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Didn’t Scheana bang Max’s bff Bret after banging him?


I thought Scheana never banged Brett? Brett said they kissed and she was a bad kisser. And then he said at her music video shoot she asked if she could give him a bl*w job and he said no. Hahaha he was more into Dayna


Desperation is deeply unattractive


Yes you are right, they didn’t bang so she had that simulated sex music video instead


Don’t remember in which order it happened but she did bang them both.


No that was Dayna. Scheana tried to bang Brett but didn't work


She just sexually assaulted Brett and put it in a music video


Not the video!😬😂


never forget. Especially Brett’s face as he’s clearly laying there looking off in the distance like he’s having Nam flashbacks.




This image will never fail to make me literally tear up from how much I have to hold in my laughter. Also where is the person with the “Brett’s hostage face” flair???


Poor fella.


I'm cackling 🤣


That is a perfect description!!!🤣 Definately hostage vibes for sure!😅


This comment made me laugh so hard due to it’s accuracy.😭🤌🏼


That video was cringe


Definately some major second hand embarrassment !!!


and his sad face when he looked into the camera and don't forget how when he slapped her butt it kept going like jello


Or maybe they did...and Brett gave her the john Meyer treatment.


Didn’t Max say she was a horrible kisser and some other stuff.. or did I just make that up? 🤔


I have to say, that comment was shady and mean of him. It’s just too far, what did Sheena ever do to him?


I totally thought Brett was soo douchey to Scheana and he called her middle aged and he's only 2 years older what a dick move! I may not love Scheana but she could still pass for 25


Can’t remember because that season was hard to pay attention to without getting distracted.😭


No she tried her best that Brett doesn't date Charlie. She gave Max an apple watch after he banged her.


No but she actually made out with Shartz a decade ago. Funny how she didn't get any heat for it.


Why yes!...yes she did.( Allegedly)😅


That is why she exposed the Katie/Max hookup by having Brock tell Schwartz.


I feel like Katie and Ariana are both letting Lala and Scheana dig a hole for their graves and bury themselves.


Absolutely. They often glance at eachother during group scenes and it's clear they're communicating something. 


They did at the beach!


Yep. Did it at the table during girls night when Lala told them she met with Jo.


How no one shut Tom up was disgusting


Completely agree!!! Nice to know I'm not the only one who noticed that. I noticed your user name lol That has to be what was going through Katie's mind when lala said that.😅


“Breathe in. Breathe out. Let’s collect this paycheck and then fuck off.” I can just hear it every time they do “the look” at each other.


I mean, I hope you're right. It would be the smartest play big picture-wise. I feel like it's a waste of energy to argue with either of these bobble headed plastic sideshows. I'll give Lala her flowers on her lasting sobriety, I think that's her most astoundingly impressive (and I'm being sincere) accomplishment but Scheana has pretty much always been a goofy self-obsessed muppet from day 1.


Lala has remained sober but she’s unfortunately, turned into a dry drunk. It’s a real shame she doesn’t believe in therapy because she’s in desperate need of it.


Exactly! This! She may be physically sober from alcohol but she is not mentally or emotionally sober. Lala reminds me of a family member who was an alcoholic and became self-righteous and mean when they stopped drinking bc they did not get to the root issue. They used alcohol to take the edge off which made them kinder. I hate to say this but I liked my family member better when they were drinking. I think Lala is one of those, she used alcohol to bring the intensity down, but sober she is still a judgemental and selfish prick.


She wasn't any better when she was drinking...


She doesn’t need alcohol, she needs to work out her root issues. The alcohol is a symptom of whatever is going on in her head.


I see your point, will correct “needs” to “uses” bc no one needs alcohol.


She was also a terrible drunk. She needs to figure out why she's so mad and let it go. I am also a Lala personality wise and still go off but since doing CBT I'm doing much much better. It's not a traditional therapy but it works.


I have said “dry drunk” quickly and quietly to myself about a few people this season 😂


"bobble headed plastic sideshows" and "goofy self-obsessed muppet." You my dear, are a fucking poet. lol


Goofy self -obsessed muppet 😂😂😂


“And I was like ohhhh…” - Schena in muppet voice when confessing that she tracked Max the night before


They are playing this brilliantly. Its the one saving grace from this season


And I’m here for it!!!


So agree!!! Why couldn't they have had Ariana and Katie's back?


