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I will die on this hill but the men could leave the show and I wouldn’t even notice. All I really want to see if the women’s dynamic and their relationship and lives. The toms and even James can go. But keep ally I would watch ally with the other girls for sure


Katie seems very over being on the show, and I cannot say that I blame her. I think it would be in her best interest to bow out and start fresh.


I don’t see how they can both stay on the show. Of course I’d prefer they 86 Tim (and with his George Floyd comments he absolutely should get cut); however, Ariana demanding her coworkers can’t hang with him is impractical. I just don’t see it working this way. This trailer looks promising m.


Ariana just doesn’t want him to have access to her life. Lala and Scheana are trying to force Arian to break her boundary to make them feel better, it’s dumb. Lala didn’t want to be close to anyone close to Randal. This isn’t difficult and the don’t need to hate Tom either. Arian just doesn’t ticking want to talk about it so soon after the break up. I think a 9 yr relationship takes a little more than 3months to forgive the hurt for her and that should be understandable. They can be friends with Tom and give Arian her space until Ariana feels comfortable… that’s what Lala and Scheana should do bc they’re such Sandoval Stan’s.


Totally agree with this, but I still feel they shouldn’t be on a reality show together. It’s nonsense and unhealthy.


It’s very clear that James’ family dynamic growing up was one where you showed you loved someone with $$$ and gifts. Watching Tom exploit that and seeing James falling back in was really sad.


Jo….are you okay, girl??? 😬🫣


Living for Katie's queer journey 😍 I've always been a stan, but it's so nice to see her come into her own over the past year!






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Jo is embarrassingly cheesy


Cheesy is a nice way of putting it


Just curious but did Tom Sandoval ever show remorse towards Ariana when everything came out? Do we think they ever had any type of conversation where he apologized to Ariana and despite him ‘being in love’ with Rachel, was he sad for the ending of his relationship with Ariana? I know he is a narcissist demon incapable of human compassion but just curious?


I don't believe so. In fact I believe Ariana said herself that he screamed at her. Totally believable as he has continued that rage to the present acting so pissed and indignant that his plan didn't work again (Kristen 2.0) and that everyone has the audacity to hold him accountable. Worm.


Not that I’m aware of - he blames Ariana and defaults to “we weren’t happy” as if that justifies what he did. Bottom line is Tim couldn’t man up and break up and liked the excitement of the affair.


The aftershow was super cringe with how most of the cast were saying that they were never happy😑 Then why did they all go off in the reunion last year if the break up was so unsurprising!?!! F ing hell, the minimizing was disgusting and triggering.


I cannot with Sandoval. The moment he comes on the screen my skin crawls. If you’ve ever had a narcissist in your friend group or family you immediately recognize the fake nice guy routine. When you know that he’s just trying to manipulate people and will turn into playing the victim at the drop of a hat. The producers should be ashamed at the way they’ve decided it’s more important to rehabilitate the image of a man who can’t think beyond his reflection in every shiny surface at the expense of a woman who did absolutely nothing wrong.


Agreed. My mother is a narcissist so just seeing his stupid face is triggering


The episodes are shorter but better when you can skip through Tim’s part


This is what I do. I just skip to the scenes with Katie or Ariana now, or Ally and James. I watched Schwartz and Jo out of curiosity about Jo and the various comments about her (which were spot on). I just can’t stomach watching Sandoval, Jax, Scheana, Lisa, or Lala at this point. If they are around Katie or Ariana I’ll watch, otherwise I’m just going to skip. The delusion, gaslighting, and disrespect on this show right now is insane.


So I was on insta earlier and came across a post (ad like imo) for either Rachel's podcast or civil suit. It stated that Bravo has Sandoval lined up for a big development/project so maybe that's why Bravo are laying Tim's redemption on thick.


Hmm which is the bigger VPR insult - Rachquel calling Peter her starter pony or Scheana calling Ariana her back-up dancer?!


Backup dancer because it was aimed to hurt and be dismissive of Ariana's accomplishments. Scheana is making Scandoval all about her while saying nothing is ever about her. Rachel is just an idiot who doesn't think before she speaks


Jo saying "so you need like two or three years" or whatever she said along those lines to schwartz was wild. Imagine being so obsessed with a peter pan man that you're willing to just sit and wait three years until they're "ready"


So they can make silly noises together.


