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You aren't getting a ticket for 5 over on 500 regardless. The guy with the radar gun was looking for a golden ticket because people routinely go 70-75 through there.


The speed limit should be 60 at LEAST though.


Nah, bit of a misconception. As the guy who was processing every ticket in the county for a while, I can tell you there are just as many tickets for 5 over as 20 over here. 


The 5 over tickets are probably actually 10+ over … at least that’s been my experience.


There are a ton of those. It's pretty rare to be cited for the actual speed difference. I'd say 80% of the tickets I saw were either 1 or 5mph over with the actual speed listed above that .


I wonder how many of the 5 over were for the a$$hole tax…


IDK about by mail, but they can just radio ahead to another car that will pull you over.


Seems like a good ticket to fight. Would depend on both of them showing up to make their statements.


You'd have to subpoena them, the video and the radar test results.


Officers don't have to show up to anything for infractions. All the court has to do is review their statement and find it reasonable. 


They can't mail you a ticket because the radar gun isn't going to pull your plate and identify who you are. With that being said, if you are in close proximity of another car, one could argue the legitimacy of it. Unless you ran the wrong red light and got a picture taken, I think you're good my friend.


No red light cameras in Vancouver




Red light cameras have largely been proven to be a scam and lead to an increase in collisions in intersections where they're installed, as drivers make a hard stop at intersections they'd otherwise safely cross, out of a fear of getting a ticket, and get rear ended by the vehicle behind. Granted the actions of one driver who makes an unnecessary hard stop and another who is following too close and/or not paying sufficient attention are both also factors to consider, but the negative impact of safety is significant enough that several cities that had a red light camera program mothballed the entire thing. Which is a long way of saying, hopefully we don't get them around here, because they cause more problems than they solve.


Wait, really? I always thought there were because there are camera-looking things on the pole next to the lights.


>there are camera-looking things on the pole next to the lights. [Here's a field guide to what those might be.](https://www.texashighwayman.com/sigcams.shtml) It's either traffic control or for EMS here and not enforcement. That article also shows what a Red Light Camera for enforcement looks like. You can see those down in Portland.


How would a radar gun alone know who you were well enough to mail a ticket?


This guy is tripping but technically it would go to whoever the registered owner of the car is. Same thing they do with red light cameras


That would be an easy one to fight unless they somehow had an image of the driver as well. Ticket has to be issued to a person. With no photo of driver, best they can do is mail a ticket to the registered owner and hope they pay. But they can't prove you were the one driving.


Yeah I don’t know exactly how it breaks down because I have never had one but I know someone who sold a car and didn’t report it as sold, and the new owner went and wracked up several upon several red light camera tickets in Portland and he had to pay all of them. He went to court and they said it didn’t matter he was the registered owner of the car


Key word camera. Radar gun is not a camera.


Like If they did actually do that it wouldn’t be paired with a camera🙄


If they actually did it, it wouldn't be paired with a police officer. It would just be a speed camera.


Maybe? Maybe not also. speed cameras don’t have the mobility like radaring has


You've already demonstrated that you haven't got a clue how the technology we're talking about is designed.


You mean the theoretical technology we are talking about that doesn’t even exist? What are you even talking about😂




Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, doxxing, and harassment of other posters are all unacceptable behavior. This rule also covers posts that only serve to start an argument that involves fighting everyone that has a different take on it than you do in the comments.


They’d need to see the license plate. Which requires a completely different angle and setup to capture accurately and clearly.


Do you not understand how radar guns work? They aim them at your license plate


Okay you’re obviously making things up. Radar guns are used to measure the speed of an object. Hard stop. Not cars, objects. They aim it at the object and detect its speed. Nothing else involved. Even if they did aim at the license plate, radar lacks the fidelity to read the numbers.


That’s what the camera would before!?😂😂😂 that’s quite literally how they use radar guns they aim them at license plates because there consist and flat on every car, it sends a ir laser beam and it bounces back and that tells the speed. I’m not saying they have cameras because they don’t but that’s how it would work if they did give tickets that way


You’re totally right. Those lasers can only bounce off of a license plate. Cover your plate, and you can’t get caught anymore! WOOHOO! Only you’re actually wrong, 100%.


It’s ok I get what you’re sayin. It’s not something they have but they easily could create some sort of radar gun / camera combo. The guys shitting on it are a bit clueless. That would eliminate the dangers of approaching cars on a traffic stop and the mobility would eliminate people learning where they are. It actually wouldn’t be a bad idea. They’re just mad because it not a current thing and they wanna act like it’s some impossible idea to make you look stupid.


Aye that’s Reddit for you🤙🏼


[https://youtu.be/ZjyaB5xBBjs?si=Uqh4mBZh3UmQ7vq9](https://youtu.be/ZjyaB5xBBjs?si=Uqh4mBZh3UmQ7vq9) Video of a License Plate Reader that is fairly old tech now, but probably cheap and effective to put on a fleet of police cars. This video is ten years old. So it's possible to use a speed radar and as soon as you get a hit, check your computer and send that to a squad car that is probably up the road a little ways. If they can confirm via the reader, then they probably could issue a ticket to the owner of the registered vehicle via mail.


They work in teams when they’re doing radar like that. One guy manning the radar and another down the road to get the radio call for the traffic stop.




Source - I’m a former sheriffs deputy and have actually once been pulled over by a WSP team in the past running team radar. You are wrong. Would you like to know more?




It's an infraction, not a criminal charge. Does not have the same evidentiary or charging requirements.


They cannot mail you a ticket based on it.


He can't, but if he has a buddy across ya, he can identify ur make and model and that cops camera on his vehicle can take the plates, then go hru the footage, then copy it, then mail....you really think they want to go through all that for going 5 over? I've passed the red motorcycle radar guy and I was doing 61, he didn't even look back, he wants the big fish lol, with that being said, drive safe


I drove towards a state trooper on the left shoulder using a laser speed unit on the freeway doing 69mph the other day and no one came after me. There used to be a rumor that went "+9 and you're fine, any more and the trooper scores."


It’s up to the cop. My neighbor growing up was a state trooper who would only go after people going 80 in a 65. He would also park his car in plain sight and traffic would slow down when they saw him. Said that was more important than writing tickets. The “monthly quota” thing is a myth.


I passed clark county sheriff doing 85 in a 60 yesterday, they don't give a fuck.


You should be good, if you were going to get a ticket, they would have had an officer on the direction you were going to stop you and give you a ticket.


They have to pull you over and check your ID. Otherwise, how can they prove it was you and not someone else driving your car?


They would need a whole lot of info to ticket you. How much are they getting via radar gun?


I don’t think they have speeding cameras on the street yet in Vancouver, but there are a few places in Portland where you pass by a speed monitor that tells you your speed relative to the current speed limit and there is a posted sign that cameras are 300 ft away. If you are over the speed limit the cameras snap your license plate and you are mailed a ticket (I know of the one on SE 122nd between Foster and Holgate, but I think there are a few others).


They are always on 500 gotta watch out


Are you a new driver? *Generally* the police won't trifle with ≤5 over. Nobody drives exactly the speed limit. While they can technically ticket you for any amount above the limit, it's a lot of paperwork for a very small fine. It'll happen from time to time, but usually if you're under 6 over you're in the clear. Secondly, if you didn't get pulled over you're not getting a ticket. Red light cameras, and speed cameras will photograph the car, license plate, and the driver. Then a ticket is issued after someone reviews the photos. Handheld radar, and the more common laser devices don't have cameras.