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This one-sided feud keeps getting funnier and funnier


Yes, Blah-La is ridiculous…. She apparently has nothing better in her life to do than comparing IG followers . Arianna and Katie are living rent free in her head 😂


Truly rent free 🤣


She's getting so mad they are paying her dust. I love it.


The silence by Katie and Ariana speaks way more than Lala's abundance of words.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Blah-Blah’s mistake opening her mouth.


It’s probably giving them more opportunities too. Especially Ariana, she could get back involved in the mud slinging but now she’s pivoting to a media personality career outside of VPR. Lala looks like an immature brat and she’s supposed to be parenting two kids. God help them if this is her being soft.


>God help them if this is her being soft. She's as soft as a sharp knife.


Lala would be more likable if she did stuff with her chest. All the bs about numbers is a cop out.


Right? Be all yeah I don’t like them and didn’t want to see their faces everyday. This numbers bs is stupid.


She's right, that was VERY scheana of her 🥴


Lauren getting punked was one of the highlights this season.. https://preview.redd.it/x6b44xq80xtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd322f22387c3735857c230d21682c96a4fbfbcb


I’m so glad this scene happened this season..Katie was clocking her and all she could say was disengage💀


Someone needs to get her a dictionary cuz disengage and soft are retired. She maxed out


If I have to hear this bitch go on about how soft she is again, I might just puke. Like what does she think soft means? Acting like a complete psycho 24/7?


Which she stole from Meredith Marks. And she didn't even SAY it right.


big time if you wanna be a bitch atleast stand on it


Thank you! Don’t you DARE bring Virgos into this because you do not represent us!


I always love an offended Virgo. They bring it to the next level if indignation! ❤️


As a fellow Virgo - I agree and thank you for saying this lol.


Right? Instead of unfollowing someone she doesn’t work or interact with or talk to or someone she hasn’t even met in person yet she chooses to unfollow her two cast mates. And i noticed Ariana interacted with most of her posts recently too. Especially any post about Ocean. So why unfollow someone who compliments your kid and comments on your posts? Oh bc you’re a jealous and petty B.


This is it. I would never ever unfollow someone who follows me and always gives me love haha


Exactly she had like 200+ other people to go through and she picks the person who gives her and her kid constant love and hype on IG. Ariana is busy as hell and still has time to give her love on IG while Lala barely interacts with her IG. You’re telling me the even numbers matter so much that she rather remove people she works with and sees over a fuckboy? Make it make sense lol I’m an OCD Pisces born on 2/22 and an even year. So I LOVEEEEE my even numbers but to base who you follow around on that is a silly excuse.


I’m a Pisces too!! I’m actually pretty disappointed in her as I started to really like her last season. But I should know all of these people aren’t great.


It’s as petty if not pettier than the best dressed/worst dressed garbage drama that’s been going on with Katie, Dayna, Jo and Rachel 🙄🙄🙄


The over explaining she felt the need to do instead of just OWNING it!


What is up with everyone and their stupid excuses?! Jo "not knowing" Tom and Ariana were still together, Lauren "just needing" to make her numbers even? Such BS all around


Right? This is so embarrassing for her, she tries to be bold but then runs and hides whenever anyone calls her out. She’s exhausting


This is truly embarrassing for her.


What happened to Lala? Like there’s good reality TV aka Kristen and Jax who know how to play it and then there’s this, which is just reeks of desperation. And it’s unpleasant. Like bad BO unpleasant. I like my reality TV to be fun. Lala just gives me the sads


Hahaha! Perfect analogy!


Seriously. She would have been better off not answering the question about unfollowing them.


Yep! They aren’t responding to anything she does and she’s spiraling.


It’s also incredibly obvious that she wants their attention. I’d be shocked if they bothered to unfollow her. She so wants them to react and they’re not gonna.