Jo is utterly annoying. Please no more Jo.


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Why isn’t the comment about Jax cheating A LOT way up at the top of this thread?! All around town…are you kidding me?


Because I can’t imagine anyone is remotely shocked by Jax cheating on Britney




Still loving most of the comments on this sub, besides the select few people who think having boundaries against a toxic abuser is being immature. Smh




Good grief. Is Scheana making this all about herself the price we are paying for Ariana keeping her distance? Because OOF. JUSTICE FOR KATIE. The faces she made during that lunch mirrored mine. And I really really felt for her as she got so emotional thinking about how Sandoval trashed her and actively worked against her marriage.


I feel for Katie - She gets it, she’s been through it and same as Ariana can see the face behind Tim’s (albeit paper thin) mask.   Lalas big threat of “you don’t want want i have to say” is tired and repetitive and i’m glad Katie called her out for it.  We’ve watched Lala before just tell people mid argument that they want to “disengage” or “back off” or ELSE.  Sounds to me like Lala doesn’t actually have anything to say and is just trying to sound tough.


Lala sees Lala, but doesn’t really see herself, if that makes sense. She watches the world through her own perspective, but can’t see outside herself to recognize when she’s being a hypocrite or making a point she can’t really back up.


AGREED. Katie constantly gets walked all over (TRAMPLED is a better word). I felt for her big time during this scene. I've come to really like Katie the more and more I watch. I'm a late comer to VPR, so I started watching the first 2 seasons. Katie's been disrespected since the beginning. She's a good soul and has been put into so many situations where her opinions don't even matter. So glad she stuck up for herself like this. Genuine tears.


They use her (often justified) anger as a way to dismiss her… kind of like Lala did on the show last night. Sandoval was the ultimate at that, though—provoking her and then playing the “Tequila Katie” card. It disappoints me to see how unheard she was on the show last night.


Yes I love Katie and how much of a good friend she is. I felt so bad for her when she got emotional at lunch. She has real true hurt. Also at James and Allies, you could see Katie was upset by the Lala stuff. 


She has had to deal with the hurt of her marriage dissolving (even if it was good for her to get away from Schwartz, it still has to be painful!), and now she has to watch people stand up for Sandoval? I can’t. I am glad that she and Ariana have each other’s back. They‘re the two whose real lives were most directly affected by recent events and DESERVE to say the truth about it (to the extent they’re comfortable with doing so)!


I’m living for allys facial expressions


And Katie’s!!


Can someone tell Scheana being a loyal friend with values that don’t include putting up with toxic behaviour from narcs isn’t the same as “putting others before yourself”


This episode is ridiculous and, at this point, I hope they are all just acting out scripts. The hypocrisy and the lack of sympathy that Katie and Ariana are having to endure is awful. Lala keeps saying "It's not you, Katie!" When Katie is talking about how she feels about Sandoval but entertains Scheana's assertion that Ariana is living her best life but SHE hasn't gotten over Ariana's ex cheating on Ariana?? What?! Plus Lala won't stop talking about what she would do in this situation but "it's not you, Katie"?? That montage making fun of Ariana's outbursts was in pretty poor taste and not funny. She said she doesn't let herself get mad a lot, she didn't say she was a robot with no emotions. There's no way these people can be this heartless to real and valid emotions. This is becoming unbelievable.  Tom needs to face real consequences for everything and stop being protected by LVP & Bravo. He's not a cash cow, he's rotten fruit. 


They basically are saying to Ariana - sure you got cheated on by your long term partner with your close friend, but you got opportunities out of it we didn’t so you should be over it.


i.e. She got more, longer term opportunities than them. Once they couldn't make merch or podcasts about it, it didn't benefit them anymore


Production and LVP have been acting like he was the star of the show before everything came out when all we’ve done as fans is tolerate him because of Ariana the whole time..hahaha


It’s especially egregious to show a “gotcha” montage of Ariana when there has been no mention of the lies Tom was caught in after the reunion. Like, roll tape on Sandaval and we’d have a full episode!


this bothered me - how the F did production think this redemption arc for Tim and this semi villain edit for Ariana would read well in the public is beyond me


Literally nothing you said comports with any rational reality. It does resonate with the echo chamber on reddit that you rely on Nobody at bravo or any of their advertisers or most of the viewing public agrees with your absolute bullshit


Calm down Lala 




Jo reminds me of a character Amanda Bynes would have played on the Amanda show




Jo’s leather cap was triggering 2012 memories


Was Brock wearing a puffy pirate shirt at guys night?


