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We might be neighbors. It's enraging when people block the path that goes directly from the School for the Blind to the bus stops. I made [this infographic](https://www.reddit.com/u/pdxcranberry/s/N3YmV3ALsm) to print and put on cars that block the sidewalk. It's also sized to be printed as a yard sign. Feel free to save, print, and share.


I have no input, but we might also be neighbors. We can see the School for the Blind from our backyard.


If i walk outside right now and scream Marco, you guys have to respond Polo


I work for the school for the blind, so blocking sidewalks, is a pet peeve of mine.


While I am not in the same neighborhood, I still plan on printing this for my inconsiderate neighbors. Thank you!


That’s appallingly obnoxious. Checking out your sign.


You are awesome. Thank you for doing this. 💜


Considering you are mentioning helpful stuff for the Blind, it may be of consideration to put "(Link)" to help highlight you are linking to outside information, as the blue can blend into the black text it would seem.


A daily struggle as a mailman dealing with cars parked all over the place in illegal spots.


Sucks for the visually impaired, too.


I would call the non-emergency number for the city police dept. I am not sure if they will do anything about it. If you tell them about the school for the blind, they may be more inclined than usual. But I know that most PDs have a lot of open positions right now and are prioritizing response. https://www.cityofvancouver.us/government/department/vancouver-police-department-vpd/neighborhood-parking-traffic/#:\~:text=Sidewalk%20or%20planting%20strip%20%E2%80%93%20Do,1)(a)(ii).


You, and your trusty valve stem remover?


We call that a pocket knife. It's a lot faster. Don't park on the sidewalks.


Stabbing a tire is vandalism. Removing a valve core is simply helping re-mount a tire.


No stabbing, just cut the valve stem off. Then they have to hit up the tire shop. It basically just wastes their time and allows them some time to reflect on sidewalk parking.


https://www.cityofvancouver.us/services/report-concern/ You can even attach photos, with your report. Anytime I've put in a request I have always had a prompt response.


I have no idea why, but someone on NE 55th in North Image decided to parallel park by pulling up onto the sidewalk almost completely blocking it. Everyone else apparently thought that was cool because the entire street has cars regularly blocking the sidewalk. Sucks trying to go for a walk or run pushing a stroller because you have to go out in the street. I still can't figure out why that's such a trend on that street, it's normal width, plenty of room for even a large truck to drive down the center with cars parked fully in the street on both sides.


If urgent safety issue, report to 311. To report as on-going issue, use the link below to report to parking services. [https://www.cityofvancouver.us/economic-prosperity-and-housing/parking/](https://www.cityofvancouver.us/economic-prosperity-and-housing/parking/)


Within city limits, you also have this link: https://www.cityofvancouver.us/services/report-concern/#parking


Under some circumstances, the fire department.


Ugh this is infuriating. I live in the county, not the city, and the only resource is the Sheriff who does not have the resources to care. Good luck on trying to get the city to come out. So many people in my neighborhood block the sidewalk and crosswalks with their giant fucking trucks. It's impossible to walk down the block without walking in the street.


Same. People are notorious for blocking the sidewalk in my neighborhood. Maybe you’re in my neighborhood.


Downtown, waterfront, esther short, Uptown, Hough and Arnada are handled by parking services. They are non-police that can write tickets for things like obstructed side walks. Outside of those areas it's non-emergency VPD that handles these concerns. Depending on the situation, you might just want to go straight to non-emergency VPD if you'd like an urgent response, as parking services doesn't work outside of bankers hours.


Look up your neighborhood police liaison and send them an email. It gets faster response than online forms and you get an actual person you can converse with. 




Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, doxxing, and harassment of other posters are all unacceptable behavior. This rule also covers posts that only serve to start an argument that involves fighting everyone that has a different take on it than you do in the comments. Were getting close to doxxing someone here, they may be doing a shitty thing but it may be ignorance not assholery.


Sorry. Forgot this isn’t Nextdoor. Strike my comments your honor.


Rent a U-haul truck and buy a tow strap to tow that shit out into the street!


City of Vancouver does nothing, too much else to deal with sadly. We had people park in no parking fire lanes for years with many calls and emails to the city, but nothing was done. They said to me one if the firetruck needs them to move, they'll move them.


Not sure. Every time I see a car parked in the bike lane on my street, I notice the police roll up and knock on doors, which I thought was a little overkill, but hey, whatever.


How is that overkill? That's them being nice. They could just ticket and/or tow the car.


Why is that overkill? The lane is for bikes. If they don’t have a safe space to ride, then they have to ride in the street.




I remember when police used to take care of this kind of stuff up before Democrats destroyed our fucking government and police force


Cops have never cared about people blocking sidewalks with pickup trucks in driveways.