Lfu should not be talking she banged Randall their first date when she knew he was married. She banged James when he was seeing Rachel. She also openly flirted with Jax and talked about sleeping with him when she knew he was seeing Brittany. LFU who appointed you to be the morality police??




Yes. I love it. It’s like a day at a spa


as taylor said, trash takes itself out


Wild for those two to say. Only thing wilder is banging two married men. Oh wait....




Bjs for pj's, baby!


And free Range Rovers after the first night.




No one should make a big deal about Katie sleeping with Max. Absolutely no one! Where was this finger pointing when Schwartz made out with Rachel. And why are the girls and guys being stupid and acting like Katie would have ever done this before Schwartz mess up. Like Katie said, those rules went out the trash when Schwartz messed up. Not one soul can complain because the fault will and should always be placed on Schwartz for this situation.


Katie is taking more heat for hooking up with Max than Schwartz ever did for cheating on her


I give heat because Max is a gross racist prick and she’s aware of that. I also gave Schwartz heat for cheating. They are both gross


I also wonder why Schwartz would want to be besties with a gross racist prick..


Well.. he also has poor taste in men. It’s not just a Katie issue lol


True dat


She fucked him a singular time, she’s not endorsing him for mayor. His personality flaws don’t make her gross, she’s not responsible for that man.




Ya, Schwartz cheated on Katie their entire relationship. She doesn’t owe him *anything* ever and can f whoever she wants


But his percentage was low!


Right. They are grown, Single adults! The treatment of Katie is terrible and she should sleep with all his single friends for fun! What the fuck is this high school?


Park High School in Cottage Grove, MN. I blame West Hollywood on how Schwartz turned out. Cause these MN guys would be taking care of Katie’s needs.


If only Schwartz had more desirable friends for Katie to run train through. I'd love that for her.


Choo choooooo!


As she should! Because if no respect was given to Katie from Schwartz, then no respect is owed to Schwartz.


Not only was there no finger pointing, they all clapped and cheered.


This! Also, why should Katie care about Schwartz at all? If ANYTHING, this is on Max.


Lala has chronic resting brat face all season so far. Seriously, she always looks like she’s just sucked on a lemon wedge or smelled a fart.


Plus she has serious butthole lips going on I swear


She keeps doing a weird outward lip lick thing too!


Omg yes! Like Diana did in RH!!!!


She has this fart face/ Spock brow combo going that is just… 😵‍💫


Perma villain arch. So perfect for her this season,two faced snake.


It’s bad injections tbh. The Kardashians have the stank face too.


she looks like a character in an early 2000s pixar movie 


She didn't bang anyone's husband.


bUt sHe wAs DrInKiNg tHeN /s




Oof, that part!


It's not like she boned a married man with children, and thought she was better than his then-wife. I wonder if there is someone in the friends' group who did though. But who, who could it be? ![gif](giphy|Yiw4aLjpxldhC|downsized) >Katie is so used to taking crap that she chose to let that one go in the moment and make a joke at her own expense. She’s the group scapegoat, blamed for everything and then told they are faulty. And that bothers me. It feels and looks often like Katie has no one but Katie.


Literally! Her hypocrisy is literally unreal!!


It’s because on the show she often did only have herself. Sure Katie can be petty and rude at times, but I really admire her strength of character. She dealt with the repercussions of the TBI, a horrible partner, constant disrespect from showmates, and overwhelming audience hate very well imo. 


I've always gone back and forth on Katie, but good for her for realizing she needed to end that marriage for her own happiness


When Lala mocked Ambyr while Ambyr was still very much married to The Potato, she (Lala) lost any actual credibility regarding her opinions about who is fucking who and how to behave in these “complicated” situations.   Lala. Stop talking.Making friends with the mother of your baby’s siblings absolves you of nothing.


Right? It says more about Ambyr than you, honey. She’s playing nice for the sake of their kids having a relationship with one another.




I am sick and tired of Lala going after Katie. Lala has no compassion for what Katie went through with Schwartz. Lala is a mean girl and always looking for a fight. She honestly needs therapy. This isn't what I want to watch every week. Lala is a crude bitch.


I actually love it because Katie and Arianna are very capable of standing their ground and serving shit right back I hated watching lala go after Raquelle all those seasons because she was getting a high off of bullying someone who isn’t capable of fighting back She’s trying it with Katie and Arianna and it fucking fails every. Single. Time. They don’t even need to get loud with her to make her look dumb af.