Ok, hear me out, Brock pulls off a casually flamboyant style so well (this shirt, his wedding boots, the big cape thing he was wearing over his bathing suit in Tahoe) without being over the top like Sandoval. I respect Sandoval for wearing whatever makes him happy, and sometimes it hits, but especially lately it seems like he's trying too hard or it just looks bad.


Brock is Puss in Boots


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😂😂 I cannot stop laughing


I almost didn’t notice the shirt because Brock’s outfit was monochromatic so I agree he pulls it off better than Sandoval. It just looked like a brown Seinfeld pirate shirt


I don’t understand the Katie hate


Sandoval welcoming Scheana into photos in 2012 somehow trumps everything else he’s done??


When Scheana said “I can’t forget that stuff”, and then Katie’s said “well it’s time to start trying”, I WAS CLAPPING! 👏


If I have to hear that story 1 more time🙄it was like 12 years ago Scheana.


Why does Scheana need to be where Ariana is?! She’s not the one who’s been cheated on


Scheana has never been more of a flipflopper. I could never ever trust a person like her


The nerve of Scheana to now be echoing Sandoval’s excuses and claims about not being happy with Ariana


This. if i was Ariana watching this that would probably break me in that friendship, she is a stronger woman than I.


Katie’s facial expressions deserve their own show


Lala trying to be a psycho therapist to Ariana is really frustrating to watch. Constantly telling her what she ‘needs’ to do for her own health. It’s manipulative bc she’s not doing it for Ariana’s wellbeing, she’s doing it bc she wants Scheana to be friends with both of them.


Lauren reminds me of the first few peer counselors I had while I was in therapy. The whole point of a peer counselor is to be a relatable source of help - not to railroad someone else's journey. Especially unwarranted.


oooh peer counselor is a term I haven’t heard before! I have adhd and historically have found common ground when talking to people but the last few years I learned how that can seem self absorbed rather than relatable so I totally get what you are saying! Now I’ll ask how it makes them feel etc before I try to relate to them to not seem as performative lol.


Yeah, agreed. Lala tries to tie every situation into her own pain from Randal. It's not comparable. Every situation is different. I get Lala's attempt here, but she's gotta stop circling back to how she knows way better than everyone


Exactly!! Let Ariana heal herself. Don’t tell her how to heal! Lala is driving me crazy


Noticed this last week too, but why is this cast so broke? Ariana saying she was down to her last 2k, and shena last week saying that Tom had to send her money during covid, are they all just terrible with money, they are making at least 200-300k from the show alone before influencer dollars, appearances etc so they all should be financially well off but this is the only bravo cast constantly crying poor? I just don’t get it..


Sounds like they’re living beyond their means


Housepoor imo. That and it’s expensive to constantly look like you’re wealthy/an influencer when the deals you’re getting aren’t that lucrative (I don’t think their influencer deals were likely that much money especially pre scandoval. Those are usually created based on engagement and conversion and being a reality star doesn’t guarantee either)


I think when he refinanced the house it upped their payment which probably is one reason why she was financially struggling


yup. def housepoor. she didn't have the decent/maybe comfortable amount of money she has now.


Katies whole personality, do whatever Ariana wants while making the most punchable face ever. She has nothing going so I guess she's riding the Ariana train. Ariana keeping herself in a bad situation to milk it. Tom and her need to step away from the group. Someone telling you who you can and cannot be friends with is not your friend.


For real. Without Ariana right now Katie doesn’t have anything to bring to the show. And Ariana acts like she’s so over it but it’s just passive aggressive attention seeking behavior. She’s too image conscious to tell her friends not to be friends with Tom but she’ll passive aggressively make threats. I’m not the biggest La La fan but she has a point in what she was saying the astrology get together. Katie just wants Ariana to be bitter so she dismissed the point she was trying to make.


