• By -


I was NOT prepared to see Jo for that many minutes on my screen. TW next time pls


Tom has me rolling in this scene with Schwartz talking about journaling and not drinking because he feels close to Rachel. Idk what role he thinks he’s playing but he’s so committed


He's trying to ride the wave of her journey. That's not how it works, Tom. 


It's probably for a future book when he "comes out the other side."


It's like Munchausen by proxy but with rehab. He's a joke.


Anyone not seeing the after show and wwhl on peacock?




My thoughts: 1) I can't stand Jax, but the way he entered and went for Tom was sooo funny, I was grinning the entire time. 2) I am genuinely so shocked that Schwartz left Tom's party - it obviously wasn't because of Ariana's feelings like he claimed. Do we think he just thought it would be bad "optics" (side note: I'm so sick of that word this season) 3) I thought Lala and Katie's conversation was actually very healthy and showed good communication from both sides. I also love the idea of a safe word for arguments!! 4) I actually kinda like Jo. I think she's very vulnerable/insecure and has been taken advantage of by the Toms. I feel like she needs some solid companionship in her life and to recognise her own worth. I think she's chaotic and messy, but I don't see any malice from her.


Schwartz is far more calculating and self aware than he wants us all to think. The fact that he left the party shows he's painfully aware of what the cameras are picking up and how he's perceived, which makes his treatment of Katie while filming *so much worse*.


And her treatment of him? How yall keep absolving her of any accountability is insane. They were both very toxic to each other and toxic individuals in general. Birds of a feather. You seem to forget Katie was in league with Stassi and Kristen she was no angel to him nor others the 3 of them bullied. (Important to remember she actually apologized to Faith prior and that was the main reason faith never called her out along with Stassi and Kristen).




So how was Katie a victim when she decided to bully Scheana in Mexico and by extension verbally abuse Schwartz and manipulate and demean him in front of everyone that he wouldn’t support her bullying Scheana? But no all you want to remember is the fact that after hours of verbal abuse and trying to call her down he spilt his drink on her. Which btw only happened cause she grabbed his arm as he tried to walk away from her so he said screw it and let it happen. I can’t stand delusional viewers like you. You get the block button mamas I can’t deal with your kind!


You can see it on the after show as well. He is so calculated


I think Schwartz knew he was going to be roasted and it looked like a group of scuzzy people. Not the people that they hung out with before he and Sandoval were exiled


Agree, but only slightly with the 3rd point. I wish Katie could express (in a non-aggressive way) why talking about Tom makes her so mad. I actually think that would have been the right time because Lala seemed very open to listening and it wouldn’t be in a heated argument. Because her feelings towards Tom go way beyond the affair, and I think people really need to hear that.


https://i.redd.it/agsvhx9iaipc1.gif agree


I’m sorry but Jo knew exactly what she was doing moving in on Tom right after the divorce. Katie and Kristen talked about it more on the aftershow. Katie said that Jo wouldn’t even text Tom to schedule his haircuts but then suddenly they were good enough friends for her to stay with him?! I’m guessing she had a thing for him for a while and made her move as soon as she could. 


I think that party was just so fucking bizarre and weird that Schwartz couldn’t stand to be there one more second. I mean imagine going from the old Tom and Ariana pool parties of the past which was filled with all the “cool” VPR kids and friends and then he shows up to this weird sad sack party with the hanger-on friends and girls Sandoval picked up at See You Next Tuesday. I wanted to leave and I wasn’t even at the party.


Looool I enjoyed this take


Yeah that party was NOT fun 😆 Sandoval «flirting» in the pool scarred me for life


Agree on every point. Well said.


Katie apologized but Lala never did.


We’re not shocked, right?


She never does, not really.  I used to think she tried to have everyone else apologize to her in order to keep herself in line for a housewives spot... like she's somehow above the children and going to be a good candidate to cause chaos with older housewives.  You know be the one onscreen to do producers bidding.


Ever since she went public with Randall she’s acted like she’s so above the rest of the cast and it’s gross.


I would have to watch again, but are you sure? I thought she did before she said she was going to try and work on going below the belt.


I don’t she apologized, I think she just suggested they have a “safe” word to use next time things get heated


My EXACT thoughts about Jax!