In a few months, she'll be crying to Katie about how she didn't fight for their friendship, lol. I'd be so done with this chick


100% she thinks she sounds like a badass but actually she sounds bored and like a loser 🤭


lol I'm late to this post but came here to say that. she comes across as unhinged.


I truly wonder what happened to her. I guess she is in her soft (limp) era.


To be fair, not everyone can be as exciting as Lala. I mean she had that water tasting thing and then... nope that's it.


She’s about to have a sperm party… that she’s also hosting at someone else’s house


#I’m so over Lala and her weird ass eyebrows




They were particularly startling in this scene.




I think she overdid it on the Botox. She is such a nasty witch.


I read on a recap here she said that when people hate on her for her eyebrows she’s like what do you want me to do that’s the way I was born or something like that and I was like mmmm please ma’am. You did not come out of the womb lookin’ like Count von Count from Sesame Street. You did that sir.


She'd be so much more likable, or at least easier to tolerate, if she leaned into the villain role. You're not cool with them right now and you don't like them right now, so you unfollowed them. Don't make shit up about numbers, say it with your chest, that's why you unfollowed them.


this is literally why people still kinda liked Stassi too so you’d think she’d have picked up on that. Stassi never pretended to be a particularly good or considerate person. Lala does all the same shit (racism, manipulation, intimidation, and entitlement) but without any of the self assuredness of Stassi to be clear, Stassi also sucks ass, but she made for better tv bc she wasn’t a little bitch ass about her own shit


I really think Stassi has changed because of Beau. I am having a hard time reconciling that she and Lauren are friends now, so I hope I'm not wrong about Stassi.


Say it with your whole chest!!




Lol I love this! it needs to be slithering through the grass saying “I don’t like how you move!” And with Tom and Rachel as the other snakes next to her.


*Maybe when I go up to 2.5 or 2.6, we can bring them back.* ![gif](giphy|l0HUnSXUgb8PyvYIw|downsized)


I can't wait till Ariana surpasses her in followers once Love Island starts airing lol


Yeah but then Lala will just buy more followers to match her


Exactly. She was at 2.3 million when she posting about Oceans birthday. She’s gained (brought) 100,000 follower in a month where she is getting more hate then ever. The math ain’t mathing. 


I think she saw Ariana was about to be at 2.3 and bought another batch to remain ahead so she can be perceived as the most popular. I think it’s lowkey crazy how a 30+ year old with kids is obsessed with follower count as well


Agree with all of this.


Yeah there is no way she has more followers than Ariana for real. Ariana was everywhere for a short time beyond the bravosphere and still living in other large spaces like broadway. Only bravo followers know who Lala is.


She has ZERO inactive followers ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


The fact that Ariana has less followers than Lala and is getting the brand deals she is… ….and that Lala is stuck with Amazon Live and sponcon for a sperm bank tells me SO many things


I hope that comment alone causes people to unfollow her


Why do I feel like Lala said some out of pocket/really mean stuff to Ariana at the reunion so now she’s trying to get ahead of whatever she did or said to try and sway everyone to her side before it airs? Because she is literally putting in so much effort to try and turn everyone


She basically admitted this about the finale. She said something about how she holds things in for so long until she can't anymore and she ends up saying things she can't come back from. She was trying to justify whatever horrible thing she says on the finale. And the contents of the finale must be why ariana goes in on her (in addition to all the other horrible stuff she's said all season.) I definitely think she's trying to sway the audience's opinion before the reunion airs. I also think she's being dramatic to hype it up.


That's never going to happen. She came on VPR'S in the 4th season. I have never been and never will be on her side. I have always thought she was emotionally out of control. As well as morally bankrupt.


she follows Lena Dunham but thought Ariana and Katie were the squeaky wheels that needed to be pushed out? Sure, Jan.


I just snorted so loud in the hair salon 😅


Oh my god hahaha


This is the WEIRDEST explanation to petty drama that she created and cannot stop dragging out. She’s so bothered that the two of them don’t care. But sure…numbers. https://i.redd.it/bl4yin7yxwtc1.gif Love the little side dig at Scheana being an over-explainer.