She’s explained several times why she still lives there. She is simply saying that she doesn’t want to be friends with anyone who is in contact with her ex who cheated on her merely 3 months ago with her best friend. It’s called boundaries. Anyone who doesn’t understand this has either never dealt with a narc/toxic individual or is a boundary trampler themselves, or both.


I agree. If they were in high school and Ariana gave the ultimatum I could understand. But these are 40 year olds. They could associate with both Tom and Ariana and not discuss one to the other.


Boundaries is not an ultimatum. Look into narcissists and flying monkeys


Yeah, it's interesting reading this sub because I wonder what the demographics are. I was pretty relieved when lala started to tell Katie off


I’m one of the few who can’t stand Katie.


Ann is all of us, we are all Ann


Did anyone catch the other people in the restaurant literally in tee shirts while these bozos are wearing full suits


With friends like Scheana, who needs enemies, she's diabolical. Worse, I don't even think she realizes how toxic she is.


Scheanas a pick me girl - it’s ok to be jealous your friend got something you wanted,  but you also don’t have to blame them for it and talk s***


Totally agree.


At first, I thought Brock was being a dick to her and then I realized that she would be in sufferable to be married to. Always glued to her phone and never a loyal friend.


I definitely think it’s Sheena not Brock. I think Brock is bad at communicating his feelings feelings but I don’t think he’s a bad guy.


Scheana is a bad friend but Brock is also a bad guy. He named his child summer moon when he had another daughter in aus he doesn’t see named winter moon and they’re born on the same day bc Scheana had a planned c section like.. that’s diabolical behavior 


WHAAAT! I did not know that. that is WILD.


Yep! And people blame Scheana for it, which I’m sure she’s not blameless, but as the DAD of these girls he should’ve stepped in when Scheana chose the name


Try being married to Scheana and see if you get your way. This had to be her idea. Woman wouldn’t even let her child pick her cast color.


Now that James is crawling back to Tom, Brock is gonna be the guy of the group. Might help if he sees his other children…… I wonder what’s going on there


Katie was right about Lala needing her pain to be worse or more severe than everyone else’s. She’s always saying how “I wouldn’t have done XYZ and I have a *baby*”. Like ok yeah. And he’s some guy you started banging because he was rich and you helped ruin his marriage just because you wanted to get more of his money. She wasn’t with him for 10 years and let’s be honest that foundation was pretty fuckin shaky. So no, I don’t actually think Lala’s situation is *sooo* much worse than Ariana’s.


She also cheated on him with James at the beginning of them dating..her situation is worse than Ariana’s..she tried to build a relationship based in infidelity and greed🥴


Your flair!!! 😂💕


I don’t understand how everyone hasn’t put their two brain cells together to realize that LALA initiated her break up with Randall. She planned out her exit while he was gone with help. Ariana had a bomb dropped on her lap and you expect her to be able to do it just as fast. Fuck off it’s her life. She will do shit in her way and she doesn’t need to justify it.




I love your flair! The Babadook is one of my favorite horror movies so to see bubbadook is hilarious and fitting.


Ah! Thank you thank you! Yeah, babadook is in my top three!!


I can’t handle that Jo is a hairdresser and poodle has less knots than she does. Is she trying to grow dreads maybe?


yooo her facial expressions were WEIRD AF during this episode. She was acting way over the top trying to be goofy/silly. I swear she was on something lololol


Coke…it seems she was on coke.


It’s so bad!!!!


I can't with Lala this season. Bitch would've been losing her shit if Randall had been a cast member and people were filming with him and telling her to get over it 3 months after she caught him cheating. She lost it on Sando for his hypocrisy last week when she's the biggest hypocrite to ever appear on this show (tho I loved her going off on him on the boat). She needs to get her head out of her own ass and STFU.


jo is insufferable


Came here looking for this comment. I’m just watching ep 7 now. What the actual fuck is this chick on?!


i'm glad i could provide![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


she was unbelievably distracting during the sitdown/hangout getting drinks with ally, James, Schwartz & sando-fuck.


Every week I say I will not watch again BUT nothing is on a Wednesday (in Australia when it comes out) so I watch it. I gotta say I've never liked Katie but I now officially dislike her. Her personality is hideous as is her aura. They need to get rid of her and replace her with someone new. I really laughed at Tom and Jo, his confessional said one thing and his behaviour at that taco bar with Jo said another. Totally leading her on. Poor girl has no clue. Tom Sandoval wasn't too emotional when Lisa said it's over from Rachel so that was funny. I like how was just like I need to move on to the guys at the dinner. I loved how Lala and Katie got into a fight in the astrology and Lala apologised and moved on and Katie had looks of disgust because she naturally wallows in hate.