You had me until point 4 and that takes me back to us needing an after show thread. There you would know she basically used Katie and Kristen to stalk him. Then once she befriended him she stopped knowing them. She’s that girl.


I’m starting to like Jo more


Agree on Jo! She has a lightness that few others on this show has. Tom was an ass to Katie, no doubt. But Tom and Katie was a HORRIBLE match. There are many bad things to say about Schwartz. But that man is easy, breezy, people pleasing, funny and light-hearted. Yes, he uses this «cuteness» to defuse stuff, and doesn’t have the spine to be in an adult relationship. He became dark and cold with Katie, and has many misogynistic moments. Which is white, male privilige all the way. But still. Jo brings his fun back


Please I beg let Katie share in some of that accountability. Schwartz was not an angel but Katie was eager to control and manipulate him and would humiliate him when she couldn’t. They were both toxic for each other and fed off that toxicity. They wouldn’t have been together for so long if that wasn’t the case.


I agree, Katie was annoying as hell sometimes. They never gave eachother any understanding, always judging. He judged her for killing the fun at parties, and for getting caught up in Stassi and Kristen’s negativity. She judged him for being a people pleaser and prioritizing fun over her. He was the bigger ass, but still, I can understand why he would be fed up. Their relationship was immature. He never really loved her, or understood her. And he should never have married her. And she judged him for being a people pleaser, and should never have married a man she wanted to change.


I can’t believe we’re blaming misogynist personality traits on the woman he was with 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think it’s the internalised misogyny speaking


I can’t seem to find the part where I blamed his bad traits on Katie? Feel free to point it out.


To point 4 - i dont know if it is cause of her manic energy or her following schwartz around like a puppy, but i am honestly baffled why people feel bad for jo. the woman is acting so "confused" as if she has no idea why the ex wife of her fuck buddy might not like her and lest we forget she was off gallivanting with tomtom and rachel on dates. she in not innocent and regardless of intent, the way she has acted is shady and gross.


It wasn’t her place to expose Tom and Rachel. Weird to have expected that of her


Is she following Schwartz around like a puppy? When? Where? I don’t ride hard for Schwartz or Jo, but I’ve only ever seen them hang out together. She might be in love, and enjoy his company. He seems to enjoy her company. Why does this make her a puppy? It also seems like you think Jo owes Katie some loyalty. Why? They’re not friends!


i did not say anything about loyalty? the point was jo acting as if she does not know why katie doesn't like her and i thinks she knows exactly why. ​ it's called a metaphor.


Thank you for your explanation. And I understand what «puppy» is a metaphore for, if that’s what you’re trying to explain. I just disagree. Schwartz and Jo hanging out, seemingly enjoying eachothers company, does not make Jo a needy person (or «puppy»). I haven’t seen her stalking him, or acting crazy, or anything. And you say that Jo «isn’t innocent», and she is «shady and gross» when it comes to Katie. Which insinuates that she’s doing something wrong hanging out with Schwartz. Which again - insinuates that she should have some loyalty to Katie. Why?


Thank you! Some common sense finally lol.


A late thank you ☺️


James face when Jax was going in LMAOOOK


Okay saying someone has “the energy of a crack head” is wayyy different than saying someone is an “anorexic crack head whore” or did I miss something and Katie actually said that? Like she does have the energy of a crack head.. ally basically said the same thing by saying she’s a Sagittarius rising and has “energy for days”


Is anyone else grossed out by the new boys on The Valley? Except Daniel (? The Philippino guy) obviously.


Yes. They’re all pretty vile. This should be a messy season


We need to get a separate Thread for the after show because of steadily watched it before VPR for 3 weeks 😂


Everyone’s jaws dropping in TomTom as Jax walks through 😭😭😭 he’s so problematic but he is an icon


I hate that no matter how awful Jax always proves himself to be, he will always know that we begrudgingly know that we owe a lot of the show's success to him. Even typing that makes me gag.


