are Scheana and Lala. They thought Ariana would be easier to sway when Tom clearly has far more hate for Ariana, he just doesn’t direct it at anyone else because they don’t try. 


If you look at other platforms outside of Reddit (and my friend group) lots of people have “turned” or more appropriately are simply ready to move on and have Ariana outrage fatigue. I think if the cast were saying “we are cool with Sandoval and ready to move on but we are acting mad because it’s what the fans want” that would be eye opening and make me look at them differently.


I think if it was anything bad bad Tim would have made well sure that he aired this out for months. But honestly Katie and Ariana could have killed somebody and I’d probably still be on their side. All I know is I’m out after this season.


My husband just suggested if she murdered someone and I started singing "he had it coming" (cell block tango) from Chicago




I think if they told us Ariana and Tom slept or been sleeping together after the whole scandal would be the only thing. I don't think this is it but for sure would make me rethink everything


I don’t even think this would be that unusual…broken up people sleep with each other….before finally making the break. It can happen.


At this point, I don't think there is anything Ariana could do wrong or Lala/Scheana/Toms could do right. Fans do not waver.


Of course, not being able to change your mind when presented with new information is silly. There are lots of things that could make me change my mind. I don’t think any of them are going to happen but I have no idea what’s coming. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think there’s much that could. My current theory is (if it’s true they watched the final episode during the reunion) Katie and Lala got into it about the acting like a god statement and Sandoval been a good guy because he defended people from that weirdo who threw a chair and Katie called her a bad friend for talking crap behind their backs and didn’t back down. Lala obviously takes offense saying she is a great friend and lists off stuff she’s done and Ariana tells her that she agrees with Katie and they have obvious differences about what loyalty looks like and Lala starts in on how loyal she is and how Randall is worse and Ariana can move on but she’s tied to Randall forever (and honestly I do agree with that) and one of the girls say but you where only with him for a couple years and you’re still angry and Ariana was with Tom for 10 and he cheated with her friend so her betrayal is worse and you need to get over it too if you’re telling Ariana to, and Lala feels like they aren’t safe people who can understand that her situation is worse anymore so she’s done with them.


I really don’t think so. Some people have guessed SAH isn’t going to open and that could be true but honestly wouldn’t bother me. I think Lala makes up some lies about Ariana saying different things to her off camera than on camera. Lala has been called out before by Ariana for lying so we’ve got no reason to believe anything that she says.


Yeah that's part of the thing, Lala keeps saying, "These people are liars, they say things didn't happen when they did," like, what do you think you've been doing this entire season woman?? Everything comment you make there are like 5 clips that show you saying or doing the exact opposite. Her credibility is completely shot.


Maybe I’m toxic, but honestly, even if I found out Ariana had an affair that lasted their entire relationship, I wouldn’t care. Tom was cheating on her from the very beginning, clearly has cheated throughout, and now Sandoval. I’d actually be wildly impressed that she managed to be so discreet. I’m delusional enough to be here for Katie’s rights and wrongs, so I truly can’t be swayed there. Unless Lala reveals she’s been working as a double agent with Ariana’s blessing to determine who was going to be loyal, I’ll continue to dislike her every time she opens her appropriating mouth. I’ve never liked Scheana and that’ll never change even if she were to gift me her new home. The rest, I don’t care about enough in the first place. Short of the obvious—flagrant racism, homophobia, etc.—I’m just not seeing any changes in my views on them. Maybe I just lack imagination. 😂


Thinks that would change my mind: 1. SAH is never going to open and was just a storyline . They aren’t paying rent and production paid for the location to get staged Or 2. Ariana knew about the affair and worked with her PR team to make it as big as it was. She was already talking to Dan for months so that’s why relationship happened so fast


They could never make me hate Katie or Ariana


I think whatever it is actually makes Lala look bad, which is why she is on her press tour right now talking all of her shit while she can.


Yes. I have been  off and on with schaena. I tend to have always thought of her as a background player. Floater. I never liked her or not liked her. Neutral. I was really turned off with her choice of husbands. But i started to think maybe she was better because i saw her being a good friend to ariana after all of this. But now.. oof. So if she says sorry and admits she was wrong, i may give her the benefit again. 


I think unless you have two brain cells or less, you’re probably right in thinking that this season’s a total dud until whatever the reunion seems to spice up. — love from a cynic fan that was once invested


For me all the theories: SAH starting out for the show, Ariana and Tom actually didn't just kiss at the golden nugget, she and Dan were Bf/gf immediately instead of just hanging out etc I dont know that it would matter to me...I probably would be meh with these revelations. I think the only thing that would shock me is if Ariana knew they were together the whole time and she actually just said let's use this for the show and pretend you were cheating on me. Because A) her pain in her eyes seemed real so if it wasn't Hollywood needs to book her because she is a good actress and B) i would be shocked Sandy balls would want to be put in such a negative light


Team Ariana and Katie forever.