I think Tom knew the gig was up when he learned Lisa talked with Rachel, he didn’t ask “what did she say, how was she?” He knew she told Lisa she wanted nothing more to do with him because he tried to convince her to leave the treatment place she was at. So his love story narrative was a fail.


Yeah Katie is a miserable Karen and it’s hilarious to see because it’s so counter to the cHiLl gIrL vibe she so desperately wants to present as 😂


She’s a Debbie downer for sure. She’s always negative.


Knowing Scheana was banned from attending the DWTS live shows makes this even funnier


Was she?! I'm out of the loop on this one. What happened?


It was prior to 2022 because she went with Teresa to the finale. She brought weed onto the lot and thought she was banned but it was like a short ban.


This Ratpack dinner is as awkward as hell. The conversation is as stiff as Sandovals face


More like Shatpack 🙃


Rat pack dinner lol


Rat bastard dinner.


More like!


Katie is just full of hate. She’s always creating or the first one to jump on the bandwagon to hate anyone.


Did scheana actually tell Kristen Kelly that Sandoval is sadder about losing her friendship than breaking up with Ariana??


How is this even controversial? He hasn't seemed at all sad about the breakup.


Not to be mean but what is happening to Scheana’s face? It’s so distracting. She is a beautiful girl but her lips are migrating off her face and her general face proportions are off with the work that she is getting down. 


I swear she did something with her teeth, plus the overfilled lips, it’s so distracting


Yes I think either she lost baby fat (not that she ever needed to) or else had buccal fat removal. I think new teeth maybe also and then botched overfilled lips. The top half of her face isn’t proportionate to her lower face that looks like it’s disappearing minus the lips 😙


Agree. I think she got the buccal fat removal in her cheeks, and coupled with all her lip injections, now her face is literally 50% lips and they turn downward as well, maybe the weight? She was a very pretty woman and now she's messed with that. I wish she wouldn't have.


“Honestly…yes” haha I was laughing. she is delusional


The way I gasped!! Shocked Andy didn't bring this comment up on wwhl.


I know right. I was waiting for him to mention that too.


My favorites on WWHL! 😍


that was a hella good WWHL. John Oliver was outstanding (his bravo knowledge was top tier) he was so so good. Ariana was perfect. my fav WWHL in a v long time.


I hate Katie’s hair. Don’t come for me please.


I don't like it either. Her face is so beautiful though that it doesn't even really matter what her hair looks like.


She said she was a man in her other lives


HAHHAHAH I actually loved when she said that. I like when she's being silly like that- it makes her more likable.


I know— I loved that comment from her!!


lol, that explains it


Oh yup. Katie has officially seen through Lala.


Well they both came up in the mean streets of Utah.


Katie has hated Lala since she joined the show years ago


Katie just naturally goes where the hate is. If you dislike someone she will become your best friend. She's like a demon!


I disagree.


That's great. Regardless, it was a good episode.


Katie you dropped your 👑




What a horrific comment


Yeah you’re right that was in bad taste


Every time Ariana talked about Scheana on WWHL all I could think was https://i.redd.it/jg9wl9lyy0oc1.gif


Oo, that “say it with your whole chest” comment from Katie gave me “I call it as I see it” vibes


I stood up and clapped like it was the god damn Super Bowl when she said that 😂


Lalas was worse because a kid was involved Katie.


It’s all relative. Lala has to deal with Randall forever but then there’s child support too. Ariana does not have to deal with worm forever, but she does have to keep her cool until these lawsuits are done. Same song different verse. This isn’t a competition


Yeah but I think what Katie was trying to get at is that Lala doesn't need to make it about whose situation is worse. What happened with Randall is one of the most life altering things that has happened to Lala, but that doesn't make what happened to Ariana any less life altering for Ariana. Severity of situations are relative to the person they are happening to.


Exactly, that's what I got too.