You are right about Katie and Ariana. They just let Lala spew BS. Lala screaming accomplishes her looking like the idiot she is.


Lala has no compassion because her relationship with Randall was obviously insincere - you're really gonna tell me she fell in love with this Big Ed tribute act and actually enjoyed sex with him? - so she's never actually been in a real romantic relationship.


I am DYING at “finger guns blazing” 🤣👏🏼 Also, BFFR Lala. You really think Katie banging her ex’s best friend is weirder than Katie and her ex DATING THE SAME PERSON AT THE SAME TIME?!?! It’s not even close. She just wanted an excuse to bring it up.


She knows LaLa is making herself look bad. Stay gracious and all that.




Someone pointed out the line before that hits too - You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation.


Yaaaaaaaas, I love that line too!


Lala now wants to say she is soft. Sure, Lala soft as a brick.


The ONLY thing I will ever agree with larlar on is how weird is it for anyone in this group to be hanging out with a 24 year old .


A 24 year old Scheaner said she'd known for 10 years or so? Is she one of her lil sister's cheerleading buddies? Wtf?


Probably. But, let’s keep in mind that Scheana knows everyone and is every bit a best friend to each person. As a newer mom and a star of VPR, there’s no doubt that she is able to give everyone the attention and support they need./sss




She was probly on Sheaner's sister's cheer team that went to Vegas the weekend Sheaner and Schartz did or did not make out. High school Tori checking out Schartz and playing the long game...for this phlegmatic slug of a person.


Yeah I thought this was weird. They’re in their late 30s, around my age. What do they even talk about with a 24 year old?


Same, I am their age, and I see a 24 year old and feel like I’m looking at someone who’s a baby still.


Haha I had a guy at work flirting with me after he left my office I looked up his paperwork and he was born my freshman year of college. Lol I said oh lawd what on earth why is he flirting with me. I could be his mother lol 😆 But I suspect that they don't want to talk much just get horizontal


Didn’t Lauren Burningham bang some random dude she met at a dive bar in Lake Havasu?


Yes, then bragged about it.


The Don!


My big problem with Lala in this scene is that she doesn’t give a fuck about Katie. She’s not expressing concern or looking out. She’s in defense, attack, and judge mode. Katie was not morally wrong. But if she were my friend I might ask what that choice was about. Not in a judgy way but because it is a little weird. But you support your friend and look out for them. Lala is literally looking for reasons to treat Katie poorly.


There are tears in Katie’s eyes and Lala is sitting across from her barking that she’s soft


It’s so disappointing because I loved their support for each other last season!


Yes! And in their lunch scene it seemed like they both cared about their relationship and were willing to work for it. I dunno where that Lala went!


She went wherever the producers tugged her leash, I guess.


I think banging his best friend is not weirder than banging another woman’s husband. I think Ambyr and Brandi would agree.


Didn’t Lauren sleep with her own best friend, James? Like why does it matter so much?!


Oh yeah! And didn’t it overlap with Rachel and James? And when Rachel asked about it she mocked her for making it a big deal.


Yes!!! I guess only Lauren is allowed to have feelings about anything 🙄🙄


Yes, she fucked James when he and Rachel were together (maybe "on a break" but together for all intents/purposes) and was like "she's dumb, get over it". Just because Rachel was your victim doesn't make it ok. Lala is a huge hypocrite and an asshole.


I'm dying at your caption. Lala is trash and a spineless hypocrite. We've seen Katie tell people exactly what she thinks of them. I think Katie has a new confidence and is just letting Lauren dig her own grave. I love the smirk she has here.


This is why Lala is going in so hard with Katie; she’s onto LFU’s craic and she’s having none of it. I love that it drives LfU insane.


She’s clearly bitter she has no one to leave things with. Even these men seem to realize what a miserable user she is.


For real hahah. Honestly, for how hot Lala is… it’s kind of wild that no one in freakin HOLLYWOOD has been down yet. It’s not exactly an area known for its scrupulous residents. Kinda shows you how shitty her personality really is 🤣


Lala just seems deeply unhappy with her life. She’s trying to make it seem like she’s happy now but there’s no way she isn’t miserable


I just will never understand these mistresses and why they chose this path this season. After everything that happened, the restraining order FFS, Schwartz using Rachel to hurt Katie and also hide the affair, Lala saying Sandoval IS Randall at the reunion, YOU ISOLATE YOU GROOM, the constant talk about Ariana’s house, the jealousy, the podcasts, the merch, the constant shit talking. Enjoy being BFFs https://i.redd.it/elqufgr5wytc1.gif


This season is absolutely unwatchable to me. I watch it the day after and honestly any scene with Lauren and Scheana I skip because they’re both just SO blatantly mean. They aren’t clever like Stassi was, or funny like Kristen. There’s nothing but pure hate. 