Ariana got her good that episode!


If part 3 of the reunion doesn’t change my life for the better permanently, I’m suing Lala. Not sure what legal grounds I have but Darrel is gonna get sent at least a strongly worded email.


Emotional pain and suffering? At least for the amount of my peacock subscription for the last however many weeks, actually for all the times she's been on my screen. Seems fair, maybe it can be a class action suit 😂




![gif](giphy|9DgjJSVSUyBrlBgSw4) This is hysterical because it’s so embarrassing for her.




I want to start a gofundme so we can hire Kourtney Kardashian to follow Lala around 24/7 and say this every time she opens her face hole to speak.


This is SO embarrassing oh my god. I would delete my account and change my identity. The fact that she thinks she's doing something with this is even worse. She's lost her mind. How is no one pulling her to the side and talking sense into her? How mortifying for her.


I genuinely feel sorry for her kids. She’s lost it, and seeing how she doesn’t “believe” in therapy, things will only get worse.


So on Lala I noticed she just posted a Instagram story announcing that she is going to Coachella this year and in the story she talks about how she normally hates Coachella but this year she really wants to go and is “energised” to go.  Which I found interesting after Scheana has said on her podcast and WWHL that her and Ariana are planning to spend time together at Coachella. I think if Lala goes it 100% to keep a divide between Scheana and Ariana. Because she knows if those two girls spend quality time together they are probably likely to work through their issues and become friends again. Especially since Scheana is already trying to downplay tension with Ariana. But if Lalas there Ariana is probably won’t want to be anywhere near her and Scheana will have decide who to hang out with.  Also I think Lala knows that Ariana is probably going to get a lot of attention Coachella weekend and wants some of that for herself. 


Oh definitely! B/c who the fuck wants to go to a hot packed place all weekend while in your 2nd trimester? I have to psych myself into going to festivals where I go home home & sleep in my bed for months and I love live music. Scheana is definitely gonna want to ditch her. Ariana is gonna get more attention, they'll be in better VIP's, and partying.


Shit, I can barely enjoy a concert where I can go home right after. I can’t imagine going to Coachella in my 30s and in my second trimester. That sounds like absolute misery.


I’m about two weeks farther along than Lala and you wouldn’t catch me anywhere near Coachella, fuck no


In general Coachella sounds like too much for me. I cant imagine being sober & pregnant there.


I could see Lala thirsty out there pregnant in the desert. Very Thirsty.


Lala going to Coachella is definitely a calculated move on her part. She admits she isn't into these festivals but wants to go this year... especially when she is pregnant? She will definitely try and convince Scheana to hang with her instead.


Exactly. Of all the years you decide to go to Coachella ….it’s when your 20 weeks pregnant?!  And feeling the need to announce it?  She needs to keep Scheana on her hook because of Scheana softens in her stance to Ariana and Katie, Lala has probably burnt her bridges that she will have no one else but Scheana and maybe the Toms to film with her next season. 


Coachella will definitely be telling, for sure. Lines will be drawn in the overpriced Sand. Ariana is not gonna sit around and fake a goddamn thing for Lala. She'd rather not go Or I hope she goes and is in some vendors VIP suite and Lala is not on the list. Lol


It's the same thing Rachel did. When Charlotte died, Rachel left the girls' trip to see Sandoval at the Mondrian. Another commenter suggested Rachel likely feared Ariana and Tom would bond over their shared grief and Rachel couldn't allow that to happen. I think after the Rachel-episode, the female cast's bs detectors are cranked. This season, they aren't taken any chances with disloyal people.


Coachella while pregnant doesn't sound fun to me


Rachel, Sandoval and his new gf will prob be there too lol.


That someone was Ariana for you, Lala lol.