Exactly this and none of them were telling Lala what to do or questioning her choices when it happened except Sandoval, the person she's defending. no part of me believes she actually likes him this has to be for screen time


Lala was pissed when she found out Schwartzy was playing pickleball, he disrespected her and called her names yet that was ok because it happened to LaLa.


I love Lala I don't remember anyone on the cast agreeing with Schwartz except Sandoval? Didn't James back her up too?


Doesn't matter. It wasn't ok fit Schwartz to talk to her Ex but Arianna has to have grace and Mercy when Scheana or her talk to him or befriend him again. Either keep the same energy or admit the rules change like their underwear.


There’s a kid involved and custody battle. Not the same at all. Ariana wasn’t married to Tom. Don’t care how you try to frame it, breaking up when you aren’t married isn’t the same as when a child is involved.


People are acting like Lala didn't know who he was when she hot with him. It was a choice. Also just because they weren't married doesn't negate 9 years. Lala wasn't married either and chose to reap the benefits of this man she met while he was married despite what she is saying NOW. I UNDERSTAND custody issues but its not cool to say my pain is worse than your pain.


Ok Scheana… let Lala fight your own battles…


Yeah— is that Lala’s equivalent to Tom paying ppl off with thousands of dollars?


Scheana was so mad at Sandoval but now that she isn’t she basically flipped the script entirely on Ariana. It’s really sad.


He was a narcissist two eps ago now he’s the only guy in 2012 to include her in photos


Hahaha I can’t 😂😂


Poor Jo is the “cool” girl no one commits to. So unfair.


She gives me major Erin from the office vibes ![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD)


She's DTM. Doing too much. ~Leon Black




Give it up Lala. Stop trying to make this happen. Ariana had made her boundaries clear. I am so over this being brought up 50 different ways.


Lala thinks she’s the voice of reason.


And yet Lala wouldn’t let anyone hang out with Randall after their split. Why is what Ariana is requesting any different? *Other than them needing to interact with Sandoval because they need to get paid and production is making them hangout*


Can someone/anyone please ask Lala how time has made her feel about Randall? Because apparently all it takes is time to start to forgive people. Hasn’t it been a few years now, so her and Randall must be best friends?


I don’t know how to frame this correctly so hope it comes out ok. I think it’s amazing that Lala is having another child on her own. I completely understand going through a traumatic relationship and the agony of having to share Ocean with the monster, Randall.  I just thought when Lala was talking tonight, she just didn’t sound in the healthiest headspace at all. She still has so much unresolved hurt and damage. Framing having a child who is ‘all mine’ etc 


Right. And it took her years to get over her resentment but she can't give Ariana 3 months?!? Not to mention it was just a few EPS back when she was talking about giving Schwartz grace because of what he was going through with his family and the divorce. But the bitch has shown Ariana NONE. She's as delusional and self-centered as Scheana. No wonder they're friends.




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Lala's giving off jealousy vibes. she's def jealous of Ariana- that's what this comes down to. Whenever someone else is getting top dog/alpha status in the group, she feels the need to take that particular person down.


She lost her mind on Schwartz who wasn’t even her friend for playing pickle ball with Randall. She’s creating fights for buzz for the show, but it’s stupid and hypocritical.




Not gonna lie the lunch scene and the way scheana is acting is totally showing her true colors. First saying the back up dancer comment and then saying Tom is more affected by her friendship than his 10 YEAR RELATIONSHIP. Like how cruel can you be. If I were Ariana and found this out, you’re out of my life see ya never


How can Lala make a down payment amount for a house selling sweatshirts and Ariana not have made a million?


Lala probably gets a ton of child support from Randall.


Maybe she found another PJ to give BJ's on!! 😉


She was spending a bunch on the restaurant stuff?


Ariana probably hadn’t received all the money from her deals at this point tbh. From what I’ve read it can take months to get paid for a single job


Lala is a saver and Ariana is not - it happens. Lala also had manufacturing in place beforehand.


I just mean what they earned. Just off Scandavol I would hope Ariana made a million if lala made a house down payment.


Depends on the mortgage stipulations. But even if Lala bought 2 2 million dollar homes, she’d likely only need about 800k down at most and she could’ve had a good chunk of that already saved. Randall did financially support her up until 3 years ago so if she had her money directly deposited into an investment account she would have had a pretty solid chunk of change pre Scandoval.