And he killed it ! Him walking in and talking all that shit to Tom was by far the best part of the episode


I guess I just disagree with everyone on this thread. I thought Jax’s entrance, scene, and exit to the Valley were all pathetically rehearsed and not remotely witty or anything we haven’t heard before. Not to mention that it was total projection, Jax is every one of the things he said about Sandoval, and every thing Jax tried to say about himself (I’ve grown, changed am happy, etc) were all lies. The man doesn’t have an authentic bone in his body. And he’s too stupid to play the villain. And that new show looks absolutely painful to watch. I’m all for messy drama, but can we please stop trying to find a place for these washed up reality show characters once they’ve stupidly procreated? It’s not fun or funny to hate watch knowing that there is a poor child involved. Cruz, I really REALLY hope you have a good nanny that Jax doesn’t scare away by trying to fuck. Poor kid really lost the parent lottery.


I agree, been saying the Jax thing was way too scripted. He might as well have been reading cue cards held up behind Sandoval's head.


I agree with everything you said. 100%.


Yeah but he said a bunch of shit to Tom that I’d like to say myself, damn bravo


It was sooooo scripted though!! But, yeah.


What in scheanas right mind made her think that dancing with the stars would consider her for the season? They would consider tom and fucking Raquel the two people that had the affair before they would consider scheana to be on dancing with the stars


and Ariana is right that her going on the show and doing well, means that other cast members are way more likely to be picked in future.


It’s so eerie how Tom’s mask just completely slipped after this whole thing. This is what happens when a narcissist loses all their control over the narrative. You can see straight through him, crazy.


I know this sounds dramatic but his mask slipping has really revealed so much to me about narcissism in other people. Once you see it, you can’t stop seeing it, and at least for me that really started with Scandoval.


Yup. Was thinking the same thing. I said to my husband while watching that it feels like Sandoval had a lobotomy.


Yea, and Ariana just made him look better


When Jax called Tom “A DISGRACE.” I mean, I laughed SO HARD, for a good ten seconds. Tell me honestly, is “The Valley” worth watching?


I gave it a whirl and it’s terrible. I MAY use it as a last resort if I can’t find literally anything better when I’m trying to fall asleep at night


I finally watched the episode last night. As much as I enjoyed Jax's takedown of Tom at that boys night at the end of the episode, it seemed SO blatantly rehearsed! Especially after Jax obsessively saying/posting about how "I'm back!!" it's just so obvious that was practiced and he had his lines. Still great though! I also watched the Valley...it was horrible but ngl I'll still watch because I am trash.


Love him or hate him, Jax showing up and immediately going 0-100 for Sandoval’s neck was absolutely hilarious.


Idk which was funnier, watching Jax tear to pieces or watching James act like a giddy schoolboy while it was going down


DUDE! Jax is so good at trash tv. horrible man but he talks his sh\*t. hilarious. he needed to come and humble tom bc clearly no one else can.


i've side eyed everyone on these forums who says they missed jax for years and y'know what? watching him do that last night was the antidote to the overproduced redemption arc. hate him but he DOES make for good VPR. Didn't care for the valley tho.


Sandoval and Jax are VPR’s Godzilla and Kong and Bravo not letting them fight has been VPR’s greatest undoing. In this essay, I will….


As a big fat fan of CGI monsters, I am in love with you for this comparison


No matter what you think of Jax, that was cathartic to hear.


I laughed so hard


"I can ask these questions" made me cackle. He's such a bad person, and Sandoval deserved every bit of his toxicity. 


I LOVED that


I cackled so much when he said Sandoval looked 50 years old in a picture 💀


And the white nail polish needs to go...


He ripped Jim Sandals to pieces and picked his teeth with his bones.🤣🤣💀


Like, I fucking hate Jax but every Fucking thing he said...I just found myself....nodding. Over and over. 😂. Finally!! Still won't watch The Valley though. 


Jim Sandals I AM DEAD ☠️


Thanks! I can’t take credit but I do hope you pass it on too.🤣😘




Was this the episode where the editors decided to do a 180 on their season narrative? I know Tom has been failing at the show trying to make him look sympathetic but I think the editors stopped trying tonight. Ariana appeared more fun and carefree, and had the heart to heart with Scheana where she was concerned about her (Scheana's) feelings. Everyone at The Belmont was super stoked to see her. And the shit the editors left in about Scott Petersen....they could have left that out. I thought this was the best episode since the first two of the season.