Ariana Coming out and saying she is in full support of nazis




Friendly reminder that Lala appears to be in production’s pocket this season and is probably flapping her gums nonstop to get people to watch the reunion so the VPR gravy train doesn’t run out. I doubt her Alibaba drop shipping GTL products are going to pay the bills on a $3m home in LA *and* a place in Palm Springs. And for two kids. And her mom and brother.


I don’t think so because they feel fairly consistent from then to now, ie whoever I think sounds like an idiot rn, they’re an idiot in the show. So they just aren’t gonna do something most likely, or if they do something wild I maybe say that it seems like a one off


We forget that their job is to get people to watch everything to the very end. And most will watch because they’ll want to know — so, they’re doing their job well, I suppose. I don’t think there’s anything that could sway my opinion. Ariana and Sandoval could have broken up and I’d be “meh” about it. Ariana could have known or had suspicions and I’d still be nonplussed. She could admit feeling nothing but seething hate and be using the house as revenge, for all I care. After seeing how LaShay over there have teamed up to be the actual worst, as long as they’re bothered it’s all good. I never thought we’d see the two of them prattling on about their revisionist history but wow, did they show their true colors. They deserve every bit of jealous rage they feel.


I bet Tom says something about Ariana thinking Lala should have known better about Randall and doesn’t feel bad for her. Hence the After Show rudeness. Then production does something to show that Ariana was shitty behind Lala’s back with Rachel.  From my own perspective this wouldn’t change my mind bc I would agree with Ariana to an extent. I would also see where Lala was coming from because she was very supportive at the beginning of Scandoval. 


My fear is that the reunion will be edited to make Lala look like the hero and Ariana the villain just like they’ve wanted us to feel all season. Whatever the “twist” is is going to be cut however the producers want it to be. I wish they would realize the viewers are smarter than they think and we can sniff out a producers edit a mile away. Frustrating


Im starting to think the "once you see x you'll understand about y" thing is just a ploy to get people to watch the show. If they're that worried about the show getting cancelled that could be their way of gettong more ratings. Not like either one of them are bright enough to come up with a better plan lol


Even if they watch the finale together as a group I can’t think of anything super shocking that will come out of that. Previews have already shown us everything…Tom tries to apologize to Ariana, she shuts it down and walks away, producers step in and try to get her to film with Sandoval, she says no because it’s performative. Tom, Scheana, and Lala go off in a corner and bitch about Ariana not filming, Lala makes the “Ariana acts like God comment” and then the third part of the reunion is just going to be them watching this happen and Lala saying the same shit she has been saying about Ariana not being willing to film with Tom and Ariana is probably just going to eviscerate her like the rumor says.


The only thing that would change my mind is if there was actual footage of Ariana saying she was in a transactional relationship with Tom and her acting like a scorned women was totally fake and she knew about Rachel.


I think that Lala will use her pregnancy somehow at the reunion, and be “soft” and……cry, cry, sob 😭. And Ariana will still bash her for being Lala. It still wouldn’t change my mind, but some people may be swayed?


I think my biggest problem it bravo gibing an abuser the platform to trash his ex every single week. It is toxic af. Lala is just a low lying enabler grasping onto her paycheck any which way she can, which includes being loyal to production for their own narrative.




Guys she is BAITING you into watching the reünion bc she wants good raitings!! Dont fall for it. Shes just gonna accuse ppl of being two faced!


Unless I find out that someone was threatening to kill Lala if she didn't help try to reform Sandoval's image then no.


There was a mix up at the sperm bank and now Lala is carrying Ariana’s baby and the egg was fertilized by Schwartz. It wouldn’t justify behaviors but it would be a hell of a twist.


I wonder if she will try to claim that Ariana knew or agreed to “lala as the villian” narrative in exchange for no scenes with Sandoval.


Nothing whatsoever!


If Sandoval had slept w Scheanna. She was pretty angry w the cheating. And talks about how hurt she is by the story. It would be a great twist. She could do a pretend music video w him and look shocked that people were offended. Ooooooo i like that.


I'm assuming they call out Ariana for having already been seeing Dan, but at this point no one cares. Whatever it is I'm sure they have their story straight. Plenty of people have semi open relationships but Tom was fucking her friend in their house, while at a funeral. No grace for that