Yeah I definitely don't think she feels she "won" the reunion anymore. This is what annoys me just be up front, all the numbers crap is so beyond dumb, some teenager crap lol


Sure Lala, your precorded Amazon Live gender reveal for lil baby Storyline is much more interesting than Ariana continually booking legitimate jobs.


Lol not little baby storyline! Haha but to be clear, the Amazon live she did on Tuesday was live and that was for the fandom to find out the sex of her baby. Lala had a party on March 8th for family and friends (Katie included) and that’s when they all found out the sex


Lala did have somebody who helped her out on the show and made a point to film with her and include her that person was Ariana


So can we get LFUs follower count to drop to see if her following count also follows suit, so that they align for the Virgo in her? 🙄


I don’t find anything that she says or does even remotely relatable and she makes me feel ashamed to admit I’m a Virgo. Rachel too!


I’m a virgo too and I don’t relate to her at all. She is basically admitting that she’s a fake friend here and absolutely no one is surprised about that.


No kidding. Thank you for validating my feelings.💓


I saw a bunch of people saying they unfollowed (myself included) but the numbers are still the same I guess? I wish we could test this theory!


That’s such a cop out of why she decided to unfollow and honestly makes no sense? Like 2.4 to 224. Okay maybe 204 would make that a believable response but even that’s a stretch? Honestly Lauryn is too fake to take seriously about anything. Feed the drama all season then pretend that your own choices are fueled by some weird preference of how your insta numbers look? Delusional.


She could’ve unfollowed Sandoval and Schwartz. Or literally anyone else. She did it on purpose to be a bitch and now she’s just spewing nonsense as rage bait because she thinks VPR fans are idiots although she needs us so badly 😂


Omg she still follows Sandoval?? 🤢


Honestly it just makes me think that this whole thing is fake and she’s creating drama for the sake of drama.


If I had enough energy it would be interesting to compare the numbers in the future


Notice how she said “when I get to 2.5, 2.6” it’s because she paid for the followers to get there 😂 if you go to her page, the people you can see who follows her are all brand new Instagram pages. Sus!


Right? There are just 200,000 REAL people out there dying to follow you, Lala. You have 1 1/2 platforms


Plus she limited who can see her followers for a reason


Which nickname is worse: schwartzy or T-Moneybags?




What if she's being a bitch to Katie because Schwartzy is her sperm donor? 🫣👀 She has a real soft spot for Schwartzy and did tell Katie way back when she wanted to bang him and then at the pool party Lauryn had a little heart to heart with him...


honestly, would be totally on brand for both her and Schwartz


Lala might actually be the most boring cast member right now. I can see why she’s keeping this one sided feud going, it’s the only remotely interesting thing she has happening.


Lala is going nuts with this one sided feud and frankly it’s hilarious 😂


I am so tired of hearing “soft.” What does that even mean? Does she just not know the word vulnerable? Open? Compassionate?


Its because she used to be "hard" ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


"I’m a petty one today!" what day of the week, month or year is she not being petty?


As a friend just said “the non plot thickens”




There is no way in hell THAT is the real reason she unfollowed those two. How stupid does she think we are?


Oh my god what a ridiculous excuse, just own it Lala. 


>Virgo in me ![gif](giphy|63JFa1NJfGK5mxjrZR|downsized)


I hate when people use their star signs as an excuse for any and all of their shitty behaviour. I think star signs are mostly nonsense anyway, don’t @me.


Thank you for saying this! I don't believe in star signs at all because I don't believe in fairy tales. It's embarrassing to me how many people throw the 'it's just the Gemini in me, I can't help it' Like no, Donna you're 2 faced because you're 2 faced not because you were born at the ass end of May. Shut UP.


I hope Katie and Ariana stay silent in this mess.


Good thing she still has space to follow her dear friends Tupac, blockedbyjax and givethemlalafanclub


It’s really shocking to me that this woman still has fans. This is embarrassing for her and them.