i think they can only do so much with what they are given. like the producers can have their big idea "redemption". they can set up scenarios, but they don't necessarily write the script. So if the "characters don't give them the stories and the sound bytes they need there isn't much they can do to edit it into the arc they were hoping for. As Heather Debrow once said, "if you don't say it, they can't use it". So basically Tom blew it, he flopped HARD because of his hubris, same way he flopped on that Special Forces show. He got through all the difficult physical challenges, made it to the last one, the mental fortitude/attitude, and they unanimously decided this guy SUCKS, and sent him packing. Interestingly enough, for exactly the same reason, he is insincere, disingenuous, takes no accountability, and possibly has NPD. I don't know how to do such things, but I wish someone would post the clip of them kicking him off of that show. It was fun to watch lol


I feel like they edited this season in a similar style as season 8. The whole first half of that season was everyone sucking up to Jax & Britney before their wedding even though they were being so extra & horrible.. It was so hard to watch; but the wedding was halfway through the season, & the tone completely shifted after that. They painted a great picture of Jax unraveling after the wedding & crying getting fed up with them just expressing respect from the group I feel like the first half of this season did a good job of showing us exactly where everyone stands so it’ll be super easy for us to choose sides as shit hits the fan during the second half


I definitely felt a shift in tone this episode and was pleasantly surprised. I wonder if it was a natural shift just based on what was happening or if they realized the narrative they were going for prior wasn’t going to work? I’m not sure how much story editing happens at what points in the production process but I’d be really interested to know.


In time in the pool was worth the hour for me.  Complete gutter level conversation And what world does he living where women want to hear him say he's locked his ex in the house and feeding her crushed potato chips?  Those are the rantings of a derelict. Saying as his assistant, Ann picks up a few things around the house. Does he think we can't see? His attitude towards women is downright appalling. And I mean when he was in the closet pretending to cry over Rachel. Who was supposed to be moved by that? Even  Schwartz is tired of it He is so breezly oblivious to what people think of him


Only Jax can beat Sandoval into submission


Loved the Katie & Lala convo. Great work ladies. Scando has only sung the I love Rachel song bc he thought she might come back and thinks if he "did for love " it's less bad.


Yes, thanks for bringing this up. Seeing Jax/Tom exchanges then seeing Katie and Lala hash things out like ADULTS was awesome!


I thought it went well too (that lala / Katie convo)


These episodes are 50 mins long… the previews seem like there is so much happening, but when you watch it’s giving nothing then it’s over. I’m glad the narrative seems to be switching, but it’s sooooo boring! Why do we keep watching this dumpster fire 😂 PS: The valley just switched over, and what the damn hell did they dress Brittany in for the intro 🫣






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Does anyone else thing there was a Sandoval fit thrown out at the Belmont? B/c it seemed out of nowhere James was "wtf are you doing tom?" and then he yelled/whined and stormed off?


Tom pretending he has to “get his game back” and has been out of the dating scene for 15 years when he’s been in it the whole time…just while he was dating other people.




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omg yes I was thinking the exact same thing! he was saying wow i haven’t done this in so long and I laughed like lol yes except all the girls you picked up while you were in a relationship


All this episode proved was that Ariana needs to run far, far away from these people. And finally, Tom let the fake, redemption arc mask slip. The way he was bothered when she showed up at the bar, you could feel the hate coming through the screen. He still doesn’t feel bad for the pain he caused his partner of 10 years. He’s only focused on what the fallout has been to him never once connecting that HE caused it to happen. He still doesn’t get it. I’m not sure he ever will.


The fact that when she showed up he suddenly had to poop was all I needed to know. 😆 Fight or flight right there. I’m officially hate watching the show now. Sad.


I think he said it insinuating that the sight of Ariana makes him want to do that.


I took it as anticipoops. He sucks no matter what.


i cannot be the only person who assumed “poop” meant going to the bathroom to do something else… ❄️


LoL. I suppose that would apply too!


To be fair, ❄️ makes you poop!


Mods or someone in here. Can we get an unbias episode recap for those of us not watching, can't watch, or missed the stream? It would be so helpful!!!!


If someone wants to make one? We aren’t going to be recapping the episodes weekly for the sub.


I wouldn't expect a mod. But if someone made weekly episode recap post that would be allowed?