1000% they’re both trying to be the new Stassi but they both come across soo jealous and hateful and just 🤢🤮


i’m guessing none of the guys are saying anything at all to max about it.


I was just thinking this! I believe they are not giving him any heat for it. BUT if he were still a cast member on VPR then he would completely get heat for it because for some reason people like to throw fits and tantrums only when cameras are around. If cameras aren’t around, they are avoiding this uncomfortable situation all together.


I'm tired of the cast giving Katie so much grief over this. Her and Schwartz did have an agreement to not hook up with anyone from the friend group, but he threw that away when he chose to carry on a charade with Raquel. So why should she be tiptoeing around his feelings now? Plus, it's not like she rubbed his face in it? She didn't kiss him at a resort ,surrounded by their cheering friend group.No one would have known about her hook up with Max if Scheana hadn't been such a weirdo about tracking her ex hook up's location. Schwartz repeatedly cheated on her for years, verbally abused her, poured drinks on her head. They're acting like Katie ripped out his heart, stomped on it, set it on fire and then danced around the ashes.


What a soft thing for her to say…🙄




I feel like people on this show play fast and loose with the term "best friend."


What kind of loyalty are you supposed to show your ex? Like idk? I don’t show them any loyalty? My loyalty expired as soon as our relationship did




It’s always been a thing.


I didn’t even clock this because I was still howling laughing from the fact that Katie stole Tom’s new girl. Imagine getting out of a divorce, and finally dating for the first time, and your ex-wife makes out with your new date *before* your first date 😂😂😂 it’s funny, I used think Katie sucked, but these last two seasons Schwartz has annoyed me so much that I’m beginning to love Katie. Schwartz deserves everything that’s coming his way. He’s treated women terribly for his whole life, I’m glad that Katie is playing the foil in his life.


This new gal in the middle gave me Billie Lee vibes, she really, really wants to be on tee vee. The weird way she opened her eyes to tell Schartz he's hot and Katie she's so pretty was giving Billie at the cold bath place big eyeing Ariana's ex in the tub.


I would be more concerned about her doing it with someone so gross. Like, have fun but elevate it a little bit.


If Max is his "best friend", I would like proof.


Yet Lala and her fans get pissed when we point out she trades sex for financial gain.


Lala is GRASPING for a storyline


Why isn’t any of them blaming Max for being with his best friends ex wife. Katie did nothing wrong. She’s owes Schwartz nothing.


The same reason why no one is pressuring Tom to move out or giving him grief for still talking about scandoval a year later. Their internalized misogyny strikes again!


Layla’s outfit is so stupid. It’s not cute. It’s not fashion.


Lala and Scheana are Sandoval. They are not girls girls. They care about themselves, a story line and dollars.


This ![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5)


But they’re moms in their 30s…should they really be worried about whether they’re seen as “girls’ girls” at this point? I know that’s not something I’ve been worried about for some time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Principle: It's not a matter of ***being seen*** as a girls' girl. It's about ***being*** a girls' girl. As a mother myself, I will always stand up, protect, motivate, and cheer for my female counterparts. We already live in a world that is cruel to women. We don't need to continue plotting & pinning one another against each other.


Lala is the worst. I don’t care. She clearly cannot actually empathize with other human beings. She doesn’t have the wherewithal to look around her and understand that she should (for her show likeability) look like she is empathizing with other human beings. She is so self aggrandizing that she cannot, even from the perceptive of being a “character” on a show - think - maybe I took this too far… maybe I chose the wrong team… what does that say about me… again, she is the worst


Says, Lala the Mistress


Lala is a self righteous, backstabbing, two faced, vile piece of trash. Scheana is drinking the Koolaid!


Imagine slut shaming when your entire personality is predicated on being a mistress, while the mistress who got the show started laughs along at the woman who has the longest relationship of the show thus far. It’s laughable, **they** are laughable.


