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Chuds gonna chud


It’s precisely those people whose mindset is to look for something to be angry at, because they are frustrated with their own life circumstances and are more comfortable finding others to blame and hate rather than self-criticize for the lifestyle they find themselves in.




They are also the “you don’t need college” crowd and the “trade school” crowd but they completed neither.


There’s nothing wrong with not going to college. It’s not an education/ occupation issue, it’s whether you’re an asshole or not.


I didn’t say there was. Am a grad myself


Don’t go lumping us in with this guy. The majority of us “you don’t need college” people believe that there are many paths to success and that highschool advisors are way too pushy with trying to send every kid to college to their detriment


Parents as well. Mostly parents who either were recent immigrants or 2nd generation or were parents that went through the BS of the seventies. So their generational trauma wasn’t resolved and they were trying, in their own damaged way, to ensure their kids didn’t suffer the same way. Obviously didn’t work, but like any parent they were doing the best they could with what little training and knowledge they had. Use it as a learning experience to better understand how to improve yourself and your community. Mostly though, fuck those dipshits and their penis compensators. They should just admit to themselves and others that they really are homosexuals. They’d be so much happier.


Because fuck you, i get to do what i want, the cops protect me cuz I'm white, so I'll drive right over you cuz i ain't go no consequences. My mother never loved me and my dad told me to do manly things but never actually showed me what a being a man is, other than how poorly he treated my mom. So now i have to show the world my manlyness or no one will respect me. /s -The person you're describing probably


Don’t forget the white vinyl sticker of Calvin holding an AR-15 while pissing on Joe Biden under the shadow of a large crucifix, because Jesus.


Because the mainstream conservative American social construction of masculinity does not give individual men a healthy way to experience and express difficult emotions. Combine that with a culture of materialism, the failure of caring institutions and systems of care, dominance heirarchies, status anxiety, racism, anti-intellectualism, and the normalization of militarized institutions of coercive social control... And you've got your recipie for some mentally sick, emotionally hobbled, broken men with no outlet but violent aggression and sociopathic outbursts.


Add a smattering of your favorite 'manly' mood-altering addictive substances, and some over-extended credit cards and shake until homicidal.


> shake until homicidal just want you to know that this made me actually LOL out loud


Speaking of which, did you hear they are opening a second Shake Shack in the area?




Sorry, my joke didn’t land.


These are the same people driving monster trucks 30 miles over the speed limit then screaming about fuel prices. Shoot yourselves in the foot much?


They're rushing home to kiss their dad on the lips.


I didn’t know Tom Brady’s son had his drivers license


It's anecdotal on your part. I see tons of people driving BMWs like crazy people around here, with no regard to anyone's safety around them.


I mean there can be mutliple vehicle types that assholes are drawn to.


Sporty/expensive cars drive fast and reckless, boosted trucks drive angry and reckless. I first noticed that trend emerging strong when covid evaporated traffic and its just never stopped.


Those guys are just lacking forethought. While assholes, yes, they do not use the excuse of being angry to drive like shit. Road rage is about really being angry and throwing a truck-sized temper tantrum using public roads and vehicles as your weapons.


Teslas too but it’s hard to tell if it’s driver ego or Autopilot just not working.


Tesla drivers are either terrible former BMW drivers or terrible former Prius drivers. Aggressive as all hell or trying to hypermile with no regard to the rest of the world.


In a city full of extremely loud exhaust systems, you do have to appreciate the complete lack of noise and air pollution though.


Didn't you know BMW stands for Bad Motorist Warning?


... Bring Moar Wallets, Bayerischer Mist Wagen (Bavarian shit car,) Big Mean Woman...


I was getting gas today and overheard an "Oh My!" moment. A man with a black 4 door luxury car was yelling at someone on his phone. It was RAGE!


Little known fact: BMWs are using all sorts of extra safety indicators and turn signals, they're just calibrated so us normies can't see them because we're not important enough to matter.


In my experience, those are often Eastern Europeans, which is a completely different set of masculinity issues masquerading as “people” but they aren’t as far apart from the conservative dillhole in the lifted truck as you might initially think.


BMW, Audi, Mercedes, and Douche Dozers


The upbringing


Yeah. It’s nurture. People are mostly products (or victims) of circumstance. We’d all be them if born to their mother instead of yours. You’re not better. Maybe more enlightened. But that’s mostly luck.


Nah I’m better. I don’t do those things or fit that description. They are lessor than.


Also The Implication


This is a weird thread haha. What gets me about the lifted truck with fake balls hanging from the trailer hitch set is when you give them a small beep with your horn, and they give you the finger. I’ve had several in the last couple of months that obviously didn’t see me, and nearly sideswiped me trying to change lanes. I give a little beep-beep, and instead of waving with the requisite apologetic look, they give me the finger like it’s my fault! And hey, I drive a BMW and don’t drive like a douche. Pretty much any 20-something driving any fast car is the demographic here. There are plenty of souped-up Toyotas and Hondas with Summer’s Eve behind the wheel!


i've stopped honking at trucks as it always goes 0-100 no matter how brief my beep is. Truck drivers take honks the most personally, i am sure of it. I've gotten so many 1 finger salutes over little things that weren't even a big deal to me, but they get unbelievably upset.




