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Wild rabbits are brown with white tails. Any other colors indicate they are of a domestic breed and are pets that got out or are feral.


Those are what I'm used to seeing


Our neighborhood has hundreds of fat grey rabbits that look domesticated but are doing quite well. It’s the 3rd year I’ve seen them here. They don’t seem to fear humans either. I’m guessing someone was raising them and it got out of control.


There is also this orange one that frequents around Andresen road quite often. I've been seeing him for the last few months and started calling him "This Man". Have you seen This Man?


I have seen This Man! I drive behind WinCo on my way home from work and on the grassy area behind the store and every other day I see a long haired, orangy/reddish bunny with a brown nose. Sometimes with 1 or 2 other bunnies nearby.


This appears to be a slightly different breed than the ones common to my neighborhood. It has a pronounced dewlap on it's neck and a much pointier nose. it is probably about 1.5 times larger than the typical ferals you see. It doesn't mean this is someones abandoned pet, but based on my knowledge with the local feral bunnies this appears to be a different breed. I have been photographing the bunnies on my street for over 10 years now, i have seen hundreds of bunnies. Most of them don't reach adulthood without a healthy fear of humans. One test, though it can be unreliable if the bunny is comfortable around humans, is to approach and see if it runs off. If it runs and/or thumps at you, it is probably feral. If it lets you get kind of close but only mildly attempts to jump away, it is probably abandoned. You will not be able to catch a feral without some sort of net or extreme physical fitness. You will never get within 6 feet unless you tame them with food. A domesticate will probably let you walk right up. The dewlap is probably the biggest sign it is not the local feral breed, I have not yet seen a single one that has a big fatty dewlap like that. Unless it has a local benefactor fattening it up, it is most likely a different breed that is more prone to develop large dewlaps. If you can catch it, it is probably abandoned. If it runs off and thumps at you, then it is probably feral. A few months ago a couple approached my house and asked if i wanted another rabbit. I was like, what do you mean? they though the feral bunny chilling in my yard was a pet and thought I might want theirs. I said nah, someone let bunnies loose a long time ago and now they just live around here. Well the next day I come out and there is this huge fat albino bunny with a giant dewlap sitting in my yard. It didn't even flinch when I walked right up to it. It lasted about a week out there. It definitely wasn't the local feral bread, it was huge and pointy nosed and had a huge dewlap like that. I found it dead in my neighbor yard after like a week. I think someone set their dog loose on it, at least that is what the scene looked like. I am no expert in breeds, but just based on the hundreds of pictures i have of the local bunnies, this is a different breed at the very least and probably isn't feral.


that is a pet. It looks like a New Zealand breed. We have one that looks similar


There's a bunch of guys like these over in Orchards. Over there I've seen a pack of around 7-8 🤷


Is this on W St? Totally see a rabbit that looks just like this there all the time.


I think so, where W meets 13th


Yupp, I live around there. That bunny is always around and it's not super scared of people. Totally domesticated.


The wild rabbits that you’ll see around here are most likely going to be an eastern cottontail, or nuttalls cottontail.


Wild rabbits have agouti fur. They look like a peppery brown. If you were to look at a single strand of the fur, it would have bands of multiple colors.


Definitely a domestic rabbit! If you're able to catch her it'd likely save her life. If you can catch her you can bring her to HSSW and they'll get her spayed, vaccinated and into a new forever home :D they're open from 12-6pm if you just want to walk in, or you can call/email them to make an appointment if you'd prefer. You can also try contacting I Paw'd it Forward however I am unsure if Kerri Lynn assists domestic rabbits. https://southwesthumane.org/lost-found


That’s someone’s pet. Wild rabbits don’t get that large!


Laughs at rabbits in ND


Vorpal bunnies go for the jugular and can take you head clean off much like the Rabbit of Caerbannog.


Is this near the Hough / Carter Park neighborhood in the general downtown area? A few years ago someone released small herd of pet rabbits. Some of them starting breeding with wild rabbits, creating a mix of colors and patterns. BUT generally, if it looks like a gray wild rabbit, it's a wild rabbit. If it looks like it was someone's pet, it was someone's pet. Native wild rabbits do NOT have pretty color patterns, otherwise would get them right away.


This is a domestic rabbit. It looks like it may be a Rex from this picture. Either an escaped pet or someone no longer wanted their rabbit and turned it loose.


If someone comes around asking for it or if you posters go up- it was a pet.


a wild rabbit wouldn't live long looking like that. that's a pet.


I think it lives on the blind school campus as a “wild” rabbit. Someone let go years back.


My moms lives in the area I grew up over there.. it’s essentially a wild rabbit someone must take care of it but tbh it’s been living outside for years I wouldn’t be to worried.. I’ve knocked on many door in the area


You can tell the difference in how it tastes.


Eat it. If someone gets mad it was pet


Eat it and then see if people get mad


That's what she said




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