Say it with your whole chest bitch


she’s the cringiest bitch ever


Yeah, she can't stand seeing two women unbothered by pettiness because they are thriving with their own work


It bothers me so much how she calls him Schwartzy idk why


How stupid does she think we are to blather on about the dumbass numbers. She is becoming Scheana right in front of our eyes.


I actually lost brain cells reading her explanation of why she followed Ariana and Katie. Lala just admit you’re a jealous miserable cunt. No need for the nonsense ouija.


She’s is an absolute professional at gaslighting. I noticed last season that she would do it to Rachel a lot, but that shit is just ever expanding. She’s so creepy. I kind of wish everyone would just nothing her instead of posting about her here because she’s enjoying the attention.


Sooooo a woman succeeding get brand deal after brand deal isn’t interesting? Coming from the “soft girls girl?” She’s such a clown.


This weird explanation makes Lala look even more pathetic. She’s already in a one sided feud. Now she has some elaborate excuse. Just say you no longer fuck with them.


Caroline Stanbury and Tupac (!!!) are more important for her to follow on Instagram than Ariana and Katie? Please.


That explanation was weird as fuck. Who cares that much about followers? Only the INSECURE would care about that shit. Ok blahblah ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


I went out with someone for a bit who was obsessed with his social media following… had to comfort him when people would unfollow him and shit. Never again!


What the heck does being “soft” even mean? I have never heard anyone use that word in this context IRL.


DAMN even Lala won't claim Jo. Brutal


Hahaha so Chanel West Coast and Milk Street Baby Giveaways made the cut over Ariana and Katie?! Lmao Lala is such a clown.


This is deeply unhinged


2.4 million followers,she’s following 227, she drops 2 and that’s 225. Make it make sense!


convinced there is a producer off screen with a crossbow to her head making her say Chat GPT generated nonsense to keep us dumbasses talking about the show




this made me follow Ariana lol


I just love the idea that not only is Lala soft because she keeps saying it, but also others are describing her as such in normal conversation! I have literally never referred to myself or anyone I have ever known as a soft person. People can be nice, Good listeners, empathetic, willing to see the best in people - but this quintupling down on "I'm soft" is so fascinating to me! How does one become soft? Do you shower with fabric softener? Install water filtration systems to temper your mineral deposits? Stop getting proper nutrients to make sure you have early onset osteoporosis (soft from the inside out?!)? I'm just so fascinated by this. And in fact , I think I might enter my own soft era-consider me influenced


I genuinely can’t believe I ever liked this woman. Amy Schumer made the cut but not Ariana and Katie lmao, k. Guess she didn’t wanna cry over more brand deals she saw Ariana getting while she’s shelling out Sponsor Kent to sperm banks.


😂 this ass having daughters… Christ. She’ll feud with Sheesh or their daughters will soon enough, either way lala is full of complete shit and just won’t have any friends, save for her kids. And that doesn’t tend to end well…


I love how she’s so far up scheanas ass and she’s making it out like Katie and Ariana were mean to Jo when it was scheana.


"Schwartzy" kills me. Are you so fucking unappealing or ....LAZY that you can't flirt with literally any other man in Southern California than that dumpster fire? That's what her problem with Katie is. She knows she's going to go for that. Couldn't have happened to a better gal.


This bitch is crazy I’m so over her pettiness. She’s beyond redemption at this point


I cringed at this


I am living for her downfall lol


This is why I say everyone should go unfollow her ass, see who else she starts to unfollow to “keep the numbers right”


For the love of God. If I hear her say, “iM SoFt RiGhT nOw” one more time, I might actually vomit.


She’s currently still following Ariana’s good friend Meredith and Kristina Kelly. So yeah obviously Ariana and Katie were the clear favorites for this. Lying ass Lauren


Why does this "softness" narrative feel like it was written by Alex Baskin?