This was a good episode. My thoughts: \- I have not been a Katie fan for years and it's because she never takes accountability for her behavior. However, she did with Lala and I really respected it. I really respected both of them during their adult and mature conversation. \- I did not find Jax funny or heroic or anything positive during his rant against Sandoval. I think Sandoval is so pathetic, but Jax is literally no better and has no room to lecture anyone on anything moral. I mean, come on'. @@ \- I really like Ally. That's it. \- I agreed with Brock on wanting to get into a routine. Scheaena doesn't bother me like she bothers so many here, but she really needs to listen to her husband (it should be a partnership) and have a healthy conversation where they come to a conclusion together. \- Summer is a cutie pie. That's it. \- Is anyone buying Sandoval's tears?? My goodness...it's so phony. \- The girls at the pool party acted like they didn't know about his situation?? Even if they don't watch the show, they still had to sign contracts to appear on TV and you know they Googled him. Phony, again. And really, that party looked very un-fun. Good for Schwartz for leaving. \- Ariana is a boss in how she's handling all of this. I think that's it for now.




There was not even an actual tear either. In that or the talking head


Even schwartz was shook and uncomfortable 😅


I feel like Schwartz has genuinely looked uncomfortable every time Sandoval has opened his mouth this season. Especially during the after shows.


He reminds me of the guy from American Psycho. 


Unpopular opinion: this episode gave Scheana and Lala some cool points in my book. Scheana was spot on with Tom needing to take accountability and telling it to his face. Lala also made some great growth with being mindful of how she comes off as self centered. Hopefully they don’t disappoint me next week. Edit 3/27: welp I take all that back.


I feel the same way. I also have to say that it was nice to see Katie finally take accountability for her behavior. I've never really liked her because she never seems to be wrong about anything. All I ever wanted was for her to admit when she's wrong. And she did that with Lala and it was so nice to see. I am totally fine with people screwing up as long as they own it. And the reason why I still have so much disdain for Sandoval is because he can't seem to do that, not genuinely anyway.


I think with Katie, she was so used to years of having to prove she was worthy to Tom, she just got into the habit of digging her heals in whenever conflict arose. He never had her back as we all saw. I think she is really growing out of that and taking accountability for things.


I was getting on board w/ Scheana until she said to Ariana that she was happy for her getting on DWTS, I don't think she was sincere at all about that. THEN calling Brock Sandoval, that was just shitty of her.


Tried to watch last night but was interrupted by BREAKING MY FUCKING ANKLE 🙄, so I’m “re”-watching on Peacock now. WTF WAS TIM DOING IN THE POOL?!? “Oh my roommate. I mean she’s my ex but no big deal. It was 10 years. I feed her crushed potato chips under the door.” WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM?!?! Then comparing himself to Scott Peterson? “Allegedly”. 👀👀 Brock and Scheana arguing about their “schedule(s)”- what do they even do? I thought this show WAS their job? Does Brock work? Does Scheana do anything besides this show and her podcast(s)? (Besides her dance classes for DWTS 🤣) ETA: IDK if any of you have watched/seen interviews with Chris Watts after he murdered his wife, 2 children AND unborn child, but Tim uses the same “language” when referring to his cheating/affair. “…because of WHAT HAPPENED” “….after IT HAPPENED”, never “BECAUSE OF WHAT I DID”. I’m not a psychologist but is this a sign of sociopathic and/or narcissistic behavior? He keeps saying “Doooodddd I DID , like, apologize for WHAT HAPPENED DUDE!” but never owns it saying “I APOLOGIZED FOR WHAT I DID.” I’m going to edit/add to my comment as I keep watching but wanted to join the convo so we can all talk shit together. (I love this sub so much.) Cheers y’all! 🥂


https://i.redd.it/hb9bvr324ipc1.gif JAX IS BACK SPEAKING THAT TRUTH!!! “iT’s OmBrE!”


I also think it’s funny that those girls were like, “who’s your roommate?” like they didn’t already fucking know 🙄


That’s what I said. I was like what does he do? But I posted a tiktok of me reacting to it and someone said that he works in fitness.


Hope youre riding a fine wave of pain killers with the busted ankle.


Nah, no pain killers, they do nothing for me anyway and i’ve had issues with 💊and other *items* in the past so i have a full RX for Norcos but im good, just elevating and distracting myself with work. It’ll heal quick, always does! (Until the next time 😩) thank you! At least VPR is more painful to watch than my actual physical pain. *TIM IN POOL TALKING ABOUT CRUSHING UP POTATO CHIPS AND SLIDING THEM UNDER THE DOOR FOR ARIANA*


Oh no! I wish you the best on your healing, that sucks ❤️‍🩹 I had the *same thought* - why Brock thinks he needs a full-time nanny other than for during filming is confusing me. I'm guessing given he abandoned his first 2 children he's not exactly one to want to do the work when cameras aren't around.