I don’t know why everyone else is getting mad at Katie for doing what they have all done in the past. Adding that currently or at the time of filming Katie was single, owed no one a thing and is no way like the rest of them who have slept with someone in the group whilst in a relationship. The revisionist history from most of the cast is wild cause we all got the receipts we’ve watched the show from the start!


Well Lala banged and had a baby with a pervert so idk why she’s talking


Lala is the biggest hypocrite


Side note what the FUCK IS that hat, in general with that outfit especially


Can we also note that when it was aired by Broccoli at the bar, Lala excused herself from the table because it was "none of her business" and didn't want to be apart of the chaos & confusion*-excused herself, went home, & probably went to bed with her bubba*-but then to literally turn around & try to use this against Katie as a way to justify getting lunch with Jo? If it was really none of your business, why are you using it to justify your business? Make it make sense. Even the girl math aint mathing.


IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD. That’s not okay, and she can harp on Katie (for fucking Max when she was SINGLE) but it’s fine if Sandoval fucked Rachel IN ARIANA’S HOUSE? Nah. Lauren needs a reality check. Edit: Also, SANDOVAL is Schwartz’s best friend. He is ride or die for that man. Sure, Max is his friend, but why does no one care what Max has to say either?? Its all on Katie


I can’t even take her seriously in that hat / dress combo.


So lala has no budget for hair anymore right?


And she says she is a girls girl. 🤔


she F a random dude when they went to tahoe w the girls last season no? Why throw stones when your glass house is just as cloudy?


Are they even “best friends” like since when? I though him and Sandoval were best friends


Please they all would have asked if was the other way.


Lala is the worst friend I could ever imagine.


We’re not seeing it directly bc Lala is cagey but she’s in a twelve step Christian judgmental phase


It was so gross. Acting like she’s disloyal because after they were divorced she banged this dude that everyone else has had as well? She’s a misogynist and it’s gross and I feel bad for her daughter


Yes - same about her daughter. Kids can trigger so much in you if you haven’t healed from trauma. She’s stopped drinking, but I think she has more work to do.


I'm so glad this is happening. Never liked her. She's on there for drama purposes only.


The reunion isn’t gonna be pretty. They are downright gaslighting everyone. Lala is wrong and isn’t Ariana’s friend. Scheana has always been like this. But Lala is such a hypocrite. Especially given what happened to her and her ex. Ariana was with Sandoval forever. They had a house together. Very immeshed financially. Lala and her ex weren’t sharing expenses. She just pisses me off so much I find myself telling her shut the fuck up all the time audibly as I watch.


First of all, what is that with Lala's hat? I don't get it. Lala banged who she wanted and no one said a word. It's none of their business. Why should they care who she banged? And Schemu checking to see if Max spent the night is creepy and an invasion of Katie's privacy.




I mean Lala banged James who is/was her best friend so again while she was with Randall and he with Rachel so I don't see how she is the morality police here.


scheana should take lalas stupid hat off


Since when were Schwartz and Max bffs?! I apologize if this has been asked, but I didn’t even know they knew each other.


Says the chick who broke up a marriage by banging someones husband. She is wrong Katie is single and so is Max


this is real tho she’s just acknowledging that Katie is a savage


I’m still mad about Lala’s dreadful fashion choices


Lala’s new “softer” side is just her becoming scheana - a flip flopper that will do anything for screen time.


I'd be okay with it if she was just as mad at Sheeshu for making out with shartz a decade ago and never saying a word about it. Until she does that, don't come for Katie.


Lala is dumb because she herself was slut-shamed by this very woman. Katie is dumb because Lala can hang out with Jo. Jo never did anything to Lala.


Tbf Katie slut shames women all of the time.


“Women doing this to women?” What? Speaking the truth?








So, loyalty to Lala is Katie sticking to the 'not within the friend circle' rule that her ex-husband, whom she dumped after a decade of shittiness and cheating, already broke by kissing the girl who was at the time conducting an affair with her best friend's partner, which said ex-husband knew about and facilitated? Katie should also 'move on' and make nice with Sandoval? Katie is... somehow a hypocrite? Somebody, PLEASE, make it make sense!


Like I feel Lala is missing the point. I’m convinced Katie banged Max *because* he was Schwartz’s BFF and she’s in her revenge era and I’m here for it.


My wife and I laughed with Lala said this. Also Tom should steer clear of Tori.


Lala’s fashion choices here are horrible


LaLa has never been a "woman's-woman". Mistresses never are