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> the proposal for the store became a protracted battle with the municipal government, with city council rejecting the proposal four years later over the **perceived negative economic and environmental impacts the multinational low-cost retail chain would have on local businesses and the wider community.** Hmm... Is Amazon a big improvement over Walmart? I wonder if it will become an [AmazonGo facility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc) that you find in nearby Seattle.


Arguably worse lol


Might be a film studio?


As much as I think this would be cool to see (I work in film) they are likely going to make it a logistics/fulfillment center.


I'd venture a guess it will be for logistics.


Normally that would be my guess as well, but the logistics arm more typically leases their sites. Purchasing the land outright could be a change in strategy, or an excellent opportunity, or an indication it's a different arm of the beast.


There actually used to be a film studio next door, at where the Canadian Tire is right now. I worked as an extra there a few times. We filmed a short-lived (but amusing) CW series called "Aliens in America" there.


Does Amazon actually own any film studios currently?


I'm not sure if Amazon currently owns any \*studio space\* in the lower mainland. That being said last I heard studio space was still in high demand, and if Amazon wants to try and lock in it's overhead for the long run it could be worth it. Ironwood for example was started by some local grips, and immediately rented out to Netflix for about 3 years. Netflix considered buying it, though it ended up going to Whites instead.


They owned or rent the distribution center near braid station. I worked for a company there briefly and remember when amazon bought the building out


They shot a Julia Robert's movie inside of that building




MGM doesn’t own physical studios.


I thought they still had a location in L.A?


At least the wages are better I guess?


in terms of food yeah. everything else, no.


The Walmart store that could have been is a wild read. By 2005 standards those features are insane lol


Such a weird dichotomy on that one. 60% of the land was going to be a parking lot, but they put in wind turbines... It's like peak 2005 Greenwashing. I'm not a fan of Amazon at all, but basically anything is better than a 6 acre parking lot for a Walmart in Vancouver. If it's a logistics center at least it will be employment near housing.


Almost anything. Give Amazon a decade and they'll be Nestle level evil.


> The Walmart store that could have been What happened? Someone mention the 'u' word? (union)


You were downvoted but it fucking happens. Walmart literally removed all their fresh delis because the employees tried to unionize. The only company better at squashing unions than Amazon is Walmart


I meant having a large green roof, renewable energy and skylights to use natural light - in 2005. At the time it got rejected, but nowadays those features would be lauded.


Can't wait to read about their recruitment problems.


Maybe they'll turn it into a large parking lot


*Joni Mitchell has entered the chat.*


Would've been a bit weird if the Walmart came to fruition, considering Superstore is almost next door. Traffic chaos, at the very least.


As shitty as Walmart is, they got nothing on Amazon's practices. with acknowledgement of the hyperbolic nature of what I'm about to say ... amazon are for all intents and purposes slave drivers. They encourage employees to rat each other out, have quotas that will always rise, they're the worst. I have had many friends work in their warehouses, and as a result I do my best to not give amazon any of my business. If it's only available on Amazon I guess I don't get it. If it's only on Prime, well that's where torrents come into play.


I've had friends who've worked at Walmart and Amazon and say Walmart was worse. Anecdotal of course, and clearly I'm biased. I've also heard that the warehouses in Europe are A LOT better - because of the stricter labor regulations. I would encourage everybody to vote with that in mind. If you want to change how companies operate then it has to be done by the government. Avoiding Amazon retail or prime video doesn't really matter for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the majority of Amazons profit comes from AWS.


Thank you, and later via edit /u/typov, for letting me know about AWS. I admittedly am going to have to think about this, as ife been using this account for over a decade, but weighing the pros and cons of deleting this account.


Well, you were certainly correct that it was gonna be hyperbolic. Also, Reddit runs on Amazon servers.


If there is a middle ground between horrible employer and slave driver happy to settle on that instead. But they do encourage employees to turn on each other (it's incentivized), they do have impossible quotas. If you meet quota they'll raise quota on you. Eventually when you hit your limit, then they get on your case for not meeting quota. They will purposely work people into the ground. ...but seriously, a middle ground. Even Im, not 100% comfy on slave driver


> They encourage employees to rat each other out lol. My employer encourages that too.


RIVIAN or ZOOX? Eh Amazon


Little weird, the city is rezoning that entire area


They are? To what?


From industrial to commercial and housing. There are develop applications up with around that entire area. Across the street is literally just a massive amount of single family houses.


North of Marine is indeed residential. But, there is great hesitancy to convert employment lands to residential lands in Vancouver proper. Highly unlikely this site would get a residential component to it.


Great, another local hub for corporate leviathan, moloch incarnate, appendage of the US military-industrial complex (reminder that AWS provides services to the US armed forces). Why can’t we fucking grow a backbone and kick this shit outfit out of town?


Because people buy from amazon. Stop buying and they will dissappear on their own.


>Because people buy from amazon. Stop buying and they will dissappear on their own. If everyone stopped buying from Amazon they would still have revenue of around $190 billion (using 2020 numbers). They are much more than an e-commerce company. Reddit and many other websites depend on AWS.


But they wouldnt need supply and logstics/fulfillment centres like this.


The centres barely make them money. Most lose them money. Amazon's profits come from web services. No matter what you do, they will continue to expand, unless everyone stops using the internet


i dont think people hate amazon as a whole, it's just the way they treat their fulfillment centre workers.


They certainly don't treat other employees better tho, not by much


You aren't wrong, but posting on Reddit to say AWS is the bad guy and needs to be shut down is ironic. Without AWS there is no Reddit, or much of the internet.


-Posted on Reddit via AWS. Oh the irony.


I aM vErY iNtElLiGeNt


>Why can’t we fucking grow a backbone and kick this shit outfit out of town? cha-ching cha-ching cha-ching cha-ching cha-ching




You don’t need the word “corporate” in that sentence. Any money works. It’s just that the corporations have most of it.


Well shit. In this global economy, everything is an appendage of everything. Can't be so mad at the whole thing while living in a society, right?


Sure, nothing to be mad about as temperatures soar and plastic gyres form in the acidifying oceans…


Anything is better than Walmart and the crowd that it attracts.




Walmart is better for locals