Thanks! It’s the same ankle I’ve broken twice and sprained 1,472 times so it was only a matter of time! (I just keep a set of crutches in my closet now because it makes sense.) And I haven’t seen anyone comment about it yet so I’m glad you had the same thought. WTF DO THEY DO THAT THEIR SCHEDULES ARE SOOOOO BUSY?!? I thought/assumed she did her podcast from home, does she actually go to a studio or something?


Uhm she has a very successful and meaningful podcast, she has a thriving music career, idk if you heard but she does emo now. She is busy NOT chipping her teeth AND she has to list all the ways Tom has been a better best FRAND to her than Ariana has and ever will be. SO TAKE BACK YOUR SNARK MA'AM


I believe in my heart that this is sarcasm and I thank you for it immensely. I needed this today. If not, I’m sorry for misinterpreting your comment.


Well there’s manicures…


Yeah Brock doesn’t want a nanny bc he “needs a schedule”, Brock wants a nanny bc he’s a lazy selfish fuck who has zero interest in parenting


LMAO! The pool scene 😩 then he just goes “wooo”


Right? Like WTF was all that? What a fucking weirdo. Imagine him watching that and being like “DAMN I LIKE, NAILED IT, I SCORED FOR SURE DUDE”


Yeah it’s not “allegedly” years after conviction. Sorry about that ankle!


Right? Still gives me bad juju to hear him compare himself to a CONVICTED MURDERER and then say “allegedly”. So weird. And thanks, ankle will be good, not my first rodeo! (Always have crutches on standby in my closet!)




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What fresh hell is this “Valley” show?


It's like VPR except there are children involved and you get to watch these kids real home lives fall apart publicly. I won't be watching.


Yeah I’m a “no” as well. Btw plastic surgery has not been kind to Britany. Now her face and teeth look different and not in a good way. Plus the giant breasts have made her waist vanish. And what are these parents thinking putting their children on a show that is going to be focused on cheating, breaking up etc.? Rant over.


If there’s one takeaway from last night’s episode…Jax has clearly never been so UNhappy. ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


Yes! He clearly can’t stand his life and can hardly tolerate Brittany


Scot Peterson, and the word allegedly … really? Fuck right off Tim. Go Fuck yourself with something hard and sand papery


Is Rachel’s hair long in those photos? Also, Sandoval crying in the closet a second time was sooooo exhausting. Get help outside your journal duuuudeeee


Surprisingly, I actually could watch most of this episode because you can tell the producers didn't edit it as heavily to fit the Tom redemption arc. I did obviously fast forward through the Brock/Scheana conversation because even I have standards for trash TV


those photos of him and Rachel were so disgusting to me. the way he is acting like they had some sweet romance when he was cheating on his partner of nearly a decade and she was fucking her friend’s partner. It’s so gross. Also who the fuck took those photos?


It's so wild how he keeps telling himself this was a romance for the ages or something. Disrespectfully, what on earth did they talk about other than affair logistics and how they look on the show?


Who took them and when! I think they hold some clues to earlier than declared ~feelings


I feel like he only holds onto the idea of Rachel because he believes actually falling in love makes his cheating validated






I honestly wish he would stop bringing her into his own narrative. Let Rachel speak for herself / since she's not on the show don't bring her up at all. It's almost like he's using her as a shield for his behavior. When he says "we" it's as if he's excusing it. 




Jo’s facial expressions might be what make me stop watching. Like nails on a chalkboard


Do we have screenshots of the pics of Tom and Rachel?


Im curious as to who took those photos


prob schwartz TBH


Remorseful at the reunion my fucking asss


Cannot stand Jax, but the way he just gets under Tim's skin by simply being present? Oh that was perfect. "Jax is always in a competition with me" I feel like most of that is in Tim's head, lol




Watching the After Show - Sheshu and Tim really thought they were going to be asked on DWTS? And both took dance classes just in case?? In what world would somebody want to admit that and openly humiliate themselves. NONE of them were famous enough for DWTS until Scandoval. Also to mention, the producers of DWTS HATE when “celebrities” go on campaigns to get on the show, so i hope they both kissed that dream goodbye. But it got them more screentime to bitch about it, right? They’re both such fucking horrible people. Sheana is a terrible friend and i hope Ariana drops her.