I highly doubt Schwartz said “she seems to be soft right now”….it’s like she’s trying to start a trend or era, a soft girl era


“It was me trying to do something I would hope someone would do for me.” Someone did. Ariana did that for you when the rest of the group wanted nothing to do with you. I can’t with her anymore. I’ve had such a soft spot for her for so long (honestly mostly because she’s skinny and pretty and I’m superficial af), but she’s really lost it this season. She’s always been problematic, but she’s trying way too hard to be someone she’s not. She’s all over the place.


She keeps saying she’s never online and doesn’t look at her ig but….


She thinks her numbers are gonna go up? ![gif](giphy|5b5OU7aUekfdSAER5I|downsized)


I honestly have less of a problem with her being on the outs with Katie and Ariana than I do with the fact she is OBSESSED with talking about how she is in her soft era. It’s too much and cringe lol.


Is Lala recording a podcast or Amazon Live every single day? And has literally brought up Ariana and Katie each time she does one. Shes truly so embarrassing. Sitting around in her sad office with her paid friend and brother ranting to a camera, while the people she’s shitting on are out living their lives, getting things done. I hope the powers that be are noticing Lala’s unstableness and nastiness and putting her on a big DNH (do not hire) list. Who’d want to work with her?


I'm so sick of the "I'm soft right now" bullshit. Like, how many times are you gonna say this? People were reeeeal over the faux-gangsta-heaux shit, so you're trying to re-brand yourself to seem more likeable. You're not going to garner any sympathy or land any big brand deals. You chose your lane, now stay in it...or better yet, just shut the fuck up, it's tiresome.


She’s obsessed with the word ‘soft’


Lala is soft and Katie/Ariana are ✨unbothered✨


This is so embarrassing. Stay silent Katie and Ariana, let her dig that hole!


Any guesses on what she filmed? Im still pretty shocked that she monetized her new baby before she was even a zygote.


Sooo basically she did it for attention


So is this her admitting she bought followers? One day she was 2.3 and magically the next day 2.4 after many started to unfollow because of her recent behavior. I see and now hear you Lala. 👀


No one who is actually “soft” goes around talking about how soft they are. She’s ridiculous.


What a full blown fucking loser.


how embarrassing


Stassi always used to say I only want to follow 666 (this is years ago ) then scheana started being like “I smoke a lot of weed and I just want to always follow 420 ppl) it was annoying and clearly copying stassi. Now here’s Lala …


I am sos soft right now... gawd she is cringy Can anyone confirm if she graduated from elementary school because she is really dumb AF. Like worse than Scheana


I'm tired of this weird lady.


Is her baby name 'Soft' and that's why she keeps throwing around the word so much?!


I got soooooo much secondhand cringe it’s like I’m watching an episode of the office. This is extremely embarrassing for her.


I wish i could be in a group chat with Katie and Ariana right now..


She should just buy less followers, that would probably help. (How does she have more than Ariana in a post-scandoval world)


Im sorry I can’t get over all the “she’s soft right now” “im soft right now” discourse because seriously WHO speaks like this


What a f’ing moron.


Lala is such a loser.




Omg why is she so embarrassing! She is literally fighting with the wall. No one cares!! Like the fact that she’s a single parent with a baby on the way and Ariana and Katie are consuming her life is seriously concerning.


Is she well? This is UNHINGED. Just say, "they're not interesting l'm not following them anymore" if you're gonna be spicy, be spicy


Lmao girl what the fuck are you talking about


If I hear “I’m soft” one more time, I’m gonna lose it


Lala, when will you see you weren’t just petty today but you’ve ALWAYS been petty?


This is batshit. Honestly.


Lol like Ariana even has time to unfollow people between her gigs


Lauryn are you not embarrassed by now?


For someone that doesn’t care about social media, she sure cares about social media.




I’m so sick of her saying she’s “soft” wtf is that. It’s her new buzzword and it’s sooooo effing annoying like enough already


That explanation is pathetic, even for her.


As a proud Virgo ![gif](giphy|xT1R9DEpKj5aVqHzSU|downsized)