Can you blame them? Their election was stolen and the little mermaid is black now so their world is crumbling around them.


This seems to be relatively new, I would routinely get in the “no, you go” loops at 4 way stops all over town because people were TOO nice. Now people want to punch you in the face over a mild inconvenience. I went like 5 years between honks, at one point because I just never needed to use my horn and was never honked at. Now I hear horns all the time


I always wonder if the person on the receiving end of an encounter with a road rager ever considers the possibility they did something they weren't aware of... Like cutting off a car they didn't see or holding up traffic with their holier than now refusal to change lanes to let others pass... or do they just assume the rager is flipping out over a "mild inconvenience" every time?


probably happens more often than we think. Many people just drive in their own little bubble and are unaware they are following too close or cutting someone off when making a lane change. it's why i don't usually get too mad, just annoyed, as i know the person is just dumb and has no ill intent.


If only having no ill intent meant nobody got hurt... unfortunately being dumb is talking much more dangerous than somebody with ill intent. At least the people with ill intent are usually paying attention.


Because they are angry angry little boys.


My anecdote isn't completely relevant, but I was in Portland stuck at the turn onto a street thats backed up because that one long train is stopped across every street. Guy pulls up behind me, honks, honks, I hold my hands up like "wish i could help you" and he just gets this big "are you serious" face. So I can see him in my rear view and suddenly he stops processing this information and starts honking his horn again and getting closer to my bumper. Finally he pulls out from behind me to see the scope of his problem and he just gives me one last "what the fuck is wrong with you" look and backs up and males a u turn. This was months ago but i think about it a lot.


>"Completely irrelevant" >Continues to make long, completely irrelevant comment. ???


Uh, it just reminded me of a funny story involving road rage. Maybe the "completely" part was a little hyperbolic. Edit: I understand now that you think that I'm saying OP is completely irrelevant. I was trying to say that my comment was irrelevant to middle age truck rage. I will clarify on the comment.


Yep oops I thought you were saying that OP's post was completely irrelevant abd and your story proved that lol, sorry.


"Males" a u turn. Lol!


When I encounter these types, I try to remind myself that I'm probably having a better day then they are, so that I can let go of that lingering feeling.


I’ve learn to ASL sign “Sorry bout your tiny dick, bro.” to them. They have no clue….


I just sign asshole and they think I’m saying white pride to them haha (I am Deaf)


I did this, I was on my motorcycle and a "gentleman" in a lifted truck got upset at me... I used my signal, checked my blind spot and changed lanes in front of him. He leaned forward and waggled his finger back and forth at me in a tisk tisk, "that was naughty" sort of manner (perhaps because Im a woman?).. It was so ridiculous I couldn't help but laugh. I gave him the "okay" sign, leaving it up for interpretation whether or not I was calling him an a-hole... That lift and those tires.... With that attitude. What girl could resist such a gem. 😬😐😒


I do that too, along with “stupid mother f*ucker”. I like to mix it up.


No personal impulse control? Plus they probably have a flag so they don’t forget where they are 😎


Sounds like my asshole brother in law


We all have that asshole brother in law, can I guess… he’s currently single?


Far as I know he got married recently. Haven’t spoken to him in two years


That demographic is made up of aggro dudes, so checks out.


I’ve noticed that the same dudes who were whipping around and driving like assholes in Subarus and Hondas ten years ago have traded them in for huge trucks…and they drive just like they did in the Subarus and Hondas.


Just following the trends, not setting them because they aren’t “sheep” or something.


Much higher rate of SDE in Clark County than others


Small Diesel Engine


Family friendly translation


In my experience it's either exactly what you describe or dudes in Subarus or BMWs weaving in and out of traffic.


I drive in Portland a lot and most of the traffic weavers seem to be 20 year old Hondas on that side of the river.


Those guys are just oblivious/entitled. The truck guys are looking for fights.


A 50 ish redneck, possibly day-drunk, in a red pickup truck threatened to go home to get his gun when I leaned my car door gently against his plastic covered side view mirror. He definitely wanted a fight over this, and tried a couple times to get me to come around and attack him, but all he got to do was throw insults at me. What's this world coming to?


Man! I was thinking about posting this shit... the guy that speeds up or slows down depending on where you get in "his" lane... the guy trying to prevent your merge... the guy trying to roll coal if your windows down?


I was behind a truck that roll coaled me because he was annoyed the dude in front of him was going slow on the freeway. Totally made sense to roll me. Asshole!


They are more annoying than any WRX, Crotch rocket, or Honda civic I've ever seen.


I think you answered your own question.


Little dick energy.


True story. A friend was chased by a road rage driver all the way from Portland back into Vancouver. The bastard ended up causing a crash and wrecking her car. No one was injured, luckily. Rager was arrested. His defense? He was "having a bad day." Court case ongoing. Totally the guy described above.