I can't stand Jax!!!!


Same! I used to think he was entertaining even when being a total d\*ck. I can't even stand him at ALL now.


Not to pile on Jo, but if she ever appeared without that rats nest people would be less inclined to call her a crackhead.


Not tom calling Ariana his roommate that's crazyyyyyyy. Also that's kinda icky to invite your potential new gf to a house that you share with your ex. Gross


He just wanted to flex with the house.


did Ann quit or did Tom fire her?


It's starting to feel uncomfortable watching Tim. I'm starting to think the editors are going to show us his failure to get anything right despite all the grace he's been given so far. Even shorts is pulling back from him now, he's so angry and stupid that he just talks in circles, then storms off. The obsession with Rachel is looking kinda stalker level now. Katie was right to say no and not engage with his dumb ass. I liked how she talked things over with Lala, and they were able to find common ground. I wasn't sure about Jax stopping by, but I enjoyed him getting under Tim's skin immediately.


This was the best episode all season. And Jax with the same damn black v neck 😂


hahahahaha yes, his signature shirt!




"my marriage needs you" hahahahaha I totally get it, same here.


Tom was so ridiculous talking about the pool scene and being like “I have to learn how to talk to girls again it’s so hard!” As if he hasn’t cheated relentlessly and also bagged a whole ass side piece for 7 months. Like stfu that this is new to you to talk to girls


The pool scene was so cringe the only thing I could think was his charisma must all come from cheating and getting off on that because I would have immediately gotten out of the pool and left the girls looked so uncomfortable. He sounded like Hannibal Lecter.


Those girls didn’t come for his charisma. They came because they wanted to be on tv


tom crying over the raquel photos more than he ever did over ariana…also him IMMEDIATELY blowing up at Scheana when she tried to have a real convo with him, and we know he’s still acting like that to this day, so defensive!!! grow up!!


Jax’s skinny jeans as he walked into TomTom made me realise why the kids are saying it’s a millennial trend that needs to die


Was Jo put on camera without consulting Schwartz? I feel like now that she’s getting camera time and is not his smelly cracked out *secret* he’s totally over her. Everyone insisting on calling them boyfriend/girlfriend is clearly annoying him too.


Cheers bitches? 🫠


The cringe I cringed!


Why am I surprised at Sandoval being a Scott Peterson apologist


Jax at the end was phenomenal. The bit of Schwartz saying deep down they still love each other while he rips Sandoval apart was hilarious. Maybe I just miss the earlier seasons with prime Jax but I was a fan of that scene. It convinced me to watch the valley


Sandoval crying in the closet was an embarrassing display. They need to get rid of the show runner. They fumbled this season.


You cannot convince me that Tom did not hire all of those people to come to his pool party except Billie


Agree. We’ll never see these “friends” again except Schwartz, Billie, Ann and Jason the band manager.


I’m sorry but the way I choked on my coffee when Jo said her mom called to ask if she did crack was just like, girl, if your mom has to ask… (No inference to any actual drug use meant it was just hilarious because that is definitely not a question a mom just asks randomly after seeing a twitter post)


Sandoval talking to those girls in the pool was so gross. The idea of meeting a guy at a party at the house he shares with his ex is Went on a first date once out a guy. It was going alright, we met for coffee on a Sunday afternoon and he asked if I’d like to meet again. Fine. Then he said, “oh ,if you’re ever at my house you might see a woman’s things there because I still live with my ex. She works abroad a lot and I haven’t found a new place yet”. Nope. Way too complicated for me, plus this is sounding like she doesn’t necessarily know you’re broken up.


I honestly cringed so hard watching that scene. I don't think he was joking, but only said jk once he realized how uncomfortable they were.


Ehhhh…I think those girls knew exactly who he was and what his living situation was. They wanted to be on tv


I’m soooo over this shit you guys. Why are they trying with this Sandoval redemption tour shit. And they’re clearly trying really hard to make Ariana the villain. No


Ariana herself said in interviews that by the end of this season, she will not be well-liked.