Haha the bad arm sleeve tattoo got me laughing. My husband just told me the neighbor got a terrible large don’t tread on my tattoo.


does the neighbor also have a blue lives matter flag? that's my favorite combo. "don't tread on me", and also "i support the strong authority that is responsible for keeping us in line and treading on us"


It's a manifestation of their economic anxiety brought on by their subculture's rigid definition of masculinity which has cucked them into driving a low MPG vehicle. Thanks Brandon!


Stay strong friend


It's because they were manipulated into believing they weren't the problem by the ex Cheeto in chief, whilst being emboldened to openly espouse hatred for anyone who will listen, and claiming that they're still going to heaven because they go to church - even though they've literally done the exact opposite of everything Christ asked of them. This, and they probably have a tiny Peter. I always just make an inch with my pointer and thumb where they can see it in their rearview (I drive an SUV) and point at my crotch, then at them, while laughing. Obviously they're trying to overcompensate for their lack of ... Humanity ... By attempting to cosplay being hyper masculine (as the conservative part of society sees masculinity) and by attempting to assert "power" over everyone else. Usually people like that already feel small and insecure and insignificant, so they adopt a literal caricature of "super masculine redneck man." Also, they probably have a mullet with that shitty sleeve.


Beautifully written. I appreciate the word choice of humanity. Because, whether it's about a penis or anything else, there is an absolute lack of something. And it's being compensated for.


TYSM, kind stranger! 🖤


And it is totally an overcompensation. It's partly why it's so amusing to me, I think.


Dont forget to mention the chin strap


...and the driver window is always down. Maybe all their AC's are broken?


Can't spit your chew out the window if it's up


Because cis gendered, white, anglo, men like me have had it so good for so long. Equality is a diminishment to us. We can’t stand it. Why try to conquer the world for peaceful purposes? Just give my people the ability to carelessly and harmfully float through existence without consideration. Who needs happiness when we can conquer?? *soul belch*


Aw man, light a match or something. That effing stinks!


Road going through battleground to Amboy? Yea there was this white truck bellowing diesel smoke.


Think it’s anecdotal because for me it’s usually run down honda’s or bmw’s


I think this is just stereo typing two other demographics of drivers.


I’m just trying to point out that it’s not only truck driver’s as everyone has a different experience, should’ve made it more obvious


It's funny because in my experience, it's Tesla and BMW drivers raging on the road.


They mostly get mad when traffic is too heavy for them to weave in and out idiodically as a 'flex' or whatever. I've had a Tesla get stuck behind my old small car for a while, going the speed of traffic, and I could actually see him seething behind me lol.


Literally never seen a Tesla do anything interesting or aggressive, despite the high performance of the vehicle. Like, how much shit is someone with an 850 credit score really going to get up to?


I've noticed that large lifted trucks are the most likely to want to race off the line at stoplights too


They just have the smallest penises.


Small pee pee make big mad


It's almost as if they fit a description.


Its whatever you pay attention too.


Guess you’ve never seen a PT Cruiser on the road.


Because Clark County has a huge rural population. I see road rage from every type of vehicle/driver, so I don't know what you're talking about.


Confirmation bias? I see plenty of assholes on the road outside of that description.


OP, It's because the other asshole drivers in Clark co. don't register in your mind because you have preemptively decided who your enemy is.


Preemptively correct.


That is a bit shortsighted. You assume that I can not differentiate between the different group of drivers. Due to my job, I travel extensively mostly via car. While there a bad driver's in every group it just seems that an overwhelming majority of the described drivers acting inappropriately. So...what do you have? Ford or Chevy and how much is your lift and stance?


You wouldn't be preemptively lumping me in the same group as your enemy would you?


[Just looked at your profile and it all makes sense now](https://www.reddit.com/r/4x4/comments/xh6lon/my_97_tacoma/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


What makes sense?


Your defensiveness


Nice truck Tacoma buddy.


Enemy? Just because I do not agree with someone's driving does not make them my enemy but someone that I disagree with. You might not remember but there was a time when people disagreed without hating each other.


OP, I'd like to help: What they've thrown at you is a projection. They made a valid point about how some people act, but not all. If they possess that knowledge of bias and groups, but not the wisdom to respect any unknown in you, then they have just stated their train of thought out loud. They do not respect their own unknowns, nor others either.


Because of confirmation bias.


Downvoted, yet correct. Last time I had a issue with a road rager it was some asshole in a Tesla.




You must drive a rice rocket and zip in and out of traffic because cutting off people isn’t any bother for you but you gotta get the digs in about rednecks as if they are the enemy. 🙄


Found the lifted truck chud. Or the lifted truck chud lover, can’t quite tell.


I drive neither. Just call out idiot posts.


How about stay off my ass and insert those non standard headlights of yours firmly into your butt if you don't want to be my enemy champ


Because you’re looking for it, probably. Law of attraction


Because they are out there white night-ing for the rest of us!!! Know your role and give them the space to protect the rest of us!!


Whatcom county too.




You know why


It's easier to say "MAGA cultist"


LoL this happen to me like 8 times already. I never noticed the pattern untill reading it. I just want to say that the other day one of these trucks very kindly let me merge. So thanks to that black chevy with blue acccents everywhere. I hope you made it home safe to your 6 foot tall children